/* Copyright (C) 2005 Kimmo Pekkola This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // Note: To compile this you need the PCRE library (http://www.pcre.org/). // See: http://www.perldoc.com/perl5.8.0/pod/perlre.html #include <windows.h> #include <math.h> #include <string> #include <map> #include <vector> #include <Wininet.h> #include <shlwapi.h> #include <process.h> #include "../../Library/pcre-8.10/config.h" #include "../../Library/pcre-8.10/pcre.h" #include "../../Library/Export.h" // Rainmeter's exported functions #include "../../Library/DisableThreadLibraryCalls.h" // contains DllMain entry point /* The exported functions */ extern "C" { __declspec( dllexport ) UINT Initialize(HMODULE instance, LPCTSTR iniFile, LPCTSTR section, UINT id); __declspec( dllexport ) double Update2(UINT id); __declspec( dllexport ) LPCTSTR GetString(UINT id, UINT flags); __declspec( dllexport ) void Finalize(HMODULE instance, UINT id); __declspec( dllexport ) UINT GetPluginVersion(); __declspec( dllexport ) LPCTSTR GetPluginAuthor(); } struct UrlData { std::wstring url; std::wstring regExp; std::wstring resultString; std::wstring errorString; std::wstring proxy; int codepage; int stringIndex; int stringIndex2; int decodeCharacterReference; UINT updateRate; UINT updateCounter; std::wstring section; std::wstring finishAction; bool download; bool forceReload; std::wstring downloadFile; std::wstring downloadedFile; std::wstring iniFile; int debug; std::wstring debugFileLocation; HANDLE threadHandle; HANDLE dlThreadHandle; }; BYTE* DownloadUrl(std::wstring& url, DWORD* dwSize, bool forceReload); void ShowError(int lineNumber, WCHAR* errorMsg = NULL); unsigned __stdcall NetworkThreadProc(void* pParam); unsigned __stdcall NetworkDownloadThreadProc(void* pParam); void Log(int level, const WCHAR* string); void ParseData(UrlData* urlData, LPCSTR parseData, DWORD dwSize); CRITICAL_SECTION g_CriticalSection; bool g_Initialized = false; static std::map<UINT, UrlData*> g_UrlData; static bool g_Debug = false; static HINTERNET hRootHandle = NULL; static std::map<std::wstring, WCHAR> g_CERs; #define OVECCOUNT 300 // should be a multiple of 3 std::wstring ConvertToWide(LPCSTR str, int codepage) { std::wstring szWide; if (str && *str) { int strLen = (int)strlen(str); int bufLen = MultiByteToWideChar(codepage, 0, str, strLen, NULL, 0); if (bufLen > 0) { szWide.resize(bufLen); MultiByteToWideChar(codepage, 0, str, strLen, &szWide[0], bufLen); } } return szWide; } std::string ConvertToAscii(LPCWSTR str, int codepage) { std::string szAscii; if (str && *str) { int strLen = (int)wcslen(str); int bufLen = WideCharToMultiByte(codepage, 0, str, strLen, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); if (bufLen > 0) { szAscii.resize(bufLen); WideCharToMultiByte(codepage, 0, str, strLen, &szAscii[0], bufLen, NULL, NULL); } } return szAscii; } std::string ConvertWideToAscii(LPCWSTR str) { return ConvertToAscii(str, CP_ACP); } std::wstring ConvertAsciiToWide(LPCSTR str) { return ConvertToWide(str, CP_ACP); } std::wstring ConvertUTF8ToWide(LPCSTR str) { return ConvertToWide(str, CP_UTF8); } std::string ConvertWideToUTF8(LPCWSTR str) { return ConvertToAscii(str, CP_UTF8); } std::string ConvertAsciiToUTF8(LPCSTR str, int codepage) { std::string szUTF8; if (str && *str) { std::wstring wide = ConvertToWide(str, codepage); if (!wide.empty()) { szUTF8.swap(ConvertWideToUTF8(wide.c_str())); } } return szUTF8; } std::wstring& DecodeReferences(std::wstring& str, int opt) { // (opt <= 0 || opt > 3) : Do nothing. // (opt == 1) : Decode both numeric character references and character entity references. // (opt == 2) : Decode only numeric character references. // (opt == 3) : Decode only character entity references. if (opt >= 1 && opt <= 3) { std::wstring::size_type start = 0; while ((start = str.find(L'&', start)) != std::wstring::npos) { std::wstring::size_type end, pos; if ((end = str.find(L';', start)) == std::wstring::npos) break; pos = start + 1; if (pos == end) // &; - skip { start = end + 1; continue; } else if ((end - pos) > 10) // name (or number) is too long { ++start; continue; } if (str[pos] == L'#') // Numeric character reference { if (opt == 3 || // Decode only character entity references, ++pos == end) // &#; - skip { start = end + 1; continue; } int base; if (str[pos] == L'x' || str[pos] == L'X') { if (++pos == end) // &#x; or &#X; - skip { start = end + 1; continue; } base = 16; } else { base = 10; } std::wstring num(str, pos, end - pos); WCHAR* pch = NULL; errno = 0; long ch = wcstol(num.c_str(), &pch, base); if (pch == NULL || *pch != L'\0' || errno == ERANGE || ch <= 0 || ch >= 0xFFFE) // invalid character { start = pos; continue; } str.replace(start, end - start + 1, 1, (WCHAR)ch); ++start; } else // Character entity reference { if (opt == 2) // Decode only numeric character references - skip { start = end + 1; continue; } std::wstring name(str, pos, end - pos); std::map<std::wstring, WCHAR>::const_iterator iter = g_CERs.find(name); if (iter != g_CERs.end()) { str.replace(start, end - start + 1, 1, (*iter).second); } ++start; } } } return str; } void FillCharacterEntityReferences() { // List from: // http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/sgml/entities.html // http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/#C_16 // for markup-significant and internationalization characters g_CERs[L"quot"] = (WCHAR)34; g_CERs[L"amp"] = (WCHAR)38; g_CERs[L"apos"] = (WCHAR)39; g_CERs[L"lt"] = (WCHAR)60; g_CERs[L"gt"] = (WCHAR)62; g_CERs[L"OElig"] = (WCHAR)338; g_CERs[L"oelig"] = (WCHAR)339; g_CERs[L"Scaron"] = (WCHAR)352; g_CERs[L"scaron"] = (WCHAR)353; g_CERs[L"Yuml"] = (WCHAR)376; g_CERs[L"circ"] = (WCHAR)710; g_CERs[L"tilde"] = (WCHAR)732; g_CERs[L"ensp"] = (WCHAR)8194; g_CERs[L"emsp"] = (WCHAR)8195; g_CERs[L"thinsp"] = (WCHAR)8201; g_CERs[L"zwnj"] = (WCHAR)8204; g_CERs[L"zwj"] = (WCHAR)8205; g_CERs[L"lrm"] = (WCHAR)8206; g_CERs[L"rlm"] = (WCHAR)8207; g_CERs[L"ndash"] = (WCHAR)8211; g_CERs[L"mdash"] = (WCHAR)8212; g_CERs[L"lsquo"] = (WCHAR)8216; g_CERs[L"rsquo"] = (WCHAR)8217; g_CERs[L"sbquo"] = (WCHAR)8218; g_CERs[L"ldquo"] = (WCHAR)8220; g_CERs[L"rdquo"] = (WCHAR)8221; g_CERs[L"bdquo"] = (WCHAR)8222; g_CERs[L"dagger"] = (WCHAR)8224; g_CERs[L"Dagger"] = (WCHAR)8225; g_CERs[L"permil"] = (WCHAR)8240; g_CERs[L"lsaquo"] = (WCHAR)8249; g_CERs[L"rsaquo"] = (WCHAR)8250; g_CERs[L"euro"] = (WCHAR)8364; // for ISO 8859-1 characters g_CERs[L"nbsp"] = (WCHAR)160; g_CERs[L"iexcl"] = (WCHAR)161; g_CERs[L"cent"] = (WCHAR)162; g_CERs[L"pound"] = (WCHAR)163; g_CERs[L"curren"] = (WCHAR)164; g_CERs[L"yen"] = (WCHAR)165; g_CERs[L"brvbar"] = (WCHAR)166; g_CERs[L"sect"] = (WCHAR)167; g_CERs[L"uml"] = (WCHAR)168; g_CERs[L"copy"] = (WCHAR)169; g_CERs[L"ordf"] = (WCHAR)170; g_CERs[L"laquo"] = (WCHAR)171; g_CERs[L"not"] = (WCHAR)172; g_CERs[L"shy"] = (WCHAR)173; g_CERs[L"reg"] = (WCHAR)174; g_CERs[L"macr"] = (WCHAR)175; g_CERs[L"deg"] = (WCHAR)176; g_CERs[L"plusmn"] = (WCHAR)177; g_CERs[L"sup2"] = (WCHAR)178; g_CERs[L"sup3"] = (WCHAR)179; g_CERs[L"acute"] = (WCHAR)180; g_CERs[L"micro"] = (WCHAR)181; g_CERs[L"para"] = (WCHAR)182; g_CERs[L"middot"] = (WCHAR)183; g_CERs[L"cedil"] = (WCHAR)184; g_CERs[L"sup1"] = (WCHAR)185; g_CERs[L"ordm"] = (WCHAR)186; g_CERs[L"raquo"] = (WCHAR)187; g_CERs[L"frac14"] = (WCHAR)188; g_CERs[L"frac12"] = (WCHAR)189; g_CERs[L"frac34"] = (WCHAR)190; g_CERs[L"iquest"] = (WCHAR)191; g_CERs[L"Agrave"] = (WCHAR)192; g_CERs[L"Aacute"] = (WCHAR)193; g_CERs[L"Acirc"] = (WCHAR)194; g_CERs[L"Atilde"] = (WCHAR)195; g_CERs[L"Auml"] = (WCHAR)196; g_CERs[L"Aring"] = (WCHAR)197; g_CERs[L"AElig"] = (WCHAR)198; g_CERs[L"Ccedil"] = (WCHAR)199; g_CERs[L"Egrave"] = (WCHAR)200; g_CERs[L"Eacute"] = (WCHAR)201; g_CERs[L"Ecirc"] = (WCHAR)202; g_CERs[L"Euml"] = (WCHAR)203; g_CERs[L"Igrave"] = (WCHAR)204; g_CERs[L"Iacute"] = (WCHAR)205; g_CERs[L"Icirc"] = (WCHAR)206; g_CERs[L"Iuml"] = (WCHAR)207; g_CERs[L"ETH"] = (WCHAR)208; g_CERs[L"Ntilde"] = (WCHAR)209; g_CERs[L"Ograve"] = (WCHAR)210; g_CERs[L"Oacute"] = (WCHAR)211; g_CERs[L"Ocirc"] = (WCHAR)212; g_CERs[L"Otilde"] = (WCHAR)213; g_CERs[L"Ouml"] = (WCHAR)214; g_CERs[L"times"] = (WCHAR)215; g_CERs[L"Oslash"] = (WCHAR)216; g_CERs[L"Ugrave"] = (WCHAR)217; g_CERs[L"Uacute"] = (WCHAR)218; g_CERs[L"Ucirc"] = (WCHAR)219; g_CERs[L"Uuml"] = (WCHAR)220; g_CERs[L"Yacute"] = (WCHAR)221; g_CERs[L"THORN"] = (WCHAR)222; g_CERs[L"szlig"] = (WCHAR)223; g_CERs[L"agrave"] = (WCHAR)224; g_CERs[L"aacute"] = (WCHAR)225; g_CERs[L"acirc"] = (WCHAR)226; g_CERs[L"atilde"] = (WCHAR)227; g_CERs[L"auml"] = (WCHAR)228; g_CERs[L"aring"] = (WCHAR)229; g_CERs[L"aelig"] = (WCHAR)230; g_CERs[L"ccedil"] = (WCHAR)231; g_CERs[L"egrave"] = (WCHAR)232; g_CERs[L"eacute"] = (WCHAR)233; g_CERs[L"ecirc"] = (WCHAR)234; g_CERs[L"euml"] = (WCHAR)235; g_CERs[L"igrave"] = (WCHAR)236; g_CERs[L"iacute"] = (WCHAR)237; g_CERs[L"icirc"] = (WCHAR)238; g_CERs[L"iuml"] = (WCHAR)239; g_CERs[L"eth"] = (WCHAR)240; g_CERs[L"ntilde"] = (WCHAR)241; g_CERs[L"ograve"] = (WCHAR)242; g_CERs[L"oacute"] = (WCHAR)243; g_CERs[L"ocirc"] = (WCHAR)244; g_CERs[L"otilde"] = (WCHAR)245; g_CERs[L"ouml"] = (WCHAR)246; g_CERs[L"divide"] = (WCHAR)247; g_CERs[L"oslash"] = (WCHAR)248; g_CERs[L"ugrave"] = (WCHAR)249; g_CERs[L"uacute"] = (WCHAR)250; g_CERs[L"ucirc"] = (WCHAR)251; g_CERs[L"uuml"] = (WCHAR)252; g_CERs[L"yacute"] = (WCHAR)253; g_CERs[L"thorn"] = (WCHAR)254; g_CERs[L"yuml"] = (WCHAR)255; // for symbols, mathematical symbols, and Greek letters g_CERs[L"fnof"] = (WCHAR)402; g_CERs[L"Alpha"] = (WCHAR)913; g_CERs[L"Beta"] = (WCHAR)914; g_CERs[L"Gamma"] = (WCHAR)915; g_CERs[L"Delta"] = (WCHAR)916; g_CERs[L"Epsilon"] = (WCHAR)917; g_CERs[L"Zeta"] = (WCHAR)918; g_CERs[L"Eta"] = (WCHAR)919; g_CERs[L"Theta"] = (WCHAR)920; g_CERs[L"Iota"] = (WCHAR)921; g_CERs[L"Kappa"] = (WCHAR)922; g_CERs[L"Lambda"] = (WCHAR)923; g_CERs[L"Mu"] = (WCHAR)924; g_CERs[L"Nu"] = (WCHAR)925; g_CERs[L"Xi"] = (WCHAR)926; g_CERs[L"Omicron"] = (WCHAR)927; g_CERs[L"Pi"] = (WCHAR)928; g_CERs[L"Rho"] = (WCHAR)929; g_CERs[L"Sigma"] = (WCHAR)931; g_CERs[L"Tau"] = (WCHAR)932; g_CERs[L"Upsilon"] = (WCHAR)933; g_CERs[L"Phi"] = (WCHAR)934; g_CERs[L"Chi"] = (WCHAR)935; g_CERs[L"Psi"] = (WCHAR)936; g_CERs[L"Omega"] = (WCHAR)937; g_CERs[L"alpha"] = (WCHAR)945; g_CERs[L"beta"] = (WCHAR)946; g_CERs[L"gamma"] = (WCHAR)947; g_CERs[L"delta"] = (WCHAR)948; g_CERs[L"epsilon"] = (WCHAR)949; g_CERs[L"zeta"] = (WCHAR)950; g_CERs[L"eta"] = (WCHAR)951; g_CERs[L"theta"] = (WCHAR)952; g_CERs[L"iota"] = (WCHAR)953; g_CERs[L"kappa"] = (WCHAR)954; g_CERs[L"lambda"] = (WCHAR)955; g_CERs[L"mu"] = (WCHAR)956; g_CERs[L"nu"] = (WCHAR)957; g_CERs[L"xi"] = (WCHAR)958; g_CERs[L"omicron"] = (WCHAR)959; g_CERs[L"pi"] = (WCHAR)960; g_CERs[L"rho"] = (WCHAR)961; g_CERs[L"sigmaf"] = (WCHAR)962; g_CERs[L"sigma"] = (WCHAR)963; g_CERs[L"tau"] = (WCHAR)964; g_CERs[L"upsilon"] = (WCHAR)965; g_CERs[L"phi"] = (WCHAR)966; g_CERs[L"chi"] = (WCHAR)967; g_CERs[L"psi"] = (WCHAR)968; g_CERs[L"omega"] = (WCHAR)969; g_CERs[L"thetasym"] = (WCHAR)977; g_CERs[L"upsih"] = (WCHAR)978; g_CERs[L"piv"] = (WCHAR)982; g_CERs[L"bull"] = (WCHAR)8226; g_CERs[L"hellip"] = (WCHAR)8230; g_CERs[L"prime"] = (WCHAR)8242; g_CERs[L"Prime"] = (WCHAR)8243; g_CERs[L"oline"] = (WCHAR)8254; g_CERs[L"frasl"] = (WCHAR)8260; g_CERs[L"weierp"] = (WCHAR)8472; g_CERs[L"image"] = (WCHAR)8465; g_CERs[L"real"] = (WCHAR)8476; g_CERs[L"trade"] = (WCHAR)8482; g_CERs[L"alefsym"] = (WCHAR)8501; g_CERs[L"larr"] = (WCHAR)8592; g_CERs[L"uarr"] = (WCHAR)8593; g_CERs[L"rarr"] = (WCHAR)8594; g_CERs[L"darr"] = (WCHAR)8595; g_CERs[L"harr"] = (WCHAR)8596; g_CERs[L"crarr"] = (WCHAR)8629; g_CERs[L"lArr"] = (WCHAR)8656; g_CERs[L"uArr"] = (WCHAR)8657; g_CERs[L"rArr"] = (WCHAR)8658; g_CERs[L"dArr"] = (WCHAR)8659; g_CERs[L"hArr"] = (WCHAR)8660; g_CERs[L"forall"] = (WCHAR)8704; g_CERs[L"part"] = (WCHAR)8706; g_CERs[L"exist"] = (WCHAR)8707; g_CERs[L"empty"] = (WCHAR)8709; g_CERs[L"nabla"] = (WCHAR)8711; g_CERs[L"isin"] = (WCHAR)8712; g_CERs[L"notin"] = (WCHAR)8713; g_CERs[L"ni"] = (WCHAR)8715; g_CERs[L"prod"] = (WCHAR)8719; g_CERs[L"sum"] = (WCHAR)8721; g_CERs[L"minus"] = (WCHAR)8722; g_CERs[L"lowast"] = (WCHAR)8727; g_CERs[L"radic"] = (WCHAR)8730; g_CERs[L"prop"] = (WCHAR)8733; g_CERs[L"infin"] = (WCHAR)8734; g_CERs[L"ang"] = (WCHAR)8736; g_CERs[L"and"] = (WCHAR)8743; g_CERs[L"or"] = (WCHAR)8744; g_CERs[L"cap"] = (WCHAR)8745; g_CERs[L"cup"] = (WCHAR)8746; g_CERs[L"int"] = (WCHAR)8747; g_CERs[L"there4"] = (WCHAR)8756; g_CERs[L"sim"] = (WCHAR)8764; g_CERs[L"cong"] = (WCHAR)8773; g_CERs[L"asymp"] = (WCHAR)8776; g_CERs[L"ne"] = (WCHAR)8800; g_CERs[L"equiv"] = (WCHAR)8801; g_CERs[L"le"] = (WCHAR)8804; g_CERs[L"ge"] = (WCHAR)8805; g_CERs[L"sub"] = (WCHAR)8834; g_CERs[L"sup"] = (WCHAR)8835; g_CERs[L"nsub"] = (WCHAR)8836; g_CERs[L"sube"] = (WCHAR)8838; g_CERs[L"supe"] = (WCHAR)8839; g_CERs[L"oplus"] = (WCHAR)8853; g_CERs[L"otimes"] = (WCHAR)8855; g_CERs[L"perp"] = (WCHAR)8869; g_CERs[L"sdot"] = (WCHAR)8901; g_CERs[L"lceil"] = (WCHAR)8968; g_CERs[L"rceil"] = (WCHAR)8969; g_CERs[L"lfloor"] = (WCHAR)8970; g_CERs[L"rfloor"] = (WCHAR)8971; g_CERs[L"lang"] = (WCHAR)9001; g_CERs[L"rang"] = (WCHAR)9002; g_CERs[L"loz"] = (WCHAR)9674; g_CERs[L"spades"] = (WCHAR)9824; g_CERs[L"clubs"] = (WCHAR)9827; g_CERs[L"hearts"] = (WCHAR)9829; g_CERs[L"diams"] = (WCHAR)9830; // for DEBUG //std::map<std::wstring, WCHAR>::const_iterator iter = g_CERs.begin(); //for ( ; iter != g_CERs.end(); ++iter) //{ // WCHAR buffer[64]; // wsprintf(buffer, L"%s - %c", (*iter).first.c_str(), (*iter).second); // Log(buffer); //} } bool BelongToSameProcess(HWND wnd) { DWORD procId = 0; GetWindowThreadProcessId(wnd, &procId); return (procId == GetCurrentProcessId()); } HWND FindMeterWindow(HWND parent) { HWND wnd = NULL; while (wnd = FindWindowEx(parent, wnd, L"RainmeterMeterWindow", NULL)) { if (BelongToSameProcess(wnd)) { return wnd; } } return NULL; } HWND FindMeterWindow(const std::wstring& iniFile) { std::wstring str = PluginBridge(L"getconfig", iniFile.c_str()); if (!str.empty()) { str = PluginBridge(L"getwindow", str.c_str()); if (str != L"error") { return (HWND)UlongToPtr(wcstoul(str.c_str(), NULL, 10)); } } return FindMeterWindow(NULL); // Use old way to find } /* This function is called when the measure is initialized. The function must return the maximum value that can be measured. The return value can also be 0, which means that Rainmeter will track the maximum value automatically. The parameters for this function are: instance The instance of this DLL iniFile The name of the ini-file (usually Rainmeter.ini) section The name of the section in the ini-file for this measure id The identifier for the measure. This is used to identify the measures that use the same plugin. */ UINT Initialize(HMODULE instance, LPCTSTR iniFile, LPCTSTR section, UINT id) { LPCTSTR tmpSz; if (!g_Initialized) { InitializeCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection); FillCharacterEntityReferences(); g_Initialized = true; } UrlData* data = new UrlData; data->section = section; data->decodeCharacterReference = 0; data->updateRate = 600; data->updateCounter = 0; data->iniFile = iniFile; /* Read our own settings from the ini-file */ data->url = ReadConfigString(section, L"Url", L""); data->regExp = ReadConfigString(section, L"RegExp", L""); data->finishAction = ReadConfigString(section, L"FinishAction", L""); data->errorString = ReadConfigString(section, L"ErrorString", L""); data->proxy = ReadConfigString(section, L"ProxyServer", L""); data->downloadFile = ReadConfigString(section, L"DownloadFile", L""); data->debugFileLocation = ReadConfigString(section, L"Debug2File", L"c:\\WebParserDump.txt"); if (data->debugFileLocation.find(L"\\") == std::wstring::npos) { std::wstring str = data->iniFile.substr(0,data->iniFile.find_last_of(L"\\")+1); str += data->debugFileLocation; Log(LOG_DEBUG, str.c_str()); data->debugFileLocation = str; } tmpSz = ReadConfigString(section, L"StringIndex", L"0"); if (tmpSz) { data->stringIndex = _wtoi(tmpSz); } tmpSz = ReadConfigString(section, L"StringIndex2", L"0"); if (tmpSz) { data->stringIndex2 = _wtoi(tmpSz); } tmpSz = ReadConfigString(section, L"DecodeCharacterReference", L"0"); if (tmpSz) { data->decodeCharacterReference = _wtoi(tmpSz); } tmpSz = ReadConfigString(section, L"UpdateRate", L"600"); if (tmpSz && *tmpSz) { data->updateRate = _wtoi(tmpSz); } tmpSz = ReadConfigString(section, L"Download", L"0"); if (tmpSz) { data->download = 1 == _wtoi(tmpSz); } tmpSz = ReadConfigString(section, L"ForceReload", L"0"); if (tmpSz) { data->forceReload = 1 == _wtoi(tmpSz); } tmpSz = ReadConfigString(section, L"Debug", L"0"); if (tmpSz) { data->debug = _wtoi(tmpSz); } tmpSz = ReadConfigString(section, L"CodePage", L"0"); if (tmpSz) { data->codepage = _wtoi(tmpSz); } if (hRootHandle == NULL) { if (data->proxy.empty()) { hRootHandle = InternetOpen(L"Rainmeter WebParser plugin", INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, NULL, NULL, 0); } else { hRootHandle = InternetOpen(L"Rainmeter WebParser plugin", INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PROXY, data->proxy.c_str(), NULL, 0); } if (hRootHandle == NULL) { ShowError(__LINE__); delete data; return 0; } } data->threadHandle = 0; data->dlThreadHandle = 0; // During initialization there is no threads yet so no need to do any locking g_UrlData[id] = data; return 0; } /* This function is called when new value should be measured. The function returns the new value. */ double Update2(UINT id) { double value = 0; UrlData* urlData = NULL; // Find the data for this instance (the data structure is not changed by anyone so this should be safe) std::map<UINT, UrlData*>::iterator urlIter = g_UrlData.find(id); if (urlIter != g_UrlData.end()) { urlData = (*urlIter).second; } if (urlData) { if (urlData->download && urlData->regExp.empty() && urlData->url.find(L'[') == std::wstring::npos) { // If RegExp is empty download the file that is pointed by the Url if (urlData->dlThreadHandle == 0) { if (urlData->updateCounter == 0) { // Launch a new thread to fetch the web data unsigned int id; HANDLE threadHandle = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex(NULL, 0, NetworkDownloadThreadProc, urlData, 0, &id); if (threadHandle) { urlData->dlThreadHandle = threadHandle; } else // error { std::wstring log = L"WebParser.dll: ["; log += urlData->section; log += L"] Failed to begin download thread."; Log(LOG_ERROR, log.c_str()); } } urlData->updateCounter++; if (urlData->updateCounter >= urlData->updateRate) { urlData->updateCounter = 0; } } // Else download the file pointed by the result string (this is done later) } else { // Make sure that the thread is not writing to the result at the same time EnterCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection); if (!urlData->resultString.empty()) { value = wcstod(urlData->resultString.c_str(), NULL); } LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection); if (urlData->url.size() > 0 && urlData->url.find(L'[') == std::wstring::npos) { // This is not a reference; need to update. if (urlData->threadHandle == 0 && urlData->dlThreadHandle == 0) { if (urlData->updateCounter == 0) { // Launch a new thread to fetch the web data unsigned int id; HANDLE threadHandle = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex(NULL, 0, NetworkThreadProc, urlData, 0, &id); if (threadHandle) { urlData->threadHandle = threadHandle; } else // error { std::wstring log = L"WebParser.dll: ["; log += urlData->section; log += L"] Failed to begin thread."; Log(LOG_ERROR, log.c_str()); } } urlData->updateCounter++; if (urlData->updateCounter >= urlData->updateRate) { urlData->updateCounter = 0; } } } } } return value; } /* Thread that fetches the data from the net and parses the page. */ unsigned __stdcall NetworkThreadProc(void* pParam) { UrlData* urlData = (UrlData*)pParam; DWORD dwSize = 0; BYTE* data = DownloadUrl(urlData->url, &dwSize, urlData->forceReload); if (data) { if (urlData->debug == 2) { // Dump to a file FILE* file = _wfopen(urlData->debugFileLocation.c_str(), L"wb"); if (file) { fwrite(data, sizeof(BYTE), dwSize, file); fclose(file); } else { std::wstring log = L"WebParser.dll: ["; log += urlData->section; log += L"] Failed to dump debug data: "; log += urlData->debugFileLocation; Log(LOG_ERROR, log.c_str()); } } ParseData(urlData, (LPCSTR)data, dwSize); delete [] data; } EnterCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection); CloseHandle(urlData->threadHandle); urlData->threadHandle = 0; LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection); return 0; // thread completed successfully } void ParseData(UrlData* urlData, LPCSTR parseData, DWORD dwSize) { // Parse the value from the data pcre* re; const char* error; int erroffset; int ovector[OVECCOUNT]; int rc; int flags = PCRE_UTF8; if (urlData->codepage == 0) { flags = 0; } // Compile the regular expression in the first argument re = pcre_compile( ConvertWideToUTF8(urlData->regExp.c_str()).c_str(), // the pattern flags, // default options &error, // for error message &erroffset, // for