- Merged Rainstaller and RainBackup into SkinInstaller. The Rainstaller code is not yet refactored, but is fully functional.

- Added zip64 support
- Removed Addons\
This commit is contained in:
Birunthan Mohanathas 2011-11-27 13:24:37 +00:00
parent d622c88d69
commit a7a6e74499
66 changed files with 28779 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -1596,8 +1596,8 @@ INT_PTR CDialogManage::CTabThemes::OnCommand(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
std::wstring command = L"\"" + Rainmeter->GetAddonPath();
command += L"RainBackup\\RainBackup.exe\"";
std::wstring command = L"\"" + Rainmeter->GetPath();
command += L"SkinInstaller.exe\" /BACKUP";
RunCommand(NULL, command.c_str(), SW_SHOWNORMAL);

View File

@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "Library", "Library\Library.
{6BE6F228-B741-4DA9-9FBC-E9F2A7BD483A} = {6BE6F228-B741-4DA9-9FBC-E9F2A7BD483A}
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "SkinInstaller", "SkinInstaller\SkinInstaller.vcxproj", "{6F5D4C4A-C8C3-41DA-BF44-6D42B76464DA}"
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "PluginAdvancedCPU", "Plugins\PluginAdvancedCPU\PluginAdvancedCPU.vcxproj", "{EE8EC522-8430-4B46-86A3-D943D77F9E4B}"
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "PluginExample", "Plugins\PluginExample\PluginExample.vcxproj", "{761BAD94-EA54-4DBD-9FF0-50FDAFECBE93}"
@ -81,6 +83,14 @@ Global
{BE9D2400-7F1C-49D6-8498-5CE495491AD6}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
{BE9D2400-7F1C-49D6-8498-5CE495491AD6}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
{BE9D2400-7F1C-49D6-8498-5CE495491AD6}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
{6F5D4C4A-C8C3-41DA-BF44-6D42B76464DA}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{6F5D4C4A-C8C3-41DA-BF44-6D42B76464DA}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
{6F5D4C4A-C8C3-41DA-BF44-6D42B76464DA}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
{6F5D4C4A-C8C3-41DA-BF44-6D42B76464DA}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
{6F5D4C4A-C8C3-41DA-BF44-6D42B76464DA}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
{6F5D4C4A-C8C3-41DA-BF44-6D42B76464DA}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
{6F5D4C4A-C8C3-41DA-BF44-6D42B76464DA}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
{6F5D4C4A-C8C3-41DA-BF44-6D42B76464DA}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
{EE8EC522-8430-4B46-86A3-D943D77F9E4B}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{EE8EC522-8430-4B46-86A3-D943D77F9E4B}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
{EE8EC522-8430-4B46-86A3-D943D77F9E4B}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64

View File

@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
Copyright (C) 2011 Birunthan Mohanathas
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "DialogBackup.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "Application.h"
#include "Rainstaller.h"
** Entry point
int WINAPI wWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPWSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
if (wcscmp(lpCmdLine, L"/BACKUP") != 0)
// Temporary solution until Rainstaller rewrite
return Rainstaller(hInstance, hPrevInstance, lpCmdLine, nCmdShow);
// Check whether Rainstaller.exe is already running and bring it to front if so
HANDLE hMutex;
if (IsRunning(L"RmSkinInstallerMutex", &hMutex))
HWND hwnd = FindWindow(L"#32770", L"Backup Rainmeter");
return 0;
// Avoid loading a dll from current directory
GetModuleFileName(hInstance, buffer, MAX_PATH);
// Remove the module's name from the path
WCHAR* pos = wcsrchr(buffer, L'\\');
if (pos)
*(pos + 1) = L'\0';
g_Data.programPath = g_Data.settingsPath = buffer;
wcscat(buffer, L"Rainmeter.ini");
// Find the settings file and read skins path off it
if (_waccess(buffer, 0) == 0)
if (GetPrivateProfileString(L"Rainmeter", L"SkinPath", L"", buffer, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, buffer) > 0)
g_Data.skinsPath = buffer;
g_Data.skinsPath = g_Data.programPath;
g_Data.skinsPath += L"Skins\\";
wcscat(buffer, L"\\Rainmeter\\");
g_Data.settingsPath = buffer;
wcscat(buffer, L"Rainmeter.ini");
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && _waccess(buffer, 0) == 0)
if (GetPrivateProfileString(L"Rainmeter", L"SkinPath", L"", buffer, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, buffer) > 0)
g_Data.skinsPath = buffer;
std::wstring error = L"SkinPath not found.\nMake sure that Rainmeter has been run at least once.";
MessageBox(NULL, error.c_str(), L"Backup Rainmeter", MB_ERROR);
return 1;
std::wstring error = L"Rainmeter.ini not found.\nMake sure that Rainmeter has been run at least once.";
MessageBox(NULL, error.c_str(), L"Backup Rainmeter", MB_ERROR);
return 1;
CDialogBackup::Create(hInstance, lpCmdLine);
return 0;
** Checks whether Rainstaller.exe is running (modified from Application.cpp)
bool IsRunning(const WCHAR* name, HANDLE* hMutex)
// Create mutex
HANDLE hMutexTmp = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, name);
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS)
*hMutex = NULL;
return true;
*hMutex = hMutexTmp;
return false;
std::string ConvertToAscii(LPCTSTR str)
std::string szAscii;
if (str && *str)
int strLen = (int)wcslen(str);
int bufLen = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, str, strLen, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (bufLen > 0)
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, str, strLen, &szAscii[0], bufLen, NULL, NULL);
return szAscii;
std::wstring ConvertToWide(LPCSTR str)
std::wstring szWide;
if (str && *str)
int strLen = (int)strlen(str);
int bufLen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, str, strLen, NULL, 0);
if (bufLen > 0)
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, str, strLen, &szWide[0], bufLen);
return szWide;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
Copyright (C) 2011 Birunthan Mohanathas
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#ifndef __APPLICATION_H__
#define __APPLICATION_H__
#include <string>
#include "zip.h"
#include "unzip.h"
#if defined _M_IX86
#pragma comment(linker,"/manifestdependency:\"type='win32' name='Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls' version='' processorArchitecture='x86' publicKeyToken='6595b64144ccf1df' language='*'\"")
#elif defined _M_IA64
#pragma comment(linker,"/manifestdependency:\"type='win32' name='Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls' version='' processorArchitecture='ia64' publicKeyToken='6595b64144ccf1df' language='*'\"")
#elif defined _M_X64
#pragma comment(linker,"/manifestdependency:\"type='win32' name='Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls' version='' processorArchitecture='amd64' publicKeyToken='6595b64144ccf1df' language='*'\"")
#pragma comment(linker,"/manifestdependency:\"type='win32' name='Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls' version='' processorArchitecture='*' publicKeyToken='6595b64144ccf1df' language='*'\"")
#define MAX_LINE_LENGTH 4096
std::wstring programPath;
std::wstring settingsPath;
std::wstring skinsPath;
bool IsRunning(const WCHAR* name, HANDLE* hMutex);
std::string ConvertToAscii(LPCTSTR str);
std::wstring ConvertToWide(LPCSTR str);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
Copyright (C) 2011 Birunthan Mohanathas
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "Application.h"
#include "DialogBackup.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "../Version.h"
extern GLOBALDATA g_Data;
CDialogBackup* CDialogBackup::c_Dialog = NULL;
** CDialogBackup
** Constructor.
CDialogBackup::CDialogBackup(HWND wnd) : CDialog(wnd),
** ~CDialogBackup
** Destructor.
** Create
** Creates the dialog.
void CDialogBackup::Create(HINSTANCE hInstance, LPWSTR lpCmdLine)
** DlgProc
** Dialog procedure for the About dialog.
INT_PTR CALLBACK CDialogBackup::DlgProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
if (!c_Dialog)
if (uMsg == WM_INITDIALOG)
c_Dialog = new CDialogBackup(hWnd);
return c_Dialog->OnInitDialog(wParam, lParam);
switch (uMsg)
return c_Dialog->OnCommand(wParam, lParam);
case WM_CLOSE:
EndDialog(hWnd, 0);
return TRUE;
delete c_Dialog;
c_Dialog = NULL;
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
INT_PTR CDialogBackup::OnInitDialog(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
SendMessage(m_Window, WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, (LPARAM)hIcon);
HWND item = GetDlgItem(m_Window, IDC_BACKUP_TAB);
TCITEM tci = {0};
tci.mask = TCIF_TEXT;
tci.pszText = L"Backup";
TabCtrl_InsertItem(item, 0, &tci);
return TRUE;
INT_PTR CDialogBackup::OnCommand(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
switch (LOWORD(wParam))
if (m_ThreadHandle)
MessageBox(NULL, L"The backup is still in progress. Are you sure you want to cancel?", NULL, MB_YESNO | MB_TOPMOST | MB_ICONHAND);
EndDialog(m_Window, 0);
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
void CDialogBackup::StartBackup()
HWND item = GetDlgItem(m_Window, IDC_BACKUP_BACKUP_BUTTON);
EnableWindow(item, FALSE);
item = GetDlgItem(m_TabBackup.GetWindow(), IDC_BACKUP_FILE_TEXT);
ShowWindow(item, SW_HIDE);
item = GetDlgItem(m_TabBackup.GetWindow(), IDC_BACKUP_BROWSE_BUTTON);
ShowWindow(item, SW_HIDE);
item = GetDlgItem(m_TabBackup.GetWindow(), IDC_BACKUP_INPROGRESS_TEXT);
ShowWindow(item, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
item = GetDlgItem(m_TabBackup.GetWindow(), IDC_BACKUP_PROGRESS);
ShowWindow(item, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
SendMessage(item, PBM_SETMARQUEE, (WPARAM)TRUE, 0);
m_ThreadHandle = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex(NULL, 0, BackupThreadProc, this, 0, NULL);
if (!m_ThreadHandle)
MessageBox(m_Window, L"Unable to start backup.", L"Backup Rainmeter", MB_ERROR);
EndDialog(m_Window, 0);
bool CDialogBackup::CreateBackup()
m_WriteBuffer = new char[c_WriteBufferSize];
std::wstring addonsPath = g_Data.programPath + L"Addons";
std::wstring fontsPath = g_Data.programPath + L"Fonts";
std::wstring pluginsPath = g_Data.programPath + L"Plugins";
std::wstring themesPath = g_Data.settingsPath + L"Themes";
std::wstring skinsPath = g_Data.skinsPath;
// Remove trailing slash if needed
if (skinsPath.back() == L'\\') skinsPath.resize(skinsPath.length() - 1);
m_ZipFile = zipOpen(ConvertToAscii(m_TargetFile.c_str()).c_str(), 0);
if (!m_ZipFile)
MessageBox(NULL, L"Unable to access backup .rmskin file.", NULL, MB_OK | MB_TOPMOST);
return false;
if ((_waccess(addonsPath.c_str(), 0) == 0 && !AddFolderToBackup(addonsPath, L"", "Addons", true)) ||
(_waccess(fontsPath.c_str(), 0) == 0 && !AddFolderToBackup(themesPath, L"", "Fonts", true)) ||
(_waccess(skinsPath.c_str(), 0) == 0 && !AddFolderToBackup(skinsPath, L"", "Skins", true)) ||
(_waccess(themesPath.c_str(), 0) == 0 && !AddFolderToBackup(themesPath, L"", "Themes", true)) ||
#ifdef _WIN64
(_waccess(pluginsPath.c_str(), 0) == 0 && !AddFolderToBackup(pluginsPath, L"", "Plugins\\64bit", false)))
(_waccess(pluginsPath.c_str(), 0) == 0 && !AddFolderToBackup(pluginsPath, L"", "Plugins\\32bit", false)))
// Error message already displayed in AddFolderToBackup()
return false;
// Create and add the config file
GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, tempFile);
GetTempFileName(tempFile, L"ini", 0, tempFile);
std::wstring tmpSz = m_TargetFile;
std::wstring::size_type pos = m_TargetFile.find_last_of(L'\\');
if (pos != std::wstring::npos)
tmpSz.erase(0, ++pos);
WritePrivateProfileString(L"Rainstaller", L"Name", tmpSz.c_str(), tempFile);
WritePrivateProfileString(L"Rainstaller", L"RainmeterFonts", L"1", tempFile);
WritePrivateProfileString(L"Rainstaller", L"MinRainmeterVer", L"2.2", tempFile);
AddFileToBackup(ConvertToAscii(tempFile).c_str(), "Rainstaller.cfg");
if (zipClose(m_ZipFile, NULL) != ZIP_OK)
MessageBox(NULL, L"Unable to access backup .rmskin file.", NULL, MB_OK | MB_TOPMOST);
return false;
delete m_WriteBuffer;
return true;
unsigned __stdcall CDialogBackup::BackupThreadProc(void* pParam)
CDialogBackup* dialog = (CDialogBackup*)pParam;
if (dialog->CreateBackup())
// Stop the progress bar
HWND item = GetDlgItem(dialog->m_Window, IDC_BACKUP_PROGRESS);
SendMessage(item, PBM_SETMARQUEE, (WPARAM)FALSE, 0);
FlashWindow(dialog->m_Window, TRUE);
MessageBox(dialog->m_Window, L"The backup is complete.", L"Backup Rainmeter", MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);
EndDialog(dialog->m_Window, 0);
return 0;
uLong filetime(const char *f, tm_zip *tmzip, uLong *dt)
int ret = 0;
hFind = FindFirstFileA(f,&ff32);
ret = 1;
return ret;
bool CDialogBackup::AddFileToBackup(const char* realPath, const char* zipPath)
zip_fileinfo zi = {0};
filetime(realPath, &zi.tmz_date, &zi.dosDate);
int err = zipOpenNewFileInZip3(m_ZipFile, zipPath, &zi, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, Z_DEFLATED, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, 0, -MAX_WBITS, DEF_MEM_LEVEL, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY, NULL, 0);
if (err != ZIP_OK) return false;
FILE* fin = fopen(realPath, "rb");
if (fin)
size_t readSize;
//err = ZIP_OK;
readSize = fread(m_WriteBuffer, 1, c_WriteBufferSize, fin);
if (readSize < c_WriteBufferSize && feof(fin) == 0)
err = ZIP_ERRNO;
else if (readSize > 0)
err = zipWriteInFileInZip(m_ZipFile, m_WriteBuffer, (UINT)readSize);
if (err < 0)
err = ZIP_ERRNO;
while ((err == ZIP_OK) && (readSize > 0));
err = ZIP_ERRNO;
if (zipCloseFileInZip(m_ZipFile) != ZIP_OK) return false;
return err == ZIP_OK;
bool CDialogBackup::AddFolderToBackup(const std::wstring& path, std::wstring base, char* zipPrefix, bool recursive)
std::wstring filter = path + base;
filter += L"\\";
std::string asciiBase = ConvertToAscii(filter.c_str());
filter += L"*";
HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFileEx(
if (hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return false;
bool ret = true;
std::list<std::wstring> folders;
if (fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
if (wcscmp(L".", fd.cFileName) != 0 &&
wcscmp(L"..", fd.cFileName) != 0 &&
wcscmp(L"Backup", fd.cFileName) != 0)
std::string asciiFile = asciiBase + ConvertToAscii(fd.cFileName);
std::string zipFile = zipPrefix;
zipFile += &asciiFile[path.length()];
ret = AddFileToBackup(asciiFile.c_str(), zipFile.c_str());
if (!ret)
std::wstring error = L"Error including the file:\n\n";
error += path;
error += base;
error += L"\\";
error += fd.cFileName;
MessageBox(m_Window, error.c_str(), L"Backup Rainmeter", MB_OK | MB_TOPMOST);
while (FindNextFile(hFind, &fd));
if (recursive && ret)
base += L"\\";
std::list<std::wstring>::const_iterator iter = folders.begin();
for ( ; iter != folders.end(); ++iter)
ret = AddFolderToBackup(path, base + (*iter), zipPrefix, recursive);
if (!ret) break;
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Backup tab
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
** CTabBackup
** Constructor.
CDialogBackup::CTabBackup::CTabBackup(HWND wnd) : CTab(GetModuleHandle(NULL), wnd, IDD_BACKUP_TABDIALOG, DlgProc)
** Initialize
** Called when tab is displayed.
void CDialogBackup::CTabBackup::Initialize()
m_Initialized = true;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
c_Dialog->m_TargetFile = buffer;
_snwprintf_s(buffer, _TRUNCATE, L"\\Backup-%02d.%02d.%02d-%02d.%02d.rmskin", lt.wYear, lt.wMonth, lt.wDay, lt.wHour, lt.wMinute);
c_Dialog->m_TargetFile += buffer;
HWND item = GetDlgItem(m_Window, IDC_BACKUP_FILE_TEXT);
SetWindowText(item, c_Dialog->m_TargetFile.c_str());
** DlgProc
** Dialog procedure for the Version tab.
INT_PTR CALLBACK CDialogBackup::CTabBackup::DlgProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
switch (uMsg)
return c_Dialog->m_TabBackup.OnCommand(wParam, lParam);
return FALSE;
INT_PTR CDialogBackup::CTabBackup::OnCommand(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
switch (LOWORD(wParam))
BROWSEINFO bi = {0};
bi.hwndOwner = c_Dialog->GetWindow();
bi.ulFlags = BIF_USENEWUI;
PIDLIST_ABSOLUTE pidl = SHBrowseForFolder(&bi);
if (pidl && SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl, buffer))
c_Dialog->m_TargetFile = buffer;
_snwprintf_s(buffer, _TRUNCATE, L"\\Backup-%02d.%02d.%02d-%02d.%02d.rmskin", lt.wYear, lt.wMonth, lt.wDay, lt.wHour, lt.wMinute);
c_Dialog->m_TargetFile += buffer;
HWND item = GetDlgItem(m_Window, IDC_BACKUP_FILE_TEXT);
SetWindowText(item, c_Dialog->m_TargetFile.c_str());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
Copyright (C) 2011 Birunthan Mohanathas
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <string>
#include "zip.h"
#include "../Library/Dialog.h"
class CDialogBackup : public CDialog
static void Create(HINSTANCE hInstance, LPWSTR lpCmdLine);
static INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
INT_PTR OnInitDialog(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
INT_PTR OnCommand(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
static CDialogBackup* c_Dialog;
class CTabBackup : public CTab
CTabBackup(HWND window);
virtual void Initialize();
static INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
INT_PTR OnCommand(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
CDialogBackup(HWND wnd);
virtual ~CDialogBackup();
void StartBackup();
bool CreateBackup();
static unsigned __stdcall BackupThreadProc(void* pParam);
bool AddFileToBackup(const char* realPath, const char* zipPath);
bool AddFolderToBackup(const std::wstring& path, std::wstring base, char* zipPrefix, bool recursive);
CTabBackup m_TabBackup;
std::wstring m_TargetFile;
HANDLE m_ThreadHandle;
zipFile m_ZipFile;
void* m_WriteBuffer;
static const int c_WriteBufferSize = 16384;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

SkinInstaller/Rainstaller.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
Copyright (C) 2011 Birunthan Mohanathas
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#ifndef __RAINSTALLER_H__
#define __RAINSTALLER_H__
#define OBJECT_NAME L"RainstallerObject_6D42B76464DA"
#ifdef _WIN64
#define PLUGINS_ROOT L"Plugins/64bit/"
#define PLUGINS_ROOT L"Plugins/32bit/"
typedef BOOL (WINAPI* GETFONTRESOURCEINFO)(LPCTSTR lpszFilename, LPDWORD cbBuffer, LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD dwQueryType);
INSTTYPE_ADMIN = 1, // Installs plugins, addons, and fonts
INSTTYPE_NOADMIN, // Installs skins and themes
INSTTYPE_FULL // Install all components
enum TIMER
INSTTYPE instType;
HANDLE instHandle;
int rootLen;
bool mergeSkins;
bool launchRainmeter;
bool rainmeterFonts;
std::wstring packageName;
std::wstring packageAuthor;
std::wstring packageVersion;
std::wstring rmskinFile;
std::wstring backupFolder;
std::wstring iniPath;
std::wstring skinsPath;
std::wstring rainmeterPath;
std::wstring addonsList;
std::wstring pluginsList;
std::wstring skinsList;
std::wstring themesList;
std::wstring fontsList;
std::wstring loadTheme;
std::wstring loadSkins;
std::wstring keepVariables;
int Rainstaller(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPWSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow);
BOOL CALLBACK DlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
BOOL CALLBACK RunAsProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
void InitDialog(HWND hwnd);
void InitInstall(HWND hwnd);
bool ReadArchive();
bool ReadSettings(LPCTSTR filePath);
bool ExtractCurrentFile(unzFile& ufile, LPCTSTR fileName);
bool IsDefaultPlugin(LPCTSTR plugin);
bool IsDefaultAddon(LPCTSTR addon);
HANDLE CreateProcessElevated(HWND hwnd);
unsigned __stdcall CreateInstallThread(void* pParam);
unsigned __stdcall SetRunAsThread(void*);
bool InstallComponents(RMSKIN_DATA* data);
bool BackupComponent(const std::wstring& backupFolder, const std::wstring& list, const std::wstring& path);
void KeepVariables(const std::wstring& backupFolder, const std::wstring& skinsPath, const std::wstring& fileList);
void LaunchRainmeter();
int CompareVersions(const std::wstring& strA, const std::wstring& strB);
bool CopyFiles(const std::wstring& strFrom, const std::wstring& strTo, bool bMove);
std::vector<std::wstring> Tokenize(const std::wstring& str, const std::wstring& delimiters);
std::wstring GetDotNETVersion();
std::wstring GetFileVersion(const std::wstring& file);
std::wstring GetWindowsVersion();
BOOL IsCurrentProcessAdmin();
BOOL IsAboveVista();
BOOL IsActiveUAC();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
#include "resource.h"
#include "windows.h"
#include "../Version.h"
#pragma code_page(1252)
// Version
#ifdef _DEBUG
BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
BLOCK "040904E4"
VALUE "FileDescription", "Rainstaller"
VALUE "FileVersion", ""
VALUE "InternalName", "Rainstaller"
VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright (C) 2011 - Birunthan Mohanathas"
VALUE "OriginalFilename", "Rainstaller.exe"
VALUE "ProductName", "Rainstaller"
#ifdef _WIN64
VALUE "ProductVersion", STRPRODUCTVER " (64-bit)"
VALUE "ProductVersion", STRPRODUCTVER " (32-bit)"
#endif //_WIN64
BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
VALUE "Translation", 0x409, 1252
// Dialog
CAPTION "Backup Rainmeter"
FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg 2"
CONTROL "", IDC_BACKUP_TAB, "SysTabControl32", TCS_TABS | TCS_FIXEDWIDTH, 6, 6, 268, 91
DEFPUSHBUTTON "Start backup", IDC_BACKUP_BACKUP_BUTTON, 149, 101, 70, 14
PUSHBUTTON "Close", IDCLOSE, 224, 101, 50, 14
FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg 2"
LTEXT "A backup allows you to save a complete copy of your setup, including skins and statistics.\n\nThe backup will be created at:", IDC_BACKUP_DESCRIPTION_TEXT, 0, 0, 245, 39
LTEXT "Backup in progress...\n\nThis may take several minutes to complete.", IDC_BACKUP_INPROGRESS_TEXT, 0, 0, 245, 39, NOT WS_VISIBLE
CONTROL "", IDC_BACKUP_PROGRESS, "msctls_progress32", PBS_MARQUEE | NOT WS_VISIBLE | WS_BORDER, 0, 42, 250, 11
CAPTION "Rainstaller"
FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg 2"
GROUPBOX "", IDC_STATIC, 7, 39, 252, 44
LTEXT "Name:", IDC_NAME_LABEL, 13, 48, 35, 9
LTEXT "Author:", IDC_AUTHOR_LABEL, 13, 59, 35, 9
LTEXT "Version:", IDC_VERSION_LABEL, 13, 70, 35, 9
GROUPBOX "", IDC_STATIC, 7, 83, 252, 95
LTEXT "Skins:", IDC_SKINS_LABEL, 13, 91, 35, 9, SS_NOTIFY
LTEXT "Themes:", IDC_THEMES_LABEL, 13, 102, 35, 9, SS_NOTIFY
LTEXT "Addons:", IDC_ADDONS_LABEL, 13, 113, 35, 9, SS_NOTIFY
LTEXT "Plugins:", IDC_PLUGINS_LABEL, 13, 124, 35, 9, SS_NOTIFY
LTEXT "Fonts:", IDC_FONTS_LABEL, 13, 135, 35, 9, SS_NOTIFY
AUTOCHECKBOX "Apply theme ()", IDC_THEME_CHECKBOX, 13, 150, 220, 9, BST_CHECKED
AUTOCHECKBOX "Launch Rainmeter after install", IDC_LAUNCH_CHECKBOX, 13, 162, 220, 9, BST_CHECKED
CONTROL "", IDC_PROGRESSBAR, "msctls_progress32", PBS_MARQUEE | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_BORDER, 7, 186, 135, 11
DEFPUSHBUTTON "&Install", IDC_INSTALL_BUTTON, 155, 184, 50, 14
PUSHBUTTON "&Cancel", IDC_CANCEL_BUTTON, 209, 184, 50, 14
ICON "", IDC_WARNING_ICON, 8, 212, 20, 20
LTEXT "Components marked with an asterisk (*) will be replaced. Backups will be made should you want to restore.", IDC_BACKUP_LABEL, 38, 213, 220, 18
IDD_RUNAS DIALOGEX 0, 0, 250, 145
CAPTION "Run As..."
FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg 2"
ICON "", IDC_KEY_ICON, 7, 8, 20, 20
LTEXT "You do not have the necessary permissions to install the components. You need to run this program as a different administrative user in order to continue with the installation.", IDC_HELPTEXT, 38, 7, 204, 35
CONTROL "&Current user", IDC_CURRENT_BUTTON, "Button", BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON | WS_DISABLED, 20, 49, 218, 10
CONTROL "Run the program as the &following user:", IDC_SPECIFIED_BUTTON, "Button", BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON, 20, 65, 218, 10
LTEXT "&User name:", IDC_USERNAME_LABEL, 20, 84, 42, 16
LTEXT "&Password:", IDC_PASSWORD_LABEL, 20, 102, 42, 20
DEFPUSHBUTTON "&OK", IDOK, 132, 122, 50, 14
PUSHBUTTON "Ca&ncel", IDCANCEL, 188, 122, 50, 14
// Bitmap
IDB_INSTALLER BITMAP "res/Rainstaller.bmp"
// Icon

View File

@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
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SkinInstaller/StdAfx.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
Copyright (C) 2011 Birunthan Mohanathas
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "StdAfx.h"

SkinInstaller/StdAfx.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
Copyright (C) 2011 Birunthan Mohanathas
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#ifndef __STDAFX_H__
#define __STDAFX_H__
#include <windows.h>
#include <windowsx.h>
#include <shlobj.h>
#include <shlwapi.h>
// STL
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cctype>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <process.h>

SkinInstaller/readme.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
* Zlib library:
Copyright (C) 1995-2010 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler
* Minizip unzip library (modified for Unicode support):
Copyright (C) 1998-2009 Gilles Vollant
* XP/Vista workarounds modified for own needs from:
Copyright (C) Anders Kjersem
Note that the zlib/minizip libraries are not complete. That is, unneeded
files are not present. Visit links above for complete source distribution.
Zlib, Minizip, and the work of Anders Kjersem are all distributed under the
zlib/libpng license:
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
* SkinInstaller itself is distributed under the GNU GPL v2 license (found in \trunk).
Copyright (C) 2011 Birunthan Mohanathas

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 24 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 17 KiB

SkinInstaller/resource.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
#define IDC_STATIC -1
#define IDI_INSTALLER 100
#define IDB_INSTALLER 101
#define IDC_BACKUP_TAB 1019
// Rainstaller
#define IDC_BITMAP 1000
#define IDC_NAME_LABEL 1001
#define IDC_NAME_VALUE 1002
#define IDC_AUTHOR_LABEL 1003
#define IDC_AUTHOR_VALUE 1004
#define IDC_VERSION_LABEL 1005
#define IDC_VERSION_VALUE 1006
#define IDC_SKINS_LABEL 1007
#define IDC_SKINS_VALUE 1008
#define IDC_THEMES_LABEL 1009
#define IDC_THEMES_VALUE 1010
#define IDC_ADDONS_LABEL 1011
#define IDC_ADDONS_VALUE 1012
#define IDC_PLUGINS_LABEL 1013
#define IDC_PLUGINS_VALUE 1014
#define IDC_FONTS_LABEL 1015
#define IDC_FONTS_VALUE 1016
#define IDC_BACKUP_LABEL 1019
#define IDC_PROGRESSBAR 1020
#define IDC_CANCEL_BUTTON 1022
#define IDC_SEPERATOR 1023
#define IDC_WARNING_ICON 1024
#define IDD_RUNAS 111
#define IDC_KEY_ICON 1102
#define IDC_HELPTEXT 1103
#define IDC_USERNAME 1104
#define IDC_PASSWORD 1105

SkinInstaller/zlib/ChangeLog Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

SkinInstaller/zlib/README Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
zlib 1.2.5 is a general purpose data compression library. All the code is
thread safe. The data format used by the zlib library is described by RFCs
(Request for Comments) 1950 to 1952 in the files
http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1950.txt (zlib format), rfc1951.txt (deflate format)
and rfc1952.txt (gzip format).
All functions of the compression library are documented in the file zlib.h
(volunteer to write man pages welcome, contact zlib@gzip.org). A usage example
of the library is given in the file example.c which also tests that the library
is working correctly. Another example is given in the file minigzip.c. The
compression library itself is composed of all source files except example.c and
To compile all files and run the test program, follow the instructions given at
the top of Makefile.in. In short "./configure; make test", and if that goes
well, "make install" should work for most flavors of Unix. For Windows, use one
of the special makefiles in win32/ or contrib/vstudio/ . For VMS, use
Questions about zlib should be sent to <zlib@gzip.org>, or to Gilles Vollant
<info@winimage.com> for the Windows DLL version. The zlib home page is
http://zlib.net/ . Before reporting a problem, please check this site to
verify that you have the latest version of zlib; otherwise get the latest
version and check whether the problem still exists or not.
PLEASE read the zlib FAQ http://zlib.net/zlib_faq.html before asking for help.
Mark Nelson <markn@ieee.org> wrote an article about zlib for the Jan. 1997
issue of Dr. Dobb's Journal; a copy of the article is available at
http://marknelson.us/1997/01/01/zlib-engine/ .
The changes made in version 1.2.5 are documented in the file ChangeLog.
Unsupported third party contributions are provided in directory contrib/ .
zlib is available in Java using the java.util.zip package, documented at
http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/Programming/compression/ .
A Perl interface to zlib written by Paul Marquess <pmqs@cpan.org> is available
at CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network) sites, including
http://search.cpan.org/~pmqs/IO-Compress-Zlib/ .
A Python interface to zlib written by A.M. Kuchling <amk@amk.ca> is
available in Python 1.5 and later versions, see
http://www.python.org/doc/lib/module-zlib.html .
zlib is built into tcl: http://wiki.tcl.tk/4610 .
An experimental package to read and write files in .zip format, written on top
of zlib by Gilles Vollant <info@winimage.com>, is available in the
contrib/minizip directory of zlib.
Notes for some targets:
- For Windows DLL versions, please see win32/DLL_FAQ.txt
- For 64-bit Irix, deflate.c must be compiled without any optimization. With
-O, one libpng test fails. The test works in 32 bit mode (with the -n32
compiler flag). The compiler bug has been reported to SGI.
- zlib doesn't work with gcc 2.6.3 on a DEC 3000/300LX under OSF/1 2.1 it works
when compiled with cc.
- On Digital Unix 4.0D (formely OSF/1) on AlphaServer, the cc option -std1 is
necessary to get gzprintf working correctly. This is done by configure.
- zlib doesn't work on HP-UX 9.05 with some versions of /bin/cc. It works with
other compilers. Use "make test" to check your compiler.
- gzdopen is not supported on RISCOS or BEOS.
- For PalmOs, see http://palmzlib.sourceforge.net/
The deflate format used by zlib was defined by Phil Katz. The deflate and
zlib specifications were written by L. Peter Deutsch. Thanks to all the
people who reported problems and suggested various improvements in zlib; they
are too numerous to cite here.
Copyright notice:
(C) 1995-2010 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
Jean-loup Gailly Mark Adler
jloup@gzip.org madler@alumni.caltech.edu
If you use the zlib library in a product, we would appreciate *not* receiving
lengthy legal documents to sign. The sources are provided for free but without
warranty of any kind. The library has been entirely written by Jean-loup
Gailly and Mark Adler; it does not include third-party code.
If you redistribute modified sources, we would appreciate that you include in
the file ChangeLog history information documenting your changes. Please read
the FAQ for more information on the distribution of modified source versions.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
/* adler32.c -- compute the Adler-32 checksum of a data stream
* Copyright (C) 1995-2007 Mark Adler
* For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
/* @(#) $Id$ */
#include "zutil.h"
#define local static
local uLong adler32_combine_(uLong adler1, uLong adler2, z_off64_t len2);
#define BASE 65521UL /* largest prime smaller than 65536 */
#define NMAX 5552
/* NMAX is the largest n such that 255n(n+1)/2 + (n+1)(BASE-1) <= 2^32-1 */
#define DO1(buf,i) {adler += (buf)[i]; sum2 += adler;}
#define DO2(buf,i) DO1(buf,i); DO1(buf,i+1);
#define DO4(buf,i) DO2(buf,i); DO2(buf,i+2);
#define DO8(buf,i) DO4(buf,i); DO4(buf,i+4);
#define DO16(buf) DO8(buf,0); DO8(buf,8);
/* use NO_DIVIDE if your processor does not do division in hardware */
#ifdef NO_DIVIDE
# define MOD(a) \
do { \
if (a >= (BASE << 16)) a -= (BASE << 16); \
if (a >= (BASE << 15)) a -= (BASE << 15); \
if (a >= (BASE << 14)) a -= (BASE << 14); \
if (a >= (BASE << 13)) a -= (BASE << 13); \
if (a >= (BASE << 12)) a -= (BASE << 12); \
if (a >= (BASE << 11)) a -= (BASE << 11); \
if (a >= (BASE << 10)) a -= (BASE << 10); \
if (a >= (BASE << 9)) a -= (BASE << 9); \
if (a >= (BASE << 8)) a -= (BASE << 8); \
if (a >= (BASE << 7)) a -= (BASE << 7); \
if (a >= (BASE << 6)) a -= (BASE << 6); \
if (a >= (BASE << 5)) a -= (BASE << 5); \
if (a >= (BASE << 4)) a -= (BASE << 4); \
if (a >= (BASE << 3)) a -= (BASE << 3); \
if (a >= (BASE << 2)) a -= (BASE << 2); \
if (a >= (BASE << 1)) a -= (BASE << 1); \
if (a >= BASE) a -= BASE; \
} while (0)
# define MOD4(a) \
do { \
if (a >= (BASE << 4)) a -= (BASE << 4); \
if (a >= (BASE << 3)) a -= (BASE << 3); \
if (a >= (BASE << 2)) a -= (BASE << 2); \
if (a >= (BASE << 1)) a -= (BASE << 1); \
if (a >= BASE) a -= BASE; \
} while (0)
# define MOD(a) a %= BASE
# define MOD4(a) a %= BASE
/* ========================================================================= */
uLong ZEXPORT adler32(adler, buf, len)
uLong adler;
const Bytef *buf;
uInt len;
unsigned long sum2;
unsigned n;
/* split Adler-32 into component sums */
sum2 = (adler >> 16) & 0xffff;
adler &= 0xffff;
/* in case user likes doing a byte at a time, keep it fast */
if (len == 1) {
adler += buf[0];
if (adler >= BASE)
adler -= BASE;
sum2 += adler;
if (sum2 >= BASE)
sum2 -= BASE;
return adler | (sum2 << 16);
/* initial Adler-32 value (deferred check for len == 1 speed) */
if (buf == Z_NULL)
return 1L;
/* in case short lengths are provided, keep it somewhat fast */
if (len < 16) {
while (len--) {
adler += *buf++;
sum2 += adler;
if (adler >= BASE)
adler -= BASE;
MOD4(sum2); /* only added so many BASE's */
return adler | (sum2 << 16);
/* do length NMAX blocks -- requires just one modulo operation */
while (len >= NMAX) {
len -= NMAX;
n = NMAX / 16; /* NMAX is divisible by 16 */
do {
DO16(buf); /* 16 sums unrolled */
buf += 16;
} while (--n);
/* do remaining bytes (less than NMAX, still just one modulo) */
if (len) { /* avoid modulos if none remaining */
while (len >= 16) {
len -= 16;
buf += 16;
while (len--) {
adler += *buf++;
sum2 += adler;
/* return recombined sums */
return adler | (sum2 << 16);
/* ========================================================================= */
local uLong adler32_combine_(adler1, adler2, len2)
uLong adler1;
uLong adler2;
z_off64_t len2;
unsigned long sum1;
unsigned long sum2;
unsigned rem;
/* the derivation of this formula is left as an exercise for the reader */
rem = (unsigned)(len2 % BASE);
sum1 = adler1 & 0xffff;
sum2 = rem * sum1;
sum1 += (adler2 & 0xffff) + BASE - 1;
sum2 += ((adler1 >> 16) & 0xffff) + ((adler2 >> 16) & 0xffff) + BASE - rem;
if (sum1 >= BASE) sum1 -= BASE;
if (sum1 >= BASE) sum1 -= BASE;
if (sum2 >= (BASE << 1)) sum2 -= (BASE << 1);
if (sum2 >= BASE) sum2 -= BASE;
return sum1 | (sum2 << 16);
/* ========================================================================= */
uLong ZEXPORT adler32_combine(adler1, adler2, len2)
uLong adler1;
uLong adler2;
z_off_t len2;
return adler32_combine_(adler1, adler2, len2);
uLong ZEXPORT adler32_combine64(adler1, adler2, len2)
uLong adler1;
uLong adler2;
z_off64_t len2;
return adler32_combine_(adler1, adler2, len2);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
/* compress.c -- compress a memory buffer
* Copyright (C) 1995-2005 Jean-loup Gailly.
* For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
/* @(#) $Id$ */
#include "zlib.h"
/* ===========================================================================
Compresses the source buffer into the destination buffer. The level
parameter has the same meaning as in deflateInit. sourceLen is the byte
length of the source buffer. Upon entry, destLen is the total size of the
destination buffer, which must be at least 0.1% larger than sourceLen plus
12 bytes. Upon exit, destLen is the actual size of the compressed buffer.
compress2 returns Z_OK if success, Z_MEM_ERROR if there was not enough
memory, Z_BUF_ERROR if there was not enough room in the output buffer,
Z_STREAM_ERROR if the level parameter is invalid.
int ZEXPORT compress2 (dest, destLen, source, sourceLen, level)
Bytef *dest;
uLongf *destLen;
const Bytef *source;
uLong sourceLen;
int level;
z_stream stream;
int err;
stream.next_in = (Bytef*)source;
stream.avail_in = (uInt)sourceLen;
#ifdef MAXSEG_64K
/* Check for source > 64K on 16-bit machine: */
if ((uLong)stream.avail_in != sourceLen) return Z_BUF_ERROR;
stream.next_out = dest;
stream.avail_out = (uInt)*destLen;
if ((uLong)stream.avail_out != *destLen) return Z_BUF_ERROR;
stream.zalloc = (alloc_func)0;
stream.zfree = (free_func)0;
stream.opaque = (voidpf)0;
err = deflateInit(&stream, level);
if (err != Z_OK) return err;
err = deflate(&stream, Z_FINISH);
if (err != Z_STREAM_END) {
return err == Z_OK ? Z_BUF_ERROR : err;
*destLen = stream.total_out;
err = deflateEnd(&stream);
return err;
/* ===========================================================================
int ZEXPORT compress (dest, destLen, source, sourceLen)
Bytef *dest;
uLongf *destLen;
const Bytef *source;
uLong sourceLen;
return compress2(dest, destLen, source, sourceLen, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION);
/* ===========================================================================
If the default memLevel or windowBits for deflateInit() is changed, then
this function needs to be updated.
uLong ZEXPORT compressBound (sourceLen)
uLong sourceLen;
return sourceLen + (sourceLen >> 12) + (sourceLen >> 14) +
(sourceLen >> 25) + 13;

SkinInstaller/zlib/configure vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,596 @@
# configure script for zlib.
# Normally configure builds both a static and a shared library.
# If you want to build just a static library, use: ./configure --static
# To impose specific compiler or flags or install directory, use for example:
# prefix=$HOME CC=cc CFLAGS="-O4" ./configure
# or for csh/tcsh users:
# (setenv prefix $HOME; setenv CC cc; setenv CFLAGS "-O4"; ./configure)
# Incorrect settings of CC or CFLAGS may prevent creating a shared library.
# If you have problems, try without defining CC and CFLAGS before reporting
# an error.
if [ -n "${CHOST}" ]; then
uname="$(echo "${CHOST}" | sed -e 's/^[^-]*-\([^-]*\)$/\1/' -e 's/^[^-]*-[^-]*-\([^-]*\)$/\1/' -e 's/^[^-]*-[^-]*-\([^-]*\)-.*$/\1/')"
VER=`sed -n -e '/VERSION "/s/.*"\(.*\)".*/\1/p' < zlib.h`
VER3=`sed -n -e '/VERSION "/s/.*"\([0-9]*\\.[0-9]*\\.[0-9]*\).*/\1/p' < zlib.h`
VER2=`sed -n -e '/VERSION "/s/.*"\([0-9]*\\.[0-9]*\)\\..*/\1/p' < zlib.h`
VER1=`sed -n -e '/VERSION "/s/.*"\([0-9]*\)\\..*/\1/p' < zlib.h`
if "${CROSS_PREFIX}ar" --version >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || test $? -lt 126; then
test -n "${CROSS_PREFIX}" && echo Using ${AR}
test -n "${CROSS_PREFIX}" && echo Using ${AR}
AR_RC="${AR} rc"
if "${CROSS_PREFIX}ranlib" --version >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || test $? -lt 126; then
test -n "${CROSS_PREFIX}" && echo Using ${RANLIB}
if "${CROSS_PREFIX}nm" --version >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || test $? -lt 126; then
test -n "${CROSS_PREFIX}" && echo Using ${NM}
while test $# -ge 1
case "$1" in
-h* | --help)
echo 'usage:'
echo ' configure [--zprefix] [--prefix=PREFIX] [--eprefix=EXPREFIX]'
echo ' [--static] [--64] [--libdir=LIBDIR] [--sharedlibdir=LIBDIR]'
echo ' [--includedir=INCLUDEDIR]'
exit 0 ;;
-p*=* | --prefix=*) prefix=`echo $1 | sed 's/.*=//'`; shift ;;
-e*=* | --eprefix=*) exec_prefix=`echo $1 | sed 's/.*=//'`; shift ;;
-l*=* | --libdir=*) libdir=`echo $1 | sed 's/.*=//'`; shift ;;
--sharedlibdir=*) sharedlibdir=`echo $1 | sed 's/.*=//'`; shift ;;
-i*=* | --includedir=*) includedir=`echo $1 | sed 's/.*=//'`;shift ;;
-u*=* | --uname=*) uname=`echo $1 | sed 's/.*=//'`;shift ;;
-p* | --prefix) prefix="$2"; shift; shift ;;
-e* | --eprefix) exec_prefix="$2"; shift; shift ;;
-l* | --libdir) libdir="$2"; shift; shift ;;
-i* | --includedir) includedir="$2"; shift; shift ;;
-s* | --shared | --enable-shared) shared=1; shift ;;
-t | --static) shared=0; shift ;;
-z* | --zprefix) zprefix=1; shift ;;
-6* | --64) build64=1; shift ;;
--sysconfdir=*) echo "ignored option: --sysconfdir"; shift ;;
--localstatedir=*) echo "ignored option: --localstatedir"; shift ;;
*) echo "unknown option: $1"; echo "$0 --help for help"; exit 1 ;;
cat > $test.c <<EOF
extern int getchar();
int hello() {return getchar();}
test -z "$CC" && echo Checking for ${CROSS_PREFIX}gcc...
# to force the asm version use: CFLAGS="-O3 -DASMV" ./configure
case "$cc" in
*gcc*) gcc=1 ;;
if test "$gcc" -eq 1 && ($cc -c $cflags $test.c) 2>/dev/null; then
if test $build64 -eq 1; then
if test "${ZLIBGCCWARN}" = "YES"; then
CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -Wall -Wextra -pedantic"
if test -z "$uname"; then
uname=`(uname -s || echo unknown) 2>/dev/null`
case "$uname" in
Linux* | linux* | GNU | GNU/* | *BSD | DragonFly) LDSHARED=${LDSHARED-"$cc -shared -Wl,-soname,libz.so.1,--version-script,zlib.map"} ;;
CYGWIN* | Cygwin* | cygwin* | OS/2*)
EXE='.exe' ;;
# temporary bypass
rm -f $test.[co] $test $test$shared_ext
echo "Please use win32/Makefile.gcc instead."
exit 1
LDSHARED=${LDSHARED-"$cc -shared"}
EXE='.exe' ;;
QNX*) # This is for QNX6. I suppose that the QNX rule below is for QNX2,QNX4
# (alain.bonnefoy@icbt.com)
LDSHARED=${LDSHARED-"$cc -shared -Wl,-hlibz.so.1"} ;;
case `(uname -m || echo unknown) 2>/dev/null` in
SHAREDLIB='libz.so' ;;
SHAREDLIB='libz.sl' ;;
esac ;;
Darwin*) shared_ext='.dylib'
LDSHARED=${LDSHARED-"$cc -dynamiclib -install_name $libdir/$SHAREDLIBM -compatibility_version $VER1 -current_version $VER3"} ;;
*) LDSHARED=${LDSHARED-"$cc -shared"} ;;
# find system name and corresponding cc options
if test -z "$uname"; then
uname=`(uname -sr || echo unknown) 2>/dev/null`
case "$uname" in
# LDSHARED=${LDSHARED-"ld -b +vnocompatwarnings"}
case `(uname -m || echo unknown) 2>/dev/null` in
SHAREDLIB='libz.so' ;;
SHAREDLIB='libz.sl' ;;
esac ;;
IRIX*) SFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-ansi -O2 -rpath ."}
CFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-ansi -O2"}
LDSHARED=${LDSHARED-"cc -shared -Wl,-soname,libz.so.1"} ;;
OSF1\ V4*) SFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-O -std1"}
CFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-O -std1"}
LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -Wl,-rpath,."
LDSHARED=${LDSHARED-"cc -shared -Wl,-soname,libz.so -Wl,-msym -Wl,-rpath,$(libdir) -Wl,-set_version,${VER}:1.0"} ;;
OSF1*) SFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-O -std1"}
CFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-O -std1"}
LDSHARED=${LDSHARED-"cc -shared -Wl,-soname,libz.so.1"} ;;
AR_RC="cc -A" ;;
SCO_SV\ 3.2*) SFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-O3 -dy -KPIC "}
case `(uname -m || echo unknown) 2>/dev/null` in
SFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-xpentium -fast -KPIC -R."}
CFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-xpentium -fast"} ;;
SFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-fast -xcg92 -KPIC -R."}
CFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-fast -xcg92"} ;;
esac ;;
SunOS\ 4*) SFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-O2 -PIC"}
SunStudio\ 9*) SFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-fast -xcode=pic32 -xtarget=ultra3 -xarch=v9b"}
CFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-fast -xtarget=ultra3 -xarch=v9b"}
LDSHARED=${LDSHARED-"cc -xarch=v9b"} ;;
UNIX_System_V\ 4.2.0)
SFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-Kconform_pic -O"}
OpenUNIX\ 5)
AIX*) # Courtesy of dbakker@arrayasolutions.com
SFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-O -qmaxmem=8192"}
CFLAGS=${CFLAGS-"-O -qmaxmem=8192"}
# send working options for other systems to zlib@gzip.org
LDSHARED=${LDSHARED-"cc -shared"} ;;
if test $shared -eq 1; then
echo Checking for shared library support...
# we must test in two steps (cc then ld), required at least on SunOS 4.x
if test "`($CC -w -c $SFLAGS $test.c) 2>&1`" = "" &&
test "`($LDSHARED $SFLAGS -o $test$shared_ext $test.o) 2>&1`" = ""; then
echo Building shared library $SHAREDLIBV with $CC.
elif test -z "$old_cc" -a -z "$old_cflags"; then
echo No shared library support.
echo Tested $CC -w -c $SFLAGS $test.c
$CC -w -c $SFLAGS $test.c
echo Tested $LDSHARED $SFLAGS -o $test$shared_ext $test.o
$LDSHARED $SFLAGS -o $test$shared_ext $test.o
echo 'No shared library support; try without defining CC and CFLAGS'
if test $shared -eq 0; then
TEST="all teststatic"
echo Building static library $STATICLIB version $VER with $CC.
ALL="static shared"
TEST="all teststatic testshared"
cat > $test.c <<EOF
#include <sys/types.h>
off64_t dummy = 0;
if test "`($CC -c $CFLAGS -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE=1 $test.c) 2>&1`" = ""; then
ALL="${ALL} all64"
TEST="${TEST} test64"
echo "Checking for off64_t... Yes."
echo "Checking for fseeko... Yes."
echo "Checking for off64_t... No."
cat > $test.c <<EOF
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
fseeko(NULL, 0, 0);
return 0;
if test "`($CC $CFLAGS -o $test $test.c) 2>&1`" = ""; then
echo "Checking for fseeko... Yes."
echo "Checking for fseeko... No."
cp -p zconf.h.in zconf.h
cat > $test.c <<EOF
#include <unistd.h>
int main() { return 0; }
if test "`($CC -c $CFLAGS $test.c) 2>&1`" = ""; then
sed < zconf.h "/^#ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H.* may be/s/def HAVE_UNISTD_H\(.*\) may be/ 1\1 was/" > zconf.temp.h
mv zconf.temp.h zconf.h
echo "Checking for unistd.h... Yes."
echo "Checking for unistd.h... No."
if test $zprefix -eq 1; then
sed < zconf.h "/#ifdef Z_PREFIX.* may be/s/def Z_PREFIX\(.*\) may be/ 1\1 was/" > zconf.temp.h
mv zconf.temp.h zconf.h
echo "Using z_ prefix on all symbols."
cat > $test.c <<EOF
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "zconf.h"
int main()
#ifndef STDC
choke me
return 0;
if test "`($CC -c $CFLAGS $test.c) 2>&1`" = ""; then
echo "Checking whether to use vs[n]printf() or s[n]printf()... using vs[n]printf()."
cat > $test.c <<EOF
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
int mytest(const char *fmt, ...)
char buf[20];
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, ap);
return 0;
int main()
return (mytest("Hello%d\n", 1));
if test "`($CC $CFLAGS -o $test $test.c) 2>&1`" = ""; then
echo "Checking for vsnprintf() in stdio.h... Yes."
cat >$test.c <<EOF
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
int mytest(const char *fmt, ...)
int n;
char buf[20];
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
n = vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, ap);
return n;
int main()
return (mytest("Hello%d\n", 1));
if test "`($CC -c $CFLAGS $test.c) 2>&1`" = ""; then
echo "Checking for return value of vsnprintf()... Yes."
CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -DHAS_vsnprintf_void"
SFLAGS="$SFLAGS -DHAS_vsnprintf_void"
echo "Checking for return value of vsnprintf()... No."
echo " WARNING: apparently vsnprintf() does not return a value. zlib"
echo " can build but will be open to possible string-format security"
echo " vulnerabilities."
CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -DNO_vsnprintf"
SFLAGS="$SFLAGS -DNO_vsnprintf"
echo "Checking for vsnprintf() in stdio.h... No."
echo " WARNING: vsnprintf() not found, falling back to vsprintf(). zlib"
echo " can build but will be open to possible buffer-overflow security"
echo " vulnerabilities."
cat >$test.c <<EOF
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
int mytest(const char *fmt, ...)
int n;
char buf[20];
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
n = vsprintf(buf, fmt, ap);
return n;
int main()
return (mytest("Hello%d\n", 1));
if test "`($CC -c $CFLAGS $test.c) 2>&1`" = ""; then
echo "Checking for return value of vsprintf()... Yes."
CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -DHAS_vsprintf_void"
SFLAGS="$SFLAGS -DHAS_vsprintf_void"
echo "Checking for return value of vsprintf()... No."
echo " WARNING: apparently vsprintf() does not return a value. zlib"
echo " can build but will be open to possible string-format security"
echo " vulnerabilities."
echo "Checking whether to use vs[n]printf() or s[n]printf()... using s[n]printf()."
cat >$test.c <<EOF
#include <stdio.h>
int mytest()
char buf[20];
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", "foo");
return 0;
int main()
return (mytest());
if test "`($CC $CFLAGS -o $test $test.c) 2>&1`" = ""; then
echo "Checking for snprintf() in stdio.h... Yes."
cat >$test.c <<EOF
#include <stdio.h>
int mytest()
char buf[20];
return snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", "foo");
int main()
return (mytest());
if test "`($CC -c $CFLAGS $test.c) 2>&1`" = ""; then
echo "Checking for return value of snprintf()... Yes."
CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -DHAS_snprintf_void"
SFLAGS="$SFLAGS -DHAS_snprintf_void"
echo "Checking for return value of snprintf()... No."
echo " WARNING: apparently snprintf() does not return a value. zlib"
echo " can build but will be open to possible string-format security"
echo " vulnerabilities."
CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -DNO_snprintf"
SFLAGS="$SFLAGS -DNO_snprintf"
echo "Checking for snprintf() in stdio.h... No."
echo " WARNING: snprintf() not found, falling back to sprintf(). zlib"
echo " can build but will be open to possible buffer-overflow security"
echo " vulnerabilities."
cat >$test.c <<EOF
#include <stdio.h>
int mytest()
char buf[20];
return sprintf(buf, "%s", "foo");
int main()
return (mytest());
if test "`($CC -c $CFLAGS $test.c) 2>&1`" = ""; then
echo "Checking for return value of sprintf()... Yes."
CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -DHAS_sprintf_void"
SFLAGS="$SFLAGS -DHAS_sprintf_void"
echo "Checking for return value of sprintf()... No."
echo " WARNING: apparently sprintf() does not return a value. zlib"
echo " can build but will be open to possible string-format security"
echo " vulnerabilities."
if test "$gcc" -eq 1; then
cat > $test.c <<EOF
#if ((__GNUC__-0) * 10 + __GNUC_MINOR__-0 >= 33)
# define ZLIB_INTERNAL __attribute__((visibility ("hidden")))
int main()
return 0;
if test "`($CC -c $CFLAGS $test.c) 2>&1`" = ""; then
echo "Checking for attribute(visibility) support... Yes."
echo "Checking for attribute(visibility) support... No."
CPP=${CPP-"$CC -E"}
case $CFLAGS in
if test "`$NM $test.o | grep _hello`" = ""; then
echo Checking for underline in external names... No.
echo Checking for underline in external names... Yes.
fi ;;
rm -f $test.[co] $test $test$shared_ext
# udpate Makefile
sed < Makefile.in "
/^CC *=/s#=.*#=$CC#
/^CFLAGS *=/s#=.*#=$CFLAGS#
/^SFLAGS *=/s#=.*#=$SFLAGS#
/^LDFLAGS *=/s#=.*#=$LDFLAGS#
/^CPP *=/s#=.*#=$CPP#
/^AR *=/s#=.*#=$AR_RC#
/^RANLIB *=/s#=.*#=$RANLIB#
/^EXE *=/s#=.*#=$EXE#
/^prefix *=/s#=.*#=$prefix#
/^exec_prefix *=/s#=.*#=$exec_prefix#
/^libdir *=/s#=.*#=$libdir#
/^sharedlibdir *=/s#=.*#=$sharedlibdir#
/^includedir *=/s#=.*#=$includedir#
/^mandir *=/s#=.*#=$mandir#
/^all: */s#:.*#: $ALL#
/^test: */s#:.*#: $TEST#
" > Makefile
sed < zlib.pc.in "
/^CC *=/s#=.*#=$CC#
/^CFLAGS *=/s#=.*#=$CFLAGS#
/^CPP *=/s#=.*#=$CPP#
/^AR *=/s#=.*#=$AR_RC#
/^RANLIB *=/s#=.*#=$RANLIB#
/^EXE *=/s#=.*#=$EXE#
/^prefix *=/s#=.*#=$prefix#
/^exec_prefix *=/s#=.*#=$exec_prefix#
/^libdir *=/s#=.*#=$libdir#
/^sharedlibdir *=/s#=.*#=$sharedlibdir#
/^includedir *=/s#=.*#=$includedir#
/^mandir *=/s#=.*#=$mandir#
/^LDFLAGS *=/s#=.*#=$LDFLAGS#
" | sed -e "
" > zlib.pc

