/* Copyright (C) 2001 Kimmo Pekkola This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "StdAfx.h" #include "MeterWindow.h" #include "Rainmeter.h" #include "System.h" #include "Error.h" #include "Meter.h" #include "Measure.h" #include "AboutDialog.h" #include "resource.h" #include "Litestep.h" #include "MeasureCalc.h" #include "MeasureNet.h" #include "MeasurePlugin.h" #include "MeterButton.h" #include "MeterString.h" #include "TintedImage.h" #include "MeasureScript.h" using namespace Gdiplus; #define METERTIMER 1 #define MOUSETIMER 2 #define FADETIMER 3 #define TRANSITIONTIMER 4 #define SNAPDISTANCE 10 int CMeterWindow::c_InstanceCount = 0; extern CRainmeter* Rainmeter; /* ** CMeterWindow ** ** Constructor ** */ CMeterWindow::CMeterWindow(const std::wstring& path, const std::wstring& config, const std::wstring& iniFile) : m_SkinPath(path), m_SkinName(config), m_SkinIniFile(iniFile), m_WindowX(L"0"), m_WindowY(L"0") { m_Rainmeter = NULL; m_Background = NULL; m_Window = NULL; m_ChildWindow = false; m_DoubleBuffer = NULL; m_ScreenX = 0; m_ScreenY = 0; m_WindowW = 0; m_WindowH = 0; m_WindowXPercentage = false; m_WindowYPercentage = false; m_WindowXFromRight = false; m_WindowYFromBottom = false; m_WindowXScreen = 1; m_WindowYScreen = 1; m_WindowXScreenDefined = false; m_WindowYScreenDefined = false; m_AnchorXFromRight = false; m_AnchorYFromBottom = false; m_AnchorXPercentage = false; m_AnchorYPercentage = false; m_AnchorScreenX = 0; m_AnchorScreenY = 0; m_WindowZPosition = ZPOSITION_NORMAL; m_WindowDraggable = true; m_WindowUpdate = 1000; m_TransitionUpdate = 100; m_ActiveTransition = false; m_HasNetMeasures = false; m_HasButtons = false; m_WindowHide = HIDEMODE_NONE; m_WindowStartHidden = false; m_SnapEdges = true; m_Hidden = false; m_ResetRegion = false; m_Refreshing = false; m_NativeTransparency = true; m_MeasuresToVariables = false; m_SavePosition = false; // Must be false m_AlphaValue = 255; m_FadeDuration = 250; m_ClickThrough = false; m_DynamicWindowSize = false; m_KeepOnScreen = true; m_AutoSelectScreen = false; m_Dragging = false; m_Dragged = false; m_BackgroundSize.cx = 0; m_BackgroundSize.cy = 0; m_BackgroundMargins.left = 0; m_BackgroundMargins.top = 0; m_BackgroundMargins.right = 0; m_BackgroundMargins.bottom = 0; m_DragMargins.left = 0; m_DragMargins.top = 0; m_DragMargins.right = 0; m_DragMargins.bottom = 0; m_FadeStartTime = 0; m_FadeStartValue = 0; m_FadeEndValue = 0; m_TransparencyValue = 0; m_MouseOver = false; m_BackgroundMode = BGMODE_IMAGE; m_SolidBevel = BEVELTYPE_NONE; m_UpdateCounter = 0; m_MouseMoveCounter = 0; m_FontCollection = NULL; m_MouseActionCursor = true; m_ToolTipHidden = false; ++c_InstanceCount; } /* ** ~CMeterWindow ** ** Destructor ** */ CMeterWindow::~CMeterWindow() { WriteConfig(); // Kill the timer KillTimer(m_Window, METERTIMER); KillTimer(m_Window, MOUSETIMER); KillTimer(m_Window, FADETIMER); KillTimer(m_Window, TRANSITIONTIMER); // Destroy the meters std::list::iterator j = m_Meters.begin(); for( ; j != m_Meters.end(); ++j) { delete (*j); } // Destroy the measures std::list::iterator i = m_Measures.begin(); for( ; i != m_Measures.end(); ++i) { delete (*i); } if(m_Background) delete m_Background; if(m_DoubleBuffer) delete (m_DoubleBuffer); if(m_Window) DestroyWindow(m_Window); if(m_FontCollection) { CMeterString::FreeFontCache(m_FontCollection); delete m_FontCollection; } --c_InstanceCount; if (c_InstanceCount == 0) { BOOL Result; int counter = 0; do { // Wait for the window to die Result = UnregisterClass(METERWINDOW_CLASS_NAME, m_Rainmeter->GetInstance()); Sleep(100); ++counter; } while(!Result && counter < 10); } } /* ** Initialize ** ** Initializes the window, creates the class and the window. ** */ int CMeterWindow::Initialize(CRainmeter& Rainmeter) { WNDCLASSEX wc = {sizeof(WNDCLASSEX)}; m_Rainmeter = &Rainmeter; // Register the windowclass wc.style = CS_NOCLOSE | CS_DBLCLKS; wc.lpfnWndProc = WndProc; wc.hInstance = m_Rainmeter->GetInstance(); wc.hCursor = NULL; // The cursor should be controlled by using SetCursor() when needed. wc.lpszClassName = METERWINDOW_CLASS_NAME; if(!RegisterClassEx(&wc)) { DWORD err = GetLastError(); if (err != 0 && ERROR_CLASS_ALREADY_EXISTS != err) { throw CError(CError::ERROR_REGISTER_WINDOWCLASS, __LINE__, __FILE__); } } m_Window = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, METERWINDOW_CLASS_NAME, NULL, WS_POPUP, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, NULL, NULL, m_Rainmeter->GetInstance(), this); if(m_Window == NULL) { throw