[GOOD] BUILD DATE 8/30/2011 AT 6:40 PM

Mainly changed: HAL.VFS
+ Designed virtual file system
+ Completed the VFS
+ Added verbose mode for VFS
+ Updated shell script, now shows build number when building
? TODO: Implement one file system (most likely FAT12)
? TODO: Mount floppy device
This commit is contained in:
Tiberiu Chibici 2021-09-14 18:50:50 +03:00
parent 913e65b856
commit 0372dcee81
75 changed files with 377 additions and 636 deletions

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ void CommandTime()
Time time = TimeConvertToTime(TimeGetInternalTime());
Time time = ConvertTimeSystemToTime(TimeGetInternalTime());
ConsoleWrite ("Current time: ");
ConsoleWrite ("%#%d:%d%d:%d%d.%d%d%d\n", Color(0,ColorLightGreen) ,(int)time.Hour,

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ void DriversInstall_Clock()
Time time;
Log("%#[Drivers] %#Read RTC time: ", ColorWhite, ColorLightGray);
Log("%#%u/%u/%u %u:%u:%u.%u\n", ColorLightCyan, time.Month, time.Day,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
* fat12.c
* Created on: Aug 29, 2011
* Author: Tiberiu

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#include "keyboard/keyboard.h"
#include "mouse/mouse.h"
#include <fileio.h>
#include <debugio.h>
void HalInitialize()
@ -32,4 +33,7 @@ void HalInitialize()
// Install mouse driver
MouseInstall(); Log("%#[HAL] %#Installed mouse driver\n", ColorYellow, ColorLightGreen);
// Install VFS

View File

@ -8,13 +8,9 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <multiboot.h>
#include <debugio.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <../drivers/cmos/cmos.h>
#include "keyboard/keyboard.h"
void SystemReboot()
Log("Rebooting system...\n");

