/* Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Patrick Dubbert This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "DexpotMeasure.h" #include #include #include "DexpotConstants.h" #include "../../Library/Export.h" int DexpotMeasure::InstanceCount = 0; HWND DexpotMeasure::hWndDexpot = nullptr; HWND DexpotMeasure::hWndMessageWindow = nullptr; std::set DexpotMeasure::DexpotMeasures; TCHAR DexpotMeasure::StringBuffer[STRINGBUFFER_SIZE]; UINT DexpotMeasure::WM_DEXPOTSTARTED = RegisterWindowMessage(_T("DexpotStarted")); BOOL DexpotMeasure::PluginRegistered = FALSE; HWND DexpotMeasure::hWndRainmeterControl = nullptr; int DexpotMeasure::CurrentDesktop = 0; std::vector DexpotDesktopNameMeasure::DesktopNames; std::vector DexpotDesktopWallpaperMeasure::DesktopWallpapers; DexpotMeasure::DexpotMeasure(HMODULE instance, UINT _id) : VDMeasure(instance, _id) { } DexpotMeasure* DexpotMeasure::CreateMeasure(HMODULE instance, UINT id, LPCTSTR iniFile, LPCTSTR section) { std::wstring TypeString(ReadConfigString(section, _T("VDMeasureType"), _T(""))); if (TypeString == _T("VDMActive")) return new DexpotVDMActiveMeasure(instance, id); else if (TypeString == _T("DesktopCount")) return new DexpotDesktopCountMeasure(instance, id); else if (TypeString == _T("CurrentDesktop")) return new DexpotCurrentDesktopMeasure(instance, id); else if (TypeString == _T("SwitchDesktop")) return new DexpotSwitchDesktopMeasure(instance, id); else if (TypeString == _T("Screenshot")) return new DexpotScreenshotMeasure(instance, id); else if (TypeString == _T("DesktopName")) return new DexpotDesktopNameMeasure(instance, id); else if (TypeString == _T("DesktopWallpaper")) return new DexpotDesktopWallpaperMeasure(instance, id); else if (TypeString == _T("Command")) return new DexpotCommandMeasure(instance, id); return nullptr; } UINT DexpotMeasure::Initialize(LPCTSTR iniFile, LPCTSTR section) { if (InstanceCount == 0) { hWndRainmeterControl = FindWindow(_T("DummyRainWClass"), _T("Rainmeter control window")); hWndMessageWindow = CreateMessageWindow(); } InstanceCount++; if (!PluginRegistered && FindDexpotWindow()) { SendNotifyMessage(hWndDexpot, DEX_REGISTERPLUGIN, 0, (LPARAM) hWndMessageWindow); CurrentDesktop = (int) SendMessage(hWndDexpot, DEX_GETCURRENTDESKTOP, 0, 0); PluginRegistered = TRUE; } InitializeData(); DexpotMeasures.insert(this); return 0; } void DexpotMeasure::Finalize() { InstanceCount--; if (InstanceCount == 0) { if (PluginRegistered) { SendNotifyMessage(hWndDexpot, DEX_UNREGISTERPLUGIN, 0, (LPARAM) hWndMessageWindow); PluginRegistered = FALSE; } DestroyWindow(hWndMessageWindow); UnregisterClass(_T("DexpotPluginWindowClass"), hInstance); } DexpotMeasures.erase(this); } UINT DexpotMeasure::Update() { return 0; } LPCTSTR DexpotMeasure::GetString(UINT flags) { _stprintf_s(StringBuffer, STRINGBUFFER_SIZE, _T("%i"), Update()); return StringBuffer; } void DexpotMeasure::OnDexpotStarted() { InitializeData(); } BOOL DexpotMeasure::FindDexpotWindow() { if (IsWindow(hWndDexpot)) return TRUE; hWndDexpot = FindWindow(DEXPOTCLASS, DEXPOTTITLE); return hWndDexpot != nullptr; } HWND DexpotMeasure::CreateMessageWindow() { WNDCLASS wc; ZeroMemory(&wc, sizeof(wc)); wc.hInstance = hInstance; wc.lpszClassName = _T("DexpotPluginWindowClass"); wc.lpfnWndProc = WindowProc; RegisterClass(&wc); HWND hWnd = CreateWindowEx(0, _T("DexpotPluginWindowClass"), _T("Dexpot Rainmeter