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synced 2024-02-24 04:33:31 +00:00

Fixed a memory leak in the string meter. Changed the library project to use precompiled headers.
631 lines
14 KiB
631 lines
14 KiB
Copyright (C) 2000 Kimmo Pekkola
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#pragma warning(disable: 4996)
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "Measure.h"
#include "MeasureCPU.h"
#include "MeasureMemory.h"
#include "MeasurePhysicalMemory.h"
#include "MeasureVirtualMemory.h"
#include "MeasureNetIn.h"
#include "MeasureNetOut.h"
#include "MeasureNetTotal.h"
#include "MeasureDiskSpace.h"
#include "MeasureUptime.h"
#include "MeasurePlugin.h"
#include "MeasureRegistry.h"
#include "MeasureTime.h"
#include "MeasureCalc.h"
#include "Rainmeter.h"
#include "Error.h"
#include "Litestep.h"
#include <algorithm>
const int MEDIAN_SIZE = 7;
extern CRainmeter* Rainmeter;
** CMeasure
** The constructor
CMeasure::CMeasure(CMeterWindow* meterWindow)
m_Invert = false;
m_LogMaxValue = false;
m_MinValue = 0.0;
m_MaxValue = 1.0;
m_Value = 0.0;
m_IfAboveValue = 0.0;
m_IfBelowValue = 0.0;
m_IfEqualValue = 0.0;
m_IfAboveCommited = false;
m_IfBelowCommited = false;
m_IfEqualCommited = false;
m_Disabled = false;
m_UpdateDivider = 1;
m_UpdateCounter = 0;
m_MedianPos = 0;
m_AveragePos = 0;
m_AverageSize = 0;
m_MeterWindow = meterWindow;
m_DynamicVariables = false;
** ~CMeasure
** The destructor
** ReadConfig
** Reads the common configs for all Measures. The inherited classes
** must call the base implementation if they overwrite this method.
void CMeasure::ReadConfig(CConfigParser& parser, const WCHAR* section)
// Clear substitutes to prevent from being added more than once.
if (!m_Substitute.empty())
m_Invert = 0!=parser.ReadInt(section, L"InvertMeasure", 0);
m_Disabled = 0!=parser.ReadInt(section, L"Disabled", 0);
m_UpdateDivider = parser.ReadInt(section, L"UpdateDivider", 1);
m_UpdateCounter = m_UpdateDivider;
m_MinValue = parser.ReadFloat(section, L"MinValue", m_MinValue);
m_MaxValue = parser.ReadFloat(section, L"MaxValue", m_MaxValue);
// The ifabove/ifbelow define actions that are ran when the value goes above/below the given number.
m_IfAboveValue = parser.ReadFloat(section, L"IfAboveValue", 0.0);
m_IfAboveAction = parser.ReadString(section, L"IfAboveAction", L"", false);
m_IfBelowValue = parser.ReadFloat(section, L"IfBelowValue", 0.0);
m_IfBelowAction = parser.ReadString(section, L"IfBelowAction", L"", false);
m_IfEqualValue = parser.ReadFloat(section, L"IfEqualValue", 0.0);
m_IfEqualAction = parser.ReadString(section, L"IfEqualAction", L"", false);
m_AverageSize = parser.ReadInt(section, L"AverageSize", 0);
m_DynamicVariables = 0!=parser.ReadInt(section, L"DynamicVariables", 0);
std::wstring subs;
subs = parser.ReadString(section, L"Substitute", L"");
if (!ParseSubstitute(subs))
DebugLog(L"Incorrect substitute string: %s", subs.c_str());
** CheckSubstitute
** Substitutes part of the text
const WCHAR* CMeasure::CheckSubstitute(const WCHAR* buffer)
static std::wstring str;
if (!m_Substitute.empty())
str = buffer;
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Substitute.size(); i = i + 2)
if (str.empty() && m_Substitute[i].empty())
// Empty result and empty substitute -> use second
str = m_Substitute[i + 1];
else if (m_Substitute[i].size() > 0)
size_t start = 0;
size_t pos = std::wstring::npos;
pos = str.find(m_Substitute[i], start);
if (pos != std::wstring::npos)
str.replace(str.begin() + pos, str.begin() + pos + m_Substitute[i].size(), m_Substitute[i + 1]);
start = pos + m_Substitute[i + 1].size();
} while(pos != std::wstring::npos);
return str.c_str();
return buffer;
** ParseSubstitute
** Reads the buffer for "Name":"Value"-pairs separated with comma and
** fills the map with the parsed data.
bool CMeasure::ParseSubstitute(std::wstring buffer)
if (buffer.empty()) return true;
// Add quotes since they are removed by the GetProfileString
buffer = L"\"" + buffer + L"\"";
std::wstring word1;
std::wstring word2;
std::wstring sep;
while (!buffer.empty())
word1 = ExtractWord(buffer);
sep = ExtractWord(buffer);
if (sep != L":") return false;
word2 = ExtractWord(buffer);
sep = ExtractWord(buffer);
if (!sep.empty() && sep != L",") return false;
return true;