View File

@ -1,40 +1,208 @@
#include <memory.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fileio.h>
#include <debugio.h>
#define MAX_FS_COUNT 64
#define BAD 0xffffffff
uint32 FsRead(FsNode *node, uint32 offset, uint32 size, uint8 *buffer)
FileSystem* fsArray;
uint32 fsCount;
MountPoint* mpArray;
uint32 mpCount;
uint32 mpAllocated;
#define LogVfs(...) { Log("%#[Vfs] ", ColorLightBlue); Log(__VA_ARGS__); }
#define ErrorVfs(...) { Error("%#[Vfs] ", ColorLightBlue); Error(__VA_ARGS__); }
void VfsInstall ()
if (node->Read != NULL) return node->Read(node, offset, size, buffer);
return NULL;
fsArray = (FileSystem*) kmalloc(MAX_FS_COUNT * sizeof(FileSystem));
fsCount = 0;
mpArray = (MountPoint*) kmalloc(32 * sizeof(MountPoint));
mpCount = 0;
mpAllocated = 32;
LogVfs("%#VFS now in business.\n", ColorLightGreen);
uint32 FsWrite(FsNode *node, uint32 offset, uint32 size, uint8 *buffer)
uint8 VfsInstallFs (FileSystem* fs)
if (node->Write != NULL) return node->Write(node, offset, size, buffer);
return NULL;
if (fsCount >= MAX_FS_COUNT) {
ErrorVfs("%#Failed to install file system '%s': FS count reached.\n", ColorLightRed, fs->Name);
return 0;
memcpy(&fsArray[fsCount], fs, sizeof(FileSystem));
fsArray[fsCount].Id = fsCount;
LogVfs("Installed file system %#.\n", ColorWhite, fs->Name);
return 1;
void FsOpen(FsNode *node, uint8 read, uint8 write)
uint32 VfsFindDevice (string dev)
if (node->Open != NULL) return node->Open(node, read, write);
uint32 i;
for (i = 0; i < mpCount; i++)
if (strcmp(dev, mpArray[i].Name) == 0)
return i;
return BAD;
void FsClose(FsNode *node)
// Returns mount point index, removes dev name from path
uint32 VfsParsePath (string* path)
if (node->Close != NULL) return node->Close();
// Sanity check
if (!path || !(*path)) return BAD;
string dev = *path, p = strchr(*path, ':');
if (p == NULL) return BAD; // invalid path
// Split string
*path = p+1; *p = '\0';
return VfsFindDevice(dev);
DirectoryEntry *FsReadDir(FsNode *node, uint32 index)
uint8 VfsMount (string Name, DevReadRoutine R, DevWriteRoutine W, uint32 BlockSize)
if (node->ReadDir != NULL && (node->Flags&7) == FsDirectory)
return node->ReadDir(node, index);
return NULL;
uint32 i, fsId = BAD, mpIndex = BAD;
// Try to figure out the file system
for (i = 0; i < fsCount && fsId == BAD; i++)
if (fsArray->Detect && fsArray->Detect(R, BlockSize)) fsId = i;
if (fsId == BAD) {
ErrorVfs("%#Failed to mount device %s: no file system found.\n", ColorLightRed, Name)
return 0; // No file system, no good
// Try to find an empty slot to fill
for (i = 0; i < mpCount && mpIndex == BAD; i++)
if (mpArray[i].Id == BAD) mpIndex = i;
// No empty slots?
if (mpIndex == BAD)
// Make sure we have enough space
if (mpCount == mpAllocated) {
mpAllocated += 4;
mpArray = kmrealloc(mpArray, mpAllocated * sizeof(MountPoint));
mpIndex = mpCount++;
// Add to mount point list, set up data
mpArray[mpIndex].Id = mpIndex;
mpArray[mpIndex].FsId = fsId;
mpArray[mpIndex].BlockSize = BlockSize;
mpArray[mpIndex].Read = R;
mpArray[mpIndex].Write = W;
// Change name if it already exists
uint32 find = VfsFindDevice(Name);
if (find != BAD)
uint32 len = strlen(Name);
uint8 success = 0;
Name[len+1] = '\0';
// Try to find a number index
for (find = '0'; find <= '9' && !success; find++)
Name[len] = find;
if (VfsFindDevice(Name) == BAD) success = 1;
// What? Haven't found anything yet? Try the alphabet
for (find = 'a'; find <= 'z' && !success; find++)
Name[len] = find;
if (VfsFindDevice(Name) == BAD) success = 1;
// Still nothing? How in the world is this even possible ?!?!?!
if (!success) return 0;
memcpy(mpArray[mpCount].Name, Name, sizeof(char) * 128);
LogVfs("Mounted device %#%s", ColorWhite, Name);
return 1;
FsNode *FsFindDir(FsNode *node, char *name)
void VfsUnmount (uint32 dev_id)
if (node->FindDir != NULL && (node->Flags&7) == FsDirectory)
return node->FindDir(node, name);
return NULL;
mpArray[dev_id].Id = BAD;
// Returns pointer to FILE structure that was inputed if success, null otherwise
FILE* VfsOpen (FILE* file, string path)
if (!file) return NULL;
// Parse string
uint32 dev = VfsParsePath(&path);
file->DeviceId = dev;
// Device not found, or Open routine doesn't exist
if (dev == BAD || !fsArray[mpArray[dev].FsId].Open) return NULL;
// Ask the FS to do the 'opening'
return fsArray[mpArray[dev].FsId].Open(&mpArray[dev],file,path);
DirectoryEntry* VfsTest (string path)
// Parse string
uint32 dev = VfsParsePath(&path);
// Device not found, or Open routine doesn't exist
if (dev == BAD || !fsArray[mpArray[dev].FsId].Test) return NULL;
// Ask the FS to do the 'opening'
return fsArray[mpArray[dev].FsId].Test(&mpArray[dev],path);
FILE* VfsClose (FILE* file)
if (!file) return NULL;
MountPoint* mp = &(mpArray[file->DeviceId]);
if (!fsArray[mp->FsId].Close) return NULL;
return fsArray[mp->FsId].Close(mp,file);
uint32 VfsRead (FILE* file, uint32 bsz, uint32 n, uint8* buffer)
if (!file) return NULL;
MountPoint* mp = &(mpArray[file->DeviceId]);
if (!fsArray[mp->FsId].Read) return NULL;
return fsArray[mp->FsId].Read(mp, file, bsz, n, buffer);
uint32 VfsWrite (FILE* file, uint32 bsz, uint32 n, uint8* buffer)
if (!file) return NULL;
MountPoint* mp = &(mpArray[file->DeviceId]);
if (!fsArray[mp->FsId].Write) return NULL;
return fsArray[mp->FsId].Write(mp, file, bsz, n, buffer);
DirectoryEntry* VfsReadDirectory (FILE* handle, uint32 index)
if (!handle) return NULL;
MountPoint* mp = &(mpArray[handle->DeviceId]);
if (!fsArray[mp->FsId].ReadDirectory) return NULL;
return fsArray[mp->FsId].ReadDirectory(mp, handle, index);