Plugin"), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, nullptr, nullptr, hInstance, nullptr); SetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_STYLE, 0); SetWindowPos(hWnd, nullptr, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_FRAMECHANGED | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE); MoveWindow(hWnd, 0, 0, 0, 0, FALSE); return hWnd; } void DexpotMeasure::SendBang(std::wstring &Bang) { COPYDATASTRUCT cds; cds.dwData = 1; cds.cbData = (DWORD) (Bang.length() + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t); cds.lpData = (PVOID) Bang.c_str(); SendMessage(hWndRainmeterControl, WM_COPYDATA, (WPARAM) hWndMessageWindow, (LPARAM) &cds); } LRESULT CALLBACK DexpotMeasure::WindowProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch(message) { case DEX_SWITCHED: CurrentDesktop = HIWORD(lParam); for (std::set::iterator i = DexpotMeasures.begin(); i != DexpotMeasures.end(); ++i) { (*i)->OnSwitched(LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam), LOWORD(wParam), HIWORD(wParam)); } return 0; case DEX_DESKTOPCOUNTCHANGED: for (std::set::iterator i = DexpotMeasures.begin(); i != DexpotMeasures.end(); ++i) { (*i)->OnDesktopCountChanged((int)wParam); } return 0; case DEX_SHUTDOWN: PluginRegistered = FALSE; for (std::set::iterator i = DexpotMeasures.begin(); i != DexpotMeasures.end(); ++i) { (*i)->OnShutdown(); } return 0; case DEX_DESKTOPCONFIGURATIONCHANGED: for (std::set::iterator i = DexpotMeasures.begin(); i != DexpotMeasures.end(); ++i) { (*i)->OnDesktopConfigurationChanged(); } return 0; case WM_COPYDATA: if ((HWND) wParam == hWndDexpot) { COPYDATASTRUCT *cds = (COPYDATASTRUCT*) lParam; switch(LOWORD(cds->dwData)) { case DEX_GETDESKTOPTITLE: DexpotDesktopNameMeasure::SetDesktopName(HIWORD(cds->dwData), std::wstring((LPTSTR) cds->lpData)); break; case DEX_GETDESKTOPWALLPAPER: DexpotDesktopWallpaperMeasure::SetDesktopWallpaper(HIWORD(cds->dwData), std::wstring((LPTSTR) cds->lpData)); break; } } return 0; default: if (message == WM_DEXPOTSTARTED) { hWndDexpot = (HWND) wParam; if (!hWndDexpot) FindDexpotWindow(); if (hWndDexpot) { SendMessage(hWndDexpot, DEX_REGISTERPLUGIN, 0, (LPARAM) hWndMessageWindow); CurrentDesktop = (int) SendMessage(hWndDexpot, DEX_GETCURRENTDESKTOP, 0, 0); PluginRegistered = TRUE; } for (std::set::iterator i = DexpotMeasures.begin(); i != DexpotMeasures.end(); ++i) { (*i)->OnDexpotStarted(); } return 0; } } return DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); } /* * DexpotDesktopCountMeasure * */ DexpotDesktopCountMeasure::DexpotDesktopCountMeasure(HMODULE instance, UINT id) : DexpotMeasure(instance, id) {} UINT DexpotDesktopCountMeasure::Initialize(LPCTSTR iniFile, LPCTSTR section) { DesktopCount = 0; OnChange = ReadConfigString(section, _T("VDOnChange"), _T("")); CountType = Total; LPCTSTR TypeString = ReadConfigString(section, _T("VDDesktopCount"), _T("")); if (_tcsicmp(TypeString, _T("X")) == 0) CountType = Columns; else if (_tcsicmp(TypeString, _T("Y")) == 0) CountType = Rows; DexpotMeasure::Initialize(iniFile, section); return 20; } void DexpotDesktopCountMeasure::InitializeData() { if (PluginRegistered) DesktopCount = (int) SendMessage(hWndDexpot, DEX_GETDESKTOPCOUNT, 0, 0); } UINT DexpotDesktopCountMeasure::Update() { if (CountType == Rows) return 1; else return DesktopCount; } void DexpotDesktopCountMeasure::OnDesktopCountChanged(int NewCount) { DesktopCount = NewCount; if (OnChange.length()) SendBang(OnChange); } /* * DexpotCurrentDesktopMeasure * */ DexpotCurrentDesktopMeasure::DexpotCurrentDesktopMeasure(HMODULE instance, UINT id) : DexpotMeasure(instance, id) {} UINT DexpotCurrentDesktopMeasure::Initialize(LPCTSTR iniFile, LPCTSTR section) { OnChange = ReadConfigString(section, _T("VDOnChange"), _T("")); DexpotMeasure::Initialize(iniFile, section); return 0; } UINT DexpotCurrentDesktopMeasure::Update() { return CurrentDesktop; } void DexpotCurrentDesktopMeasure::OnSwitched(int FromDesktop, int ToDesktop, WORD Flags, WORD Trigger) { if (OnChange.length()) SendBang(OnChange); } /* * DexpotVDMActiveMeasure * */ DexpotVDMActiveMeasure::DexpotVDMActiveMeasure(HMODULE instance, UINT id) : DexpotMeasure(instance, id) {}; UINT DexpotVDMActiveMeasure::Update() { return PluginRegistered ? 1 : 0; } UINT DexpotVDMActiveMeasure::Initialize(LPCTSTR iniFile, LPCTSTR section) { OnActivate = ReadConfigString(section, _T("VDOnActivate"), _T("")); OnDeactivate = ReadConfigString(section, _T("VDOnDeactivate"), _T("")); DexpotMeasure::Initialize(iniFile, section); return 1; } void DexpotVDMActiveMeasure::OnShutdown() { if (OnDeactivate.length()) SendBang(OnDeactivate); } void DexpotVDMActiveMeasure::OnDexpotStarted() { if (OnActivate.length()) SendBang(OnActivate); } /* * DexpotSwitchDesktopMeasure * */ DexpotSwitchDesktopMeasure::DexpotSwitchDesktopMeasure(HMODULE instance, UINT id) : DexpotMeasure(instance, id) {} void DexpotSwitchDesktopMeasure::ExecuteBang(LPCTSTR args) { if (PluginRegistered) { DWORD Desktop; if (_tcsicmp(args, _T("next")) == 0) Desktop = MAKELPARAM(0, 1); else if (_tcsicmp(args, _T("prev")) == 0) Desktop = MAKELPARAM(0, 2); else if (_tcsicmp(args, _T("back")) == 0) Desktop = MAKELPARAM(0, 3); else Desktop = _ttoi(args); SendNotifyMessage(hWndDexpot, DEX_SWITCHDESKTOP, 0, Desktop); } } /* * DexpotScreenshotMeasure * */ DexpotScreenshotMeasure::DexpotScreenshotMeasure(HMODULE instance, UINT id) : DexpotMeasure(instance, id) {} UINT DexpotScreenshotMeasure::Initialize(LPCTSTR iniFile, LPCTSTR section) { OutputFile = ReadConfigString(section, _T("VDOutputFile"), _T("")); DesktopNumber = _ttoi(ReadConfigString(section, _T("VDDesktop"), _T("0"))); Width = _ttoi(ReadConfigString(section, _T("VDWidth"), _T("0"))); Height = _ttoi(ReadConfigString(section, _T("VDHeight"), _T("0"))); RefreshOnUpdate = _ttoi(ReadConfigString(section, _T("VDRefreshOnUpdate"), _T("0"))); DexpotMeasure::Initialize(iniFile, section); return 0; } UINT DexpotScreenshotMeasure::Update() { if (RefreshOnUpdate && (DesktopNumber == 0 || DesktopNumber == CurrentDesktop)) { UpdateScreenshot(); } return 0; } LPCTSTR DexpotScreenshotMeasure::GetString(UINT flags) { return OutputFile.c_str(); } void DexpotScreenshotMeasure::InitializeData() { UpdateScreenshot(); } void DexpotScreenshotMeasure::OnSwitched(int FromDesktop, int ToDesktop, WORD Flags, WORD Trigger) { if (DesktopNumber == FromDesktop || DesktopNumber == 0) { UpdateScreenshot(); } } void DexpotScreenshotMeasure::UpdateScreenshot() { int Desktop = DesktopNumber == 0 ? CurrentDesktop : DesktopNumber; int nBytes = 0; BYTE *pBytes = nullptr; HANDLE fm; HANDLE mutex; if (!IsWindow(hWndDexpot)) return; int DesktopWidth = (int) SendMessage(hWndDexpot, DEX_GETDESKTOPWIDTH, Desktop, 0); int DesktopHeight = (int) SendMessage(hWndDexpot, DEX_GETDESKTOPHEIGHT, Desktop, 0); mutex = OpenMutex(SYNCHRONIZE, FALSE, _T("DexpotScreenshotMutex")); WaitForSingleObject(mutex, 2000); fm = CreateFileMapping(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, 0, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, DesktopWidth * DesktopHeight * 4, L"Local\\DexpotScreenshotFilemap"); pBytes = (BYTE*) MapViewOfFile(fm, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, 0); if (pBytes) nBytes = (int) SendMessage(hWndDexpot, DEX_GETSCREENSHOT, Desktop, 0); if (nBytes > 0 && nBytes == DesktopWidth * DesktopHeight * 4) { HDC ScreenDC; HDC MemDC; HDC MemDC2; HBITMAP OriginalBitmap; HBITMAP ScaledBitmap; HGDIOBJ OldBitmap; HGDIOBJ OldBitmap2; BYTE *ScaledBytes; BITMAPINFO bmi; BITMAPFILEHEADER bmfh; int ScaledHeight = Height; int ScaledWidth = Width; if (ScaledHeight == 0) ScaledHeight = (int) ((float) DesktopHeight * (ScaledWidth / (float) DesktopWidth) + .5f); if (ScaledWidth == 0) ScaledWidth = (int) ((float) DesktopWidth * (ScaledHeight / (float) DesktopHeight) + .5f); if (ScaledHeight == 0) ScaledHeight = DesktopHeight; if (ScaledWidth == 0) ScaledWidth = DesktopWidth; ZeroMemory(&bmi.bmiHeader, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = DesktopWidth; bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = DesktopHeight; bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32; bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; bmi.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = nBytes; ScreenDC = GetDC(nullptr); MemDC = CreateCompatibleDC(ScreenDC); MemDC2 = CreateCompatibleDC(ScreenDC); OriginalBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(ScreenDC, DesktopWidth, DesktopHeight); SetDIBits(MemDC2, OriginalBitmap, 0, DesktopHeight, pBytes, &bmi, 0); OldBitmap2 = SelectObject(MemDC2, (HGDIOBJ) OriginalBitmap); nBytes = ScaledWidth * ScaledHeight * 4; bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = ScaledWidth; bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = ScaledHeight; bmi.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = nBytes; ScaledBitmap = CreateDIBSection(MemDC, &bmi, 0, (void**) &ScaledBytes, nullptr, 0); OldBitmap = SelectObject(MemDC, (HGDIOBJ) ScaledBitmap); SetStretchBltMode(MemDC, HALFTONE); StretchBlt(MemDC, 0, 0, ScaledWidth, ScaledHeight, MemDC2, 0, 0, DesktopWidth, DesktopHeight, SRCCOPY); GdiFlush(); ZeroMemory(&bmfh, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)); bmfh.bfOffBits = sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bmfh.bfSize = bmfh.bfOffBits + nBytes; bmfh.bfType = 0x4d42; std::ofstream ofs(OutputFile.c_str(), std::ios_base::binary); if (ofs) { ofs.write((char*) &bmfh, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)); ofs.write((char*) &bmi, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); ofs.write((char*) ScaledBytes, nBytes); ofs.close(); } SelectObject(MemDC, OldBitmap); SelectObject(MemDC2, OldBitmap2); DeleteObject(ScaledBitmap); DeleteObject(OriginalBitmap); DeleteDC(MemDC); DeleteDC(MemDC2); ReleaseDC(nullptr, ScreenDC); } UnmapViewOfFile(pBytes); CloseHandle(fm); ReleaseMutex(mutex); CloseHandle(mutex); } /* * DexpotDesktopNameMeasure * */ DexpotDesktopNameMeasure::DexpotDesktopNameMeasure(HMODULE instance, UINT id) : DexpotMeasure(instance, id) {} UINT DexpotDesktopNameMeasure::Initialize(LPCTSTR iniFile, LPCTSTR section) { DesktopNumber = _ttoi(ReadConfigString(section, _T("VDDesktop"), _T("0"))); return DexpotMeasure::Initialize(iniFile, section); } LPCTSTR DexpotDesktopNameMeasure::GetString(UINT flags) { UINT Desktop = (DesktopNumber == 0 ? CurrentDesktop : DesktopNumber) - 1; if (Desktop >= 0 && Desktop < DesktopNames.size()) { return DesktopNames[Desktop].c_str(); } else { StringBuffer[0] = _T('\0'); return StringBuffer; } } void DexpotDesktopNameMeasure::InitializeData() { if (PluginRegistered) { int DesktopCount = (int) SendMessage(hWndDexpot, DEX_GETDESKTOPCOUNT, 0, 0); DesktopNames.resize(DesktopCount); if (DesktopNumber == 0) { for (int i = 1; i <= DesktopCount; i++) { SendMessage(hWndDexpot, DEX_GETDESKTOPTITLE, i, (LPARAM) hWndMessageWindow); } } else if (DesktopNumber > 0 && DesktopNumber <= DesktopCount) { SendMessage(hWndDexpot, DEX_GETDESKTOPTITLE, DesktopNumber, (LPARAM) hWndMessageWindow); } } } void DexpotDesktopNameMeasure::OnDesktopConfigurationChanged() { InitializeData(); } void DexpotDesktopNameMeasure::OnDesktopCountChanged(int NewCount) { InitializeData(); } void DexpotDesktopNameMeasure::SetDesktopName(UINT Desktop, std::wstring &Name) { if (--Desktop >= DesktopNames.size()) DesktopNames.resize(Desktop + 1); if (Desktop >= 0) DesktopNames[Desktop] = Name; } /* * DexpotDesktopWallpaperMeasure * */ DexpotDesktopWallpaperMeasure::DexpotDesktopWallpaperMeasure(HMODULE instance, UINT id) : DexpotMeasure(instance, id) {} UINT DexpotDesktopWallpaperMeasure::Initialize(LPCTSTR iniFile, LPCTSTR section) { DesktopNumber = _ttoi(ReadConfigString(section, _T("VDDesktop"), _T("0"))); return DexpotMeasure::Initialize(iniFile, section); } LPCTSTR DexpotDesktopWallpaperMeasure::GetString(UINT flags) { if (DesktopNumber == 0) { SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETDESKWALLPAPER, STRINGBUFFER_SIZE, StringBuffer, 0); return StringBuffer; } else if (DesktopNumber > 0 && (UINT) DesktopNumber <= DesktopWallpapers.size()) { return DesktopWallpapers[DesktopNumber - 1].c_str(); } StringBuffer[0] = _T('\0'); return StringBuffer; } void DexpotDesktopWallpaperMeasure::InitializeData() { if (PluginRegistered) { int DesktopCount = (int) SendMessage(hWndDexpot, DEX_GETDESKTOPCOUNT, 0, 0); DesktopWallpapers.resize(DesktopCount); if (DesktopNumber == 0) { for (int i = 1; i <= DesktopCount; i++) { SendMessage(hWndDexpot, DEX_GETDESKTOPWALLPAPER, i, (LPARAM) hWndMessageWindow); } } else if (DesktopNumber > 0 && DesktopNumber <= DesktopCount) { SendMessage(hWndDexpot, DEX_GETDESKTOPWALLPAPER, DesktopNumber, (LPARAM) hWndMessageWindow); } } } void DexpotDesktopWallpaperMeasure::OnSwitched(int FromDesktop, int ToDesktop, WORD Flags, WORD Trigger) { SendMessage(hWndDexpot, DEX_GETDESKTOPWALLPAPER, FromDesktop, (LPARAM) hWndMessageWindow); } void DexpotDesktopWallpaperMeasure::OnDesktopConfigurationChanged() { InitializeData(); } void DexpotDesktopWallpaperMeasure::OnDesktopCountChanged(int NewCount) { InitializeData(); } void DexpotDesktopWallpaperMeasure::SetDesktopWallpaper(UINT Desktop, std::wstring &Wallpaper) { if (--Desktop >= DesktopWallpapers.size()) DesktopWallpapers.resize(Desktop + 1); if (Desktop >= 0) DesktopWallpapers[Desktop] = Wallpaper; } /* * DexpotCommandMeasure * */ DexpotCommandMeasure::DexpotCommandMeasure(HMODULE instance, UINT id) : DexpotMeasure(instance, id) {} void DexpotCommandMeasure::ExecuteBang(LPCTSTR args) { if (PluginRegistered) { COPYDATASTRUCT cds; cds.dwData = DEX_DEXPOTCOMMAND; cds.lpData = (PVOID) args; cds.cbData = (DWORD) (_tcslen(args) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR); SendMessage(hWndDexpot, WM_COPYDATA, (WPARAM) hWndMessageWindow, (LPARAM) &cds); } }