#include "LuaManager.h" #include "../Rainmeter.h" #include "lua_measure.h" #include "lua_meter.h" #include "lua_group.h" #include "lua_meterwindow.h" #include "lua_rainmeter.h" #include "lua_meterstring.h" #include "lua_meterimage.h" #include "lua_rainmeter_ext.h" bool LuaManager::m_bInitialized = false; lua_State* LuaManager::m_pState = 0; void LuaManager::Init() { if(m_pState == 0) { // initialize Lua m_pState = lua_open(); //load Lua base libraries luaL_openlibs(m_pState); tolua_measure_open(m_pState); tolua_group_open(m_pState); tolua_meter_open(m_pState); tolua_meterwindow_open(m_pState); tolua_rainmeter_open(m_pState); tolua_meter_string_open(m_pState); //tolua_meter_image_open(m_pState); luaopen_rainmeter_ext(m_pState); } } void LuaManager::CleanUp() { lua_close(m_pState); } void LuaManager::ReportErrors(lua_State * L) { LuaLog("Lua Error: %s", lua_tostring(L, -1)); lua_pop(L, 1); } void LuaManager::LuaLog(const char* format, ... ) { char buffer[4096]; va_list args; va_start( args, format ); _vsnprintf(buffer, 4096, format, args ); #ifndef _DEBUG // Forcing output to the Debug Output window! OutputDebugStringA(buffer); OutputDebugStringA("\n"); #endif std::wstring str = ConvertToWide(buffer); LSLog(3,L"Lua", str.c_str()); va_end(args); }