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synced 2024-02-24 04:33:31 +00:00

Fixed a memory leak in the string meter. Changed the library project to use precompiled headers.
437 lines
11 KiB
437 lines
11 KiB
Copyright (C) 2001 Kimmo Pekkola
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "MeterHistogram.h"
#include "Measure.h"
#include "Error.h"
#include "Rainmeter.h"
using namespace Gdiplus;
extern CRainmeter* Rainmeter;
** CMeterHistogram
** The constructor
CMeterHistogram::CMeterHistogram(CMeterWindow* meterWindow) : CMeter(meterWindow)
m_SecondaryMeasure = NULL;
m_PrimaryColor = 0;
m_SecondaryColor = 0;
m_BothColor = 0;
m_MeterPos = 0;
m_PrimaryBitmap = NULL;
m_SecondaryBitmap = NULL;
m_BothBitmap = NULL;
m_PrimaryValues = NULL;
m_SecondaryValues = NULL;
m_Autoscale = false;
m_Flip = false;
m_MaxPrimaryValue = 1.0;
m_MinPrimaryValue = 0.0;
m_MaxSecondaryValue = 1.0;
m_MinSecondaryValue = 0.0;
** ~CMeterHistogram
** The destructor
if (m_PrimaryBitmap) delete m_PrimaryBitmap;
if (m_SecondaryBitmap) delete m_SecondaryBitmap;
if (m_BothBitmap) delete m_BothBitmap;
if (m_PrimaryValues) delete [] m_PrimaryValues;
if (m_SecondaryValues) delete [] m_SecondaryValues;
** Initialize
** Load the images and calculate the dimensions of the meter from them.
** Or create the brushes if solid color histogram is used.
void CMeterHistogram::Initialize()
// Load the bitmaps if defined
if (m_PrimaryBitmap) delete m_PrimaryBitmap;
m_PrimaryBitmap = new Bitmap(m_PrimaryImageName.c_str());
Status status = m_PrimaryBitmap->GetLastStatus();
if(Ok != status)
throw CError(std::wstring(L"PrimaryImage not found: ") + m_PrimaryImageName, __LINE__, __FILE__);
m_W = m_PrimaryBitmap->GetWidth();
m_H = m_PrimaryBitmap->GetHeight();
if (m_SecondaryBitmap) delete m_SecondaryBitmap;
m_SecondaryBitmap = new Bitmap(m_SecondaryImageName.c_str());
Status status = m_SecondaryBitmap->GetLastStatus();
if(Ok != status)
throw CError(std::wstring(L"SecondaryImage not found: ") + m_SecondaryImageName, __LINE__, __FILE__);
if (m_BothBitmap) delete m_BothBitmap;
m_BothBitmap = new Bitmap(m_BothImageName.c_str());
Status status = m_BothBitmap->GetLastStatus();
if(Ok != status)
throw CError(std::wstring(L"BothImage not found: ") + m_BothImageName, __LINE__, __FILE__);
// A sanity check
if (m_SecondaryMeasure && !m_PrimaryImageName.empty() && (m_BothImageName.empty() || m_SecondaryImageName.empty()))
throw CError(std::wstring(L"You need to define SecondaryImage and BothImage also!"), __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Create buffers for values
if (m_PrimaryValues) delete [] m_PrimaryValues;
m_PrimaryValues = new double[m_W];
memset(m_PrimaryValues, 0, sizeof(double) * m_W);
if (m_SecondaryMeasure)
if (m_SecondaryValues) delete [] m_SecondaryValues;
m_SecondaryValues = new double[m_W];
memset(m_SecondaryValues, 0, sizeof(double) * m_W);