CError(CError::ERROR_CREATE_WINDOW, __LINE__, __FILE__); } #ifndef _WIN64 SetWindowLong(m_Window, GWL_USERDATA, magicDWord); #endif setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C"); // Mark the window to ignore the Aero peek IgnoreAeroPeek(); // Gotta have some kind of buffer during initialization m_DoubleBuffer = new Bitmap(1, 1, PixelFormat32bppPARGB); Refresh(true, true); if (!m_WindowStartHidden) { if (m_WindowHide == HIDEMODE_FADEOUT) { FadeWindow(0, 255); } else { FadeWindow(0, m_AlphaValue); } } Log(LOG_NOTICE, L"Initialization successful."); return 0; } /* ** IgnoreAeroPeek ** ** Excludes this window from the Aero Peek. ** */ void CMeterWindow::IgnoreAeroPeek() { typedef HRESULT (WINAPI * FPDWMSETWINDOWATTRIBUTE)(HWND hwnd, DWORD dwAttribute, LPCVOID pvAttribute, DWORD cbAttribute); #define DWMWA_EXCLUDED_FROM_PEEK 12 if (CSystem::GetOSPlatform() >= OSPLATFORM_VISTA) { HINSTANCE h = CSystem::RmLoadLibrary(L"dwmapi.dll"); if (h) { FPDWMSETWINDOWATTRIBUTE DwmSetWindowAttribute = (FPDWMSETWINDOWATTRIBUTE)GetProcAddress(h, "DwmSetWindowAttribute"); if (DwmSetWindowAttribute) { BOOL bValue = TRUE; DwmSetWindowAttribute(m_Window, DWMWA_EXCLUDED_FROM_PEEK, &bValue, sizeof(bValue)); } FreeLibrary(h); } } } /* ** Refresh ** ** This deletes everything and rebuilds the config again. ** */ void CMeterWindow::Refresh(bool init, bool all) { assert(m_Rainmeter != NULL); m_Rainmeter->SetCurrentParser(&m_Parser); std::wstring notice = L"Refreshing skin \"" + m_SkinName; notice += L"\\"; notice += m_SkinIniFile; notice += L"\""; Log(LOG_NOTICE, notice.c_str()); m_Refreshing = true; if(!init) { // First destroy everything // WriteConfig(); //Not clear why this is needed and it messes up resolution changes // Kill the timer KillTimer(m_Window, METERTIMER); KillTimer(m_Window, MOUSETIMER); KillTimer(m_Window, FADETIMER); KillTimer(m_Window, TRANSITIONTIMER); m_MouseOver = false; SetMouseLeaveEvent(true); std::list::iterator i = m_Measures.begin(); for( ; i != m_Measures.end(); ++i) { delete (*i); } m_Measures.clear(); m_ScriptMeasures.clear(); std::list::iterator j = m_Meters.begin(); for( ; j != m_Meters.end(); ++j) { delete (*j); } m_Meters.clear(); if(m_Background) delete m_Background; m_Background = NULL; m_BackgroundSize.cx = m_BackgroundSize.cy = 0; m_BackgroundName.erase(); if (m_FontCollection) { CMeterString::FreeFontCache(m_FontCollection); delete m_FontCollection; m_FontCollection = NULL; } } ZPOSITION oldZPos = m_WindowZPosition; //TODO: Should these be moved to a Reload command instead of hitting the disk on every refresh ReadConfig(); // Read the general settings if (!ReadSkin()) { m_Rainmeter->DeactivateConfig(this, -1); return; } InitializeMeasures(); InitializeMeters(); // Remove transparent flag LONG style = GetWindowLong(m_Window, GWL_EXSTYLE); if ((style & WS_EX_TRANSPARENT) != 0) { SetWindowLong(m_Window, GWL_EXSTYLE, style & ~WS_EX_TRANSPARENT); } m_Hidden = m_WindowStartHidden; // Set the window region CreateRegion(true); // Clear the region Update(false); CreateRegion(false); if (m_KeepOnScreen) { MapCoordsToScreen(m_ScreenX, m_ScreenY, m_WindowW, m_WindowH); } SetWindowPos(m_Window, NULL, m_ScreenX, m_ScreenY, m_WindowW, m_WindowH, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOSENDCHANGING); ScreenToWindow(); // Start the timers if (m_WindowUpdate >= 0) { if(0 == SetTimer(m_Window, METERTIMER, m_WindowUpdate, NULL)) { throw CError(L"Unable to create a timer!", __LINE__, __FILE__); } } if(0 == SetTimer(m_Window, MOUSETIMER, 500, NULL)) // Mouse position is checked twice per sec { throw CError(L"Unable to create a timer!", __LINE__, __FILE__); } UpdateTransparency(m_AlphaValue, true); if (all || oldZPos != m_WindowZPosition) { ChangeZPos(m_WindowZPosition, all); } m_Rainmeter->SetCurrentParser(NULL); m_Refreshing = false; if (!m_OnRefreshAction.empty()) { m_Rainmeter->ExecuteCommand(m_OnRefreshAction.c_str(), this); } } void CMeterWindow::SetMouseLeaveEvent(bool cancel) { if (!cancel && (!m_MouseOver || m_ClickThrough)) return; // Check whether the mouse event is set TRACKMOUSEEVENT tme = {sizeof(TRACKMOUSEEVENT)}; tme.hwndTrack = m_Window; tme.dwFlags = TME_QUERY; if (TrackMouseEvent(&tme) != 0) { if (cancel) { if (tme.dwFlags == 0) return; } else { if (m_WindowDraggable) { if (tme.dwFlags == (TME_LEAVE | TME_NONCLIENT)) return; } else { if (tme.dwFlags == TME_LEAVE) return; } } } tme.cbSize = sizeof(TRACKMOUSEEVENT); tme.hwndTrack = m_Window; // Cancel the mouse event set before tme.dwFlags |= TME_CANCEL; TrackMouseEvent(&tme); if (cancel) return; // Set the mouse event tme.dwFlags = TME_LEAVE; if (m_WindowDraggable) { tme.dwFlags |= TME_NONCLIENT; } TrackMouseEvent(&tme); } void CMeterWindow::MapCoordsToScreen(int& x, int& y, int w, int h) { // Check that the window is inside the screen area HMONITOR hMonitor; MONITORINFO mi; POINT pt = {x, y}; for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { switch(i) { case 0: pt.x = x + w / 2; pt.y = y + h / 2; break; case 1: pt.x = x; pt.y = y; break; case 2: pt.x = x + w; pt.y = y + h; break; case 3: pt.x = x; pt.y = y + h; break; case 4: pt.x = x + w; pt.y = y; break; } hMonitor = MonitorFromPoint(pt, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONULL); if(hMonitor != NULL) { mi.cbSize = sizeof(mi); GetMonitorInfo(hMonitor, &mi); x = min(x, mi.rcMonitor.right - m_WindowW); x = max(x, mi.rcMonitor.left); y = min(y, mi.rcMonitor.bottom - m_WindowH); y = max(y, mi.rcMonitor.top); return; } } // No monitor found for the window -> Use the default work area RECT workArea; SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, &workArea, 0); // Store the old value x = min(x, workArea.right - m_WindowW); x = max(x, workArea.left); y = min(y, workArea.bottom - m_WindowH); y = max(y, workArea.top); } /* ** MoveWindow ** ** Moves the window to a new place (on the virtual screen) ** */ void CMeterWindow::MoveWindow(int x, int y) { SetWindowPos(m_Window, NULL, x, y, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOACTIVATE); ScreenToWindow(); if (m_SavePosition) { WriteConfig(); } } /* ** ChangeZPos ** ** Sets the window's z-position ** */ void CMeterWindow::ChangeZPos(ZPOSITION zPos, bool all) { #define ZPOS_FLAGS (SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOOWNERZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOSENDCHANGING) if(!m_ChildWindow) { HWND winPos = HWND_NOTOPMOST; m_WindowZPosition = zPos; switch (zPos) { case ZPOSITION_ONTOPMOST: case ZPOSITION_ONTOP: winPos = HWND_TOPMOST; break; case ZPOSITION_ONBOTTOM: if (all) { if (CSystem::GetShowDesktop()) { // Insert after the system window temporarily to keep order winPos = CSystem::GetWindow(); } else { // Insert after the helper window winPos = CSystem::GetHelperWindow(); } } else { winPos = HWND_BOTTOM; } break; case ZPOSITION_ONDESKTOP: if (CSystem::GetShowDesktop()) { // Set WS_EX_TOPMOST flag SetWindowPos(m_Window, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, ZPOS_FLAGS); winPos = CSystem::GetHelperWindow(); if (all) { // Insert after the helper window } else { // Find the "backmost" topmost window while (winPos = ::GetNextWindow(winPos, GW_HWNDPREV)) { if (GetWindowLong(winPos, GWL_EXSTYLE) & WS_EX_TOPMOST) { // Insert after the found window if (0 != SetWindowPos(m_Window, winPos, 0, 0, 0, 0, ZPOS_FLAGS)) { break; } } } return; } } else { if (all) { // Insert after the helper window winPos = CSystem::GetHelperWindow(); } else { winPos = HWND_BOTTOM; } } break; } SetWindowPos(m_Window, winPos, 0, 0, 0, 0, ZPOS_FLAGS); } } /* ** RunBang ** ** Runs the bang command ** */ void CMeterWindow::RunBang(BANGCOMMAND bang, const WCHAR* arg) { const WCHAR* pos = NULL; const WCHAR* pos2 = NULL; if (!m_Window) return; switch(bang) { case BANG_REFRESH: // Refresh needs to be delayed since it crashes if done during Update() PostMessage(m_Window, WM_DELAYED_REFRESH, (WPARAM)NULL, (LPARAM)NULL); break; case BANG_REDRAW: Redraw(); break; case BANG_UPDATE: KillTimer(m_Window, METERTIMER); // Kill timer temporarily Update(false); UpdateAboutStatistics(m_SkinName.c_str()); if (m_WindowUpdate >= 0) { SetTimer(m_Window, METERTIMER, m_WindowUpdate, NULL); } break; case BANG_TOGGLEMETER: ToggleMeter(arg); break; case BANG_SHOWMETER: ShowMeter(arg); break; case BANG_HIDEMETER: HideMeter(arg); break; case BANG_UPDATEMETER: UpdateMeter(arg); break; case BANG_TOGGLEMETERGROUP: ToggleMeter(arg, true); break; case BANG_SHOWMETERGROUP: ShowMeter(arg, true); break; case BANG_HIDEMETERGROUP: HideMeter(arg, true); break; case BANG_UPDATEMETERGROUP: UpdateMeter(arg, true); break; case BANG_TOGGLEMEASURE: ToggleMeasure(arg); break; case BANG_ENABLEMEASURE: EnableMeasure(arg); break; case BANG_DISABLEMEASURE: DisableMeasure(arg); break; case BANG_UPDATEMEASURE: UpdateMeasure(arg); UpdateAboutStatistics(m_SkinName.c_str()); break; case BANG_DISABLEMEASUREGROUP: DisableMeasure(arg, true); break; case BANG_TOGGLEMEASUREGROUP: ToggleMeasure(arg, true); break; case BANG_ENABLEMEASUREGROUP: EnableMeasure(arg, true); break; case BANG_UPDATEMEASUREGROUP: UpdateMeasure(arg, true); UpdateAboutStatistics(m_SkinName.c_str()); break; case BANG_SHOW: m_Hidden = false; ShowWindow(m_Window, SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE); if (m_WindowHide == HIDEMODE_FADEOUT) { UpdateTransparency(255, false); } else { UpdateTransparency(m_AlphaValue, false); } break; case BANG_HIDE: m_Hidden = true; ShowWindow(m_Window, SW_HIDE); break; case BANG_TOGGLE: RunBang(m_Hidden ? BANG_SHOW : BANG_HIDE, arg); break; case BANG_SHOWFADE: m_Hidden = false; if (!IsWindowVisible(m_Window)) { if (m_WindowHide == HIDEMODE_FADEOUT) { FadeWindow(0, 255); } else { FadeWindow(0, m_AlphaValue); } } break; case BANG_HIDEFADE: m_Hidden = true; if (IsWindowVisible(m_Window)) { FadeWindow(m_AlphaValue, 0); } break; case BANG_TOGGLEFADE: RunBang(m_Hidden ? BANG_SHOWFADE : BANG_HIDEFADE, arg); break; case BANG_MOVE: pos = wcschr(arg, ' '); if (pos != NULL) { MoveWindow(_wtoi(arg), _wtoi(pos)); } else { Log(LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to parse parameters for !RainmeterMove"); } break; case BANG_ZPOS: ChangeZPos((ZPOSITION)_wtoi(arg)); break; case BANG_CLICKTHROUGH: { int f = _wtoi(arg); if (f == -1) { SetClickThrough(!m_ClickThrough); } else { SetClickThrough(f != 0); } } break; case BANG_DRAGGABLE: { int f = _wtoi(arg); if (f == -1) { SetWindowDraggable(!m_WindowDraggable); } else { SetWindowDraggable(f != 0); } } break; case BANG_SNAPEDGES: { int f = _wtoi(arg); if (f == -1) { SetSnapEdges(!m_SnapEdges); } else { SetSnapEdges(f != 0); } } break; case BANG_KEEPONSCREEN: { int f = _wtoi(arg); if (f == -1) { SetKeepOnScreen(!m_KeepOnScreen); } else { SetKeepOnScreen(f != 0); } } break; case BANG_SETTRANSPARENCY: if (arg != NULL) { m_AlphaValue = (int)CConfigParser::ParseDouble(arg, 255, true); m_AlphaValue = max(m_AlphaValue, 0); m_AlphaValue = min(m_AlphaValue, 255); UpdateTransparency(m_AlphaValue, false); } break; case BANG_LSHOOK: { pos = wcsrchr(arg, ' '); if (pos != NULL) { #ifdef _WIN64 HWND hWnd = (HWND)_wtoi64(pos); #else HWND hWnd = (HWND)_wtoi(pos); #endif if (hWnd) { // Disable native transparency m_NativeTransparency = false; UpdateTransparency(m_AlphaValue, true); SetWindowLong(m_Window, GWL_STYLE, (GetWindowLong(m_Window, GWL_STYLE) &~ WS_POPUP) | WS_CHILD); SetParent(m_Window, hWnd); m_ChildWindow = true; } } else { LogWithArgs(LOG_WARNING, L"Unable to parse parameters for !RainmeterLsBoxHook (%s)", arg); } } break; case BANG_MOVEMETER: pos = wcschr(arg, ' '); if (pos != NULL) { pos2 = wcschr(pos + 1, ' '); if (pos2 != NULL) { MoveMeter(_wtoi(arg), _wtoi(pos), pos2 + 1); } else { Log(LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to parse coordinates for !RainmeterMoveMeter"); } } else { Log(LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to parse parameters for !RainmeterMoveMeter"); } break; case BANG_PLUGIN: { std::wstring args = arg; std::wstring measure; std::wstring::size_type pos3; do { pos3 = args.find(L'\"'); if (pos3 != std::wstring::npos) { args.erase(pos3, 1); } } while(pos3 != std::wstring::npos); pos3 = args.find(L' '); if (pos3 != std::wstring::npos) { measure = args.substr(0, pos3); ++pos3; } else { measure = args; } args.erase(0, pos3); if (!measure.empty()) { std::list::const_iterator iter = m_Measures.begin(); for( ; iter != m_Measures.end(); ++iter) { if (_wcsicmp((*iter)->GetName(), measure.c_str()) == 0) { (*iter)->ExecuteBang(args.c_str()); return; } } LogWithArgs(LOG_WARNING, L"Unable to find [%s] for !RainmeterPluginBang", measure.c_str()); } else { Log(LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to parse parameters for !RainmeterPluginBang"); } } break; case BANG_SETVARIABLE: pos = wcschr(arg, ' '); if (pos != NULL) { std::wstring strVariable(arg, pos - arg); std::wstring strValue(pos + 1); double value; int result = m_Parser.ReadFormula(strValue, &value); // Formula read fine if(result != -1) { WCHAR buffer[256]; _snwprintf_s(buffer, _TRUNCATE, L"%f", value); const std::wstring& resultString = buffer; m_Parser.SetVariable(strVariable, resultString); } else { m_Parser.SetVariable(strVariable, strValue); } } else { Log(LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to parse parameters for !RainmeterSetVariable"); } break; } } /* ** CompareName ** ** This is a helper template that compares the given name to measure/meter's name. ** */ template bool CompareName(T* m, const WCHAR* name, bool group) { return (group) ? m->BelongsToGroup(name) : (_wcsicmp(m->GetName(), name) == 0); } /* ** ShowMeter ** ** Shows the given meter ** */ void