View File

@ -9,62 +9,114 @@
#define FILEIO_H_
#include <types.h>
#include <time.h>
enum FsFlags
// Device routines, will read/write 'BlockSize' bytes per call
typedef uint32 (*DevReadRoutine)(uint32 offset, void* buffer);
typedef uint32 (*DevWriteRoutine)(uint32 offset, void* buffer);
enum FileFlags
FsFile = 0x1,
FsDirectory = 0x2,
FsCharDevice = 0x3,
FsBlockDevice = 0x4,
FsPipe = 0x5,
FsSymbolLink = 0x6,
FsMountPoint = 0x8
FileFile = 0x1,
FileDirectory = 0x2,
FileCharDevice = 0x3,
FileBlockDevice = 0x4,
FilePipe = 0x5,
FileSymbolLink = 0x6,
FileMountPoint = 0x7,
FileOwnerRead = 0x8,
FileOwnerWrite = 0x10,
FileOwnerExecute = 0x20,
FileGroupRead = 0x40,
FileGroupWrite = 0x80,
FileGroupExecute = 0x100,
FileOtherRead = 0x200,
FileOtherWrite = 0x400,
FileOtherExecute = 0x800,
FileHidden = 0x1000,
typedef uint32 (*ReadRoutine)(struct _FsNode*, uint32, uint32, uint8*);
typedef uint32 (*WriteRoutine)(struct _FsNode*, uint32, uint32, uint8*);
typedef void (*OpenRoutine)(struct _FsNode*);
typedef void (*CloseRoutine)(struct _FsNode*);
typedef struct _DirectoryEntry (*ReadDirRoutine)(struct _FsNode*,uint32);
typedef struct _FsNode* (*FindDirRoutine)(struct _FsNode*,char *name);
typedef struct _FsNode
typedef struct _FILE
char Name[128]; // The filename.
uint32 Permissions; // The permissions mask.
uint32 UserId; // The owning user.
uint32 GroupId; // The owning group.
uint32 Flags; // Includes the node type. See enum above.
uint32 INode; // This is device-specific - provides a way for a filesystem to identify files.
uint32 Length; // Size of the file, in bytes.
uint32 Implementation; // An implementation-defined number.
ReadRoutine Read;
WriteRoutine Write;
OpenRoutine Open;
CloseRoutine Close;
ReadDirRoutine ReadDir;
FindDirRoutine FindDir;
struct _FsNode *Ptr; // Used by mountpoints and symlinks.
} FsNode;
uint32 DeviceId; // The VFS identifies the mounted device that uses this
uint32 Id; // The FS idenitifies files using this field
char Name[128];
/*** Looks like this:
* bits description
* 0-2 file type
* 3-5 owner permissions (rwx)
* 6-8 group permissions (rwx)
* 9-11 other permissions (rwx)
* 12 hidden
* 13-31 (unassigned yet)
* Note: In windows FS, the readonly and system attributes are set using permissions and userid */
uint32 Flags;
uint32 OwnerId, GroupId;
uint32 Size;
typedef struct _DirectoryEntry
char Name[128];
uint32 INode;
uint32 Flags, OwnerId, GroupId, Size;
TimeSystem TimeCreated, TimeModified, TimeAccessed;
} DirectoryEntry;
extern uint32 FsRead(FsNode *node, uint32 offset, uint32 size, uint8 *buffer);
extern uint32 FsWrite(FsNode *node, uint32 offset, uint32 size, uint8 *buffer);
extern void FsOpen(FsNode *node, uint8 read, uint8 write);
extern void FsClose(FsNode *node);
extern DirectoryEntry *FsReadDir(FsNode *node, uint32 index);
extern FsNode *FsFindDir(FsNode *node, char *name);
typedef struct {
uint32 Id;
uint32 FsId;
char Name[128];
uint32 BlockSize;
DevReadRoutine Read;
DevWriteRoutine Write;
} MountPoint;
// File system routines
typedef uint32 (*FsReadRoutine)(const MountPoint*, FILE*, uint32, uint32, uint8*);
typedef uint32 (*FsWriteRoutine)(const MountPoint*, FILE*, uint32, uint32, uint8*);
typedef FILE* (*FsOpenRoutine)(const MountPoint*, FILE*,string);
typedef DirectoryEntry* (*FsTestRoutine)(const MountPoint*, string); // Test if a file exists, and returns info
typedef FILE* (*FsCloseRoutine)(const MountPoint*, FILE*);
typedef DirectoryEntry* (*FsReadDirRoutine)(const MountPoint*,FILE*,uint32);
typedef uint32 (*FsDetectRoutine) (DevReadRoutine, uint32 blocksz);
// File system structure
typedef struct {
uint32 Id;
char Name[16];
FsDetectRoutine Detect;
FsOpenRoutine Open;
FsCloseRoutine Close;
FsReadRoutine Read;
FsWriteRoutine Write;
FsTestRoutine Test; // See if file exists without having to open it
FsReadDirRoutine ReadDirectory;
} FileSystem;
// Vfs routines
extern void VfsInstall ();
extern uint8 VfsInstallFs (FileSystem* fs);
extern uint32 VfsFindDevice (string dev);
extern uint32 VfsParsePath (string* path);
extern uint8 VfsMount (string Name, DevReadRoutine R, DevWriteRoutine W, uint32 BlockSize);
extern void VfsUnmount (uint32 dev_id);
extern FILE* VfsOpen (FILE* file, string path);
extern DirectoryEntry* VfsTest (string path);
extern FILE* VfsClose (FILE* file);
extern uint32 VfsRead (FILE* file, uint32 bsz, uint32 n, uint8* buffer);
extern uint32 VfsWrite (FILE* file, uint32 bsz, uint32 n, uint8* buffer);
extern DirectoryEntry* VfsReadDirectory (FILE* handle, uint32 index);
#ifdef NEVER
void VfsRegisterFilesys();
void VfsMount();
#endif /* FILEIO_H_ */

