226 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
e2c5a4afdc small fixes (including poiru's fix for Rainmeter.ini when Default.ini doesn't exist is not there) 2010-05-09 10:21:40 +00:00
c01fb4eb76 Update to get things in place for one final beta followed by a Release Candidate as soon as we can.
1) Added Gnometer as one of the default skins, including two themese (Gnometer and Gnometer Preview)
2) Removed Tranquil skins
3) Added RainBackup in \Addons and to start menu
4) Changes to Rainstaller to use default header .bmp file if the author does not provide one in the .rmskin.
5) Changes to Rainmeter.cpp to handle Gnometer as one of the new default skins
6) Changes to the Rainmeter installation program to allow selection of default skin / theme (Gnometer or Enigma)
2010-05-08 19:51:33 +00:00
11dfcb95b1 Registry Measure: Mattking fixed a problem where a skin reading a registry value would never update the value in the skin if the key did not exist when the key was loaded, but added while the skin was running. It also would not detect that a key it had successfully read when the skin was loaded was deleted while the skin was running. 2010-04-25 17:42:07 +00:00
f049d80153 Update for final fixes for Rainstaller, new Rainmeter icons and changes to History.htm to support new public build. 2010-04-18 20:12:32 +00:00
d4a1a4fadf Fixed a problem that an UNC path isn't recognized as an absolute path in @include statement. 2010-04-11 14:30:31 +00:00
e2e6ffff86 Formula now can be used with the relative position (r/R) in Meter's X/Y option.
Added built-in variable #PROGRAMDRIVE#

Changed Net measures to gather statistics of the logical interfaces for wireless devices.
2010-04-10 02:29:52 +00:00
8b1dd97268 Change of math function LG to LOG for clarity. 2010-04-10 02:04:06 +00:00
c71a4096d1 Alex's change to add #CRLF# as a built in variable to add a carriage return / linefeed to strings.

Text=This is a long string#CRLF#On two lines

2010-04-09 13:16:37 +00:00
4cf4a84afb Fixed a problem that "Random" doesn't return the HighBound value in CALC measure. 2010-04-08 23:47:52 +00:00
32db892e2c Fixed a problem that "Random" is case-sensitive in CALC measure.
Fixed a problem that a deletion of the meter window encounters enormous delays when the meter window has enormous Update=.

Some small cosmetics.
2010-04-08 23:16:43 +00:00
54fe29a062 Removed unused codes.
Some small changes on create Measures and Meters.
2010-04-07 19:56:53 +00:00
95bec98c87 Fixed a problem caused by @include statement added in r219. 2010-04-07 16:12:02 +00:00
6551a62fba Fixed a problem that an UNC path isn't recognized as an absolute path. 2010-04-06 17:46:17 +00:00
8bff3e2ac2 Small change about !RainmeterQuit (simpler way) 2010-04-02 06:54:51 +00:00
415c905d0a - Fixed a problem that !RainmeterQuit isn't executed when no meter window is running.
- Fixed a problem that StyleTemplate affects to Meters which have no relation.

- Added a workaround to avoid the "IniFileMapping" function when reading skins.

- Some small code cosmetics.
2010-04-02 01:35:53 +00:00
a6f2f01036 Some code changes for optimization 2010-03-30 22:37:05 +00:00
b769a7a360 - Modified the way to handle the "On Desktop". This affects all of Windows versions.
- Added "LoadOrder" to handle the skins' loading order.

- Changed the way to update and save the network statistics.
2010-03-29 21:50:05 +00:00
8b9e21e38f Fixed the crash problem when multiple Rainmeter instances are running and "show desktop" occured. 2010-03-23 16:15:07 +00:00
06ec730bfd - Added the workaround to pin the window to desktop in Vista/7 with Aero.
- Added !RainmeterSetTransparency, !RainmeterShowFade, !RainmeterHideFade, !RainmeterToggleFade.

- Added the function to log the installed font families to the log file when Debug=1 is set.