CMeterWindow::ShowMeter(const WCHAR* name, bool group) { if (name == NULL || *name == 0) return; std::list::const_iterator j = m_Meters.begin(); for( ; j != m_Meters.end(); ++j) { if (CompareName((*j), name, group)) { (*j)->Show(); m_ResetRegion = true; // Need to recalculate the window region if (!group) return; } } if (!group) LogWithArgs(LOG_NOTICE, L"Unable to show the meter %s (there is no such thing in %s)", name, m_SkinName.c_str()); } /* ** HideMeter ** ** Hides the given meter ** */ void CMeterWindow::HideMeter(const WCHAR* name, bool group) { if (name == NULL || *name == 0) return; std::list::const_iterator j = m_Meters.begin(); for( ; j != m_Meters.end(); ++j) { if (CompareName((*j), name, group)) { (*j)->Hide(); m_ResetRegion = true; // Need to recalculate the windowregion if (!group) return; } } if (!group) LogWithArgs(LOG_NOTICE, L"Unable to hide the meter %s (there is no such thing in %s)", name, m_SkinName.c_str()); } /* ** ToggleMeter ** ** Toggles the given meter ** */ void CMeterWindow::ToggleMeter(const WCHAR* name, bool group) { if (name == NULL || *name == 0) return; std::list::const_iterator j = m_Meters.begin(); for( ; j != m_Meters.end(); ++j) { if (CompareName((*j), name, group)) { if ((*j)->IsHidden()) { (*j)->Show(); } else { (*j)->Hide(); } m_ResetRegion = true; // Need to recalculate the window region if (!group) return; } } if (!group) LogWithArgs(LOG_NOTICE, L"Unable to toggle the meter %s (there is no such thing in %s)", name, m_SkinName.c_str()); } /* ** MoveMeter ** ** Moves the given meter ** */ void CMeterWindow::MoveMeter(int x, int y, const WCHAR* name) { if (name == NULL || *name == 0) return; std::list::const_iterator j = m_Meters.begin(); for( ; j != m_Meters.end(); ++j) { if (CompareName((*j), name, false)) { (*j)->SetX(x); (*j)->SetY(y); m_ResetRegion = true; // Need to recalculate the window region return; } } LogWithArgs(LOG_NOTICE, L"Unable to move the meter %s (there is no such thing in %s)", name, m_SkinName.c_str()); } /* ** UpdateMeter ** ** Updates the given meter ** */ void CMeterWindow::UpdateMeter(const WCHAR* name, bool group) { if (name == NULL || *name == 0) return; bool bActiveTransition = false; bool bContinue = true; std::list::const_iterator j = m_Meters.begin(); for( ; j != m_Meters.end(); ++j) { if (bContinue && CompareName((*j), name, group)) { UpdateMeter((*j), bActiveTransition, true); m_ResetRegion = true; // Need to recalculate the windowregion if (!group) { bContinue = false; if (bActiveTransition) break; } } else { // Check for transitions if (!bActiveTransition && (*j)->HasActiveTransition()) { bActiveTransition = true; if (!group && !bContinue) break; } } } // Post-updates PostUpdate(bActiveTransition); if (!group && bContinue) LogWithArgs(LOG_NOTICE, L"Unable to update the meter %s (there is no such thing in %s)", name, m_SkinName.c_str()); } /* ** EnableMeasure ** ** Enables the given measure ** */ void CMeterWindow::EnableMeasure(const WCHAR* name, bool group) { if (name == NULL || *name == 0) return; std::list::const_iterator i = m_Measures.begin(); for( ; i != m_Measures.end(); ++i) { if (CompareName((*i), name, group)) { (*i)->Enable(); if (!group) return; } } if (!group) LogWithArgs(LOG_NOTICE, L"Unable to enable the measure %s (there is no such thing in %s)", name, m_SkinName.c_str()); } /* ** DisableMeasure ** ** Disables the given measure ** */ void CMeterWindow::DisableMeasure(const WCHAR* name, bool group) { if (name == NULL || *name == 0) return; std::list::const_iterator i = m_Measures.begin(); for( ; i != m_Measures.end(); ++i) { if (CompareName((*i), name, group)) { (*i)->Disable(); if (!group) return; } } if (!group) LogWithArgs(LOG_NOTICE, L"Unable to disable the measure %s (there is no such thing in %s)", name, m_SkinName.c_str()); } /* ** ToggleMeasure ** ** Toggless the given measure ** */ void CMeterWindow::ToggleMeasure(const WCHAR* name, bool group) { if (name == NULL || *name == 0) return; std::list::const_iterator i = m_Measures.begin(); for( ; i != m_Measures.end(); ++i) { if (CompareName((*i), name, group)) { if ((*i)->IsDisabled()) { (*i)->Enable(); } else { (*i)->Disable(); } if (!group) return; } } if (!group) LogWithArgs(LOG_NOTICE, L"Unable to toggle the measure %s (there is no such thing in %s)", name, m_SkinName.c_str()); } /* ** UpdateMeasure ** ** Updates the given measure ** */ void CMeterWindow::UpdateMeasure(const WCHAR* name, bool group) { if (name == NULL || *name == 0) return; // Pre-updates if (!m_Measures.empty()) { CMeasureCalc::UpdateVariableMap(*this); } bool