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synced 2024-02-24 04:33:31 +00:00

If changed, all skins are refreshed Option is disabled on systems that do not support D2D
284 lines
8.8 KiB
284 lines
8.8 KiB
Copyright (C) 2001 Kimmo Pekkola
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef __RAINMETER_H__
#define __RAINMETER_H__
#include <windows.h>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include "CommandHandler.h"
#include "ContextMenu.h"
#include "Logger.h"
#include "MeterWindow.h"
#include "SkinRegistry.h"
#define MAX_LINE_LENGTH 4096
#define APPNAME L"Rainmeter"
#ifdef _WIN64
#define APPBITS L"64-bit"
#define APPBITS L"32-bit"
#define WIDEN2(x) L ## x
#define WIDEN(x) WIDEN2(x)
#define RAINMETER_CLASS_NAME L"DummyRainWClass"
#define RAINMETER_WINDOW_NAME L"Rainmeter control window"
struct GlobalOptions
double netInSpeed;
double netOutSpeed;
class ConfigParser;
class TrayWindow;
class Rainmeter
static Rainmeter& GetInstance();
int Initialize(LPCWSTR iniPath, LPCWSTR layout);
void Finalize();
bool IsAlreadyRunning();
int MessagePump();
void SetNetworkStatisticsTimer();
ConfigParser* GetCurrentParser() { return m_CurrentParser; }
void SetCurrentParser(ConfigParser* parser) { m_CurrentParser = parser; }
TrayWindow* GetTrayWindow() { return m_TrayWindow; }
bool HasMeterWindow(const MeterWindow* meterWindow) const;
MeterWindow* GetMeterWindow(const std::wstring& folderPath);
MeterWindow* GetMeterWindowByINI(const std::wstring& ini_searching);
MeterWindow* GetMeterWindow(HWND hwnd);
void GetMeterWindowsByLoadOrder(std::multimap<int, MeterWindow*>& windows, const std::wstring& group = std::wstring());
std::map<std::wstring, MeterWindow*>& GetAllMeterWindows() { return m_MeterWindows; }
const std::vector<std::wstring>& GetAllLayouts() { return m_Layouts; }
void RemoveMeterWindow(MeterWindow* meterWindow);
void AddUnmanagedMeterWindow(MeterWindow* meterWindow);
void RemoveUnmanagedMeterWindow(MeterWindow* meterWindow);
bool ActivateSkin(const std::wstring& folderPath);
bool ActivateSkin(const std::wstring& folderPath, const std::wstring& file);
void ActivateSkin(int folderIndex, int fileIndex);
void DeactivateSkin(MeterWindow* meterWindow, int folderIndex, bool save = true);
void ToggleSkin(int folderIndex, int fileIndex);
void ToggleSkinWithID(UINT id);
const std::wstring& GetPath() { return m_Path; }
const std::wstring& GetIniFile() { return m_IniFile; }
const std::wstring& GetDataFile() { return m_DataFile; }
const std::wstring& GetSettingsPath() { return m_SettingsPath; }
const std::wstring& GetSkinPath() { return m_SkinPath; }
void SetSkinPath(const std::wstring& skinPath);
std::wstring GetLayoutPath() { return m_SettingsPath + L"Layouts\\"; }
std::wstring GetPluginPath() { return m_Path + L"Plugins\\"; }
std::wstring GetUserPluginPath() { return m_SettingsPath + L"Plugins\\"; }
std::wstring GetAddonPath() { return m_SettingsPath + L"Addons\\"; }
bool HasUserPluginPath() { return (_wcsicmp(m_Path.c_str(), m_SettingsPath.c_str()) != 0); }
std::wstring GetDefaultSkinPath() { return m_Path + L"Defaults\\Skins\\"; }
std::wstring GetDefaultLayoutPath() { return m_Path + L"Defaults\\Layouts\\"; }
std::wstring GetDefaultPluginPath() { return m_Path + L"Defaults\\Plugins\\"; }
std::wstring GetDefaultAddonPath() { return m_Path + L"Defaults\\Addons\\"; }
const std::wstring& GetDrive() { return m_Drive; }
const std::wstring& GetSkinEditor() { return m_SkinEditor; }
void SetSkinEditor(const std::wstring& path);
const std::wstring& GetStatsDate() { return m_StatsDate; }
HWND GetWindow() { return m_Window; }
HINSTANCE GetModuleInstance() { return m_Instance; }
HINSTANCE GetResourceInstance() { return m_ResourceInstance; }
LCID GetResourceLCID() { return m_ResourceLCID; }
bool GetUseD2D() const { return m_UseD2D; }
void SetUseD2D(bool enabled);
bool GetDebug() { return m_Debug; }