- Added the workaround for issue 145. The wrong drawing position was fixed when AntiAlias=0 is set.
2010-03-20 19:40:30 +00:00
3166c5d5f2 MattKings Changes:
1) New feature of Meter=String
2) Changes to SetVariable to allow mathematical formulas and functions to be used in setting a variable.
2010-03-18 19:48:14 +00:00
65bfaa31f0 Mattking: Fixed PLAY command to play the .wav file asynchronously so it no longer "pauses" Rainmeter while sound is playing. 2010-03-04 22:53:56 +00:00
2dbf79c6e6 Fixed: MattKing's change to RANDOM to fix issue where it was only random once. 2010-02-28 14:19:35 +00:00
f0763c5973 Changed the ConfigParser that it allows some inline comments which start with a semicolon. This change is for backward compatibility. 2010-02-27 09:51:48 +00:00
234250f59f ImageRotate option now gets better quality than r342. 2010-02-26 02:54:13 +00:00
8c87dd66b7 Fixed the problem that the BarImage disappears if "DynamicVariables=1" is set in BAR meter.
Added the new image tinting / transforming function in IMAGE meter. (ImageTint, GreyScale, ColorMatrix(1-5), ImageFlip, ImageRotate)
2010-02-24 14:58:35 +00:00
16b1918af3 Added "ImageAlpha" option to the IMAGE meter.
Changed the interpolation mode in AntiAlias=1 to Default from Bicubic. There is a possibility that this change will be changed again in the future.
2010-02-20 00:39:08 +00:00
be3b4114bb - Added the function that measures the CPU usage for multi core/processors.
For instance:




MeasureCPU returns the average of the CPU usage across all core/processors. This is same as Processor=0.

MeasureCPU1/2 returns the CPU usage of each core/processor.


- Fixed the problem that the correct value is not returned if the Interface=0 in NetIn/NetOut/NetTotal measure. The cause of this problem is because the value of all filter devices is summed in Vista or newer.


- Added the option (Debug) for debug logging. This must be put under [Rainmeter]-section in Rainmeter.ini.

This option specifies whether extra debugging log from Rainmeter.dll is output to Rainmeter.log.


Default is 0.


- Application: Fixed a wrong return value type from MainWndProc.
2010-02-13 03:07:34 +00:00
506b6b84f3 FIXED: IMAGE and STRING meter were not compatible with a new value-reading method of r330. 2010-02-09 06:53:34 +00:00
6088470157 - CHANGED: ConfigParser now reads value strictly. Note that this change affects the
reading of various skin setting values.

 For instance:
 - OK
 - NG (uses default value instead)
  FontSize=20ABC (has been parsed as "FontSize=20" until now.)

- CHANGED: FontSize=0(invisible) is now able to use in Meter=STRING.

- Fixed the problem that the window doesn't move into the screen correctly when KeepOnScreen is 1.
2010-02-08 14:12:47 +00:00
c9fd071177 Changed behavior so as not to indicate the error message box when DynamicVariables is 1 and FontSize is 0. (issue 126)
FIXED: Virtual Bytes usage for an x64 process with perfmon plugin does not display value greater than 4 GB (issue 113)
The numerical value greater than 32bit can be now displayed when NumOfDecimals is 0 in Meter=STRING.
Fixed the broken compatibility in Windows 2000. (AboutDialog, SysInfo)
2010-02-04 07:16:22 +00:00
ee8d4867c2 - FIXED: inconsistent numerical value via DynamicVariables (issue 130)
- FIXED: Problem with WebParser and "local files" with Cyrillic chars in the path. (issue 139)
- The coded character set of the logfile is changed to UTF-8. (ccs=UTF-8)
- "MS Shell Dlg 2" is now used for the ABOUT dialog box.
2010-02-03 08:01:50 +00:00
df3215c487 FIXED: DynamicVariables=1 disables UpdateDivider (issue 123)
FIXED: LineColor does not use values of Dynamic Variables in the Line meter (issue 138)
2010-01-29 23:57:41 +00:00
Kimmo Pekkola
35947902ea Updated the version numbers for the new beta. 2010-01-24 17:31:15 +00:00
cc3ad487a7 * Changed the way to get the information of the multiple display monitors.
This change brings the order of monitors close to the order of "Display Properties" due to using EnumDisplayDevices and EnumDisplaySettings instead of EnumDisplayMonitors. (If EnumDisplayDevices failed, EnumDisplayMonitors is used as before.)