SkinInstaller/zlib/crc32.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
/* crc32.c -- compute the CRC-32 of a data stream
* Copyright (C) 1995-2006, 2010 Mark Adler
* For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
* Thanks to Rodney Brown <rbrown64@csc.com.au> for his contribution of faster
* CRC methods: exclusive-oring 32 bits of data at a time, and pre-computing
* tables for updating the shift register in one step with three exclusive-ors
* instead of four steps with four exclusive-ors. This results in about a
* factor of two increase in speed on a Power PC G4 (PPC7455) using gcc -O3.
/* @(#) $Id$ */
Note on the use of DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE: there is no mutex or semaphore
protection on the static variables used to control the first-use generation
of the crc tables. Therefore, if you #define DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE, you should
first call get_crc_table() to initialize the tables before allowing more than
one thread to use crc32().
# include <stdio.h>
# endif /* !DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE */
#endif /* MAKECRCH */
#include "zutil.h" /* for STDC and FAR definitions */
#define local static
/* Find a four-byte integer type for crc32_little() and crc32_big(). */
#ifndef NOBYFOUR
# ifdef STDC /* need ANSI C limits.h to determine sizes */
# include <limits.h>
# define BYFOUR
# if (UINT_MAX == 0xffffffffUL)
typedef unsigned int u4;
# else
# if (ULONG_MAX == 0xffffffffUL)
typedef unsigned long u4;
# else
# if (USHRT_MAX == 0xffffffffUL)
typedef unsigned short u4;
# else
# undef BYFOUR /* can't find a four-byte integer type! */
# endif
# endif
# endif
# endif /* STDC */
#endif /* !NOBYFOUR */
/* Definitions for doing the crc four data bytes at a time. */
#ifdef BYFOUR
# define REV(w) ((((w)>>24)&0xff)+(((w)>>8)&0xff00)+ \
local unsigned long crc32_little OF((unsigned long,
const unsigned char FAR *, unsigned));
local unsigned long crc32_big OF((unsigned long,
const unsigned char FAR *, unsigned));
# define TBLS 8
# define TBLS 1
#endif /* BYFOUR */
/* Local functions for crc concatenation */
local unsigned long gf2_matrix_times OF((unsigned long *mat,
unsigned long vec));
local void gf2_matrix_square OF((unsigned long *square, unsigned long *mat));
local uLong crc32_combine_(uLong crc1, uLong crc2, z_off64_t len2);
local volatile int crc_table_empty = 1;
local unsigned long FAR crc_table[TBLS][256];
local void make_crc_table OF((void));
local void write_table OF((FILE *, const unsigned long FAR *));
#endif /* MAKECRCH */
Generate tables for a byte-wise 32-bit CRC calculation on the polynomial:
Polynomials over GF(2) are represented in binary, one bit per coefficient,
with the lowest powers in the most significant bit. Then adding polynomials
is just exclusive-or, and multiplying a polynomial by x is a right shift by
one. If we call the above polynomial p, and represent a byte as the
polynomial q, also with the lowest power in the most significant bit (so the
byte 0xb1 is the polynomial x^7+x^3+x+1), then the CRC is (q*x^32) mod p,
where a mod b means the remainder after dividing a by b.
This calculation is done using the shift-register method of multiplying and
taking the remainder. The register is initialized to zero, and for each
incoming bit, x^32 is added mod p to the register if the bit is a one (where
x^32 mod p is p+x^32 = x^26+...+1), and the register is multiplied mod p by
x (which is shifting right by one and adding x^32 mod p if the bit shifted
out is a one). We start with the highest power (least significant bit) of
q and repeat for all eight bits of q.
The first table is simply the CRC of all possible eight bit values. This is
all the information needed to generate CRCs on data a byte at a time for all
combinations of CRC register values and incoming bytes. The remaining tables
allow for word-at-a-time CRC calculation for both big-endian and little-
endian machines, where a word is four bytes.
local void make_crc_table()
unsigned long c;
int n, k;
unsigned long poly; /* polynomial exclusive-or pattern */
/* terms of polynomial defining this crc (except x^32): */
static volatile int first = 1; /* flag to limit concurrent making */
static const unsigned char p[] = {0,1,2,4,5,7,8,10,11,12,16,22,23,26};
/* See if another task is already doing this (not thread-safe, but better
than nothing -- significantly reduces duration of vulnerability in
case the advice about DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE is ignored) */
if (first) {
first = 0;
/* make exclusive-or pattern from polynomial (0xedb88320UL) */
poly = 0UL;
for (n = 0; n < sizeof(p)/sizeof(unsigned char); n++)
poly |= 1UL << (31 - p[n]);
/* generate a crc for every 8-bit value */
for (n = 0; n < 256; n++) {
c = (unsigned long)n;
for (k = 0; k < 8; k++)
c = c & 1 ? poly ^ (c >> 1) : c >> 1;
crc_table[0][n] = c;
#ifdef BYFOUR
/* generate crc for each value followed by one, two, and three zeros,
and then the byte reversal of those as well as the first table */
for (n = 0; n < 256; n++) {
c = crc_table[0][n];
crc_table[4][n] = REV(c);
for (k = 1; k < 4; k++) {
c = crc_table[0][c & 0xff] ^ (c >> 8);
crc_table[k][n] = c;
crc_table[k + 4][n] = REV(c);
#endif /* BYFOUR */
crc_table_empty = 0;
else { /* not first */
/* wait for the other guy to finish (not efficient, but rare) */
while (crc_table_empty)
/* write out CRC tables to crc32.h */
FILE *out;
out = fopen("crc32.h", "w");
if (out == NULL) return;
fprintf(out, "/* crc32.h -- tables for rapid CRC calculation\n");
fprintf(out, " * Generated automatically by crc32.c\n */\n\n");
fprintf(out, "local const unsigned long FAR ");
fprintf(out, "crc_table[TBLS][256] =\n{\n {\n");
write_table(out, crc_table[0]);
# ifdef BYFOUR
fprintf(out, "#ifdef BYFOUR\n");
for (k = 1; k < 8; k++) {
fprintf(out, " },\n {\n");
write_table(out, crc_table[k]);
fprintf(out, "#endif\n");
# endif /* BYFOUR */
fprintf(out, " }\n};\n");
#endif /* MAKECRCH */
local void write_table(out, table)
FILE *out;
const unsigned long FAR *table;
int n;
for (n = 0; n < 256; n++)
fprintf(out, "%s0x%08lxUL%s", n % 5 ? "" : " ", table[n],
n == 255 ? "\n" : (n % 5 == 4 ? ",\n" : ", "));
#endif /* MAKECRCH */
#else /* !DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE */
/* ========================================================================
* Tables of CRC-32s of all single-byte values, made by make_crc_table().
#include "crc32.h"
#endif /* DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE */
/* =========================================================================
* This function can be used by asm versions of crc32()
const unsigned long FAR * ZEXPORT get_crc_table()
if (crc_table_empty)
#endif /* DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE */
return (const unsigned long FAR *)crc_table;
/* ========================================================================= */
#define DO1 crc = crc_table[0][((int)crc ^ (*buf++)) & 0xff] ^ (crc >> 8)
#define DO8 DO1; DO1; DO1; DO1; DO1; DO1; DO1; DO1
/* ========================================================================= */
unsigned long ZEXPORT crc32(crc, buf, len)
unsigned long crc;
const unsigned char FAR *buf;
uInt len;
if (buf == Z_NULL) return 0UL;
if (crc_table_empty)
#endif /* DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE */
#ifdef BYFOUR
if (sizeof(void *) == sizeof(ptrdiff_t)) {
u4 endian;
endian = 1;
if (*((unsigned char *)(&endian)))
return crc32_little(crc, buf, len);
return crc32_big(crc, buf, len);
#endif /* BYFOUR */
crc = crc ^ 0xffffffffUL;
while (len >= 8) {
len -= 8;
if (len) do {
} while (--len);
return crc ^ 0xffffffffUL;
#ifdef BYFOUR
/* ========================================================================= */
#define DOLIT4 c ^= *buf4++; \
c = crc_table[3][c & 0xff] ^ crc_table[2][(c >> 8) & 0xff] ^ \
crc_table[1][(c >> 16) & 0xff] ^ crc_table[0][c >> 24]
/* ========================================================================= */
local unsigned long crc32_little(crc, buf, len)
unsigned long crc;
const unsigned char FAR *buf;
unsigned len;
register u4 c;
register const u4 FAR *buf4;
c = (u4)crc;
c = ~c;
while (len && ((ptrdiff_t)buf & 3)) {
c = crc_table[0][(c ^ *buf++) & 0xff] ^ (c >> 8);
buf4 = (const u4 FAR *)(const void FAR *)buf;
while (len >= 32) {
len -= 32;
while (len >= 4) {
len -= 4;
buf = (const unsigned char FAR *)buf4;
if (len) do {
c = crc_table[0][(c ^ *buf++) & 0xff] ^ (c >> 8);
} while (--len);
c = ~c;
return (unsigned long)c;
/* ========================================================================= */
#define DOBIG4 c ^= *++buf4; \
c = crc_table[4][c & 0xff] ^ crc_table[5][(c >> 8) & 0xff] ^ \
crc_table[6][(c >> 16) & 0xff] ^ crc_table[7][c >> 24]
/* ========================================================================= */
local unsigned long crc32_big(crc, buf, len)
unsigned long crc;
const unsigned char FAR *buf;
unsigned len;
register u4 c;
register const u4 FAR *buf4;
c = REV((u4)crc);
c = ~c;
while (len && ((ptrdiff_t)buf & 3)) {
c = crc_table[4][(c >> 24) ^ *buf++] ^ (c << 8);
buf4 = (const u4 FAR *)(const void FAR *)buf;
while (len >= 32) {
len -= 32;
while (len >= 4) {
len -= 4;
buf = (const unsigned char FAR *)buf4;
if (len) do {
c = crc_table[4][(c >> 24) ^ *buf++] ^ (c << 8);
} while (--len);
c = ~c;
return (unsigned long)(REV(c));
#endif /* BYFOUR */
#define GF2_DIM 32 /* dimension of GF(2) vectors (length of CRC) */
/* ========================================================================= */
local unsigned long gf2_matrix_times(mat, vec)
unsigned long *mat;
unsigned long vec;
unsigned long sum;
sum = 0;
while (vec) {
if (vec & 1)
sum ^= *mat;
vec >>= 1;
return sum;
/* ========================================================================= */
local void gf2_matrix_square(square, mat)
unsigned long *square;
unsigned long *mat;
int n;
for (n = 0; n < GF2_DIM; n++)
square[n] = gf2_matrix_times(mat, mat[n]);
/* ========================================================================= */
local uLong crc32_combine_(crc1, crc2, len2)
uLong crc1;
uLong crc2;
z_off64_t len2;
int n;
unsigned long row;
unsigned long even[GF2_DIM]; /* even-power-of-two zeros operator */
unsigned long odd[GF2_DIM]; /* odd-power-of-two zeros operator */
/* degenerate case (also disallow negative lengths) */
if (len2 <= 0)
return crc1;
/* put operator for one zero bit in odd */
odd[0] = 0xedb88320UL; /* CRC-32 polynomial */
row = 1;
for (n = 1; n < GF2_DIM; n++) {
odd[n] = row;
row <<= 1;
/* put operator for two zero bits in even */
gf2_matrix_square(even, odd);
/* put operator for four zero bits in odd */
gf2_matrix_square(odd, even);
/* apply len2 zeros to crc1 (first square will put the operator for one
zero byte, eight zero bits, in even) */
do {
/* apply zeros operator for this bit of len2 */
gf2_matrix_square(even, odd);
if (len2 & 1)
crc1 = gf2_matrix_times(even, crc1);
len2 >>= 1;
/* if no more bits set, then done */
if (len2 == 0)
/* another iteration of the loop with odd and even swapped */
gf2_matrix_square(odd, even);
if (len2 & 1)
crc1 = gf2_matrix_times(odd, crc1);
len2 >>= 1;
/* if no more bits set, then done */
} while (len2 != 0);
/* return combined crc */
crc1 ^= crc2;
return crc1;
/* ========================================================================= */
uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine(crc1, crc2, len2)
uLong crc1;
uLong crc2;
z_off_t len2;
return crc32_combine_(crc1, crc2, len2);
uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine64(crc1, crc2, len2)
uLong crc1;
uLong crc2;
z_off64_t len2;
return crc32_combine_(crc1, crc2, len2);

SkinInstaller/zlib/crc32.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
/* crc32.h -- tables for rapid CRC calculation
* Generated automatically by crc32.c
local const unsigned long FAR crc_table[TBLS][256] =
0x00000000UL, 0x77073096UL, 0xee0e612cUL, 0x990951baUL, 0x076dc419UL,
0x706af48fUL, 0xe963a535UL, 0x9e6495a3UL, 0x0edb8832UL, 0x79dcb8a4UL,
0xe0d5e91eUL, 0x97d2d988UL, 0x09b64c2bUL, 0x7eb17cbdUL, 0xe7b82d07UL,
0x90bf1d91UL, 0x1db71064UL, 0x6ab020f2UL, 0xf3b97148UL, 0x84be41deUL,
0x1adad47dUL, 0x6ddde4ebUL, 0xf4d4b551UL, 0x83d385c7UL, 0x136c9856UL,
0x646ba8c0UL, 0xfd62f97aUL, 0x8a65c9ecUL, 0x14015c4fUL, 0x63066cd9UL,
0xfa0f3d63UL, 0x8d080df5UL, 0x3b6e20c8UL, 0x4c69105eUL, 0xd56041e4UL,
0xa2677172UL, 0x3c03e4d1UL, 0x4b04d447UL, 0xd20d85fdUL, 0xa50ab56bUL,
0x35b5a8faUL, 0x42b2986cUL, 0xdbbbc9d6UL, 0xacbcf940UL, 0x32d86ce3UL,
0x45df5c75UL, 0xdcd60dcfUL, 0xabd13d59UL, 0x26d930acUL, 0x51de003aUL,
0xc8d75180UL, 0xbfd06116UL, 0x21b4f4b5UL, 0x56b3c423UL, 0xcfba9599UL,
0xb8bda50fUL, 0x2802b89eUL, 0x5f058808UL, 0xc60cd9b2UL, 0xb10be924UL,
0x2f6f7c87UL, 0x58684c11UL, 0xc1611dabUL, 0xb6662d3dUL, 0x76dc4190UL,
0x01db7106UL, 0x98d220bcUL, 0xefd5102aUL, 0x71b18589UL, 0x06b6b51fUL,
0x9fbfe4a5UL, 0xe8b8d433UL, 0x7807c9a2UL, 0x0f00f934UL, 0x9609a88eUL,
0xe10e9818UL, 0x7f6a0dbbUL, 0x086d3d2dUL, 0x91646c97UL, 0xe6635c01UL,
0x6b6b51f4UL, 0x1c6c6162UL, 0x856530d8UL, 0xf262004eUL, 0x6c0695edUL,
0x1b01a57bUL, 0x8208f4c1UL, 0xf50fc457UL, 0x65b0d9c6UL, 0x12b7e950UL,
0x8bbeb8eaUL, 0xfcb9887cUL, 0x62dd1ddfUL, 0x15da2d49UL, 0x8cd37cf3UL,
0xfbd44c65UL, 0x4db26158UL, 0x3ab551ceUL, 0xa3bc0074UL, 0xd4bb30e2UL,
0x4adfa541UL, 0x3dd895d7UL, 0xa4d1c46dUL, 0xd3d6f4fbUL, 0x4369e96aUL,
0x346ed9fcUL, 0xad678846UL, 0xda60b8d0UL, 0x44042d73UL, 0x33031de5UL,
0xaa0a4c5fUL, 0xdd0d7cc9UL, 0x5005713cUL, 0x270241aaUL, 0xbe0b1010UL,
0xc90c2086UL, 0x5768b525UL, 0x206f85b3UL, 0xb966d409UL, 0xce61e49fUL,
0x5edef90eUL, 0x29d9c998UL, 0xb0d09822UL, 0xc7d7a8b4UL, 0x59b33d17UL,
0x2eb40d81UL, 0xb7bd5c3bUL, 0xc0ba6cadUL, 0xedb88320UL, 0x9abfb3b6UL,
0x03b6e20cUL, 0x74b1d29aUL, 0xead54739UL, 0x9dd277afUL, 0x04db2615UL,
0x73dc1683UL, 0xe3630b12UL, 0x94643b84UL, 0x0d6d6a3eUL, 0x7a6a5aa8UL,
0xe40ecf0bUL, 0x9309ff9dUL, 0x0a00ae27UL, 0x7d079eb1UL, 0xf00f9344UL,
0x8708a3d2UL, 0x1e01f268UL, 0x6906c2feUL, 0xf762575dUL, 0x806567cbUL,
0x196c3671UL, 0x6e6b06e7UL, 0xfed41b76UL, 0x89d32be0UL, 0x10da7a5aUL,
0x67dd4accUL, 0xf9b9df6fUL, 0x8ebeeff9UL, 0x17b7be43UL, 0x60b08ed5UL,
0xd6d6a3e8UL, 0xa1d1937eUL, 0x38d8c2c4UL, 0x4fdff252UL, 0xd1bb67f1UL,
0xa6bc5767UL, 0x3fb506ddUL, 0x48b2364bUL, 0xd80d2bdaUL, 0xaf0a1b4cUL,
0x36034af6UL, 0x41047a60UL, 0xdf60efc3UL, 0xa867df55UL, 0x316e8eefUL,
0x4669be79UL, 0xcb61b38cUL, 0xbc66831aUL, 0x256fd2a0UL, 0x5268e236UL,
0xcc0c7795UL, 0xbb0b4703UL, 0x220216b9UL, 0x5505262fUL, 0xc5ba3bbeUL,
0xb2bd0b28UL, 0x2bb45a92UL, 0x5cb36a04UL, 0xc2d7ffa7UL, 0xb5d0cf31UL,
0x2cd99e8bUL, 0x5bdeae1dUL, 0x9b64c2b0UL, 0xec63f226UL, 0x756aa39cUL,
0x026d930aUL, 0x9c0906a9UL, 0xeb0e363fUL, 0x72076785UL, 0x05005713UL,
0x95bf4a82UL, 0xe2b87a14UL, 0x7bb12baeUL, 0x0cb61b38UL, 0x92d28e9bUL,
0xe5d5be0dUL, 0x7cdcefb7UL, 0x0bdbdf21UL, 0x86d3d2d4UL, 0xf1d4e242UL,
0x68ddb3f8UL, 0x1fda836eUL, 0x81be16cdUL, 0xf6b9265bUL, 0x6fb077e1UL,
0x18b74777UL, 0x88085ae6UL, 0xff0f6a70UL, 0x66063bcaUL, 0x11010b5cUL,
0x8f659effUL, 0xf862ae69UL, 0x616bffd3UL, 0x166ccf45UL, 0xa00ae278UL,
0xd70dd2eeUL, 0x4e048354UL, 0x3903b3c2UL, 0xa7672661UL, 0xd06016f7UL,
0x4969474dUL, 0x3e6e77dbUL, 0xaed16a4aUL, 0xd9d65adcUL, 0x40df0b66UL,
0x37d83bf0UL, 0xa9bcae53UL, 0xdebb9ec5UL, 0x47b2cf7fUL, 0x30b5ffe9UL,
0xbdbdf21cUL, 0xcabac28aUL, 0x53b39330UL, 0x24b4a3a6UL, 0xbad03605UL,
0xcdd70693UL, 0x54de5729UL, 0x23d967bfUL, 0xb3667a2eUL, 0xc4614ab8UL,
0x5d681b02UL, 0x2a6f2b94UL, 0xb40bbe37UL, 0xc30c8ea1UL, 0x5a05df1bUL,
#ifdef BYFOUR
0x00000000UL, 0x191b3141UL, 0x32366282UL, 0x2b2d53c3UL, 0x646cc504UL,
0x7d77f445UL, 0x565aa786UL, 0x4f4196c7UL, 0xc8d98a08UL, 0xd1c2bb49UL,
0xfaefe88aUL, 0xe3f4d9cbUL, 0xacb54f0cUL, 0xb5ae7e4dUL, 0x9e832d8eUL,
0x87981ccfUL, 0x4ac21251UL, 0x53d92310UL, 0x78f470d3UL, 0x61ef4192UL,
0x2eaed755UL, 0x37b5e614UL, 0x1c98b5d7UL, 0x05838496UL, 0x821b9859UL,
0x9b00a918UL, 0xb02dfadbUL, 0xa936cb9aUL, 0xe6775d5dUL, 0xff6c6c1cUL,
0xd4413fdfUL, 0xcd5a0e9eUL, 0x958424a2UL, 0x8c9f15e3UL, 0xa7b24620UL,
0xbea97761UL, 0xf1e8e1a6UL, 0xe8f3d0e7UL, 0xc3de8324UL, 0xdac5b265UL,
0x5d5daeaaUL, 0x44469febUL, 0x6f6bcc28UL, 0x7670fd69UL, 0x39316baeUL,
0x202a5aefUL, 0x0b07092cUL, 0x121c386dUL, 0xdf4636f3UL, 0xc65d07b2UL,
0xed705471UL, 0xf46b6530UL, 0xbb2af3f7UL, 0xa231c2b6UL, 0x891c9175UL,
0x9007a034UL, 0x179fbcfbUL, 0x0e848dbaUL, 0x25a9de79UL, 0x3cb2ef38UL,
0x73f379ffUL, 0x6ae848beUL, 0x41c51b7dUL, 0x58de2a3cUL, 0xf0794f05UL,
0xe9627e44UL, 0xc24f2d87UL, 0xdb541cc6UL, 0x94158a01UL, 0x8d0ebb40UL,
0xa623e883UL, 0xbf38d9c2UL, 0x38a0c50dUL, 0x21bbf44cUL, 0x0a96a78fUL,
0x138d96ceUL, 0x5ccc0009UL, 0x45d73148UL, 0x6efa628bUL, 0x77e153caUL,
0xbabb5d54UL, 0xa3a06c15UL, 0x888d3fd6UL, 0x91960e97UL, 0xded79850UL,
0xc7cca911UL, 0xece1fad2UL, 0xf5facb93UL, 0x7262d75cUL, 0x6b79e61dUL,
0x4054b5deUL, 0x594f849fUL, 0x160e1258UL, 0x0f152319UL, 0x243870daUL,
0x3d23419bUL, 0x65fd6ba7UL, 0x7ce65ae6UL, 0x57cb0925UL, 0x4ed03864UL,
0x0191aea3UL, 0x188a9fe2UL, 0x33a7cc21UL, 0x2abcfd60UL, 0xad24e1afUL,
0xb43fd0eeUL, 0x9f12832dUL, 0x8609b26cUL, 0xc94824abUL, 0xd05315eaUL,
0xfb7e4629UL, 0xe2657768UL, 0x2f3f79f6UL, 0x362448b7UL, 0x1d091b74UL,
0x04122a35UL, 0x4b53bcf2UL, 0x52488db3UL, 0x7965de70UL, 0x607eef31UL,
0xe7e6f3feUL, 0xfefdc2bfUL, 0xd5d0917cUL, 0xcccba03dUL, 0x838a36faUL,
0x9a9107bbUL, 0xb1bc5478UL, 0xa8a76539UL, 0x3b83984bUL, 0x2298a90aUL,
0x09b5fac9UL, 0x10aecb88UL, 0x5fef5d4fUL, 0x46f46c0eUL, 0x6dd93fcdUL,
0x74c20e8cUL, 0xf35a1243UL, 0xea412302UL, 0xc16c70c1UL, 0xd8774180UL,
0x9736d747UL, 0x8e2de606UL, 0xa500b5c5UL, 0xbc1b8484UL, 0x71418a1aUL,
0x685abb5bUL, 0x4377e898UL, 0x5a6cd9d9UL, 0x152d4f1eUL, 0x0c367e5fUL,
0x271b2d9cUL, 0x3e001cddUL, 0xb9980012UL, 0xa0833153UL, 0x8bae6290UL,
0x92b553d1UL, 0xddf4c516UL, 0xc4eff457UL, 0xefc2a794UL, 0xf6d996d5UL,
0xae07bce9UL, 0xb71c8da8UL, 0x9c31de6bUL, 0x852aef2aUL, 0xca6b79edUL,
0xd37048acUL, 0xf85d1b6fUL, 0xe1462a2eUL, 0x66de36e1UL, 0x7fc507a0UL,
0x54e85463UL, 0x4df36522UL, 0x02b2f3e5UL, 0x1ba9c2a4UL, 0x30849167UL,
0x299fa026UL, 0xe4c5aeb8UL, 0xfdde9ff9UL, 0xd6f3cc3aUL, 0xcfe8fd7bUL,
0x80a96bbcUL, 0x99b25afdUL, 0xb29f093eUL, 0xab84387fUL, 0x2c1c24b0UL,
0x350715f1UL, 0x1e2a4632UL, 0x07317773UL, 0x4870e1b4UL, 0x516bd0f5UL,
0x7a468336UL, 0x635db277UL, 0xcbfad74eUL, 0xd2e1e60fUL, 0xf9ccb5ccUL,
0xe0d7848dUL, 0xaf96124aUL, 0xb68d230bUL, 0x9da070c8UL, 0x84bb4189UL,
0x03235d46UL, 0x1a386c07UL, 0x31153fc4UL, 0x280e0e85UL, 0x674f9842UL,
0x7e54a903UL, 0x5579fac0UL, 0x4c62cb81UL, 0x8138c51fUL, 0x9823f45eUL,
0xb30ea79dUL, 0xaa1596dcUL, 0xe554001bUL, 0xfc4f315aUL, 0xd7626299UL,
0xce7953d8UL, 0x49e14f17UL, 0x50fa7e56UL, 0x7bd72d95UL, 0x62cc1cd4UL,
0x2d8d8a13UL, 0x3496bb52UL, 0x1fbbe891UL, 0x06a0d9d0UL, 0x5e7ef3ecUL,
0x4765c2adUL, 0x6c48916eUL, 0x7553a02fUL, 0x3a1236e8UL, 0x230907a9UL,
0x0824546aUL, 0x113f652bUL, 0x96a779e4UL, 0x8fbc48a5UL, 0xa4911b66UL,
0xbd8a2a27UL, 0xf2cbbce0UL, 0xebd08da1UL, 0xc0fdde62UL, 0xd9e6ef23UL,
0x14bce1bdUL, 0x0da7d0fcUL, 0x268a833fUL, 0x3f91b27eUL, 0x70d024b9UL,
0x69cb15f8UL, 0x42e6463bUL, 0x5bfd777aUL, 0xdc656bb5UL, 0xc57e5af4UL,
0xee530937UL, 0xf7483876UL, 0xb809aeb1UL, 0xa1129ff0UL, 0x8a3fcc33UL,
0x00000000UL, 0x01c26a37UL, 0x0384d46eUL, 0x0246be59UL, 0x0709a8dcUL,
0x06cbc2ebUL, 0x048d7cb2UL, 0x054f1685UL, 0x0e1351b8UL, 0x0fd13b8fUL,
0x0d9785d6UL, 0x0c55efe1UL, 0x091af964UL, 0x08d89353UL, 0x0a9e2d0aUL,
0x0b5c473dUL, 0x1c26a370UL, 0x1de4c947UL, 0x1fa2771eUL, 0x1e601d29UL,
0x1b2f0bacUL, 0x1aed619bUL, 0x18abdfc2UL, 0x1969b5f5UL, 0x1235f2c8UL,
0x13f798ffUL, 0x11b126a6UL, 0x10734c91UL, 0x153c5a14UL, 0x14fe3023UL,
0x16b88e7aUL, 0x177ae44dUL, 0x384d46e0UL, 0x398f2cd7UL, 0x3bc9928eUL,
0x3a0bf8b9UL, 0x3f44ee3cUL, 0x3e86840bUL, 0x3cc03a52UL, 0x3d025065UL,
0x365e1758UL, 0x379c7d6fUL, 0x35dac336UL, 0x3418a901UL, 0x3157bf84UL,
0x3095d5b3UL, 0x32d36beaUL, 0x331101ddUL, 0x246be590UL, 0x25a98fa7UL,
0x27ef31feUL, 0x262d5bc9UL, 0x23624d4cUL, 0x22a0277bUL, 0x20e69922UL,
0x2124f315UL, 0x2a78b428UL, 0x2bbade1fUL, 0x29fc6046UL, 0x283e0a71UL,
0x2d711cf4UL, 0x2cb376c3UL, 0x2ef5c89aUL, 0x2f37a2adUL, 0x709a8dc0UL,
0x7158e7f7UL, 0x731e59aeUL, 0x72dc3399UL, 0x7793251cUL, 0x76514f2bUL,
0x7417f172UL, 0x75d59b45UL, 0x7e89dc78UL, 0x7f4bb64fUL, 0x7d0d0816UL,
0x7ccf6221UL, 0x798074a4UL, 0x78421e93UL, 0x7a04a0caUL, 0x7bc6cafdUL,
0x6cbc2eb0UL, 0x6d7e4487UL, 0x6f38fadeUL, 0x6efa90e9UL, 0x6bb5866cUL,
0x6a77ec5bUL, 0x68315202UL, 0x69f33835UL, 0x62af7f08UL, 0x636d153fUL,
0x612bab66UL, 0x60e9c151UL, 0x65a6d7d4UL, 0x6464bde3UL, 0x662203baUL,
0x67e0698dUL, 0x48d7cb20UL, 0x4915a117UL, 0x4b531f4eUL, 0x4a917579UL,
0x4fde63fcUL, 0x4e1c09cbUL, 0x4c5ab792UL, 0x4d98dda5UL, 0x46c49a98UL,
0x4706f0afUL, 0x45404ef6UL, 0x448224c1UL, 0x41cd3244UL, 0x400f5873UL,
0x4249e62aUL, 0x438b8c1dUL, 0x54f16850UL, 0x55330267UL, 0x5775bc3eUL,
0x56b7d609UL, 0x53f8c08cUL, 0x523aaabbUL, 0x507c14e2UL, 0x51be7ed5UL,
0x5ae239e8UL, 0x5b2053dfUL, 0x5966ed86UL, 0x58a487b1UL, 0x5deb9134UL,
0x5c29fb03UL, 0x5e6f455aUL, 0x5fad2f6dUL, 0xe1351b80UL, 0xe0f771b7UL,
0xe2b1cfeeUL, 0xe373a5d9UL, 0xe63cb35cUL, 0xe7fed96bUL, 0xe5b86732UL,
0xe47a0d05UL, 0xef264a38UL, 0xeee4200fUL, 0xeca29e56UL, 0xed60f461UL,
0xe82fe2e4UL, 0xe9ed88d3UL, 0xebab368aUL, 0xea695cbdUL, 0xfd13b8f0UL,
0xfcd1d2c7UL, 0xfe976c9eUL, 0xff5506a9UL, 0xfa1a102cUL, 0xfbd87a1bUL,
0xf99ec442UL, 0xf85cae75UL, 0xf300e948UL, 0xf2c2837fUL, 0xf0843d26UL,
0xf1465711UL, 0xf4094194UL, 0xf5cb2ba3UL, 0xf78d95faUL, 0xf64fffcdUL,
0xd9785d60UL, 0xd8ba3757UL, 0xdafc890eUL, 0xdb3ee339UL, 0xde71f5bcUL,
0xdfb39f8bUL, 0xddf521d2UL, 0xdc374be5UL, 0xd76b0cd8UL, 0xd6a966efUL,
0xd4efd8b6UL, 0xd52db281UL, 0xd062a404UL, 0xd1a0ce33UL, 0xd3e6706aUL,
0xd2241a5dUL, 0xc55efe10UL, 0xc49c9427UL, 0xc6da2a7eUL, 0xc7184049UL,
0xc25756ccUL, 0xc3953cfbUL, 0xc1d382a2UL, 0xc011e895UL, 0xcb4dafa8UL,
0xca8fc59fUL, 0xc8c97bc6UL, 0xc90b11f1UL, 0xcc440774UL, 0xcd866d43UL,
0xcfc0d31aUL, 0xce02b92dUL, 0x91af9640UL, 0x906dfc77UL, 0x922b422eUL,
0x93e92819UL, 0x96a63e9cUL, 0x976454abUL, 0x9522eaf2UL, 0x94e080c5UL,
0x9fbcc7f8UL, 0x9e7eadcfUL, 0x9c381396UL, 0x9dfa79a1UL, 0x98b56f24UL,
0x99770513UL, 0x9b31bb4aUL, 0x9af3d17dUL, 0x8d893530UL, 0x8c4b5f07UL,
0x8e0de15eUL, 0x8fcf8b69UL, 0x8a809decUL, 0x8b42f7dbUL, 0x89044982UL,
0x88c623b5UL, 0x839a6488UL, 0x82580ebfUL, 0x801eb0e6UL, 0x81dcdad1UL,
0x8493cc54UL, 0x8551a663UL, 0x8717183aUL, 0x86d5720dUL, 0xa9e2d0a0UL,
0xa820ba97UL, 0xaa6604ceUL, 0xaba46ef9UL, 0xaeeb787cUL, 0xaf29124bUL,
0xad6fac12UL, 0xacadc625UL, 0xa7f18118UL, 0xa633eb2fUL, 0xa4755576UL,
0xa5b73f41UL, 0xa0f829c4UL, 0xa13a43f3UL, 0xa37cfdaaUL, 0xa2be979dUL,
0xb5c473d0UL, 0xb40619e7UL, 0xb640a7beUL, 0xb782cd89UL, 0xb2cddb0cUL,
0xb30fb13bUL, 0xb1490f62UL, 0xb08b6555UL, 0xbbd72268UL, 0xba15485fUL,
0xb853f606UL, 0xb9919c31UL, 0xbcde8ab4UL, 0xbd1ce083UL, 0xbf5a5edaUL,
0x00000000UL, 0xb8bc6765UL, 0xaa09c88bUL, 0x12b5afeeUL, 0x8f629757UL,
0x37def032UL, 0x256b5fdcUL, 0x9dd738b9UL, 0xc5b428efUL, 0x7d084f8aUL,
0x6fbde064UL, 0xd7018701UL, 0x4ad6bfb8UL, 0xf26ad8ddUL, 0xe0df7733UL,
0x58631056UL, 0x5019579fUL, 0xe8a530faUL, 0xfa109f14UL, 0x42acf871UL,
0xdf7bc0c8UL, 0x67c7a7adUL, 0x75720843UL, 0xcdce6f26UL, 0x95ad7f70UL,
0x2d111815UL, 0x3fa4b7fbUL, 0x8718d09eUL, 0x1acfe827UL, 0xa2738f42UL,
0xb0c620acUL, 0x087a47c9UL, 0xa032af3eUL, 0x188ec85bUL, 0x0a3b67b5UL,
0xb28700d0UL, 0x2f503869UL, 0x97ec5f0cUL, 0x8559f0e2UL, 0x3de59787UL,
0x658687d1UL, 0xdd3ae0b4UL, 0xcf8f4f5aUL, 0x7733283fUL, 0xeae41086UL,
0x525877e3UL, 0x40edd80dUL, 0xf851bf68UL, 0xf02bf8a1UL, 0x48979fc4UL,
0x5a22302aUL, 0xe29e574fUL, 0x7f496ff6UL, 0xc7f50893UL, 0xd540a77dUL,
0x6dfcc018UL, 0x359fd04eUL, 0x8d23b72bUL, 0x9f9618c5UL, 0x272a7fa0UL,
0xbafd4719UL, 0x0241207cUL, 0x10f48f92UL, 0xa848e8f7UL, 0x9b14583dUL,
0x23a83f58UL, 0x311d90b6UL, 0x89a1f7d3UL, 0x1476cf6aUL, 0xaccaa80fUL,
0xbe7f07e1UL, 0x06c36084UL, 0x5ea070d2UL, 0xe61c17b7UL, 0xf4a9b859UL,
0x4c15df3cUL, 0xd1c2e785UL, 0x697e80e0UL, 0x7bcb2f0eUL, 0xc377486bUL,
0xcb0d0fa2UL, 0x73b168c7UL, 0x6104c729UL, 0xd9b8a04cUL, 0x446f98f5UL,
0xfcd3ff90UL, 0xee66507eUL, 0x56da371bUL, 0x0eb9274dUL, 0xb6054028UL,
0xa4b0efc6UL, 0x1c0c88a3UL, 0x81dbb01aUL, 0x3967d77fUL, 0x2bd27891UL,
0x936e1ff4UL, 0x3b26f703UL, 0x839a9066UL, 0x912f3f88UL, 0x299358edUL,
0xb4446054UL, 0x0cf80731UL, 0x1e4da8dfUL, 0xa6f1cfbaUL, 0xfe92dfecUL,
0x462eb889UL, 0x549b1767UL, 0xec277002UL, 0x71f048bbUL, 0xc94c2fdeUL,
0xdbf98030UL, 0x6345e755UL, 0x6b3fa09cUL, 0xd383c7f9UL, 0xc1366817UL,
0x798a0f72UL, 0xe45d37cbUL, 0x5ce150aeUL, 0x4e54ff40UL, 0xf6e89825UL,
0xae8b8873UL, 0x1637ef16UL, 0x048240f8UL, 0xbc3e279dUL, 0x21e91f24UL,
0x99557841UL, 0x8be0d7afUL, 0x335cb0caUL, 0xed59b63bUL, 0x55e5d15eUL,
0x47507eb0UL, 0xffec19d5UL, 0x623b216cUL, 0xda874609UL, 0xc832e9e7UL,
0x708e8e82UL, 0x28ed9ed4UL, 0x9051f9b1UL, 0x82e4565fUL, 0x3a58313aUL,
0xa78f0983UL, 0x1f336ee6UL, 0x0d86c108UL, 0xb53aa66dUL, 0xbd40e1a4UL,
0x05fc86c1UL, 0x1749292fUL, 0xaff54e4aUL, 0x322276f3UL, 0x8a9e1196UL,
0x982bbe78UL, 0x2097d91dUL, 0x78f4c94bUL, 0xc048ae2eUL, 0xd2fd01c0UL,
0x6a4166a5UL, 0xf7965e1cUL, 0x4f2a3979UL, 0x5d9f9697UL, 0xe523f1f2UL,
0x4d6b1905UL, 0xf5d77e60UL, 0xe762d18eUL, 0x5fdeb6ebUL, 0xc2098e52UL,
0x7ab5e937UL, 0x680046d9UL, 0xd0bc21bcUL, 0x88df31eaUL, 0x3063568fUL,
0x22d6f961UL, 0x9a6a9e04UL, 0x07bda6bdUL, 0xbf01c1d8UL, 0xadb46e36UL,
0x15080953UL, 0x1d724e9aUL, 0xa5ce29ffUL, 0xb77b8611UL, 0x0fc7e174UL,
0x9210d9cdUL, 0x2aacbea8UL, 0x38191146UL, 0x80a57623UL, 0xd8c66675UL,
0x607a0110UL, 0x72cfaefeUL, 0xca73c99bUL, 0x57a4f122UL, 0xef189647UL,
0xfdad39a9UL, 0x45115eccUL, 0x764dee06UL, 0xcef18963UL, 0xdc44268dUL,
0x64f841e8UL, 0xf92f7951UL, 0x41931e34UL, 0x5326b1daUL, 0xeb9ad6bfUL,
0xb3f9c6e9UL, 0x0b45a18cUL, 0x19f00e62UL, 0xa14c6907UL, 0x3c9b51beUL,
0x842736dbUL, 0x96929935UL, 0x2e2efe50UL, 0x2654b999UL, 0x9ee8defcUL,
0x8c5d7112UL, 0x34e11677UL, 0xa9362eceUL, 0x118a49abUL, 0x033fe645UL,
0xbb838120UL, 0xe3e09176UL, 0x5b5cf613UL, 0x49e959fdUL, 0xf1553e98UL,
0x6c820621UL, 0xd43e6144UL, 0xc68bceaaUL, 0x7e37a9cfUL, 0xd67f4138UL,
0x6ec3265dUL, 0x7c7689b3UL, 0xc4caeed6UL, 0x591dd66fUL, 0xe1a1b10aUL,
0xf3141ee4UL, 0x4ba87981UL, 0x13cb69d7UL, 0xab770eb2UL, 0xb9c2a15cUL,
0x017ec639UL, 0x9ca9fe80UL, 0x241599e5UL, 0x36a0360bUL, 0x8e1c516eUL,
0x866616a7UL, 0x3eda71c2UL, 0x2c6fde2cUL, 0x94d3b949UL, 0x090481f0UL,
0xb1b8e695UL, 0xa30d497bUL, 0x1bb12e1eUL, 0x43d23e48UL, 0xfb6e592dUL,
0xe9dbf6c3UL, 0x516791a6UL, 0xccb0a91fUL, 0x740cce7aUL, 0x66b96194UL,
0x00000000UL, 0x96300777UL, 0x2c610eeeUL, 0xba510999UL, 0x19c46d07UL,
0x8ff46a70UL, 0x35a563e9UL, 0xa395649eUL, 0x3288db0eUL, 0xa4b8dc79UL,
0x1ee9d5e0UL, 0x88d9d297UL, 0x2b4cb609UL, 0xbd7cb17eUL, 0x072db8e7UL,
0x911dbf90UL, 0x6410b71dUL, 0xf220b06aUL, 0x4871b9f3UL, 0xde41be84UL,
0x7dd4da1aUL, 0xebe4dd6dUL, 0x51b5d4f4UL, 0xc785d383UL, 0x56986c13UL,
0xc0a86b64UL, 0x7af962fdUL, 0xecc9658aUL, 0x4f5c0114UL, 0xd96c0663UL,
0x633d0ffaUL, 0xf50d088dUL, 0xc8206e3bUL, 0x5e10694cUL, 0xe44160d5UL,
0x727167a2UL, 0xd1e4033cUL, 0x47d4044bUL, 0xfd850dd2UL, 0x6bb50aa5UL,
0xfaa8b535UL, 0x6c98b242UL, 0xd6c9bbdbUL, 0x40f9bcacUL, 0xe36cd832UL,
0x755cdf45UL, 0xcf0dd6dcUL, 0x593dd1abUL, 0xac30d926UL, 0x3a00de51UL,
0x8051d7c8UL, 0x1661d0bfUL, 0xb5f4b421UL, 0x23c4b356UL, 0x9995bacfUL,
0x0fa5bdb8UL, 0x9eb80228UL, 0x0888055fUL, 0xb2d90cc6UL, 0x24e90bb1UL,
0x877c6f2fUL, 0x114c6858UL, 0xab1d61c1UL, 0x3d2d66b6UL, 0x9041dc76UL,
0x0671db01UL, 0xbc20d298UL, 0x2a10d5efUL, 0x8985b171UL, 0x1fb5b606UL,
0xa5e4bf9fUL, 0x33d4b8e8UL, 0xa2c90778UL, 0x34f9000fUL, 0x8ea80996UL,
0x18980ee1UL, 0xbb0d6a7fUL, 0x2d3d6d08UL, 0x976c6491UL, 0x015c63e6UL,
0xf4516b6bUL, 0x62616c1cUL, 0xd8306585UL, 0x4e0062f2UL, 0xed95066cUL,
0x7ba5011bUL, 0xc1f40882UL, 0x57c40ff5UL, 0xc6d9b065UL, 0x50e9b712UL,
0xeab8be8bUL, 0x7c88b9fcUL, 0xdf1ddd62UL, 0x492dda15UL, 0xf37cd38cUL,
0x654cd4fbUL, 0x5861b24dUL, 0xce51b53aUL, 0x7400bca3UL, 0xe230bbd4UL,
0x41a5df4aUL, 0xd795d83dUL, 0x6dc4d1a4UL, 0xfbf4d6d3UL, 0x6ae96943UL,
0xfcd96e34UL, 0x468867adUL, 0xd0b860daUL, 0x732d0444UL, 0xe51d0333UL,
0x5f4c0aaaUL, 0xc97c0dddUL, 0x3c710550UL, 0xaa410227UL, 0x10100bbeUL,
0x86200cc9UL, 0x25b56857UL, 0xb3856f20UL, 0x09d466b9UL, 0x9fe461ceUL,
0x0ef9de5eUL, 0x98c9d929UL, 0x2298d0b0UL, 0xb4a8d7c7UL, 0x173db359UL,
0x810db42eUL, 0x3b5cbdb7UL, 0xad6cbac0UL, 0x2083b8edUL, 0xb6b3bf9aUL,
0x0ce2b603UL, 0x9ad2b174UL, 0x3947d5eaUL, 0xaf77d29dUL, 0x1526db04UL,
0x8316dc73UL, 0x120b63e3UL, 0x843b6494UL, 0x3e6a6d0dUL, 0xa85a6a7aUL,
0x0bcf0ee4UL, 0x9dff0993UL, 0x27ae000aUL, 0xb19e077dUL, 0x44930ff0UL,
0xd2a30887UL, 0x68f2011eUL, 0xfec20669UL, 0x5d5762f7UL, 0xcb676580UL,
0x71366c19UL, 0xe7066b6eUL, 0x761bd4feUL, 0xe02bd389UL, 0x5a7ada10UL,
0xcc4add67UL, 0x6fdfb9f9UL, 0xf9efbe8eUL, 0x43beb717UL, 0xd58eb060UL,
0xe8a3d6d6UL, 0x7e93d1a1UL, 0xc4c2d838UL, 0x52f2df4fUL, 0xf167bbd1UL,
0x6757bca6UL, 0xdd06b53fUL, 0x4b36b248UL, 0xda2b0dd8UL, 0x4c1b0aafUL,
0xf64a0336UL, 0x607a0441UL, 0xc3ef60dfUL, 0x55df67a8UL, 0xef8e6e31UL,
0x79be6946UL, 0x8cb361cbUL, 0x1a8366bcUL, 0xa0d26f25UL, 0x36e26852UL,
0x95770cccUL, 0x03470bbbUL, 0xb9160222UL, 0x2f260555UL, 0xbe3bbac5UL,
0x280bbdb2UL, 0x925ab42bUL, 0x046ab35cUL, 0xa7ffd7c2UL, 0x31cfd0b5UL,
0x8b9ed92cUL, 0x1daede5bUL, 0xb0c2649bUL, 0x26f263ecUL, 0x9ca36a75UL,
0x0a936d02UL, 0xa906099cUL, 0x3f360eebUL, 0x85670772UL, 0x13570005UL,
0x824abf95UL, 0x147ab8e2UL, 0xae2bb17bUL, 0x381bb60cUL, 0x9b8ed292UL,
0x0dbed5e5UL, 0xb7efdc7cUL, 0x21dfdb0bUL, 0xd4d2d386UL, 0x42e2d4f1UL,
0xf8b3dd68UL, 0x6e83da1fUL, 0xcd16be81UL, 0x5b26b9f6UL, 0xe177b06fUL,
0x7747b718UL, 0xe65a0888UL, 0x706a0fffUL, 0xca3b0666UL, 0x5c0b0111UL,
0xff9e658fUL, 0x69ae62f8UL, 0xd3ff6b61UL, 0x45cf6c16UL, 0x78e20aa0UL,
0xeed20dd7UL, 0x5483044eUL, 0xc2b30339UL, 0x612667a7UL, 0xf71660d0UL,
0x4d476949UL, 0xdb776e3eUL, 0x4a6ad1aeUL, 0xdc5ad6d9UL, 0x660bdf40UL,
0xf03bd837UL, 0x53aebca9UL, 0xc59ebbdeUL, 0x7fcfb247UL, 0xe9ffb530UL,
0x1cf2bdbdUL, 0x8ac2bacaUL, 0x3093b353UL, 0xa6a3b424UL, 0x0536d0baUL,
0x9306d7cdUL, 0x2957de54UL, 0xbf67d923UL, 0x2e7a66b3UL, 0xb84a61c4UL,
0x021b685dUL, 0x942b6f2aUL, 0x37be0bb4UL, 0xa18e0cc3UL, 0x1bdf055aUL,
0x00000000UL, 0x41311b19UL, 0x82623632UL, 0xc3532d2bUL, 0x04c56c64UL,
0x45f4777dUL, 0x86a75a56UL, 0xc796414fUL, 0x088ad9c8UL, 0x49bbc2d1UL,
0x8ae8effaUL, 0xcbd9f4e3UL, 0x0c4fb5acUL, 0x4d7eaeb5UL, 0x8e2d839eUL,
0xcf1c9887UL, 0x5112c24aUL, 0x1023d953UL, 0xd370f478UL, 0x9241ef61UL,
0x55d7ae2eUL, 0x14e6b537UL, 0xd7b5981cUL, 0x96848305UL, 0x59981b82UL,
0x18a9009bUL, 0xdbfa2db0UL, 0x9acb36a9UL, 0x5d5d77e6UL, 0x1c6c6cffUL,
0xdf3f41d4UL, 0x9e0e5acdUL, 0xa2248495UL, 0xe3159f8cUL, 0x2046b2a7UL,
0x6177a9beUL, 0xa6e1e8f1UL, 0xe7d0f3e8UL, 0x2483dec3UL, 0x65b2c5daUL,
0xaaae5d5dUL, 0xeb9f4644UL, 0x28cc6b6fUL, 0x69fd7076UL, 0xae6b3139UL,
0xef5a2a20UL, 0x2c09070bUL, 0x6d381c12UL, 0xf33646dfUL, 0xb2075dc6UL,
0x715470edUL, 0x30656bf4UL, 0xf7f32abbUL, 0xb6c231a2UL, 0x75911c89UL,
0x34a00790UL, 0xfbbc9f17UL, 0xba8d840eUL, 0x79dea925UL, 0x38efb23cUL,
0xff79f373UL, 0xbe48e86aUL, 0x7d1bc541UL, 0x3c2ade58UL, 0x054f79f0UL,
0x447e62e9UL, 0x872d4fc2UL, 0xc61c54dbUL, 0x018a1594UL, 0x40bb0e8dUL,
0x83e823a6UL, 0xc2d938bfUL, 0x0dc5a038UL, 0x4cf4bb21UL, 0x8fa7960aUL,
0xce968d13UL, 0x0900cc5cUL, 0x4831d745UL, 0x8b62fa6eUL, 0xca53e177UL,
0x545dbbbaUL, 0x156ca0a3UL, 0xd63f8d88UL, 0x970e9691UL, 0x5098d7deUL,
0x11a9ccc7UL, 0xd2fae1ecUL, 0x93cbfaf5UL, 0x5cd76272UL, 0x1de6796bUL,
0xdeb55440UL, 0x9f844f59UL, 0x58120e16UL, 0x1923150fUL, 0xda703824UL,
0x9b41233dUL, 0xa76bfd65UL, 0xe65ae67cUL, 0x2509cb57UL, 0x6438d04eUL,
0xa3ae9101UL, 0xe29f8a18UL, 0x21cca733UL, 0x60fdbc2aUL, 0xafe124adUL,
0xeed03fb4UL, 0x2d83129fUL, 0x6cb20986UL, 0xab2448c9UL, 0xea1553d0UL,
0x29467efbUL, 0x687765e2UL, 0xf6793f2fUL, 0xb7482436UL, 0x741b091dUL,
0x352a1204UL, 0xf2bc534bUL, 0xb38d4852UL, 0x70de6579UL, 0x31ef7e60UL,
0xfef3e6e7UL, 0xbfc2fdfeUL, 0x7c91d0d5UL, 0x3da0cbccUL, 0xfa368a83UL,
0xbb07919aUL, 0x7854bcb1UL, 0x3965a7a8UL, 0x4b98833bUL, 0x0aa99822UL,
0xc9fab509UL, 0x88cbae10UL, 0x4f5def5fUL, 0x0e6cf446UL, 0xcd3fd96dUL,
0x8c0ec274UL, 0x43125af3UL, 0x022341eaUL, 0xc1706cc1UL, 0x804177d8UL,
0x47d73697UL, 0x06e62d8eUL, 0xc5b500a5UL, 0x84841bbcUL, 0x1a8a4171UL,
0x5bbb5a68UL, 0x98e87743UL, 0xd9d96c5aUL, 0x1e4f2d15UL, 0x5f7e360cUL,
0x9c2d1b27UL, 0xdd1c003eUL, 0x120098b9UL, 0x533183a0UL, 0x9062ae8bUL,
0xd153b592UL, 0x16c5f4ddUL, 0x57f4efc4UL, 0x94a7c2efUL, 0xd596d9f6UL,
0xe9bc07aeUL, 0xa88d1cb7UL, 0x6bde319cUL, 0x2aef2a85UL, 0xed796bcaUL,
0xac4870d3UL, 0x6f1b5df8UL, 0x2e2a46e1UL, 0xe136de66UL, 0xa007c57fUL,
0x6354e854UL, 0x2265f34dUL, 0xe5f3b202UL, 0xa4c2a91bUL, 0x67918430UL,
0x26a09f29UL, 0xb8aec5e4UL, 0xf99fdefdUL, 0x3accf3d6UL, 0x7bfde8cfUL,
0xbc6ba980UL, 0xfd5ab299UL, 0x3e099fb2UL, 0x7f3884abUL, 0xb0241c2cUL,
0xf1150735UL, 0x32462a1eUL, 0x73773107UL, 0xb4e17048UL, 0xf5d06b51UL,
0x3683467aUL, 0x77b25d63UL, 0x4ed7facbUL, 0x0fe6e1d2UL, 0xccb5ccf9UL,
0x8d84d7e0UL, 0x4a1296afUL, 0x0b238db6UL, 0xc870a09dUL, 0x8941bb84UL,
0x465d2303UL, 0x076c381aUL, 0xc43f1531UL, 0x850e0e28UL, 0x42984f67UL,
0x03a9547eUL, 0xc0fa7955UL, 0x81cb624cUL, 0x1fc53881UL, 0x5ef42398UL,
0x9da70eb3UL, 0xdc9615aaUL, 0x1b0054e5UL, 0x5a314ffcUL, 0x996262d7UL,
0xd85379ceUL, 0x174fe149UL, 0x567efa50UL, 0x952dd77bUL, 0xd41ccc62UL,
0x138a8d2dUL, 0x52bb9634UL, 0x91e8bb1fUL, 0xd0d9a006UL, 0xecf37e5eUL,
0xadc26547UL, 0x6e91486cUL, 0x2fa05375UL, 0xe836123aUL, 0xa9070923UL,
0x6a542408UL, 0x2b653f11UL, 0xe479a796UL, 0xa548bc8fUL, 0x661b91a4UL,
0x272a8abdUL, 0xe0bccbf2UL, 0xa18dd0ebUL, 0x62defdc0UL, 0x23efe6d9UL,
0xbde1bc14UL, 0xfcd0a70dUL, 0x3f838a26UL, 0x7eb2913fUL, 0xb924d070UL,
0xf815cb69UL, 0x3b46e642UL, 0x7a77fd5bUL, 0xb56b65dcUL, 0xf45a7ec5UL,
0x370953eeUL, 0x763848f7UL, 0xb1ae09b8UL, 0xf09f12a1UL, 0x33cc3f8aUL,
0x00000000UL, 0x376ac201UL, 0x6ed48403UL, 0x59be4602UL, 0xdca80907UL,
0xebc2cb06UL, 0xb27c8d04UL, 0x85164f05UL, 0xb851130eUL, 0x8f3bd10fUL,
0xd685970dUL, 0xe1ef550cUL, 0x64f91a09UL, 0x5393d808UL, 0x0a2d9e0aUL,
0x3d475c0bUL, 0x70a3261cUL, 0x47c9e41dUL, 0x1e77a21fUL, 0x291d601eUL,
0xac0b2f1bUL, 0x9b61ed1aUL, 0xc2dfab18UL, 0xf5b56919UL, 0xc8f23512UL,
0xff98f713UL, 0xa626b111UL, 0x914c7310UL, 0x145a3c15UL, 0x2330fe14UL,
0x7a8eb816UL, 0x4de47a17UL, 0xe0464d38UL, 0xd72c8f39UL, 0x8e92c93bUL,
0xb9f80b3aUL, 0x3cee443fUL, 0x0b84863eUL, 0x523ac03cUL, 0x6550023dUL,
0x58175e36UL, 0x6f7d9c37UL, 0x36c3da35UL, 0x01a91834UL, 0x84bf5731UL,
0xb3d59530UL, 0xea6bd332UL, 0xdd011133UL, 0x90e56b24UL, 0xa78fa925UL,
0xfe31ef27UL, 0xc95b2d26UL, 0x4c4d6223UL, 0x7b27a022UL, 0x2299e620UL,
0x15f32421UL, 0x28b4782aUL, 0x1fdeba2bUL, 0x4660fc29UL, 0x710a3e28UL,
0xf41c712dUL, 0xc376b32cUL, 0x9ac8f52eUL, 0xada2372fUL, 0xc08d9a70UL,
0xf7e75871UL, 0xae591e73UL, 0x9933dc72UL, 0x1c259377UL, 0x2b4f5176UL,
0x72f11774UL, 0x459bd575UL, 0x78dc897eUL, 0x4fb64b7fUL, 0x16080d7dUL,
0x2162cf7cUL, 0xa4748079UL, 0x931e4278UL, 0xcaa0047aUL, 0xfdcac67bUL,
0xb02ebc6cUL, 0x87447e6dUL, 0xdefa386fUL, 0xe990fa6eUL, 0x6c86b56bUL,
0x5bec776aUL, 0x02523168UL, 0x3538f369UL, 0x087faf62UL, 0x3f156d63UL,
0x66ab2b61UL, 0x51c1e960UL, 0xd4d7a665UL, 0xe3bd6464UL, 0xba032266UL,
0x8d69e067UL, 0x20cbd748UL, 0x17a11549UL, 0x4e1f534bUL, 0x7975914aUL,
0xfc63de4fUL, 0xcb091c4eUL, 0x92b75a4cUL, 0xa5dd984dUL, 0x989ac446UL,
0xaff00647UL, 0xf64e4045UL, 0xc1248244UL, 0x4432cd41UL, 0x73580f40UL,
0x2ae64942UL, 0x1d8c8b43UL, 0x5068f154UL, 0x67023355UL, 0x3ebc7557UL,
0x09d6b756UL, 0x8cc0f853UL, 0xbbaa3a52UL, 0xe2147c50UL, 0xd57ebe51UL,
0xe839e25aUL, 0xdf53205bUL, 0x86ed6659UL, 0xb187a458UL, 0x3491eb5dUL,
0x03fb295cUL, 0x5a456f5eUL, 0x6d2fad5fUL, 0x801b35e1UL, 0xb771f7e0UL,
0xeecfb1e2UL, 0xd9a573e3UL, 0x5cb33ce6UL, 0x6bd9fee7UL, 0x3267b8e5UL,
0x050d7ae4UL, 0x384a26efUL, 0x0f20e4eeUL, 0x569ea2ecUL, 0x61f460edUL,
0xe4e22fe8UL, 0xd388ede9UL, 0x8a36abebUL, 0xbd5c69eaUL, 0xf0b813fdUL,
0xc7d2d1fcUL, 0x9e6c97feUL, 0xa90655ffUL, 0x2c101afaUL, 0x1b7ad8fbUL,
0x42c49ef9UL, 0x75ae5cf8UL, 0x48e900f3UL, 0x7f83c2f2UL, 0x263d84f0UL,
0x115746f1UL, 0x944109f4UL, 0xa32bcbf5UL, 0xfa958df7UL, 0xcdff4ff6UL,
0x605d78d9UL, 0x5737bad8UL, 0x0e89fcdaUL, 0x39e33edbUL, 0xbcf571deUL,
0x8b9fb3dfUL, 0xd221f5ddUL, 0xe54b37dcUL, 0xd80c6bd7UL, 0xef66a9d6UL,
0xb6d8efd4UL, 0x81b22dd5UL, 0x04a462d0UL, 0x33cea0d1UL, 0x6a70e6d3UL,
0x5d1a24d2UL, 0x10fe5ec5UL, 0x27949cc4UL, 0x7e2adac6UL, 0x494018c7UL,
0xcc5657c2UL, 0xfb3c95c3UL, 0xa282d3c1UL, 0x95e811c0UL, 0xa8af4dcbUL,
0x9fc58fcaUL, 0xc67bc9c8UL, 0xf1110bc9UL, 0x740744ccUL, 0x436d86cdUL,
0x1ad3c0cfUL, 0x2db902ceUL, 0x4096af91UL, 0x77fc6d90UL, 0x2e422b92UL,
0x1928e993UL, 0x9c3ea696UL, 0xab546497UL, 0xf2ea2295UL, 0xc580e094UL,
0xf8c7bc9fUL, 0xcfad7e9eUL, 0x9613389cUL, 0xa179fa9dUL, 0x246fb598UL,
0x13057799UL, 0x4abb319bUL, 0x7dd1f39aUL, 0x3035898dUL, 0x075f4b8cUL,
0x5ee10d8eUL, 0x698bcf8fUL, 0xec9d808aUL, 0xdbf7428bUL, 0x82490489UL,
0xb523c688UL, 0x88649a83UL, 0xbf0e5882UL, 0xe6b01e80UL, 0xd1dadc81UL,
0x54cc9384UL, 0x63a65185UL, 0x3a181787UL, 0x0d72d586UL, 0xa0d0e2a9UL,
0x97ba20a8UL, 0xce0466aaUL, 0xf96ea4abUL, 0x7c78ebaeUL, 0x4b1229afUL,
0x12ac6fadUL, 0x25c6adacUL, 0x1881f1a7UL, 0x2feb33a6UL, 0x765575a4UL,
0x413fb7a5UL, 0xc429f8a0UL, 0xf3433aa1UL, 0xaafd7ca3UL, 0x9d97bea2UL,
0xd073c4b5UL, 0xe71906b4UL, 0xbea740b6UL, 0x89cd82b7UL, 0x0cdbcdb2UL,
0x3bb10fb3UL, 0x620f49b1UL, 0x55658bb0UL, 0x6822d7bbUL, 0x5f4815baUL,
0x06f653b8UL, 0x319c91b9UL, 0xb48adebcUL, 0x83e01cbdUL, 0xda5e5abfUL,
0x00000000UL, 0x6567bcb8UL, 0x8bc809aaUL, 0xeeafb512UL, 0x5797628fUL,
0x32f0de37UL, 0xdc5f6b25UL, 0xb938d79dUL, 0xef28b4c5UL, 0x8a4f087dUL,
0x64e0bd6fUL, 0x018701d7UL, 0xb8bfd64aUL, 0xddd86af2UL, 0x3377dfe0UL,
0x56106358UL, 0x9f571950UL, 0xfa30a5e8UL, 0x149f10faUL, 0x71f8ac42UL,
0xc8c07bdfUL, 0xada7c767UL, 0x43087275UL, 0x266fcecdUL, 0x707fad95UL,
0x1518112dUL, 0xfbb7a43fUL, 0x9ed01887UL, 0x27e8cf1aUL, 0x428f73a2UL,
0xac20c6b0UL, 0xc9477a08UL, 0x3eaf32a0UL, 0x5bc88e18UL, 0xb5673b0aUL,
0xd00087b2UL, 0x6938502fUL, 0x0c5fec97UL, 0xe2f05985UL, 0x8797e53dUL,
0xd1878665UL, 0xb4e03addUL, 0x5a4f8fcfUL, 0x3f283377UL, 0x8610e4eaUL,
0xe3775852UL, 0x0dd8ed40UL, 0x68bf51f8UL, 0xa1f82bf0UL, 0xc49f9748UL,
0x2a30225aUL, 0x4f579ee2UL, 0xf66f497fUL, 0x9308f5c7UL, 0x7da740d5UL,
0x18c0fc6dUL, 0x4ed09f35UL, 0x2bb7238dUL, 0xc518969fUL, 0xa07f2a27UL,
0x1947fdbaUL, 0x7c204102UL, 0x928ff410UL, 0xf7e848a8UL, 0x3d58149bUL,
0x583fa823UL, 0xb6901d31UL, 0xd3f7a189UL, 0x6acf7614UL, 0x0fa8caacUL,
0xe1077fbeUL, 0x8460c306UL, 0xd270a05eUL, 0xb7171ce6UL, 0x59b8a9f4UL,
0x3cdf154cUL, 0x85e7c2d1UL, 0xe0807e69UL, 0x0e2fcb7bUL, 0x6b4877c3UL,
0xa20f0dcbUL, 0xc768b173UL, 0x29c70461UL, 0x4ca0b8d9UL, 0xf5986f44UL,
0x90ffd3fcUL, 0x7e5066eeUL, 0x1b37da56UL, 0x4d27b90eUL, 0x284005b6UL,
0xc6efb0a4UL, 0xa3880c1cUL, 0x1ab0db81UL, 0x7fd76739UL, 0x9178d22bUL,
0xf41f6e93UL, 0x03f7263bUL, 0x66909a83UL, 0x883f2f91UL, 0xed589329UL,
0x546044b4UL, 0x3107f80cUL, 0xdfa84d1eUL, 0xbacff1a6UL, 0xecdf92feUL,
0x89b82e46UL, 0x67179b54UL, 0x027027ecUL, 0xbb48f071UL, 0xde2f4cc9UL,
0x3080f9dbUL, 0x55e74563UL, 0x9ca03f6bUL, 0xf9c783d3UL, 0x176836c1UL,
0x720f8a79UL, 0xcb375de4UL, 0xae50e15cUL, 0x40ff544eUL, 0x2598e8f6UL,
0x73888baeUL, 0x16ef3716UL, 0xf8408204UL, 0x9d273ebcUL, 0x241fe921UL,
0x41785599UL, 0xafd7e08bUL, 0xcab05c33UL, 0x3bb659edUL, 0x5ed1e555UL,
0xb07e5047UL, 0xd519ecffUL, 0x6c213b62UL, 0x094687daUL, 0xe7e932c8UL,
0x828e8e70UL, 0xd49eed28UL, 0xb1f95190UL, 0x5f56e482UL, 0x3a31583aUL,
0x83098fa7UL, 0xe66e331fUL, 0x08c1860dUL, 0x6da63ab5UL, 0xa4e140bdUL,
0xc186fc05UL, 0x2f294917UL, 0x4a4ef5afUL, 0xf3762232UL, 0x96119e8aUL,
0x78be2b98UL, 0x1dd99720UL, 0x4bc9f478UL, 0x2eae48c0UL, 0xc001fdd2UL,
0xa566416aUL, 0x1c5e96f7UL, 0x79392a4fUL, 0x97969f5dUL, 0xf2f123e5UL,
0x05196b4dUL, 0x607ed7f5UL, 0x8ed162e7UL, 0xebb6de5fUL, 0x528e09c2UL,
0x37e9b57aUL, 0xd9460068UL, 0xbc21bcd0UL, 0xea31df88UL, 0x8f566330UL,
0x61f9d622UL, 0x049e6a9aUL, 0xbda6bd07UL, 0xd8c101bfUL, 0x366eb4adUL,
0x53090815UL, 0x9a4e721dUL, 0xff29cea5UL, 0x11867bb7UL, 0x74e1c70fUL,
0xcdd91092UL, 0xa8beac2aUL, 0x46111938UL, 0x2376a580UL, 0x7566c6d8UL,
0x10017a60UL, 0xfeaecf72UL, 0x9bc973caUL, 0x22f1a457UL, 0x479618efUL,
0xa939adfdUL, 0xcc5e1145UL, 0x06ee4d76UL, 0x6389f1ceUL, 0x8d2644dcUL,
0xe841f864UL, 0x51792ff9UL, 0x341e9341UL, 0xdab12653UL, 0xbfd69aebUL,
0xe9c6f9b3UL, 0x8ca1450bUL, 0x620ef019UL, 0x07694ca1UL, 0xbe519b3cUL,
0xdb362784UL, 0x35999296UL, 0x50fe2e2eUL, 0x99b95426UL, 0xfcdee89eUL,
0x12715d8cUL, 0x7716e134UL, 0xce2e36a9UL, 0xab498a11UL, 0x45e63f03UL,
0x208183bbUL, 0x7691e0e3UL, 0x13f65c5bUL, 0xfd59e949UL, 0x983e55f1UL,
0x2106826cUL, 0x44613ed4UL, 0xaace8bc6UL, 0xcfa9377eUL, 0x38417fd6UL,
0x5d26c36eUL, 0xb389767cUL, 0xd6eecac4UL, 0x6fd61d59UL, 0x0ab1a1e1UL,
0xe41e14f3UL, 0x8179a84bUL, 0xd769cb13UL, 0xb20e77abUL, 0x5ca1c2b9UL,
0x39c67e01UL, 0x80fea99cUL, 0xe5991524UL, 0x0b36a036UL, 0x6e511c8eUL,
0xa7166686UL, 0xc271da3eUL, 0x2cde6f2cUL, 0x49b9d394UL, 0xf0810409UL,
0x95e6b8b1UL, 0x7b490da3UL, 0x1e2eb11bUL, 0x483ed243UL, 0x2d596efbUL,
0xc3f6dbe9UL, 0xa6916751UL, 0x1fa9b0ccUL, 0x7ace0c74UL, 0x9461b966UL,

