
214 lines
6.1 KiB

from googleapiclient.discovery import build
from google_auth_oauthlib.flow import InstalledAppFlow
from django.conf import settings
import re
API_SERVICE_NAME = 'youtube'
class YoutubeChannelInfo(object):
def __init__(self, result_dict):
self.__id = result_dict['id']
self.__snippet = result_dict['snippet']
self.__contentDetails = result_dict['contentDetails']
def getId(self):
return self.__id
def getTitle(self):
return self.__snippet['title']
def getDescription(self):
return self.__snippet['description']
def getCustomUrl(self):
return self.__snippet['customUrl']
def getDefaultThumbnailUrl(self):
return self.__snippet['thumbnails']['default']['url']
def getBestThumbnailUrl(self):
best_url = None
best_res = 0
for _, thumb in self.__snippet['thumbnails'].items():
res = thumb['width'] * thumb['height']
if res > best_res:
best_res = res
best_url = thumb['url']
return best_url
def getUploadsPlaylist(self):
return self.__contentDetails['relatedPlaylists']['uploads']
class YoutubePlaylistInfo(object):
def __init__(self, result_dict):
self.__id = result_dict['id']
self.__snippet = result_dict['snippet']
def getId(self):
return self.__id
def getChannelId(self):
return self.__snippet['channelId']
def getTitle(self):
return self.__snippet['title']
def getDescription(self):
return self.__snippet['description']
def getDefaultThumbnailUrl(self):
return self.__snippet['thumbnails']['default']['url']
def getBestThumbnailUrl(self):
best_url = None
best_res = 0
for _, thumb in self.__snippet['thumbnails'].items():
res = thumb['width'] * thumb['height']
if res > best_res:
best_res = res
best_url = thumb['url']
return best_url
class YoutubePlaylistItem(object):
def __init__(self, result_dict):
self.__snippet = result_dict['snippet']
def getVideoId(self):
return self.__snippet['resourceId']['videoId']
def getPublishDate(self):
return self.__snippet['publishedAt']
def getTitle(self):
return self.__snippet['title']
def getDescription(self):
return self.__snippet['description']
def getDefaultThumbnailUrl(self):
return self.__snippet['thumbnails']['default']['url']
def getBestThumbnailUrl(self):
best_url = None
best_res = 0
for _, thumb in self.__snippet['thumbnails'].items():
res = thumb['width'] * thumb['height']
if res > best_res:
best_res = res
best_url = thumb['url']
return best_url
def getPlaylistIndex(self):
return self.__snippet['position']
class YoutubeAPI(object):
def __init__(self, service):
self.service = service
def build_public() -> 'YoutubeAPI':
service = build(API_SERVICE_NAME, API_VERSION, developerKey=settings.YOUTUBE_API_KEY)
return YoutubeAPI(service)
def parse_channel_url(url):
Parses given channel url, returns a tuple of the form (type, value), where type can be one of:
* channel_id
* channel_custom
* user
* playlist_id
:param url: URL to parse
:return: (type, value) tuple
match ='youtube\.com/.*[&?]list=([^?&/]+)', url)
if match:
return 'playlist_id',
match ='youtube\.com/user/([^?&/]+)', url)
if match:
return 'user',
match ='youtube\.com/channel/([^?&/]+)', url)
if match:
return 'channel_id',
match ='youtube\.com/(?:c/)?([^?&/]+)', url)
if match:
return 'channel_custom',
raise Exception('Unrecognized URL format!')
def get_playlist_info(self, list_id) -> YoutubePlaylistInfo:
result = self.service.playlists()\
.list(part='snippet', id=list_id)\
if len(result['items']) <= 0:
raise Exception("Invalid playlist ID.")
return YoutubePlaylistInfo(result['items'][0])
def get_channel_info_by_username(self, user) -> YoutubeChannelInfo:
result = self.service.channels()\
.list(part='snippet,contentDetails', forUsername=user)\
if len(result['items']) <= 0:
raise Exception('Invalid user.')
return YoutubeChannelInfo(result['items'][0])
def get_channel_info(self, channel_id) -> YoutubeChannelInfo:
result = self.service.channels()\
.list(part='snippet,contentDetails', id=channel_id)\
if len(result['items']) <= 0:
raise Exception('Invalid channel ID.')
return YoutubeChannelInfo(result['items'][0])
def search_channel(self, custom) -> str:
result =\
.list(part='id', q=custom, type='channel')\
if len(result['items']) <= 0:
raise Exception('Could not find channel!')
channel_result = result['items'][0]
return channel_result['id']['channelId']
def list_playlist_videos(self, playlist_id):
kwargs = {
"part": "snippet",
"maxResults": 50,
"playlistId": playlist_id
last_page = False
while not last_page:
result = self.service.playlistItems()\
for item in result['items']:
yield YoutubePlaylistItem(item)
if 'nextPageToken' in result:
kwargs['pageToken'] = result['nextPageToken']
last_page = True
# @staticmethod
# def build_oauth() -> 'YoutubeAPI':
# flow =
# credentials =
# service = build(API_SERVICE_NAME, API_VERSION, credentials)