//=========================================================================== // File: CTITLEDB.CPP // Author: Matt Pietrek // From: Microsoft Systems Journal, "Under the Hood", March 1996 //=========================================================================== #ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #endif #include <windows.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <winperf.h> #include <tchar.h> #pragma hdrstop #include "Titledb.h" CPerfTitleDatabase::CPerfTitleDatabase( PERFORMANCE_TITLE_TYPE titleType ) { m_nLastIndex = 0; m_TitleStrings = 0; m_pszRawStrings = 0; // Determine the appropriate strings to pass to RegOpenKeyEx PTSTR psz009RegValue, pszLastIndexRegValue; if ( PERF_TITLE_COUNTER == titleType ) { psz009RegValue = TEXT("Counter 009"); pszLastIndexRegValue = TEXT("Last Counter"); } else if ( PERF_TITLE_EXPLAIN == titleType ) { psz009RegValue = TEXT("Explain 009"); pszLastIndexRegValue = TEXT("Last Help"); } else return; // Find out the max number of entries HKEY hKeyPerflib = 0; DWORD cbLastIndex; // Open the registry key that has the values for the maximum number // of title strings if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("software\\microsoft\\windows nt\\currentversion\\perflib"), 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyPerflib ) ) return; // Read in the number of title strings if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != RegQueryValueEx( hKeyPerflib, pszLastIndexRegValue, 0, 0, (PBYTE)&m_nLastIndex, &cbLastIndex ) ) { RegCloseKey( hKeyPerflib ); return; } RegCloseKey( hKeyPerflib ); // // Now go find and process the raw string data // // Determine how big the raw data in the REG_MULTI_SZ value is DWORD cbTitleStrings; if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != RegQueryValueEx( HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA, psz009RegValue, 0,0,0, &cbTitleStrings)) return; // Allocate memory for the raw registry title string data m_pszRawStrings = new TCHAR[cbTitleStrings]; // Read in the raw title strings if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != RegQueryValueEx( HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA, psz009RegValue, 0, 0, (PBYTE)m_pszRawStrings, &cbTitleStrings ) ) { delete []m_pszRawStrings; return; } // allocate memory for an array of string pointers. m_TitleStrings = new PTSTR[ m_nLastIndex+1 ]; if ( !m_TitleStrings ) { delete []m_pszRawStrings; return; } // Initialize the m_TitleStrings to all NULLs, since there may // be some array slots that aren't used. memset( m_TitleStrings, 0, sizeof(PTSTR) * (m_nLastIndex+1) ); // The raw data entries are an ASCII string index (e.g., "242"), followed // by the corresponding string. Fill in the appropriate slot in the // m_TitleStrings array with the pointer to the string name. The end // of the list is indicated by a double NULL. PTSTR pszWorkStr = (PTSTR)m_pszRawStrings; unsigned cbCurrStr; // While the length of the current string isn't 0... while ( 0 != (cbCurrStr = lstrlen( pszWorkStr)) ) { // Convert the first string to a binary representation unsigned index = _ttoi( pszWorkStr ); // _ttoi -> atoi() if ( index > m_nLastIndex ) break; // Now point to the string following it. This is the title string pszWorkStr += cbCurrStr + 1; // Fill in the appropriate slot in the title strings array. m_TitleStrings[index] = pszWorkStr; // Advance to the next index/title pair pszWorkStr += lstrlen(pszWorkStr) + 1; } } CPerfTitleDatabase::~CPerfTitleDatabase( ) { delete []m_TitleStrings; m_TitleStrings = 0; delete []m_pszRawStrings; m_pszRawStrings = 0; m_nLastIndex = 0; } PTSTR CPerfTitleDatabase::GetTitleStringFromIndex( unsigned index ) { if ( index > m_nLastIndex ) // Is index within range? return 0; return m_TitleStrings[ index ]; } unsigned CPerfTitleDatabase::GetIndexFromTitleString( PCTSTR pszTitleString ) { if ( IsBadStringPtr(pszTitleString, 0xFFFFFFFF) ) return 0; // Loop through all the non-null string array entries, doing a case- // insensitive comparison. If found, return the correpsonding index for ( unsigned i = 1; i <= m_nLastIndex; i++ ) { if ( m_TitleStrings[i] ) if ( 0 == _tcsicmp( pszTitleString, m_TitleStrings[i] ) ) return i; } return 0; }