2010-12-28 19:43:19 +00:00

198 lines
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Copyright (C) 2009 Kimmo Pekkola, Brian Todoroff
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "MeterRoundLine.h"
#include "Measure.h"
#include "Error.h"
using namespace Gdiplus;
#define PI (3.14159265358979323846)
#define CONVERT_TO_DEGREES(X) ((X) * (180.0 / PI))
** CMeterRoundLine
** The constructor
CMeterRoundLine::CMeterRoundLine(CMeterWindow* meterWindow) : CMeter(meterWindow),
m_LineWidth = 1.0;
m_LineLength = 20;
m_LineStart = -1.0;
m_StartAngle = 0.0;
m_RotationAngle = 0.0;
m_ValueRemainder = 0;
m_Solid = false;
m_Value = 0.0;
m_CntrlAngle = true;
m_CntrlLineStart = false;
m_CntrlLineLength = false;
m_LineStartShift = 0;
m_LineLengthShift = 0;
** ~CMeterRoundLine
** The destructor
** ReadConfig
** Read the meter-specific configs from the ini-file.
void CMeterRoundLine::ReadConfig(const WCHAR* section)
// Read common configs
CConfigParser& parser = m_MeterWindow->GetParser();
m_LineWidth = parser.ReadFloat(section, L"LineWidth", 1.0);
m_LineLength = parser.ReadFloat(section, L"LineLength", 20.0);
m_LineStart = parser.ReadFloat(section, L"LineStart", -1.0);
m_StartAngle = parser.ReadFloat(section, L"StartAngle", 0.0);
m_RotationAngle = parser.ReadFloat(section, L"RotationAngle", 6.2832);
m_ValueRemainder = parser.ReadInt(section, L"ValueReminder", 0); // Typo
m_ValueRemainder = parser.ReadInt(section, L"ValueRemainder", m_ValueRemainder);
m_LineColor = parser.ReadColor(section, L"LineColor", Color::Black);
m_Solid = 0!=parser.ReadInt(section, L"Solid", 0);
m_CntrlAngle = 0!=parser.ReadInt(section, L"ControlAngle", 1);
m_CntrlLineStart = 0!=parser.ReadInt(section, L"ControlStart", 0);
m_CntrlLineLength = 0!=parser.ReadInt(section, L"ControlLength", 0);
m_LineStartShift = parser.ReadFloat(section, L"StartShift", 0);
m_LineLengthShift = parser.ReadFloat(section, L"LengthShift", 0);
** Update
** Updates the value(s) from the measures.
bool CMeterRoundLine::Update()
if (CMeter::Update() && m_Measure)
if (m_ValueRemainder > 0)
time.QuadPart = (LONGLONG)m_Measure->GetValue();
m_Value = (double)(time.QuadPart % m_ValueRemainder);
m_Value /= (double)m_ValueRemainder;
m_Value = m_Measure->GetRelativeValue();
return true;
return false;
** Draw
** Draws the meter on the double buffer
bool CMeterRoundLine::Draw(Graphics& graphics)
if(!CMeter::Draw(graphics)) return false;
// Calculate the center of for the line
int x = GetX();
int y = GetY();
REAL cx = (REAL)(x + m_W / 2.0);
REAL cy = (REAL)(y + m_H / 2.0);
if (m_Solid)
REAL startAngle = (REAL)(CONVERT_TO_DEGREES(m_StartAngle));
REAL sweepAngle = (REAL)(CONVERT_TO_DEGREES(m_RotationAngle * m_Value));
SolidBrush solidBrush(m_LineColor);
if (1) //m_LineStart > 0.0)
// Create clipping region
//GraphicsPath path;
//path.AddEllipse(REAL(cx - m_LineStart), REAL(cy - m_LineStart), REAL(m_LineStart * 2), REAL(m_LineStart * 2));
//graphics.SetClip(&path, CombineModeExclude);
// Calculate the end point of the line
//double angle = m_RotationAngle * m_Value + m_StartAngle;
double angle = (m_CntrlAngle) ? m_RotationAngle * m_Value + m_StartAngle : m_RotationAngle + m_StartAngle;
double lineStart = (m_CntrlLineStart) ? m_LineStartShift * m_Value + m_LineStart : m_LineStart;
double lineLength = (m_CntrlLineLength) ? m_LineLengthShift * m_Value + m_LineLength : m_LineLength;
REAL s_cos = (REAL)cos(m_StartAngle);
REAL s_sin = (REAL)sin(m_StartAngle);
REAL e_cos = (REAL)cos(angle);
REAL e_sin = (REAL)sin(angle);
//Create a path to surround the arc
GraphicsPath path;
path.AddArc((REAL)(cx - lineStart), (REAL)(cy - lineStart), (REAL)(lineStart * 2.0), (REAL)(lineStart * 2.0), startAngle, sweepAngle);
path.AddLine((REAL)lineStart * s_cos + cx, (REAL)lineStart * s_sin + cy, (REAL)lineLength * s_cos + cx, (REAL)lineLength * s_sin + cy);
path.AddArc((REAL)(cx - lineLength), (REAL)(cy - lineLength), (REAL)(lineLength * 2.0), (REAL)(lineLength * 2.0), startAngle, sweepAngle);
path.AddLine((REAL)lineLength * e_cos + cx, (REAL)lineLength * e_sin + cy, (REAL)lineStart * e_cos + cx, (REAL)lineStart * e_sin + cy);
graphics.FillPath(&solidBrush, &path);
// Calculate the center of for the line
graphics.FillPie(&solidBrush, (REAL)(cx - m_LineLength), (REAL)(cy - m_LineLength), (REAL)(m_LineLength * 2.0), (REAL)(m_LineLength * 2.0), startAngle, sweepAngle);
// Calculate the end point of the line
double angle = m_RotationAngle * m_Value + m_StartAngle;
REAL e_cos = (REAL)cos(angle);
REAL e_sin = (REAL)sin(angle);
// Set the length
REAL x = e_cos * (REAL)m_LineLength + cx;
REAL y = e_sin * (REAL)m_LineLength + cy;
if (m_LineStart > 0.0)
cx += e_cos * (REAL)m_LineStart;
cy += e_sin * (REAL)m_LineStart;
Pen pen(m_LineColor, (REAL)m_LineWidth);
graphics.DrawLine(&pen, cx, cy, x, y);
return true;