error offset NULL); // use default character tables if (re != NULL) { // Compilation succeeded: match the subject in the second argument std::string utf8Data; if (urlData->codepage == 1200) // 1200 = UTF-16LE { // Must convert the data to utf8 utf8Data = ConvertWideToUTF8((LPCWSTR)parseData); parseData = utf8Data.c_str(); dwSize = utf8Data.length(); } else if (urlData->codepage != CP_UTF8 && urlData->codepage != 0) // 0 = CP_ACP { // Must convert the data to utf8 utf8Data = ConvertAsciiToUTF8(parseData, urlData->codepage); parseData = utf8Data.c_str(); dwSize = utf8Data.length(); } rc = pcre_exec( re, // the compiled pattern NULL, // no extra data - we didn't study the pattern parseData, // the subject string dwSize, // the length of the subject 0, // start at offset 0 in the subject 0, // default options ovector, // output vector for substring information OVECCOUNT); // number of elements in the output vector if (rc >= 0) { if (rc == 0) { // The output vector wasn't big enough std::wstring log = L"WebParser.dll: ["; log += urlData->section; log += L"] Too many substrings!"; Log(LOG_ERROR, log.c_str()); } else { if (urlData->stringIndex < rc) { if (urlData->debug != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < rc; ++i) { const char* substring_start = parseData + ovector[2 * i]; int substring_length = ovector[2 * i + 1] - ovector[2 * i]; substring_length = min(substring_length, 256); std::string tmpStr(substring_start, substring_length); WCHAR buffer[32]; wsprintf(buffer, L"%2d", i); std::wstring log = L"WebParser.dll: ["; log += urlData->section; log += L"] (Index "; log += buffer; log += L") "; log += ConvertUTF8ToWide(tmpStr.c_str()); Log(LOG_DEBUG, log.c_str()); } } const char* substring_start = parseData + ovector[2 * urlData->stringIndex]; int substring_length = ovector[2 * urlData->stringIndex + 1] - ovector[2 * urlData->stringIndex]; EnterCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection); std::string szResult(substring_start, substring_length); urlData->resultString = DecodeReferences(ConvertUTF8ToWide(szResult.c_str()), urlData->decodeCharacterReference); LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection); } else { std::wstring log = L"WebParser.dll: ["; log += urlData->section; log += L"] Not enough substrings!"; Log(LOG_WARNING, log.c_str()); // Clear the old result EnterCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection); urlData->resultString.clear(); if (urlData->download) { if (urlData->downloadFile.empty()) // cache mode { if (!urlData->downloadedFile.empty()) { // Delete old downloaded file DeleteFile(urlData->downloadedFile.c_str()); } } urlData->downloadedFile.clear(); } LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection); } // Update the references std::map<UINT, UrlData*>::iterator i = g_UrlData.begin(); std::wstring compareStr = L"["; compareStr += urlData->section; compareStr += L"]"; for ( ; i != g_UrlData.end(); ++i) { if ((((*i).second)->url.find(compareStr) != std::wstring::npos) && (urlData->iniFile == ((*i).second)->iniFile)) { if (((*i).second)->stringIndex < rc) { const char* substring_start = parseData + ovector[2 * ((*i).second)->stringIndex]; int substring_length = ovector[2 * ((*i).second)->stringIndex + 1] - ovector[2 * ((*i).second)->stringIndex]; std::string szResult(substring_start, substring_length); if (!((*i).second)->regExp.empty()) { // Change the index and parse the substring int index = (*i).second->stringIndex; (*i).second->stringIndex = (*i).second->stringIndex2; ParseData((*i).second, szResult.c_str(), szResult.length()); (*i).second->stringIndex = index; } else { // Set the result EnterCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection); // Substitude the [measure] with szResult std::wstring wzResult = ConvertUTF8ToWide(szResult.c_str()); std::wstring wzUrl = ((*i).second)->url; wzUrl.replace(wzUrl.find(compareStr), compareStr.size(), wzResult); ((*i).second)->resultString = DecodeReferences(wzUrl, (*i).second->decodeCharacterReference); // Start download threads for the references if (((*i).second)->download) { // Start the download thread unsigned int id; HANDLE threadHandle = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex(NULL, 0, NetworkDownloadThreadProc, ((*i).second), 0, &id); if (threadHandle) { ((*i).second)->dlThreadHandle = threadHandle; } else // error { std::wstring log = L"WebParser.dll: ["; log += (*i).second->section; log += L"] Failed to begin download thread."; Log(LOG_ERROR, log.c_str()); } } LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection); } } else { std::wstring log = L"WebParser.dll: ["; log += (*i).second->section; log += L"] Not enough substrings!"; Log(LOG_WARNING, log.c_str()); // Clear the old result EnterCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection); ((*i).second)->resultString.clear(); if ((*i).second->download) { if ((*i).second->downloadFile.empty()) // cache mode { if (!