View File

@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
* memory-add.h
* Created on: Aug 27, 2011
* Author: Tiberiu
#ifndef MEMORY_ADD_H_
#define MEMORY_ADD_H_
#include <memory.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <debugio.h>
* Paging *
typedef uint32 Page;
enum PageFlags
PagePresent = 0x1,
PageWriteable = 0x2,
PageUser = 0x4,
PageWriteThough = 0x8,
PageNotCacheable = 0x10,
PageAccessed = 0x20,
PageDirty = 0x40,
PagePAT = 0x80,
PageCpuGlobal = 0x100,
PageLvl4Global = 0x200,
PageFrame = 0xFFFFF000
typedef struct {
Page Pages[1024];
} PageTable;
typedef struct {
PageTable* Tables[1024];
uint32 TablesPhysical[1024];
uint32 PhysicalAddr;
} PageDirectory;
extern PageDirectory* CurrentDirectory;
extern PageDirectory* KernelDirectory;
extern void PagingInitialize(uint32 SystemMemory);
extern void PagingSwitchPageDirectory (PageDirectory* dir);
extern Page* PagingGetPage(uint32 addr, uint8 make, PageDirectory* dir);
* Physical memory manager *
extern uint32 TotalFrames;
extern uint32 TotalMemory;
void MemPhInitialize(uint32 SystemMemoryKb);
extern void MemPhSetFrame (uint32 frame, uint8 value);
uint32 MemPhGetFrame (uint32 frame);
uint32 MemPhFindFreeFrame();
void MemPhAllocFrame(Page* page, uint8 isKernel, uint8 isWriteable);
void MemPhFreeFrame(Page* page);
void MemPhReserveFrames (uint32 address, uint32 length);
* Memory heap *
typedef struct
OrderedArray Index;
uint32 StartAddress, EndAddress, MaxAddress;
// bit 0: supervisor-only bit 1: read-only
uint8 Flags;
} MemHeap;
extern MemHeap* KernelHeap;
extern uint32 MemHeapFindSmallestHole (uint32 size, uint8 page_align, MemHeap* heap);
extern int32 MemHeapCompare (uint32 a, uint32 b);
extern MemHeap* MemHeapCreate(uint32 start, uint32 end, uint32 max, uint8 flags);
extern void MemHeapExpand(uint32 newsz, MemHeap* heap, PageDirectory* pd);
extern uint32 MemHeapContract(uint32 newsz, MemHeap* heap, PageDirectory* pd);
extern uint32 MemHeapAlloc (uint32 size, uint8 isPageAligned, MemHeap* heap, PageDirectory* pd);
extern void MemHeapFree (uint32 address, MemHeap* heap, PageDirectory* pd);
#define LogMem(...) { Log("%#[Mem] ", ColorLightCyan); Log(__VA_ARGS__); }
#define ErrorMem(...) { Error("%#[Mem] ", ColorLightCyan); Error(__VA_ARGS__); }
#endif /* MEMORY_ADD_H_ */

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ extern void* kmalloc (uint32 size);
extern void* kmalloc_a (uint32 size);
extern void* kmalloc_p (uint32 size, uint32* phys);
extern void* kmalloc_ap (uint32 size, uint32* phys);
extern void* kmrealloc (void* original, uint32 newsz);
extern void kfree (void* addr);
extern void MemoryTempInitialize (uint32 kernel_end);