SkinInstaller/zlib/deflate.c Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
/* deflate.h -- internal compression state
* Copyright (C) 1995-2010 Jean-loup Gailly
* For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
/* WARNING: this file should *not* be used by applications. It is
part of the implementation of the compression library and is
subject to change. Applications should only use zlib.h.
/* @(#) $Id$ */
#ifndef DEFLATE_H
#define DEFLATE_H
#include "zutil.h"
/* define NO_GZIP when compiling if you want to disable gzip header and
trailer creation by deflate(). NO_GZIP would be used to avoid linking in
the crc code when it is not needed. For shared libraries, gzip encoding
should be left enabled. */
#ifndef NO_GZIP
# define GZIP
/* ===========================================================================
* Internal compression state.
#define LENGTH_CODES 29
/* number of length codes, not counting the special END_BLOCK code */
#define LITERALS 256
/* number of literal bytes 0..255 */
/* number of Literal or Length codes, including the END_BLOCK code */
#define D_CODES 30
/* number of distance codes */
#define BL_CODES 19
/* number of codes used to transfer the bit lengths */
#define HEAP_SIZE (2*L_CODES+1)
/* maximum heap size */
#define MAX_BITS 15
/* All codes must not exceed MAX_BITS bits */
#define INIT_STATE 42
#define EXTRA_STATE 69
#define NAME_STATE 73
#define COMMENT_STATE 91
#define HCRC_STATE 103
#define BUSY_STATE 113
#define FINISH_STATE 666
/* Stream status */
/* Data structure describing a single value and its code string. */
typedef struct ct_data_s {
union {
ush freq; /* frequency count */
ush code; /* bit string */
} fc;
union {
ush dad; /* father node in Huffman tree */
ush len; /* length of bit string */
} dl;
} FAR ct_data;
#define Freq fc.freq
#define Code fc.code
#define Dad dl.dad
#define Len dl.len
typedef struct static_tree_desc_s static_tree_desc;
typedef struct tree_desc_s {
ct_data *dyn_tree; /* the dynamic tree */
int max_code; /* largest code with non zero frequency */
static_tree_desc *stat_desc; /* the corresponding static tree */
} FAR tree_desc;
typedef ush Pos;
typedef Pos FAR Posf;
typedef unsigned IPos;
/* A Pos is an index in the character window. We use short instead of int to
* save space in the various tables. IPos is used only for parameter passing.
typedef struct internal_state {
z_streamp strm; /* pointer back to this zlib stream */
int status; /* as the name implies */
Bytef *pending_buf; /* output still pending */
ulg pending_buf_size; /* size of pending_buf */
Bytef *pending_out; /* next pending byte to output to the stream */
uInt pending; /* nb of bytes in the pending buffer */
int wrap; /* bit 0 true for zlib, bit 1 true for gzip */
gz_headerp gzhead; /* gzip header information to write */
uInt gzindex; /* where in extra, name, or comment */
Byte method; /* STORED (for zip only) or DEFLATED */
int last_flush; /* value of flush param for previous deflate call */
/* used by deflate.c: */
uInt w_size; /* LZ77 window size (32K by default) */
uInt w_bits; /* log2(w_size) (8..16) */
uInt w_mask; /* w_size - 1 */
Bytef *window;
/* Sliding window. Input bytes are read into the second half of the window,
* and move to the first half later to keep a dictionary of at least wSize
* bytes. With this organization, matches are limited to a distance of
* wSize-MAX_MATCH bytes, but this ensures that IO is always
* performed with a length multiple of the block size. Also, it limits
* the window size to 64K, which is quite useful on MSDOS.
* To do: use the user input buffer as sliding window.
ulg window_size;
/* Actual size of window: 2*wSize, except when the user input buffer
* is directly used as sliding window.
Posf *prev;
/* Link to older string with same hash index. To limit the size of this
* array to 64K, this link is maintained only for the last 32K strings.
* An index in this array is thus a window index modulo 32K.
Posf *head; /* Heads of the hash chains or NIL. */
uInt ins_h; /* hash index of string to be inserted */
uInt hash_size; /* number of elements in hash table */
uInt hash_bits; /* log2(hash_size) */
uInt hash_mask; /* hash_size-1 */
uInt hash_shift;
/* Number of bits by which ins_h must be shifted at each input
* step. It must be such that after MIN_MATCH steps, the oldest
* byte no longer takes part in the hash key, that is:
* hash_shift * MIN_MATCH >= hash_bits
long block_start;
/* Window position at the beginning of the current output block. Gets
* negative when the window is moved backwards.
uInt match_length; /* length of best match */
IPos prev_match; /* previous match */
int match_available; /* set if previous match exists */
uInt strstart; /* start of string to insert */
uInt match_start; /* start of matching string */
uInt lookahead; /* number of valid bytes ahead in window */
uInt prev_length;
/* Length of the best match at previous step. Matches not greater than this
* are discarded. This is used in the lazy match evaluation.
uInt max_chain_length;
/* To speed up deflation, hash chains are never searched beyond this
* length. A higher limit improves compression ratio but degrades the
* speed.
uInt max_lazy_match;
/* Attempt to find a better match only when the current match is strictly
* smaller than this value. This mechanism is used only for compression
* levels >= 4.
# define max_insert_length max_lazy_match
/* Insert new strings in the hash table only if the match length is not
* greater than this length. This saves time but degrades compression.
* max_insert_length is used only for compression levels <= 3.
int level; /* compression level (1..9) */
int strategy; /* favor or force Huffman coding*/
uInt good_match;
/* Use a faster search when the previous match is longer than this */
int nice_match; /* Stop searching when current match exceeds this */
/* used by trees.c: */
/* Didn't use ct_data typedef below to supress compiler warning */
struct ct_data_s dyn_ltree[HEAP_SIZE]; /* literal and length tree */
struct ct_data_s dyn_dtree[2*D_CODES+1]; /* distance tree */
struct ct_data_s bl_tree[2*BL_CODES+1]; /* Huffman tree for bit lengths */
struct tree_desc_s l_desc; /* desc. for literal tree */
struct tree_desc_s d_desc; /* desc. for distance tree */
struct tree_desc_s bl_desc; /* desc. for bit length tree */
ush bl_count[MAX_BITS+1];
/* number of codes at each bit length for an optimal tree */
int heap[2*L_CODES+1]; /* heap used to build the Huffman trees */
int heap_len; /* number of elements in the heap */
int heap_max; /* element of largest frequency */
/* The sons of heap[n] are heap[2*n] and heap[2*n+1]. heap[0] is not used.
* The same heap array is used to build all trees.
uch depth[2*L_CODES+1];
/* Depth of each subtree used as tie breaker for trees of equal frequency
uchf *l_buf; /* buffer for literals or lengths */
uInt lit_bufsize;
/* Size of match buffer for literals/lengths. There are 4 reasons for
* limiting lit_bufsize to 64K:
* - frequencies can be kept in 16 bit counters
* - if compression is not successful for the first block, all input
* data is still in the window so we can still emit a stored block even
* when input comes from standard input. (This can also be done for
* all blocks if lit_bufsize is not greater than 32K.)
* - if compression is not successful for a file smaller than 64K, we can
* even emit a stored file instead of a stored block (saving 5 bytes).
* This is applicable only for zip (not gzip or zlib).
* - creating new Huffman trees less frequently may not provide fast
* adaptation to changes in the input data statistics. (Take for
* example a binary file with poorly compressible code followed by
* a highly compressible string table.) Smaller buffer sizes give
* fast adaptation but have of course the overhead of transmitting
* trees more frequently.
* - I can't count above 4
uInt last_lit; /* running index in l_buf */
ushf *d_buf;
/* Buffer for distances. To simplify the code, d_buf and l_buf have
* the same number of elements. To use different lengths, an extra flag
* array would be necessary.
ulg opt_len; /* bit length of current block with optimal trees */
ulg static_len; /* bit length of current block with static trees */
uInt matches; /* number of string matches in current block */
int last_eob_len; /* bit length of EOB code for last block */
#ifdef DEBUG
ulg compressed_len; /* total bit length of compressed file mod 2^32 */
ulg bits_sent; /* bit length of compressed data sent mod 2^32 */
ush bi_buf;
/* Output buffer. bits are inserted starting at the bottom (least
* significant bits).
int bi_valid;
/* Number of valid bits in bi_buf. All bits above the last valid bit
* are always zero.
ulg high_water;
/* High water mark offset in window for initialized bytes -- bytes above
* this are set to zero in order to avoid memory check warnings when
* longest match routines access bytes past the input. This is then
* updated to the new high water mark.
} FAR deflate_state;
/* Output a byte on the stream.
* IN assertion: there is enough room in pending_buf.
#define put_byte(s, c) {s->pending_buf[s->pending++] = (c);}
/* Minimum amount of lookahead, except at the end of the input file.
* See deflate.c for comments about the MIN_MATCH+1.
#define MAX_DIST(s) ((s)->w_size-MIN_LOOKAHEAD)
/* In order to simplify the code, particularly on 16 bit machines, match
* distances are limited to MAX_DIST instead of WSIZE.
/* Number of bytes after end of data in window to initialize in order to avoid
memory checker errors from longest match routines */
/* in trees.c */
void ZLIB_INTERNAL _tr_init OF((deflate_state *s));
int ZLIB_INTERNAL _tr_tally OF((deflate_state *s, unsigned dist, unsigned lc));
void ZLIB_INTERNAL _tr_flush_block OF((deflate_state *s, charf *buf,
ulg stored_len, int last));
void ZLIB_INTERNAL _tr_align OF((deflate_state *s));
void ZLIB_INTERNAL _tr_stored_block OF((deflate_state *s, charf *buf,
ulg stored_len, int last));
#define d_code(dist) \
((dist) < 256 ? _dist_code[dist] : _dist_code[256+((dist)>>7)])
/* Mapping from a distance to a distance code. dist is the distance - 1 and
* must not have side effects. _dist_code[256] and _dist_code[257] are never
* used.
#ifndef DEBUG
/* Inline versions of _tr_tally for speed: */
#if defined(GEN_TREES_H) || !defined(STDC)
extern uch ZLIB_INTERNAL _length_code[];
extern uch ZLIB_INTERNAL _dist_code[];
extern const uch ZLIB_INTERNAL _length_code[];
extern const uch ZLIB_INTERNAL _dist_code[];
# define _tr_tally_lit(s, c, flush) \
{ uch cc = (c); \
s->d_buf[s->last_lit] = 0; \
s->l_buf[s->last_lit++] = cc; \
s->dyn_ltree[cc].Freq++; \
flush = (s->last_lit == s->lit_bufsize-1); \
# define _tr_tally_dist(s, distance, length, flush) \
{ uch len = (length); \
ush dist = (distance); \
s->d_buf[s->last_lit] = dist; \
s->l_buf[s->last_lit++] = len; \
dist--; \
s->dyn_ltree[_length_code[len]+LITERALS+1].Freq++; \
s->dyn_dtree[d_code(dist)].Freq++; \
flush = (s->last_lit == s->lit_bufsize-1); \
# define _tr_tally_lit(s, c, flush) flush = _tr_tally(s, 0, c)
# define _tr_tally_dist(s, distance, length, flush) \
flush = _tr_tally(s, distance, length)
#endif /* DEFLATE_H */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,972 @@
; gvmat32.asm -- Asm portion of the optimized longest_match for 32 bits x86
; Copyright (C) 1995-1996 Jean-loup Gailly and Gilles Vollant.
; File written by Gilles Vollant, by modifiying the longest_match
; from Jean-loup Gailly in deflate.c
; http://www.zlib.net
; http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll
; http://www.muppetlabs.com/~breadbox/software/assembly.html
; For Visual C++ 4.x and higher and ML 6.x and higher
; ml.exe is in directory \MASM611C of Win95 DDK
; ml.exe is also distributed in http://www.masm32.com/masmdl.htm
; and in VC++2003 toolkit at http://msdn.microsoft.com/visualc/vctoolkit2003/
; this file contain two implementation of longest_match
; longest_match_7fff : written 1996 by Gilles Vollant optimized for
; first Pentium. Assume s->w_mask == 0x7fff
; longest_match_686 : written by Brian raiter (1998), optimized for Pentium Pro
; for using an seembly version of longest_match, you need define ASMV in project
; There is two way in using gvmat32.asm
; A) Suggested method
; if you want include both longest_match_7fff and longest_match_686
; compile the asm file running
; ml /coff /Zi /Flgvmat32.lst /c gvmat32.asm
; and include gvmat32c.c in your project
; if you have an old cpu (386,486 or first Pentium) and s->w_mask==0x7fff,
; longest_match_7fff will be used
; if you have a more modern CPU (Pentium Pro, II and higher)
; longest_match_686 will be used
; on old cpu with s->w_mask!=0x7fff, longest_match_686 will be used,
; but this is not a sitation you'll find often
; B) Alternative
; if you are not interresed in old cpu performance and want the smaller
; binaries possible
; compile the asm file running
; ml /coff /Zi /c /Flgvmat32.lst /DNOOLDPENTIUMCODE gvmat32.asm
; and do not include gvmat32c.c in your project (ou define also
; note : as I known, longest_match_686 is very faster than longest_match_7fff
; on pentium Pro/II/III, faster (but less) in P4, but it seem
; longest_match_7fff can be faster (very very litte) on AMD Athlon64/K8
; see below : zlib1222add must be adjuster if you use a zlib version <
;uInt longest_match_7fff(s, cur_match)
; deflate_state *s;
; IPos cur_match; /* current match */
NbStack equ 76
cur_match equ dword ptr[esp+NbStack-0]
str_s equ dword ptr[esp+NbStack-4]
; 5 dword on top (ret,ebp,esi,edi,ebx)
adrret equ dword ptr[esp+NbStack-8]
pushebp equ dword ptr[esp+NbStack-12]
pushedi equ dword ptr[esp+NbStack-16]
pushesi equ dword ptr[esp+NbStack-20]
pushebx equ dword ptr[esp+NbStack-24]
chain_length equ dword ptr [esp+NbStack-28]
limit equ dword ptr [esp+NbStack-32]
best_len equ dword ptr [esp+NbStack-36]
window equ dword ptr [esp+NbStack-40]
prev equ dword ptr [esp+NbStack-44]
scan_start equ word ptr [esp+NbStack-48]
wmask equ dword ptr [esp+NbStack-52]
match_start_ptr equ dword ptr [esp+NbStack-56]
nice_match equ dword ptr [esp+NbStack-60]
scan equ dword ptr [esp+NbStack-64]
windowlen equ dword ptr [esp+NbStack-68]
match_start equ dword ptr [esp+NbStack-72]
strend equ dword ptr [esp+NbStack-76]
NbStackAdd equ (NbStack-24)
name gvmatch
; all the +zlib1222add offsets are due to the addition of fields
; in zlib in the deflate_state structure since the asm code was first written
; (if you compile with zlib 1.0.4 or older, use "zlib1222add equ (-4)").
; (if you compile with zlib between 1.0.5 and, use "zlib1222add equ 0").
; if you compile with zlib or later , use "zlib1222add equ 8").
zlib1222add equ 8
; Note : these value are good with a 8 bytes boundary pack structure
dep_chain_length equ 74h+zlib1222add
dep_window equ 30h+zlib1222add
dep_strstart equ 64h+zlib1222add
dep_prev_length equ 70h+zlib1222add
dep_nice_match equ 88h+zlib1222add
dep_w_size equ 24h+zlib1222add
dep_prev equ 38h+zlib1222add
dep_w_mask equ 2ch+zlib1222add
dep_good_match equ 84h+zlib1222add
dep_match_start equ 68h+zlib1222add
dep_lookahead equ 6ch+zlib1222add
_TEXT segment
public longest_match
public match_init
public longest_match_7fff
public cpudetect32
public longest_match_686
public _longest_match
public _match_init
public _longest_match_7fff
public _cpudetect32
public _longest_match_686
MAX_MATCH equ 258
longest_match_7fff proc near
_longest_match_7fff proc near
mov edx,[esp+4]
push ebp
push edi
push esi
push ebx
sub esp,NbStackAdd
; initialize or check the variables used in match.asm.
mov ebp,edx
; chain_length = s->max_chain_length
; if (prev_length>=good_match) chain_length >>= 2
mov edx,[ebp+dep_chain_length]
mov ebx,[ebp+dep_prev_length]
cmp [ebp+dep_good_match],ebx
ja noshr
shr edx,2
; we increment chain_length because in the asm, the --chain_lenght is in the beginning of the loop
inc edx
mov edi,[ebp+dep_nice_match]
mov chain_length,edx
mov eax,[ebp+dep_lookahead]
cmp eax,edi
; if ((uInt)nice_match > s->lookahead) nice_match = s->lookahead;
jae nolookaheadnicematch
mov edi,eax
; best_len = s->prev_length
mov best_len,ebx
; window = s->window
mov esi,[ebp+dep_window]
mov ecx,[ebp+dep_strstart]
mov window,esi
mov nice_match,edi
; scan = window + strstart
add esi,ecx
mov scan,esi
; dx = *window
mov dx,word ptr [esi]
; bx = *(window+best_len-1)
mov bx,word ptr [esi+ebx-1]
add esi,MAX_MATCH-1
; scan_start = *scan
mov scan_start,dx
; strend = scan + MAX_MATCH-1
mov strend,esi
; bx = scan_end = *(window+best_len-1)
; IPos limit = s->strstart > (IPos)MAX_DIST(s) ?
; s->strstart - (IPos)MAX_DIST(s) : NIL;
mov esi,[ebp+dep_w_size]
; here esi = MAX_DIST(s)
sub ecx,esi
ja nodist
xor ecx,ecx
mov limit,ecx
; prev = s->prev
mov edx,[ebp+dep_prev]
mov prev,edx
mov edx,dword ptr [ebp+dep_match_start]
mov bp,scan_start
mov eax,cur_match
mov match_start,edx
mov edx,window
mov edi,edx
add edi,best_len
mov esi,prev
dec edi
; windowlen = window + best_len -1
mov windowlen,edi
jmp beginloop2
align 4
; here, in the loop
; eax = ax = cur_match
; ecx = limit
; bx = scan_end
; bp = scan_start
; edi = windowlen (window + best_len -1)
; esi = prev
;// here; chain_length <=16
add chain_length,16
jz exitloop
cmp word ptr[edi+eax],bx
je normalbeg2noroll
; cur_match = prev[cur_match & wmask]
and eax,7fffh
mov ax,word ptr[esi+eax*2]
; if cur_match > limit, go to exitloop
cmp ecx,eax
jnb exitloop
; if --chain_length != 0, go to exitloop
dec chain_length
jnz normalbeg0
jmp exitloop
; if (scan_start==*(cur_match+window)) goto normalbeg2
cmp bp,word ptr[edx+eax]
jne rcontlabnoroll
jmp normalbeg2
mov edi,windowlen
; cur_match = prev[cur_match & wmask]
and eax,7fffh
mov ax,word ptr[esi+eax*2]
; if cur_match > limit, go to exitloop
cmp ecx,eax
jnb exitloop
; if --chain_length != 0, go to exitloop
; begin the main loop
sub chain_length,16+1
; if chain_length <=16, don't use the unrolled loop
jna normalbeg0add16
cmp word ptr[edi+eax],bx
je normalbeg2dc0
maccn MACRO lab
and eax,7fffh
mov ax,word ptr[esi+eax*2]
cmp ecx,eax
jnb exitloop
cmp word ptr[edi+eax],bx
je lab
maccn normalbeg2dc1
maccn normalbeg2dc2
maccn normalbeg2dc3
maccn normalbeg2dc4
maccn normalbeg2dc5
maccn normalbeg2dc6
maccn normalbeg2dc7
maccn normalbeg2dc8
maccn normalbeg2dc9
maccn normalbeg2dc10
maccn short normalbeg2dc11
maccn short normalbeg2dc12
maccn short normalbeg2dc13
maccn short normalbeg2dc14
maccn short normalbeg2dc15
and eax,7fffh
mov ax,word ptr[esi+eax*2]
cmp ecx,eax
jnb exitloop
sub chain_length,16
ja do16
jmp normalbeg0add16
normbeg MACRO rcontlab,valsub
; if we are here, we know that *(match+best_len-1) == scan_end
cmp bp,word ptr[edx+eax]
; if (match != scan_start) goto rcontlab
jne rcontlab
; calculate the good chain_length, and we'll compare scan and match string
add chain_length,16-valsub
jmp iseq
normbeg rcontloop11,11
normbeg short rcontloop12,12
normbeg short rcontloop13,13
normbeg short rcontloop14,14
normbeg short rcontloop15,15
normbeg rcontloop10,10
normbeg rcontloop9,9
normbeg rcontloop8,8
normbeg rcontloop7,7
normbeg rcontloop6,6
normbeg rcontloop5,5
normbeg rcontloop4,4
normbeg rcontloop3,3
normbeg rcontloop2,2
normbeg rcontloop1,1
normbeg rcontloop0,0
; we go in normalbeg2 because *(ushf*)(match+best_len-1) == scan_end
mov edi,window
cmp bp,word ptr[edi+eax]
jne contloop3 ; if *(ushf*)match != scan_start, continue
; if we are here, we know that *(match+best_len-1) == scan_end
; and (match == scan_start)
mov edi,edx
mov esi,scan ; esi = scan
add edi,eax ; edi = window + cur_match = match
mov edx,[esi+3] ; compare manually dword at match+3
xor edx,[edi+3] ; and scan +3
jz begincompare ; if equal, go to long compare
; we will determine the unmatch byte and calculate len (in esi)
or dl,dl
je eq1rr
mov esi,3
jmp trfinval
or dx,dx
je eq1
mov esi,4
jmp trfinval
and edx,0ffffffh
jz eq11
mov esi,5
jmp trfinval
mov esi,6
jmp trfinval
; here we now scan and match begin same
add edi,6
add esi,6
mov ecx,(MAX_MATCH-(2+4))/4 ; scan for at most MAX_MATCH bytes
repe cmpsd ; loop until mismatch
je trfin ; go to trfin if not unmatch
; we determine the unmatch byte
sub esi,4
mov edx,[edi-4]
xor edx,[esi]
or dl,dl
jnz trfin
inc esi
or dx,dx
jnz trfin
inc esi
and edx,0ffffffh
jnz trfin
inc esi
sub esi,scan ; esi = len
; here we have finised compare, and esi contain len of equal string
cmp esi,best_len ; if len > best_len, go newbestlen
ja short newbestlen
; now we restore edx, ecx and esi, for the big loop
mov esi,prev
mov ecx,limit
mov edx,window
jmp contloop3
mov best_len,esi ; len become best_len
mov match_start,eax ; save new position as match_start
cmp esi,nice_match ; if best_len >= nice_match, exit
jae exitloop
mov ecx,scan
mov edx,window ; restore edx=window
add ecx,esi
add esi,edx
dec esi
mov windowlen,esi ; windowlen = window + best_len-1
mov bx,[ecx-1] ; bx = *(scan+best_len-1) = scan_end
; now we restore ecx and esi, for the big loop :
mov esi,prev
mov ecx,limit
jmp contloop3
; exit : s->match_start=match_start
mov ebx,match_start
mov ebp,str_s
mov ecx,best_len
mov dword ptr [ebp+dep_match_start],ebx
mov eax,dword ptr [ebp+dep_lookahead]
cmp ecx,eax
ja minexlo
mov eax,ecx
; return min(best_len,s->lookahead)
; restore stack and register ebx,esi,edi,ebp
add esp,NbStackAdd
pop ebx
pop esi
pop edi
pop ebp
; please don't remove this string !
; Your are free use gvmat32 in any fre or commercial apps if you don't remove the string in the binary!
db 0dh,0ah,"GVMat32 optimised assembly code written 1996-98 by Gilles Vollant",0dh,0ah
longest_match_7fff endp
_longest_match_7fff endp
cpudetect32 proc near
_cpudetect32 proc near
push ebx
pushfd ; push original EFLAGS
pop eax ; get original EFLAGS
mov ecx, eax ; save original EFLAGS
xor eax, 40000h ; flip AC bit in EFLAGS
push eax ; save new EFLAGS value on stack
popfd ; replace current EFLAGS value
pushfd ; get new EFLAGS
pop eax ; store new EFLAGS in EAX
xor eax, ecx ; cant toggle AC bit, processor=80386
jz end_cpu_is_386 ; jump if 80386 processor
push ecx
popfd ; restore AC bit in EFLAGS first
pop ecx
mov eax, ecx ; get original EFLAGS
xor eax, 200000h ; flip ID bit in EFLAGS
push eax ; save new EFLAGS value on stack
popfd ; replace current EFLAGS value
pushfd ; get new EFLAGS
pop eax ; store new EFLAGS in EAX
popfd ; restore original EFLAGS
xor eax, ecx ; cant toggle ID bit,
je is_old_486 ; processor=old
mov eax,1
db 0fh,0a2h ;CPUID
pop ebx
mov eax,0300h
jmp exitcpudetect
mov eax,0400h
jmp exitcpudetect
cpudetect32 endp
_cpudetect32 endp
MAX_MATCH equ 258
MAX_MATCH_8_ equ ((MAX_MATCH + 7) AND 0FFF0h)
;;; stack frame offsets
chainlenwmask equ esp + 0 ; high word: current chain len
; low word: s->wmask
window equ esp + 4 ; local copy of s->window
windowbestlen equ esp + 8 ; s->window + bestlen
scanstart equ esp + 16 ; first two bytes of string
scanend equ esp + 12 ; last two bytes of string
scanalign equ esp + 20 ; dword-misalignment of string
nicematch equ esp + 24 ; a good enough match size
bestlen equ esp + 28 ; size of best match so far
scan equ esp + 32 ; ptr to string wanting match
LocalVarsSize equ 36
; saved ebx byte esp + 36
; saved edi byte esp + 40
; saved esi byte esp + 44
; saved ebp byte esp + 48
; return address byte esp + 52
deflatestate equ esp + 56 ; the function arguments
curmatch equ esp + 60
;;; Offsets for fields in the deflate_state structure. These numbers
;;; are calculated from the definition of deflate_state, with the
;;; assumption that the compiler will dword-align the fields. (Thus,
;;; changing the definition of deflate_state could easily cause this
;;; program to crash horribly, without so much as a warning at
;;; compile time. Sigh.)
dsWSize equ 36+zlib1222add
dsWMask equ 44+zlib1222add
dsWindow equ 48+zlib1222add
dsPrev equ 56+zlib1222add
dsMatchLen equ 88+zlib1222add
dsPrevMatch equ 92+zlib1222add
dsStrStart equ 100+zlib1222add
dsMatchStart equ 104+zlib1222add
dsLookahead equ 108+zlib1222add
dsPrevLen equ 112+zlib1222add
dsMaxChainLen equ 116+zlib1222add
dsGoodMatch equ 132+zlib1222add
dsNiceMatch equ 136+zlib1222add
;;; match.asm -- Pentium-Pro-optimized version of longest_match()
;;; Written for zlib 1.1.2
;;; Copyright (C) 1998 Brian Raiter <breadbox@muppetlabs.com>
;;; You can look at http://www.muppetlabs.com/~breadbox/software/assembly.html
;;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
;GLOBAL _longest_match, _match_init
;SECTION .text
;;; uInt longest_match(deflate_state *deflatestate, IPos curmatch)
longest_match proc near
_longest_match proc near
longest_match_686 proc near
_longest_match_686 proc near
;;; Save registers that the compiler may be using, and adjust esp to
;;; make room for our stack frame.
push ebp
push edi
push esi
push ebx
sub esp, LocalVarsSize
;;; Retrieve the function arguments. ecx will hold cur_match
;;; throughout the entire function. edx will hold the pointer to the
;;; deflate_state structure during the function's setup (before
;;; entering the main loop.
mov edx, [deflatestate]
mov ecx, [curmatch]
;;; uInt wmask = s->w_mask;
;;; unsigned chain_length = s->max_chain_length;
;;; if (s->prev_length >= s->good_match) {
;;; chain_length >>= 2;
;;; }
mov eax, [edx + dsPrevLen]
mov ebx, [edx + dsGoodMatch]
cmp eax, ebx
mov eax, [edx + dsWMask]
mov ebx, [edx + dsMaxChainLen]
jl LastMatchGood
shr ebx, 2
;;; chainlen is decremented once beforehand so that the function can
;;; use the sign flag instead of the zero flag for the exit test.
;;; It is then shifted into the high word, to make room for the wmask
;;; value, which it will always accompany.
dec ebx
shl ebx, 16
or ebx, eax
mov [chainlenwmask], ebx
;;; if ((uInt)nice_match > s->lookahead) nice_match = s->lookahead;
mov eax, [edx + dsNiceMatch]
mov ebx, [edx + dsLookahead]
cmp ebx, eax
jl LookaheadLess
mov ebx, eax
LookaheadLess: mov [nicematch], ebx
;;; register Bytef *scan = s->window + s->strstart;
mov esi, [edx + dsWindow]
mov [window], esi
mov ebp, [edx + dsStrStart]
lea edi, [esi + ebp]
mov [scan], edi
;;; Determine how many bytes the scan ptr is off from being
;;; dword-aligned.
mov eax, edi
neg eax
and eax, 3
mov [scanalign], eax
;;; IPos limit = s->strstart > (IPos)MAX_DIST(s) ?
;;; s->strstart - (IPos)MAX_DIST(s) : NIL;
mov eax, [edx + dsWSize]
sub ebp, eax
jg LimitPositive
xor ebp, ebp
;;; int best_len = s->prev_length;
mov eax, [edx + dsPrevLen]
mov [bestlen], eax
;;; Store the sum of s->window + best_len in esi locally, and in esi.
add esi, eax
mov [windowbestlen], esi
;;; register ush scan_start = *(ushf*)scan;
;;; register ush scan_end = *(ushf*)(scan+best_len-1);
;;; Posf *prev = s->prev;
movzx ebx, word ptr [edi]
mov [scanstart], ebx
movzx ebx, word ptr [edi + eax - 1]
mov [scanend], ebx
mov edi, [edx + dsPrev]
;;; Jump into the main loop.
mov edx, [chainlenwmask]
jmp short LoopEntry
align 4
;;; do {
;;; match = s->window + cur_match;
;;; if (*(ushf*)(match+best_len-1) != scan_end ||
;;; *(ushf*)match != scan_start) continue;
;;; [...]
;;; } while ((cur_match = prev[cur_match & wmask]) > limit
;;; && --chain_length != 0);
;;; Here is the inner loop of the function. The function will spend the
;;; majority of its time in this loop, and majority of that time will
;;; be spent in the first ten instructions.
;;; Within this loop:
;;; ebx = scanend
;;; ecx = curmatch
;;; edx = chainlenwmask - i.e., ((chainlen << 16) | wmask)
;;; esi = windowbestlen - i.e., (window + bestlen)
;;; edi = prev
;;; ebp = limit
and ecx, edx
movzx ecx, word ptr [edi + ecx*2]
cmp ecx, ebp
jbe LeaveNow
sub edx, 00010000h
js LeaveNow
LoopEntry: movzx eax, word ptr [esi + ecx - 1]
cmp eax, ebx
jnz LookupLoop
mov eax, [window]
movzx eax, word ptr [eax + ecx]
cmp eax, [scanstart]
jnz LookupLoop
;;; Store the current value of chainlen.
mov [chainlenwmask], edx
;;; Point edi to the string under scrutiny, and esi to the string we
;;; are hoping to match it up with. In actuality, esi and edi are
;;; both pointed (MAX_MATCH_8 - scanalign) bytes ahead, and edx is
;;; initialized to -(MAX_MATCH_8 - scanalign).
mov esi, [window]
mov edi, [scan]
add esi, ecx
mov eax, [scanalign]
mov edx, 0fffffef8h; -(MAX_MATCH_8)
lea edi, [edi + eax + 0108h] ;MAX_MATCH_8]
lea esi, [esi + eax + 0108h] ;MAX_MATCH_8]
;;; Test the strings for equality, 8 bytes at a time. At the end,
;;; adjust edx so that it is offset to the exact byte that mismatched.
;;; We already know at this point that the first three bytes of the
;;; strings match each other, and they can be safely passed over before
;;; starting the compare loop. So what this code does is skip over 0-3
;;; bytes, as much as necessary in order to dword-align the edi
;;; pointer. (esi will still be misaligned three times out of four.)
;;; It should be confessed that this loop usually does not represent
;;; much of the total running time. Replacing it with a more
;;; straightforward "rep cmpsb" would not drastically degrade
;;; performance.
mov eax, [esi + edx]
xor eax, [edi + edx]
jnz LeaveLoopCmps
mov eax, [esi + edx + 4]
xor eax, [edi + edx + 4]
jnz LeaveLoopCmps4
add edx, 8
jnz LoopCmps
jmp short LenMaximum
LeaveLoopCmps4: add edx, 4
LeaveLoopCmps: test eax, 0000FFFFh
jnz LenLower
add edx, 2
shr eax, 16
LenLower: sub al, 1
adc edx, 0
;;; Calculate the length of the match. If it is longer than MAX_MATCH,
;;; then automatically accept it as the best possible match and leave.
lea eax, [edi + edx]
mov edi, [scan]
sub eax, edi
cmp eax, MAX_MATCH
jge LenMaximum
;;; If the length of the match is not longer than the best match we
;;; have so far, then forget it and return to the lookup loop.
mov edx, [deflatestate]
mov ebx, [bestlen]
cmp eax, ebx
jg LongerMatch
mov esi, [windowbestlen]
mov edi, [edx + dsPrev]
mov ebx, [scanend]
mov edx, [chainlenwmask]
jmp LookupLoop
;;; s->match_start = cur_match;
;;; best_len = len;
;;; if (len >= nice_match) break;
;;; scan_end = *(ushf*)(scan+best_len-1);
LongerMatch: mov ebx, [nicematch]
mov [bestlen], eax
mov [edx + dsMatchStart], ecx
cmp eax, ebx
jge LeaveNow
mov esi, [window]
add esi, eax
mov [windowbestlen], esi
movzx ebx, word ptr [edi + eax - 1]
mov edi, [edx + dsPrev]
mov [scanend], ebx
mov edx, [chainlenwmask]
jmp LookupLoop
;;; Accept the current string, with the maximum possible length.
LenMaximum: mov edx, [deflatestate]
mov dword ptr [bestlen], MAX_MATCH
mov [edx + dsMatchStart], ecx
;;; if ((uInt)best_len <= s->lookahead) return (uInt)best_len;
;;; return s->lookahead;
mov edx, [deflatestate]
mov ebx, [bestlen]
mov eax, [edx + dsLookahead]
cmp ebx, eax
jg LookaheadRet
mov eax, ebx
;;; Restore the stack and return from whence we came.
add esp, LocalVarsSize
pop ebx
pop esi
pop edi
pop ebp
; please don't remove this string !
; Your can freely use gvmat32 in any free or commercial app if you don't remove the string in the binary!
db 0dh,0ah,"asm686 with masm, optimised assembly code from Brian Raiter, written 1998",0dh,0ah
longest_match endp
_longest_match endp
match_init proc near
match_init endp
_match_init proc near
_match_init endp
longest_match_686 endp
_longest_match_686 endp
_TEXT ends