(*i).second->downloadedFile.empty()) { // Delete old downloaded file DeleteFile((*i).second->downloadedFile.c_str()); } } (*i).second->downloadedFile.clear(); } LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection); } } } } } else { // Matching failed: handle error cases WCHAR buffer[32]; wsprintf(buffer, L"%d", rc); std::wstring log = L"WebParser.dll: ["; log += urlData->section; log += L"] Matching error! ("; log += buffer; log += L")\n"; Log(LOG_ERROR, log.c_str()); EnterCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection); urlData->resultString = urlData->errorString; // Update the references std::map<UINT, UrlData*>::iterator i = g_UrlData.begin(); std::wstring compareStr = L"["; compareStr += urlData->section; compareStr += L"]"; for ( ; i != g_UrlData.end(); ++i) { if ((((*i).second)->url.find(compareStr) != std::wstring::npos) && (urlData->iniFile == ((*i).second)->iniFile)) { ((*i).second)->resultString = ((*i).second)->errorString; } } LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection); } // Release memory used for the compiled pattern pcre_free(re); } else { // Compilation failed: print the error message and exit WCHAR buffer[32]; wsprintf(buffer, L"%d", erroffset); std::wstring log = L"WebParser.dll: ["; log += urlData->section; log += L"] PCRE compilation failed at offset "; log += buffer; log += L": "; log += ConvertAsciiToWide(error); log += L"\n"; Log(LOG_ERROR, log.c_str()); } if (urlData->download) { // Start the download thread unsigned int id; HANDLE threadHandle = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex(NULL, 0, NetworkDownloadThreadProc, urlData, 0, &id); if (threadHandle) { urlData->dlThreadHandle = threadHandle; } else // error { std::wstring log = L"WebParser.dll: ["; log += urlData->section; log += L"] Failed to begin download thread."; Log(LOG_ERROR, log.c_str()); } } else { if (!urlData->finishAction.empty()) { HWND wnd = FindMeterWindow(urlData->iniFile); if (wnd != NULL) { COPYDATASTRUCT copyData; copyData.dwData = 1; copyData.cbData = (DWORD)(urlData->finishAction.size() + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); copyData.lpData = (void*)urlData->finishAction.c_str(); // Send the bang to the Rainmeter window SendMessage(wnd, WM_COPYDATA, (WPARAM)NULL, (LPARAM)©Data); } } } } /* Thread that downloads the file from the new. */ unsigned __stdcall NetworkDownloadThreadProc(void* pParam) { UrlData* urlData = (UrlData*)pParam; const bool download = !urlData->downloadFile.empty(); bool ready = false; std::wstring url; if (urlData->regExp.empty() && urlData->resultString.empty()) { if (!urlData->url.empty() && urlData->url[0] != L'[') { url = urlData->url; } } else { EnterCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection); url = urlData->resultString; LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection); std::wstring::size_type pos = url.find(L':'); if (pos == std::wstring::npos && !url.empty()) // No protocol { // Add the base url to the string if (url[0] == L'/') { // Absolute path pos = urlData->url.find(L'/', 7); // Assume "http://" (=7) if (pos != std::wstring::npos) { std::wstring path(urlData->url.substr(0, pos)); url = path + url; } } else { // Relative path pos = urlData->url.rfind(L'/'); if (pos != std::wstring::npos) { std::wstring path(urlData->url.substr(0, pos + 1)); url = path + url; } } } } if (!url.empty()) { // Create the filename WCHAR buffer[MAX_PATH] = {0}; std::wstring fullpath, directory; if (download) // download mode { PathCanonicalize(buffer, urlData->downloadFile.c_str()); std::wstring path = buffer; std::wstring::size_type pos = path.find_first_not_of(L'\\'); if (pos != std::wstring::npos) { path.erase(0, pos); } PathCanonicalize(buffer, urlData->iniFile.substr(0, urlData->iniFile.find_last_of(L'\\') + 1).c_str()); // "#CURRENTPATH#" wcscat(buffer, L"DownloadFile\\"); // "#CURRENTPATH#DownloadFile\" CreateDirectory(buffer, NULL); // Make sure that the folder exists wcscat(buffer, path.c_str()); if (buffer[wcslen(buffer)-1] != L'\\') // path is a file { fullpath = buffer; PathRemoveFileSpec(buffer); } PathAddBackslash(buffer); } else // cache mode { GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, buffer); wcscat(buffer, L"Rainmeter-Cache\\"); // "%TEMP%\Rainmeter-Cache\" } CreateDirectory(buffer, NULL); // Make sure that the folder exists directory = buffer; if (fullpath.empty()) { fullpath = directory; std::wstring::size_type pos2 = url.find_first_of(L"?#"); std::wstring::size_type pos1 = url.find_last_of(L'/', pos2); pos1 = (pos1 != std::wstring::npos) ? pos1 + 1 : 0; std::wstring name; if (pos2 != std::wstring::npos) { name.assign(url, pos1, pos2 - pos1); } else { name.assign(url, pos1, url.length() - pos1); } if (!name.empty()) { // Replace reserved characters to "_" pos1 = 0; while ((pos1 = name.find_first_of(L"\\/:*?\"<>|", pos1)) != std::wstring::npos) { name[pos1] = L'_'; } fullpath += name; } else { fullpath += L"index"; } } ready = true; if (download) // download mode { std::wstring log; if (!PathFileExists(directory.c_str()) || !PathIsDirectory(directory.c_str())) { ready = false; log = L"WebParser.dll: ["; log += urlData->section; log += L"] Directory does not exist: "; log += directory; Log(LOG_ERROR, log.c_str()); } else if (PathIsDirectory(fullpath.c_str())) { ready = false; log = L"WebParser.dll: ["; log += urlData->section; log += L"] Path is a directory, not a file: "; log += fullpath; Log(LOG_ERROR, log.c_str()); } else if (PathFileExists(fullpath.c_str())) { DWORD attr = GetFileAttributes(fullpath.c_str()); if (attr != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES && (attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY)) { ready = false; log = L"WebParser.dll: ["; log += urlData->section; log += L"] File is READ-ONLY: "; log += fullpath; Log(LOG_ERROR, log.c_str()); } } } else // cache mode { EnterCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection); if (PathFileExists(fullpath.c_str())) { std::wstring::size_type pos = fullpath.find_last_of(L'.'); std::wstring path, ext; if (pos != std::wstring::npos) { path.assign(fullpath, 0, pos); ext.assign(fullpath, pos, fullpath.length() - pos); } else { path = fullpath; } // Assign a serial number int i = 1; do { wsprintf(buffer, L"_%i", i++); fullpath = path; fullpath += buffer; if (!ext.empty()) { fullpath += ext; } } while (PathFileExists(fullpath.c_str())); } // Create empty file HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(fullpath.c_str(), GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(hFile); LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection); } if (ready) { // Delete IE cache before download if "SyncMode5" is not 3 (every visit to the page) { // Check "Temporary Internet Files" sync mode (SyncMode5) // Values: // Every visit to the page 3 // Every time you start Internet Explorer 2 // Automatically (default) 4 // Never 0 // http://support.microsoft.com/kb/263070/en HKEY hKey; LONG ret; DWORD mode; ret = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Internet Settings", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey); if (ret == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD size = sizeof(mode); ret = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, L"SyncMode5", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&mode, &size); RegCloseKey(hKey); } if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS || mode != 3) { std::wstring::size_type pos = url.find_first_of(L'#'); if (pos != std::wstring::npos) { DeleteUrlCacheEntry(url.substr(0, pos).c_str()); } else { DeleteUrlCacheEntry(url.c_str()); } } } // Write some log info std::wstring log = L"WebParser.dll: ["; log += urlData->section; log += L"] Downloading url "; log += url; log += L" to "; log += fullpath; log += L"\n"; Log(LOG_DEBUG, log.c_str()); HRESULT resultCoInitialize = CoInitialize(NULL); // requires before calling URLDownloadToFile function // Download the file HRESULT result = URLDownloadToFile(NULL, url.c_str(), fullpath.c_str(), NULL, NULL); if (result == S_OK) { EnterCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection); if (!download) // cache mode { if (!urlData->downloadedFile.empty()) { // Delete old downloaded file DeleteFile(urlData->downloadedFile.c_str()); } } // Convert LFN to 8.3 filename if the path contains blank character if (fullpath.find_first_of(L' ') != std::wstring::npos) { DWORD size = GetShortPathName(fullpath.c_str(), buffer, MAX_PATH); if (size > 0 && size <= MAX_PATH) { fullpath = buffer; } } urlData->downloadedFile = fullpath; LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection); if (!urlData->finishAction.empty()) { HWND wnd = FindMeterWindow(urlData->iniFile); if (wnd != NULL) { COPYDATASTRUCT copyData; copyData.dwData = 1; copyData.cbData = (DWORD)(urlData->finishAction.size() + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); copyData.lpData = (void*)urlData->finishAction.c_str(); // Send the bang to the Rainmeter window SendMessage(wnd, WM_COPYDATA, (WPARAM)NULL, (LPARAM)©Data); } } } else { ready = false; if (!download) // cache mode { // Delete empty file DeleteFile(fullpath.c_str()); } wsprintf(buffer, L"result=0x%08X, COM=0x%08X", result, resultCoInitialize); std::wstring log = L"WebParser.dll: ["; log += urlData->section; log += L"] Download failed ("; log += buffer; log += L"): "; log += url; Log(LOG_ERROR, log.c_str()); } if (SUCCEEDED(resultCoInitialize)) { CoUninitialize(); } } else { std::wstring log = L"WebParser.dll: ["; log += urlData->section; log += L"] Download failed: "; log += url; Log(LOG_ERROR, log.c_str()); } } else { std::wstring log = L"WebParser.dll: ["; log += urlData->section; log += L"] The url is empty.\n"; Log(LOG_ERROR, log.c_str()); } if (!ready) // download failed { EnterCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection); if (!download) // cache mode { if (!urlData->downloadedFile.empty()) { // Delete old downloaded file DeleteFile(urlData->downloadedFile.c_str()); } } // Clear old downloaded filename urlData->downloadedFile.clear(); LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection); } EnterCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection); CloseHandle(urlData->dlThreadHandle); urlData->dlThreadHandle = 0; LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection); return 0; // thread completed successfully } /* This function is called when the value should be returned as a string. */ LPCTSTR GetString(UINT id, UINT flags) { static std::wstring resultString; std::map<UINT, UrlData*>::iterator urlIter = g_UrlData.find(id); if (urlIter != g_UrlData.end()) { EnterCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection); if (((*urlIter).second)->download) { resultString = ((*urlIter).second)->downloadedFile; } else { resultString = ((*urlIter).second)->resultString; } LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection); return resultString.c_str(); } return NULL; } /* If the measure needs to free resources before quitting. The plugin can export Finalize function, which is called when Rainmeter quits (or refreshes). */ void Finalize(HMODULE instance, UINT id) { std::map<UINT, UrlData*>::iterator urlIter = g_UrlData.find(id); if (urlIter != g_UrlData.end()) { if (((*urlIter).second)->threadHandle) { // Thread is killed inside critical section so that itself is not inside one when it is terminated EnterCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection); TerminateThread(((*urlIter).second)->threadHandle, 0); (*urlIter).second->threadHandle = NULL; LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection); } if (((*urlIter).second)->dlThreadHandle) { // Thread is killed inside critical section so that itself is not inside one when it is terminated EnterCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection); TerminateThread(((*urlIter).second)->dlThreadHandle, 0); (*urlIter).second->dlThreadHandle = NULL; LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection); } if (((*urlIter).second)->downloadFile.empty()) // cache mode { if (!((*urlIter).second)->downloadedFile.empty()) { // Delete the file DeleteFile(((*urlIter).second)->downloadedFile.c_str()); } } delete (*urlIter).second; g_UrlData.erase(urlIter); } if (g_UrlData.empty()) { // Last one, close all handles if (hRootHandle) { InternetCloseHandle(hRootHandle); hRootHandle = NULL; } g_CERs.clear(); // Last instance deletes the critical section DeleteCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection); g_Initialized = false; } } /* Downloads the given url and returns the webpage as dynamically allocated string. You need to delete the returned string after use! */ BYTE* DownloadUrl(std::wstring& url, DWORD* dwDataSize, bool forceReload) { HINTERNET hUrlDump; DWORD dwSize; BYTE* lpData; BYTE* lpOutPut; BYTE* lpHolding = NULL; int nCounter = 1; int nBufferSize; const int CHUNK_SIZE = 8192; std::wstring err = L"WebParser.dll: Fetching: " + url; Log(LOG_DEBUG, err.c_str()); DWORD flags = INTERNET_FLAG_RESYNCHRONIZE; if (forceReload) { flags = INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD; } hUrlDump = InternetOpenUrl(hRootHandle, url.c_str(), NULL, NULL, flags, 0); if (hUrlDump == NULL) { if (_wcsnicmp(url.c_str(), L"file://", 7) == 0) // file scheme { std::string urlACP = ConvertWideToAscii(url.c_str()); hUrlDump = InternetOpenUrlA(hRootHandle, urlACP.c_str(), NULL, NULL, flags, 0); } if (hUrlDump == NULL) { ShowError(__LINE__); return NULL; } } *dwDataSize = 0; // Allocate the buffer. lpData = new BYTE[CHUNK_SIZE]; do { // Read the data. if (!InternetReadFile(hUrlDump, (LPVOID)lpData, CHUNK_SIZE, &dwSize)) { ShowError(__LINE__); break; } else { // Check if all of the data has been read. This should // never get called on the first time through the loop. if (dwSize == 0) { break; } // Determine the buffer size to hold the new data and the data // already written (if any). nBufferSize = *dwDataSize + dwSize; // Allocate the output buffer. lpOutPut = new BYTE[nBufferSize + 3]; // Make sure the buffer is not the initial buffer. if (lpHolding != NULL) { // Copy the data in the holding buffer. memcpy(lpOutPut, lpHolding, *dwDataSize); // Delete the old buffer delete [] lpHolding; lpHolding = lpOutPut; lpOutPut = lpOutPut + *dwDataSize; } else { lpHolding = lpOutPut; } // Copy the data buffer. memcpy(lpOutPut, lpData, dwSize); *dwDataSize += dwSize; // End with triple null lpOutPut[dwSize] = 0; lpOutPut[dwSize + 1] = 0; lpOutPut[dwSize + 2] = 0; // Increment the number of buffers read. ++nCounter; // Clear the buffer memset(lpData, 0, CHUNK_SIZE); } } while (TRUE); // Close the HINTERNET handle. InternetCloseHandle(hUrlDump); // Delete the existing buffers. delete [] lpData; // Return. return lpHolding; } /* Writes the last error to log. */ void ShowError(int lineNumber, WCHAR* errorMsg) { DWORD dwErr = GetLastError(); WCHAR buffer[16]; wsprintf(buffer, L"%i", lineNumber); std::wstring err = L"WebParser.dll: ("; err += buffer; err += L") "; if (errorMsg == NULL) { if (dwErr == ERROR_INTERNET_EXTENDED_ERROR) { WCHAR szBuffer[1024]; DWORD dwError, dwLen = 1024; if (InternetGetLastResponseInfo(&dwError, szBuffer, &dwLen)) { err += szBuffer; wsprintf(buffer, L"%i", dwError); } else { err += L"Unknown error"; wsprintf(buffer, L"%i", dwErr); } err += L" (ErrorCode="; err += buffer; err += L")"; } else { LPVOID lpMsgBuf = NULL; FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS | FORMAT_MESSAGE_MAX_WIDTH_MASK, GetModuleHandle(L"wininet"), dwErr, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), // Default language (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL ); if (lpMsgBuf == NULL) { err += L"Unknown error"; } else { err += (LPTSTR)lpMsgBuf; LocalFree(lpMsgBuf); } wsprintf(buffer, L"%i", dwErr); err += L" (ErrorCode="; err += buffer; err += L")"; } } else { err += errorMsg; } Log(LOG_ERROR, err.c_str()); } /* Writes the log to a file */ void Log(int level, const WCHAR* string) { LSLog(level, NULL, string); } UINT GetPluginVersion() { return 1013; } LPCTSTR GetPluginAuthor() { return L"Rainy (rainy@iki.fi)"; }