/* Copyright (C) 2001 Kimmo Pekkola This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "StdAfx.h" #include "MeasureNet.h" #include "Rainmeter.h" #include "System.h" BYTE* CMeasureNet::c_Table = NULL; UINT CMeasureNet::c_NumOfTables = 0; std::vector CMeasureNet::c_StatValues; std::vector CMeasureNet::c_OldStatValues; FPGETIFTABLE2EX CMeasureNet::c_GetIfTable2Ex = NULL; FPFREEMIBTABLE CMeasureNet::c_FreeMibTable = NULL; bool CMeasureNet::c_UseNewApi = false; extern CRainmeter* Rainmeter; /* ** CMeasureNet ** ** The constructor. This is the base class for the net-meters. ** */ CMeasureNet::CMeasureNet(CMeterWindow* meterWindow) : CMeasure(meterWindow) { m_TrafficValue = 0; m_CurrentTraffic = 0; m_Interface = 0; m_Cumulative = false; } /* ** ~CMeasureNet ** ** The destructor ** */ CMeasureNet::~CMeasureNet() { } /* ** Update ** ** Checks if Action should be executed. ** */ bool CMeasureNet::Update() { if (!CMeasure::PreUpdate()) return false; if (m_MeterWindow) { if (!m_TrafficAction.empty()) { if (m_CurrentTraffic > m_TrafficValue) { m_CurrentTraffic = 0; Rainmeter->ExecuteCommand(m_TrafficAction.c_str(), m_MeterWindow); } m_CurrentTraffic += m_Value; } } return PostUpdate(); } /* ** UpdateIFTable ** ** Reads the tables for all net interfaces ** */ void CMeasureNet::UpdateIFTable() { bool logging = false; if (c_UseNewApi) { if (c_Table) { c_FreeMibTable(c_Table); c_Table = NULL; } if (c_GetIfTable2Ex(MibIfTableNormal, (MIB_IF_TABLE2**)&c_Table) == NO_ERROR) { MIB_IF_TABLE2* ifTable = (MIB_IF_TABLE2*)c_Table; if (c_NumOfTables != ifTable->NumEntries) { c_NumOfTables = ifTable->NumEntries; logging = true; } if (CRainmeter::GetDebug() && logging) { LSLog(LOG_DEBUG, APPNAME, L"------------------------------"); DebugLog(L"* NETWORK-INTERFACE: Count=%i", c_NumOfTables); for (size_t i = 0; i < c_NumOfTables; ++i) { std::wstring type; switch (ifTable->Table[i].Type) { case IF_TYPE_ETHERNET_CSMACD: type += L"Ethernet"; break; case IF_TYPE_PPP: type += L"PPP"; break; case IF_TYPE_SOFTWARE_LOOPBACK: type += L"Loopback"; break; case IF_TYPE_IEEE80211: type += L"IEEE802.11"; break; case IF_TYPE_TUNNEL: type += L"Tunnel"; break; case IF_TYPE_IEEE1394: type += L"IEEE1394"; break; default: type += L"Other"; break; } DebugLog(L"%i: %s", (int)i + 1, ifTable->Table[i].Description); DebugLog(L" Alias: %s", ifTable->Table[i].Alias); DebugLog(L" Type=%s(%i), Hardware=%s, Filter=%s", type.c_str(), ifTable->Table[i].Type, (ifTable->Table[i].InterfaceAndOperStatusFlags.HardwareInterface == 1) ? L"Yes" : L"No", (ifTable->Table[i].InterfaceAndOperStatusFlags.FilterInterface == 1) ? L"Yes" : L"No"); } LSLog(LOG_DEBUG, APPNAME, L"------------------------------"); } } else { // Something's wrong. Unable to get the table. c_Table = NULL; c_NumOfTables = 0; } } else { if (c_Table == NULL) { // Gotta reserve few bytes for the tables DWORD value = 0; if (GetNumberOfInterfaces(&value) == NO_ERROR) { if (c_NumOfTables != value) { c_NumOfTables = value; logging = true; } if (c_NumOfTables > 0) { DWORD size = sizeof(MIB_IFTABLE) + sizeof(MIB_IFROW) * c_NumOfTables; c_Table = new BYTE[size]; } } } if (c_Table) { DWORD ret, size = 0; MIB_IFTABLE* ifTable = (MIB_IFTABLE*)c_Table; if ((ret = GetIfTable(ifTable, &size, FALSE)) == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { delete [] c_Table; c_Table = new BYTE[size]; ifTable = (MIB_IFTABLE*)c_Table; ret = GetIfTable(ifTable, &size, FALSE); } if (ret == NO_ERROR) { if (c_NumOfTables != ifTable->dwNumEntries) { c_NumOfTables = ifTable->dwNumEntries; logging = true; } if (CRainmeter::GetDebug() && logging) { LSLog(LOG_DEBUG, APPNAME, L"------------------------------"); DebugLog(L"* NETWORK-INTERFACE: Count=%i", c_NumOfTables); for (size_t i = 0; i < c_NumOfTables; ++i) { std::string desc((char*)ifTable->table[i].bDescr, ifTable->table[i].dwDescrLen); std::wstring type; switch (ifTable->table[i].dwType) { case IF_TYPE_ETHERNET_CSMACD: type += L"Ethernet"; break; case IF_TYPE_PPP: type += L"PPP"; break; case IF_TYPE_SOFTWARE_LOOPBACK: type += L"Loopback"; break; case IF_TYPE_IEEE80211: type += L"IEEE802.11"; break; case IF_TYPE_TUNNEL: type += L"Tunnel"; break; case IF_TYPE_IEEE1394: type += L"IEEE1394"; break; default: type += L"Other"; break; } DebugLog(L"%i: %s", (int)i + 1, ConvertToWide(desc.c_str()).c_str()); DebugLog(L" Type=%s(%i)", type.c_str(), ifTable->table[i].dwType); } LSLog(LOG_DEBUG, APPNAME, L"------------------------------"); } } else { // Something's wrong. Unable to get the table. delete [] c_Table; c_Table = NULL; c_NumOfTables = 0; } } } } /* ** GetNetOctets ** ** Reads the amount of octets. This is the same for in, out and total. ** the net-parameter informs which inherited class called this method. ** */ ULONG64 CMeasureNet::GetNetOctets(NET net) { ULONG64 value = 0; if (c_UseNewApi) { MIB_IF_ROW2* table = (MIB_IF_ROW2*)((MIB_IF_TABLE2*)c_Table)->Table; if (m_Interface == 0) { // Get all interfaces for (UINT i = 0; i < c_NumOfTables; ++i) { // Ignore the loopback and filter interfaces if (table[i].Type == IF_TYPE_SOFTWARE_LOOPBACK || table[i].InterfaceAndOperStatusFlags.FilterInterface == 1) continue; switch (net) { case NET_IN: value += table[i].InOctets; break; case NET_OUT: value += table[i].OutOctets; break; case NET_TOTAL: value += table[i].InOctets; value += table[i].OutOctets; break; } } } else { // Get the selected interface if (m_Interface <= c_NumOfTables) { switch (net) { case NET_IN: value += table[m_Interface - 1].InOctets; break; case NET_OUT: value += table[m_Interface - 1].OutOctets; break; case NET_TOTAL: value += table[m_Interface - 1].InOctets; value += table[m_Interface - 1].OutOctets; break; } } } } else { MIB_IFROW* table = (MIB_IFROW*)((MIB_IFTABLE*)c_Table)->table; if (m_Interface == 0) { // Get all interfaces for (UINT i = 0; i < c_NumOfTables; ++i) { // Ignore the loopback if (table[i].dwType == IF_TYPE_SOFTWARE_LOOPBACK) continue; switch (net) { case NET_IN: value += table[i].dwInOctets; break; case NET_OUT: value += table[i].dwOutOctets; break; case NET_TOTAL: value += table[i].dwInOctets; value += table[i].dwOutOctets; break; } } } else { // Get the selected interface if (m_Interface <= c_NumOfTables) { switch (net) { case NET_IN: value += table[m_Interface - 1].dwInOctets; break; case NET_OUT: value += table[m_Interface - 1].dwOutOctets; break; case NET_TOTAL: value += table[m_Interface - 1].dwInOctets; value += table[m_Interface - 1].dwOutOctets; break; } } } } return value; } /* ** GetNetStatsValue ** ** Returns the stats value of the interface ** */ ULONG64 CMeasureNet::GetNetStatsValue(NET net) { ULONG64 value = 0; if (m_Interface == 0) { // Get all interfaces for(size_t i = 0; i < c_StatValues.size() / 2; ++i) { // Ignore the loopback and filter interfaces if (c_NumOfTables == c_StatValues.size() / 2) { if (c_UseNewApi) { if (((MIB_IF_TABLE2*)c_Table)->Table[i].Type == IF_TYPE_SOFTWARE_LOOPBACK || ((MIB_IF_TABLE2*)c_Table)->Table[i].InterfaceAndOperStatusFlags.FilterInterface == 1) continue; } else { if (((MIB_IFTABLE*)c_Table)->table[i].dwType == IF_TYPE_SOFTWARE_LOOPBACK) continue; } } switch (net) { case NET_IN: value += c_StatValues[i * 2 + 0]; break; case NET_OUT: value += c_StatValues[i * 2 + 1]; break; case NET_TOTAL: value += c_StatValues[i * 2 + 0]; value += c_StatValues[i * 2 + 1]; break; } } } else { // Get the selected interface if (m_Interface <= c_StatValues.size() / 2) { switch (net) { case NET_IN: value += c_StatValues[(m_Interface - 1) * 2 + 0]; break; case NET_OUT: value += c_StatValues[(m_Interface - 1) * 2 + 1]; break; case NET_TOTAL: value += c_StatValues[(m_Interface - 1) * 2 + 0]; value += c_StatValues[(m_Interface - 1) * 2 + 1]; break; } } } return value; } /* ** ReadConfig ** ** Reads the measure specific configs. This is the same for in, out and total. ** the net-parameter informs which inherited class called this method. ** */ void CMeasureNet::ReadConfig(CConfigParser& parser, const WCHAR* section, NET net) { double value; const WCHAR* netName = NULL; if (net == NET_IN) { netName = L"NetInSpeed"; value = CRainmeter::GetGlobalConfig().netInSpeed; } else if (net == NET_OUT) { netName = L"NetOutSpeed"; value = CRainmeter::GetGlobalConfig().netOutSpeed; } else { netName = L"NetTotalSpeed"; value = CRainmeter::GetGlobalConfig().netInSpeed + CRainmeter::GetGlobalConfig().netOutSpeed; } double maxValue = parser.ReadFloat(section, L"MaxValue", -1); if (maxValue == -1) { maxValue = parser.ReadFloat(section, netName, -1); if (maxValue == -1) { maxValue = value; } } m_Interface = parser.ReadInt(section, L"Interface", 0); m_Cumulative = 0!=parser.ReadInt(section, L"Cumulative", 0); m_TrafficValue = parser.ReadFloat(section, L"TrafficValue", 0.0); m_TrafficAction = parser.ReadString(section, L"TrafficAction", L"", false); if (maxValue == 0) { m_MaxValue = 1; m_LogMaxValue = true; } else { m_MaxValue = maxValue / 8; } } /* ** UpdateStats ** ** Updates the statistics. ** */ void CMeasureNet::UpdateStats() { if (c_Table) { // Fill the vectors while (c_StatValues.size() < c_NumOfTables * 2) { c_StatValues.push_back(0); } while (c_OldStatValues.size() < c_NumOfTables * 2) { c_OldStatValues.push_back(0); } for (UINT i = 0; i < c_NumOfTables; ++i) { ULONG64 in, out; if (c_UseNewApi) { in = (DWORD)((MIB_IF_TABLE2*)c_Table)->Table[i].InOctets; out = (DWORD)((MIB_IF_TABLE2*)c_Table)->Table[i].OutOctets; } else { in = ((MIB_IFTABLE*)c_Table)->table[i].dwInOctets; out = ((MIB_IFTABLE*)c_Table)->table[i].dwOutOctets; } if (c_OldStatValues[i * 2 + 0] != 0 && c_OldStatValues[i * 2 + 1] != 0) { if (in > c_OldStatValues[i * 2 + 0]) { c_StatValues[i * 2 + 0] += in - c_OldStatValues[i * 2 + 0]; } if (out > c_OldStatValues[i * 2 + 1]) { c_StatValues[i * 2 + 1] += out - c_OldStatValues[i * 2 + 1]; } } c_OldStatValues[i * 2 + 0] = in; c_OldStatValues[i * 2 + 1] = out; } } } /* ** ResetStats ** ** Resets the statistics. ** */ void CMeasureNet::ResetStats() { c_StatValues.clear(); } /* ** ReadStats ** ** Reads statistics. ** */ void CMeasureNet::ReadStats(const std::wstring& iniFile) { WCHAR buffer[64]; int count = GetPrivateProfileInt(L"Statistics", L"NetStatsCount", 0, iniFile.c_str()); c_StatValues.clear(); for (int i = 1; i <= count; ++i) { ULARGE_INTEGER value; _snwprintf_s(buffer, _TRUNCATE, L"NetStatsInHigh%i", i); value.HighPart = (DWORD)GetPrivateProfileInt(L"Statistics", buffer, 0, iniFile.c_str()); _snwprintf_s(buffer, _TRUNCATE, L"NetStatsInLow%i", i); value.LowPart = (DWORD)GetPrivateProfileInt(L"Statistics", buffer, 0, iniFile.c_str()); c_StatValues.push_back(value.QuadPart); _snwprintf_s(buffer, _TRUNCATE, L"NetStatsOutHigh%i", i); value.HighPart = (DWORD)GetPrivateProfileInt(L"Statistics", buffer, 0, iniFile.c_str()); _snwprintf_s(buffer, _TRUNCATE, L"NetStatsOutLow%i", i); value.LowPart = (DWORD)GetPrivateProfileInt(L"Statistics", buffer, 0, iniFile.c_str()); c_StatValues.push_back(value.QuadPart); } } /* ** WriteStats ** ** Writes statistics. ** */ void CMeasureNet::WriteStats(const std::wstring& iniFile) { WCHAR buffer[32]; WCHAR buffer2[64]; _snwprintf_s(buffer, _TRUNCATE, L"%i", (int)c_StatValues.size() / 2); WritePrivateProfileString(L"Statistics", L"NetStatsCount", buffer, iniFile.c_str()); for (size_t i = 0; i < c_StatValues.size() / 2; ++i) { ULARGE_INTEGER value; value.QuadPart = c_StatValues[i * 2]; _snwprintf_s(buffer2, _TRUNCATE, L"NetStatsInHigh%i", (int)i + 1); _snwprintf_s(buffer, _TRUNCATE, L"%u", value.HighPart); WritePrivateProfileString(L"Statistics", buffer2, buffer, iniFile.c_str()); _snwprintf_s(buffer2, _TRUNCATE, L"NetStatsInLow%i", (int)i + 1); _snwprintf_s(buffer, _TRUNCATE, L"%u", value.LowPart); WritePrivateProfileString(L"Statistics", buffer2, buffer, iniFile.c_str()); value.QuadPart = c_StatValues[i * 2 + 1]; _snwprintf_s(buffer2, _TRUNCATE, L"NetStatsOutHigh%i", (int)i + 1); _snwprintf_s(buffer, _TRUNCATE, L"%u", value.HighPart); WritePrivateProfileString(L"Statistics", buffer2, buffer, iniFile.c_str()); _snwprintf_s(buffer2, _TRUNCATE, L"NetStatsOutLow%i", (int)i + 1); _snwprintf_s(buffer, _TRUNCATE, L"%u", value.LowPart); WritePrivateProfileString(L"Statistics", buffer2, buffer, iniFile.c_str()); } } /* ** InitializeNewApi ** ** Prepares in order to use the new APIs which are available on Vista or newer. ** */ void CMeasureNet::InitializeNewApi() { if (CSystem::GetOSPlatform() >= OSPLATFORM_VISTA) { HMODULE IpHlpApiLibrary = GetModuleHandle(L"IpHlpApi.dll"); if (IpHlpApiLibrary) { c_GetIfTable2Ex = (FPGETIFTABLE2EX)GetProcAddress(IpHlpApiLibrary, "GetIfTable2Ex"); c_FreeMibTable = (FPFREEMIBTABLE)GetProcAddress(IpHlpApiLibrary, "FreeMibTable"); } c_UseNewApi = (IpHlpApiLibrary && c_GetIfTable2Ex && c_FreeMibTable); if (!c_UseNewApi) { c_GetIfTable2Ex = NULL; c_FreeMibTable = NULL; } } if (CRainmeter::GetDebug()) { UpdateIFTable(); } } /* ** FinalizeNewApi ** ** Frees the resources. ** */ void CMeasureNet::FinalizeNewApi() { if (c_UseNewApi) { if (c_Table) { c_FreeMibTable(c_Table); } c_GetIfTable2Ex = NULL; c_FreeMibTable = NULL; } else { delete [] c_Table; } c_Table = NULL; c_NumOfTables = 0; c_UseNewApi = false; }