View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
/* gvmat32.c -- C portion of the optimized longest_match for 32 bits x86
* Copyright (C) 1995-1996 Jean-loup Gailly and Gilles Vollant.
* File written by Gilles Vollant, by modifiying the longest_match
* from Jean-loup Gailly in deflate.c
* it prepare all parameters and call the assembly longest_match_gvasm
* longest_match execute standard C code is wmask != 0x7fff
* (assembly code is faster with a fixed wmask)
* Read comment at beginning of gvmat32.asm for more information
#if defined(ASMV) && (!defined(NOOLDPENTIUMCODE))
#include "deflate.h"
/* if your C compiler don't add underline before function name,
#define longest_match_7fff _longest_match_7fff
#define longest_match_686 _longest_match_686
#define cpudetect32 _cpudetect32
unsigned long cpudetect32();
uInt longest_match_c(
deflate_state *s,
IPos cur_match); /* current match */
uInt longest_match_7fff(
deflate_state *s,
IPos cur_match); /* current match */
uInt longest_match_686(
deflate_state *s,
IPos cur_match); /* current match */
static uInt iIsPPro=2;
void match_init ()
iIsPPro = (((cpudetect32()/0x100)&0xf)>=6) ? 1 : 0;
uInt longest_match(
deflate_state *s,
IPos cur_match) /* current match */
if (iIsPPro!=0)
return longest_match_686(s,cur_match);
if (s->w_mask != 0x7fff)
return longest_match_686(s,cur_match);
/* now ((s->w_mask == 0x7fff) && (iIsPPro==0)) */
return longest_match_7fff(s,cur_match);
#endif /* defined(ASMV) && (!defined(NOOLDPENTIUMCODE)) */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,513 @@
;uInt longest_match_x64(
; deflate_state *s,
; IPos cur_match); /* current match */
; gvmat64.asm -- Asm portion of the optimized longest_match for 32 bits x86
; Copyright (C) 1995-2005 Jean-loup Gailly, Brian Raiter and Gilles Vollant.
; File written by Gilles Vollant, by converting to assembly the longest_match
; from Jean-loup Gailly in deflate.c of zLib and infoZip zip.
; and by taking inspiration on asm686 with masm, optimised assembly code
; from Brian Raiter, written 1998
; http://www.zlib.net
; http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll
; http://www.muppetlabs.com/~breadbox/software/assembly.html
; to compile this file for infozip Zip, I use option:
; ml64.exe /Flgvmat64 /c /Zi /DINFOZIP gvmat64.asm
; to compile this file for zLib, I use option:
; ml64.exe /Flgvmat64 /c /Zi gvmat64.asm
; Be carrefull to adapt zlib1222add below to your version of zLib
; (if you use a version of zLib before 1.0.4 or after, change
; value of zlib1222add later)
; This file compile with Microsoft Macro Assembler (x64) for AMD64
; ml64.exe is given with Visual Studio 2005 and Windows 2003 server DDK
; (you can get Windows 2003 server DDK with ml64 and cl for AMD64 from
; http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/devtools/ddk/default.mspx for low price)
;uInt longest_match(s, cur_match)
; deflate_state *s;
; IPos cur_match; /* current match */
longest_match PROC
;LocalVarsSize equ 88
LocalVarsSize equ 72
; register used : rax,rbx,rcx,rdx,rsi,rdi,r8,r9,r10,r11,r12
; free register : r14,r15
; register can be saved : rsp
chainlenwmask equ rsp + 8 - LocalVarsSize ; high word: current chain len
; low word: s->wmask
;window equ rsp + xx - LocalVarsSize ; local copy of s->window ; stored in r10
;windowbestlen equ rsp + xx - LocalVarsSize ; s->window + bestlen , use r10+r11
;scanstart equ rsp + xx - LocalVarsSize ; first two bytes of string ; stored in r12w
;scanend equ rsp + xx - LocalVarsSize ; last two bytes of string use ebx
;scanalign equ rsp + xx - LocalVarsSize ; dword-misalignment of string r13
;bestlen equ rsp + xx - LocalVarsSize ; size of best match so far -> r11d
;scan equ rsp + xx - LocalVarsSize ; ptr to string wanting match -> r9
nicematch equ (rsp + 16 - LocalVarsSize) ; a good enough match size
save_rdi equ rsp + 24 - LocalVarsSize
save_rsi equ rsp + 32 - LocalVarsSize
save_rbx equ rsp + 40 - LocalVarsSize
save_rbp equ rsp + 48 - LocalVarsSize
save_r12 equ rsp + 56 - LocalVarsSize
save_r13 equ rsp + 64 - LocalVarsSize
;save_r14 equ rsp + 72 - LocalVarsSize
;save_r15 equ rsp + 80 - LocalVarsSize
; all the +4 offsets are due to the addition of pending_buf_size (in zlib
; in the deflate_state structure since the asm code was first written
; (if you compile with zlib 1.0.4 or older, remove the +4).
; Note : these value are good with a 8 bytes boundary pack structure
MAX_MATCH equ 258
;;; Offsets for fields in the deflate_state structure. These numbers
;;; are calculated from the definition of deflate_state, with the
;;; assumption that the compiler will dword-align the fields. (Thus,
;;; changing the definition of deflate_state could easily cause this
;;; program to crash horribly, without so much as a warning at
;;; compile time. Sigh.)
; all the +zlib1222add offsets are due to the addition of fields
; in zlib in the deflate_state structure since the asm code was first written
; (if you compile with zlib 1.0.4 or older, use "zlib1222add equ (-4)").
; (if you compile with zlib between 1.0.5 and, use "zlib1222add equ 0").
; if you compile with zlib or later , use "zlib1222add equ 8").
COMM window_size:DWORD
; WMask ; 7fff
COMM window:BYTE:010040H
COMM prev:WORD:08000H
; MatchLen : unused
; PrevMatch : unused
COMM strstart:DWORD
COMM match_start:DWORD
; Lookahead : ignore
COMM prev_length:DWORD ; PrevLen
COMM max_chain_length:DWORD
COMM good_match:DWORD
COMM nice_match:DWORD
prev_ad equ OFFSET prev
window_ad equ OFFSET window
nicematch equ nice_match
WMask equ 07fffh
IFNDEF zlib1222add
zlib1222add equ 8
dsWSize equ 56+zlib1222add+(zlib1222add/2)
dsWMask equ 64+zlib1222add+(zlib1222add/2)
dsWindow equ 72+zlib1222add
dsPrev equ 88+zlib1222add
dsMatchLen equ 128+zlib1222add
dsPrevMatch equ 132+zlib1222add
dsStrStart equ 140+zlib1222add
dsMatchStart equ 144+zlib1222add
dsLookahead equ 148+zlib1222add
dsPrevLen equ 152+zlib1222add
dsMaxChainLen equ 156+zlib1222add
dsGoodMatch equ 172+zlib1222add
dsNiceMatch equ 176+zlib1222add
window_size equ [ rcx + dsWSize]
WMask equ [ rcx + dsWMask]
window_ad equ [ rcx + dsWindow]
prev_ad equ [ rcx + dsPrev]
strstart equ [ rcx + dsStrStart]
match_start equ [ rcx + dsMatchStart]
Lookahead equ [ rcx + dsLookahead] ; 0ffffffffh on infozip
prev_length equ [ rcx + dsPrevLen]
max_chain_length equ [ rcx + dsMaxChainLen]
good_match equ [ rcx + dsGoodMatch]
nice_match equ [ rcx + dsNiceMatch]
; parameter 1 in r8(deflate state s), param 2 in rdx (cur match)
; see http://weblogs.asp.net/oldnewthing/archive/2004/01/14/58579.aspx and
; http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/kmarch/hh/kmarch/64bitAMD_8e951dd2-ee77-4728-8702-55ce4b5dd24a.xml.asp
; All registers must be preserved across the call, except for
; rax, rcx, rdx, r8, r9, r10, and r11, which are scratch.
;;; Save registers that the compiler may be using, and adjust esp to
;;; make room for our stack frame.
;;; Retrieve the function arguments. r8d will hold cur_match
;;; throughout the entire function. edx will hold the pointer to the
;;; deflate_state structure during the function's setup (before
;;; entering the main loop.
; parameter 1 in rcx (deflate_state* s), param 2 in edx -> r8 (cur match)
; this clear high 32 bits of r8, which can be garbage in both r8 and rdx
mov [save_rdi],rdi
mov [save_rsi],rsi
mov [save_rbx],rbx
mov [save_rbp],rbp
mov r8d,ecx
mov r8d,edx
mov [save_r12],r12
mov [save_r13],r13
; mov [save_r14],r14
; mov [save_r15],r15
;;; uInt wmask = s->w_mask;
;;; unsigned chain_length = s->max_chain_length;
;;; if (s->prev_length >= s->good_match) {
;;; chain_length >>= 2;
;;; }
mov edi, prev_length
mov esi, good_match
mov eax, WMask
mov ebx, max_chain_length
cmp edi, esi
jl LastMatchGood
shr ebx, 2
;;; chainlen is decremented once beforehand so that the function can
;;; use the sign flag instead of the zero flag for the exit test.
;;; It is then shifted into the high word, to make room for the wmask
;;; value, which it will always accompany.
dec ebx
shl ebx, 16
or ebx, eax
;;; on zlib only
;;; if ((uInt)nice_match > s->lookahead) nice_match = s->lookahead;
mov [chainlenwmask], ebx
; on infozip nice_match = [nice_match]
mov eax, nice_match
mov [chainlenwmask], ebx
mov r10d, Lookahead
cmp r10d, eax
cmovnl r10d, eax
mov [nicematch],r10d
;;; register Bytef *scan = s->window + s->strstart;
mov r10, window_ad
mov ebp, strstart
lea r13, [r10 + rbp]
;;; Determine how many bytes the scan ptr is off from being
;;; dword-aligned.
mov r9,r13
neg r13
and r13,3
;;; IPos limit = s->strstart > (IPos)MAX_DIST(s) ?
;;; s->strstart - (IPos)MAX_DIST(s) : NIL;
mov eax,07efah ; MAX_DIST = (WSIZE-MIN_LOOKAHEAD) (0x8000-(3+8+1))
mov eax, window_size
xor edi,edi
sub ebp, eax
mov r11d, prev_length
cmovng ebp,edi
;;; int best_len = s->prev_length;
;;; Store the sum of s->window + best_len in esi locally, and in esi.
lea rsi,[r10+r11]
;;; register ush scan_start = *(ushf*)scan;
;;; register ush scan_end = *(ushf*)(scan+best_len-1);
;;; Posf *prev = s->prev;
movzx r12d,word ptr [r9]
movzx ebx, word ptr [r9 + r11 - 1]
mov rdi, prev_ad
;;; Jump into the main loop.
mov edx, [chainlenwmask]
cmp bx,word ptr [rsi + r8 - 1]
jz LookupLoopIsZero
and r8d, edx
movzx r8d, word ptr [rdi + r8*2]
cmp r8d, ebp
jbe LeaveNow
sub edx, 00010000h
js LeaveNow
cmp bx,word ptr [rsi + r8 - 1]
jz LookupLoopIsZero
and r8d, edx
movzx r8d, word ptr [rdi + r8*2]
cmp r8d, ebp
jbe LeaveNow
sub edx, 00010000h
js LeaveNow
cmp bx,word ptr [rsi + r8 - 1]
jz LookupLoopIsZero
and r8d, edx
movzx r8d, word ptr [rdi + r8*2]
cmp r8d, ebp
jbe LeaveNow
sub edx, 00010000h
js LeaveNow
cmp bx,word ptr [rsi + r8 - 1]
jnz LookupLoop1
jmp LookupLoopIsZero
;;; do {
;;; match = s->window + cur_match;
;;; if (*(ushf*)(match+best_len-1) != scan_end ||
;;; *(ushf*)match != scan_start) continue;
;;; [...]
;;; } while ((cur_match = prev[cur_match & wmask]) > limit
;;; && --chain_length != 0);
;;; Here is the inner loop of the function. The function will spend the
;;; majority of its time in this loop, and majority of that time will
;;; be spent in the first ten instructions.
;;; Within this loop:
;;; ebx = scanend
;;; r8d = curmatch
;;; edx = chainlenwmask - i.e., ((chainlen << 16) | wmask)
;;; esi = windowbestlen - i.e., (window + bestlen)
;;; edi = prev
;;; ebp = limit
and r8d, edx
movzx r8d, word ptr [rdi + r8*2]
cmp r8d, ebp
jbe LeaveNow
sub edx, 00010000h
js LeaveNow
cmp bx,word ptr [rsi + r8 - 1]
jnz LookupLoop1
cmp r12w, word ptr [r10 + r8]
jnz LookupLoop1
;;; Store the current value of chainlen.
mov [chainlenwmask], edx
;;; Point edi to the string under scrutiny, and esi to the string we
;;; are hoping to match it up with. In actuality, esi and edi are
;;; both pointed (MAX_MATCH_8 - scanalign) bytes ahead, and edx is
;;; initialized to -(MAX_MATCH_8 - scanalign).
lea rsi,[r8+r10]
mov rdx, 0fffffffffffffef8h; -(MAX_MATCH_8)
lea rsi, [rsi + r13 + 0108h] ;MAX_MATCH_8]
lea rdi, [r9 + r13 + 0108h] ;MAX_MATCH_8]
prefetcht1 [rsi+rdx]
prefetcht1 [rdi+rdx]
;;; Test the strings for equality, 8 bytes at a time. At the end,
;;; adjust rdx so that it is offset to the exact byte that mismatched.
;;; We already know at this point that the first three bytes of the
;;; strings match each other, and they can be safely passed over before
;;; starting the compare loop. So what this code does is skip over 0-3
;;; bytes, as much as necessary in order to dword-align the edi
;;; pointer. (rsi will still be misaligned three times out of four.)
;;; It should be confessed that this loop usually does not represent
;;; much of the total running time. Replacing it with a more
;;; straightforward "rep cmpsb" would not drastically degrade
;;; performance.
mov rax, [rsi + rdx]
xor rax, [rdi + rdx]
jnz LeaveLoopCmps
mov rax, [rsi + rdx + 8]
xor rax, [rdi + rdx + 8]
jnz LeaveLoopCmps8
mov rax, [rsi + rdx + 8+8]
xor rax, [rdi + rdx + 8+8]
jnz LeaveLoopCmps16
add rdx,8+8+8
jmp short LoopCmps
LeaveLoopCmps16: add rdx,8
LeaveLoopCmps8: add rdx,8
test eax, 0000FFFFh
jnz LenLower
test eax,0ffffffffh
jnz LenLower32
add rdx,4
shr rax,32
or ax,ax
jnz LenLower
shr eax,16
add rdx,2
LenLower: sub al, 1
adc rdx, 0
;;; Calculate the length of the match. If it is longer than MAX_MATCH,
;;; then automatically accept it as the best possible match and leave.
lea rax, [rdi + rdx]
sub rax, r9
cmp eax, MAX_MATCH
jge LenMaximum
;;; If the length of the match is not longer than the best match we
;;; have so far, then forget it and return to the lookup loop.
cmp eax, r11d
jg LongerMatch
lea rsi,[r10+r11]
mov rdi, prev_ad
mov edx, [chainlenwmask]
jmp LookupLoop
;;; s->match_start = cur_match;
;;; best_len = len;
;;; if (len >= nice_match) break;
;;; scan_end = *(ushf*)(scan+best_len-1);
mov r11d, eax
mov match_start, r8d
cmp eax, [nicematch]
jge LeaveNow
lea rsi,[r10+rax]
movzx ebx, word ptr [r9 + rax - 1]
mov rdi, prev_ad
mov edx, [chainlenwmask]
jmp LookupLoop
;;; Accept the current string, with the maximum possible length.
mov r11d,MAX_MATCH
mov match_start, r8d
;;; if ((uInt)best_len <= s->lookahead) return (uInt)best_len;
;;; return s->lookahead;
mov eax,r11d
mov eax, Lookahead
cmp r11d, eax
cmovng eax, r11d
;;; Restore the stack and return from whence we came.
mov rsi,[save_rsi]
mov rdi,[save_rdi]
mov rbx,[save_rbx]
mov rbp,[save_rbp]
mov r12,[save_r12]
mov r13,[save_r13]
; mov r14,[save_r14]
; mov r15,[save_r15]
ret 0
; please don't remove this string !
; Your can freely use gvmat64 in any free or commercial app
; but it is far better don't remove the string in the binary!
db 0dh,0ah,"asm686 with masm, optimised assembly code from Brian Raiter, written 1998, converted to amd 64 by Gilles Vollant 2005",0dh,0ah,0
longest_match ENDP
match_init PROC
ret 0
match_init ENDP

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
/* gzclose.c -- zlib gzclose() function
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2010 Mark Adler
* For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
#include "gzguts.h"
/* gzclose() is in a separate file so that it is linked in only if it is used.
That way the other gzclose functions can be used instead to avoid linking in
unneeded compression or decompression routines. */
int ZEXPORT gzclose(file)
gzFile file;
gz_statep state;
if (file == NULL)
state = (gz_statep)file;
return state->mode == GZ_READ ? gzclose_r(file) : gzclose_w(file);
return gzclose_r(file);

SkinInstaller/zlib/gzguts.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
/* gzguts.h -- zlib internal header definitions for gz* operations
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2010 Mark Adler
* For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
# endif
# endif
#if ((__GNUC__-0) * 10 + __GNUC_MINOR__-0 >= 33) && !defined(NO_VIZ)
# define ZLIB_INTERNAL __attribute__((visibility ("hidden")))
#include <stdio.h>
#include "zlib.h"
#ifdef STDC
# include <string.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <limits.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#ifdef NO_DEFLATE /* for compatibility with old definition */
#ifdef _MSC_VER
# include <io.h>
# define vsnprintf _vsnprintf
#ifndef local
# define local static
/* compile with -Dlocal if your debugger can't find static symbols */
/* gz* functions always use library allocation functions */
#ifndef STDC
extern voidp malloc OF((uInt size));
extern void free OF((voidpf ptr));
/* get errno and strerror definition */
#if defined UNDER_CE
# include <windows.h>
# define zstrerror() gz_strwinerror((DWORD)GetLastError())
# ifdef STDC
# include <errno.h>
# define zstrerror() strerror(errno)
# else
# define zstrerror() "stdio error (consult errno)"
# endif
/* provide prototypes for these when building zlib without LFS */
#if !defined(_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE) || _LFS64_LARGEFILE-0 == 0
ZEXTERN gzFile ZEXPORT gzopen64 OF((const char *, const char *));
ZEXTERN z_off64_t ZEXPORT gzseek64 OF((gzFile, z_off64_t, int));
ZEXTERN z_off64_t ZEXPORT gztell64 OF((gzFile));
ZEXTERN z_off64_t ZEXPORT gzoffset64 OF((gzFile));
/* default i/o buffer size -- double this for output when reading */
#define GZBUFSIZE 8192
/* gzip modes, also provide a little integrity check on the passed structure */
#define GZ_NONE 0
#define GZ_READ 7247
#define GZ_WRITE 31153
#define GZ_APPEND 1 /* mode set to GZ_WRITE after the file is opened */
/* values for gz_state how */
#define LOOK 0 /* look for a gzip header */
#define COPY 1 /* copy input directly */
#define GZIP 2 /* decompress a gzip stream */
/* internal gzip file state data structure */
typedef struct {
/* used for both reading and writing */
int mode; /* see gzip modes above */
int fd; /* file descriptor */
char *path; /* path or fd for error messages */
z_off64_t pos; /* current position in uncompressed data */
unsigned size; /* buffer size, zero if not allocated yet */
unsigned want; /* requested buffer size, default is GZBUFSIZE */
unsigned char *in; /* input buffer */
unsigned char *out; /* output buffer (double-sized when reading) */
unsigned char *next; /* next output data to deliver or write */
/* just for reading */
unsigned have; /* amount of output data unused at next */
int eof; /* true if end of input file reached */
z_off64_t start; /* where the gzip data started, for rewinding */
z_off64_t raw; /* where the raw data started, for seeking */
int how; /* 0: get header, 1: copy, 2: decompress */
int direct; /* true if last read direct, false if gzip */
/* just for writing */
int level; /* compression level */
int strategy; /* compression strategy */
/* seek request */
z_off64_t skip; /* amount to skip (already rewound if backwards) */
int seek; /* true if seek request pending */
/* error information */
int err; /* error code */
char *msg; /* error message */
/* zlib inflate or deflate stream */
z_stream strm; /* stream structure in-place (not a pointer) */
} gz_state;
typedef gz_state FAR *gz_statep;
/* shared functions */
void ZLIB_INTERNAL gz_error OF((gz_statep, int, const char *));
#if defined UNDER_CE
char ZLIB_INTERNAL *gz_strwinerror OF((DWORD error));
/* GT_OFF(x), where x is an unsigned value, is true if x > maximum z_off64_t
value -- needed when comparing unsigned to z_off64_t, which is signed
(possible z_off64_t types off_t, off64_t, and long are all signed) */
#ifdef INT_MAX
# define GT_OFF(x) (sizeof(int) == sizeof(z_off64_t) && (x) > INT_MAX)
unsigned ZLIB_INTERNAL gz_intmax OF((void));
# define GT_OFF(x) (sizeof(int) == sizeof(z_off64_t) && (x) > gz_intmax())

SkinInstaller/zlib/gzlib.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
/* gzlib.c -- zlib functions common to reading and writing gzip files
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2010 Mark Adler
* For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
#include "gzguts.h"
#if defined(_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE) && _LFS64_LARGEFILE-0
# define LSEEK lseek64
# define LSEEK lseek
/* Local functions */
local void gz_reset OF((gz_statep));
local gzFile gz_open OF((const char *, int, const char *));
#if defined UNDER_CE
/* Map the Windows error number in ERROR to a locale-dependent error message
string and return a pointer to it. Typically, the values for ERROR come
from GetLastError.
The string pointed to shall not be modified by the application, but may be
overwritten by a subsequent call to gz_strwinerror
The gz_strwinerror function does not change the current setting of
GetLastError. */
char ZLIB_INTERNAL *gz_strwinerror (error)
DWORD error;
static char buf[1024];
wchar_t *msgbuf;
DWORD lasterr = GetLastError();
0, /* Default language */
if (chars != 0) {
/* If there is an \r\n appended, zap it. */
if (chars >= 2
&& msgbuf[chars - 2] == '\r' && msgbuf[chars - 1] == '\n') {
chars -= 2;
msgbuf[chars] = 0;
if (chars > sizeof (buf) - 1) {
chars = sizeof (buf) - 1;
msgbuf[chars] = 0;
wcstombs(buf, msgbuf, chars + 1);
else {
sprintf(buf, "unknown win32 error (%ld)", error);
return buf;
#endif /* UNDER_CE */
/* Reset gzip file state */
local void gz_reset(state)
gz_statep state;
if (state->mode == GZ_READ) { /* for reading ... */
state->have = 0; /* no output data available */
state->eof = 0; /* not at end of file */
state->how = LOOK; /* look for gzip header */
state->direct = 1; /* default for empty file */
state->seek = 0; /* no seek request pending */
gz_error(state, Z_OK, NULL); /* clear error */
state->pos = 0; /* no uncompressed data yet */
state->strm.avail_in = 0; /* no input data yet */
/* Open a gzip file either by name or file descriptor. */
local gzFile gz_open(path, fd, mode)
const char *path;
int fd;
const char *mode;
gz_statep state;
/* allocate gzFile structure to return */
state = malloc(sizeof(gz_state));
if (state == NULL)
return NULL;
state->size = 0; /* no buffers allocated yet */
state->want = GZBUFSIZE; /* requested buffer size */
state->msg = NULL; /* no error message yet */
/* interpret mode */
state->mode = GZ_NONE;
state->strategy = Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY;
while (*mode) {
if (*mode >= '0' && *mode <= '9')
state->level = *mode - '0';
switch (*mode) {
case 'r':
state->mode = GZ_READ;
case 'w':
state->mode = GZ_WRITE;
case 'a':
state->mode = GZ_APPEND;
case '+': /* can't read and write at the same time */
return NULL;
case 'b': /* ignore -- will request binary anyway */
case 'f':
state->strategy = Z_FILTERED;
case 'h':
state->strategy = Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY;
case 'R':
state->strategy = Z_RLE;
case 'F':
state->strategy = Z_FIXED;
default: /* could consider as an error, but just ignore */
/* must provide an "r", "w", or "a" */
if (state->mode == GZ_NONE) {
return NULL;
/* save the path name for error messages */
state->path = malloc(strlen(path) + 1);
if (state->path == NULL) {
return NULL;
strcpy(state->path, path);
/* open the file with the appropriate mode (or just use fd) */
state->fd = fd != -1 ? fd :
#ifdef O_BINARY
(state->mode == GZ_READ ?
state->mode == GZ_WRITE ?
if (state->fd == -1) {
return NULL;
if (state->mode == GZ_APPEND)
state->mode = GZ_WRITE; /* simplify later checks */
/* save the current position for rewinding (only if reading) */
if (state->mode == GZ_READ) {
state->start = LSEEK(state->fd, 0, SEEK_CUR);
if (state->start == -1) state->start = 0;
/* initialize stream */
/* return stream */
return (gzFile)state;
/* -- see zlib.h -- */
gzFile ZEXPORT gzopen(path, mode)
const char *path;
const char *mode;
return gz_open(path, -1, mode);
/* -- see zlib.h -- */
gzFile ZEXPORT gzopen64(path, mode)
const char *path;
const char *mode;
return gz_open(path, -1, mode);
/* -- see zlib.h -- */
gzFile ZEXPORT gzdopen(fd, mode)
int fd;
const char *mode;
char *path; /* identifier for error messages */
gzFile gz;
if (fd == -1 || (path = malloc(7 + 3 * sizeof(int))) == NULL)
return NULL;
sprintf(path, "<fd:%d>", fd); /* for debugging */
gz = gz_open(path, fd, mode);
return gz;
/* -- see zlib.h -- */
int ZEXPORT gzbuffer(file, size)
gzFile file;
unsigned size;
gz_statep state;
/* get internal structure and check integrity */
if (file == NULL)
return -1;
state = (gz_statep)file;
if (state->mode != GZ_READ && state->mode != GZ_WRITE)
return -1;
/* make sure we haven't already allocated memory */
if (state->size != 0)
return -1;
/* check and set requested size */
if (size == 0)
return -1;
state->want = size;
return 0;
/* -- see zlib.h -- */
int ZEXPORT gzrewind(file)
gzFile file;
gz_statep state;
/* get internal structure */
if (file == NULL)
return -1;
state = (gz_statep)file;
/* check that we're reading and that there's no error */
if (state->mode != GZ_READ || state->err != Z_OK)
return -1;
/* back up and start over */
if (LSEEK(state->fd, state->start, SEEK_SET) == -1)
return -1;
return 0;
/* -- see zlib.h -- */
z_off64_t ZEXPORT gzseek64(file, offset, whence)
gzFile file;
z_off64_t offset;
int whence;
unsigned n;
z_off64_t ret;
gz_statep state;
/* get internal structure and check integrity */
if (file == NULL)
return -1;
state = (gz_statep)file;
if (state->mode != GZ_READ && state->mode != GZ_WRITE)
return -1;
/* check that there's no error */
if (state->err != Z_OK)
return -1;
/* can only seek from start or relative to current position */
if (whence != SEEK_SET && whence != SEEK_CUR)
return -1;
/* normalize offset to a SEEK_CUR specification */
if (whence == SEEK_SET)
offset -= state->pos;
else if (state->seek)
offset += state->skip;
state->seek = 0;
/* if within raw area while reading, just go there */
if (state->mode == GZ_READ && state->how == COPY &&
state->pos + offset >= state->raw) {
ret = LSEEK(state->fd, offset - state->have, SEEK_CUR);
if (ret == -1)
return -1;
state->have = 0;
state->eof = 0;
state->seek = 0;
gz_error(state, Z_OK, NULL);
state->strm.avail_in = 0;
state->pos += offset;
return state->pos;
/* calculate skip amount, rewinding if needed for back seek when reading */
if (offset < 0) {
if (state->mode != GZ_READ) /* writing -- can't go backwards */
return -1;
offset += state->pos;
if (offset < 0) /* before start of file! */
return -1;
if (gzrewind(file) == -1) /* rewind, then skip to offset */
return -1;
/* if reading, skip what's in output buffer (one less gzgetc() check) */
if (state->mode == GZ_READ) {
n = GT_OFF(state->have) || (z_off64_t)state->have > offset ?
(unsigned)offset : state->have;
state->have -= n;
state->next += n;
state->pos += n;
offset -= n;
/* request skip (if not zero) */
if (offset) {
state->seek = 1;
state->skip = offset;
return state->pos + offset;
/* -- see zlib.h -- */
z_off_t ZEXPORT gzseek(file, offset, whence)
gzFile file;
z_off_t offset;
int whence;
z_off64_t ret;
ret = gzseek64(file, (z_off64_t)offset, whence);
return ret == (z_off_t)ret ? (z_off_t)ret : -1;
/* -- see zlib.h -- */
z_off64_t ZEXPORT gztell64(file)
gzFile file;
gz_statep state;
/* get internal structure and check integrity */
if (file == NULL)
return -1;
state = (gz_statep)file;
if (state->mode != GZ_READ && state->mode != GZ_WRITE)
return -1;
/* return position */
return state->pos + (state->seek ? state->skip : 0);
/* -- see zlib.h -- */
z_off_t ZEXPORT gztell(file)
gzFile file;
z_off64_t ret;
ret = gztell64(file);
return ret == (z_off_t)ret ? (z_off_t)ret : -1;
/* -- see zlib.h -- */
z_off64_t ZEXPORT gzoffset64(file)
gzFile file;
z_off64_t offset;
gz_statep state;
/* get internal structure and check integrity */
if (file == NULL)
return -1;
state = (gz_statep)file;
if (state->mode != GZ_READ && state->mode != GZ_WRITE)
return -1;
/* compute and return effective offset in file */
offset = LSEEK(state->fd, 0, SEEK_CUR);
if (offset == -1)
return -1;
if (state->mode == GZ_READ) /* reading */
offset -= state->strm.avail_in; /* don't count buffered input */
return offset;
/* -- see zlib.h -- */
z_off_t ZEXPORT gzoffset(file)
gzFile file;
z_off64_t ret;
ret = gzoffset64(file);
return ret == (z_off_t)ret ? (z_off_t)ret : -1;
/* -- see zlib.h -- */
int ZEXPORT gzeof(file)
gzFile file;
gz_statep state;
/* get internal structure and check integrity */
if (file == NULL)
return 0;
state = (gz_statep)file;
if (state->mode != GZ_READ && state->mode != GZ_WRITE)
return 0;
/* return end-of-file state */
return state->mode == GZ_READ ?
(state->eof && state->strm.avail_in == 0 && state->have == 0) : 0;
/* -- see zlib.h -- */
const char * ZEXPORT gzerror(file, errnum)
gzFile file;
int *errnum;
gz_statep state;
/* get internal structure and check integrity */
if (file == NULL)
return NULL;
state = (gz_statep)file;
if (state->mode != GZ_READ && state->mode != GZ_WRITE)
return NULL;
/* return error information */
if (errnum != NULL)
*errnum = state->err;
return state->msg == NULL ? "" : state->msg;
/* -- see zlib.h -- */
void ZEXPORT gzclearerr(file)
gzFile file;
gz_statep state;
/* get internal structure and check integrity */
if (file == NULL)
state = (gz_statep)file;
if (state->mode != GZ_READ && state->mode != GZ_WRITE)
/* clear error and end-of-file */
if (state->mode == GZ_READ)
state->eof = 0;
gz_error(state, Z_OK, NULL);
/* Create an error message in allocated memory and set state->err and
state->msg accordingly. Free any previous error message already there. Do
not try to free or allocate space if the error is Z_MEM_ERROR (out of
memory). Simply save the error message as a static string. If there is an
allocation failure constructing the error message, then convert the error to
out of memory. */
void ZLIB_INTERNAL gz_error(state, err, msg)
gz_statep state;
int err;
const char *msg;
/* free previously allocated message and clear */
if (state->msg != NULL) {
if (state->err != Z_MEM_ERROR)
state->msg = NULL;
/* set error code, and if no message, then done */
state->err = err;
if (msg == NULL)
/* for an out of memory error, save as static string */
if (err == Z_MEM_ERROR) {
state->msg = (char *)msg;
/* construct error message with path */
if ((state->msg = malloc(strlen(state->path) + strlen(msg) + 3)) == NULL) {
state->err = Z_MEM_ERROR;
state->msg = (char *)"out of memory";
strcpy(state->msg, state->path);
strcat(state->msg, ": ");
strcat(state->msg, msg);
#ifndef INT_MAX
/* portably return maximum value for an int (when limits.h presumed not
available) -- we need to do this to cover cases where 2's complement not
used, since C standard permits 1's complement and sign-bit representations,
otherwise we could just use ((unsigned)-1) >> 1 */
unsigned ZLIB_INTERNAL gz_intmax()
unsigned p, q;
p = 1;
do {
q = p;
p <<= 1;
} while (p > q);
return q >> 1;