View File

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
#ifndef __MEMORY__H
#define __MEMORY__H
#include <types.h>
#include <settings.h>
#include <multiboot.h>
* Basic memory operations: alloc, free *
extern void* kmalloc (uint32 size);
extern void* kmalloc_a (uint32 size);
extern void* kmalloc_p (uint32 size, uint32* phys);
extern void* kmalloc_ap (uint32 size, uint32* phys);
extern void kfree (void* addr);
extern void MemoryTempInitialize (uint32 kernel_end);
extern void MemoryInitialize (MultibootInfo* info);
extern uint32 MemoryGetTotal();
extern uint32 MemoryGetFree(); // Returns total free physical memory in bytes
extern uint32 MemoryGetUsed(); // Total used physical memory in bytes
extern uint32 MemoryGetFrameSize(); // Same as above functions, but in frames
extern uint32 MemoryGetFramesTotal();
extern uint32 MemoryGetFramesUsed();
extern uint32 MemoryGetFramesFree();

View File

@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
* settings.h
* Created on: Aug 16, 2011
* Author: Tiberiu
#ifndef SETTINGS_H_
#define SETTINGS_H_
// OS info
#define OS_STRING "lux"
#define OS_VERSION "0.1 [pre-Alpha]"
#define OS_BUILD_DATE __DATE__
#define OS_BUILD_TIME __TIME__
#include <version.h>
// Logger
#define VERBOSE_MODE 1
// Clock
#define PIT_FREQUENCY 100
// Console
// Memory manager
#define KERNEL_HEAP_START 0xC0000000
#endif /* SETTINGS_H_ */

View File

@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
extern uint32 strlen (string s);
extern int32 strcmp (string a, string b);
extern string strcpy (string s1, const string s2);
extern char* strchr (string s, int c);
extern char* strrchr (string s, int c);
* Number operations: len *

View File

@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
#ifndef __STDLIB__H
#define __STDLIB__H
#include <types.h>
#define IsDigit(c) (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
#define IsHexDigit(c) ( (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') )
#define IsUpper(c) (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
#define IsLower(c) (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
#define IsAlpha(c) (IsLower(c) || IsUpper(c))
#define IsAlphaNum(c) (IsAlpha(c) || IsDigit(c))
#define ToLower(c) ((IsUpper(c)) ? (c - 'A' + 'a') : c)
#define ToUpper(c) ((IsLower(c)) ? (c - 'a' + 'A') : c)
#define Max(a,b) ((a > b) ? (a) : (b))
#define Min(a,b) ((a < b) ? (a) : (b))
#define Abs(a) ((a < 0) ? (a * -1) : (a))
* String operations: len, cmp, cpy *
extern uint32 strlen (string s);
extern int32 strcmp (string a, string b);
extern string strcpy (string s1, const string s2);
* Number operations: len *
extern uint32 numlen (int32 number, int32 base);
extern uint32 unumlen (uint32 number, int32 base);
* Memory operations: cpy, cmp, set *
void* memcpy (void *dest, const void *src, uint32 count);
int32 memcmp (const void *s1, const void *s2, uint32 count);
void* memset (void *dest, uint8 val, uint32 count);
* Conversion operations: num-str/str-num *
extern int32 ConvertIntToString (string buffer, int32 number, int32 base);
extern uint32 ConvertUIntToString (string buffer, uint32 number, int32 base);
extern int32 ConvertStringToInt (string buffer);
extern uint32 ConvertStringToUInt (string buffer);
extern uint32 ConvertStringToIntHex (string buffer);
* Ordered array implementation *
typedef int (*ComparePredicate) (uint32, uint32);
typedef struct {
uint32* Data;
uint32 Size;
uint32 SizeLimit;
ComparePredicate Compare;
} OrderedArray;
extern OrderedArray OrderedArrayCreate (uint32 maxSize, ComparePredicate p);
extern OrderedArray OrderedArrayPlace (uint32 addr, uint32 maxSize, ComparePredicate p);
extern void OrderedArrayDispose (OrderedArray* arr);
extern uint32 OrderedArraySearch (uint32 key, OrderedArray* arr, ComparePredicate predicate);
extern void OrderedArrayInsert (uint32 item, OrderedArray* arr);
extern uint32 OrderedArrayLookup (uint32 index, OrderedArray* arr);
extern void OrderedArrayDeleteIndex (uint32 index, OrderedArray* arr);