** ReadConfig
** Read the meter-specific configs from the ini-file.
void CMeterHistogram::ReadConfig(const WCHAR* section)
// Read common configs
CConfigParser& parser = m_MeterWindow->GetParser();
m_PrimaryColor = parser.ReadColor(section, L"PrimaryColor", Color::Green);
m_SecondaryColor = parser.ReadColor(section, L"SecondaryColor", Color::Red);
m_BothColor = parser.ReadColor(section, L"BothColor", Color::Yellow);
m_SecondaryMeasureName = parser.ReadString(section, L"SecondaryMeasureName", L"");
m_PrimaryImageName = parser.ReadString(section, L"PrimaryImage", L"");
m_PrimaryImageName = m_MeterWindow->MakePathAbsolute(m_PrimaryImageName);
m_SecondaryImageName = parser.ReadString(section, L"SecondaryImage", L"");
m_SecondaryImageName = m_MeterWindow->MakePathAbsolute(m_SecondaryImageName);
m_BothImageName = parser.ReadString(section, L"BothImage", L"");
m_BothImageName = m_MeterWindow->MakePathAbsolute(m_BothImageName);
m_Autoscale = 0!=parser.ReadInt(section, L"AutoScale", 0);
m_Flip = 0!=parser.ReadInt(section, L"Flip", 0);
** Update
** Updates the value(s) from the measures.
bool CMeterHistogram::Update()
if (CMeter::Update() && m_Measure)
// Gather values
m_PrimaryValues[m_MeterPos] = m_Measure->GetValue();
if (m_SecondaryMeasure != NULL)
m_SecondaryValues[m_MeterPos] = m_SecondaryMeasure->GetValue();
m_MeterPos %= m_W;
m_MaxPrimaryValue = m_Measure->GetMaxValue();
m_MinPrimaryValue = m_Measure->GetMinValue();
m_MaxSecondaryValue = 0;
m_MinSecondaryValue = 0;
if (m_SecondaryMeasure)
m_MaxSecondaryValue = m_SecondaryMeasure->GetMaxValue();
m_MinSecondaryValue = m_SecondaryMeasure->GetMinValue();
if (m_Autoscale)
// Go through all values and find the max
int i;
double newValue = 0;
for (i = 0; i != m_W; i++)
newValue = max(newValue, m_PrimaryValues[i]);
// Scale the value up to nearest power of 2
m_MaxPrimaryValue = 2;
while(m_MaxPrimaryValue < newValue && m_MaxPrimaryValue != 0)
m_MaxPrimaryValue *= 2;
if (m_SecondaryMeasure)
for (i = 0; i != m_W; i++)
newValue = max(newValue, m_SecondaryValues[i]);
// Scale the value up to nearest power of 2
m_MaxSecondaryValue = 2;
while(m_MaxSecondaryValue < newValue && m_MaxSecondaryValue != 0)
m_MaxSecondaryValue *= 2;
return true;
return false;
** Draw
** Draws the meter on the double buffer
bool CMeterHistogram::Draw(Graphics& graphics)
if(!CMeter::Draw(graphics)) return false;
Pen primaryPen(m_PrimaryColor);
Pen secondaryPen(m_SecondaryColor);
Pen bothPen(m_BothColor);
int x = GetX();
int y = GetY();
for (int i = 0; i < m_W; i++)
double value;
if (m_MaxPrimaryValue == 0.0)
value = 0;
value = m_PrimaryValues[(i + m_MeterPos) % m_W] / m_MaxPrimaryValue;
value -= m_MinPrimaryValue;
int primaryBarHeight = (int)(m_H * value);
primaryBarHeight = min(m_H, primaryBarHeight);
primaryBarHeight = max(0, primaryBarHeight);
if (m_SecondaryMeasure != NULL)
if (m_MaxSecondaryValue == 0.0)
value = 0;
value = m_SecondaryValues[(i + m_MeterPos) % m_W] / m_MaxSecondaryValue;
value -= m_MinSecondaryValue;
int secondaryBarHeight = (int)(m_H * value);
secondaryBarHeight = min(m_H, secondaryBarHeight);
secondaryBarHeight = max(0, secondaryBarHeight);