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@ -0,0 +1,653 @@
/* gzread.c -- zlib functions for reading gzip files
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2010 Mark Adler
* For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
#include "gzguts.h"
/* Local functions */
local int gz_load OF((gz_statep, unsigned char *, unsigned, unsigned *));
local int gz_avail OF((gz_statep));
local int gz_next4 OF((gz_statep, unsigned long *));
local int gz_head OF((gz_statep));
local int gz_decomp OF((gz_statep));
local int gz_make OF((gz_statep));
local int gz_skip OF((gz_statep, z_off64_t));
/* Use read() to load a buffer -- return -1 on error, otherwise 0. Read from
state->fd, and update state->eof, state->err, and state->msg as appropriate.
This function needs to loop on read(), since read() is not guaranteed to
read the number of bytes requested, depending on the type of descriptor. */
local int gz_load(state, buf, len, have)
gz_statep state;
unsigned char *buf;
unsigned len;
unsigned *have;
int ret;
*have = 0;
do {
ret = read(state->fd, buf + *have, len - *have);
if (ret <= 0)
*have += ret;
} while (*have < len);
if (ret < 0) {
gz_error(state, Z_ERRNO, zstrerror());
return -1;
if (ret == 0)
state->eof = 1;
return 0;
/* Load up input buffer and set eof flag if last data loaded -- return -1 on
error, 0 otherwise. Note that the eof flag is set when the end of the input
file is reached, even though there may be unused data in the buffer. Once
that data has been used, no more attempts will be made to read the file.
gz_avail() assumes that strm->avail_in == 0. */
local int gz_avail(state)
gz_statep state;
z_streamp strm = &(state->strm);
if (state->err != Z_OK)
return -1;
if (state->eof == 0) {
if (gz_load(state, state->in, state->size,
(unsigned *)&(strm->avail_in)) == -1)
return -1;
strm->next_in = state->in;
return 0;
/* Get next byte from input, or -1 if end or error. */
#define NEXT() ((strm->avail_in == 0 && gz_avail(state) == -1) ? -1 : \
(strm->avail_in == 0 ? -1 : \
(strm->avail_in--, *(strm->next_in)++)))
/* Get a four-byte little-endian integer and return 0 on success and the value
in *ret. Otherwise -1 is returned and *ret is not modified. */
local int gz_next4(state, ret)
gz_statep state;
unsigned long *ret;
int ch;
unsigned long val;
z_streamp strm = &(state->strm);
val = NEXT();
val += (unsigned)NEXT() << 8;
val += (unsigned long)NEXT() << 16;
ch = NEXT();
if (ch == -1)
return -1;
val += (unsigned long)ch << 24;
*ret = val;
return 0;
/* Look for gzip header, set up for inflate or copy. state->have must be zero.
If this is the first time in, allocate required memory. state->how will be
left unchanged if there is no more input data available, will be set to COPY
if there is no gzip header and direct copying will be performed, or it will
be set to GZIP for decompression, and the gzip header will be skipped so
that the next available input data is the raw deflate stream. If direct
copying, then leftover input data from the input buffer will be copied to
the output buffer. In that case, all further file reads will be directly to
either the output buffer or a user buffer. If decompressing, the inflate
state and the check value will be initialized. gz_head() will return 0 on
success or -1 on failure. Failures may include read errors or gzip header
errors. */
local int gz_head(state)
gz_statep state;
z_streamp strm = &(state->strm);
int flags;
unsigned len;
/* allocate read buffers and inflate memory */
if (state->size == 0) {
/* allocate buffers */
state->in = malloc(state->want);
state->out = malloc(state->want << 1);
if (state->in == NULL || state->out == NULL) {
if (state->out != NULL)
if (state->in != NULL)
gz_error(state, Z_MEM_ERROR, "out of memory");
return -1;
state->size = state->want;
/* allocate inflate memory */
state->strm.zalloc = Z_NULL;
state->strm.zfree = Z_NULL;
state->strm.opaque = Z_NULL;
state->strm.avail_in = 0;
state->strm.next_in = Z_NULL;
if (inflateInit2(&(state->strm), -15) != Z_OK) { /* raw inflate */
state->size = 0;
gz_error(state, Z_MEM_ERROR, "out of memory");
return -1;
/* get some data in the input buffer */
if (strm->avail_in == 0) {
if (gz_avail(state) == -1)
return -1;
if (strm->avail_in == 0)
return 0;
/* look for the gzip magic header bytes 31 and 139 */
if (strm->next_in[0] == 31) {
if (strm->avail_in == 0 && gz_avail(state) == -1)
return -1;
if (strm->avail_in && strm->next_in[0] == 139) {
/* we have a gzip header, woo hoo! */
/* skip rest of header */
if (NEXT() != 8) { /* compression method */
gz_error(state, Z_DATA_ERROR, "unknown compression method");
return -1;
flags = NEXT();
if (flags & 0xe0) { /* reserved flag bits */
gz_error(state, Z_DATA_ERROR, "unknown header flags set");
return -1;
NEXT(); /* modification time */
NEXT(); /* extra flags */
NEXT(); /* operating system */
if (flags & 4) { /* extra field */
len = (unsigned)NEXT();
len += (unsigned)NEXT() << 8;
while (len--)
if (NEXT() < 0)
if (flags & 8) /* file name */
while (NEXT() > 0)
if (flags & 16) /* comment */
while (NEXT() > 0)
if (flags & 2) { /* header crc */
/* an unexpected end of file is not checked for here -- it will be
noticed on the first request for uncompressed data */
/* set up for decompression */
strm->adler = crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0);
state->how = GZIP;
state->direct = 0;
return 0;
else {
/* not a gzip file -- save first byte (31) and fall to raw i/o */
state->out[0] = 31;
state->have = 1;
/* doing raw i/o, save start of raw data for seeking, copy any leftover
input to output -- this assumes that the output buffer is larger than
the input buffer, which also assures space for gzungetc() */
state->raw = state->pos;
state->next = state->out;
if (strm->avail_in) {
memcpy(state->next + state->have, strm->next_in, strm->avail_in);
state->have += strm->avail_in;
strm->avail_in = 0;
state->how = COPY;
state->direct = 1;
return 0;
/* Decompress from input to the provided next_out and avail_out in the state.
If the end of the compressed data is reached, then verify the gzip trailer
check value and length (modulo 2^32). state->have and state->next are set
to point to the just decompressed data, and the crc is updated. If the
trailer is verified, state->how is reset to LOOK to look for the next gzip
stream or raw data, once state->have is depleted. Returns 0 on success, -1
on failure. Failures may include invalid compressed data or a failed gzip
trailer verification. */
local int gz_decomp(state)
gz_statep state;
int ret;
unsigned had;
unsigned long crc, len;
z_streamp strm = &(state->strm);
/* fill output buffer up to end of deflate stream */
had = strm->avail_out;
do {
/* get more input for inflate() */
if (strm->avail_in == 0 && gz_avail(state) == -1)
return -1;
if (strm->avail_in == 0) {
gz_error(state, Z_DATA_ERROR, "unexpected end of file");
return -1;
/* decompress and handle errors */
ret = inflate(strm, Z_NO_FLUSH);
if (ret == Z_STREAM_ERROR || ret == Z_NEED_DICT) {
gz_error(state, Z_STREAM_ERROR,
"internal error: inflate stream corrupt");
return -1;
if (ret == Z_MEM_ERROR) {
gz_error(state, Z_MEM_ERROR, "out of memory");
return -1;
if (ret == Z_DATA_ERROR) { /* deflate stream invalid */
gz_error(state, Z_DATA_ERROR,
strm->msg == NULL ? "compressed data error" : strm->msg);
return -1;
} while (strm->avail_out && ret != Z_STREAM_END);
/* update available output and crc check value */
state->have = had - strm->avail_out;
state->next = strm->next_out - state->have;
strm->adler = crc32(strm->adler, state->next, state->have);
/* check gzip trailer if at end of deflate stream */
if (ret == Z_STREAM_END) {
if (gz_next4(state, &crc) == -1 || gz_next4(state, &len) == -1) {
gz_error(state, Z_DATA_ERROR, "unexpected end of file");
return -1;
if (crc != strm->adler) {
gz_error(state, Z_DATA_ERROR, "incorrect data check");
return -1;
if (len != (strm->total_out & 0xffffffffL)) {
gz_error(state, Z_DATA_ERROR, "incorrect length check");
return -1;
state->how = LOOK; /* ready for next stream, once have is 0 (leave
state->direct unchanged to remember how) */
/* good decompression */
return 0;
/* Make data and put in the output buffer. Assumes that state->have == 0.
Data is either copied from the input file or decompressed from the input
file depending on state->how. If state->how is LOOK, then a gzip header is
looked for (and skipped if found) to determine wither to copy or decompress.
Returns -1 on error, otherwise 0. gz_make() will leave state->have as COPY
or GZIP unless the end of the input file has been reached and all data has
been processed. */
local int gz_make(state)
gz_statep state;
z_streamp strm = &(state->strm);
if (state->how == LOOK) { /* look for gzip header */
if (gz_head(state) == -1)
return -1;
if (state->have) /* got some data from gz_head() */
return 0;
if (state->how == COPY) { /* straight copy */
if (gz_load(state, state->out, state->size << 1, &(state->have)) == -1)
return -1;
state->next = state->out;
else if (state->how == GZIP) { /* decompress */
strm->avail_out = state->size << 1;
strm->next_out = state->out;
if (gz_decomp(state) == -1)
return -1;
return 0;
/* Skip len uncompressed bytes of output. Return -1 on error, 0 on success. */
local int gz_skip(state, len)
gz_statep state;
z_off64_t len;
unsigned n;
/* skip over len bytes or reach end-of-file, whichever comes first */
while (len)
/* skip over whatever is in output buffer */
if (state->have) {
n = GT_OFF(state->have) || (z_off64_t)state->have > len ?
(unsigned)len : state->have;
state->have -= n;
state->next += n;
state->pos += n;
len -= n;
/* output buffer empty -- return if we're at the end of the input */
else if (state->eof && state->strm.avail_in == 0)
/* need more data to skip -- load up output buffer */
else {
/* get more output, looking for header if required */
if (gz_make(state) == -1)
return -1;
return 0;
/* -- see zlib.h -- */
int ZEXPORT gzread(file, buf, len)
gzFile file;
voidp buf;
unsigned len;
unsigned got, n;
gz_statep state;
z_streamp strm;
/* get internal structure */
if (file == NULL)
return -1;
state = (gz_statep)file;
strm = &(state->strm);
/* check that we're reading and that there's no error */
if (state->mode != GZ_READ || state->err != Z_OK)
return -1;
/* since an int is returned, make sure len fits in one, otherwise return
with an error (this avoids the flaw in the interface) */
if ((int)len < 0) {
gz_error(state, Z_BUF_ERROR, "requested length does not fit in int");
return -1;
/* if len is zero, avoid unnecessary operations */
if (len == 0)
return 0;
/* process a skip request */
if (state->seek) {
state->seek = 0;
if (gz_skip(state, state->skip) == -1)
return -1;
/* get len bytes to buf, or less than len if at the end */
got = 0;
do {
/* first just try copying data from the output buffer */
if (state->have) {
n = state->have > len ? len : state->have;
memcpy(buf, state->next, n);
state->next += n;
state->have -= n;
/* output buffer empty -- return if we're at the end of the input */
else if (state->eof && strm->avail_in == 0)
/* need output data -- for small len or new stream load up our output
buffer */
else if (state->how == LOOK || len < (state->size << 1)) {
/* get more output, looking for header if required */
if (gz_make(state) == -1)
return -1;
continue; /* no progress yet -- go back to memcpy() above */
/* the copy above assures that we will leave with space in the
output buffer, allowing at least one gzungetc() to succeed */
/* large len -- read directly into user buffer */
else if (state->how == COPY) { /* read directly */
if (gz_load(state, buf, len, &n) == -1)
return -1;
/* large len -- decompress directly into user buffer */
else { /* state->how == GZIP */
strm->avail_out = len;
strm->next_out = buf;
if (gz_decomp(state) == -1)
return -1;
n = state->have;
state->have = 0;
/* update progress */
len -= n;
buf = (char *)buf + n;
got += n;
state->pos += n;
} while (len);
/* return number of bytes read into user buffer (will fit in int) */
return (int)got;
/* -- see zlib.h -- */
int ZEXPORT gzgetc(file)
gzFile file;
int ret;
unsigned char buf[1];
gz_statep state;
/* get internal structure */
if (file == NULL)
return -1;
state = (gz_statep)file;
/* check that we're reading and that there's no error */
if (state->mode != GZ_READ || state->err != Z_OK)
return -1;
/* try output buffer (no need to check for skip request) */
if (state->have) {
return *(state->next)++;
/* nothing there -- try gzread() */
ret = gzread(file, buf, 1);
return ret < 1 ? -1 : buf[0];
/* -- see zlib.h -- */
int ZEXPORT gzungetc(c, file)
int c;
gzFile file;
gz_statep state;
/* get internal structure */
if (file == NULL)
return -1;
state = (gz_statep)file;
/* check that we're reading and that there's no error */
if (state->mode != GZ_READ || state->err != Z_OK)
return -1;
/* process a skip request */
if (state->seek) {
state->seek = 0;
if (gz_skip(state, state->skip) == -1)
return -1;
/* can't push EOF */
if (c < 0)
return -1;
/* if output buffer empty, put byte at end (allows more pushing) */
if (state->have == 0) {
state->have = 1;
state->next = state->out + (state->size << 1) - 1;
state->next[0] = c;
return c;
/* if no room, give up (must have already done a gzungetc()) */
if (state->have == (state->size << 1)) {
gz_error(state, Z_BUF_ERROR, "out of room to push characters");
return -1;
/* slide output data if needed and insert byte before existing data */
if (state->next == state->out) {
unsigned char *src = state->out + state->have;
unsigned char *dest = state->out + (state->size << 1);
while (src > state->out)
*--dest = *--src;
state->next = dest;
state->next[0] = c;
return c;
/* -- see zlib.h -- */
char * ZEXPORT gzgets(file, buf, len)
gzFile file;
char *buf;
int len;
unsigned left, n;
char *str;
unsigned char *eol;
gz_statep state;
/* check parameters and get internal structure */
if (file == NULL || buf == NULL || len < 1)
return NULL;
state = (gz_statep)file;
/* check that we're reading and that there's no error */
if (state->mode != GZ_READ || state->err != Z_OK)
return NULL;
/* process a skip request */
if (state->seek) {
state->seek = 0;
if (gz_skip(state, state->skip) == -1)
return NULL;
/* copy output bytes up to new line or len - 1, whichever comes first --
append a terminating zero to the string (we don't check for a zero in
the contents, let the user worry about that) */
str = buf;
left = (unsigned)len - 1;
if (left) do {
/* assure that something is in the output buffer */
if (state->have == 0) {
if (gz_make(state) == -1)
return NULL; /* error */
if (state->have == 0) { /* end of file */
if (buf == str) /* got bupkus */
return NULL;
break; /* got something -- return it */
/* look for end-of-line in current output buffer */
n = state->have > left ? left : state->have;
eol = memchr(state->next, '\n', n);
if (eol != NULL)
n = (unsigned)(eol - state->next) + 1;
/* copy through end-of-line, or remainder if not found */
memcpy(buf, state->next, n);
state->have -= n;
state->next += n;
state->pos += n;
left -= n;
buf += n;
} while (left && eol == NULL);
/* found end-of-line or out of space -- terminate string and return it */
buf[0] = 0;
return str;
/* -- see zlib.h -- */
int ZEXPORT gzdirect(file)
gzFile file;
gz_statep state;
/* get internal structure */
if (file == NULL)
return 0;
state = (gz_statep)file;
/* check that we're reading */
if (state->mode != GZ_READ)
return 0;
/* if the state is not known, but we can find out, then do so (this is
mainly for right after a gzopen() or gzdopen()) */
if (state->how == LOOK && state->have == 0)
/* return 1 if reading direct, 0 if decompressing a gzip stream */
return state->direct;
/* -- see zlib.h -- */
int ZEXPORT gzclose_r(file)
gzFile file;
int ret;
gz_statep state;
/* get internal structure */
if (file == NULL)
state = (gz_statep)file;
/* check that we're reading */
if (state->mode != GZ_READ)
/* free memory and close file */
if (state->size) {
gz_error(state, Z_OK, NULL);
ret = close(state->fd);
return ret ? Z_ERRNO : Z_OK;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
/* gzwrite.c -- zlib functions for writing gzip files
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2010 Mark Adler
* For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
#include "gzguts.h"
/* Local functions */
local int gz_init OF((gz_statep));
local int gz_comp OF((gz_statep, int));
local int gz_zero OF((gz_statep, z_off64_t));
/* Initialize state for writing a gzip file. Mark initialization by setting
state->size to non-zero. Return -1 on failure or 0 on success. */
local int gz_init(state)
gz_statep state;
int ret;
z_streamp strm = &(state->strm);
/* allocate input and output buffers */
state->in = malloc(state->want);
state->out = malloc(state->want);
if (state->in == NULL || state->out == NULL) {
if (state->out != NULL)
if (state->in != NULL)
gz_error(state, Z_MEM_ERROR, "out of memory");
return -1;
/* allocate deflate memory, set up for gzip compression */
strm->zalloc = Z_NULL;
strm->zfree = Z_NULL;
strm->opaque = Z_NULL;
ret = deflateInit2(strm, state->level, Z_DEFLATED,
15 + 16, 8, state->strategy);
if (ret != Z_OK) {
gz_error(state, Z_MEM_ERROR, "out of memory");
return -1;
/* mark state as initialized */
state->size = state->want;
/* initialize write buffer */
strm->avail_out = state->size;
strm->next_out = state->out;
state->next = strm->next_out;
return 0;
/* Compress whatever is at avail_in and next_in and write to the output file.
Return -1 if there is an error writing to the output file, otherwise 0.
flush is assumed to be a valid deflate() flush value. If flush is Z_FINISH,
then the deflate() state is reset to start a new gzip stream. */
local int gz_comp(state, flush)
gz_statep state;
int flush;
int ret, got;
unsigned have;
z_streamp strm = &(state->strm);
/* allocate memory if this is the first time through */
if (state->size == 0 && gz_init(state) == -1)
return -1;
/* run deflate() on provided input until it produces no more output */
ret = Z_OK;
do {
/* write out current buffer contents if full, or if flushing, but if
doing Z_FINISH then don't write until we get to Z_STREAM_END */
if (strm->avail_out == 0 || (flush != Z_NO_FLUSH &&
(flush != Z_FINISH || ret == Z_STREAM_END))) {
have = (unsigned)(strm->next_out - state->next);
if (have && ((got = write(state->fd, state->next, have)) < 0 ||
(unsigned)got != have)) {
gz_error(state, Z_ERRNO, zstrerror());
return -1;
if (strm->avail_out == 0) {
strm->avail_out = state->size;
strm->next_out = state->out;
state->next = strm->next_out;
/* compress */
have = strm->avail_out;
ret = deflate(strm, flush);
if (ret == Z_STREAM_ERROR) {
gz_error(state, Z_STREAM_ERROR,
"internal error: deflate stream corrupt");
return -1;
have -= strm->avail_out;
} while (have);
/* if that completed a deflate stream, allow another to start */
if (flush == Z_FINISH)
/* all done, no errors */
return 0;
/* Compress len zeros to output. Return -1 on error, 0 on success. */
local int gz_zero(state, len)
gz_statep state;
z_off64_t len;
int first;
unsigned n;
z_streamp strm = &(state->strm);
/* consume whatever's left in the input buffer */
if (strm->avail_in && gz_comp(state, Z_NO_FLUSH) == -1)
return -1;
/* compress len zeros (len guaranteed > 0) */
first = 1;
while (len) {
n = GT_OFF(state->size) || (z_off64_t)state->size > len ?
(unsigned)len : state->size;
if (first) {
memset(state->in, 0, n);
first = 0;
strm->avail_in = n;
strm->next_in = state->in;
state->pos += n;
if (gz_comp(state, Z_NO_FLUSH) == -1)
return -1;
len -= n;
return 0;
/* -- see zlib.h -- */
int ZEXPORT gzwrite(file, buf, len)
gzFile file;
voidpc buf;
unsigned len;
unsigned put = len;
unsigned n;
gz_statep state;
z_streamp strm;
/* get internal structure */
if (file == NULL)
return 0;
state = (gz_statep)file;
strm = &(state->strm);
/* check that we're writing and that there's no error */
if (state->mode != GZ_WRITE || state->err != Z_OK)
return 0;
/* since an int is returned, make sure len fits in one, otherwise return
with an error (this avoids the flaw in the interface) */
if ((int)len < 0) {
gz_error(state, Z_BUF_ERROR, "requested length does not fit in int");
return 0;
/* if len is zero, avoid unnecessary operations */
if (len == 0)
return 0;
/* allocate memory if this is the first time through */
if (state->size == 0 && gz_init(state) == -1)
return 0;
/* check for seek request */
if (state->seek) {
state->seek = 0;
if (gz_zero(state, state->skip) == -1)
return 0;
/* for small len, copy to input buffer, otherwise compress directly */
if (len < state->size) {
/* copy to input buffer, compress when full */
do {
if (strm->avail_in == 0)
strm->next_in = state->in;
n = state->size - strm->avail_in;
if (n > len)
n = len;
memcpy(strm->next_in + strm->avail_in, buf, n);
strm->avail_in += n;
state->pos += n;
buf = (char *)buf + n;
len -= n;
if (len && gz_comp(state, Z_NO_FLUSH) == -1)
return 0;
} while (len);
else {
/* consume whatever's left in the input buffer */
if (strm->avail_in && gz_comp(state, Z_NO_FLUSH) == -1)
return 0;
/* directly compress user buffer to file */
strm->avail_in = len;
strm->next_in = (voidp)buf;
state->pos += len;
if (gz_comp(state, Z_NO_FLUSH) == -1)
return 0;
/* input was all buffered or compressed (put will fit in int) */
return (int)put;
/* -- see zlib.h -- */
int ZEXPORT gzputc(file, c)
gzFile file;
int c;
unsigned char buf[1];
gz_statep state;
z_streamp strm;
/* get internal structure */
if (file == NULL)
return -1;
state = (gz_statep)file;
strm = &(state->strm);
/* check that we're writing and that there's no error */
if (state->mode != GZ_WRITE || state->err != Z_OK)
return -1;
/* check for seek request */
if (state->seek) {
state->seek = 0;
if (gz_zero(state, state->skip) == -1)
return -1;
/* try writing to input buffer for speed (state->size == 0 if buffer not
initialized) */
if (strm->avail_in < state->size) {
if (strm->avail_in == 0)
strm->next_in = state->in;
strm->next_in[strm->avail_in++] = c;
return c;
/* no room in buffer or not initialized, use gz_write() */
buf[0] = c;
if (gzwrite(file, buf, 1) != 1)
return -1;
return c;
/* -- see zlib.h -- */
int ZEXPORT gzputs(file, str)
gzFile file;
const char *str;
int ret;
unsigned len;
/* write string */
len = (unsigned)strlen(str);
ret = gzwrite(file, str, len);
return ret == 0 && len != 0 ? -1 : ret;
#ifdef STDC
#include <stdarg.h>
/* -- see zlib.h -- */
int ZEXPORTVA gzprintf (gzFile file, const char *format, ...)
int size, len;
gz_statep state;
z_streamp strm;
va_list va;
/* get internal structure */
if (file == NULL)
return -1;
state = (gz_statep)file;
strm = &(state->strm);
/* check that we're writing and that there's no error */
if (state->mode != GZ_WRITE || state->err != Z_OK)
return 0;
/* make sure we have some buffer space */
if (state->size == 0 && gz_init(state) == -1)
return 0;
/* check for seek request */
if (state->seek) {
state->seek = 0;
if (gz_zero(state, state->skip) == -1)
return 0;
/* consume whatever's left in the input buffer */
if (strm->avail_in && gz_comp(state, Z_NO_FLUSH) == -1)
return 0;
/* do the printf() into the input buffer, put length in len */
size = (int)(state->size);
state->in[size - 1] = 0;
va_start(va, format);
#ifdef NO_vsnprintf
# ifdef HAS_vsprintf_void
(void)vsprintf(state->in, format, va);
for (len = 0; len < size; len++)
if (state->in[len] == 0) break;
# else
len = vsprintf(state->in, format, va);
# endif
# ifdef HAS_vsnprintf_void
(void)vsnprintf(state->in, size, format, va);
len = strlen(state->in);
# else
len = vsnprintf((char *)(state->in), size, format, va);
# endif
/* check that printf() results fit in buffer */
if (len <= 0 || len >= (int)size || state->in[size - 1] != 0)
return 0;
/* update buffer and position, defer compression until needed */
strm->avail_in = (unsigned)len;
strm->next_in = state->in;
state->pos += len;
return len;
#else /* !STDC */
/* -- see zlib.h -- */
int ZEXPORTVA gzprintf (file, format, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10,
a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a20)
gzFile file;
const char *format;
int a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10,
a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a20;
int size, len;
gz_statep state;
z_streamp strm;
/* get internal structure */
if (file == NULL)
return -1;
state = (gz_statep)file;
strm = &(state->strm);
/* check that we're writing and that there's no error */
if (state->mode != GZ_WRITE || state->err != Z_OK)
return 0;
/* make sure we have some buffer space */
if (state->size == 0 && gz_init(state) == -1)
return 0;
/* check for seek request */
if (state->seek) {
state->seek = 0;
if (gz_zero(state, state->skip) == -1)
return 0;
/* consume whatever's left in the input buffer */
if (strm->avail_in && gz_comp(state, Z_NO_FLUSH) == -1)
return 0;
/* do the printf() into the input buffer, put length in len */
size = (int)(state->size);
state->in[size - 1] = 0;
#ifdef NO_snprintf
# ifdef HAS_sprintf_void
sprintf(state->in, format, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8,
a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a20);
for (len = 0; len < size; len++)
if (state->in[len] == 0) break;
# else
len = sprintf(state->in, format, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8,
a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a20);
# endif
# ifdef HAS_snprintf_void
snprintf(state->in, size, format, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8,
a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a20);
len = strlen(state->in);
# else
len = snprintf(state->in, size, format, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8,
a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a20);
# endif
/* check that printf() results fit in buffer */
if (len <= 0 || len >= (int)size || state->in[size - 1] != 0)
return 0;
/* update buffer and position, defer compression until needed */
strm->avail_in = (unsigned)len;
strm->next_in = state->in;
state->pos += len;
return len;
/* -- see zlib.h -- */
int ZEXPORT gzflush(file, flush)
gzFile file;
int flush;
gz_statep state;
/* get internal structure */
if (file == NULL)
return -1;
state = (gz_statep)file;
/* check that we're writing and that there's no error */
if (state->mode != GZ_WRITE || state->err != Z_OK)
/* check flush parameter */
if (flush < 0 || flush > Z_FINISH)
/* check for seek request */
if (state->seek) {
state->seek = 0;
if (gz_zero(state, state->skip) == -1)
return -1;
/* compress remaining data with requested flush */
gz_comp(state, flush);
return state->err;
/* -- see zlib.h -- */
int ZEXPORT gzsetparams(file, level, strategy)
gzFile file;
int level;
int strategy;
gz_statep state;
z_streamp strm;
/* get internal structure */
if (file == NULL)
state = (gz_statep)file;
strm = &(state->strm);
/* check that we're writing and that there's no error */
if (state->mode != GZ_WRITE || state->err != Z_OK)
/* if no change is requested, then do nothing */
if (level == state->level && strategy == state->strategy)
return Z_OK;
/* check for seek request */
if (state->seek) {
state->seek = 0;
if (gz_zero(state, state->skip) == -1)
return -1;
/* change compression parameters for subsequent input */
if (state->size) {
/* flush previous input with previous parameters before changing */
if (strm->avail_in && gz_comp(state, Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH) == -1)
return state->err;
deflateParams(strm, level, strategy);
state->level = level;
state->strategy = strategy;
return Z_OK;
/* -- see zlib.h -- */
int ZEXPORT gzclose_w(file)
gzFile file;
int ret = 0;
gz_statep state;
/* get internal structure */
if (file == NULL)
state = (gz_statep)file;
/* check that we're writing */
if (state->mode != GZ_WRITE)
/* check for seek request */
if (state->seek) {
state->seek = 0;
ret += gz_zero(state, state->skip);
/* flush, free memory, and close file */
ret += gz_comp(state, Z_FINISH);
gz_error(state, Z_OK, NULL);
ret += close(state->fd);
return ret ? Z_ERRNO : Z_OK;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,632 @@
/* infback.c -- inflate using a call-back interface
* Copyright (C) 1995-2009 Mark Adler
* For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
This code is largely copied from inflate.c. Normally either infback.o or
inflate.o would be linked into an application--not both. The interface
with inffast.c is retained so that optimized assembler-coded versions of
inflate_fast() can be used with either inflate.c or infback.c.
#include "zutil.h"
#include "inftrees.h"
#include "inflate.h"
#include "inffast.h"
/* function prototypes */
local void fixedtables OF((struct inflate_state FAR *state));
strm provides memory allocation functions in zalloc and zfree, or
Z_NULL to use the library memory allocation functions.
windowBits is in the range 8..15, and window is a user-supplied
window and output buffer that is 2**windowBits bytes.
int ZEXPORT inflateBackInit_(strm, windowBits, window, version, stream_size)
z_streamp strm;
int windowBits;
unsigned char FAR *window;
const char *version;
int stream_size;
struct inflate_state FAR *state;
if (version == Z_NULL || version[0] != ZLIB_VERSION[0] ||
stream_size != (int)(sizeof(z_stream)))
if (strm == Z_NULL || window == Z_NULL ||
windowBits < 8 || windowBits > 15)
strm->msg = Z_NULL; /* in case we return an error */
if (strm->zalloc == (alloc_func)0) {
strm->zalloc = zcalloc;
strm->opaque = (voidpf)0;
if (strm->zfree == (free_func)0) strm->zfree = zcfree;
state = (struct inflate_state FAR *)ZALLOC(strm, 1,
sizeof(struct inflate_state));
if (state == Z_NULL) return Z_MEM_ERROR;
Tracev((stderr, "inflate: allocated\n"));
strm->state = (struct internal_state FAR *)state;
state->dmax = 32768U;
state->wbits = windowBits;
state->wsize = 1U << windowBits;
state->window = window;
state->wnext = 0;
state->whave = 0;
return Z_OK;
Return state with length and distance decoding tables and index sizes set to
fixed code decoding. Normally this returns fixed tables from inffixed.h.
If BUILDFIXED is defined, then instead this routine builds the tables the
first time it's called, and returns those tables the first time and
thereafter. This reduces the size of the code by about 2K bytes, in
exchange for a little execution time. However, BUILDFIXED should not be
used for threaded applications, since the rewriting of the tables and virgin
may not be thread-safe.
local void fixedtables(state)
struct inflate_state FAR *state;
static int virgin = 1;
static code *lenfix, *distfix;
static code fixed[544];
/* build fixed huffman tables if first call (may not be thread safe) */
if (virgin) {
unsigned sym, bits;
static code *next;
/* literal/length table */
sym = 0;
while (sym < 144) state->lens[sym++] = 8;
while (sym < 256) state->lens[sym++] = 9;
while (sym < 280) state->lens[sym++] = 7;
while (sym < 288) state->lens[sym++] = 8;
next = fixed;
lenfix = next;
bits = 9;
inflate_table(LENS, state->lens, 288, &(next), &(bits), state->work);
/* distance table */
sym = 0;
while (sym < 32) state->lens[sym++] = 5;
distfix = next;
bits = 5;
inflate_table(DISTS, state->lens, 32, &(next), &(bits), state->work);
/* do this just once */
virgin = 0;
#else /* !BUILDFIXED */
# include "inffixed.h"
#endif /* BUILDFIXED */
state->lencode = lenfix;
state->lenbits = 9;
state->distcode = distfix;
state->distbits = 5;
/* Macros for inflateBack(): */
/* Load returned state from inflate_fast() */
#define LOAD() \
do { \
put = strm->next_out; \
left = strm->avail_out; \
next = strm->next_in; \
have = strm->avail_in; \
hold = state->hold; \
bits = state->bits; \
} while (0)
/* Set state from registers for inflate_fast() */
#define RESTORE() \
do { \
strm->next_out = put; \
strm->avail_out = left; \
strm->next_in = next; \
strm->avail_in = have; \
state->hold = hold; \
state->bits = bits; \
} while (0)
/* Clear the input bit accumulator */
#define INITBITS() \
do { \
hold = 0; \
bits = 0; \
} while (0)
/* Assure that some input is available. If input is requested, but denied,
then return a Z_BUF_ERROR from inflateBack(). */
#define PULL() \
do { \
if (have == 0) { \
have = in(in_desc, &next); \
if (have == 0) { \
next = Z_NULL; \
ret = Z_BUF_ERROR; \
goto inf_leave; \
} \
} \
} while (0)
/* Get a byte of input into the bit accumulator, or return from inflateBack()
with an error if there is no input available. */
#define PULLBYTE() \
do { \
PULL(); \
have--; \
hold += (unsigned long)(*next++) << bits; \
bits += 8; \
} while (0)
/* Assure that there are at least n bits in the bit accumulator. If there is
not enough available input to do that, then return from inflateBack() with
an error. */
#define NEEDBITS(n) \
do { \
while (bits < (unsigned)(n)) \
} while (0)
/* Return the low n bits of the bit accumulator (n < 16) */
#define BITS(n) \
((unsigned)hold & ((1U << (n)) - 1))
/* Remove n bits from the bit accumulator */
#define DROPBITS(n) \
do { \
hold >>= (n); \
bits -= (unsigned)(n); \
} while (0)
/* Remove zero to seven bits as needed to go to a byte boundary */
#define BYTEBITS() \
do { \
hold >>= bits & 7; \
bits -= bits & 7; \
} while (0)
/* Assure that some output space is available, by writing out the window
if it's full. If the write fails, return from inflateBack() with a
#define ROOM() \
do { \
if (left == 0) { \
put = state->window; \
left = state->wsize; \
state->whave = left; \
if (out(out_desc, put, left)) { \
ret = Z_BUF_ERROR; \
goto inf_leave; \
} \
} \
} while (0)
strm provides the memory allocation functions and window buffer on input,
and provides information on the unused input on return. For Z_DATA_ERROR
returns, strm will also provide an error message.
in() and out() are the call-back input and output functions. When
inflateBack() needs more input, it calls in(). When inflateBack() has
filled the window with output, or when it completes with data in the
window, it calls out() to write out the data. The application must not
change the provided input until in() is called again or inflateBack()
returns. The application must not change the window/output buffer until
inflateBack() returns.
in() and out() are called with a descriptor parameter provided in the
inflateBack() call. This parameter can be a structure that provides the
information required to do the read or write, as well as accumulated
information on the input and output such as totals and check values.
in() should return zero on failure. out() should return non-zero on
failure. If either in() or out() fails, than inflateBack() returns a
Z_BUF_ERROR. strm->next_in can be checked for Z_NULL to see whether it
was in() or out() that caused in the error. Otherwise, inflateBack()
returns Z_STREAM_END on success, Z_DATA_ERROR for an deflate format
error, or Z_MEM_ERROR if it could not allocate memory for the state.
inflateBack() can also return Z_STREAM_ERROR if the input parameters
are not correct, i.e. strm is Z_NULL or the state was not initialized.
int ZEXPORT inflateBack(strm, in, in_desc, out, out_desc)
z_streamp strm;
in_func in;
void FAR *in_desc;
out_func out;
void FAR *out_desc;
struct inflate_state FAR *state;
unsigned char FAR *next; /* next input */
unsigned char FAR *put; /* next output */
unsigned have, left; /* available input and output */
unsigned long hold; /* bit buffer */
unsigned bits; /* bits in bit buffer */
unsigned copy; /* number of stored or match bytes to copy */
unsigned char FAR *from; /* where to copy match bytes from */
code here; /* current decoding table entry */
code last; /* parent table entry */
unsigned len; /* length to copy for repeats, bits to drop */
int ret; /* return code */
static const unsigned short order[19] = /* permutation of code lengths */
{16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15};
/* Check that the strm exists and that the state was initialized */
if (strm == Z_NULL || strm->state == Z_NULL)
state = (struct inflate_state FAR *)strm->state;
/* Reset the state */
strm->msg = Z_NULL;
state->mode = TYPE;
state->last = 0;
state->whave = 0;
next = strm->next_in;
have = next != Z_NULL ? strm->avail_in : 0;
hold = 0;
bits = 0;
put = state->window;
left = state->wsize;
/* Inflate until end of block marked as last */
for (;;)
switch (state->mode) {
case TYPE:
/* determine and dispatch block type */
if (state->last) {
state->mode = DONE;
state->last = BITS(1);
switch (BITS(2)) {
case 0: /* stored block */
Tracev((stderr, "inflate: stored block%s\n",
state->last ? " (last)" : ""));
state->mode = STORED;
case 1: /* fixed block */
Tracev((stderr, "inflate: fixed codes block%s\n",
state->last ? " (last)" : ""));
state->mode = LEN; /* decode codes */
case 2: /* dynamic block */
Tracev((stderr, "inflate: dynamic codes block%s\n",
state->last ? " (last)" : ""));
state->mode = TABLE;
case 3:
strm->msg = (char *)"invalid block type";
state->mode = BAD;
case STORED:
/* get and verify stored block length */
BYTEBITS(); /* go to byte boundary */
if ((hold & 0xffff) != ((hold >> 16) ^ 0xffff)) {
strm->msg = (char *)"invalid stored block lengths";
state->mode = BAD;
state->length = (unsigned)hold & 0xffff;
Tracev((stderr, "inflate: stored length %u\n",
/* copy stored block from input to output */
while (state->length != 0) {
copy = state->length;
if (copy > have) copy = have;
if (copy > left) copy = left;
zmemcpy(put, next, copy);
have -= copy;
next += copy;
left -= copy;
put += copy;
state->length -= copy;
Tracev((stderr, "inflate: stored end\n"));
state->mode = TYPE;
case TABLE:
/* get dynamic table entries descriptor */
state->nlen = BITS(5) + 257;
state->ndist = BITS(5) + 1;
state->ncode = BITS(4) + 4;
if (state->nlen > 286 || state->ndist > 30) {
strm->msg = (char *)"too many length or distance symbols";
state->mode = BAD;
Tracev((stderr, "inflate: table sizes ok\n"));
/* get code length code lengths (not a typo) */
state->have = 0;
while (state->have < state->ncode) {
state->lens[order[state->have++]] = (unsigned short)BITS(3);
while (state->have < 19)
state->lens[order[state->have++]] = 0;
state->next = state->codes;
state->lencode = (code const FAR *)(state->next);
state->lenbits = 7;
ret = inflate_table(CODES, state->lens, 19, &(state->next),
&(state->lenbits), state->work);
if (ret) {
strm->msg = (char *)"invalid code lengths set";
state->mode = BAD;
Tracev((stderr, "inflate: code lengths ok\n"));
/* get length and distance code code lengths */
state->have = 0;
while (state->have < state->nlen + state->ndist) {
for (;;) {
here = state->lencode[BITS(state->lenbits)];
if ((unsigned)(here.bits) <= bits) break;
if (here.val < 16) {
state->lens[state->have++] = here.val;
else {
if (here.val == 16) {
NEEDBITS(here.bits + 2);
if (state->have == 0) {
strm->msg = (char *)"invalid bit length repeat";
state->mode = BAD;
len = (unsigned)(state->lens[state->have - 1]);
copy = 3 + BITS(2);
else if (here.val == 17) {
NEEDBITS(here.bits + 3);
len = 0;
copy = 3 + BITS(3);
else {
NEEDBITS(here.bits + 7);
len = 0;
copy = 11 + BITS(7);
if (state->have + copy > state->nlen + state->ndist) {
strm->msg = (char *)"invalid bit length repeat";
state->mode = BAD;
while (copy--)
state->lens[state->have++] = (unsigned short)len;
/* handle error breaks in while */
if (state->mode == BAD) break;
/* check for end-of-block code (better have one) */
if (state->lens[256] == 0) {
strm->msg = (char *)"invalid code -- missing end-of-block";
state->mode = BAD;
/* build code tables -- note: do not change the lenbits or distbits
values here (9 and 6) without reading the comments in inftrees.h
concerning the ENOUGH constants, which depend on those values */
state->next = state->codes;
state->lencode = (code const FAR *)(state->next);
state->lenbits = 9;
ret = inflate_table(LENS, state->lens, state->nlen, &(state->next),
&(state->lenbits), state->work);
if (ret) {
strm->msg = (char *)"invalid literal/lengths set";
state->mode = BAD;
state->distcode = (code const FAR *)(state->next);
state->distbits = 6;
ret = inflate_table(DISTS, state->lens + state->nlen, state->ndist,
&(state->next), &(state->distbits), state->work);
if (ret) {
strm->msg = (char *)"invalid distances set";
state->mode = BAD;
Tracev((stderr, "inflate: codes ok\n"));
state->mode = LEN;
case LEN:
/* use inflate_fast() if we have enough input and output */
if (have >= 6 && left >= 258) {
if (state->whave < state->wsize)
state->whave = state->wsize - left;
inflate_fast(strm, state->wsize);
/* get a literal, length, or end-of-block code */
for (;;) {
here = state->lencode[BITS(state->lenbits)];
if ((unsigned)(here.bits) <= bits) break;
if (here.op && (here.op & 0xf0) == 0) {
last = here;
for (;;) {
here = state->lencode[last.val +
(BITS(last.bits + last.op) >> last.bits)];
if ((unsigned)(last.bits + here.bits) <= bits) break;
state->length = (unsigned)here.val;
/* process literal */
if (here.op == 0) {
Tracevv((stderr, here.val >= 0x20 && here.val < 0x7f ?
"inflate: literal '%c'\n" :
"inflate: literal 0x%02x\n", here.val));
*put++ = (unsigned char)(state->length);
state->mode = LEN;
/* process end of block */
if (here.op & 32) {
Tracevv((stderr, "inflate: end of block\n"));
state->mode = TYPE;
/* invalid code */
if (here.op & 64) {
strm->msg = (char *)"invalid literal/length code";
state->mode = BAD;
/* length code -- get extra bits, if any */
state->extra = (unsigned)(here.op) & 15;
if (state->extra != 0) {
state->length += BITS(state->extra);
Tracevv((stderr, "inflate: length %u\n", state->length));
/* get distance code */
for (;;) {
here = state->distcode[BITS(state->distbits)];
if ((unsigned)(here.bits) <= bits) break;
if ((here.op & 0xf0) == 0) {
last = here;
for (;;) {
here = state->distcode[last.val +
(BITS(last.bits + last.op) >> last.bits)];
if ((unsigned)(last.bits + here.bits) <= bits) break;
if (here.op & 64) {
strm->msg = (char *)"invalid distance code";
state->mode = BAD;
state->offset = (unsigned)here.val;
/* get distance extra bits, if any */
state->extra = (unsigned)(here.op) & 15;
if (state->extra != 0) {
state->offset += BITS(state->extra);
if (state->offset > state->wsize - (state->whave < state->wsize ?
left : 0)) {
strm->msg = (char *)"invalid distance too far back";
state->mode = BAD;
Tracevv((stderr, "inflate: distance %u\n", state->offset));
/* copy match from window to output */
do {
copy = state->wsize - state->offset;
if (copy < left) {
from = put + copy;
copy = left - copy;
else {
from = put - state->offset;
copy = left;
if (copy > state->length) copy = state->length;
state->length -= copy;
left -= copy;
do {
*put++ = *from++;
} while (--copy);
} while (state->length != 0);
case DONE:
/* inflate stream terminated properly -- write leftover output */
if (left < state->wsize) {
if (out(out_desc, state->window, state->wsize - left))
ret = Z_BUF_ERROR;
goto inf_leave;
case BAD:
goto inf_leave;
default: /* can't happen, but makes compilers happy */
goto inf_leave;
/* Return unused input */
strm->next_in = next;
strm->avail_in = have;
return ret;
int ZEXPORT inflateBackEnd(strm)
z_streamp strm;
if (strm == Z_NULL || strm->state == Z_NULL || strm->zfree == (free_func)0)
ZFREE(strm, strm->state);
strm->state = Z_NULL;
Tracev((stderr, "inflate: end\n"));
return Z_OK;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
/* inffas8664.c is a hand tuned assembler version of inffast.c - fast decoding
* version for AMD64 on Windows using Microsoft C compiler
* Copyright (C) 1995-2003 Mark Adler
* For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
* Copyright (C) 2003 Chris Anderson <christop@charm.net>
* Please use the copyright conditions above.
* 2005 - Adaptation to Microsoft C Compiler for AMD64 by Gilles Vollant
* inffas8664.c call function inffas8664fnc in inffasx64.asm
* inffasx64.asm is automatically convert from AMD64 portion of inffas86.c
* Dec-29-2003 -- I added AMD64 inflate asm support. This version is also
* slightly quicker on x86 systems because, instead of using rep movsb to copy
* data, it uses rep movsw, which moves data in 2-byte chunks instead of single
* bytes. I've tested the AMD64 code on a Fedora Core 1 + the x86_64 updates
* from http://fedora.linux.duke.edu/fc1_x86_64
* which is running on an Athlon 64 3000+ / Gigabyte GA-K8VT800M system with
* 1GB ram. The 64-bit version is about 4% faster than the 32-bit version,
* when decompressing mozilla-source-1.3.tar.gz.
* Mar-13-2003 -- Most of this is derived from inffast.S which is derived from
* the gcc -S output of zlib-1.2.0/inffast.c. Zlib-1.2.0 is in beta release at
* the moment. I have successfully compiled and tested this code with gcc2.96,
* gcc3.2, icc5.0, msvc6.0. It is very close to the speed of inffast.S
* compiled with gcc -DNO_MMX, but inffast.S is still faster on the P3 with MMX
* enabled. I will attempt to merge the MMX code into this version. Newer
* versions of this and inffast.S can be found at
* http://www.eetbeetee.com/zlib/ and http://www.charm.net/~christop/zlib/
#include <stdio.h>
#include "zutil.h"
#include "inftrees.h"
#include "inflate.h"
#include "inffast.h"
/* Mark Adler's comments from inffast.c: */
Decode literal, length, and distance codes and write out the resulting
literal and match bytes until either not enough input or output is
available, an end-of-block is encountered, or a data error is encountered.
When large enough input and output buffers are supplied to inflate(), for
example, a 16K input buffer and a 64K output buffer, more than 95% of the
inflate execution time is spent in this routine.
Entry assumptions:
state->mode == LEN
strm->avail_in >= 6
strm->avail_out >= 258
start >= strm->avail_out
state->bits < 8
On return, state->mode is one of:
LEN -- ran out of enough output space or enough available input
TYPE -- reached end of block code, inflate() to interpret next block
BAD -- error in block data
- The maximum input bits used by a length/distance pair is 15 bits for the
length code, 5 bits for the length extra, 15 bits for the distance code,
and 13 bits for the distance extra. This totals 48 bits, or six bytes.
Therefore if strm->avail_in >= 6, then there is enough input to avoid
checking for available input while decoding.
- The maximum bytes that a single length/distance pair can output is 258
bytes, which is the maximum length that can be coded. inflate_fast()
requires strm->avail_out >= 258 for each loop to avoid checking for
output space.
typedef struct inffast_ar {
/* 64 32 x86 x86_64 */
/* ar offset register */
/* 0 0 */ void *esp; /* esp save */
/* 8 4 */ void *ebp; /* ebp save */
/* 16 8 */ unsigned char FAR *in; /* esi rsi local strm->next_in */
/* 24 12 */ unsigned char FAR *last; /* r9 while in < last */
/* 32 16 */ unsigned char FAR *out; /* edi rdi local strm->next_out */
/* 40 20 */ unsigned char FAR *beg; /* inflate()'s init next_out */
/* 48 24 */ unsigned char FAR *end; /* r10 while out < end */
/* 56 28 */ unsigned char FAR *window;/* size of window, wsize!=0 */
/* 64 32 */ code const FAR *lcode; /* ebp rbp local strm->lencode */
/* 72 36 */ code const FAR *dcode; /* r11 local strm->distcode */
/* 80 40 */ size_t /*unsigned long */hold; /* edx rdx local strm->hold */
/* 88 44 */ unsigned bits; /* ebx rbx local strm->bits */
/* 92 48 */ unsigned wsize; /* window size */
/* 96 52 */ unsigned write; /* window write index */
/*100 56 */ unsigned lmask; /* r12 mask for lcode */
/*104 60 */ unsigned dmask; /* r13 mask for dcode */
/*108 64 */ unsigned len; /* r14 match length */
/*112 68 */ unsigned dist; /* r15 match distance */
/*116 72 */ unsigned status; /* set when state chng*/
} type_ar;
#ifdef ASMINF
void inflate_fast(strm, start)
z_streamp strm;
unsigned start; /* inflate()'s starting value for strm->avail_out */
struct inflate_state FAR *state;
type_ar ar;
void inffas8664fnc(struct inffast_ar * par);
#if (defined( __GNUC__ ) && defined( __amd64__ ) && ! defined( __i386 )) || (defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_AMD64))
#define PAD_AVAIL_IN 6
#define PAD_AVAIL_OUT 258
#define PAD_AVAIL_IN 5
#define PAD_AVAIL_OUT 257
/* copy state to local variables */
state = (struct inflate_state FAR *)strm->state;
ar.in = strm->next_in;
ar.last = ar.in + (strm->avail_in - PAD_AVAIL_IN);
ar.out = strm->next_out;
ar.beg = ar.out - (start - strm->avail_out);
ar.end = ar.out + (strm->avail_out - PAD_AVAIL_OUT);
ar.wsize = state->wsize;
ar.write = state->wnext;
ar.window = state->window;
ar.hold = state->hold;
ar.bits = state->bits;
ar.lcode = state->lencode;
ar.dcode = state->distcode;
ar.lmask = (1U << state->lenbits) - 1;
ar.dmask = (1U << state->distbits) - 1;
/* decode literals and length/distances until end-of-block or not enough
input data or output space */
/* align in on 1/2 hold size boundary */
while (((size_t)(void *)ar.in & (sizeof(ar.hold) / 2 - 1)) != 0) {
ar.hold += (unsigned long)*ar.in++ << ar.bits;
ar.bits += 8;
if (ar.status > 1) {
if (ar.status == 2)
strm->msg = "invalid literal/length code";
else if (ar.status == 3)
strm->msg = "invalid distance code";
strm->msg = "invalid distance too far back";
state->mode = BAD;
else if ( ar.status == 1 ) {
state->mode = TYPE;
/* return unused bytes (on entry, bits < 8, so in won't go too far back) */
ar.len = ar.bits >> 3;
ar.in -= ar.len;
ar.bits -= ar.len << 3;
ar.hold &= (1U << ar.bits) - 1;
/* update state and return */
strm->next_in = ar.in;
strm->next_out = ar.out;
strm->avail_in = (unsigned)(ar.in < ar.last ?
PAD_AVAIL_IN + (ar.last - ar.in) :
PAD_AVAIL_IN - (ar.in - ar.last));
strm->avail_out = (unsigned)(ar.out < ar.end ?
PAD_AVAIL_OUT + (ar.end - ar.out) :
PAD_AVAIL_OUT - (ar.out - ar.end));
state->hold = (unsigned long)ar.hold;
state->bits = ar.bits;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
/* inffast.c -- fast decoding
* Copyright (C) 1995-2008, 2010 Mark Adler
* For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
#include "zutil.h"
#include "inftrees.h"
#include "inflate.h"
#include "inffast.h"
#ifndef ASMINF
/* Allow machine dependent optimization for post-increment or pre-increment.
Based on testing to date,
Pre-increment preferred for:
- PowerPC G3 (Adler)
- MIPS R5000 (Randers-Pehrson)
Post-increment preferred for:
- none
No measurable difference:
- Pentium III (Anderson)
- M68060 (Nikl)
#ifdef POSTINC
# define OFF 0
# define PUP(a) *(a)++
# define OFF 1
# define PUP(a) *++(a)
Decode literal, length, and distance codes and write out the resulting
literal and match bytes until either not enough input or output is
available, an end-of-block is encountered, or a data error is encountered.
When large enough input and output buffers are supplied to inflate(), for
example, a 16K input buffer and a 64K output buffer, more than 95% of the
inflate execution time is spent in this routine.
Entry assumptions:
state->mode == LEN
strm->avail_in >= 6
strm->avail_out >= 258
start >= strm->avail_out
state->bits < 8
On return, state->mode is one of:
LEN -- ran out of enough output space or enough available input
TYPE -- reached end of block code, inflate() to interpret next block
BAD -- error in block data
- The maximum input bits used by a length/distance pair is 15 bits for the
length code, 5 bits for the length extra, 15 bits for the distance code,
and 13 bits for the distance extra. This totals 48 bits, or six bytes.
Therefore if strm->avail_in >= 6, then there is enough input to avoid
checking for available input while decoding.
- The maximum bytes that a single length/distance pair can output is 258
bytes, which is the maximum length that can be coded. inflate_fast()
requires strm->avail_out >= 258 for each loop to avoid checking for
output space.
void ZLIB_INTERNAL inflate_fast(strm, start)
z_streamp strm;
unsigned start; /* inflate()'s starting value for strm->avail_out */
struct inflate_state FAR *state;
unsigned char FAR *in; /* local strm->next_in */
unsigned char FAR *last; /* while in < last, enough input available */
unsigned char FAR *out; /* local strm->next_out */
unsigned char FAR *beg; /* inflate()'s initial strm->next_out */
unsigned char FAR *end; /* while out < end, enough space available */
unsigned dmax; /* maximum distance from zlib header */
unsigned wsize; /* window size or zero if not using window */
unsigned whave; /* valid bytes in the window */
unsigned wnext; /* window write index */
unsigned char FAR *window; /* allocated sliding window, if wsize != 0 */
unsigned long hold; /* local strm->hold */
unsigned bits; /* local strm->bits */
code const FAR *lcode; /* local strm->lencode */
code const FAR *dcode; /* local strm->distcode */
unsigned lmask; /* mask for first level of length codes */
unsigned dmask; /* mask for first level of distance codes */
code here; /* retrieved table entry */
unsigned op; /* code bits, operation, extra bits, or */
/* window position, window bytes to copy */
unsigned len; /* match length, unused bytes */
unsigned dist; /* match distance */
unsigned char FAR *from; /* where to copy match from */
/* copy state to local variables */
state = (struct inflate_state FAR *)strm->state;
in = strm->next_in - OFF;
last = in + (strm->avail_in - 5);
out = strm->next_out - OFF;
beg = out - (start - strm->avail_out);
end = out + (strm->avail_out - 257);
dmax = state->dmax;
wsize = state->wsize;
whave = state->whave;
wnext = state->wnext;
window = state->window;
hold = state->hold;
bits = state->bits;
lcode = state->lencode;
dcode = state->distcode;
lmask = (1U << state->lenbits) - 1;
dmask = (1U << state->distbits) - 1;
/* decode literals and length/distances until end-of-block or not enough
input data or output space */
do {
if (bits < 15) {
hold += (unsigned long)(PUP(in)) << bits;
bits += 8;
hold += (unsigned long)(PUP(in)) << bits;
bits += 8;
here = lcode[hold & lmask];
op = (unsigned)(here.bits);
hold >>= op;
bits -= op;
op = (unsigned)(here.op);
if (op == 0) { /* literal */
Tracevv((stderr, here.val >= 0x20 && here.val < 0x7f ?
"inflate: literal '%c'\n" :
"inflate: literal 0x%02x\n", here.val));
PUP(out) = (unsigned char)(here.val);
else if (op & 16) { /* length base */
len = (unsigned)(here.val);
op &= 15; /* number of extra bits */
if (op) {
if (bits < op) {
hold += (unsigned long)(PUP(in)) << bits;
bits += 8;
len += (unsigned)hold & ((1U << op) - 1);
hold >>= op;
bits -= op;
Tracevv((stderr, "inflate: length %u\n", len));
if (bits < 15) {
hold += (unsigned long)(PUP(in)) << bits;
bits += 8;
hold += (unsigned long)(PUP(in)) << bits;
bits += 8;
here = dcode[hold & dmask];
op = (unsigned)(here.bits);
hold >>= op;
bits -= op;
op = (unsigned)(here.op);
if (op & 16) { /* distance base */
dist = (unsigned)(here.val);
op &= 15; /* number of extra bits */
if (bits < op) {
hold += (unsigned long)(PUP(in)) << bits;
bits += 8;
if (bits < op) {
hold += (unsigned long)(PUP(in)) << bits;
bits += 8;
dist += (unsigned)hold & ((1U << op) - 1);
if (dist > dmax) {
strm->msg = (char *)"invalid distance too far back";
state->mode = BAD;
hold >>= op;
bits -= op;
Tracevv((stderr, "inflate: distance %u\n", dist));
op = (unsigned)(out - beg); /* max distance in output */
if (dist > op) { /* see if copy from window */
op = dist - op; /* distance back in window */
if (op > whave) {
if (state->sane) {
strm->msg =
(char *)"invalid distance too far back";
state->mode = BAD;
if (len <= op - whave) {
do {
PUP(out) = 0;
} while (--len);
len -= op - whave;
do {
PUP(out) = 0;
} while (--op > whave);
if (op == 0) {
from = out - dist;
do {
PUP(out) = PUP(from);
} while (--len);
from = window - OFF;
if (wnext == 0) { /* very common case */
from += wsize - op;
if (op < len) { /* some from window */
len -= op;
do {
PUP(out) = PUP(from);
} while (--op);
from = out - dist; /* rest from output */
else if (wnext < op) { /* wrap around window */
from += wsize + wnext - op;
op -= wnext;
if (op < len) { /* some from end of window */
len -= op;
do {
PUP(out) = PUP(from);
} while (--op);
from = window - OFF;
if (wnext < len) { /* some from start of window */
op = wnext;
len -= op;
do {
PUP(out) = PUP(from);
} while (--op);
from = out - dist; /* rest from output */
else { /* contiguous in window */
from += wnext - op;
if (op < len) { /* some from window */
len -= op;
do {
PUP(out) = PUP(from);
} while (--op);
from = out - dist; /* rest from output */
while (len > 2) {
PUP(out) = PUP(from);
PUP(out) = PUP(from);
PUP(out) = PUP(from);
len -= 3;
if (len) {
PUP(out) = PUP(from);
if (len > 1)
PUP(out) = PUP(from);
else {
from = out - dist; /* copy direct from output */
do { /* minimum length is three */
PUP(out) = PUP(from);
PUP(out) = PUP(from);
PUP(out) = PUP(from);
len -= 3;
} while (len > 2);
if (len) {
PUP(out) = PUP(from);
if (len > 1)
PUP(out) = PUP(from);
else if ((op & 64) == 0) { /* 2nd level distance code */
here = dcode[here.val + (hold & ((1U << op) - 1))];
goto dodist;
else {
strm->msg = (char *)"invalid distance code";
state->mode = BAD;
else if ((op & 64) == 0) { /* 2nd level length code */
here = lcode[here.val + (hold & ((1U << op) - 1))];
goto dolen;
else if (op & 32) { /* end-of-block */
Tracevv((stderr, "inflate: end of block\n"));
state->mode = TYPE;
else {
strm->msg = (char *)"invalid literal/length code";
state->mode = BAD;
} while (in < last && out < end);
/* return unused bytes (on entry, bits < 8, so in won't go too far back) */
len = bits >> 3;
in -= len;
bits -= len << 3;
hold &= (1U << bits) - 1;
/* update state and return */
strm->next_in = in + OFF;
strm->next_out = out + OFF;
strm->avail_in = (unsigned)(in < last ? 5 + (last - in) : 5 - (in - last));
strm->avail_out = (unsigned)(out < end ?
257 + (end - out) : 257 - (out - end));
state->hold = hold;
state->bits = bits;
inflate_fast() speedups that turned out slower (on a PowerPC G3 750CXe):
- Using bit fields for code structure
- Different op definition to avoid & for extra bits (do & for table bits)
- Three separate decoding do-loops for direct, window, and wnext == 0
- Special case for distance > 1 copies to do overlapped load and store copy
- Explicit branch predictions (based on measured branch probabilities)
- Deferring match copy and interspersed it with decoding subsequent codes
- Swapping literal/length else
- Swapping window/direct else
- Larger unrolled copy loops (three is about right)
- Moving len -= 3 statement into middle of loop
#endif /* !ASMINF */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
/* inffast.h -- header to use inffast.c
* Copyright (C) 1995-2003, 2010 Mark Adler
* For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
/* WARNING: this file should *not* be used by applications. It is
part of the implementation of the compression library and is
subject to change. Applications should only use zlib.h.
void ZLIB_INTERNAL inflate_fast OF((z_streamp strm, unsigned start));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
; inffasx64.asm is a hand tuned assembler version of inffast.c - fast decoding
; version for AMD64 on Windows using Microsoft C compiler
; inffasx64.asm is automatically convert from AMD64 portion of inffas86.c
; inffasx64.asm is called by inffas8664.c, which contain more info.
; to compile this file, I use option
; ml64.exe /Flinffasx64 /c /Zi inffasx64.asm
; with Microsoft Macro Assembler (x64) for AMD64
; ml64.exe is given with Visual Studio 2005, Windows 2003 server DDK
; (you can get Windows 2003 server DDK with ml64 and cl.exe for AMD64 from
; http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/devtools/ddk/default.mspx for low price)
inffas8664fnc PROC
; see http://weblogs.asp.net/oldnewthing/archive/2004/01/14/58579.aspx and
; http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/kmarch/hh/kmarch/64bitAMD_8e951dd2-ee77-4728-8702-55ce4b5dd24a.xml.asp
; All registers must be preserved across the call, except for
; rax, rcx, rdx, r8, r-9, r10, and r11, which are scratch.
mov [rsp-8],rsi
mov [rsp-16],rdi
mov [rsp-24],r12
mov [rsp-32],r13
mov [rsp-40],r14
mov [rsp-48],r15
mov [rsp-56],rbx
mov rax,rcx
mov [rax+8], rbp ; /* save regs rbp and rsp */
mov [rax], rsp
mov rsp, rax ; /* make rsp point to &ar */
mov rsi, [rsp+16] ; /* rsi = in */
mov rdi, [rsp+32] ; /* rdi = out */
mov r9, [rsp+24] ; /* r9 = last */
mov r10, [rsp+48] ; /* r10 = end */
mov rbp, [rsp+64] ; /* rbp = lcode */
mov r11, [rsp+72] ; /* r11 = dcode */
mov rdx, [rsp+80] ; /* rdx = hold */
mov ebx, [rsp+88] ; /* ebx = bits */
mov r12d, [rsp+100] ; /* r12d = lmask */
mov r13d, [rsp+104] ; /* r13d = dmask */
; /* r14d = len */
; /* r15d = dist */
cmp r10, rdi
je L_one_time ; /* if only one decode left */
cmp r9, rsi
jne L_do_loop
mov r8, r12 ; /* r8 = lmask */
cmp bl, 32
ja L_get_length_code_one_time
lodsd ; /* eax = *(uint *)in++ */
mov cl, bl ; /* cl = bits, needs it for shifting */
add bl, 32 ; /* bits += 32 */
shl rax, cl
or rdx, rax ; /* hold |= *((uint *)in)++ << bits */
jmp L_get_length_code_one_time
cmp r10, rdi
jbe L_break_loop
cmp r9, rsi
jbe L_break_loop
mov r8, r12 ; /* r8 = lmask */
cmp bl, 32
ja L_get_length_code ; /* if (32 < bits) */
lodsd ; /* eax = *(uint *)in++ */
mov cl, bl ; /* cl = bits, needs it for shifting */
add bl, 32 ; /* bits += 32 */
shl rax, cl
or rdx, rax ; /* hold |= *((uint *)in)++ << bits */
and r8, rdx ; /* r8 &= hold */
mov eax, [rbp+r8*4] ; /* eax = lcode[hold & lmask] */
mov cl, ah ; /* cl = this.bits */
sub bl, ah ; /* bits -= this.bits */
shr rdx, cl ; /* hold >>= this.bits */
test al, al
jnz L_test_for_length_base ; /* if (op != 0) 45.7% */
mov r8, r12 ; /* r8 = lmask */
shr eax, 16 ; /* output this.val char */
and r8, rdx ; /* r8 &= hold */
mov eax, [rbp+r8*4] ; /* eax = lcode[hold & lmask] */
mov cl, ah ; /* cl = this.bits */
sub bl, ah ; /* bits -= this.bits */
shr rdx, cl ; /* hold >>= this.bits */
test al, al
jnz L_test_for_length_base ; /* if (op != 0) 45.7% */
shr eax, 16 ; /* output this.val char */
jmp L_while_test
mov r14d, eax ; /* len = this */
shr r14d, 16 ; /* len = this.val */
mov cl, al
test al, 16
jz L_test_for_second_level_length ; /* if ((op & 16) == 0) 8% */
and cl, 15 ; /* op &= 15 */
jz L_decode_distance ; /* if (!op) */
sub bl, cl
xor eax, eax
inc eax
shl eax, cl
dec eax
and eax, edx ; /* eax &= hold */
shr rdx, cl
add r14d, eax ; /* len += hold & mask[op] */
mov r8, r13 ; /* r8 = dmask */
cmp bl, 32
ja L_get_distance_code ; /* if (32 < bits) */
lodsd ; /* eax = *(uint *)in++ */
mov cl, bl ; /* cl = bits, needs it for shifting */
add bl, 32 ; /* bits += 32 */
shl rax, cl
or rdx, rax ; /* hold |= *((uint *)in)++ << bits */
and r8, rdx ; /* r8 &= hold */
mov eax, [r11+r8*4] ; /* eax = dcode[hold & dmask] */
mov r15d, eax ; /* dist = this */
shr r15d, 16 ; /* dist = this.val */
mov cl, ah
sub bl, ah ; /* bits -= this.bits */
shr rdx, cl ; /* hold >>= this.bits */
mov cl, al ; /* cl = this.op */
test al, 16 ; /* if ((op & 16) == 0) */
jz L_test_for_second_level_dist
and cl, 15 ; /* op &= 15 */
jz L_check_dist_one
sub bl, cl
xor eax, eax
inc eax
shl eax, cl
dec eax ; /* (1 << op) - 1 */
and eax, edx ; /* eax &= hold */
shr rdx, cl
add r15d, eax ; /* dist += hold & ((1 << op) - 1) */
mov r8, rsi ; /* save in so from can use it's reg */
mov rax, rdi
sub rax, [rsp+40] ; /* nbytes = out - beg */
cmp eax, r15d
jb L_clip_window ; /* if (dist > nbytes) 4.2% */
mov ecx, r14d ; /* ecx = len */
mov rsi, rdi
sub rsi, r15 ; /* from = out - dist */
sar ecx, 1
jnc L_copy_two ; /* if len % 2 == 0 */
rep movsw
mov al, [rsi]
mov [rdi], al
inc rdi
mov rsi, r8 ; /* move in back to %rsi, toss from */
jmp L_while_test
rep movsw
mov rsi, r8 ; /* move in back to %rsi, toss from */
jmp L_while_test
cmp r15d, 1 ; /* if dist 1, is a memset */
jne L_check_window
cmp [rsp+40], rdi ; /* if out == beg, outside window */
je L_check_window
mov ecx, r14d ; /* ecx = len */
mov al, [rdi-1]
mov ah, al
sar ecx, 1
jnc L_set_two
mov [rdi], al
inc rdi
rep stosw
jmp L_while_test
test al, 64
jnz L_test_for_end_of_block ; /* if ((op & 64) != 0) */
xor eax, eax
inc eax
shl eax, cl
dec eax
and eax, edx ; /* eax &= hold */
add eax, r14d ; /* eax += len */
mov eax, [rbp+rax*4] ; /* eax = lcode[val+(hold&mask[op])]*/
jmp L_dolen
test al, 64
jnz L_invalid_distance_code ; /* if ((op & 64) != 0) */
xor eax, eax
inc eax
shl eax, cl
dec eax
and eax, edx ; /* eax &= hold */
add eax, r15d ; /* eax += dist */
mov eax, [r11+rax*4] ; /* eax = dcode[val+(hold&mask[op])]*/
jmp L_dodist
mov ecx, eax ; /* ecx = nbytes */
mov eax, [rsp+92] ; /* eax = wsize, prepare for dist cmp */
neg ecx ; /* nbytes = -nbytes */
cmp eax, r15d
jb L_invalid_distance_too_far ; /* if (dist > wsize) */
add ecx, r15d ; /* nbytes = dist - nbytes */
cmp dword ptr [rsp+96], 0
jne L_wrap_around_window ; /* if (write != 0) */
mov rsi, [rsp+56] ; /* from = window */
sub eax, ecx ; /* eax -= nbytes */
add rsi, rax ; /* from += wsize - nbytes */
mov eax, r14d ; /* eax = len */
cmp r14d, ecx
jbe L_do_copy ; /* if (nbytes >= len) */
sub eax, ecx ; /* eax -= nbytes */
rep movsb
mov rsi, rdi
sub rsi, r15 ; /* from = &out[ -dist ] */
jmp L_do_copy
mov eax, [rsp+96] ; /* eax = write */
cmp ecx, eax
jbe L_contiguous_in_window ; /* if (write >= nbytes) */
mov esi, [rsp+92] ; /* from = wsize */
add rsi, [rsp+56] ; /* from += window */
add rsi, rax ; /* from += write */
sub rsi, rcx ; /* from -= nbytes */
sub ecx, eax ; /* nbytes -= write */
mov eax, r14d ; /* eax = len */
cmp eax, ecx
jbe L_do_copy ; /* if (nbytes >= len) */
sub eax, ecx ; /* len -= nbytes */
rep movsb
mov rsi, [rsp+56] ; /* from = window */
mov ecx, [rsp+96] ; /* nbytes = write */
cmp eax, ecx
jbe L_do_copy ; /* if (nbytes >= len) */
sub eax, ecx ; /* len -= nbytes */
rep movsb
mov rsi, rdi
sub rsi, r15 ; /* from = out - dist */
jmp L_do_copy
mov rsi, [rsp+56] ; /* rsi = window */
add rsi, rax
sub rsi, rcx ; /* from += write - nbytes */
mov eax, r14d ; /* eax = len */
cmp eax, ecx
jbe L_do_copy ; /* if (nbytes >= len) */
sub eax, ecx ; /* len -= nbytes */
rep movsb
mov rsi, rdi
sub rsi, r15 ; /* from = out - dist */
jmp L_do_copy ; /* if (nbytes >= len) */
mov ecx, eax ; /* ecx = len */
rep movsb
mov rsi, r8 ; /* move in back to %esi, toss from */
jmp L_while_test
test al, 32
jz L_invalid_literal_length_code
mov dword ptr [rsp+116], 1
jmp L_break_loop_with_status
mov dword ptr [rsp+116], 2
jmp L_break_loop_with_status
mov dword ptr [rsp+116], 3
jmp L_break_loop_with_status
mov dword ptr [rsp+116], 4
jmp L_break_loop_with_status
mov dword ptr [rsp+116], 0
; /* put in, out, bits, and hold back into ar and pop esp */
mov [rsp+16], rsi ; /* in */
mov [rsp+32], rdi ; /* out */
mov [rsp+88], ebx ; /* bits */
mov [rsp+80], rdx ; /* hold */
mov rax, [rsp] ; /* restore rbp and rsp */
mov rbp, [rsp+8]
mov rsp, rax
mov rsi,[rsp-8]
mov rdi,[rsp-16]
mov r12,[rsp-24]
mov r13,[rsp-32]
mov r14,[rsp-40]
mov r15,[rsp-48]
mov rbx,[rsp-56]
ret 0
; :
; : "m" (ar)
; : "memory", "%rax", "%rbx", "%rcx", "%rdx", "%rsi", "%rdi",
; "%r8", "%r9", "%r10", "%r11", "%r12", "%r13", "%r14", "%r15"
; );
inffas8664fnc ENDP

