import errno import itertools from threading import Lock from apscheduler.triggers.cron import CronTrigger from django.db.models import Max from django.conf import settings from import appconfig from import fetch_thumbnail, downloader_process_subscription from YtManagerApp.models import * from YtManagerApp.scheduler import scheduler, Job from YtManagerApp.utils import youtube from external.pytaw.pytaw.utils import iterate_chunks _ENABLE_UPDATE_STATS = True class SynchronizeJob(Job): name = "SynchronizeJob" __lock = Lock() running = False __global_sync_job = None def __init__(self, job_execution, subscription: Optional[Subscription] = None): super().__init__(job_execution) self.__subscription = subscription self.__api = youtube.YoutubeAPI.build_public() self.__new_vids = [] def get_description(self): if self.__subscription is not None: return "Running synchronization for subscription " + return "Running synchronization..." def get_subscription_list(self): if self.__subscription is not None: return [self.__subscription] return Subscription.objects.all() def get_videos_list(self, subs): return Video.objects.filter(subscription__in=subs) def run(self): self.__lock.acquire(blocking=True) SynchronizeJob.running = True try: # Build list of work items work_subs = self.get_subscription_list() work_vids = self.get_videos_list(work_subs) self.set_total_steps(len(work_subs) + len(work_vids)) # Remove the 'new' flag work_vids.update(new=False) # Process subscriptions for sub in work_subs: self.progress_advance(1, "Synchronizing subscription " + self.check_new_videos(sub) self.fetch_missing_thumbnails(sub) # Add new videos to progress calculation self.set_total_steps(len(work_subs) + len(work_vids) + len(self.__new_vids)) # Process videos all_videos = itertools.chain(work_vids, self.__new_vids) for batch in iterate_chunks(all_videos, 50): video_stats = {} if _ENABLE_UPDATE_STATS: batch_ids = [video.video_id for video in batch] video_stats = { v for v in self.__api.videos(batch_ids, part='id,statistics')} for video in batch: self.progress_advance(1, "Updating video " + self.check_video_deleted(video) self.fetch_missing_thumbnails(video) if video.video_id in video_stats: self.update_video_stats(video, video_stats[video.video_id]) # Start downloading videos for sub in work_subs: downloader_process_subscription(sub) finally: SynchronizeJob.running = False self.__lock.release() def check_new_videos(self, sub: Subscription): playlist_items = self.__api.playlist_items(sub.playlist_id) if sub.rewrite_playlist_indices: playlist_items = sorted(playlist_items, key=lambda x: x.published_at) else: playlist_items = sorted(playlist_items, key=lambda x: x.position) for item in playlist_items: results = Video.objects.filter(video_id=item.resource_video_id, subscription=sub) if not results.exists():'New video for subscription %s: %s %s"', sub, item.resource_video_id, item.title) # fix playlist index if necessary if sub.rewrite_playlist_indices or Video.objects.filter(subscription=sub, playlist_index=item.position).exists(): highest = Video.objects.filter(subscription=sub).aggregate(Max('playlist_index'))['playlist_index__max'] item.position = 1 + (highest or -1) self.__new_vids.append(Video.create(item, sub)) def fetch_missing_thumbnails(self, obj: Union[Subscription, Video]): if obj.thumbnail.startswith("http"): if isinstance(obj, Subscription): obj.thumbnail = fetch_thumbnail(obj.thumbnail, 'sub', obj.playlist_id, settings.THUMBNAIL_SIZE_SUBSCRIPTION) elif isinstance(obj, Video): obj.thumbnail = fetch_thumbnail(obj.thumbnail, 'video', obj.video_id, settings.THUMBNAIL_SIZE_VIDEO) def check_video_deleted(self, video: Video): if video.downloaded_path is not None: files = [] try: files = list(video.get_files()) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: self.log.error("Could not access path %s. Error: %s", video.downloaded_path, e) self.usr_err(f"Could not access path {video.downloaded_path}: {e}", suppress_notification=True) return # Try to find a valid video file found_video = False for file in files: mime, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(file) if mime is not None and mime.startswith("video"): found_video = True # Video not found, we can safely assume that the video was deleted. if not found_video:"Video %d was deleted! [%s %s]",, video.video_id, # Clean up for file in files: try: os.unlink(file) except OSError as e: self.log.error("Could not delete redundant file %s. Error: %s", file, e) self.usr_err(f"Could not delete redundant file {file}: {e}", suppress_notification=True) video.downloaded_path = None # Mark watched? user = video.subscription.user if user.preferences['mark_deleted_as_watched']: video.watched = True def update_video_stats(self, video: Video, yt_video): if yt_video.n_likes is not None \ and yt_video.n_dislikes is not None \ and yt_video.n_likes + yt_video.n_dislikes > 0: video.rating = yt_video.n_likes / (yt_video.n_likes + yt_video.n_dislikes) video.views = yt_video.n_views @staticmethod def schedule_global_job(): trigger = CronTrigger.from_crontab(appconfig.sync_schedule) if SynchronizeJob.__global_sync_job is None: trigger = CronTrigger.from_crontab(appconfig.sync_schedule) SynchronizeJob.__global_sync_job = scheduler.add_job(SynchronizeJob, trigger, max_instances=1, coalesce=True) else: SynchronizeJob.__global_sync_job.reschedule(trigger, max_instances=1, coalesce=True) @staticmethod def schedule_now(): scheduler.add_job(SynchronizeJob, max_instances=1, coalesce=True) @staticmethod def schedule_now_for_subscription(subscription): scheduler.add_job(SynchronizeJob, user=subscription.user, args=[subscription])