View File

@ -10,56 +10,6 @@
#include <types.h>
// Storage device
typedef struct {
char MountPointName[32];// E.g. "fd0"; you should avoid spaces, or special chars, or otherwise get weird paths like "Mom's floppy\virus.exe"
uint32 DeviceID; // Autocompleted by VFS
uint32 BlockSize; // E.g. sector size
uint32 BlockCount; // How many blocks are loaded in memory per read
* Params: *
* > offset: read starting from block ~ *
* Returns: address to data, NULL for error *
uint32 (*ReadData) (uint32 offset);
* Params: *
* > offset: write starting from block ~ *
* > address: where to write from *
* Returns: NULL for error *
uint32 (*WriteData) (uint32 offset, uint32 address);
uint32 FileSystemID; // Autocompleted by 'mount'... at least should be
} StorageDevice;
typedef struct {
uint32 FileSystemID; // Autocompleted by VFS
* Params: *
* > *s: Pointer to device info & routines *
* Returns: positive if match, NULL otherwise *
uint32 (*Detect) (StorageDevice *s);
uint32 (*Open) (StorageDevice *s, string path);
uint32 (*CreateNode) (StorageDevice *s, string path);
uint32 (*DeleteNode) (StorageDevice *s, string path);
} FileSystem;
extern void ConvertLbaToChs(uint32 SectorsPerTrack, uint32 lba, uint32 *cyl, uint32 *head, uint32 *sector);
#endif /* STORAGE_H_ */

View File

@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ typedef struct _Time Time;
typedef struct _TimeSystem TimeSystem;
extern TimeSystem TimeConvertToTimeSystem (Time t);
extern Time TimeConvertToTime (TimeSystem InternalTime);
extern TimeSystem ConvertTimeToTimeSystem (Time t);
extern Time ConvertTimeSystemToTime (TimeSystem InternalTime);
extern uint16 TimeCalculateWeekday (Time t);
extern TimeSystem TimeGetInternalTime();

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
#define OS_BUILD ""
#define OS_BUILD ""

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
-e #define OS_BUILD ""

View File

@ -82,3 +82,12 @@ void* kmalloc_ap(uint32 size, uint32* phys)
else ret = _malloc_init2(size,1,phys);
return (void*)ret;
void* kmrealloc (void* original, uint32 newsz)
void* re = kmalloc(newsz);
memcpy (re, original, newsz);
return re;

View File

@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
* memory_alloc.c
* Created on: Aug 27, 2011
* Author: Tiberiu
#include <memory-add.h>
extern uint32 mem_kernel_end;
extern uint8 mem_initialized;
// Used prior to proper initialization
uint32 _malloc_init1 (uint32 size, uint8 page_aligned)
uint32 ret = mem_kernel_end;
if (page_aligned && (ret & 0xfff)) ret = (ret & 0xfffff000) + 0x1000;
mem_kernel_end = size + ret;
LogMem("%#Allocated %u bytes (%spage aligned) at end of kernel (0x%x).\n", ColorLightMagenta, size, ((page_aligned) ? "" : "not "), ret);
return (ret);
uint32 _malloc_init2 (uint32 size, uint8 page_aligned, uint32* phys)
uint32 ret = MemHeapAlloc(size, page_aligned, KernelHeap, KernelDirectory);
if (phys)
Page *pg = PagingGetPage(ret, 0, KernelDirectory);
*phys = (*pg & PageFrame) + (ret & 0xFFF);
LogMem("%#Allocated %u bytes (%spage aligned) at address 0x%x (phys=%x).\n", ColorLightMagenta, size, ((page_aligned) ? "" : "not "), ret, *phys);
else {
LogMem("%#Allocated %u bytes (%spage aligned) at address 0x%x.\n", ColorLightMagenta, size, ((page_aligned) ? "" : "not "), ret);
return ret;
// Allocate 'size' bytes
void* kmalloc (uint32 size)
if (!mem_initialized) return 0;
if (mem_initialized == 1) return (void*)_malloc_init1(size, 0);
return (void*)_malloc_init2(size,0,0);
// Allocate 'size' bytes, page aligned
void* kmalloc_a(uint32 size)
if (!mem_initialized) return 0;
if (mem_initialized == 1) return (void*)_malloc_init1(size, 1);
return (void*)_malloc_init2(size,1,0);
void* kmalloc_p(uint32 size, uint32* phys)
if (!mem_initialized) return 0;
if (mem_initialized == 1) {
*phys = _malloc_init1(size,0);
return (void*)(*phys);
return (void*)_malloc_init2(size,0,phys);
void* kmalloc_ap(uint32 size, uint32* phys)
if (!mem_initialized) return 0;
uint32 ret;
if (mem_initialized == 1) {
*phys = ret = _malloc_init1(size,1);
else ret = _malloc_init2(size,1,phys);
LogMem("%#kmalloc_ap requested, returned 0x%x, phys = 0x%x.\n", ColorMagenta, ret, *phys);
return (void*)ret;