View File

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
/* inffixed.h -- table for decoding fixed codes
* Generated automatically by makefixed().
/* WARNING: this file should *not* be used by applications. It
is part of the implementation of the compression library and
is subject to change. Applications should only use zlib.h.
static const code lenfix[512] = {
static const code distfix[32] = {

SkinInstaller/zlib/inflate.c Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
/* inflate.h -- internal inflate state definition
* Copyright (C) 1995-2009 Mark Adler
* For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
/* WARNING: this file should *not* be used by applications. It is
part of the implementation of the compression library and is
subject to change. Applications should only use zlib.h.
/* define NO_GZIP when compiling if you want to disable gzip header and
trailer decoding by inflate(). NO_GZIP would be used to avoid linking in
the crc code when it is not needed. For shared libraries, gzip decoding
should be left enabled. */
#ifndef NO_GZIP
# define GUNZIP
/* Possible inflate modes between inflate() calls */
typedef enum {
HEAD, /* i: waiting for magic header */
FLAGS, /* i: waiting for method and flags (gzip) */
TIME, /* i: waiting for modification time (gzip) */
OS, /* i: waiting for extra flags and operating system (gzip) */
EXLEN, /* i: waiting for extra length (gzip) */
EXTRA, /* i: waiting for extra bytes (gzip) */
NAME, /* i: waiting for end of file name (gzip) */
COMMENT, /* i: waiting for end of comment (gzip) */
HCRC, /* i: waiting for header crc (gzip) */
DICTID, /* i: waiting for dictionary check value */
DICT, /* waiting for inflateSetDictionary() call */
TYPE, /* i: waiting for type bits, including last-flag bit */
TYPEDO, /* i: same, but skip check to exit inflate on new block */
STORED, /* i: waiting for stored size (length and complement) */
COPY_, /* i/o: same as COPY below, but only first time in */
COPY, /* i/o: waiting for input or output to copy stored block */
TABLE, /* i: waiting for dynamic block table lengths */
LENLENS, /* i: waiting for code length code lengths */
CODELENS, /* i: waiting for length/lit and distance code lengths */
LEN_, /* i: same as LEN below, but only first time in */
LEN, /* i: waiting for length/lit/eob code */
LENEXT, /* i: waiting for length extra bits */
DIST, /* i: waiting for distance code */
DISTEXT, /* i: waiting for distance extra bits */
MATCH, /* o: waiting for output space to copy string */
LIT, /* o: waiting for output space to write literal */
CHECK, /* i: waiting for 32-bit check value */
LENGTH, /* i: waiting for 32-bit length (gzip) */
DONE, /* finished check, done -- remain here until reset */
BAD, /* got a data error -- remain here until reset */
MEM, /* got an inflate() memory error -- remain here until reset */
SYNC /* looking for synchronization bytes to restart inflate() */
} inflate_mode;
State transitions between above modes -
(most modes can go to BAD or MEM on error -- not shown for clarity)
Process header:
HEAD -> (gzip) or (zlib) or (raw)
(gzip) -> FLAGS -> TIME -> OS -> EXLEN -> EXTRA -> NAME -> COMMENT ->
(zlib) -> DICTID or TYPE
(raw) -> TYPEDO
Read deflate blocks:
Read deflate codes in fixed or dynamic block:
Process trailer:
/* state maintained between inflate() calls. Approximately 10K bytes. */
struct inflate_state {
inflate_mode mode; /* current inflate mode */
int last; /* true if processing last block */
int wrap; /* bit 0 true for zlib, bit 1 true for gzip */
int havedict; /* true if dictionary provided */
int flags; /* gzip header method and flags (0 if zlib) */
unsigned dmax; /* zlib header max distance (INFLATE_STRICT) */
unsigned long check; /* protected copy of check value */
unsigned long total; /* protected copy of output count */
gz_headerp head; /* where to save gzip header information */
/* sliding window */
unsigned wbits; /* log base 2 of requested window size */
unsigned wsize; /* window size or zero if not using window */
unsigned whave; /* valid bytes in the window */
unsigned wnext; /* window write index */
unsigned char FAR *window; /* allocated sliding window, if needed */
/* bit accumulator */
unsigned long hold; /* input bit accumulator */
unsigned bits; /* number of bits in "in" */
/* for string and stored block copying */
unsigned length; /* literal or length of data to copy */
unsigned offset; /* distance back to copy string from */
/* for table and code decoding */
unsigned extra; /* extra bits needed */
/* fixed and dynamic code tables */
code const FAR *lencode; /* starting table for length/literal codes */
code const FAR *distcode; /* starting table for distance codes */
unsigned lenbits; /* index bits for lencode */
unsigned distbits; /* index bits for distcode */
/* dynamic table building */
unsigned ncode; /* number of code length code lengths */
unsigned nlen; /* number of length code lengths */
unsigned ndist; /* number of distance code lengths */
unsigned have; /* number of code lengths in lens[] */
code FAR *next; /* next available space in codes[] */
unsigned short lens[320]; /* temporary storage for code lengths */
unsigned short work[288]; /* work area for code table building */
code codes[ENOUGH]; /* space for code tables */
int sane; /* if false, allow invalid distance too far */
int back; /* bits back of last unprocessed length/lit */
unsigned was; /* initial length of match */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
/* inftrees.c -- generate Huffman trees for efficient decoding
* Copyright (C) 1995-2010 Mark Adler
* For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
#include "zutil.h"
#include "inftrees.h"
#define MAXBITS 15
const char inflate_copyright[] =
" inflate 1.2.5 Copyright 1995-2010 Mark Adler ";
If you use the zlib library in a product, an acknowledgment is welcome
in the documentation of your product. If for some reason you cannot
include such an acknowledgment, I would appreciate that you keep this
copyright string in the executable of your product.
Build a set of tables to decode the provided canonical Huffman code.
The code lengths are lens[0..codes-1]. The result starts at *table,
whose indices are 0..2^bits-1. work is a writable array of at least
lens shorts, which is used as a work area. type is the type of code
to be generated, CODES, LENS, or DISTS. On return, zero is success,
-1 is an invalid code, and +1 means that ENOUGH isn't enough. table
on return points to the next available entry's address. bits is the
requested root table index bits, and on return it is the actual root
table index bits. It will differ if the request is greater than the
longest code or if it is less than the shortest code.
int ZLIB_INTERNAL inflate_table(type, lens, codes, table, bits, work)
codetype type;
unsigned short FAR *lens;
unsigned codes;
code FAR * FAR *table;
unsigned FAR *bits;
unsigned short FAR *work;
unsigned len; /* a code's length in bits */
unsigned sym; /* index of code symbols */
unsigned min, max; /* minimum and maximum code lengths */
unsigned root; /* number of index bits for root table */
unsigned curr; /* number of index bits for current table */
unsigned drop; /* code bits to drop for sub-table */
int left; /* number of prefix codes available */
unsigned used; /* code entries in table used */
unsigned huff; /* Huffman code */
unsigned incr; /* for incrementing code, index */
unsigned fill; /* index for replicating entries */
unsigned low; /* low bits for current root entry */
unsigned mask; /* mask for low root bits */
code here; /* table entry for duplication */
code FAR *next; /* next available space in table */
const unsigned short FAR *base; /* base value table to use */
const unsigned short FAR *extra; /* extra bits table to use */
int end; /* use base and extra for symbol > end */
unsigned short count[MAXBITS+1]; /* number of codes of each length */
unsigned short offs[MAXBITS+1]; /* offsets in table for each length */
static const unsigned short lbase[31] = { /* Length codes 257..285 base */
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31,
35, 43, 51, 59, 67, 83, 99, 115, 131, 163, 195, 227, 258, 0, 0};
static const unsigned short lext[31] = { /* Length codes 257..285 extra */
16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18, 18,
19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, 16, 73, 195};
static const unsigned short dbase[32] = { /* Distance codes 0..29 base */
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193,
257, 385, 513, 769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145,
8193, 12289, 16385, 24577, 0, 0};
static const unsigned short dext[32] = { /* Distance codes 0..29 extra */
16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 18, 18, 19, 19, 20, 20, 21, 21, 22, 22,
23, 23, 24, 24, 25, 25, 26, 26, 27, 27,
28, 28, 29, 29, 64, 64};
Process a set of code lengths to create a canonical Huffman code. The
code lengths are lens[0..codes-1]. Each length corresponds to the
symbols 0..codes-1. The Huffman code is generated by first sorting the
symbols by length from short to long, and retaining the symbol order
for codes with equal lengths. Then the code starts with all zero bits
for the first code of the shortest length, and the codes are integer
increments for the same length, and zeros are appended as the length
increases. For the deflate format, these bits are stored backwards
from their more natural integer increment ordering, and so when the
decoding tables are built in the large loop below, the integer codes
are incremented backwards.
This routine assumes, but does not check, that all of the entries in
lens[] are in the range 0..MAXBITS. The caller must assure this.
1..MAXBITS is interpreted as that code length. zero means that that
symbol does not occur in this code.
The codes are sorted by computing a count of codes for each length,
creating from that a table of starting indices for each length in the
sorted table, and then entering the symbols in order in the sorted
table. The sorted table is work[], with that space being provided by
the caller.
The length counts are used for other purposes as well, i.e. finding
the minimum and maximum length codes, determining if there are any
codes at all, checking for a valid set of lengths, and looking ahead
at length counts to determine sub-table sizes when building the
decoding tables.
/* accumulate lengths for codes (assumes lens[] all in 0..MAXBITS) */
for (len = 0; len <= MAXBITS; len++)
count[len] = 0;
for (sym = 0; sym < codes; sym++)
/* bound code lengths, force root to be within code lengths */
root = *bits;
for (max = MAXBITS; max >= 1; max--)
if (count[max] != 0) break;
if (root > max) root = max;
if (max == 0) { /* no symbols to code at all */
here.op = (unsigned char)64; /* invalid code marker */
here.bits = (unsigned char)1;
here.val = (unsigned short)0;
*(*table)++ = here; /* make a table to force an error */
*(*table)++ = here;
*bits = 1;
return 0; /* no symbols, but wait for decoding to report error */
for (min = 1; min < max; min++)
if (count[min] != 0) break;
if (root < min) root = min;
/* check for an over-subscribed or incomplete set of lengths */
left = 1;
for (len = 1; len <= MAXBITS; len++) {
left <<= 1;
left -= count[len];
if (left < 0) return -1; /* over-subscribed */
if (left > 0 && (type == CODES || max != 1))
return -1; /* incomplete set */
/* generate offsets into symbol table for each length for sorting */
offs[1] = 0;
for (len = 1; len < MAXBITS; len++)
offs[len + 1] = offs[len] + count[len];
/* sort symbols by length, by symbol order within each length */
for (sym = 0; sym < codes; sym++)
if (lens[sym] != 0) work[offs[lens[sym]]++] = (unsigned short)sym;
Create and fill in decoding tables. In this loop, the table being
filled is at next and has curr index bits. The code being used is huff
with length len. That code is converted to an index by dropping drop
bits off of the bottom. For codes where len is less than drop + curr,
those top drop + curr - len bits are incremented through all values to
fill the table with replicated entries.
root is the number of index bits for the root table. When len exceeds
root, sub-tables are created pointed to by the root entry with an index
of the low root bits of huff. This is saved in low to check for when a
new sub-table should be started. drop is zero when the root table is
being filled, and drop is root when sub-tables are being filled.
When a new sub-table is needed, it is necessary to look ahead in the
code lengths to determine what size sub-table is needed. The length
counts are used for this, and so count[] is decremented as codes are
entered in the tables.
used keeps track of how many table entries have been allocated from the
provided *table space. It is checked for LENS and DIST tables against
the constants ENOUGH_LENS and ENOUGH_DISTS to guard against changes in
the initial root table size constants. See the comments in inftrees.h
for more information.
sym increments through all symbols, and the loop terminates when
all codes of length max, i.e. all codes, have been processed. This
routine permits incomplete codes, so another loop after this one fills
in the rest of the decoding tables with invalid code markers.
/* set up for code type */
switch (type) {
case CODES:
base = extra = work; /* dummy value--not used */
end = 19;
case LENS:
base = lbase;
base -= 257;
extra = lext;
extra -= 257;
end = 256;
default: /* DISTS */
base = dbase;
extra = dext;
end = -1;
/* initialize state for loop */
huff = 0; /* starting code */
sym = 0; /* starting code symbol */
len = min; /* starting code length */
next = *table; /* current table to fill in */
curr = root; /* current table index bits */
drop = 0; /* current bits to drop from code for index */
low = (unsigned)(-1); /* trigger new sub-table when len > root */
used = 1U << root; /* use root table entries */
mask = used - 1; /* mask for comparing low */
/* check available table space */
if ((type == LENS && used >= ENOUGH_LENS) ||
(type == DISTS && used >= ENOUGH_DISTS))
return 1;
/* process all codes and make table entries */
for (;;) {
/* create table entry */
here.bits = (unsigned char)(len - drop);
if ((int)(work[sym]) < end) {
here.op = (unsigned char)0;
here.val = work[sym];
else if ((int)(work[sym]) > end) {
here.op = (unsigned char)(extra[work[sym]]);
here.val = base[work[sym]];
else {
here.op = (unsigned char)(32 + 64); /* end of block */
here.val = 0;
/* replicate for those indices with low len bits equal to huff */
incr = 1U << (len - drop);
fill = 1U << curr;
min = fill; /* save offset to next table */
do {
fill -= incr;
next[(huff >> drop) + fill] = here;
} while (fill != 0);
/* backwards increment the len-bit code huff */
incr = 1U << (len - 1);
while (huff & incr)
incr >>= 1;
if (incr != 0) {
huff &= incr - 1;
huff += incr;
huff = 0;
/* go to next symbol, update count, len */
if (--(count[len]) == 0) {
if (len == max) break;
len = lens[work[sym]];
/* create new sub-table if needed */
if (len > root && (huff & mask) != low) {
/* if first time, transition to sub-tables */
if (drop == 0)
drop = root;
/* increment past last table */
next += min; /* here min is 1 << curr */
/* determine length of next table */
curr = len - drop;
left = (int)(1 << curr);
while (curr + drop < max) {
left -= count[curr + drop];
if (left <= 0) break;
left <<= 1;
/* check for enough space */
used += 1U << curr;
if ((type == LENS && used >= ENOUGH_LENS) ||
(type == DISTS && used >= ENOUGH_DISTS))
return 1;
/* point entry in root table to sub-table */
low = huff & mask;
(*table)[low].op = (unsigned char)curr;
(*table)[low].bits = (unsigned char)root;
(*table)[low].val = (unsigned short)(next - *table);
Fill in rest of table for incomplete codes. This loop is similar to the
loop above in incrementing huff for table indices. It is assumed that
len is equal to curr + drop, so there is no loop needed to increment
through high index bits. When the current sub-table is filled, the loop
drops back to the root table to fill in any remaining entries there.
here.op = (unsigned char)64; /* invalid code marker */
here.bits = (unsigned char)(len - drop);
here.val = (unsigned short)0;
while (huff != 0) {
/* when done with sub-table, drop back to root table */
if (drop != 0 && (huff & mask) != low) {
drop = 0;
len = root;
next = *table;
here.bits = (unsigned char)len;
/* put invalid code marker in table */
next[huff >> drop] = here;
/* backwards increment the len-bit code huff */
incr = 1U << (len - 1);
while (huff & incr)
incr >>= 1;
if (incr != 0) {
huff &= incr - 1;
huff += incr;
huff = 0;
/* set return parameters */
*table += used;
*bits = root;
return 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
/* inftrees.h -- header to use inftrees.c
* Copyright (C) 1995-2005, 2010 Mark Adler
* For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
/* WARNING: this file should *not* be used by applications. It is
part of the implementation of the compression library and is
subject to change. Applications should only use zlib.h.
/* Structure for decoding tables. Each entry provides either the
information needed to do the operation requested by the code that
indexed that table entry, or it provides a pointer to another
table that indexes more bits of the code. op indicates whether
the entry is a pointer to another table, a literal, a length or
distance, an end-of-block, or an invalid code. For a table
pointer, the low four bits of op is the number of index bits of
that table. For a length or distance, the low four bits of op
is the number of extra bits to get after the code. bits is
the number of bits in this code or part of the code to drop off
of the bit buffer. val is the actual byte to output in the case
of a literal, the base length or distance, or the offset from
the current table to the next table. Each entry is four bytes. */
typedef struct {
unsigned char op; /* operation, extra bits, table bits */
unsigned char bits; /* bits in this part of the code */
unsigned short val; /* offset in table or code value */
} code;
/* op values as set by inflate_table():
00000000 - literal
0000tttt - table link, tttt != 0 is the number of table index bits
0001eeee - length or distance, eeee is the number of extra bits
01100000 - end of block
01000000 - invalid code
/* Maximum size of the dynamic table. The maximum number of code structures is
1444, which is the sum of 852 for literal/length codes and 592 for distance
codes. These values were found by exhaustive searches using the program
examples/enough.c found in the zlib distribtution. The arguments to that
program are the number of symbols, the initial root table size, and the
maximum bit length of a code. "enough 286 9 15" for literal/length codes
returns returns 852, and "enough 30 6 15" for distance codes returns 592.
The initial root table size (9 or 6) is found in the fifth argument of the
inflate_table() calls in inflate.c and infback.c. If the root table size is
changed, then these maximum sizes would be need to be recalculated and
updated. */
#define ENOUGH_LENS 852
#define ENOUGH_DISTS 592
/* Type of code to build for inflate_table() */
typedef enum {
} codetype;
int ZLIB_INTERNAL inflate_table OF((codetype type, unsigned short FAR *lens,
unsigned codes, code FAR * FAR *table,
unsigned FAR *bits, unsigned short FAR *work));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,440 @@
/* minigzip.c -- simulate gzip using the zlib compression library
* Copyright (C) 1995-2006, 2010 Jean-loup Gailly.
* For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
* minigzip is a minimal implementation of the gzip utility. This is
* only an example of using zlib and isn't meant to replace the
* full-featured gzip. No attempt is made to deal with file systems
* limiting names to 14 or 8+3 characters, etc... Error checking is
* very limited. So use minigzip only for testing; use gzip for the
* real thing. On MSDOS, use only on file names without extension
* or in pipe mode.
/* @(#) $Id$ */
#include "zlib.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#ifdef STDC
# include <string.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef USE_MMAP
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <sys/mman.h>
# include <sys/stat.h>
#if defined(MSDOS) || defined(OS2) || defined(WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
# include <fcntl.h>
# include <io.h>
# ifdef UNDER_CE
# include <stdlib.h>
# endif
# define SET_BINARY_MODE(file) setmode(fileno(file), O_BINARY)
# define SET_BINARY_MODE(file)
#ifdef VMS
# define unlink delete
# define GZ_SUFFIX "-gz"
#ifdef RISCOS
# define unlink remove
# define GZ_SUFFIX "-gz"
# define fileno(file) file->__file
#if defined(__MWERKS__) && __dest_os != __be_os && __dest_os != __win32_os
# include <unix.h> /* for fileno */
#if !defined(Z_HAVE_UNISTD_H) && !defined(_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE)
#ifndef WIN32 /* unlink already in stdio.h for WIN32 */
extern int unlink OF((const char *));
#if defined(UNDER_CE)
# include <windows.h>
# define perror(s) pwinerror(s)
/* Map the Windows error number in ERROR to a locale-dependent error
message string and return a pointer to it. Typically, the values
for ERROR come from GetLastError.
The string pointed to shall not be modified by the application,
but may be overwritten by a subsequent call to strwinerror
The strwinerror function does not change the current setting
of GetLastError. */
static char *strwinerror (error)
DWORD error;
static char buf[1024];
wchar_t *msgbuf;
DWORD lasterr = GetLastError();
0, /* Default language */
if (chars != 0) {
/* If there is an \r\n appended, zap it. */
if (chars >= 2
&& msgbuf[chars - 2] == '\r' && msgbuf[chars - 1] == '\n') {
chars -= 2;
msgbuf[chars] = 0;
if (chars > sizeof (buf) - 1) {
chars = sizeof (buf) - 1;
msgbuf[chars] = 0;
wcstombs(buf, msgbuf, chars + 1);
else {
sprintf(buf, "unknown win32 error (%ld)", error);
return buf;
static void pwinerror (s)
const char *s;
if (s && *s)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", s, strwinerror(GetLastError ()));
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", strwinerror(GetLastError ()));
#endif /* UNDER_CE */
#ifndef GZ_SUFFIX
# define GZ_SUFFIX ".gz"
#define SUFFIX_LEN (sizeof(GZ_SUFFIX)-1)
#define BUFLEN 16384
#define MAX_NAME_LEN 1024
#ifdef MAXSEG_64K
# define local static
/* Needed for systems with limitation on stack size. */
# define local
char *prog;
void error OF((const char *msg));
void gz_compress OF((FILE *in, gzFile out));
#ifdef USE_MMAP
int gz_compress_mmap OF((FILE *in, gzFile out));
void gz_uncompress OF((gzFile in, FILE *out));
void file_compress OF((char *file, char *mode));
void file_uncompress OF((char *file));
int main OF((int argc, char *argv[]));
/* ===========================================================================
* Display error message and exit
void error(msg)
const char *msg;
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", prog, msg);
/* ===========================================================================
* Compress input to output then close both files.
void gz_compress(in, out)
FILE *in;
gzFile out;
local char buf[BUFLEN];
int len;
int err;
#ifdef USE_MMAP
/* Try first compressing with mmap. If mmap fails (minigzip used in a
* pipe), use the normal fread loop.
if (gz_compress_mmap(in, out) == Z_OK) return;
for (;;) {
len = (int)fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), in);
if (ferror(in)) {
if (len == 0) break;
if (gzwrite(out, buf, (unsigned)len) != len) error(gzerror(out, &err));
if (gzclose(out) != Z_OK) error("failed gzclose");
#ifdef USE_MMAP /* MMAP version, Miguel Albrecht <malbrech@eso.org> */
/* Try compressing the input file at once using mmap. Return Z_OK if
* if success, Z_ERRNO otherwise.
int gz_compress_mmap(in, out)
FILE *in;
gzFile out;
int len;
int err;
int ifd = fileno(in);
caddr_t buf; /* mmap'ed buffer for the entire input file */
off_t buf_len; /* length of the input file */
struct stat sb;
/* Determine the size of the file, needed for mmap: */
if (fstat(ifd, &sb) < 0) return Z_ERRNO;
buf_len = sb.st_size;
if (buf_len <= 0) return Z_ERRNO;
/* Now do the actual mmap: */
buf = mmap((caddr_t) 0, buf_len, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, ifd, (off_t)0);
if (buf == (caddr_t)(-1)) return Z_ERRNO;
/* Compress the whole file at once: */
len = gzwrite(out, (char *)buf, (unsigned)buf_len);
if (len != (int)buf_len) error(gzerror(out, &err));
munmap(buf, buf_len);
if (gzclose(out) != Z_OK) error("failed gzclose");
return Z_OK;
#endif /* USE_MMAP */
/* ===========================================================================
* Uncompress input to output then close both files.
void gz_uncompress(in, out)
gzFile in;
FILE *out;
local char buf[BUFLEN];
int len;
int err;
for (;;) {
len = gzread(in, buf, sizeof(buf));
if (len < 0) error (gzerror(in, &err));
if (len == 0) break;
if ((int)fwrite(buf, 1, (unsigned)len, out) != len) {
error("failed fwrite");
if (fclose(out)) error("failed fclose");
if (gzclose(in) != Z_OK) error("failed gzclose");
/* ===========================================================================
* Compress the given file: create a corresponding .gz file and remove the
* original.
void file_compress(file, mode)
char *file;
char *mode;
local char outfile[MAX_NAME_LEN];
FILE *in;
gzFile out;
if (strlen(file) + strlen(GZ_SUFFIX) >= sizeof(outfile)) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: filename too long\n", prog);
strcpy(outfile, file);
strcat(outfile, GZ_SUFFIX);
in = fopen(file, "rb");
if (in == NULL) {
out = gzopen(outfile, mode);
if (out == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't gzopen %s\n", prog, outfile);
gz_compress(in, out);
/* ===========================================================================
* Uncompress the given file and remove the original.
void file_uncompress(file)
char *file;
local char buf[MAX_NAME_LEN];
char *infile, *outfile;
FILE *out;
gzFile in;
size_t len = strlen(file);
if (len + strlen(GZ_SUFFIX) >= sizeof(buf)) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: filename too long\n", prog);
strcpy(buf, file);
if (len > SUFFIX_LEN && strcmp(file+len-SUFFIX_LEN, GZ_SUFFIX) == 0) {
infile = file;
outfile = buf;
outfile[len-3] = '\0';
} else {
outfile = file;
infile = buf;
strcat(infile, GZ_SUFFIX);
in = gzopen(infile, "rb");
if (in == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't gzopen %s\n", prog, infile);
out = fopen(outfile, "wb");
if (out == NULL) {
gz_uncompress(in, out);
/* ===========================================================================
* Usage: minigzip [-c] [-d] [-f] [-h] [-r] [-1 to -9] [files...]
* -c : write to standard output
* -d : decompress
* -f : compress with Z_FILTERED
* -h : compress with Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY
* -r : compress with Z_RLE
* -1 to -9 : compression level
int main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
int copyout = 0;
int uncompr = 0;
gzFile file;
char *bname, outmode[20];
strcpy(outmode, "wb6 ");
prog = argv[0];
bname = strrchr(argv[0], '/');
if (bname)
bname = argv[0];
argc--, argv++;
if (!strcmp(bname, "gunzip"))
uncompr = 1;
else if (!strcmp(bname, "zcat"))
copyout = uncompr = 1;
while (argc > 0) {
if (strcmp(*argv, "-c") == 0)
copyout = 1;
else if (strcmp(*argv, "-d") == 0)
uncompr = 1;
else if (strcmp(*argv, "-f") == 0)
outmode[3] = 'f';
else if (strcmp(*argv, "-h") == 0)
outmode[3] = 'h';
else if (strcmp(*argv, "-r") == 0)
outmode[3] = 'R';
else if ((*argv)[0] == '-' && (*argv)[1] >= '1' && (*argv)[1] <= '9' &&
(*argv)[2] == 0)
outmode[2] = (*argv)[1];
argc--, argv++;
if (outmode[3] == ' ')
outmode[3] = 0;
if (argc == 0) {
if (uncompr) {
file = gzdopen(fileno(stdin), "rb");
if (file == NULL) error("can't gzdopen stdin");
gz_uncompress(file, stdout);
} else {
file = gzdopen(fileno(stdout), outmode);
if (file == NULL) error("can't gzdopen stdout");
gz_compress(stdin, file);
} else {
if (copyout) {
do {
if (uncompr) {
if (copyout) {
file = gzopen(*argv, "rb");
if (file == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't gzopen %s\n", prog, *argv);
gz_uncompress(file, stdout);
} else {
} else {
if (copyout) {
FILE * in = fopen(*argv, "rb");
if (in == NULL) {
} else {
file = gzdopen(fileno(stdout), outmode);
if (file == NULL) error("can't gzdopen stdout");
gz_compress(in, file);
} else {
file_compress(*argv, outmode);
} while (argv++, --argc);
return 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
/* crypt.h -- base code for crypt/uncrypt ZIPfile
Version 1.01e, February 12th, 2005
Copyright (C) 1998-2005 Gilles Vollant
This code is a modified version of crypting code in Infozip distribution
The encryption/decryption parts of this source code (as opposed to the
non-echoing password parts) were originally written in Europe. The
whole source package can be freely distributed, including from the USA.
(Prior to January 2000, re-export from the US was a violation of US law.)
This encryption code is a direct transcription of the algorithm from
Roger Schlafly, described by Phil Katz in the file appnote.txt. This
file (appnote.txt) is distributed with the PKZIP program (even in the
version without encryption capabilities).
If you don't need crypting in your application, just define symbols
This code support the "Traditional PKWARE Encryption".
The new AES encryption added on Zip format by Winzip (see the page
http://www.winzip.com/aes_info.htm ) and PKWare PKZip 5.x Strong
Encryption is not supported.
#define CRC32(c, b) ((*(pcrc_32_tab+(((int)(c) ^ (b)) & 0xff))) ^ ((c) >> 8))
* Return the next byte in the pseudo-random sequence
static int decrypt_byte(unsigned long* pkeys, const unsigned long* pcrc_32_tab)
unsigned temp; /* POTENTIAL BUG: temp*(temp^1) may overflow in an
* unpredictable manner on 16-bit systems; not a problem
* with any known compiler so far, though */
temp = ((unsigned)(*(pkeys+2)) & 0xffff) | 2;
return (int)(((temp * (temp ^ 1)) >> 8) & 0xff);
* Update the encryption keys with the next byte of plain text
static int update_keys(unsigned long* pkeys,const unsigned long* pcrc_32_tab,int c)
(*(pkeys+0)) = CRC32((*(pkeys+0)), c);
(*(pkeys+1)) += (*(pkeys+0)) & 0xff;
(*(pkeys+1)) = (*(pkeys+1)) * 134775813L + 1;
register int keyshift = (int)((*(pkeys+1)) >> 24);
(*(pkeys+2)) = CRC32((*(pkeys+2)), keyshift);
return c;
* Initialize the encryption keys and the random header according to
* the given password.
static void init_keys(const char* passwd,unsigned long* pkeys,const unsigned long* pcrc_32_tab)
*(pkeys+0) = 305419896L;
*(pkeys+1) = 591751049L;
*(pkeys+2) = 878082192L;
while (*passwd != '\0') {
#define zdecode(pkeys,pcrc_32_tab,c) \
(update_keys(pkeys,pcrc_32_tab,c ^= decrypt_byte(pkeys,pcrc_32_tab)))
#define zencode(pkeys,pcrc_32_tab,c,t) \
(t=decrypt_byte(pkeys,pcrc_32_tab), update_keys(pkeys,pcrc_32_tab,c), t^(c))
#define RAND_HEAD_LEN 12
/* "last resort" source for second part of crypt seed pattern */
# ifndef ZCR_SEED2
# define ZCR_SEED2 3141592654UL /* use PI as default pattern */
# endif
static int crypthead(const char* passwd, /* password string */
unsigned char* buf, /* where to write header */
int bufSize,
unsigned long* pkeys,
const unsigned long* pcrc_32_tab,
unsigned long crcForCrypting)
int n; /* index in random header */
int t; /* temporary */
int c; /* random byte */
unsigned char header[RAND_HEAD_LEN-2]; /* random header */
static unsigned calls = 0; /* ensure different random header each time */
if (bufSize<RAND_HEAD_LEN)
return 0;
/* First generate RAND_HEAD_LEN-2 random bytes. We encrypt the
* output of rand() to get less predictability, since rand() is
* often poorly implemented.
if (++calls == 1)
srand((unsigned)(time(NULL) ^ ZCR_SEED2));
init_keys(passwd, pkeys, pcrc_32_tab);
for (n = 0; n < RAND_HEAD_LEN-2; n++)
c = (rand() >> 7) & 0xff;
header[n] = (unsigned char)zencode(pkeys, pcrc_32_tab, c, t);
/* Encrypt random header (last two bytes is high word of crc) */
init_keys(passwd, pkeys, pcrc_32_tab);
for (n = 0; n < RAND_HEAD_LEN-2; n++)
buf[n] = (unsigned char)zencode(pkeys, pcrc_32_tab, header[n], t);
buf[n++] = (unsigned char)zencode(pkeys, pcrc_32_tab, (int)(crcForCrypting >> 16) & 0xff, t);
buf[n++] = (unsigned char)zencode(pkeys, pcrc_32_tab, (int)(crcForCrypting >> 24) & 0xff, t);
return n;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
/* ioapi.h -- IO base function header for compress/uncompress .zip
part of the MiniZip project - ( http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll/minizip.html )
Copyright (C) 1998-2010 Gilles Vollant (minizip) ( http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll/minizip.html )
Modifications for Zip64 support
Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Mathias Svensson ( http://result42.com )
For more info read MiniZip_info.txt
#if (defined(_WIN32))
#include "ioapi.h"
voidpf call_zopen64 (const zlib_filefunc64_32_def* pfilefunc,const void*filename,int mode)
if (pfilefunc->zfile_func64.zopen64_file != NULL)
return (*(pfilefunc->zfile_func64.zopen64_file)) (pfilefunc->zfile_func64.opaque,filename,mode);
return (*(pfilefunc->zopen32_file))(pfilefunc->zfile_func64.opaque,(const char*)filename,mode);
long call_zseek64 (const zlib_filefunc64_32_def* pfilefunc,voidpf filestream, ZPOS64_T offset, int origin)
if (pfilefunc->zfile_func64.zseek64_file != NULL)
return (*(pfilefunc->zfile_func64.zseek64_file)) (pfilefunc->zfile_func64.opaque,filestream,offset,origin);
uLong offsetTruncated = (uLong)offset;
if (offsetTruncated != offset)
return -1;
return (*(pfilefunc->zseek32_file))(pfilefunc->zfile_func64.opaque,filestream,offsetTruncated,origin);
ZPOS64_T call_ztell64 (const zlib_filefunc64_32_def* pfilefunc,voidpf filestream)
if (pfilefunc->zfile_func64.zseek64_file != NULL)
return (*(pfilefunc->zfile_func64.ztell64_file)) (pfilefunc->zfile_func64.opaque,filestream);
uLong tell_uLong = (*(pfilefunc->ztell32_file))(pfilefunc->zfile_func64.opaque,filestream);
if ((tell_uLong) == ((uLong)-1))
return (ZPOS64_T)-1;
return tell_uLong;
void fill_zlib_filefunc64_32_def_from_filefunc32(zlib_filefunc64_32_def* p_filefunc64_32,const zlib_filefunc_def* p_filefunc32)
p_filefunc64_32->zfile_func64.zopen64_file = NULL;
p_filefunc64_32->zopen32_file = p_filefunc32->zopen_file;
p_filefunc64_32->zfile_func64.zerror_file = p_filefunc32->zerror_file;
p_filefunc64_32->zfile_func64.zread_file = p_filefunc32->zread_file;
p_filefunc64_32->zfile_func64.zwrite_file = p_filefunc32->zwrite_file;
p_filefunc64_32->zfile_func64.ztell64_file = NULL;
p_filefunc64_32->zfile_func64.zseek64_file = NULL;
p_filefunc64_32->zfile_func64.zclose_file = p_filefunc32->zclose_file;
p_filefunc64_32->zfile_func64.zerror_file = p_filefunc32->zerror_file;
p_filefunc64_32->zfile_func64.opaque = p_filefunc32->opaque;
p_filefunc64_32->zseek32_file = p_filefunc32->zseek_file;
p_filefunc64_32->ztell32_file = p_filefunc32->ztell_file;
static voidpf ZCALLBACK fopen_file_func OF((voidpf opaque, const char* filename, int mode));
static uLong ZCALLBACK fread_file_func OF((voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, void* buf, uLong size));
static uLong ZCALLBACK fwrite_file_func OF((voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, const void* buf,uLong size));
static ZPOS64_T ZCALLBACK ftell64_file_func OF((voidpf opaque, voidpf stream));
static long ZCALLBACK fseek64_file_func OF((voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, ZPOS64_T offset, int origin));
static int ZCALLBACK fclose_file_func OF((voidpf opaque, voidpf stream));
static int ZCALLBACK ferror_file_func OF((voidpf opaque, voidpf stream));
static voidpf ZCALLBACK fopen_file_func (voidpf opaque, const char* filename, int mode)
FILE* file = NULL;
const char* mode_fopen = NULL;
mode_fopen = "rb";
mode_fopen = "r+b";
mode_fopen = "wb";
if ((filename!=NULL) && (mode_fopen != NULL))
file = fopen(filename, mode_fopen);
return file;
static voidpf ZCALLBACK fopen64_file_func (voidpf opaque, const void* filename, int mode)
FILE* file = NULL;
const char* mode_fopen = NULL;
mode_fopen = "rb";
mode_fopen = "r+b";
mode_fopen = "wb";
if ((filename!=NULL) && (mode_fopen != NULL))
file = fopen64((const char*)filename, mode_fopen);
return file;
static uLong ZCALLBACK fread_file_func (voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, void* buf, uLong size)
uLong ret;
ret = (uLong)fread(buf, 1, (size_t)size, (FILE *)stream);
return ret;
static uLong ZCALLBACK fwrite_file_func (voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, const void* buf, uLong size)
uLong ret;
ret = (uLong)fwrite(buf, 1, (size_t)size, (FILE *)stream);
return ret;
static long ZCALLBACK ftell_file_func (voidpf opaque, voidpf stream)
long ret;
ret = ftell((FILE *)stream);
return ret;
static ZPOS64_T ZCALLBACK ftell64_file_func (voidpf opaque, voidpf stream)
ZPOS64_T ret;
ret = ftello64((FILE *)stream);
return ret;
static long ZCALLBACK fseek_file_func (voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, uLong offset, int origin)
int fseek_origin=0;
long ret;
switch (origin)
fseek_origin = SEEK_CUR;
fseek_origin = SEEK_END;
fseek_origin = SEEK_SET;
default: return -1;
ret = 0;
if (fseek((FILE *)stream, offset, fseek_origin) != 0)
ret = -1;
return ret;
static long ZCALLBACK fseek64_file_func (voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, ZPOS64_T offset, int origin)
int fseek_origin=0;
long ret;
switch (origin)
fseek_origin = SEEK_CUR;
fseek_origin = SEEK_END;
fseek_origin = SEEK_SET;
default: return -1;
ret = 0;
if(fseeko64((FILE *)stream, offset, fseek_origin) != 0)
ret = -1;
return ret;
static int ZCALLBACK fclose_file_func (voidpf opaque, voidpf stream)
int ret;
ret = fclose((FILE *)stream);
return ret;
static int ZCALLBACK ferror_file_func (voidpf opaque, voidpf stream)
int ret;
ret = ferror((FILE *)stream);
return ret;
void fill_fopen_filefunc (pzlib_filefunc_def)
zlib_filefunc_def* pzlib_filefunc_def;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zopen_file = fopen_file_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zread_file = fread_file_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zwrite_file = fwrite_file_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->ztell_file = ftell_file_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zseek_file = fseek_file_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zclose_file = fclose_file_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zerror_file = ferror_file_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->opaque = NULL;
void fill_fopen64_filefunc (zlib_filefunc64_def* pzlib_filefunc_def)
pzlib_filefunc_def->zopen64_file = fopen64_file_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zread_file = fread_file_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zwrite_file = fwrite_file_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->ztell64_file = ftell64_file_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zseek64_file = fseek64_file_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zclose_file = fclose_file_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zerror_file = ferror_file_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->opaque = NULL;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
/* ioapi.h -- IO base function header for compress/uncompress .zip
part of the MiniZip project - ( http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll/minizip.html )
Copyright (C) 1998-2010 Gilles Vollant (minizip) ( http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll/minizip.html )
Modifications for Zip64 support
Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Mathias Svensson ( http://result42.com )
For more info read MiniZip_info.txt
Oct-2009 - Defined ZPOS64_T to fpos_t on windows and u_int64_t on linux. (might need to find a better why for this)
Oct-2009 - Change to fseeko64, ftello64 and fopen64 so large files would work on linux.
More if/def section may be needed to support other platforms
Oct-2009 - Defined fxxxx64 calls to normal fopen/ftell/fseek so they would compile on windows.
(but you should use iowin32.c for windows instead)
#ifndef _ZLIBIOAPI64_H
#define _ZLIBIOAPI64_H
#if (!defined(_WIN32)) && (!defined(WIN32))
// Linux needs this to support file operation on files larger then 4+GB
// But might need better if/def to select just the platforms that needs them.
#ifndef __USE_FILE_OFFSET64
#define __USE_FILE_OFFSET64
#ifndef __USE_LARGEFILE64
#define __USE_LARGEFILE64
#define _FILE_OFFSET_BIT 64
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "zlib.h"
#if defined(USE_FILE32API)
#define fopen64 fopen
#define ftello64 ftell
#define fseeko64 fseek
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define fopen64 fopen
#if (_MSC_VER >= 1400) && (!(defined(NO_MSCVER_FILE64_FUNC)))
#define ftello64 _ftelli64
#define fseeko64 _fseeki64
#else // old MSC
#define ftello64 ftell
#define fseeko64 fseek
#ifndef ZPOS64_T
#ifdef _WIN32
#define ZPOS64_T fpos_t
#include <stdint.h>
#define ZPOS64_T uint64_t
#include "mz64conf.h"
/* a type choosen by DEFINE */
#include "stdint.h"
typedef uint64_t ZPOS64_T;
#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__)
typedef unsigned __int64 ZPOS64_T;
typedef unsigned long long int ZPOS64_T;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#if (defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined (WINDOWS) || defined (_WINDOWS)) && defined(CALLBACK) && defined (USEWINDOWS_CALLBACK)
typedef voidpf (ZCALLBACK *open_file_func) OF((voidpf opaque, const char* filename, int mode));
typedef uLong (ZCALLBACK *read_file_func) OF((voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, void* buf, uLong size));
typedef uLong (ZCALLBACK *write_file_func) OF((voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, const void* buf, uLong size));
typedef int (ZCALLBACK *close_file_func) OF((voidpf opaque, voidpf stream));
typedef int (ZCALLBACK *testerror_file_func) OF((voidpf opaque, voidpf stream));
typedef long (ZCALLBACK *tell_file_func) OF((voidpf opaque, voidpf stream));
typedef long (ZCALLBACK *seek_file_func) OF((voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, uLong offset, int origin));
/* here is the "old" 32 bits structure structure */
typedef struct zlib_filefunc_def_s
open_file_func zopen_file;
read_file_func zread_file;
write_file_func zwrite_file;
tell_file_func ztell_file;
seek_file_func zseek_file;
close_file_func zclose_file;
testerror_file_func zerror_file;
voidpf opaque;
} zlib_filefunc_def;
typedef ZPOS64_T (ZCALLBACK *tell64_file_func) OF((voidpf opaque, voidpf stream));
typedef long (ZCALLBACK *seek64_file_func) OF((voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, ZPOS64_T offset, int origin));
typedef voidpf (ZCALLBACK *open64_file_func) OF((voidpf opaque, const void* filename, int mode));
typedef struct zlib_filefunc64_def_s
open64_file_func zopen64_file;
read_file_func zread_file;
write_file_func zwrite_file;
tell64_file_func ztell64_file;
seek64_file_func zseek64_file;
close_file_func zclose_file;
testerror_file_func zerror_file;
voidpf opaque;
} zlib_filefunc64_def;
void fill_fopen64_filefunc OF((zlib_filefunc64_def* pzlib_filefunc_def));
void fill_fopen_filefunc OF((zlib_filefunc_def* pzlib_filefunc_def));
/* now internal definition, only for zip.c and unzip.h */
typedef struct zlib_filefunc64_32_def_s
zlib_filefunc64_def zfile_func64;
open_file_func zopen32_file;
tell_file_func ztell32_file;
seek_file_func zseek32_file;
} zlib_filefunc64_32_def;
#define ZREAD64(filefunc,filestream,buf,size) ((*((filefunc).zfile_func64.zread_file)) ((filefunc).zfile_func64.opaque,filestream,buf,size))
#define ZWRITE64(filefunc,filestream,buf,size) ((*((filefunc).zfile_func64.zwrite_file)) ((filefunc).zfile_func64.opaque,filestream,buf,size))
//#define ZTELL64(filefunc,filestream) ((*((filefunc).ztell64_file)) ((filefunc).opaque,filestream))
//#define ZSEEK64(filefunc,filestream,pos,mode) ((*((filefunc).zseek64_file)) ((filefunc).opaque,filestream,pos,mode))
#define ZCLOSE64(filefunc,filestream) ((*((filefunc).zfile_func64.zclose_file)) ((filefunc).zfile_func64.opaque,filestream))
#define ZERROR64(filefunc,filestream) ((*((filefunc).zfile_func64.zerror_file)) ((filefunc).zfile_func64.opaque,filestream))
voidpf call_zopen64 OF((const zlib_filefunc64_32_def* pfilefunc,const void*filename,int mode));
long call_zseek64 OF((const zlib_filefunc64_32_def* pfilefunc,voidpf filestream, ZPOS64_T offset, int origin));
ZPOS64_T call_ztell64 OF((const zlib_filefunc64_32_def* pfilefunc,voidpf filestream));
void fill_zlib_filefunc64_32_def_from_filefunc32(zlib_filefunc64_32_def* p_filefunc64_32,const zlib_filefunc_def* p_filefunc32);
#define ZOPEN64(filefunc,filename,mode) (call_zopen64((&(filefunc)),(filename),(mode)))
#define ZTELL64(filefunc,filestream) (call_ztell64((&(filefunc)),(filestream)))
#define ZSEEK64(filefunc,filestream,pos,mode) (call_zseek64((&(filefunc)),(filestream),(pos),(mode)))
#ifdef __cplusplus

