/* Copyright (C) 2011 Birunthan Mohanathas, Peter Souza This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "StdAfx.h" #include "Rainmeter.h" #include "Export.h" #include "MeterWindow.h" #include "Measure.h" #include "MeasurePlugin.h" #define NULLCHECK(str) { if ((str) == NULL) { (str) = L""; } } extern CRainmeter* Rainmeter; static std::wstring g_Buffer; LPCWSTR RmReadString(void* rm, LPCWSTR option, LPCWSTR defValue, BOOL replaceMeasures) { NULLCHECK(option); NULLCHECK(defValue); CMeasurePlugin* measure = (CMeasurePlugin*)rm; CConfigParser& parser = measure->GetMeterWindow()->GetParser(); return parser.ReadString(measure->GetName(), option, defValue, (bool)replaceMeasures).c_str(); } double RmReadFormula(void* rm, LPCWSTR option, double defValue) { NULLCHECK(option); CMeasurePlugin* measure = (CMeasurePlugin*)rm; CConfigParser& parser = measure->GetMeterWindow()->GetParser(); return parser.ReadFormula(measure->GetName(), option, defValue); } LPCWSTR RmPathToAbsolute(void* rm, LPCWSTR relativePath) { NULLCHECK(relativePath); CMeasurePlugin* measure = (CMeasurePlugin*)rm; g_Buffer = relativePath; measure->GetMeterWindow()->MakePathAbsolute(g_Buffer); return g_Buffer.c_str(); } void* RmGet(void* rm, int type) { CMeasurePlugin* measure = (CMeasurePlugin*)rm; switch (type) { case RMG_MEASURENAME: { return (void*)measure->GetName(); } case RMG_SKIN: { return (void*)measure->GetMeterWindow(); } case RMG_SETTINGSFILE: { g_Buffer = Rainmeter->GetSettingsPath(); g_Buffer += L"Plugins.ini"; return (void*)g_Buffer.c_str(); } } return NULL; } void RmExecute(void* skin, LPCWSTR command) { CMeterWindow* mw = (CMeterWindow*)skin; // Fake WM_COPYDATA message to deliver bang COPYDATASTRUCT cds; cds.cbData = 1; cds.dwData = 1; cds.lpData = (void*)command; mw->OnCopyData(WM_COPYDATA, NULL, (LPARAM)&cds); } BOOL LSLog(int nLevel, LPCWSTR unused, LPCWSTR pszMessage) { NULLCHECK(pszMessage); // Ignore LOG_DEBUG messages from plugins unless in debug mode if (nLevel != LOG_DEBUG || Rainmeter->GetDebug()) { Log(nLevel, pszMessage); } return TRUE; } // Deprecated! LPCWSTR ReadConfigString(LPCWSTR section, LPCWSTR option, LPCWSTR defValue) { NULLCHECK(section); NULLCHECK(option); NULLCHECK(defValue); CConfigParser* parser = Rainmeter->GetCurrentParser(); if (parser) { return parser->ReadString(section, option, defValue, false).c_str(); } return defValue; } // Deprecated! LPCWSTR PluginBridge(LPCWSTR _sCommand, LPCWSTR _sData) { if (_sCommand == NULL || *_sCommand == L'\0') { return L"noop"; } NULLCHECK(_sData); std::wstring sCommand = _sCommand; std::transform(sCommand.begin(), sCommand.end(), sCommand.begin(), ::towlower); // Command GetConfig // Data unquoted full path and filename given to the plugin on initialize // (note: this is CaSe-SeNsItIvE!) // Execution none // Result the config name if found or a blank string if not if (sCommand == L"getconfig") { // returns the config name, lookup by INI file CMeterWindow *meterWindow = Rainmeter->GetMeterWindowByINI(_sData); if (meterWindow) { g_Buffer = L"\""; g_Buffer += meterWindow->GetSkinName(); g_Buffer += L"\""; return g_Buffer.c_str(); } return L""; } // Command GetWindow // Data [the config name] // Execution none // Result the HWND to the specified config window if found, 'error' otherwise if (sCommand == L"getwindow") { std::vector subStrings = CRainmeter::ParseString(_sData); if (subStrings.size() >= 1) { const std::wstring& config = subStrings[0]; CMeterWindow *meterWindow = Rainmeter->GetMeterWindow(config); if (meterWindow) { WCHAR buf1[64]; _snwprintf_s(buf1, _TRUNCATE, L"%lu", PtrToUlong(meterWindow->GetWindow())); g_Buffer = buf1; return g_Buffer.c_str(); } } return L"error"; } // Command GetVariable // Data [the config name] // Execution none // Result the value of the variable if (sCommand == L"getvariable") { std::vector subStrings = CRainmeter::ParseString(_sData); if (subStrings.size() >= 2) { const std::wstring& config = subStrings[0]; CMeterWindow *meterWindow = Rainmeter->GetMeterWindow(config); if (meterWindow) { const std::wstring& variable = subStrings[1]; std::wstring result_from_parser; if (meterWindow->GetParser().GetVariable(variable, result_from_parser)) { g_Buffer = result_from_parser; return g_Buffer.c_str(); } } } return L""; } // Command SetVariable // Data [the config name] [variable data] // Execution the indicated variable is updated // Result 'success' if the config was found, 'error' otherwise if (sCommand == L"setvariable") { std::vector subStrings = CRainmeter::ParseString(_sData); if (subStrings.size() >= 2) { const std::wstring& config = subStrings[0]; std::wstring arguments; for (size_t i = 1, isize = subStrings.size(); i < isize; ++i) { if (i != 1) arguments += L" "; arguments += subStrings[i]; } CMeterWindow *meterWindow = Rainmeter->GetMeterWindow(config); if (meterWindow) { meterWindow->RunBang(BANG_SETVARIABLE, arguments.c_str()); return L"success"; } } return L"error"; } return L"noop"; }