jsmorley 8239919333 Added MeterStyle functionality:
Rainy, given the "issues" listed at the bottom of this comment, I leave it to you whether to create a build using this revision or use r208 for the build.  I would like to start testing MeterStyle, but there are a few more things it needs work on.

What is MeterStyle?

This will allow users to create CSS-like "Styles" for meters. This means that all the parameters of a meter can be defined in the style, and then many meters can use the style to eliminate copy / pasting the same parameters over and over on multiple meters. (Examples: FontColor=, FontSize= etc.)

How do I use it?

You will create a new [Section] (as many as you want) in the .ini. The section(s) can have any name.


Then you will tell Rainmeter that this is a "MeterStyle" and not a measure or meter


Note: The "value" of the key "Style" can be anything. It can be used to add a description of the style if you like. Style=This style is for the AccuWeather part of this skin
It is however required, both to tell Rainmeter it is not a meter or measure and to have the MeterStyle routines parse it.

Then you define parameters you want to use in the style


Then in any or all meters, you just use

Meter=STRING (or any other meter type)

None of the parameters in the style are then required to be actually in the meter(s). They are "inherited" from the MeterStyle.

Note: This works and has had preliminary testing with dynamic variables like FontColor=[MeasureName] and regular variables like FontColor=#FontColor#. It doesn't matter if the [Variables] section or the [MeasureName] measure is before or after the [StyleName] in the .ini file.

What if I want to override a MeterStyle parameter on a meter?

Sure. Just put in any parameter with a value different from the one defined in the MeterStyle and the one in the meter will take presidence. All non-defined parameters will still use the MeterStyle value.


What are these "known issues" you are on about?

This is still a bit of a work in progress. Right now you cannot define X or Y in a style. You can define W and H, but NOT for a STRING meter. You cannot define a "Transformation Matrix" in a style. MattKing will be looking into these tomorrow. W and H in a string meter is our top priority. We will also look at X and Y and hope for an easy solution. Transformation Matrix may have to come later.
2009-09-04 14:48:28 +00:00