View File

@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
* memory_info.c
* Created on: Aug 27, 2011
* Author: Tiberiu
#include <memory-add.h>
// MemoryGetFree(), MemoryGetTotal(), MemoryGet blah blah...
// Returns total physical memory in bytes
uint32 MemoryGetTotal()
return (TotalMemory);
// Returns total free physical memory in bytes
uint32 MemoryGetFree()
return (TotalFrames - UsedFrames) * 0x4;
// Total used physical memory in bytes
uint32 MemoryGetUsed()
return UsedFrames * 0x4;
// Same as above functions, but in frames
uint32 MemoryGetFrameSize()
return 0x1000;
uint32 MemoryGetFramesTotal()
return TotalFrames;
uint32 MemoryGetFramesUsed()
return UsedFrames;
uint32 MemoryGetFramesFree()
return (TotalFrames - UsedFrames);

View File

@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
* memory-init.c
* Created on: Aug 27, 2011
* Author: Tiberiu
#include <memory-add.h>
#include <multiboot.h>
#include <debugio.h>
#include "../../drivers/cmos/cmos.h"
#include <stdio.h>
uint32 mem_kernel_end = 0;
uint8 mem_initialized = 0;
uint32 _memory_get_total_mem(MultibootInfo* info)
// Grub was nice enough to give us info
if (info->Flags & MultibootInfo_MEMORY) return (1024 + info->MemoryUpper);
// No? Get info from CMOS
uint8 low, high;
uint32 total;
low = CmosRead(0x30);
high = CmosRead(0x31);
total = (uint32)(low | high<<8) + 1024;
ErrorMem("%#Missing memory info from bootloader. Reading from CMOS: %ukb\n", ColorLightRed, total);
return total;
void _memory_reserve_system(MultibootInfo* info)
if ((info->Flags & MultibootInfo_MEM_MAP) != 0)
MultibootMemoryMapEntry* location = (MultibootMemoryMapEntry*)info->MemoryMapAddress;
while ((uint32)location < (info->MemoryMapAddress + info->MemoryMapLength))
if (location->Type > 1)
MemPhReserveFrames((uint32)location->Address, (uint32)location->Length);
location = (MultibootMemoryMapEntry*) ((uint32)location + location->Size + sizeof(uint32));
ErrorMem("%#Missing %#memory map%# info from bootloader.\n", ColorLightRed, ColorWhite, ColorLightRed);
// Standard memory hole at 15mb
MemPhReserveFrames(0x00F00000, 0x00100000);
// Standard reserved memory areas
MemPhReserveFrames(0x0, 0x400 + 256); // Real mode IVT, BDA
MemPhReserveFrames(0x1000, 0x2400); // DMA buffer
MemPhReserveFrames(0x9FC00, 385*1024); // EBDA, Video memory, ROM area
void MemoryInitialize (MultibootInfo* info)
uint32 totalSystemMemory = _memory_get_total_mem(info);
LogMem("Reserving important areas...\n");
LogMem("Allocating kernel heap...\n");
+ KERNEL_HEAP_INITIAL_SIZE, 0xCFFFF000, 3); // is kernel, writeable
LogMem("Done initializing memory!");
mem_initialized = 2;
void MemoryTempInitialize (uint32 kernel_end)
mem_initialized = 1;
mem_kernel_end = kernel_end;
LogMem("Initialized temporary memory manager, allocating from %#0x%x.\n", kernel_end);

View File

@ -37,3 +37,20 @@ string strcpy (string s1, const string s2)
return s1;
char* strchr (string s, int c)
while (*s != '\0' && *s != (char)c) s++;
return ((*s == (char)c) ? (char*)s : NULL);
char* strrchr (string s, int c)
string last = NULL;
if (c == '\0') return strchr(s, c);
while ((s = strchr(s, c)) != NULL)
last = s; s++;
return (char*)last;

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ extern uint32 _internal_frequency_hz;
const int16 MonthLen[] = {0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365 };
TimeSystem TimeConvertToTimeSystem (Time t)
TimeSystem ConvertTimeToTimeSystem (Time t)
TimeSystem sys = {0,0};
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ TimeSystem TimeConvertToTimeSystem (Time t)
return sys;
Time TimeConvertToTime (TimeSystem InternalTime)
Time ConvertTimeSystemToTime (TimeSystem InternalTime)
Time t;
t.Milisecond = InternalTime.Time % 1000;