** ExtractWord
** Returns the first word from the buffer. The word can be inside quotes.
** If not, the separators are ' ', '\t', ',' and ':'. Whitespaces are removed
** and buffer _will_ be modified.
std::wstring CMeasure::ExtractWord(std::wstring& buffer)
std::wstring::size_type end = 0;
std::wstring ret;
if (buffer.empty()) return ret;
// Remove whitespaces
std::wstring::size_type notwhite = buffer.find_first_not_of(L" \t\n");
buffer.erase(0, notwhite);
if (buffer[0] == L'\"')
end = 1; // Skip the '"'
// Quotes around the word
while (buffer[end] != L'\"' && end < buffer.size()) end++;
if (buffer[end] == L'\"')
ret = buffer.substr(1, end - 1);
buffer.erase(0, end + 1);
// End of string reached
ret = buffer.substr(end);
buffer.erase(0, end);
end = 0;
while ((buffer[end] != L',') && (buffer[end] != L':') && (buffer[end] != L' ') && (buffer[end] != L'\t') && end < buffer.size()) end++;
if (end == buffer.size())
// End of line reached
ret = buffer;
buffer.erase(0, end);
ret = buffer.substr(0, end + 1); // The separator is also returned!
buffer.erase(0, end + 1);
return ret;
** PreUpdate
** The base implementation of the update method. This includes the code
** that is common for all measures. This is called every time the measure
** is updated. The inherited classes must call the base implementation if
** they overwrite this method. If this method returns false, the update
** needs not to be done.
bool CMeasure::PreUpdate()
if (IsDisabled())
m_Value = 0.0; // Disable measures return 0 as value
return false;
// Only update the counter if the divider
if (m_UpdateCounter < m_UpdateDivider) return false;
m_UpdateCounter = 0;
// If we're logging the maximum value of the measure, check if
// the new value is greater than the old one, and update if necessary.
if (m_MedianMaxValues.empty())
m_MedianMaxValues.resize(MEDIAN_SIZE, 0);
m_MedianMinValues.resize(MEDIAN_SIZE, 0);
m_MedianMaxValues[m_MedianPos] = m_Value;
m_MedianMinValues[m_MedianPos] = m_Value;
m_MedianPos %= MEDIAN_SIZE;
std::vector<double> medianArray;
medianArray = m_MedianMaxValues;
std::sort(medianArray.begin(), medianArray.end());
m_MaxValue = max(m_MaxValue, medianArray[MEDIAN_SIZE / 2]);
medianArray = m_MedianMinValues;
std::sort(medianArray.begin(), medianArray.end());
m_MinValue = min(m_MinValue, medianArray[MEDIAN_SIZE / 2]);
if (m_MeterWindow)
// Check the IfEqualValue
if((int)m_Value == (int)m_IfEqualValue)
Rainmeter->ExecuteCommand(m_IfEqualAction.c_str(), m_MeterWindow);
m_IfEqualCommited = true;
m_IfEqualCommited = false;
// Check the IfAboveValue
if(m_Value > m_IfAboveValue)
Rainmeter->ExecuteCommand(m_IfAboveAction.c_str(), m_MeterWindow);
m_IfAboveCommited = true;
m_IfAboveCommited = false;
// Check the IfBelowValue
if(m_Value < m_IfBelowValue)
Rainmeter->ExecuteCommand(m_IfBelowAction.c_str(), m_MeterWindow);
m_IfBelowCommited = true;
m_IfBelowCommited = false;
return true;
** PostUpdate
** Does post measuring things to the value. All measures must call this
** after they have set the m_Value.
bool CMeasure::PostUpdate()
if (m_AverageSize > 0)
if (m_AverageValues.size() == 0)
m_AverageValues.resize(m_AverageSize, m_Value);
m_AverageValues[m_AveragePos] = m_Value;
m_AveragePos %= m_AverageValues.size();
// Calculate the average value
m_Value = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_AverageValues.size(); i++)
m_Value += m_AverageValues[i];
m_Value = m_Value / (double)m_AverageValues.size();
return true;
** GetValue
** Returns the value of the measure.
double CMeasure::GetValue()
// Invert if so requested
if (m_Invert)
return m_MaxValue - m_Value + m_MinValue;
return m_Value;
** GetRelativeValue
** Returns the relative value of the measure (0.0 - 1.0).
double CMeasure::GetRelativeValue()
double value = GetValue();
value = min(m_MaxValue, value);
value = max(m_MinValue, value);
value -= m_MinValue;
return value / GetValueRange();
** GetValueRange
** Returns the value range.
double CMeasure::GetValueRange()
return m_MaxValue - m_MinValue;
