@echo off setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion set VCVARSALL=%VS110COMNTOOLS%..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat set MAKENSIS=%PROGRAMFILES%\NSIS\MakeNSIS.exe set GIT=%PROGRAMFILES%\Git\bin\git.exe :: Set VERSION_REVISION to non-zero value to override set VERSION_MAJOR=3 set VERSION_MINOR=0 set VERSION_SUBMINOR=1 set VERSION_REVISION=0 set ISBETA=true set VERSION_FULL=%VERSION_MAJOR%.%VERSION_MINOR%.%VERSION_SUBMINOR%.%VERSION_REVISION% set VERSION_SHORT=%VERSION_MAJOR%.%VERSION_MINOR% if not "%VERSION_SUBMINOR%" == "0" set VERSION_SHORT=!VERSION_SHORT!.%VERSION_SUBMINOR% if "%1" == "RELEASE" set ISBETA=false if "%1" == "BUILDVERSION" goto BUILDVERSION echo Rainmeter Build echo ---------------------------------------------- echo. if not exist "%VCVARSALL%" echo ERROR: vcvarsall.bat not found & goto END call "%VCVARSALL%" x86 > nul set MSBUILD="msbuild.exe" /nologo /p:PlatformToolset=v110_xp;VisualStudioVersion=11.0;ExcludeTests=true if exist "Certificate.bat" call "Certificate.bat" > nul set SIGNTOOL="signtool.exe" sign /t http://time.certum.pl /f "%CERTFILE%" /p "%CERTKEY%" if "%1" == "BUILDLANGUAGES" goto BUILDLANGUAGES if exist "%MAKENSIS%" goto NSISFOUND set MAKENSIS=%MAKENSIS:Program Files\=Program Files (x86)\% if not exist "%MAKENSIS%" echo ERROR: MakeNSIS.exe not found & goto END :NSISFOUND :BUILDVERSION if not exist "..\.git" goto UPDATEVERSION if not "%VERSION_REVISION%" == "0" goto UPDATEVERSION :: git if exist "%GIT%" goto GITFOUND set GIT=%GIT:Program Files\=Program Files (x86)\% if not exist "%GIT%" echo ERROR: git.exe not found & goto END :GITFOUND set /a VERSION_REVISION=0 for /f "usebackq delims= " %%G in (`"%GIT%" rev-list --all --count`) do set VERSION_REVISION=%%G :UPDATEVERSION :: Update Version.h > "..\Version.h" echo #pragma once >>"..\Version.h" echo #define FILEVER %VERSION_MAJOR%,%VERSION_MINOR%,%VERSION_SUBMINOR%,%VERSION_REVISION% >>"..\Version.h" echo #define PRODUCTVER FILEVER >>"..\Version.h" echo #define STRFILEVER "%VERSION_FULL%" >>"..\Version.h" echo #define STRPRODUCTVER STRFILEVER >>"..\Version.h" echo #define APPVERSION L"%VERSION_MAJOR%.%VERSION_MINOR%.%VERSION_SUBMINOR%" >>"..\Version.h" echo #define RAINMETER_VERSION ((%VERSION_MAJOR% * 1000000) + (%VERSION_MINOR% * 1000) + %VERSION_SUBMINOR%) >>"..\Version.h" echo const int revision_number = %VERSION_REVISION%; >>"..\Version.h" echo const bool revision_beta = %ISBETA%; :: Update Version.cs > "..\Version.cs" echo namespace Rainmeter >>"..\Version.cs" echo { >>"..\Version.cs" echo public class Version >>"..\Version.cs" echo { >>"..\Version.cs" echo #if X64 >>"..\Version.cs" echo public const string Informational = "%VERSION_FULL% (64-bit)"; >>"..\Version.cs" echo #else >>"..\Version.cs" echo public const string Informational = "%VERSION_FULL% (32-bit)"; >>"..\Version.cs" echo #endif >>"..\Version.cs" echo } >>"..\Version.cs" echo } if "%1" == "BUILDVERSION" goto :eof echo * Updated Version.h :: Set vcbuild environment variables and begin build echo * Starting build for %VERSION% for /F "tokens=1-4 delims=:.," %%a in ("%TIME%") do ( set /A "BUILD_BEGIN_TIMESTAMP=(((%%a * 60) + 1%%b %% 100)* 60 + 1%%c %% 100) * 100 + 1%%d %% 100" ) :: Build Library echo * Building 32-bit projects %MSBUILD% /t:rebuild /p:Configuration=Release;Platform=Win32 /v:q /m ..