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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Resources;
using System.Text;
using RainmeterStudio.Core;
using RainmeterStudio.Core.Documents;
using RainmeterStudio.Core.Utils;
using RainmeterStudio.Resources;
namespace RainmeterStudio.Business
/// <summary>
/// Manages RainmeterStudio plugins
/// </summary>
public class PluginManager
#region Private fields
List<Assembly> _loadedPlugins = new List<Assembly>();
Dictionary<Type, RegisterExportHandler> _registerExportTypes = new Dictionary<Type, RegisterExportHandler>();
/// <summary>
/// Gets an enumerable of the loaded plugins
/// </summary>
public IEnumerable<Assembly> LoadedPlugins
return _loadedPlugins;
/// <summary>
/// A method which registers an object that was exported by a plugin.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="objectToRegister">Object to register</param>
public delegate void RegisterExportHandler(object objectToRegister);
#region Constructor
/// <summary>
/// Initializes the plugin manager
/// </summary>
public PluginManager()
/// <summary>
/// Adds a handler that registers exported objects of a specific type.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="interfaceType">The data type</param>
/// <param name="method">Handler that does the registring</param>
public void AddRegisterExportTypeHandler(Type interfaceType, RegisterExportHandler method)
_registerExportTypes.Add(interfaceType, method);
/// <summary>
/// Initializes the plugin manager
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>This will load all the plugins from the "StudioPlugins" folder</remarks>
public void Initialize()
// Initialize the executing assembly
// Load plugins from StudioPlugins folder
var location = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location;
var pluginsPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(location), "StudioPlugins");
/// <summary>
/// Loads all the plugins from the specified directory.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pluginsPath">Directory path</param>
public void LoadPlugins(string pluginsPath)
// Load all DLLs from "Plugins" folder
foreach (var file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(pluginsPath, "*.dll"))
/// <summary>
/// Tries to load the plugin.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="file">File name</param>
/// <remarks>If plugin is not loaded, the function fails silently.</remarks>
public void LoadPlugin(string file)
Assembly assembly = null;
// Try to load assembly
assembly = Assembly.LoadFile(file);
catch (Exception ex)
Debug.WriteLine("Failed to load assembly {0}: {1}", file, ex);
// Loaded, do initialization stuff
if (assembly != null)
// Check for the RainmeterStudioPlugin attribute
if (assembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(RainmeterStudioPluginAttribute), false).Count() > 0)
Debug.WriteLine("Loaded plugin: {0}", (object)assembly.Location);
private void InitializePlugin(Assembly assembly)
// Register exports
// Select only the classes
.Where(type => type.IsClass)
// That have the AutoRegister attribute
.Where(type => type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(PluginExportAttribute), false).Length > 0)
// Perform register
.ForEach((type) =>
foreach (var pair in _registerExportTypes)
if (pair.Key.IsAssignableFrom(type))
var constructor = type.GetConstructor(new Type[0]);
var obj = constructor.Invoke(new object[0]);
// Register .resource files
foreach (var resourceName in assembly.GetManifestResourceNames())
var name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(resourceName);
ResourceManager manager = new ResourceManager(name, assembly);
ResourceProvider.RegisterManager(manager, assembly);