View File

@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
/* iowin32.c -- IO base function header for compress/uncompress .zip
Version 1.1, February 14h, 2010
part of the MiniZip project - ( http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll/minizip.html )
Copyright (C) 1998-2010 Gilles Vollant (minizip) ( http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll/minizip.html )
Modifications for Zip64 support
Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Mathias Svensson ( http://result42.com )
For more info read MiniZip_info.txt
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "zlib.h"
#include "ioapi.h"
#include "iowin32.h"
voidpf ZCALLBACK win32_open_file_func OF((voidpf opaque, const char* filename, int mode));
uLong ZCALLBACK win32_read_file_func OF((voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, void* buf, uLong size));
uLong ZCALLBACK win32_write_file_func OF((voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, const void* buf, uLong size));
ZPOS64_T ZCALLBACK win32_tell64_file_func OF((voidpf opaque, voidpf stream));
long ZCALLBACK win32_seek64_file_func OF((voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, ZPOS64_T offset, int origin));
int ZCALLBACK win32_close_file_func OF((voidpf opaque, voidpf stream));
int ZCALLBACK win32_error_file_func OF((voidpf opaque, voidpf stream));
typedef struct
int error;
static void win32_translate_open_mode(int mode,
DWORD* lpdwDesiredAccess,
DWORD* lpdwCreationDisposition,
DWORD* lpdwShareMode,
DWORD* lpdwFlagsAndAttributes)
*lpdwDesiredAccess = *lpdwShareMode = *lpdwFlagsAndAttributes = *lpdwCreationDisposition = 0;
*lpdwDesiredAccess = GENERIC_READ;
*lpdwCreationDisposition = OPEN_EXISTING;
*lpdwShareMode = FILE_SHARE_READ;
*lpdwDesiredAccess = GENERIC_WRITE | GENERIC_READ;
*lpdwCreationDisposition = OPEN_EXISTING;
*lpdwDesiredAccess = GENERIC_WRITE | GENERIC_READ;
*lpdwCreationDisposition = CREATE_ALWAYS;
static voidpf win32_build_iowin(HANDLE hFile)
voidpf ret=NULL;
if ((hFile != NULL) && (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE))
WIN32FILE_IOWIN w32fiow;
w32fiow.hf = hFile;
w32fiow.error = 0;
ret = malloc(sizeof(WIN32FILE_IOWIN));
if (ret==NULL)
*((WIN32FILE_IOWIN*)ret) = w32fiow;
return ret;
voidpf ZCALLBACK win32_open64_file_func (voidpf opaque,const void* filename,int mode)
const char* mode_fopen = NULL;
DWORD dwDesiredAccess,dwCreationDisposition,dwShareMode,dwFlagsAndAttributes ;
if ((filename!=NULL) && (dwDesiredAccess != 0))
hFile = CreateFile((LPCTSTR)filename, dwDesiredAccess, dwShareMode, NULL, dwCreationDisposition, dwFlagsAndAttributes, NULL);
return win32_build_iowin(hFile);
voidpf ZCALLBACK win32_open64_file_funcA (voidpf opaque,const void* filename,int mode)
const char* mode_fopen = NULL;
DWORD dwDesiredAccess,dwCreationDisposition,dwShareMode,dwFlagsAndAttributes ;
if ((filename!=NULL) && (dwDesiredAccess != 0))
hFile = CreateFileA((LPCSTR)filename, dwDesiredAccess, dwShareMode, NULL, dwCreationDisposition, dwFlagsAndAttributes, NULL);
return win32_build_iowin(hFile);
voidpf ZCALLBACK win32_open64_file_funcW (voidpf opaque,const void* filename,int mode)
const char* mode_fopen = NULL;
DWORD dwDesiredAccess,dwCreationDisposition,dwShareMode,dwFlagsAndAttributes ;
if ((filename!=NULL) && (dwDesiredAccess != 0))
hFile = CreateFileW((LPCWSTR)filename, dwDesiredAccess, dwShareMode, NULL, dwCreationDisposition, dwFlagsAndAttributes, NULL);
return win32_build_iowin(hFile);
voidpf ZCALLBACK win32_open_file_func (voidpf opaque,const char* filename,int mode)
const char* mode_fopen = NULL;
DWORD dwDesiredAccess,dwCreationDisposition,dwShareMode,dwFlagsAndAttributes ;
if ((filename!=NULL) && (dwDesiredAccess != 0))
hFile = CreateFile((LPCTSTR)filename, dwDesiredAccess, dwShareMode, NULL, dwCreationDisposition, dwFlagsAndAttributes, NULL);
return win32_build_iowin(hFile);
uLong ZCALLBACK win32_read_file_func (voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, void* buf,uLong size)
uLong ret=0;
if (stream!=NULL)
hFile = ((WIN32FILE_IOWIN*)stream) -> hf;
if (hFile != NULL)
if (!ReadFile(hFile, buf, size, &ret, NULL))
DWORD dwErr = GetLastError();
if (dwErr == ERROR_HANDLE_EOF)
dwErr = 0;
((WIN32FILE_IOWIN*)stream) -> error=(int)dwErr;
return ret;
uLong ZCALLBACK win32_write_file_func (voidpf opaque,voidpf stream,const void* buf,uLong size)
uLong ret=0;
if (stream!=NULL)
hFile = ((WIN32FILE_IOWIN*)stream) -> hf;
if (hFile != NULL)
if (!WriteFile(hFile, buf, size, &ret, NULL))
DWORD dwErr = GetLastError();
if (dwErr == ERROR_HANDLE_EOF)
dwErr = 0;
((WIN32FILE_IOWIN*)stream) -> error=(int)dwErr;
return ret;
long ZCALLBACK win32_tell_file_func (voidpf opaque,voidpf stream)
long ret=-1;
if (stream!=NULL)
hFile = ((WIN32FILE_IOWIN*)stream) -> hf;
if (hFile != NULL)
DWORD dwSet = SetFilePointer(hFile, 0, NULL, FILE_CURRENT);
DWORD dwErr = GetLastError();
((WIN32FILE_IOWIN*)stream) -> error=(int)dwErr;
ret = -1;
return ret;
ZPOS64_T ZCALLBACK win32_tell64_file_func (voidpf opaque, voidpf stream)
ZPOS64_T ret= (ZPOS64_T)-1;
if (stream!=NULL)
hFile = ((WIN32FILE_IOWIN*)stream)->hf;
if (hFile)
li.QuadPart = 0;
li.u.LowPart = SetFilePointer(hFile, li.u.LowPart, &li.u.HighPart, FILE_CURRENT);
if ( (li.LowPart == 0xFFFFFFFF) && (GetLastError() != NO_ERROR))
DWORD dwErr = GetLastError();
((WIN32FILE_IOWIN*)stream) -> error=(int)dwErr;
ret = (ZPOS64_T)-1;
return ret;
long ZCALLBACK win32_seek_file_func (voidpf opaque,voidpf stream,uLong offset,int origin)
DWORD dwMoveMethod=0xFFFFFFFF;
long ret=-1;
if (stream!=NULL)
hFile = ((WIN32FILE_IOWIN*)stream) -> hf;
switch (origin)
dwMoveMethod = FILE_CURRENT;
dwMoveMethod = FILE_END;
dwMoveMethod = FILE_BEGIN;
default: return -1;
if (hFile != NULL)
DWORD dwSet = SetFilePointer(hFile, offset, NULL, dwMoveMethod);
DWORD dwErr = GetLastError();
((WIN32FILE_IOWIN*)stream) -> error=(int)dwErr;
ret = -1;
return ret;
long ZCALLBACK win32_seek64_file_func (voidpf opaque, voidpf stream,ZPOS64_T offset,int origin)
DWORD dwMoveMethod=0xFFFFFFFF;
long ret=-1;
if (stream!=NULL)
hFile = ((WIN32FILE_IOWIN*)stream)->hf;
switch (origin)
dwMoveMethod = FILE_CURRENT;
dwMoveMethod = FILE_END;
dwMoveMethod = FILE_BEGIN;
default: return -1;
if (hFile)
DWORD dwSet = SetFilePointer(hFile, li->u.LowPart, &li->u.HighPart, dwMoveMethod);
DWORD dwErr = GetLastError();
((WIN32FILE_IOWIN*)stream) -> error=(int)dwErr;
ret = -1;
return ret;
int ZCALLBACK win32_close_file_func (voidpf opaque, voidpf stream)
int ret=-1;
if (stream!=NULL)
hFile = ((WIN32FILE_IOWIN*)stream) -> hf;
if (hFile != NULL)
return ret;
int ZCALLBACK win32_error_file_func (voidpf opaque,voidpf stream)
int ret=-1;
if (stream!=NULL)
ret = ((WIN32FILE_IOWIN*)stream) -> error;
return ret;
void fill_win32_filefunc (zlib_filefunc_def* pzlib_filefunc_def)
pzlib_filefunc_def->zopen_file = win32_open_file_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zread_file = win32_read_file_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zwrite_file = win32_write_file_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->ztell_file = win32_tell_file_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zseek_file = win32_seek_file_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zclose_file = win32_close_file_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zerror_file = win32_error_file_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->opaque = NULL;
void fill_win32_filefunc64(zlib_filefunc64_def* pzlib_filefunc_def)
pzlib_filefunc_def->zopen64_file = win32_open64_file_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zread_file = win32_read_file_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zwrite_file = win32_write_file_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->ztell64_file = win32_tell64_file_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zseek64_file = win32_seek64_file_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zclose_file = win32_close_file_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zerror_file = win32_error_file_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->opaque = NULL;
void fill_win32_filefunc64A(zlib_filefunc64_def* pzlib_filefunc_def)
pzlib_filefunc_def->zopen64_file = win32_open64_file_funcA;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zread_file = win32_read_file_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zwrite_file = win32_write_file_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->ztell64_file = win32_tell64_file_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zseek64_file = win32_seek64_file_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zclose_file = win32_close_file_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zerror_file = win32_error_file_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->opaque = NULL;
void fill_win32_filefunc64W(zlib_filefunc64_def* pzlib_filefunc_def)
pzlib_filefunc_def->zopen64_file = win32_open64_file_funcW;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zread_file = win32_read_file_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zwrite_file = win32_write_file_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->ztell64_file = win32_tell64_file_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zseek64_file = win32_seek64_file_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zclose_file = win32_close_file_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zerror_file = win32_error_file_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->opaque = NULL;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
/* iowin32.h -- IO base function header for compress/uncompress .zip
Version 1.1, February 14h, 2010
part of the MiniZip project - ( http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll/minizip.html )
Copyright (C) 1998-2010 Gilles Vollant (minizip) ( http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll/minizip.html )
Modifications for Zip64 support
Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Mathias Svensson ( http://result42.com )
For more info read MiniZip_info.txt
#include <windows.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
void fill_win32_filefunc OF((zlib_filefunc_def* pzlib_filefunc_def));
void fill_win32_filefunc64 OF((zlib_filefunc64_def* pzlib_filefunc_def));
void fill_win32_filefunc64A OF((zlib_filefunc64_def* pzlib_filefunc_def));
void fill_win32_filefunc64W OF((zlib_filefunc64_def* pzlib_filefunc_def));
#ifdef __cplusplus

View File

@ -0,0 +1,648 @@
Version 1.1, February 14h, 2010
sample part of the MiniZip project - ( http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll/minizip.html )
Copyright (C) 1998-2010 Gilles Vollant (minizip) ( http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll/minizip.html )
Modifications of Unzip for Zip64
Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Even Rouault
Modifications for Zip64 support on both zip and unzip
Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Mathias Svensson ( http://result42.com )
#ifndef _WIN32
#ifndef __USE_FILE_OFFSET64
#define __USE_FILE_OFFSET64
#ifndef __USE_LARGEFILE64
#define __USE_LARGEFILE64
#define _FILE_OFFSET_BIT 64
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#ifdef unix
# include <unistd.h>
# include <utime.h>
# include <direct.h>
# include <io.h>
#include "unzip.h"
#define WRITEBUFFERSIZE (8192)
#define MAXFILENAME (256)
#ifdef _WIN32
#include "iowin32.h"
mini unzip, demo of unzip package
usage :
Usage : miniunz [-exvlo] file.zip [file_to_extract] [-d extractdir]
list the file in the zipfile, and print the content of FILE_ID.ZIP or README.TXT
if it exists
/* change_file_date : change the date/time of a file
filename : the filename of the file where date/time must be modified
dosdate : the new date at the MSDos format (4 bytes)
tmu_date : the SAME new date at the tm_unz format */
void change_file_date(filename,dosdate,tmu_date)
const char *filename;
uLong dosdate;
tm_unz tmu_date;
#ifdef _WIN32
FILETIME ftm,ftLocal,ftCreate,ftLastAcc,ftLastWrite;
hFile = CreateFileA(filename,GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,
#ifdef unix
struct utimbuf ut;
struct tm newdate;
newdate.tm_sec = tmu_date.tm_sec;
if (tmu_date.tm_year > 1900)
newdate.tm_year=tmu_date.tm_year - 1900;
newdate.tm_year=tmu_date.tm_year ;
/* mymkdir and change_file_date are not 100 % portable
As I don't know well Unix, I wait feedback for the unix portion */
int mymkdir(dirname)
const char* dirname;
int ret=0;
#ifdef _WIN32
ret = _mkdir(dirname);
#ifdef unix
ret = mkdir (dirname,0775);
return ret;
int makedir (newdir)
char *newdir;
char *buffer ;
char *p;
int len = (int)strlen(newdir);
if (len <= 0)
return 0;
buffer = (char*)malloc(len+1);
if (buffer==NULL)
printf("Error allocating memory\n");
if (buffer[len-1] == '/') {
buffer[len-1] = '\0';
if (mymkdir(buffer) == 0)
return 1;
p = buffer+1;
while (1)
char hold;
while(*p && *p != '\\' && *p != '/')
hold = *p;
*p = 0;
if ((mymkdir(buffer) == -1) && (errno == ENOENT))
printf("couldn't create directory %s\n",buffer);
return 0;
if (hold == 0)
*p++ = hold;
return 1;
void do_banner()
printf("MiniUnz 1.01b, demo of zLib + Unz package written by Gilles Vollant\n");
printf("more info at http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll/unzip.html\n\n");
void do_help()
printf("Usage : miniunz [-e] [-x] [-v] [-l] [-o] [-p password] file.zip [file_to_extr.] [-d extractdir]\n\n" \
" -e Extract without pathname (junk paths)\n" \
" -x Extract with pathname\n" \
" -v list files\n" \
" -l list files\n" \
" -d directory to extract into\n" \
" -o overwrite files without prompting\n" \
" -p extract crypted file using password\n\n");
void Display64BitsSize(ZPOS64_T n, int size_char)
/* to avoid compatibility problem , we do here the conversion */
char number[21];
int offset=19;
int pos_string = 19;
for (;;) {
if (number[offset] != '0')
if (offset==0)
int size_display_string = 19-pos_string;
while (size_char > size_display_string)
printf(" ");
int do_list(uf)
unzFile uf;
uLong i;
unz_global_info64 gi;
int err;
err = unzGetGlobalInfo64(uf,&gi);
if (err!=UNZ_OK)
printf("error %d with zipfile in unzGetGlobalInfo \n",err);
printf(" Length Method Size Ratio Date Time CRC-32 Name\n");
printf(" ------ ------ ---- ----- ---- ---- ------ ----\n");
for (i=0;i<gi.number_entry;i++)
char filename_inzip[256];
unz_file_info64 file_info;
uLong ratio=0;
const char *string_method;
char charCrypt=' ';
err = unzGetCurrentFileInfo64(uf,&file_info,filename_inzip,sizeof(filename_inzip),NULL,0,NULL,0);
if (err!=UNZ_OK)
printf("error %d with zipfile in unzGetCurrentFileInfo\n",err);
if (file_info.uncompressed_size>0)
ratio = (uLong)((file_info.compressed_size*100)/file_info.uncompressed_size);
/* display a '*' if the file is crypted */
if ((file_info.flag & 1) != 0)
if (file_info.compression_method==0)
if (file_info.compression_method==Z_DEFLATED)
uInt iLevel=(uInt)((file_info.flag & 0x6)/2);
if (iLevel==0)
else if (iLevel==1)
else if ((iLevel==2) || (iLevel==3))
string_method="Defl:F"; /* 2:fast , 3 : extra fast*/
if (file_info.compression_method==Z_BZIP2ED)
string_method="BZip2 ";
string_method="Unkn. ";
printf(" %6s%c",string_method,charCrypt);
printf(" %3lu%% %2.2lu-%2.2lu-%2.2lu %2.2lu:%2.2lu %8.8lx %s\n",
(uLong)file_info.tmu_date.tm_mon + 1,
(uLong)file_info.tmu_date.tm_year % 100,
if ((i+1)<gi.number_entry)
err = unzGoToNextFile(uf);
if (err!=UNZ_OK)
printf("error %d with zipfile in unzGoToNextFile\n",err);
return 0;
int do_extract_currentfile(uf,popt_extract_without_path,popt_overwrite,password)
unzFile uf;
const int* popt_extract_without_path;
int* popt_overwrite;
const char* password;
char filename_inzip[256];
char* filename_withoutpath;
char* p;
int err=UNZ_OK;
FILE *fout=NULL;
void* buf;
uInt size_buf;
unz_file_info64 file_info;
uLong ratio=0;
err = unzGetCurrentFileInfo64(uf,&file_info,filename_inzip,sizeof(filename_inzip),NULL,0,NULL,0);
if (err!=UNZ_OK)
printf("error %d with zipfile in unzGetCurrentFileInfo\n",err);
return err;
buf = (void*)malloc(size_buf);
if (buf==NULL)
printf("Error allocating memory\n");
p = filename_withoutpath = filename_inzip;
while ((*p) != '\0')
if (((*p)=='/') || ((*p)=='\\'))
filename_withoutpath = p+1;
if ((*filename_withoutpath)=='\0')
if ((*popt_extract_without_path)==0)
printf("creating directory: %s\n",filename_inzip);
const char* write_filename;
int skip=0;
if ((*popt_extract_without_path)==0)
write_filename = filename_inzip;
write_filename = filename_withoutpath;
err = unzOpenCurrentFilePassword(uf,password);
if (err!=UNZ_OK)
printf("error %d with zipfile in unzOpenCurrentFilePassword\n",err);
if (((*popt_overwrite)==0) && (err==UNZ_OK))
char rep=0;
FILE* ftestexist;
ftestexist = fopen64(write_filename,"rb");
if (ftestexist!=NULL)
char answer[128];
int ret;
printf("The file %s exists. Overwrite ? [y]es, [n]o, [A]ll: ",write_filename);
ret = scanf("%1s",answer);
if (ret != 1)
rep = answer[0] ;
if ((rep>='a') && (rep<='z'))
rep -= 0x20;
while ((rep!='Y') && (rep!='N') && (rep!='A'));
if (rep == 'N')
skip = 1;
if (rep == 'A')
if ((skip==0) && (err==UNZ_OK))
/* some zipfile don't contain directory alone before file */
if ((fout==NULL) && ((*popt_extract_without_path)==0) &&
char c=*(filename_withoutpath-1);
if (fout==NULL)
printf("error opening %s\n",write_filename);
if (fout!=NULL)
printf(" extracting: %s\n",write_filename);
err = unzReadCurrentFile(uf,buf,size_buf);
if (err<0)
printf("error %d with zipfile in unzReadCurrentFile\n",err);
if (err>0)
if (fwrite(buf,err,1,fout)!=1)
printf("error in writing extracted file\n");
while (err>0);
if (fout)
if (err==0)
if (err==UNZ_OK)
err = unzCloseCurrentFile (uf);
if (err!=UNZ_OK)
printf("error %d with zipfile in unzCloseCurrentFile\n",err);
unzCloseCurrentFile(uf); /* don't lose the error */
return err;
int do_extract(uf,opt_extract_without_path,opt_overwrite,password)
unzFile uf;
int opt_extract_without_path;
int opt_overwrite;
const char* password;
uLong i;
unz_global_info64 gi;
int err;
FILE* fout=NULL;
err = unzGetGlobalInfo64(uf,&gi);
if (err!=UNZ_OK)
printf("error %d with zipfile in unzGetGlobalInfo \n",err);
for (i=0;i<gi.number_entry;i++)
if (do_extract_currentfile(uf,&opt_extract_without_path,
password) != UNZ_OK)
if ((i+1)<gi.number_entry)
err = unzGoToNextFile(uf);
if (err!=UNZ_OK)
printf("error %d with zipfile in unzGoToNextFile\n",err);
return 0;
int do_extract_onefile(uf,filename,opt_extract_without_path,opt_overwrite,password)
unzFile uf;
const char* filename;
int opt_extract_without_path;
int opt_overwrite;
const char* password;
int err = UNZ_OK;
if (unzLocateFile(uf,filename,CASESENSITIVITY)!=UNZ_OK)
printf("file %s not found in the zipfile\n",filename);
return 2;
if (do_extract_currentfile(uf,&opt_extract_without_path,
password) == UNZ_OK)
return 0;
return 1;
int main(argc,argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
const char *zipfilename=NULL;
const char *filename_to_extract=NULL;
const char *password=NULL;
char filename_try[MAXFILENAME+16] = "";
int i;
int ret_value=0;
int opt_do_list=0;
int opt_do_extract=1;
int opt_do_extract_withoutpath=0;
int opt_overwrite=0;
int opt_extractdir=0;
const char *dirname=NULL;
unzFile uf=NULL;
if (argc==1)
return 0;
for (i=1;i<argc;i++)
if ((*argv[i])=='-')
const char *p=argv[i]+1;
while ((*p)!='\0')
char c=*(p++);;
if ((c=='l') || (c=='L'))
opt_do_list = 1;
if ((c=='v') || (c=='V'))
opt_do_list = 1;
if ((c=='x') || (c=='X'))
opt_do_extract = 1;
if ((c=='e') || (c=='E'))
opt_do_extract = opt_do_extract_withoutpath = 1;
if ((c=='o') || (c=='O'))
if ((c=='d') || (c=='D'))
if (((c=='p') || (c=='P')) && (i+1<argc))
if (zipfilename == NULL)
zipfilename = argv[i];
else if ((filename_to_extract==NULL) && (!opt_extractdir))
filename_to_extract = argv[i] ;
if (zipfilename!=NULL)
zlib_filefunc64_def ffunc;
# endif
strncpy(filename_try, zipfilename,MAXFILENAME-1);
/* strncpy doesnt append the trailing NULL, of the string is too long. */
filename_try[ MAXFILENAME ] = '\0';
uf = unzOpen2_64(zipfilename,&ffunc);
# else
uf = unzOpen64(zipfilename);
# endif
if (uf==NULL)
uf = unzOpen2_64(filename_try,&ffunc);
# else
uf = unzOpen64(filename_try);
# endif
if (uf==NULL)
printf("Cannot open %s or %s.zip\n",zipfilename,zipfilename);
return 1;
printf("%s opened\n",filename_try);
if (opt_do_list==1)
ret_value = do_list(uf);
else if (opt_do_extract==1)
#ifdef _WIN32
if (opt_extractdir && _chdir(dirname))
if (opt_extractdir && chdir(dirname))
printf("Error changing into %s, aborting\n", dirname);
if (filename_to_extract == NULL)
ret_value = do_extract(uf, opt_do_extract_withoutpath, opt_overwrite, password);
ret_value = do_extract_onefile(uf, filename_to_extract, opt_do_extract_withoutpath, opt_overwrite, password);
return ret_value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,507 @@
Version 1.1, February 14h, 2010
sample part of the MiniZip project - ( http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll/minizip.html )
Copyright (C) 1998-2010 Gilles Vollant (minizip) ( http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll/minizip.html )
Modifications of Unzip for Zip64
Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Even Rouault
Modifications for Zip64 support on both zip and unzip
Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Mathias Svensson ( http://result42.com )
#ifndef _WIN32
#ifndef __USE_FILE_OFFSET64
#define __USE_FILE_OFFSET64
#ifndef __USE_LARGEFILE64
#define __USE_LARGEFILE64
#define _FILE_OFFSET_BIT 64
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#ifdef unix
# include <unistd.h>
# include <utime.h>
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <sys/stat.h>
# include <direct.h>
# include <io.h>
#include "zip.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#include "iowin32.h"
#define WRITEBUFFERSIZE (16384)
#define MAXFILENAME (256)
#ifdef _WIN32
uLong filetime(f, tmzip, dt)
char *f; /* name of file to get info on */
tm_zip *tmzip; /* return value: access, modific. and creation times */
uLong *dt; /* dostime */
int ret = 0;
hFind = FindFirstFileA(f,&ff32);
ret = 1;
return ret;
#ifdef unix
uLong filetime(f, tmzip, dt)
char *f; /* name of file to get info on */
tm_zip *tmzip; /* return value: access, modific. and creation times */
uLong *dt; /* dostime */
int ret=0;
struct stat s; /* results of stat() */
struct tm* filedate;
time_t tm_t=0;
if (strcmp(f,"-")!=0)
char name[MAXFILENAME+1];
int len = strlen(f);
if (len > MAXFILENAME)
strncpy(name, f,MAXFILENAME-1);
/* strncpy doesnt append the trailing NULL, of the string is too long. */
name[ MAXFILENAME ] = '\0';
if (name[len - 1] == '/')
name[len - 1] = '\0';
/* not all systems allow stat'ing a file with / appended */
if (stat(name,&s)==0)
tm_t = s.st_mtime;
ret = 1;
filedate = localtime(&tm_t);
tmzip->tm_sec = filedate->tm_sec;
tmzip->tm_min = filedate->tm_min;
tmzip->tm_hour = filedate->tm_hour;
tmzip->tm_mday = filedate->tm_mday;
tmzip->tm_mon = filedate->tm_mon ;
tmzip->tm_year = filedate->tm_year;
return ret;
uLong filetime(f, tmzip, dt)
char *f; /* name of file to get info on */
tm_zip *tmzip; /* return value: access, modific. and creation times */
uLong *dt; /* dostime */
return 0;
int check_exist_file(filename)
const char* filename;
FILE* ftestexist;
int ret = 1;
ftestexist = fopen64(filename,"rb");
if (ftestexist==NULL)
ret = 0;
return ret;
void do_banner()
printf("MiniZip 1.1, demo of zLib + MiniZip64 package, written by Gilles Vollant\n");
printf("more info on MiniZip at http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll/minizip.html\n\n");
void do_help()
printf("Usage : minizip [-o] [-a] [-0 to -9] [-p password] [-j] file.zip [files_to_add]\n\n" \
" -o Overwrite existing file.zip\n" \
" -a Append to existing file.zip\n" \
" -0 Store only\n" \
" -1 Compress faster\n" \
" -9 Compress better\n\n" \
" -j exclude path. store only the file name.\n\n");
/* calculate the CRC32 of a file,
because to encrypt a file, we need known the CRC32 of the file before */
int getFileCrc(const char* filenameinzip,void*buf,unsigned long size_buf,unsigned long* result_crc)
unsigned long calculate_crc=0;
int err=ZIP_OK;
FILE * fin = fopen64(filenameinzip,"rb");
unsigned long size_read = 0;
unsigned long total_read = 0;
if (fin==NULL)
err = ZIP_ERRNO;
if (err == ZIP_OK)
err = ZIP_OK;
size_read = (int)fread(buf,1,size_buf,fin);
if (size_read < size_buf)
if (feof(fin)==0)
printf("error in reading %s\n",filenameinzip);
err = ZIP_ERRNO;
if (size_read>0)
calculate_crc = crc32(calculate_crc,buf,size_read);
total_read += size_read;
} while ((err == ZIP_OK) && (size_read>0));
if (fin)
printf("file %s crc %lx\n", filenameinzip, calculate_crc);
return err;
int isLargeFile(const char* filename)
int largeFile = 0;
ZPOS64_T pos = 0;
FILE* pFile = fopen64(filename, "rb");
if(pFile != NULL)
int n = fseeko64(pFile, 0, SEEK_END);
pos = ftello64(pFile);
printf("File : %s is %lld bytes\n", filename, pos);
if(pos >= 0xffffffff)
largeFile = 1;
return largeFile;
int main(argc,argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
int i;
int opt_overwrite=0;
int opt_compress_level=Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION;
int opt_exclude_path=0;
int zipfilenamearg = 0;
char filename_try[MAXFILENAME+16];
int zipok;
int err=0;
int size_buf=0;
void* buf=NULL;
const char* password=NULL;
if (argc==1)
return 0;
for (i=1;i<argc;i++)
if ((*argv[i])=='-')
const char *p=argv[i]+1;
while ((*p)!='\0')
char c=*(p++);;
if ((c=='o') || (c=='O'))
opt_overwrite = 1;
if ((c=='a') || (c=='A'))
opt_overwrite = 2;
if ((c>='0') && (c<='9'))
opt_compress_level = c-'0';
if ((c=='j') || (c=='J'))
opt_exclude_path = 1;
if (((c=='p') || (c=='P')) && (i+1<argc))
if (zipfilenamearg == 0)
zipfilenamearg = i ;
buf = (void*)malloc(size_buf);
if (buf==NULL)
printf("Error allocating memory\n");
if (zipfilenamearg==0)
int i,len;
int dot_found=0;
zipok = 1 ;
strncpy(filename_try, argv[zipfilenamearg],MAXFILENAME-1);
/* strncpy doesnt append the trailing NULL, of the string is too long. */
filename_try[ MAXFILENAME ] = '\0';
for (i=0;i<len;i++)
if (filename_try[i]=='.')
if (dot_found==0)
if (opt_overwrite==2)
/* if the file don't exist, we not append file */
if (check_exist_file(filename_try)==0)
if (opt_overwrite==0)
if (check_exist_file(filename_try)!=0)
char rep=0;
char answer[128];
int ret;
printf("The file %s exists. Overwrite ? [y]es, [n]o, [a]ppend : ",filename_try);
ret = scanf("%1s",answer);
if (ret != 1)
rep = answer[0] ;
if ((rep>='a') && (rep<='z'))
rep -= 0x20;
while ((rep!='Y') && (rep!='N') && (rep!='A'));
if (rep=='N')
zipok = 0;
if (rep=='A')
opt_overwrite = 2;
if (zipok==1)
zipFile zf;
int errclose;
zlib_filefunc64_def ffunc;
zf = zipOpen2_64(filename_try,(opt_overwrite==2) ? 2 : 0,NULL,&ffunc);
# else
zf = zipOpen64(filename_try,(opt_overwrite==2) ? 2 : 0);
# endif
if (zf == NULL)
printf("error opening %s\n",filename_try);
printf("creating %s\n",filename_try);
for (i=zipfilenamearg+1;(i<argc) && (err==ZIP_OK);i++)
if (!((((*(argv[i]))=='-') || ((*(argv[i]))=='/')) &&
((argv[i][1]=='o') || (argv[i][1]=='O') ||
(argv[i][1]=='a') || (argv[i][1]=='A') ||
(argv[i][1]=='p') || (argv[i][1]=='P') ||
((argv[i][1]>='0') || (argv[i][1]<='9'))) &&
(strlen(argv[i]) == 2)))
FILE * fin;
int size_read;
const char* filenameinzip = argv[i];
const char *savefilenameinzip;
zip_fileinfo zi;
unsigned long crcFile=0;
int zip64 = 0;
zi.tmz_date.tm_sec = zi.tmz_date.tm_min = zi.tmz_date.tm_hour =
zi.tmz_date.tm_mday = zi.tmz_date.tm_mon = zi.tmz_date.tm_year = 0;
zi.dosDate = 0;
zi.internal_fa = 0;
zi.external_fa = 0;
err = zipOpenNewFileInZip(zf,filenameinzip,&zi,
NULL,0,NULL,0,NULL / * comment * /,
(opt_compress_level != 0) ? Z_DEFLATED : 0,
if ((password != NULL) && (err==ZIP_OK))
err = getFileCrc(filenameinzip,buf,size_buf,&crcFile);
zip64 = isLargeFile(filenameinzip);
/* The path name saved, should not include a leading slash. */
/*if it did, windows/xp and dynazip couldn't read the zip file. */
savefilenameinzip = filenameinzip;
while( savefilenameinzip[0] == '\\' || savefilenameinzip[0] == '/' )
/*should the zip file contain any path at all?*/
if( opt_exclude_path )
const char *tmpptr;
const char *lastslash = 0;
for( tmpptr = savefilenameinzip; *tmpptr; tmpptr++)
if( *tmpptr == '\\' || *tmpptr == '/')
lastslash = tmpptr;
if( lastslash != NULL )
savefilenameinzip = lastslash+1; // base filename follows last slash.
err = zipOpenNewFileInZip3_64(zf,savefilenameinzip,&zi,
NULL,0,NULL,0,NULL /* comment*/,
(opt_compress_level != 0) ? Z_DEFLATED : 0,
password,crcFile, zip64);
if (err != ZIP_OK)
printf("error in opening %s in zipfile\n",filenameinzip);
fin = fopen64(filenameinzip,"rb");
if (fin==NULL)
printf("error in opening %s for reading\n",filenameinzip);
if (err == ZIP_OK)
err = ZIP_OK;
size_read = (int)fread(buf,1,size_buf,fin);
if (size_read < size_buf)
if (feof(fin)==0)
printf("error in reading %s\n",filenameinzip);
err = ZIP_ERRNO;
if (size_read>0)
err = zipWriteInFileInZip (zf,buf,size_read);
if (err<0)
printf("error in writing %s in the zipfile\n",
} while ((err == ZIP_OK) && (size_read>0));
if (fin)
if (err<0)
err = zipCloseFileInZip(zf);
if (err!=ZIP_OK)
printf("error in closing %s in the zipfile\n",
errclose = zipClose(zf,NULL);
if (errclose != ZIP_OK)
printf("error in closing %s\n",filename_try);
return 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
Additional tools for Minizip
Code: Xavier Roche '2004
License: Same as ZLIB (www.gzip.org)
/* Code */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "zlib.h"
#include "unzip.h"
#define READ_8(adr) ((unsigned char)*(adr))
#define READ_16(adr) ( READ_8(adr) | (READ_8(adr+1) << 8) )
#define READ_32(adr) ( READ_16(adr) | (READ_16((adr)+2) << 16) )
#define WRITE_8(buff, n) do { \
*((unsigned char*)(buff)) = (unsigned char) ((n) & 0xff); \
} while(0)
#define WRITE_16(buff, n) do { \
WRITE_8((unsigned char*)(buff), n); \
WRITE_8(((unsigned char*)(buff)) + 1, (n) >> 8); \
} while(0)
#define WRITE_32(buff, n) do { \
WRITE_16((unsigned char*)(buff), (n) & 0xffff); \
WRITE_16((unsigned char*)(buff) + 2, (n) >> 16); \
} while(0)
extern int ZEXPORT unzRepair(file, fileOut, fileOutTmp, nRecovered, bytesRecovered)
const char* file;
const char* fileOut;
const char* fileOutTmp;
uLong* nRecovered;
uLong* bytesRecovered;
int err = Z_OK;
FILE* fpZip = fopen(file, "rb");
FILE* fpOut = fopen(fileOut, "wb");
FILE* fpOutCD = fopen(fileOutTmp, "wb");
if (fpZip != NULL && fpOut != NULL) {
int entries = 0;
uLong totalBytes = 0;
char header[30];
char filename[256];
char extra[1024];
int offset = 0;
int offsetCD = 0;
while ( fread(header, 1, 30, fpZip) == 30 ) {
int currentOffset = offset;
/* File entry */
if (READ_32(header) == 0x04034b50) {
unsigned int version = READ_16(header + 4);
unsigned int gpflag = READ_16(header + 6);
unsigned int method = READ_16(header + 8);
unsigned int filetime = READ_16(header + 10);
unsigned int filedate = READ_16(header + 12);
unsigned int crc = READ_32(header + 14); /* crc */
unsigned int cpsize = READ_32(header + 18); /* compressed size */
unsigned int uncpsize = READ_32(header + 22); /* uncompressed sz */
unsigned int fnsize = READ_16(header + 26); /* file name length */
unsigned int extsize = READ_16(header + 28); /* extra field length */
filename[0] = extra[0] = '\0';
/* Header */
if (fwrite(header, 1, 30, fpOut) == 30) {
offset += 30;
} else {
err = Z_ERRNO;
/* Filename */
if (fnsize > 0) {
if (fread(filename, 1, fnsize, fpZip) == fnsize) {
if (fwrite(filename, 1, fnsize, fpOut) == fnsize) {
offset += fnsize;
} else {
err = Z_ERRNO;
} else {
err = Z_ERRNO;
} else {
/* Extra field */
if (extsize > 0) {
if (fread(extra, 1, extsize, fpZip) == extsize) {
if (fwrite(extra, 1, extsize, fpOut) == extsize) {
offset += extsize;
} else {
err = Z_ERRNO;
} else {
err = Z_ERRNO;
/* Data */
int dataSize = cpsize;
if (dataSize == 0) {
dataSize = uncpsize;
if (dataSize > 0) {
char* data = malloc(dataSize);
if (data != NULL) {
if ((int)fread(data, 1, dataSize, fpZip) == dataSize) {
if ((int)fwrite(data, 1, dataSize, fpOut) == dataSize) {
offset += dataSize;
totalBytes += dataSize;
} else {
err = Z_ERRNO;
} else {
err = Z_ERRNO;
if (err != Z_OK) {
} else {
err = Z_MEM_ERROR;
/* Central directory entry */
char header[46];
char* comment = "";
int comsize = (int) strlen(comment);
WRITE_32(header, 0x02014b50);
WRITE_16(header + 4, version);
WRITE_16(header + 6, version);
WRITE_16(header + 8, gpflag);
WRITE_16(header + 10, method);
WRITE_16(header + 12, filetime);
WRITE_16(header + 14, filedate);
WRITE_32(header + 16, crc);
WRITE_32(header + 20, cpsize);
WRITE_32(header + 24, uncpsize);
WRITE_16(header + 28, fnsize);
WRITE_16(header + 30, extsize);
WRITE_16(header + 32, comsize);
WRITE_16(header + 34, 0); /* disk # */
WRITE_16(header + 36, 0); /* int attrb */
WRITE_32(header + 38, 0); /* ext attrb */
WRITE_32(header + 42, currentOffset);
/* Header */
if (fwrite(header, 1, 46, fpOutCD) == 46) {
offsetCD += 46;
/* Filename */
if (fnsize > 0) {
if (fwrite(filename, 1, fnsize, fpOutCD) == fnsize) {
offsetCD += fnsize;
} else {
err = Z_ERRNO;
} else {
/* Extra field */
if (extsize > 0) {
if (fwrite(extra, 1, extsize, fpOutCD) == extsize) {
offsetCD += extsize;
} else {
err = Z_ERRNO;
/* Comment field */
if (comsize > 0) {
if ((int)fwrite(comment, 1, comsize, fpOutCD) == comsize) {
offsetCD += comsize;
} else {
err = Z_ERRNO;
} else {
err = Z_ERRNO;
/* Success */
} else {
/* Final central directory */
int entriesZip = entries;
char header[22];
char* comment = ""; // "ZIP File recovered by zlib/minizip/mztools";
int comsize = (int) strlen(comment);
if (entriesZip > 0xffff) {
entriesZip = 0xffff;
WRITE_32(header, 0x06054b50);
WRITE_16(header + 4, 0); /* disk # */
WRITE_16(header + 6, 0); /* disk # */
WRITE_16(header + 8, entriesZip); /* hack */
WRITE_16(header + 10, entriesZip); /* hack */
WRITE_32(header + 12, offsetCD); /* size of CD */
WRITE_32(header + 16, offset); /* offset to CD */
WRITE_16(header + 20, comsize); /* comment */
/* Header */
if (fwrite(header, 1, 22, fpOutCD) == 22) {
/* Comment field */
if (comsize > 0) {
if ((int)fwrite(comment, 1, comsize, fpOutCD) != comsize) {
err = Z_ERRNO;
} else {
err = Z_ERRNO;
/* Final merge (file + central directory) */
if (err == Z_OK) {
fpOutCD = fopen(fileOutTmp, "rb");
if (fpOutCD != NULL) {
int nRead;
char buffer[8192];
while ( (nRead = (int)fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), fpOutCD)) > 0) {
if ((int)fwrite(buffer, 1, nRead, fpOut) != nRead) {
err = Z_ERRNO;
/* Close */
/* Wipe temporary file */
/* Number of recovered entries */
if (err == Z_OK) {
if (nRecovered != NULL) {
*nRecovered = entries;
if (bytesRecovered != NULL) {
*bytesRecovered = totalBytes;
} else {
return err;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
Additional tools for Minizip
Code: Xavier Roche '2004
License: Same as ZLIB (www.gzip.org)
#ifndef _zip_tools_H
#define _zip_tools_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#ifndef _ZLIB_H
#include "zlib.h"
#include "unzip.h"
/* Repair a ZIP file (missing central directory)
file: file to recover
fileOut: output file after recovery
fileOutTmp: temporary file name used for recovery
extern int ZEXPORT unzRepair(const char* file,
const char* fileOut,
const char* fileOutTmp,
uLong* nRecovered,
uLong* bytesRecovered);

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
/* unzip.h -- IO for uncompress .zip files using zlib
Version 1.1, February 14h, 2010
part of the MiniZip project - ( http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll/minizip.html )
Copyright (C) 1998-2010 Gilles Vollant (minizip) ( http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll/minizip.html )
Modifications of Unzip for Zip64
Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Even Rouault
Modifications for Zip64 support on both zip and unzip
Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Mathias Svensson ( http://result42.com )
For more info read MiniZip_info.txt
Condition of use and distribution are the same than zlib :
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
See header of unzip64.c
#ifndef _unz64_H
#define _unz64_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#ifndef _ZLIB_H
#include "zlib.h"
#ifndef _ZLIBIOAPI_H
#include "ioapi.h"
#ifdef HAVE_BZIP2
#include "bzlib.h"
#define Z_BZIP2ED 12
#if defined(STRICTUNZIP) || defined(STRICTZIPUNZIP)
/* like the STRICT of WIN32, we define a pointer that cannot be converted
from (void*) without cast */
typedef struct TagunzFile__ { int unused; } unzFile__;
typedef unzFile__ *unzFile;
typedef voidp unzFile;
#define UNZ_OK (0)
#define UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE (-100)
#define UNZ_EOF (0)
#define UNZ_PARAMERROR (-102)
#define UNZ_BADZIPFILE (-103)
#define UNZ_INTERNALERROR (-104)
#define UNZ_CRCERROR (-105)
/* tm_unz contain date/time info */
typedef struct tm_unz_s
uInt tm_sec; /* seconds after the minute - [0,59] */
uInt tm_min; /* minutes after the hour - [0,59] */
uInt tm_hour; /* hours since midnight - [0,23] */
uInt tm_mday; /* day of the month - [1,31] */
uInt tm_mon; /* months since January - [0,11] */
uInt tm_year; /* years - [1980..2044] */
} tm_unz;
/* unz_global_info structure contain global data about the ZIPfile
These data comes from the end of central dir */
typedef struct unz_global_info64_s
ZPOS64_T number_entry; /* total number of entries in
the central dir on this disk */
uLong size_comment; /* size of the global comment of the zipfile */
} unz_global_info64;
typedef struct unz_global_info_s
uLong number_entry; /* total number of entries in
the central dir on this disk */
uLong size_comment; /* size of the global comment of the zipfile */
} unz_global_info;
/* unz_file_info contain information about a file in the zipfile */
typedef struct unz_file_info64_s
uLong version; /* version made by 2 bytes */
uLong version_needed; /* version needed to extract 2 bytes */
uLong flag; /* general purpose bit flag 2 bytes */
uLong compression_method; /* compression method 2 bytes */
uLong dosDate; /* last mod file date in Dos fmt 4 bytes */
uLong crc; /* crc-32 4 bytes */
ZPOS64_T compressed_size; /* compressed size 8 bytes */
ZPOS64_T uncompressed_size; /* uncompressed size 8 bytes */
uLong size_filename; /* filename length 2 bytes */
uLong size_file_extra; /* extra field length 2 bytes */
uLong size_file_comment; /* file comment length 2 bytes */
uLong disk_num_start; /* disk number start 2 bytes */
uLong internal_fa; /* internal file attributes 2 bytes */
uLong external_fa; /* external file attributes 4 bytes */
tm_unz tmu_date;
} unz_file_info64;
typedef struct unz_file_info_s
uLong version; /* version made by 2 bytes */
uLong version_needed; /* version needed to extract 2 bytes */
uLong flag; /* general purpose bit flag 2 bytes */
uLong compression_method; /* compression method 2 bytes */
uLong dosDate; /* last mod file date in Dos fmt 4 bytes */
uLong crc; /* crc-32 4 bytes */
uLong compressed_size; /* compressed size 4 bytes */
uLong uncompressed_size; /* uncompressed size 4 bytes */
uLong size_filename; /* filename length 2 bytes */
uLong size_file_extra; /* extra field length 2 bytes */
uLong size_file_comment; /* file comment length 2 bytes */
uLong disk_num_start; /* disk number start 2 bytes */
uLong internal_fa; /* internal file attributes 2 bytes */
uLong external_fa; /* external file attributes 4 bytes */
tm_unz tmu_date;
} unz_file_info;
extern int ZEXPORT unzStringFileNameCompare OF ((const char* fileName1,
const char* fileName2,
int iCaseSensitivity));
Compare two filename (fileName1,fileName2).
If iCaseSenisivity = 1, comparision is case sensitivity (like strcmp)
If iCaseSenisivity = 2, comparision is not case sensitivity (like strcmpi
or strcasecmp)
If iCaseSenisivity = 0, case sensitivity is defaut of your operating system
(like 1 on Unix, 2 on Windows)
extern unzFile ZEXPORT unzOpen OF((const char *path));
extern unzFile ZEXPORT unzOpen64 OF((const void *path));
Open a Zip file. path contain the full pathname (by example,
on a Windows XP computer "c:\\zlib\\zlib113.zip" or on an Unix computer
If the zipfile cannot be opened (file don't exist or in not valid), the
return value is NULL.
Else, the return value is a unzFile Handle, usable with other function
of this unzip package.
the "64" function take a const void* pointer, because the path is just the
value passed to the open64_file_func callback.
Under Windows, if UNICODE is defined, using fill_fopen64_filefunc, the path
is a pointer to a wide unicode string (LPCTSTR is LPCWSTR), so const char*
does not describe the reality
extern unzFile ZEXPORT unzOpen2 OF((const char *path,
zlib_filefunc_def* pzlib_filefunc_def));
Open a Zip file, like unzOpen, but provide a set of file low level API
for read/write the zip file (see ioapi.h)
extern unzFile ZEXPORT unzOpen2_64 OF((const void *path,
zlib_filefunc64_def* pzlib_filefunc_def));
Open a Zip file, like unz64Open, but provide a set of file low level API
for read/write the zip file (see ioapi.h)
extern int ZEXPORT unzClose OF((unzFile file));
Close a ZipFile opened with unzipOpen.
If there is files inside the .Zip opened with unzOpenCurrentFile (see later),
these files MUST be closed with unzipCloseCurrentFile before call unzipClose.
return UNZ_OK if there is no problem. */
extern int ZEXPORT unzGetGlobalInfo OF((unzFile file,
unz_global_info *pglobal_info));
extern int ZEXPORT unzGetGlobalInfo64 OF((unzFile file,
unz_global_info64 *pglobal_info));
Write info about the ZipFile in the *pglobal_info structure.
No preparation of the structure is needed
return UNZ_OK if there is no problem. */
extern int ZEXPORT unzGetGlobalComment OF((unzFile file,
char *szComment,
uLong uSizeBuf));
Get the global comment string of the ZipFile, in the szComment buffer.
uSizeBuf is the size of the szComment buffer.
return the number of byte copied or an error code <0
/* Unzip package allow you browse the directory of the zipfile */
extern int ZEXPORT unzGoToFirstFile OF((unzFile file));
Set the current file of the zipfile to the first file.
return UNZ_OK if there is no problem
extern int ZEXPORT unzGoToNextFile OF((unzFile file));
Set the current file of the zipfile to the next file.
return UNZ_OK if there is no problem
return UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE if the actual file was the latest.
extern int ZEXPORT unzLocateFile OF((unzFile file,
const char *szFileName,
int iCaseSensitivity));
Try locate the file szFileName in the zipfile.
For the iCaseSensitivity signification, see unzStringFileNameCompare
return value :
UNZ_OK if the file is found. It becomes the current file.
UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE if the file is not found
/* ****************************************** */
/* Ryan supplied functions */
/* unz_file_info contain information about a file in the zipfile */
typedef struct unz_file_pos_s
uLong pos_in_zip_directory; /* offset in zip file directory */
uLong num_of_file; /* # of file */
} unz_file_pos;
extern int ZEXPORT unzGetFilePos(
unzFile file,
unz_file_pos* file_pos);
extern int ZEXPORT unzGoToFilePos(
unzFile file,
unz_file_pos* file_pos);
typedef struct unz64_file_pos_s
ZPOS64_T pos_in_zip_directory; /* offset in zip file directory */
ZPOS64_T num_of_file; /* # of file */
} unz64_file_pos;
extern int ZEXPORT unzGetFilePos64(
unzFile file,
unz64_file_pos* file_pos);
extern int ZEXPORT unzGoToFilePos64(
unzFile file,
const unz64_file_pos* file_pos);
/* ****************************************** */
extern int ZEXPORT unzGetCurrentFileInfo64 OF((unzFile file,
unz_file_info64 *pfile_info,
char *szFileName,
uLong fileNameBufferSize,
void *extraField,
uLong extraFieldBufferSize,
char *szComment,
uLong commentBufferSize));
extern int ZEXPORT unzGetCurrentFileInfo OF((unzFile file,
unz_file_info *pfile_info,
char *szFileName,
uLong fileNameBufferSize,
void *extraField,
uLong extraFieldBufferSize,
char *szComment,
uLong commentBufferSize));
Get Info about the current file
if pfile_info!=NULL, the *pfile_info structure will contain somes info about
the current file
if szFileName!=NULL, the filemane string will be copied in szFileName
(fileNameBufferSize is the size of the buffer)
if extraField!=NULL, the extra field information will be copied in extraField
(extraFieldBufferSize is the size of the buffer).
This is the Central-header version of the extra field
if szComment!=NULL, the comment string of the file will be copied in szComment
(commentBufferSize is the size of the buffer)
/** Addition for GDAL : START */
extern ZPOS64_T ZEXPORT unzGetCurrentFileZStreamPos64 OF((unzFile file));
/** Addition for GDAL : END */
/* for reading the content of the current zipfile, you can open it, read data
from it, and close it (you can close it before reading all the file)
extern int ZEXPORT unzOpenCurrentFile OF((unzFile file));
Open for reading data the current file in the zipfile.
If there is no error, the return value is UNZ_OK.
extern int ZEXPORT unzOpenCurrentFilePassword OF((unzFile file,
const char* password));
Open for reading data the current file in the zipfile.
password is a crypting password
If there is no error, the return value is UNZ_OK.
extern int ZEXPORT unzOpenCurrentFile2 OF((unzFile file,
int* method,
int* level,
int raw));
Same than unzOpenCurrentFile, but open for read raw the file (not uncompress)
if raw==1
*method will receive method of compression, *level will receive level of
note : you can set level parameter as NULL (if you did not want known level,
but you CANNOT set method parameter as NULL
extern int ZEXPORT unzOpenCurrentFile3 OF((unzFile file,
int* method,
int* level,
int raw,
const char* password));
Same than unzOpenCurrentFile, but open for read raw the file (not uncompress)
if raw==1
*method will receive method of compression, *level will receive level of
note : you can set level parameter as NULL (if you did not want known level,
but you CANNOT set method parameter as NULL
extern int ZEXPORT unzCloseCurrentFile OF((unzFile file));
Close the file in zip opened with unzOpenCurrentFile
Return UNZ_CRCERROR if all the file was read but the CRC is not good
extern int ZEXPORT unzReadCurrentFile OF((unzFile file,
voidp buf,
unsigned len));
Read bytes from the current file (opened by unzOpenCurrentFile)
buf contain buffer where data must be copied
len the size of buf.
return the number of byte copied if somes bytes are copied
return 0 if the end of file was reached
return <0 with error code if there is an error
(UNZ_ERRNO for IO error, or zLib error for uncompress error)
extern z_off_t ZEXPORT unztell OF((unzFile file));
extern ZPOS64_T ZEXPORT unztell64 OF((unzFile file));
Give the current position in uncompressed data
extern int ZEXPORT unzeof OF((unzFile file));
return 1 if the end of file was reached, 0 elsewhere
extern int ZEXPORT unzGetLocalExtrafield OF((unzFile file,
voidp buf,
unsigned len));
Read extra field from the current file (opened by unzOpenCurrentFile)
This is the local-header version of the extra field (sometimes, there is
more info in the local-header version than in the central-header)
if buf==NULL, it return the size of the local extra field
if buf!=NULL, len is the size of the buffer, the extra header is copied in
the return value is the number of bytes copied in buf, or (if <0)
the error code
/* Get the current file offset */
extern ZPOS64_T ZEXPORT unzGetOffset64 (unzFile file);
extern uLong ZEXPORT unzGetOffset (unzFile file);
/* Set the current file offset */
extern int ZEXPORT unzSetOffset64 (unzFile file, ZPOS64_T pos);
extern int ZEXPORT unzSetOffset (unzFile file, uLong pos);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _unz64_H */