* Added the "Display Monitor" submenu in [Skins Menu]-[Position].

These menus convert the present position to the relative position from the specified monitor.
(But the meter window doesn't move to the specified monitor area immediately. Only converts.)

- "Use default: Primary monitor" removes the @-directive from WindowX/Y.
- @0(@1, @2, ...) adds the specified monitor number to WindowX/Y. @0 means "The Virtual Screen". (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd145136%28VS.85%29.aspx)
- If "Auto-select based on window position" is checked, the WindowX and WindowY "@n" settings are made automatically based on the position of the meter's window. If a monitor is selected directly using "Display Monitor" in the Rainmeter / skin context menu, this menu is unchecked. This setting can be manually made in either the [Rainmeter] (all configs) or individual config sections of Rainmeter.ini.

If set to 1, the WindowX and WindowY "@n" settings are made automatically based on the position of the meter's window. If a monitor is selected directly using "Display Monitor" in the Rainmeter / skin context menu, this setting is reset to 0.


* Added the variables for multiple display monitors and the virtual screen.
All X/Y positions are represented in the virtual screen coordinates.

The following variables are for the virtual screen.

 #VSCREENAREAX# is the X-position of the left-side of the virtual screen.
 #VSCREENAREAY# is the Y-position of the top-side of the virtual screen.
 #VSCREENAREAWIDTH# is the width of the virtual screen.
 #VSCREENAREAHEIGHT# is the height of the virtual screen.

The following variables are for the PRESENT monitor.
Note that these variables automatically change by the WindowX and WindowY "@n" settings. If "@n" is not set, these variables return the value of the primary monitor.

 #WORKAREAX# is the X-position of the left-side of the work area.
 #WORKAREAY# is the Y-position of the top-side of the work area.
 #WORKAREAWIDTH# is the width of the work area.
 #WORKAREAHEIGHT# is the height of the work area.
 #SCREENAREAX# is the X-position of the left-side of the monitor screen.
 #SCREENAREAY# is the Y-position of the top-side of the monitor screen.
 #SCREENAREAWIDTH# is the width of the display resolution.
 #SCREENAREAHEIGHT# is the height of the display resolution.

The following variables are for the PRIMARY monitor.

 #PWORKAREAX# is the X-position of the left-side of the work area.
 #PWORKAREAY# is the Y-position of the top-side of the work area.
 #PWORKAREAWIDTH# is the width of the work area.
 #PWORKAREAHEIGHT# is the height of the work area.
 #PSCREENAREAX# is the X-position of the left-side of the monitor screen. (maybe, always 0)
 #PSCREENAREAY# is the Y-position of the top-side of the monitor screen. (maybe, always 0)
 #PSCREENAREAWIDTH# is the width of the display resolution.
 #PSCREENAREAHEIGHT# is the height of the display resolution.

The following variables are for the SPECIFIED monitor. (@n = @1, @2, ...)

 #WORKAREAX@n# is the X-position of the left-side of the work area.
 #WORKAREAY@n# is the Y-position of the top-side of the work area.
 #WORKAREAWIDTH@n# is the width of the work area.
 #WORKAREAHEIGHT@n# is the height of the work area.
 #SCREENAREAX@n# is the X-position of the left-side of the monitor screen.
 #SCREENAREAY@n# is the Y-position of the top-side of the monitor screen.
 #SCREENAREAWIDTH@n# is the width of the display resolution.
 #SCREENAREAHEIGHT@n# is the height of the display resolution.


* Other related changes:

- Fixed the problem that the primary monitor isn't recognized correctly.

- Fixed the problem that the information of the multiple display monitors is refreshed excessively.

- For DynamicVariables, when display setting or workarea size has been changed, all variables are now updated to apply changed WORKAREA/SCREENAREA variables.

- Fixed the problem that the "On Desktop" window isn't dragged correctly when the top-left corner of the virtual screen has negative coordinates.

