Running with Docker === Sample Run command ----- ```bash docker run -d --name ytsm -p 80:8000 --volume /media/ytsm/data:/usr/src/ytsm/data --volume /media/ytsm/config:/usr/src/ytsm/config chibicitiberiu/ytsm:latest ``` ### Quick Rundown: - `--expose 80:8000` maps the Host OS port 80 to the container port 80 - `--volume /media/ytsm/data:/usr/src/app/data` maps the data folder on the host to the container folder `data` - `--volume /media/ytsm/coinfig:/usr/src/app/config` maps the config folder on the host to the container folder `config` - `chibicitiberiu/ytsm:latest` tells Docker which image to run the container with (in this case, the latest version) Environment variables ----- - YTSM_DATABASE_ENGINE - YTSM_DATABASE_NAME - YTSM_YOUTUBE_API_KEY Volumes ----- - /usr/src/app/data - /usr/src/app/config Notes ---- If you experience any issues with the app running, make sure to run the following command to apply Django migrations to the database ### When using just the Dockerfile/Image - `docker exec ytsm python migrate` ### When using the docker-compose file - `docker exec ytsm_web_1 python migrate`