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
/* zip.h -- IO on .zip files using zlib
Version 1.1, February 14h, 2010
part of the MiniZip project - ( http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll/minizip.html )
Copyright (C) 1998-2010 Gilles Vollant (minizip) ( http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll/minizip.html )
Modifications for Zip64 support
Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Mathias Svensson ( http://result42.com )
For more info read MiniZip_info.txt
Condition of use and distribution are the same than zlib :
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
See header of zip.h
#ifndef _zip12_H
#define _zip12_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
//#define HAVE_BZIP2
#ifndef _ZLIB_H
#include "zlib.h"
#ifndef _ZLIBIOAPI_H
#include "ioapi.h"
#ifdef HAVE_BZIP2
#include "bzlib.h"
#define Z_BZIP2ED 12
#if defined(STRICTZIP) || defined(STRICTZIPUNZIP)
/* like the STRICT of WIN32, we define a pointer that cannot be converted
from (void*) without cast */
typedef struct TagzipFile__ { int unused; } zipFile__;
typedef zipFile__ *zipFile;
typedef voidp zipFile;
#define ZIP_OK (0)
#define ZIP_EOF (0)
#define ZIP_PARAMERROR (-102)
#define ZIP_BADZIPFILE (-103)
#define ZIP_INTERNALERROR (-104)
# if MAX_MEM_LEVEL >= 8
# define DEF_MEM_LEVEL 8
# else
# endif
/* default memLevel */
/* tm_zip contain date/time info */
typedef struct tm_zip_s
uInt tm_sec; /* seconds after the minute - [0,59] */
uInt tm_min; /* minutes after the hour - [0,59] */
uInt tm_hour; /* hours since midnight - [0,23] */
uInt tm_mday; /* day of the month - [1,31] */
uInt tm_mon; /* months since January - [0,11] */
uInt tm_year; /* years - [1980..2044] */
} tm_zip;
typedef struct
tm_zip tmz_date; /* date in understandable format */
uLong dosDate; /* if dos_date == 0, tmu_date is used */
/* uLong flag; */ /* general purpose bit flag 2 bytes */
uLong internal_fa; /* internal file attributes 2 bytes */
uLong external_fa; /* external file attributes 4 bytes */
} zip_fileinfo;
typedef const char* zipcharpc;
extern zipFile ZEXPORT zipOpen OF((const char *pathname, int append));
extern zipFile ZEXPORT zipOpen64 OF((const void *pathname, int append));
Create a zipfile.
pathname contain on Windows XP a filename like "c:\\zlib\\zlib113.zip" or on
an Unix computer "zlib/zlib113.zip".
if the file pathname exist and append==APPEND_STATUS_CREATEAFTER, the zip
will be created at the end of the file.
(useful if the file contain a self extractor code)
if the file pathname exist and append==APPEND_STATUS_ADDINZIP, we will
add files in existing zip (be sure you don't add file that doesn't exist)
If the zipfile cannot be opened, the return value is NULL.
Else, the return value is a zipFile Handle, usable with other function
of this zip package.
/* Note : there is no delete function into a zipfile.
If you want delete file into a zipfile, you must open a zipfile, and create another
Of couse, you can use RAW reading and writing to copy the file you did not want delte
extern zipFile ZEXPORT zipOpen2 OF((const char *pathname,
int append,
zipcharpc* globalcomment,
zlib_filefunc_def* pzlib_filefunc_def));
extern zipFile ZEXPORT zipOpen2_64 OF((const void *pathname,
int append,
zipcharpc* globalcomment,
zlib_filefunc64_def* pzlib_filefunc_def));
extern int ZEXPORT zipOpenNewFileInZip OF((zipFile file,
const char* filename,
const zip_fileinfo* zipfi,
const void* extrafield_local,
uInt size_extrafield_local,
const void* extrafield_global,
uInt size_extrafield_global,
const char* comment,
int method,
int level));
extern int ZEXPORT zipOpenNewFileInZip64 OF((zipFile file,
const char* filename,
const zip_fileinfo* zipfi,
const void* extrafield_local,
uInt size_extrafield_local,
const void* extrafield_global,
uInt size_extrafield_global,
const char* comment,
int method,
int level,
int zip64));
Open a file in the ZIP for writing.
filename : the filename in zip (if NULL, '-' without quote will be used
*zipfi contain supplemental information
if extrafield_local!=NULL and size_extrafield_local>0, extrafield_local
contains the extrafield data the the local header
if extrafield_global!=NULL and size_extrafield_global>0, extrafield_global
contains the extrafield data the the local header
if comment != NULL, comment contain the comment string
method contain the compression method (0 for store, Z_DEFLATED for deflate)
level contain the level of compression (can be Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION)
zip64 is set to 1 if a zip64 extended information block should be added to the local file header.
this MUST be '1' if the uncompressed size is >= 0xffffffff.
extern int ZEXPORT zipOpenNewFileInZip2 OF((zipFile file,
const char* filename,
const zip_fileinfo* zipfi,
const void* extrafield_local,
uInt size_extrafield_local,
const void* extrafield_global,
uInt size_extrafield_global,
const char* comment,
int method,
int level,
int raw));
extern int ZEXPORT zipOpenNewFileInZip2_64 OF((zipFile file,
const char* filename,
const zip_fileinfo* zipfi,
const void* extrafield_local,
uInt size_extrafield_local,
const void* extrafield_global,
uInt size_extrafield_global,
const char* comment,
int method,
int level,
int raw,
int zip64));
Same than zipOpenNewFileInZip, except if raw=1, we write raw file
extern int ZEXPORT zipOpenNewFileInZip3 OF((zipFile file,
const char* filename,
const zip_fileinfo* zipfi,
const void* extrafield_local,
uInt size_extrafield_local,
const void* extrafield_global,
uInt size_extrafield_global,
const char* comment,
int method,
int level,
int raw,
int windowBits,
int memLevel,
int strategy,
const char* password,
uLong crcForCrypting));
extern int ZEXPORT zipOpenNewFileInZip3_64 OF((zipFile file,
const char* filename,
const zip_fileinfo* zipfi,
const void* extrafield_local,
uInt size_extrafield_local,
const void* extrafield_global,
uInt size_extrafield_global,
const char* comment,
int method,
int level,
int raw,
int windowBits,
int memLevel,
int strategy,
const char* password,
uLong crcForCrypting,
int zip64
Same than zipOpenNewFileInZip2, except
windowBits,memLevel,,strategy : see parameter strategy in deflateInit2
password : crypting password (NULL for no crypting)
crcForCrypting : crc of file to compress (needed for crypting)
extern int ZEXPORT zipOpenNewFileInZip4 OF((zipFile file,
const char* filename,
const zip_fileinfo* zipfi,
const void* extrafield_local,
uInt size_extrafield_local,
const void* extrafield_global,
uInt size_extrafield_global,
const char* comment,
int method,
int level,
int raw,
int windowBits,
int memLevel,
int strategy,
const char* password,
uLong crcForCrypting,
uLong versionMadeBy,
uLong flagBase
extern int ZEXPORT zipOpenNewFileInZip4_64 OF((zipFile file,
const char* filename,
const zip_fileinfo* zipfi,
const void* extrafield_local,
uInt size_extrafield_local,
const void* extrafield_global,
uInt size_extrafield_global,
const char* comment,
int method,
int level,
int raw,
int windowBits,
int memLevel,
int strategy,
const char* password,
uLong crcForCrypting,
uLong versionMadeBy,
uLong flagBase,
int zip64
Same than zipOpenNewFileInZip4, except
versionMadeBy : value for Version made by field
flag : value for flag field (compression level info will be added)
extern int ZEXPORT zipWriteInFileInZip OF((zipFile file,
const void* buf,
unsigned len));
Write data in the zipfile
extern int ZEXPORT zipCloseFileInZip OF((zipFile file));
Close the current file in the zipfile
extern int ZEXPORT zipCloseFileInZipRaw OF((zipFile file,
uLong uncompressed_size,
uLong crc32));
extern int ZEXPORT zipCloseFileInZipRaw64 OF((zipFile file,
ZPOS64_T uncompressed_size,
uLong crc32));
Close the current file in the zipfile, for file opened with
parameter raw=1 in zipOpenNewFileInZip2
uncompressed_size and crc32 are value for the uncompressed size
extern int ZEXPORT zipClose OF((zipFile file,
const char* global_comment));
Close the zipfile
extern int ZEXPORT zipRemoveExtraInfoBlock OF((char* pData, int* dataLen, short sHeader));
zipRemoveExtraInfoBlock - Added by Mathias Svensson
Remove extra information block from a extra information data for the local file header or central directory header
It is needed to remove ZIP64 extra information blocks when before data is written if using RAW mode.
0x0001 is the signature header for the ZIP64 extra information blocks
Remove ZIP64 Extra information from a central director extra field data
zipRemoveExtraInfoBlock(pCenDirExtraFieldData, &nCenDirExtraFieldDataLen, 0x0001);
Remove ZIP64 Extra information from a Local File Header extra field data
zipRemoveExtraInfoBlock(pLocalHeaderExtraFieldData, &nLocalHeaderExtraFieldDataLen, 0x0001);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _zip64_H */

SkinInstaller/zlib/trees.c Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

SkinInstaller/zlib/trees.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
/* header created automatically with -DGEN_TREES_H */
local const ct_data static_ltree[L_CODES+2] = {
{{ 12},{ 8}}, {{140},{ 8}}, {{ 76},{ 8}}, {{204},{ 8}}, {{ 44},{ 8}},
{{172},{ 8}}, {{108},{ 8}}, {{236},{ 8}}, {{ 28},{ 8}}, {{156},{ 8}},
{{ 92},{ 8}}, {{220},{ 8}}, {{ 60},{ 8}}, {{188},{ 8}}, {{124},{ 8}},
{{252},{ 8}}, {{ 2},{ 8}}, {{130},{ 8}}, {{ 66},{ 8}}, {{194},{ 8}},
{{ 34},{ 8}}, {{162},{ 8}}, {{ 98},{ 8}}, {{226},{ 8}}, {{ 18},{ 8}},
{{146},{ 8}}, {{ 82},{ 8}}, {{210},{ 8}}, {{ 50},{ 8}}, {{178},{ 8}},
{{114},{ 8}}, {{242},{ 8}}, {{ 10},{ 8}}, {{138},{ 8}}, {{ 74},{ 8}},
{{202},{ 8}}, {{ 42},{ 8}}, {{170},{ 8}}, {{106},{ 8}}, {{234},{ 8}},
{{ 26},{ 8}}, {{154},{ 8}}, {{ 90},{ 8}}, {{218},{ 8}}, {{ 58},{ 8}},
{{186},{ 8}}, {{122},{ 8}}, {{250},{ 8}}, {{ 6},{ 8}}, {{134},{ 8}},
{{ 70},{ 8}}, {{198},{ 8}}, {{ 38},{ 8}}, {{166},{ 8}}, {{102},{ 8}},
{{230},{ 8}}, {{ 22},{ 8}}, {{150},{ 8}}, {{ 86},{ 8}}, {{214},{ 8}},
{{ 54},{ 8}}, {{182},{ 8}}, {{118},{ 8}}, {{246},{ 8}}, {{ 14},{ 8}},
{{142},{ 8}}, {{ 78},{ 8}}, {{206},{ 8}}, {{ 46},{ 8}}, {{174},{ 8}},
{{110},{ 8}}, {{238},{ 8}}, {{ 30},{ 8}}, {{158},{ 8}}, {{ 94},{ 8}},
{{222},{ 8}}, {{ 62},{ 8}}, {{190},{ 8}}, {{126},{ 8}}, {{254},{ 8}},
{{ 1},{ 8}}, {{129},{ 8}}, {{ 65},{ 8}}, {{193},{ 8}}, {{ 33},{ 8}},
{{161},{ 8}}, {{ 97},{ 8}}, {{225},{ 8}}, {{ 17},{ 8}}, {{145},{ 8}},
{{ 81},{ 8}}, {{209},{ 8}}, {{ 49},{ 8}}, {{177},{ 8}}, {{113},{ 8}},
{{241},{ 8}}, {{ 9},{ 8}}, {{137},{ 8}}, {{ 73},{ 8}}, {{201},{ 8}},
{{ 41},{ 8}}, {{169},{ 8}}, {{105},{ 8}}, {{233},{ 8}}, {{ 25},{ 8}},
{{153},{ 8}}, {{ 89},{ 8}}, {{217},{ 8}}, {{ 57},{ 8}}, {{185},{ 8}},
{{121},{ 8}}, {{249},{ 8}}, {{ 5},{ 8}}, {{133},{ 8}}, {{ 69},{ 8}},
{{197},{ 8}}, {{ 37},{ 8}}, {{165},{ 8}}, {{101},{ 8}}, {{229},{ 8}},
{{ 21},{ 8}}, {{149},{ 8}}, {{ 85},{ 8}}, {{213},{ 8}}, {{ 53},{ 8}},
{{181},{ 8}}, {{117},{ 8}}, {{245},{ 8}}, {{ 13},{ 8}}, {{141},{ 8}},
{{ 77},{ 8}}, {{205},{ 8}}, {{ 45},{ 8}}, {{173},{ 8}}, {{109},{ 8}},
{{237},{ 8}}, {{ 29},{ 8}}, {{157},{ 8}}, {{ 93},{ 8}}, {{221},{ 8}},
{{ 61},{ 8}}, {{189},{ 8}}, {{125},{ 8}}, {{253},{ 8}}, {{ 19},{ 9}},
{{275},{ 9}}, {{147},{ 9}}, {{403},{ 9}}, {{ 83},{ 9}}, {{339},{ 9}},
{{211},{ 9}}, {{467},{ 9}}, {{ 51},{ 9}}, {{307},{ 9}}, {{179},{ 9}},
{{435},{ 9}}, {{115},{ 9}}, {{371},{ 9}}, {{243},{ 9}}, {{499},{ 9}},
{{ 11},{ 9}}, {{267},{ 9}}, {{139},{ 9}}, {{395},{ 9}}, {{ 75},{ 9}},
{{331},{ 9}}, {{203},{ 9}}, {{459},{ 9}}, {{ 43},{ 9}}, {{299},{ 9}},
{{171},{ 9}}, {{427},{ 9}}, {{107},{ 9}}, {{363},{ 9}}, {{235},{ 9}},
{{491},{ 9}}, {{ 27},{ 9}}, {{283},{ 9}}, {{155},{ 9}}, {{411},{ 9}},
{{ 91},{ 9}}, {{347},{ 9}}, {{219},{ 9}}, {{475},{ 9}}, {{ 59},{ 9}},
{{315},{ 9}}, {{187},{ 9}}, {{443},{ 9}}, {{123},{ 9}}, {{379},{ 9}},
{{251},{ 9}}, {{507},{ 9}}, {{ 7},{ 9}}, {{263},{ 9}}, {{135},{ 9}},
{{391},{ 9}}, {{ 71},{ 9}}, {{327},{ 9}}, {{199},{ 9}}, {{455},{ 9}},
{{ 39},{ 9}}, {{295},{ 9}}, {{167},{ 9}}, {{423},{ 9}}, {{103},{ 9}},
{{359},{ 9}}, {{231},{ 9}}, {{487},{ 9}}, {{ 23},{ 9}}, {{279},{ 9}},
{{151},{ 9}}, {{407},{ 9}}, {{ 87},{ 9}}, {{343},{ 9}}, {{215},{ 9}},
{{471},{ 9}}, {{ 55},{ 9}}, {{311},{ 9}}, {{183},{ 9}}, {{439},{ 9}},
{{119},{ 9}}, {{375},{ 9}}, {{247},{ 9}}, {{503},{ 9}}, {{ 15},{ 9}},
{{271},{ 9}}, {{143},{ 9}}, {{399},{ 9}}, {{ 79},{ 9}}, {{335},{ 9}},
{{207},{ 9}}, {{463},{ 9}}, {{ 47},{ 9}}, {{303},{ 9}}, {{175},{ 9}},
{{431},{ 9}}, {{111},{ 9}}, {{367},{ 9}}, {{239},{ 9}}, {{495},{ 9}},
{{ 31},{ 9}}, {{287},{ 9}}, {{159},{ 9}}, {{415},{ 9}}, {{ 95},{ 9}},
{{351},{ 9}}, {{223},{ 9}}, {{479},{ 9}}, {{ 63},{ 9}}, {{319},{ 9}},
{{191},{ 9}}, {{447},{ 9}}, {{127},{ 9}}, {{383},{ 9}}, {{255},{ 9}},
{{511},{ 9}}, {{ 0},{ 7}}, {{ 64},{ 7}}, {{ 32},{ 7}}, {{ 96},{ 7}},
{{ 16},{ 7}}, {{ 80},{ 7}}, {{ 48},{ 7}}, {{112},{ 7}}, {{ 8},{ 7}},
{{ 72},{ 7}}, {{ 40},{ 7}}, {{104},{ 7}}, {{ 24},{ 7}}, {{ 88},{ 7}},
{{ 56},{ 7}}, {{120},{ 7}}, {{ 4},{ 7}}, {{ 68},{ 7}}, {{ 36},{ 7}},
{{100},{ 7}}, {{ 20},{ 7}}, {{ 84},{ 7}}, {{ 52},{ 7}}, {{116},{ 7}},
{{ 3},{ 8}}, {{131},{ 8}}, {{ 67},{ 8}}, {{195},{ 8}}, {{ 35},{ 8}},
{{163},{ 8}}, {{ 99},{ 8}}, {{227},{ 8}}
local const ct_data static_dtree[D_CODES] = {
{{ 0},{ 5}}, {{16},{ 5}}, {{ 8},{ 5}}, {{24},{ 5}}, {{ 4},{ 5}},
{{20},{ 5}}, {{12},{ 5}}, {{28},{ 5}}, {{ 2},{ 5}}, {{18},{ 5}},
{{10},{ 5}}, {{26},{ 5}}, {{ 6},{ 5}}, {{22},{ 5}}, {{14},{ 5}},
{{30},{ 5}}, {{ 1},{ 5}}, {{17},{ 5}}, {{ 9},{ 5}}, {{25},{ 5}},
{{ 5},{ 5}}, {{21},{ 5}}, {{13},{ 5}}, {{29},{ 5}}, {{ 3},{ 5}},
{{19},{ 5}}, {{11},{ 5}}, {{27},{ 5}}, {{ 7},{ 5}}, {{23},{ 5}}
const uch ZLIB_INTERNAL _dist_code[DIST_CODE_LEN] = {
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8,
8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10,
10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11,
11, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13,
13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13,
13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15,
15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15,
15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15,
15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 0, 0, 16, 17,
18, 18, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22,
23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24,
24, 24, 24, 24, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25,
26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26,
26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27,
27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27,
27, 27, 27, 27, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29,
29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29,
29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29,
29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29
const uch ZLIB_INTERNAL _length_code[MAX_MATCH-MIN_MATCH+1]= {
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12,
13, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16,
17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 19, 19, 19, 19,
19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20,
21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 22, 22, 22, 22,
22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23,
23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24,
24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24,
25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25,
25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26,
26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26,
26, 26, 26, 26, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27,
27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 28
local const int base_length[LENGTH_CODES] = {
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 40, 48, 56,
64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 0
local const int base_dist[D_CODES] = {
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24,
32, 48, 64, 96, 128, 192, 256, 384, 512, 768,
1024, 1536, 2048, 3072, 4096, 6144, 8192, 12288, 16384, 24576

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
/* uncompr.c -- decompress a memory buffer
* Copyright (C) 1995-2003, 2010 Jean-loup Gailly.
* For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
/* @(#) $Id$ */
#include "zlib.h"
/* ===========================================================================
Decompresses the source buffer into the destination buffer. sourceLen is
the byte length of the source buffer. Upon entry, destLen is the total
size of the destination buffer, which must be large enough to hold the
entire uncompressed data. (The size of the uncompressed data must have
been saved previously by the compressor and transmitted to the decompressor
by some mechanism outside the scope of this compression library.)
Upon exit, destLen is the actual size of the compressed buffer.
uncompress returns Z_OK if success, Z_MEM_ERROR if there was not
enough memory, Z_BUF_ERROR if there was not enough room in the output
buffer, or Z_DATA_ERROR if the input data was corrupted.
int ZEXPORT uncompress (dest, destLen, source, sourceLen)
Bytef *dest;
uLongf *destLen;
const Bytef *source;
uLong sourceLen;
z_stream stream;
int err;
stream.next_in = (Bytef*)source;
stream.avail_in = (uInt)sourceLen;
/* Check for source > 64K on 16-bit machine: */
if ((uLong)stream.avail_in != sourceLen) return Z_BUF_ERROR;
stream.next_out = dest;
stream.avail_out = (uInt)*destLen;
if ((uLong)stream.avail_out != *destLen) return Z_BUF_ERROR;
stream.zalloc = (alloc_func)0;
stream.zfree = (free_func)0;
err = inflateInit(&stream);
if (err != Z_OK) return err;
err = inflate(&stream, Z_FINISH);
if (err != Z_STREAM_END) {
if (err == Z_NEED_DICT || (err == Z_BUF_ERROR && stream.avail_in == 0))
return Z_DATA_ERROR;
return err;
*destLen = stream.total_out;
err = inflateEnd(&stream);
return err;

SkinInstaller/zlib/zconf.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
/* zconf.h -- configuration of the zlib compression library
* Copyright (C) 1995-2010 Jean-loup Gailly.
* For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
/* @(#) $Id$ */
#ifndef ZCONF_H
#define ZCONF_H
* If you *really* need a unique prefix for all types and library functions,
* compile with -DZ_PREFIX. The "standard" zlib should be compiled without it.
* Even better than compiling with -DZ_PREFIX would be to use configure to set
* this permanently in zconf.h using "./configure --zprefix".
#ifdef Z_PREFIX /* may be set to #if 1 by ./configure */
/* all linked symbols */
# define _dist_code z__dist_code
# define _length_code z__length_code
# define _tr_align z__tr_align
# define _tr_flush_block z__tr_flush_block
# define _tr_init z__tr_init
# define _tr_stored_block z__tr_stored_block
# define _tr_tally z__tr_tally
# define adler32 z_adler32
# define adler32_combine z_adler32_combine
# define adler32_combine64 z_adler32_combine64
# define compress z_compress
# define compress2 z_compress2
# define compressBound z_compressBound
# define crc32 z_crc32
# define crc32_combine z_crc32_combine
# define crc32_combine64 z_crc32_combine64
# define deflate z_deflate
# define deflateBound z_deflateBound
# define deflateCopy z_deflateCopy
# define deflateEnd z_deflateEnd
# define deflateInit2_ z_deflateInit2_
# define deflateInit_ z_deflateInit_
# define deflateParams z_deflateParams
# define deflatePrime z_deflatePrime
# define deflateReset z_deflateReset
# define deflateSetDictionary z_deflateSetDictionary
# define deflateSetHeader z_deflateSetHeader
# define deflateTune z_deflateTune
# define deflate_copyright z_deflate_copyright
# define get_crc_table z_get_crc_table
# define gz_error z_gz_error
# define gz_intmax z_gz_intmax
# define gz_strwinerror z_gz_strwinerror
# define gzbuffer z_gzbuffer
# define gzclearerr z_gzclearerr
# define gzclose z_gzclose
# define gzclose_r z_gzclose_r
# define gzclose_w z_gzclose_w
# define gzdirect z_gzdirect
# define gzdopen z_gzdopen
# define gzeof z_gzeof
# define gzerror z_gzerror
# define gzflush z_gzflush
# define gzgetc z_gzgetc
# define gzgets z_gzgets
# define gzoffset z_gzoffset
# define gzoffset64 z_gzoffset64
# define gzopen z_gzopen
# define gzopen64 z_gzopen64
# define gzprintf z_gzprintf
# define gzputc z_gzputc
# define gzputs z_gzputs
# define gzread z_gzread
# define gzrewind z_gzrewind
# define gzseek z_gzseek
# define gzseek64 z_gzseek64
# define gzsetparams z_gzsetparams
# define gztell z_gztell
# define gztell64 z_gztell64
# define gzungetc z_gzungetc
# define gzwrite z_gzwrite
# define inflate z_inflate
# define inflateBack z_inflateBack
# define inflateBackEnd z_inflateBackEnd
# define inflateBackInit_ z_inflateBackInit_
# define inflateCopy z_inflateCopy
# define inflateEnd z_inflateEnd
# define inflateGetHeader z_inflateGetHeader
# define inflateInit2_ z_inflateInit2_
# define inflateInit_ z_inflateInit_
# define inflateMark z_inflateMark
# define inflatePrime z_inflatePrime
# define inflateReset z_inflateReset
# define inflateReset2 z_inflateReset2
# define inflateSetDictionary z_inflateSetDictionary
# define inflateSync z_inflateSync
# define inflateSyncPoint z_inflateSyncPoint
# define inflateUndermine z_inflateUndermine
# define inflate_copyright z_inflate_copyright
# define inflate_fast z_inflate_fast
# define inflate_table z_inflate_table
# define uncompress z_uncompress
# define zError z_zError
# define zcalloc z_zcalloc
# define zcfree z_zcfree
# define zlibCompileFlags z_zlibCompileFlags
# define zlibVersion z_zlibVersion
/* all zlib typedefs in zlib.h and zconf.h */
# define Byte z_Byte
# define Bytef z_Bytef
# define alloc_func z_alloc_func
# define charf z_charf
# define free_func z_free_func
# define gzFile z_gzFile
# define gz_header z_gz_header
# define gz_headerp z_gz_headerp
# define in_func z_in_func
# define intf z_intf
# define out_func z_out_func
# define uInt z_uInt
# define uIntf z_uIntf
# define uLong z_uLong
# define uLongf z_uLongf
# define voidp z_voidp
# define voidpc z_voidpc
# define voidpf z_voidpf
/* all zlib structs in zlib.h and zconf.h */
# define gz_header_s z_gz_header_s
# define internal_state z_internal_state
#if defined(__MSDOS__) && !defined(MSDOS)
# define MSDOS
#if (defined(OS_2) || defined(__OS2__)) && !defined(OS2)
# define OS2
#if defined(_WINDOWS) && !defined(WINDOWS)
# define WINDOWS
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN32_WCE) || defined(__WIN32__)
# ifndef WIN32
# define WIN32
# endif
#if (defined(MSDOS) || defined(OS2) || defined(WINDOWS)) && !defined(WIN32)
# if !defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__FLAT__) && !defined(__386__)
# ifndef SYS16BIT
# define SYS16BIT
# endif
# endif
* Compile with -DMAXSEG_64K if the alloc function cannot allocate more
* than 64k bytes at a time (needed on systems with 16-bit int).
#ifdef SYS16BIT
# define MAXSEG_64K
#ifdef MSDOS
#ifdef __STDC_VERSION__
# ifndef STDC
# define STDC
# endif
# if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
# ifndef STDC99
# define STDC99
# endif
# endif
#if !defined(STDC) && (defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus))
# define STDC
#if !defined(STDC) && (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__BORLANDC__))
# define STDC
#if !defined(STDC) && (defined(MSDOS) || defined(WINDOWS) || defined(WIN32))
# define STDC
#if !defined(STDC) && (defined(OS2) || defined(__HOS_AIX__))
# define STDC
#if defined(__OS400__) && !defined(STDC) /* iSeries (formerly AS/400). */
# define STDC
#ifndef STDC
# ifndef const /* cannot use !defined(STDC) && !defined(const) on Mac */
# define const /* note: need a more gentle solution here */
# endif
/* Some Mac compilers merge all .h files incorrectly: */
#if defined(__MWERKS__)||defined(applec)||defined(THINK_C)||defined(__SC__)
# define NO_DUMMY_DECL
/* Maximum value for memLevel in deflateInit2 */
# ifdef MAXSEG_64K
# define MAX_MEM_LEVEL 8
# else
# define MAX_MEM_LEVEL 9
# endif
/* Maximum value for windowBits in deflateInit2 and inflateInit2.
* WARNING: reducing MAX_WBITS makes minigzip unable to extract .gz files
* created by gzip. (Files created by minigzip can still be extracted by
* gzip.)
#ifndef MAX_WBITS
# define MAX_WBITS 15 /* 32K LZ77 window */
/* The memory requirements for deflate are (in bytes):
(1 << (windowBits+2)) + (1 << (memLevel+9))
that is: 128K for windowBits=15 + 128K for memLevel = 8 (default values)
plus a few kilobytes for small objects. For example, if you want to reduce
the default memory requirements from 256K to 128K, compile with
Of course this will generally degrade compression (there's no free lunch).
The memory requirements for inflate are (in bytes) 1 << windowBits
that is, 32K for windowBits=15 (default value) plus a few kilobytes
for small objects.
/* Type declarations */
#ifndef OF /* function prototypes */
# ifdef STDC
# define OF(args) args
# else
# define OF(args) ()
# endif
/* The following definitions for FAR are needed only for MSDOS mixed
* model programming (small or medium model with some far allocations).
* This was tested only with MSC; for other MSDOS compilers you may have
* to define NO_MEMCPY in zutil.h. If you don't need the mixed model,
* just define FAR to be empty.
#ifdef SYS16BIT
# if defined(M_I86SM) || defined(M_I86MM)
/* MSC small or medium model */
# ifdef _MSC_VER
# define FAR _far
# else
# define FAR far
# endif
# endif
# if (defined(__SMALL__) || defined(__MEDIUM__))
/* Turbo C small or medium model */
# ifdef __BORLANDC__
# define FAR _far
# else
# define FAR far
# endif
# endif
#if defined(WINDOWS) || defined(WIN32)
/* If building or using zlib as a DLL, define ZLIB_DLL.
* This is not mandatory, but it offers a little performance increase.
# ifdef ZLIB_DLL
# if defined(WIN32) && (!defined(__BORLANDC__) || (__BORLANDC__ >= 0x500))
# define ZEXTERN extern __declspec(dllexport)
# else
# define ZEXTERN extern __declspec(dllimport)
# endif
# endif
# endif /* ZLIB_DLL */
/* If building or using zlib with the WINAPI/WINAPIV calling convention,
* define ZLIB_WINAPI.
* Caution: the standard ZLIB1.DLL is NOT compiled using ZLIB_WINAPI.
# ifdef FAR
# undef FAR
# endif
# include <windows.h>
/* No need for _export, use ZLIB.DEF instead. */
/* For complete Windows compatibility, use WINAPI, not __stdcall. */
# ifdef WIN32
# else
# endif
# endif
#if defined (__BEOS__)
# ifdef ZLIB_DLL
# define ZEXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
# define ZEXPORTVA __declspec(dllexport)
# else
# define ZEXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
# define ZEXPORTVA __declspec(dllimport)
# endif
# endif
#ifndef ZEXTERN
# define ZEXTERN extern
#ifndef ZEXPORT
# define ZEXPORT
# define ZEXPORTVA
#ifndef FAR
# define FAR
#if !defined(__MACTYPES__)
typedef unsigned char Byte; /* 8 bits */
typedef unsigned int uInt; /* 16 bits or more */
typedef unsigned long uLong; /* 32 bits or more */
/* Borland C/C++ and some old MSC versions ignore FAR inside typedef */
# define Bytef Byte FAR
typedef Byte FAR Bytef;
typedef char FAR charf;
typedef int FAR intf;
typedef uInt FAR uIntf;
typedef uLong FAR uLongf;
#ifdef STDC
typedef void const *voidpc;
typedef void FAR *voidpf;
typedef void *voidp;
typedef Byte const *voidpc;
typedef Byte FAR *voidpf;
typedef Byte *voidp;
#ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H /* may be set to #if 1 by ./configure */
# define Z_HAVE_UNISTD_H
#ifdef STDC
# include <sys/types.h> /* for off_t */
/* a little trick to accommodate both "#define _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE" and
* "#define _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE 1" as requesting 64-bit operations, (even
* though the former does not conform to the LFS document), but considering
* both "#undef _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE" and "#define _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE 0" as
* equivalently requesting no 64-bit operations
#if -_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE - -1 == 1
#if defined(Z_HAVE_UNISTD_H) || defined(_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE)
# include <unistd.h> /* for SEEK_* and off_t */
# ifdef VMS
# include <unixio.h> /* for off_t */
# endif
# ifndef z_off_t
# define z_off_t off_t
# endif
#ifndef SEEK_SET
# define SEEK_SET 0 /* Seek from beginning of file. */
# define SEEK_CUR 1 /* Seek from current position. */
# define SEEK_END 2 /* Set file pointer to EOF plus "offset" */
#ifndef z_off_t
# define z_off_t long
#if defined(_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE) && _LFS64_LARGEFILE-0
# define z_off64_t off64_t
# define z_off64_t z_off_t
#if defined(__OS400__)
# define NO_vsnprintf
#if defined(__MVS__)
# define NO_vsnprintf
/* MVS linker does not support external names larger than 8 bytes */
#if defined(__MVS__)
#pragma map(deflateInit_,"DEIN")
#pragma map(deflateInit2_,"DEIN2")
#pragma map(deflateEnd,"DEEND")
#pragma map(deflateBound,"DEBND")
#pragma map(inflateInit_,"ININ")
#pragma map(inflateInit2_,"ININ2")
#pragma map(inflateEnd,"INEND")
#pragma map(inflateSync,"INSY")
#pragma map(inflateSetDictionary,"INSEDI")
#pragma map(compressBound,"CMBND")
#pragma map(inflate_table,"INTABL")
#pragma map(inflate_fast,"INFA")
#pragma map(inflate_copyright,"INCOPY")
#endif /* ZCONF_H */

SkinInstaller/zlib/zlib.h Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

SkinInstaller/zlib/zutil.c Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
/* zutil.c -- target dependent utility functions for the compression library
* Copyright (C) 1995-2005, 2010 Jean-loup Gailly.
* For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
/* @(#) $Id$ */
#include "zutil.h"
struct internal_state {int dummy;}; /* for buggy compilers */
const char * const z_errmsg[10] = {
"need dictionary", /* Z_NEED_DICT 2 */
"stream end", /* Z_STREAM_END 1 */
"", /* Z_OK 0 */
"file error", /* Z_ERRNO (-1) */
"stream error", /* Z_STREAM_ERROR (-2) */
"data error", /* Z_DATA_ERROR (-3) */
"insufficient memory", /* Z_MEM_ERROR (-4) */
"buffer error", /* Z_BUF_ERROR (-5) */
"incompatible version",/* Z_VERSION_ERROR (-6) */
const char * ZEXPORT zlibVersion()
uLong ZEXPORT zlibCompileFlags()
uLong flags;
flags = 0;
switch ((int)(sizeof(uInt))) {
case 2: break;
case 4: flags += 1; break;
case 8: flags += 2; break;
default: flags += 3;
switch ((int)(sizeof(uLong))) {
case 2: break;
case 4: flags += 1 << 2; break;
case 8: flags += 2 << 2; break;
default: flags += 3 << 2;
switch ((int)(sizeof(voidpf))) {
case 2: break;
case 4: flags += 1 << 4; break;
case 8: flags += 2 << 4; break;
default: flags += 3 << 4;
switch ((int)(sizeof(z_off_t))) {
case 2: break;
case 4: flags += 1 << 6; break;
case 8: flags += 2 << 6; break;
default: flags += 3 << 6;
#ifdef DEBUG
flags += 1 << 8;
#if defined(ASMV) || defined(ASMINF)
flags += 1 << 9;
flags += 1 << 10;
flags += 1 << 12;
flags += 1 << 13;
flags += 1L << 16;
#ifdef NO_GZIP
flags += 1L << 17;
flags += 1L << 20;
#ifdef FASTEST
flags += 1L << 21;
#ifdef STDC
# ifdef NO_vsnprintf
flags += 1L << 25;
# ifdef HAS_vsprintf_void
flags += 1L << 26;
# endif
# else
# ifdef HAS_vsnprintf_void
flags += 1L << 26;
# endif
# endif
flags += 1L << 24;
# ifdef NO_snprintf
flags += 1L << 25;
# ifdef HAS_sprintf_void
flags += 1L << 26;
# endif
# else
# ifdef HAS_snprintf_void
flags += 1L << 26;
# endif
# endif
return flags;
#ifdef DEBUG
# ifndef verbose
# define verbose 0
# endif
int ZLIB_INTERNAL z_verbose = verbose;
void ZLIB_INTERNAL z_error (m)
char *m;
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", m);
/* exported to allow conversion of error code to string for compress() and
* uncompress()
const char * ZEXPORT zError(err)
int err;
return ERR_MSG(err);
#if defined(_WIN32_WCE)
/* The Microsoft C Run-Time Library for Windows CE doesn't have
* errno. We define it as a global variable to simplify porting.
* Its value is always 0 and should not be used.
int errno = 0;
void ZLIB_INTERNAL zmemcpy(dest, source, len)
Bytef* dest;
const Bytef* source;
uInt len;
if (len == 0) return;
do {
*dest++ = *source++; /* ??? to be unrolled */
} while (--len != 0);
int ZLIB_INTERNAL zmemcmp(s1, s2, len)
const Bytef* s1;
const Bytef* s2;
uInt len;
uInt j;
for (j = 0; j < len; j++) {
if (s1[j] != s2[j]) return 2*(s1[j] > s2[j])-1;
return 0;
void ZLIB_INTERNAL zmemzero(dest, len)
Bytef* dest;
uInt len;
if (len == 0) return;
do {
*dest++ = 0; /* ??? to be unrolled */
} while (--len != 0);
#ifdef SYS16BIT
#ifdef __TURBOC__
/* Turbo C in 16-bit mode */
# define MY_ZCALLOC
/* Turbo C malloc() does not allow dynamic allocation of 64K bytes
* and farmalloc(64K) returns a pointer with an offset of 8, so we
* must fix the pointer. Warning: the pointer must be put back to its
* original form in order to free it, use zcfree().
#define MAX_PTR 10
/* 10*64K = 640K */
local int next_ptr = 0;
typedef struct ptr_table_s {
voidpf org_ptr;
voidpf new_ptr;
} ptr_table;
local ptr_table table[MAX_PTR];
/* This table is used to remember the original form of pointers
* to large buffers (64K). Such pointers are normalized with a zero offset.
* Since MSDOS is not a preemptive multitasking OS, this table is not
* protected from concurrent access. This hack doesn't work anyway on
* a protected system like OS/2. Use Microsoft C instead.
voidpf ZLIB_INTERNAL zcalloc (voidpf opaque, unsigned items, unsigned size)
voidpf buf = opaque; /* just to make some compilers happy */
ulg bsize = (ulg)items*size;
/* If we allocate less than 65520 bytes, we assume that farmalloc
* will return a usable pointer which doesn't have to be normalized.
if (bsize < 65520L) {
buf = farmalloc(bsize);
if (*(ush*)&buf != 0) return buf;
} else {
buf = farmalloc(bsize + 16L);
if (buf == NULL || next_ptr >= MAX_PTR) return NULL;
table[next_ptr].org_ptr = buf;
/* Normalize the pointer to seg:0 */
*((ush*)&buf+1) += ((ush)((uch*)buf-0) + 15) >> 4;
*(ush*)&buf = 0;
table[next_ptr++].new_ptr = buf;
return buf;
void ZLIB_INTERNAL zcfree (voidpf opaque, voidpf ptr)
int n;
if (*(ush*)&ptr != 0) { /* object < 64K */
/* Find the original pointer */
for (n = 0; n < next_ptr; n++) {
if (ptr != table[n].new_ptr) continue;
while (++n < next_ptr) {
table[n-1] = table[n];
ptr = opaque; /* just to make some compilers happy */
Assert(0, "zcfree: ptr not found");
#endif /* __TURBOC__ */
#ifdef M_I86
/* Microsoft C in 16-bit mode */
# define MY_ZCALLOC
#if (!defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER <= 600))
# define _halloc halloc
# define _hfree hfree
voidpf ZLIB_INTERNAL zcalloc (voidpf opaque, uInt items, uInt size)
if (opaque) opaque = 0; /* to make compiler happy */
return _halloc((long)items, size);
void ZLIB_INTERNAL zcfree (voidpf opaque, voidpf ptr)
if (opaque) opaque = 0; /* to make compiler happy */
#endif /* M_I86 */
#endif /* SYS16BIT */
#ifndef MY_ZCALLOC /* Any system without a special alloc function */
#ifndef STDC
extern voidp malloc OF((uInt size));
extern voidp calloc OF((uInt items, uInt size));
extern void free OF((voidpf ptr));
voidpf ZLIB_INTERNAL zcalloc (opaque, items, size)
voidpf opaque;
unsigned items;
unsigned size;
if (opaque) items += size - size; /* make compiler happy */
return sizeof(uInt) > 2 ? (voidpf)malloc(items * size) :
(voidpf)calloc(items, size);
void ZLIB_INTERNAL zcfree (opaque, ptr)
voidpf opaque;
voidpf ptr;
if (opaque) return; /* make compiler happy */
#endif /* MY_ZCALLOC */

SkinInstaller/zlib/zutil.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
/* zutil.h -- internal interface and configuration of the compression library
* Copyright (C) 1995-2010 Jean-loup Gailly.
* For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
/* WARNING: this file should *not* be used by applications. It is
part of the implementation of the compression library and is
subject to change. Applications should only use zlib.h.
/* @(#) $Id$ */
#ifndef ZUTIL_H
#define ZUTIL_H
#if ((__GNUC__-0) * 10 + __GNUC_MINOR__-0 >= 33) && !defined(NO_VIZ)
# define ZLIB_INTERNAL __attribute__((visibility ("hidden")))
#include "zlib.h"
#ifdef STDC
# if !(defined(_WIN32_WCE) && defined(_MSC_VER))
# include <stddef.h>
# endif
# include <string.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
#ifndef local
# define local static
/* compile with -Dlocal if your debugger can't find static symbols */
typedef unsigned char uch;
typedef uch FAR uchf;
typedef unsigned short ush;
typedef ush FAR ushf;
typedef unsigned long ulg;
extern const char * const z_errmsg[10]; /* indexed by 2-zlib_error */
/* (size given to avoid silly warnings with Visual C++) */
#define ERR_MSG(err) z_errmsg[Z_NEED_DICT-(err)]
#define ERR_RETURN(strm,err) \
return (strm->msg = (char*)ERR_MSG(err), (err))
/* To be used only when the state is known to be valid */
/* common constants */
#ifndef DEF_WBITS
/* default windowBits for decompression. MAX_WBITS is for compression only */
#if MAX_MEM_LEVEL >= 8
# define DEF_MEM_LEVEL 8
/* default memLevel */
#define STORED_BLOCK 0
#define STATIC_TREES 1
#define DYN_TREES 2
/* The three kinds of block type */
#define MIN_MATCH 3
#define MAX_MATCH 258
/* The minimum and maximum match lengths */
#define PRESET_DICT 0x20 /* preset dictionary flag in zlib header */
/* target dependencies */
#if defined(MSDOS) || (defined(WINDOWS) && !defined(WIN32))
# define OS_CODE 0x00
# if defined(__TURBOC__) || defined(__BORLANDC__)
# if (__STDC__ == 1) && (defined(__LARGE__) || defined(__COMPACT__))
/* Allow compilation with ANSI keywords only enabled */
void _Cdecl farfree( void *block );
void *_Cdecl farmalloc( unsigned long nbytes );
# else
# include <alloc.h>
# endif
# else /* MSC or DJGPP */
# include <malloc.h>
# endif
#ifdef AMIGA
# define OS_CODE 0x01
#if defined(VAXC) || defined(VMS)
# define OS_CODE 0x02
# define F_OPEN(name, mode) \
fopen((name), (mode), "mbc=60", "ctx=stm", "rfm=fix", "mrs=512")
#if defined(ATARI) || defined(atarist)
# define OS_CODE 0x05
#ifdef OS2
# define OS_CODE 0x06
# ifdef M_I86
# include <malloc.h>
# endif
#if defined(MACOS) || defined(TARGET_OS_MAC)
# define OS_CODE 0x07
# if defined(__MWERKS__) && __dest_os != __be_os && __dest_os != __win32_os
# include <unix.h> /* for fdopen */
# else
# ifndef fdopen
# define fdopen(fd,mode) NULL /* No fdopen() */
# endif
# endif
#ifdef TOPS20
# define OS_CODE 0x0a
#ifdef WIN32
# ifndef __CYGWIN__ /* Cygwin is Unix, not Win32 */
# define OS_CODE 0x0b
# endif
#ifdef __50SERIES /* Prime/PRIMOS */
# define OS_CODE 0x0f
#if defined(_BEOS_) || defined(RISCOS)
# define fdopen(fd,mode) NULL /* No fdopen() */
#if (defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER > 600)) && !defined __INTERIX
# if defined(_WIN32_WCE)
# define fdopen(fd,mode) NULL /* No fdopen() */
typedef int ptrdiff_t;
# endif
# else
# define fdopen(fd,type) _fdopen(fd,type)
# endif
#if defined(__BORLANDC__)
#pragma warn -8004
#pragma warn -8008
#pragma warn -8066
/* provide prototypes for these when building zlib without LFS */
#if !defined(_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE) || _LFS64_LARGEFILE-0 == 0
ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT adler32_combine64 OF((uLong, uLong, z_off_t));
ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine64 OF((uLong, uLong, z_off_t));
/* common defaults */
#ifndef OS_CODE
# define OS_CODE 0x03 /* assume Unix */
#ifndef F_OPEN
# define F_OPEN(name, mode) fopen((name), (mode))
/* functions */
#if defined(STDC99) || (defined(__TURBOC__) && __TURBOC__ >= 0x550)
# endif
#if defined(__CYGWIN__)
# endif
# ifdef MSDOS
/* vsnprintf may exist on some MS-DOS compilers (DJGPP?),
but for now we just assume it doesn't. */
# define NO_vsnprintf
# endif
# ifdef __TURBOC__
# define NO_vsnprintf
# endif
# ifdef WIN32
/* In Win32, vsnprintf is available as the "non-ANSI" _vsnprintf. */
# if !defined(vsnprintf) && !defined(NO_vsnprintf)
# if !defined(_MSC_VER) || ( defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1500 )
# define vsnprintf _vsnprintf
# endif
# endif
# endif
# ifdef __SASC
# define NO_vsnprintf
# endif
#ifdef VMS
# define NO_vsnprintf
#if defined(pyr)
# define NO_MEMCPY
#if defined(SMALL_MEDIUM) && !defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__SC__)
/* Use our own functions for small and medium model with MSC <= 5.0.
* You may have to use the same strategy for Borland C (untested).
* The __SC__ check is for Symantec.
# define NO_MEMCPY
#if defined(STDC) && !defined(HAVE_MEMCPY) && !defined(NO_MEMCPY)
# define HAVE_MEMCPY
# ifdef SMALL_MEDIUM /* MSDOS small or medium model */
# define zmemcpy _fmemcpy
# define zmemcmp _fmemcmp
# define zmemzero(dest, len) _fmemset(dest, 0, len)
# else
# define zmemcpy memcpy
# define zmemcmp memcmp
# define zmemzero(dest, len) memset(dest, 0, len)
# endif
void ZLIB_INTERNAL zmemcpy OF((Bytef* dest, const Bytef* source, uInt len));
int ZLIB_INTERNAL zmemcmp OF((const Bytef* s1, const Bytef* s2, uInt len));
void ZLIB_INTERNAL zmemzero OF((Bytef* dest, uInt len));
/* Diagnostic functions */
#ifdef DEBUG
# include <stdio.h>
extern int ZLIB_INTERNAL z_verbose;
extern void ZLIB_INTERNAL z_error OF((char *m));
# define Assert(cond,msg) {if(!(cond)) z_error(msg);}
# define Trace(x) {if (z_verbose>=0) fprintf x ;}
# define Tracev(x) {if (z_verbose>0) fprintf x ;}
# define Tracevv(x) {if (z_verbose>1) fprintf x ;}
# define Tracec(c,x) {if (z_verbose>0 && (c)) fprintf x ;}
# define Tracecv(c,x) {if (z_verbose>1 && (c)) fprintf x ;}
# define Assert(cond,msg)
# define Trace(x)
# define Tracev(x)
# define Tracevv(x)
# define Tracec(c,x)
# define Tracecv(c,x)
voidpf ZLIB_INTERNAL zcalloc OF((voidpf opaque, unsigned items,
unsigned size));
void ZLIB_INTERNAL zcfree OF((voidpf opaque, voidpf ptr));
#define ZALLOC(strm, items, size) \
(*((strm)->zalloc))((strm)->opaque, (items), (size))
#define ZFREE(strm, addr) (*((strm)->zfree))((strm)->opaque, (voidpf)(addr))
#define TRY_FREE(s, p) {if (p) ZFREE(s, p);}
#endif /* ZUTIL_H */