477 lines
13 KiB

Copyright (C) 2001 Kimmo Pekkola
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#pragma warning(disable: 4996)
#include "Error.h"
#include "Meter.h"
#include "MeterBitmap.h"
#include "MeterBar.h"
#include "MeterHistogram.h"
#include "MeterString.h"
#include "MeterImage.h"
#include "MeterLine.h"
#include "MeterRoundLine.h"
#include "MeterRotator.h"
#include "MeterButton.h"
#include "Measure.h"
#include "Rainmeter.h"
using namespace Gdiplus;
int CMeter::c_OldX = 0;
int CMeter::c_OldY = 0;
** CMeter
** The constructor
CMeter::CMeter(CMeterWindow* meterWindow)
m_Measure = NULL;
m_X = 0;
m_Y = 0;
m_W = 0;
m_H = 0;
m_RelativeMeter = NULL;
m_Hidden = false;
m_SolidBevel = BEVELTYPE_NONE;
m_MouseOver = false;
m_UpdateDivider = 1;
m_UpdateCounter = 0;
m_MeterWindow = NULL;
m_SolidAngle = 0.0;
m_MeterWindow = meterWindow;
m_AntiAlias = false;
m_DynamicVariables = false;
m_Initialized = false;
** ~CMeter
** The destructor
** Initialize
** Initializes the meter. The base implementation just stores the pointer.
** Usually this method is overwritten by the inherited classes, which load
** bitmaps and such things during initialization.
void CMeter::Initialize()
m_Initialized = true;
** GetX
** Returns the X-position of the meter.
int CMeter::GetX(bool abs)
if (m_RelativeX != POSITION_ABSOLUTE && m_MeterWindow)
if (m_RelativeMeter == NULL)
std::list<CMeter*>& meters = m_MeterWindow->GetMeters();
std::list<CMeter*>::iterator iter = meters.begin();
// Find this meter
for ( ; iter != meters.end(); iter++)
if (*iter == this && iter != meters.begin())
m_RelativeMeter = (*iter);
if (m_RelativeX == POSITION_RELATIVE_TL)
return m_RelativeMeter->GetX(true) + m_X;
return m_RelativeMeter->GetX(true) + m_RelativeMeter->GetW() + m_X;
if (m_RelativeX == POSITION_RELATIVE_TL)
return m_RelativeMeter->GetX(true) + m_X;
return m_RelativeMeter->GetX(true) + m_RelativeMeter->GetW() + m_X;
return m_X;
** GetY
** Returns the Y-position of the meter.
int CMeter::GetY(bool abs)
if (m_RelativeY != POSITION_ABSOLUTE && m_MeterWindow)
if (m_RelativeMeter == NULL)
std::list<CMeter*>& meters = m_MeterWindow->GetMeters();
std::list<CMeter*>::iterator iter = meters.begin();
// Find this meter
for ( ; iter != meters.end(); iter++)
if (*iter == this && iter != meters.begin())
m_RelativeMeter = (*iter);
if (m_RelativeY == POSITION_RELATIVE_TL)
return m_RelativeMeter->GetY() + m_Y;
return m_RelativeMeter->GetY() + m_RelativeMeter->GetH() + m_Y;
if (m_RelativeY == POSITION_RELATIVE_TL)
return m_RelativeMeter->GetY() + m_Y;
return m_RelativeMeter->GetY() + m_RelativeMeter->GetH() + m_Y;
return m_Y;
** HitTest
** Checks if the given point is inside the meter.
bool CMeter::HitTest(int x, int y)
if (x >= GetX() && x <= GetX() + GetW() && y >= GetY() && y <= GetY() + GetH())
return true;
return false;
** ReadConfig
** Reads the meter-specific configs from the ini-file. The base implementation
** reads the common settings for all meters. The inherited classes must call
** the base implementation if they overwrite this method.
void CMeter::ReadConfig(const WCHAR* section)
CConfigParser& parser = m_MeterWindow->GetParser();
m_StyleName = parser.ReadString(section, L"MeterStyle", L"");
const std::wstring& x = parser.ReadString(section, L"X", L"0");
if (x.size() > 0)
m_X = _wtoi(x.c_str());
if (x[x.size() - 1] == L'r')
else if (x[x.size() - 1] == L'R')
m_X = (int)parser.ReadFormula(section, L"X", 0.0);
const std::wstring& y = parser.ReadString(section, L"Y", L"0");
if (y.size() > 0)
m_Y = _wtoi(y.c_str());
if (y[y.size() - 1] == L'r')
else if (y[y.size() - 1] == L'R')
m_Y = (int)parser.ReadFormula(section, L"Y", 0.0);
m_W = (int)parser.ReadFormula(section, L"W", (int)parser.ReadFormula(m_StyleName.c_str(), L"W", 1.0));
m_H = (int)parser.ReadFormula(section, L"H", (int)parser.ReadFormula(m_StyleName.c_str(), L"H", 1.0));
m_Hidden = 0!=parser.ReadInt(section, L"Hidden", 0!=parser.ReadInt(m_StyleName.c_str(), L"Hidden", 0));
m_SolidBevel = (BEVELTYPE)parser.ReadInt(section, L"BevelType", (BEVELTYPE)parser.ReadInt(m_StyleName.c_str(), L"BevelType", m_SolidBevel));
m_SolidColor = parser.ReadColor(section, L"SolidColor", parser.ReadColor(m_StyleName.c_str(), L"SolidColor", Color(0, 0, 0, 0)));
m_SolidColor2 = parser.ReadColor(section, L"SolidColor2", parser.ReadColor(m_StyleName.c_str(), L"SolidColor2", m_SolidColor));
m_SolidAngle = (Gdiplus::REAL)parser.ReadFloat(section, L"GradientAngle", (Gdiplus::REAL)parser.ReadFloat(m_StyleName.c_str(), L"GradientAngle", 0.0));
m_RightMouseDownAction = parser.ReadString(section, L"RightMouseDownAction", parser.ReadString(m_StyleName.c_str(), L"RightMouseDownAction", L"").c_str(),true,true);
m_LeftMouseDownAction = parser.ReadString(section, L"LeftMouseDownAction", parser.ReadString(m_StyleName.c_str(), L"LeftMouseDownAction", L"").c_str(),true,true);
m_RightMouseUpAction = parser.ReadString(section, L"RightMouseUpAction", parser.ReadString(m_StyleName.c_str(), L"RightMouseUpAction", L"").c_str(),true,true);