bNetStats = m_HasNetMeasures; std::list::const_iterator i = m_Measures.begin(); for( ; i != m_Measures.end(); ++i) { if (CompareName((*i), name, group)) { if (bNetStats && dynamic_cast(*i) != NULL) { CMeasureNet::UpdateIFTable(); bNetStats = false; } UpdateMeasure((*i), true); if (!group) return; } } if (!group) LogWithArgs(LOG_NOTICE, L"Unable to update the measure %s (there is no such thing in %s)", name, m_SkinName.c_str()); } /* WindowToScreen ** ** Calculates the screen cordinates from the WindowX/Y config ** */ void CMeterWindow::WindowToScreen() { if (CSystem::GetMonitorCount() == 0) { Log(LOG_ERROR, L"There are no monitors. WindowToScreen function fails."); return; } std::wstring::size_type index, index2; int pixel = 0; float num; int screenx, screeny, screenh, screenw; const MULTIMONITOR_INFO& multimonInfo = CSystem::GetMultiMonitorInfo(); const std::vector& monitors = multimonInfo.monitors; // Clear position flags m_WindowXScreen = m_WindowYScreen = multimonInfo.primary; // Default to primary screen m_WindowXScreenDefined = m_WindowYScreenDefined = false; m_WindowXFromRight = m_WindowYFromBottom = false; // Default to from left/top m_WindowXPercentage = m_WindowYPercentage = false; // Default to pixels m_AnchorXFromRight = m_AnchorYFromBottom = false; m_AnchorXPercentage = m_AnchorYPercentage = false; // --- Calculate AnchorScreenX --- index = m_AnchorX.find_first_not_of(L"0123456789."); num = (float)_wtof(m_AnchorX.substr(0,index).c_str()); index = m_AnchorX.find_last_of(L'%'); if (index != std::wstring::npos) m_AnchorXPercentage = true; index = m_AnchorX.find_last_of(L'R'); if (index != std::wstring::npos) m_AnchorXFromRight = true; if (m_AnchorXPercentage) //is a percentage { pixel = (int)(m_WindowW * num / 100.0f); } else { pixel = (int)num; } if (m_AnchorXFromRight) //measure from right { pixel = m_WindowW - pixel; } else { //pixel = pixel; } m_AnchorScreenX = pixel; // --- Calculate AnchorScreenY --- index = m_AnchorY.find_first_not_of(L"0123456789."); num = (float)_wtof(m_AnchorY.substr(0,index).c_str()); index = m_AnchorY.find_last_of(L'%'); if (index != std::wstring::npos) m_AnchorYPercentage = true; index = m_AnchorY.find_last_of(L'R'); if (index != std::wstring::npos) m_AnchorYFromBottom = true; if (m_AnchorYPercentage) //is a percentage { pixel = (int)(m_WindowH * num / 100.0f); } else { pixel = (int)num; } if (m_AnchorYFromBottom) //measure from bottom { pixel = m_WindowH - pixel; } else { //pixel = pixel; } m_AnchorScreenY = pixel; // --- Calculate ScreenX --- index = m_WindowX.find_first_not_of(L"-0123456789."); num = (float)_wtof(m_WindowX.substr(0,index).c_str()); index = m_WindowX.find_last_of(L'%'); index2 = m_WindowX.find_last_of(L'#'); // for ignoring the non-replaced variables such as "#WORKAREAX@n#" if (index != std::wstring::npos && (index2 == std::wstring::npos || index2 < index)) { m_WindowXPercentage = true; } index = m_WindowX.find_last_of(L'R'); if (index != std::wstring::npos && (index2 == std::wstring::npos || index2 < index)) { m_WindowXFromRight = true; } index = m_WindowX.find_last_of(L'@'); if (index != std::wstring::npos && (index2 == std::wstring::npos || index2 < index)) { index = index + 1; index2 = m_WindowX.find_first_not_of(L"0123456789", index); std::wstring screenStr = m_WindowX.substr(index, (index2 != std::wstring::npos) ? index2 - index : std::wstring::npos); if (!screenStr.empty()) { int screenIndex = _wtoi(screenStr.c_str()); if (screenIndex >= 0 && (screenIndex == 0 || screenIndex <= (int)monitors.size() && monitors[screenIndex-1].active)) { m_WindowXScreen = screenIndex; m_WindowXScreenDefined = true; m_WindowYScreen = m_WindowXScreen; //Default to X and Y on same screen if not overridden on WindowY m_WindowYScreenDefined = true; } } } if (m_WindowXScreen == 0) { screenx = multimonInfo.vsL; screenw = multimonInfo.vsW; } else { screenx = monitors[m_WindowXScreen-1].screen.left; screenw = monitors[m_WindowXScreen-1].screen.right - monitors[m_WindowXScreen-1].screen.left; } if (m_WindowXPercentage) //is a percentage { pixel = (int)(screenw * num / 100.0f); } else { pixel = (int)num; } if (m_WindowXFromRight) //measure from right { pixel = screenx + (screenw - pixel); } else { pixel = screenx + pixel; } m_ScreenX = pixel - m_AnchorScreenX; // --- Calculate ScreenY --- index = m_WindowY.find_first_not_of(L"-0123456789."); num = (float)_wtof(m_WindowY.substr(0,index).c_str()); index = m_WindowY.find_last_of(L'%'); index2 = m_WindowX.find_last_of(L'#'); // for ignoring