\Rainmeter.sln > "BuildLog.txt" if not %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 echo ERROR %ERRORLEVEL%: Build failed & goto END echo * Building 64-bit projects %MSBUILD% /t:rebuild /p:Configuration=Release;Platform=x64 /v:q /m ..\Rainmeter.sln > "BuildLog.txt" if not %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 echo ERROR %ERRORLEVEL%: Build failed & goto END :BUILDLANGUAGES echo * Building languages :: Build all language libraries >".\Installer\Languages.nsh" echo. for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=," %%a in (..\Language\List) do ( > "..\Language\Language.rc" echo #include "%%a.h" >>"..\Language\Language.rc" echo #include "Resource.rc" >>".\Installer\Languages.nsh" echo ${IncludeLanguage} "%%b" "%%a" set LANGDLL_PARAMS='%%a - ${LANGFILE_%%b_NAME}' '${LANG_%%b}' '${LANG_%%b_CP}' !LANGDLL_PARAMS! set LANGUAGE_IDS=${LANG_%%b},!LANGUAGE_IDS! %MSBUILD% /t:Language /p:Configuration=Release;Platform=Win32;TargetName=%%c /v:q ..\Rainmeter.sln > "BuildLog.txt" if not %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 echo ERROR: Building language %%a failed & goto END ) >>".\Installer\Languages.nsh" echo ^^!define LANGDLL_PARAMS "%LANGDLL_PARAMS%" >>".\Installer\Languages.nsh" echo ^^!define LANGUAGE_IDS "%LANGUAGE_IDS%" :: Restore English echo #include "English.h"> "..\Language\Language.rc" echo #include "Resource.rc">> "..\Language\Language.rc" if "%1" == "BUILDLANGUAGES" ( xcopy /Q /S /Y ..\x32-Release\Languages\*.dll ..\x64-Release\Languages\ > nul xcopy /Q /S /Y ..\x32-Release\Release\Languages\*.dll ..\x32-Debug\Languages\ > nul xcopy /Q /S /Y ..\x32-Release\Release\Languages\*.dll ..\x64-Debug\Languages\ > nul if exist "BuildLog.txt" del "BuildLog.txt" goto END ) :: Sign binaries if not "%CERTFILE%" == "" ( echo * Signing binaries for %%Z in (Rainmeter.dll Rainmeter.exe SkinInstaller.exe SkinInstaller.dll) do ( %SIGNTOOL% ..\x32-Release\%%Z > BuildLog.txt if not %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 echo ERROR %ERRORLEVEL%: Signing x32\%%Z failed & goto END %SIGNTOOL% ..\x64-Release\%%Z > BuildLog.txt if not %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 echo ERROR %ERRORLEVEL%: Signing x64\%%Z failed & goto END ) ) :: Build installer echo * Building installer set INSTALLER_NAME=Rainmeter-%VERSION_SHORT%.exe if not "%1" == "RELEASE" set INSTALLER_NAME=Rainmeter-%VERSION_SHORT%-r%VERSION_REVISION%-beta.exe set INSTALLER_DEFINES=^ /DOUTFILE="%INSTALLER_NAME%"^ /DVERSION_FULL="%VERSION_FULL%"^ /DVERSION_SHORT="%VERSION_SHORT%"^ /DVERSION_REVISION="%VERSION_REVISION%" if not "%1" == "RELEASE" set INSTALLER_DEFINES=!INSTALLER_DEFINES! /DBETA "%MAKENSIS%" %INSTALLER_DEFINES% .\Installer\Installer.nsi > "BuildLog.txt" if not %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 echo ERROR %ERRORLEVEL%: Building installer failed & goto END :: Sign installer if not "%CERTFILE%" == "" ( echo * Signing installer %SIGNTOOL% %INSTALLER_NAME% > BuildLog.txt if not %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 echo ERROR %ERRORLEVEL%: Signing installer failed & goto END ) :: If we got here, build was successful so delete BuildLog.txt if exist "BuildLog.txt" del "BuildLog.txt" for /F "tokens=1-4 delims=:.," %%a in ("%TIME%") do ( set /A "BUILD_END_TIMESTAMP=(((%%a * 60) + 1%%b %% 100)* 60 + %%c %% 100) * 100 + 1%%d %% 100" ) set /A "BUILD_ELAPSED_TIME=(%BUILD_END_TIMESTAMP% - %BUILD_BEGIN_TIMESTAMP%) / 100" echo * Build complete. Elapsed time: %BUILD_ELAPSED_TIME% sec :END if exist ".\Installer\Languages.nsh" del ".\Installer\Languages.nsh" echo. pause