m_LeftMouseUpAction = parser.ReadString(section, L"LeftMouseUpAction", parser.ReadString(m_StyleName.c_str(), L"LeftMouseUpAction", L"").c_str(),true,true);
m_MouseOverAction = parser.ReadString(section, L"MouseOverAction", parser.ReadString(m_StyleName.c_str(), L"MouseOverAction", L"").c_str(),true,true);
m_MouseLeaveAction = parser.ReadString(section, L"MouseLeaveAction", parser.ReadString(m_StyleName.c_str(), L"MouseLeaveAction", L"").c_str(),true,true);
m_MeasureName = parser.ReadString(section, L"MeasureName", parser.ReadString(m_StyleName.c_str(), L"MeasureName", L"").c_str(),true,true);
m_UpdateDivider = parser.ReadInt(section, L"UpdateDivider", parser.ReadInt(m_StyleName.c_str(), L"UpdateDivider", 1));
m_UpdateCounter = m_UpdateDivider;
m_AntiAlias = 0!=parser.ReadInt(section, L"AntiAlias", 0!=parser.ReadInt(m_StyleName.c_str(), L"AntiAlias", 0));
m_DynamicVariables = 0!=parser.ReadInt(section, L"DynamicVariables", 0!=parser.ReadInt(m_StyleName.c_str(), L"DynamicVariables", 0));
std::vector<Gdiplus::REAL> matrix = parser.ReadFloats(section, L"TransformationMatrix");
if (matrix.size() == 6)
m_Transformation.SetElements(matrix[0], matrix[1], matrix[2], matrix[3], matrix[4], matrix[5]);
else if (!matrix.empty())
DebugLog(L"The transformation matrix has incorrect number of values:", parser.ReadString(section, L"TransformationMatrix", L"").c_str());
/* Are these necessary?
if (m_W == 0 || m_H == 0)
throw CError(std::wstring(L"The meter ") + section + L" has zero dimensions.", __LINE__, __FILE__);
** BindMeasure
** Binds this meter to the given measure. The same measure can be bound to
** several meters but one meter and only be bound to one measure.
void CMeter::BindMeasure(std::list<CMeasure*>& measures)
// The meter is not bound to anything
if (m_MeasureName.empty())
throw CError(std::wstring(L"The meter [") + m_Name + L"] is not bound to anything!", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Go through the list and check it there is a measure for us
std::list<CMeasure*>::iterator i = measures.begin();
for( ; i != measures.end(); i++)
if(_wcsicmp((*i)->GetName(), m_MeasureName.c_str()) == 0)
m_Measure = (*i);
// Error :)
throw CError(std::wstring(L"The meter [") + m_Name + L"] cannot be bound with [" + m_MeasureName + L"]!", __LINE__, __FILE__);
** Create
** Creates the given meter. This is the factory method for the meters.
** If new meters are implemented this method needs to be updated.
CMeter* CMeter::Create(const WCHAR* meter, CMeterWindow* meterWindow)
if(_wcsicmp(L"HISTOGRAM", meter) == 0)
return new CMeterHistogram(meterWindow);
else if(_wcsicmp(L"STRING", meter) == 0)
return new CMeterString(meterWindow);
else if(_wcsicmp(L"BAR", meter) == 0)
return new CMeterBar(meterWindow);
else if(_wcsicmp(L"BITMAP", meter) == 0)
return new CMeterBitmap(meterWindow);
else if(_wcsicmp(L"IMAGE", meter) == 0)
return new CMeterImage(meterWindow);
else if(_wcsicmp(L"LINE", meter) == 0)
return new CMeterLine(meterWindow);
else if(_wcsicmp(L"ROUNDLINE", meter) == 0)
return new CMeterRoundLine(meterWindow);
else if(_wcsicmp(L"ROTATOR", meter) == 0)
return new CMeterRotator(meterWindow);
else if(_wcsicmp(L"BUTTON", meter) == 0)
return new CMeterButton(meterWindow);
// Error
throw CError(std::wstring(L"No such meter: ") + meter, __LINE__, __FILE__);
return NULL;
** Update
** Updates the value(s) from the measures. Derived classes should
** only update if this returns true;
bool CMeter::Update()
// Only update the meter's value when the divider is equal to the counter
if (m_UpdateCounter < m_UpdateDivider) return false;
m_UpdateCounter = 0;
return true;
** Draw
** Draws the solid background & bevel if such are defined
bool CMeter::Draw(Graphics& graphics)
if (IsHidden()) return false;
if (m_AntiAlias)
if (m_SolidColor.GetA() != 0 || m_SolidColor2.GetA() != 0)
int x = GetX();
int y = GetY();
if (m_SolidColor.GetValue() == m_SolidColor2.GetValue())
SolidBrush solid(m_SolidColor);
graphics.FillRectangle(&solid, x, y, m_W, m_H);
Rect r(x, y, m_W, m_H);
LinearGradientBrush gradient(r, m_SolidColor, m_SolidColor2, m_SolidAngle, TRUE);
graphics.FillRectangle(&gradient, r);
if (m_SolidBevel != BEVELTYPE_NONE)
int x = GetX();
int y = GetY();
Pen light(Color(255, 255, 255, 255));
Pen dark(Color(255, 0, 0, 0));
if (m_SolidBevel == BEVELTYPE_DOWN)
light.SetColor(Color(255, 0, 0, 0));
dark.SetColor(Color(255, 255, 255, 255));
// The bevel is drawn outside the meter
Rect rect(x - 2, y - 2, m_W + 4, m_H + 4);
DrawBevel(graphics, rect, light, dark);
return true;
** DrawBevel
** Draws a bevel inside the given area
void CMeter::DrawBevel(Graphics& graphics, Rect& rect, Pen& light, Pen& dark)
int l = rect.GetLeft();
int r = rect.GetRight() - 1;
int t = rect.GetTop();
int b = rect.GetBottom() - 1;
graphics.DrawLine(&light, l, t, l, b);
graphics.DrawLine(&light, l, t, r, t);
graphics.DrawLine(&light, l + 1, t + 1, l + 1, b - 1);
graphics.DrawLine(&light, l + 1, t + 1, r - 1, l + 1);
graphics.DrawLine(&dark, l, b, r, b);
graphics.DrawLine(&dark, r, t, r, b);
graphics.DrawLine(&dark, l + 1, b - 1, r - 1, b - 1);
graphics.DrawLine(&dark, r - 1, t + 1, r - 1, b - 1);