GlobalOptions& GetGlobalOptions() { return m_GlobalOptions; }
void ReloadSettings();
void EditSettings();
void EditSkinFile(const std::wstring& name, const std::wstring& iniFile);
void OpenSkinFolder(const std::wstring& name = std::wstring());
void UpdateStats();
void ReadStats();
void WriteStats(bool bForce);
void ResetStats();
bool GetDisableVersionCheck() { return m_DisableVersionCheck; }
void SetDisableVersionCheck(bool check);
bool GetNewVersion() { return m_NewVersion; }
void SetNewVersion() { m_NewVersion = true; }
void ShowLogFile();
bool GetDisableRDP() { return m_DisableRDP; }
bool IsRedrawable() { return (!GetDisableRDP() || !GetSystemMetrics(SM_REMOTESESSION)); }
bool GetDisableDragging() { return m_DisableDragging; }
void SetDisableDragging(bool dragging);
bool IsNormalStayDesktop() { return m_NormalStayDesktop; }
void SetDebug(bool debug);
int ShowMessage(HWND parent, const WCHAR* text, UINT type);
bool IsMenuActive() { return m_ContextMenu.IsMenuActive(); }
void ShowContextMenu(POINT pos, MeterWindow* mw) { return m_ContextMenu.ShowMenu(pos, mw); }
const std::wstring& GetTrayExecuteR() { return m_TrayExecuteR; }
const std::wstring& GetTrayExecuteM() { return m_TrayExecuteM; }
const std::wstring& GetTrayExecuteDR() { return m_TrayExecuteDR; }
const std::wstring& GetTrayExecuteDM() { return m_TrayExecuteDM; }
void ExecuteBang(const WCHAR* bang, std::vector<std::wstring>& args, MeterWindow* meterWindow);
void ExecuteCommand(const WCHAR* command, MeterWindow* meterWindow, bool multi = true);
void DelayedExecuteCommand(const WCHAR* command);
void RefreshAll();
bool LoadLayout(const std::wstring& name);
void PreserveSetting(const std::wstring& from, LPCTSTR key, bool replace = true);
friend class CommandHandler;
friend class ContextMenu;
friend class DialogManage;
static LRESULT CALLBACK MainWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
void ActivateActiveSkins();
void CreateMeterWindow(const std::wstring& folderPath, const std::wstring& file);
void DeleteAllMeterWindows();
void DeleteAllUnmanagedMeterWindows();
void WriteActive(const std::wstring& folderPath, int fileIndex);
void ScanForSkins();
void ScanForLayouts();
void ReadGeneralSettings(const std::wstring& iniFile);
void SetLoadOrder(int folderIndex, int order);
int GetLoadOrder(const std::wstring& folderPath);
void UpdateDesktopWorkArea(bool reset);
void CreateOptionsFile();
void CreateDataFile();
void CreateComponentFolders(bool defaultIniLocation);
void TestSettingsFile(bool bDefaultIniLocation);
TrayWindow* m_TrayWindow;
std::multimap<int, int> m_SkinOrders;
std::map<std::wstring, MeterWindow*> m_MeterWindows;
std::list<MeterWindow*> m_UnmanagedMeterWindows;
std::vector<std::wstring> m_Layouts;
std::wstring m_Path;
std::wstring m_IniFile;
std::wstring m_DataFile;
std::wstring m_StatsFile;
std::wstring m_SettingsPath;
std::wstring m_SkinPath;
std::wstring m_Drive;
std::wstring m_StatsDate;
std::wstring m_TrayExecuteR;
std::wstring m_TrayExecuteM;
std::wstring m_TrayExecuteDR;
std::wstring m_TrayExecuteDM;
bool m_UseD2D;
bool m_Debug;
bool m_DisableVersionCheck;
bool m_NewVersion;
bool m_DesktopWorkAreaChanged;
bool m_DesktopWorkAreaType;
std::map<UINT, RECT> m_DesktopWorkAreas;
std::vector<RECT> m_OldDesktopWorkAreas;
bool m_NormalStayDesktop;
bool m_DisableRDP;
bool m_DisableDragging;
std::wstring m_SkinEditor;
CommandHandler m_CommandHandler;
ContextMenu m_ContextMenu;
SkinRegistry m_SkinRegistry;
ConfigParser* m_CurrentParser;
HWND m_Window;
HANDLE m_Mutex;
HINSTANCE m_Instance;
HMODULE m_ResourceInstance;
LCID m_ResourceLCID;
ULONG_PTR m_GDIplusToken;
GlobalOptions m_GlobalOptions;
// Convenience function.
inline Rainmeter& GetRainmeter() { return Rainmeter::GetInstance(); }
#define EXPORT_PLUGIN EXTERN_C __declspec(dllimport)
EXPORT_PLUGIN int RainmeterMain(LPWSTR cmdLine);