View File

@ -12,14 +12,16 @@ extern uint32 _end;
void k_main(MultibootInfo* info)
uint32 KernelEnd = (uint32)&_end;
// Set up memory manager
Log("All ready. Starting console...\n\n");

View File

@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ cp floppy/original.img luxos.img
mkdir /media/floppy1
mount -o loop luxos.img /media/floppy1
cp kernel.bin /media/floppy1/
sleep 1
umount /media/floppy1
rm -r /media/floppy1

View File

@ -2,8 +2,9 @@
# ----------------- lux Operating System -----------------
@ -41,18 +42,20 @@ BuildAsm()
return 0
echo "lux operating system v0.1"
# Clean up
echo "[ 1%] CLEANUP"
rm $OBJ/* 2>/dev/null
# Calculate version number
read buildno < ./scripts/version.txt
buildno=$(($buildno + 1))
echo $buildno > ./scripts/version.txt
echo "#define OS_BUILD \"0.1.0.$buildno\"" > ./Kernel/include/version.h
echo "#define OS_BUILD \"$BUILD_VER.$buildno\"" > ./Kernel/include/version.h
# On the screen
echo "========================================================"
echo "LUX Operating System build $BUILD_VER.$buildno"
echo "========================================================"
# Clean up
echo "[ 1%] CLEANUP"
rm $OBJ/* 2>/dev/null
# Build kernel
BuildC "filelistC.txt"
@ -64,16 +67,11 @@ $LINKER -T link.ld $OBJ/*.o
# Make floppy image
echo "[ 97%] WRITING FLOPPY IMAGE..."
cp floppy/original.img luxos.img
mkdir /media/floppy1
mount -o loop luxos.img /media/floppy1
cp kernel.bin /media/floppy1/
sleep 1
umount /media/floppy1
rm -r /media/floppy1
mount A: /mnt/floppy 2>/dev/null >/dev/null
cp kernel.bin /mnt/floppy/
echo "[100%] DONE!\n"
echo "[100%] DONE!"
exit 0

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

build/fat12.o Normal file

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

build/reboot.o Normal file

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

build/vfs.o Normal file

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,5 +1,16 @@
[GOOD] BUILD DATE 8/30/2011 AT 6:40 PM
Mainly changed: HAL.VFS
+ Designed virtual file system
+ Completed the VFS
+ Added verbose mode for VFS
+ Updated shell script, now shows build number when building
? TODO: Implement one file system (most likely FAT12)
? TODO: Mount floppy device
[GOOD] BUILD DATE 8/29/2011 AT 10:30 AM
Mainly changed: Memory Manager, Library.Memory
+ Changed 'align 0x4' line above multiboot header in loader.asm to 'align 4'
+ Removed -e option for echo in build.sh
+ Modified build.sh for linux
@ -12,6 +23,7 @@
[ BAD] BUILD DATE 8/27/2011 AT 10:54 PM
Mainly changed: Memory Manager, Library
+ Added stdlib routines, separated in different files
+ Rewritten physical memory manager
+ Added virtual mem manager
@ -20,9 +32,7 @@
+ Added temporary allocation (at end of kernel), until paging is started
- Removed functionality from debug console function 'mem'
- Removed system.h, the one remaining function now in stdio.h
Debug initialization
Bug hunt
Implement verbose mode for memmgr
Fix function 'mem'
? TODO: Debug initialization
? TODO: Bug hunt
? TODO: Implement verbose mode for memmgr
? TODO: Fix function 'mem'

View File

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
[????] BUILD 0.1.0.??? DATE 8/27/2011 AT ??:?? ??
+ Changed 'align 0x4' line above multiboot header in loader.asm to 'align 4'
+ Removed -e option for echo in build.sh
+ Modified build.sh for linux
+ Fixed triple fault when enabling paging
[ BAD] BUILD DATE 8/27/2011 AT 10:54 PM
+ Added stdlib routines, separated in different files
+ Rewritten physical memory manager
+ Added virtual mem manager
+ Added memory allocation/freeing
+ Added memory library
+ Added temporary allocation (at end of kernel), until paging is started
- Removed functionality from debug console function 'mem'
- Removed system.h, the one remaining function now in stdio.h
Debug initialization
Bug hunt
Implement verbose mode for memmgr
Fix function 'mem'

View File

@ -58,8 +58,14 @@ Kernel/hal/keyboard/keyboard.c
HAL :: Mouse
HAL :: System info and tools
HAL :: System reboot
HAL :: File systems :: Virtual file system
HAL :: File systems :: FAT12
Libraries :: Character types

Binary file not shown.


Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1 +1 @@