- Changed the way to stick the "On Desktop" window. ("SysListView32/FolderView" is used instead of "Progman/Program Manager".)


* Other changes:

- When the meter window is draggable and isn't dragged, LeftMouseUpAction is now executed.

- Added MouseDoubleClickAction (LeftMouseDoubleClickAction, RightMouseDoubleClickAction, MiddleMouseDoubleClickAction). If MouseDoubleClickAction is empty when mouse button is double-clicked, MouseDownAction is executed instead.

- Fixed the problem that the Meter's hit-test code checks outside the area.

- Changed the way to set the #CURRENTCONFIG#. (CMeterWindow::GetSkinName() is now used instead of parsing the path.)
2009-12-18 05:58:37 +00:00
15353ea701 New !bang

Does a full refresh of all skins and reloads the list of configs and Rainmeter.ini settings.  This is the same as "Refresh All" from the system tray context menu.  Is not the same as !RainmeterRefresh [config | *] as it can be used to make Rainmeter "see" a new folder added to \Skins by the user or a process.  Note: This was added mostly to better support RainBrowser when a user adds a downloaded config while using RainBrowser.
2009-12-01 01:35:43 +00:00
794d3c8c77 Fixed the abnormal termination on startup caused by r313. 2009-11-20 10:39:41 +00:00
c5acb8c954 Fixed the problem that the skin window is unable to be located in negative coordinates. 2009-11-12 20:03:17 +00:00
Kimmo Pekkola
46570b6025 Updating a skin should work now even if the current version is missing. This should solve the issue 121.
The default tray icon is shown if custom tray measure cannot be created.
2009-10-30 19:10:55 +00:00
fd9cac7add Change by MattKing to the MouseActionCursor feature. The user can now set MouseActionCursor=0 in the [Rainmeter] section of the skin, and the change of the cursor to the hand when over mouse action meters will be disabled for the entire skin. This can be overridden on a meter-by-meter basis with MouseActionCursor=1.
Added this change to the Meters.htm help file.
2009-10-30 18:15:13 +00:00
Kimmo Pekkola
b5042589cb The deactivated window wasn't deleted properly (issue 117).
Deactivating a config kept it still activate in the rainmeter.ini file (issue 118).
2009-10-18 13:31:55 +00:00
Kimmo Pekkola
d5297bb0e7 The themes are updated now with Enigma. 2009-10-17 07:37:09 +00:00
Kimmo Pekkola
2c6c43c652 The window deletion is now delayed when !RainmeterDeactivateConfig is used. This fixes the problem: Issue 116: Crash when skin tries to deactivate self by measure action. 2009-10-17 06:43:18 +00:00
bdcad72ed3 [Measure/FreeDiskSpace]
- Prevent the system from displaying "No disk" error message box (e.g. removable media is not ready)
2009-10-14 09:18:12 +00:00
07c9f62e40 Fixed: Wrong font is used due to the font caching problem. 2009-10-11 13:03:20 +00:00
Kimmo Pekkola
f7970be6b5 The !bangs can be now used from command line even if there are no active configs.
Included RainBrowser to the build.
2009-10-10 08:20:28 +00:00
febd3d1407 [MeasureFreeDiskSpace]
Fixed: When the designation of Drive is wrong, a strange volume label is indicated.
Changed: Incorrect drive letter (e.g. not "C:\" but "C:") is now allowed.
2009-10-08 16:49:41 +00:00
bab35411b4 Fixed: Handling for MeterButton's "ButtonCommand" was forgotten on r236. 2009-10-07 18:47:40 +00:00
Kimmo Pekkola
0b4ba32924 Added cache for the fonts.
Fixed a memory leak in the string meter.
Changed the library project to use precompiled headers.
2009-10-07 16:45:14 +00:00
fd759799fe Adding Spx's fix for the #CURRENTCONFG# code.
See http://code.google.com/p/rainmeter/source/detail?r=237 for details.
2009-10-06 03:49:03 +00:00
3da892f271 Backing out the change in r237. The #CURRENTCONFIG# routine can cause an error when Rainmeter first Initializes before the first skin is read.
See the comments in r237 for details.
2009-10-06 02:16:35 +00:00