** GetStringValue
** This method returns the value as text string. The actual value is
** get with GetValue() so we don't have to worry about m_Invert.
** autoScale If true, scale the value automatically to some sensible range.
** scale The scale to use if autoScale is false.
** decimals Number of decimals used in the value.
** percentual Return the value as % from the maximum value.
const WCHAR* CMeasure::GetStringValue(bool autoScale, double scale, int decimals, bool percentual)
static WCHAR buffer[MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
static WCHAR buffer2[MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
double theValue = GetValue();
swprintf(buffer, L"%i", (UINT)(100.0 * GetRelativeValue()));
else if(autoScale)
GetScaledValue(decimals, theValue, buffer);
if(decimals == 0)
double val = theValue * (1.0 / scale);
val = (val + ( (val >= 0) ? 0.5 : -0.5 ) );
swprintf(buffer, L"%i", (UINT)val);
swprintf(buffer2, L"%%.%if", decimals);
swprintf(buffer, buffer2, theValue * (1.0 / scale));
return CheckSubstitute(buffer);
void CMeasure::GetScaledValue(int decimals, double theValue, WCHAR* buffer)
WCHAR format[16];
double value = 0;
if(decimals == 0)
wcscpy(format, L"%.0f");
swprintf(format, L"%%.%if", decimals);
if(theValue > 1000.0 * 1000.0 * 1000.0 * 1000.0)
wcscat(format, L" T");
value = theValue / 1024.0 / 1024.0 / 1024.0 / 1024.0;
else if(theValue > 1000.0 * 1000.0 * 1000.0)
wcscat(format, L" G");
value = theValue / 1024.0 / 1024.0 / 1024.0;
else if(theValue > 1000.0 * 1000.0)
wcscat(format, L" M");
value = theValue / 1024.0 / 1024.0;
else if(theValue > 1000.0)
wcscat(format, L" k");
value = theValue / 1024.0;
value = theValue;
swprintf(buffer, format, value);
** GetStats
** Returns the stats as string. The stats are shown in the About dialog.
const WCHAR* CMeasure::GetStats()
static std::wstring value;
value = GetStringValue(true, 1, 1, false);
return value.c_str();
** Create
** Creates the given measure. This is the factory method for the measures.
** If new measures are implemented this method needs to be updated.
CMeasure* CMeasure::Create(const WCHAR* measure, CMeterWindow* meterWindow)
// Comparson is caseinsensitive
if(_wcsicmp(L"", measure) == 0)
return NULL;
else if(_wcsicmp(L"CPU", measure) == 0)
return new CMeasureCPU(meterWindow);
else if(_wcsicmp(L"Memory", measure) == 0)
return new CMeasureMemory(meterWindow);
else if(_wcsicmp(L"NetIn", measure) == 0)
return new CMeasureNetIn(meterWindow);
else if(_wcsicmp(L"NetOut", measure) == 0)
return new CMeasureNetOut(meterWindow);
else if(_wcsicmp(L"NetTotal", measure) == 0)
return new CMeasureNetTotal(meterWindow);
else if(_wcsicmp(L"PhysicalMemory", measure) == 0)
return new CMeasurePhysicalMemory(meterWindow);
else if(_wcsicmp(L"SwapMemory", measure) == 0)
return new CMeasureVirtualMemory(meterWindow);
else if(_wcsicmp(L"FreeDiskSpace", measure) == 0)
return new CMeasureDiskSpace(meterWindow);
else if(_wcsicmp(L"Uptime", measure) == 0)
return new CMeasureUptime(meterWindow);
else if(_wcsicmp(L"Time", measure) == 0)
return new CMeasureTime(meterWindow);
else if(_wcsicmp(L"Plugin", measure) == 0)
return new CMeasurePlugin(meterWindow);
else if(_wcsicmp(L"Registry", measure) == 0)
return new CMeasureRegistry(meterWindow);
else if(_wcsicmp(L"Calc", measure) == 0)
return new CMeasureCalc(meterWindow);
// Error
throw CError(std::wstring(L"No such measure: ") + measure, __LINE__, __FILE__);
return NULL;
** ExecuteBang
** Executes a custom bang
void CMeasure::ExecuteBang(const WCHAR* args)
DebugLog(L"[%s] Doesn't support this bang: %s", m_Name.c_str(), args);