// Check which measured value is higher
int bothBarHeight;
if (secondaryBarHeight > primaryBarHeight)
bothBarHeight = primaryBarHeight;
bothBarHeight = secondaryBarHeight;
// Draw image/color for the both lines
if (m_PrimaryBitmap)
if (m_Flip)
Rect r(x + i, y + bothBarHeight, 1, -bothBarHeight);
graphics.DrawImage(m_BothBitmap, r, i, m_H - bothBarHeight, 1, bothBarHeight, UnitPixel);
Rect r(x + i, y + m_H - bothBarHeight, 1, bothBarHeight);
graphics.DrawImage(m_BothBitmap, r, i, m_H - bothBarHeight, 1, bothBarHeight, UnitPixel);
if (m_Flip)
graphics.DrawLine(&bothPen, x + i, y, x + i, y + bothBarHeight);
graphics.DrawLine(&bothPen, x + i, y + m_H, x + i, y + m_H - bothBarHeight);
// Draw the image/color for the rest
if (secondaryBarHeight > primaryBarHeight)
if (m_SecondaryBitmap)
if (m_Flip)
Rect r(x + i, y + secondaryBarHeight, 1, -(secondaryBarHeight - bothBarHeight));
graphics.DrawImage(m_SecondaryBitmap, r, i, m_H - secondaryBarHeight, 1, secondaryBarHeight - bothBarHeight, UnitPixel);
Rect r(x + i, y + m_H - secondaryBarHeight, 1, secondaryBarHeight - bothBarHeight);
graphics.DrawImage(m_SecondaryBitmap, r, i, m_H - secondaryBarHeight, 1, secondaryBarHeight - bothBarHeight, UnitPixel);
if (m_Flip)
graphics.DrawLine(&secondaryPen, x + i, y + bothBarHeight, x + i, y + secondaryBarHeight);
graphics.DrawLine(&secondaryPen, x + i, y + m_H - bothBarHeight, x + i, y + m_H - secondaryBarHeight);
if (m_PrimaryBitmap)
if (m_Flip)
Rect r(x + i, y + primaryBarHeight, 1, -(primaryBarHeight - bothBarHeight));
graphics.DrawImage(m_PrimaryBitmap, r, i, m_H - primaryBarHeight, 1, primaryBarHeight - bothBarHeight, UnitPixel);
Rect r(x + i, y + m_H - primaryBarHeight, 1, primaryBarHeight - bothBarHeight);
graphics.DrawImage(m_PrimaryBitmap, r, i, m_H - primaryBarHeight, 1, primaryBarHeight - bothBarHeight, UnitPixel);
if (m_Flip)
graphics.DrawLine(&primaryPen, x + i, y, x + i, y + primaryBarHeight);
graphics.DrawLine(&primaryPen, x + i, y + m_H - bothBarHeight, x + i, y + m_H - primaryBarHeight);
if (m_PrimaryBitmap)
if (m_Flip)
Rect r(x + i, y + primaryBarHeight, 1, -primaryBarHeight);
graphics.DrawImage(m_PrimaryBitmap, r, i, m_H - primaryBarHeight, 1, primaryBarHeight, UnitPixel);
Rect r(x + i, y + m_H - primaryBarHeight, 1, primaryBarHeight);
graphics.DrawImage(m_PrimaryBitmap, r, i, m_H - primaryBarHeight, 1, primaryBarHeight, UnitPixel);
if (m_Flip)
graphics.DrawLine(&primaryPen, x + i, y, x + i, y + primaryBarHeight);
graphics.DrawLine(&primaryPen, x + i, y + m_H, x + i, y + m_H - primaryBarHeight);
return true;
** BindMeasure
** Overwritten method to handle the secondary measure binding.
void CMeterHistogram::BindMeasure(std::list<CMeasure*>& measures)
// Go through the list and check it there is a secondary measure for us
std::list<CMeasure*>::iterator i = measures.begin();
for( ; i != measures.end(); i++)
if(_wcsicmp((*i)->GetName(), m_SecondaryMeasureName.c_str()) == 0)
m_SecondaryMeasure = (*i);
throw CError(std::wstring(L"The meter [") + m_Name + L"] cannot be bound with [" + m_SecondaryMeasureName + L"]!", __LINE__, __FILE__);