the non-replaced variables such as "#WORKAREAY@n#" if (index != std::wstring::npos && (index2 == std::wstring::npos || index2 < index)) { m_WindowYPercentage = true; } index = m_WindowY.find_last_of(L'B'); if (index != std::wstring::npos && (index2 == std::wstring::npos || index2 < index)) { m_WindowYFromBottom = true; } index = m_WindowY.find_last_of(L'@'); if (index != std::wstring::npos && (index2 == std::wstring::npos || index2 < index)) { index = index + 1; index2 = m_WindowY.find_first_not_of(L"0123456789", index); std::wstring screenStr = m_WindowY.substr(index, (index2 != std::wstring::npos) ? index2 - index : std::wstring::npos); if (!screenStr.empty()) { int screenIndex = _wtoi(screenStr.c_str()); if (screenIndex >= 0 && (screenIndex == 0 || screenIndex <= (int)monitors.size() && monitors[screenIndex-1].active)) { m_WindowYScreen = screenIndex; m_WindowYScreenDefined = true; } } } if (m_WindowYScreen == 0) { screeny = multimonInfo.vsT; screenh = multimonInfo.vsH; } else { screeny = monitors[m_WindowYScreen-1].screen.top; screenh = monitors[m_WindowYScreen-1].screen.bottom - monitors[m_WindowYScreen-1].screen.top; } if (m_WindowYPercentage) //is a percentage { pixel = (int)(screenh * num / 100.0f); } else { pixel = (int)num; } if (m_WindowYFromBottom) //measure from right { pixel = screeny + (screenh - pixel); } else { pixel = screeny + pixel; } m_ScreenY = pixel - m_AnchorScreenY; } /* ScreenToWindow ** ** Calculates the WindowX/Y cordinates from the ScreenX/Y ** */ void CMeterWindow::ScreenToWindow() { WCHAR buffer[256]; int pixel = 0; float num; int screenx, screeny, screenh, screenw; const MULTIMONITOR_INFO& multimonInfo = CSystem::GetMultiMonitorInfo(); const std::vector& monitors = multimonInfo.monitors; if (monitors.empty()) { Log(LOG_ERROR, L"There are no monitors. ScreenToWindow function fails."); return; } // Correct to auto-selected screen if (m_AutoSelectScreen) { RECT rect = {m_ScreenX, m_ScreenY, m_ScreenX + m_WindowW, m_ScreenY + m_WindowH}; HMONITOR hMonitor = MonitorFromRect(&rect, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST); if (hMonitor != NULL) { for (size_t i = 0; i < monitors.size(); ++i) { if (monitors[i].active && monitors[i].handle == hMonitor) { int screenIndex = (int)i + 1; bool reset = (!m_WindowXScreenDefined || !m_WindowYScreenDefined || m_WindowXScreen != screenIndex || m_WindowYScreen != screenIndex); m_WindowXScreen = m_WindowYScreen = screenIndex; m_WindowXScreenDefined = m_WindowYScreenDefined = true; if (reset) { m_Parser.ResetMonitorVariables(this); // Set present monitor variables } break; } } } } // --- Calculate WindowX --- if (m_WindowXScreen == 0) { screenx = multimonInfo.vsL; screenw = multimonInfo.vsW; } else { screenx = monitors[m_WindowXScreen-1].screen.left; screenw = monitors[m_WindowXScreen-1].screen.right - monitors[m_WindowXScreen-1].screen.left; } if (m_WindowXFromRight == true) { pixel = (screenx + screenw) - m_ScreenX; pixel -= m_AnchorScreenX; } else { pixel = m_ScreenX - screenx; pixel += m_AnchorScreenX; } if (m_WindowXPercentage == true) { num = 100.0f * (float)pixel / (float)screenw; _snwprintf_s(buffer, _TRUNCATE, L"%.5f%%", num); } else { _snwprintf_s(buffer, _TRUNCATE, L"%i", pixel); } if (m_WindowXFromRight == true) { _snwprintf_s(buffer, _TRUNCATE, L"%sR", buffer); } if (m_WindowXScreenDefined == true) { _snwprintf_s(buffer, _TRUNCATE, L"%s@%i", buffer, m_WindowXScreen); } m_WindowX = buffer; // --- Calculate WindowY --- if (m_WindowYScreen == 0) { screeny = multimonInfo.vsT; screenh = multimonInfo.vsH; } else { screeny = monitors[m_WindowYScreen-1].screen.top; screenh = monitors[m_WindowYScreen-1].screen.bottom - monitors[m_WindowYScreen-1].screen.top; } if (m_WindowYFromBottom == true) { pixel = (screeny + screenh) - m_ScreenY; pixel -= m_AnchorScreenY; } else { pixel = m_ScreenY - screeny; pixel += m_AnchorScreenY; } if (m_WindowYPercentage == true) { num = 100.0f * (float)pixel / (float)screenh; _snwprintf_s(buffer, _TRUNCATE, L"%.5f%%", num); } else { _snwprintf_s(buffer, _TRUNCATE, L"%i", pixel); } if (m_WindowYFromBottom == true) { _snwprintf_s(buffer, _TRUNCATE, L"%sB", buffer); } if (m_WindowYScreenDefined == true) { _snwprintf_s(buffer, _TRUNCATE, L"%s@%i", buffer, m_WindowYScreen); } m_WindowY = buffer; } /* ** ReadConfig ** ** Reads the current config ** */ void CMeterWindow::ReadConfig() { const std::wstring& iniFile = m_Rainmeter->GetIniFile(); const WCHAR* section = L"Rainmeter"; // Reset settings to the default value m_WindowX = L"0"; m_WindowY = L"0"; m_AnchorX = L"0"; m_AnchorY = L"0"; m_WindowZPosition = ZPOSITION_NORMAL; m_WindowDraggable = true; m_WindowHide = HIDEMODE_NONE; m_WindowStartHidden = false; m_SavePosition = true; m_SnapEdges = true; m_MeasuresToVariables = false; m_NativeTransparency = true; m_ClickThrough = false; m_KeepOnScreen = true; m_AutoSelectScreen = false; m_AlphaValue = 255; m_FadeDuration = 250; m_ConfigGroup = L""; CConfigParser parser; parser.Initialize(iniFile.c_str(), m_Rainmeter); for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { m_WindowX = parser.ReadString(section, L"WindowX", m_WindowX.c_str()); m_WindowY = parser.ReadString(section, L"WindowY", m_WindowY.c_str()); m_AnchorX = parser.ReadString(section, L"AnchorX", m_AnchorX.c_str()); m_AnchorY = parser.ReadString(section, L"AnchorY", m_AnchorY.c_str()); if (!m_Rainmeter->GetDummyLitestep()) { char tmpSz[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; // Check if step.rc has overrides these values if (GetRCString("RainmeterWindowX", tmpSz, ConvertToAscii(m_WindowX.c_str()).c_str(), MAX_LINE_LENGTH - 1)) { m_WindowX = ConvertToWide(tmpSz); } if (GetRCString("RainmeterWindowY", tmpSz, ConvertToAscii(m_WindowY.c_str()).c_str(), MAX_LINE_LENGTH - 1)) { m_WindowY = ConvertToWide(tmpSz); } } // Check if the window position should be read as a formula if (!m_WindowX.empty() && m_WindowX[0] == L'(' && m_WindowX[m_WindowX.size() - 1] == L')') { double value = parser.ReadFormula(section, L"WindowX", 0.0); WCHAR buffer[32]; _snwprintf_s(buffer, _TRUNCATE, L"%i", (int)value); m_WindowX = buffer; } if (!m_WindowY.empty() && m_WindowY[0] == L'(' && m_WindowY[m_WindowY.size() - 1] == L')') { double value = parser.ReadFormula(section, L"WindowY", 0.0); WCHAR buffer[32]; _snwprintf_s(buffer, _TRUNCATE, L"%i", (int)value); m_WindowY = buffer; } int zPos = parser.ReadInt(section, L"AlwaysOnTop", m_WindowZPosition); if (zPos == -1) { m_WindowZPosition = ZPOSITION_ONBOTTOM; } else if (zPos == -2) { m_WindowZPosition = ZPOSITION_ONDESKTOP; } else if (zPos == 1) { m_WindowZPosition = ZPOSITION_ONTOP; } else if (zPos == 2) { m_WindowZPosition = ZPOSITION_ONTOPMOST; } else { m_WindowZPosition = ZPOSITION_NORMAL; } m_WindowDraggable = 0!=parser.ReadInt(section, L"Draggable", m_WindowDraggable); m_WindowHide = (HIDEMODE)parser.ReadInt(section, L"HideOnMouseOver", m_WindowHide); m_WindowStartHidden = 0!=parser.ReadInt(section, L"StartHidden", m_WindowStartHidden); m_SavePosition = 0!=parser.ReadInt(section, L"SavePosition", m_SavePosition); m_SnapEdges = 0!=parser.ReadInt(section, L"SnapEdges", m_SnapEdges); m_MeasuresToVariables = 0!=parser.ReadInt(section, L"MeasuresToVariables", m_MeasuresToVariables); m_NativeTransparency = 0!=parser.ReadInt(section, L"NativeTransparency", m_NativeTransparency); m_ClickThrough = 0!=parser.ReadInt(section, L"ClickThrough", m_ClickThrough); m_KeepOnScreen = 0!=parser.ReadInt(section, L"KeepOnScreen", m_KeepOnScreen); m_AutoSelectScreen = 0!=parser.ReadInt(section, L"AutoSelectScreen", m_AutoSelectScreen); m_AlphaValue = parser.ReadInt(section, L"AlphaValue", m_AlphaValue); m_AlphaValue = max(m_AlphaValue, 0); m_AlphaValue = min(m_AlphaValue, 255); m_FadeDuration = parser.ReadInt(section, L"FadeDuration", m_FadeDuration); m_ConfigGroup = parser.ReadString(section, L"Group", m_ConfigGroup.c_str()); // On the second loop override settings from the skin's section section = m_SkinName.c_str(); } // Disable native transparency if older OS if (CSystem::GetOSPlatform() < OSPLATFORM_2K) { m_NativeTransparency = 0; } // Set WindowXScreen/WindowYScreen temporarily WindowToScreen(); } /* ** WriteConfig ** ** Writes the new settings to the config ** */ void CMeterWindow::WriteConfig() { WCHAR buffer[32]; const std::wstring& iniFile = m_Rainmeter->GetIniFile(); const WCHAR* section = m_SkinName.c_str(); if(!iniFile.empty()) { // If position needs to be save, do so. if(m_SavePosition) { ScreenToWindow(); WritePrivateProfileString(section, L"WindowX", m_WindowX.c_str(), iniFile.c_str()); WritePrivateProfileString(section, L"WindowY", m_WindowY.c_str(), iniFile.c_str()); } _snwprintf_s(buffer, _TRUNCATE, L"%i", m_AlphaValue); WritePrivateProfileString(section, L"AlphaValue", buffer, iniFile.c_str()); _snwprintf_s(buffer, _TRUNCATE, L"%i", m_FadeDuration); WritePrivateProfileString(section, L"FadeDuration", buffer, iniFile.c_str()); _snwprintf_s(buffer, _TRUNCATE, L"%i", m_ClickThrough); WritePrivateProfileString(section, L"ClickThrough", buffer, iniFile.c_str()); _snwprintf_s(buffer, _TRUNCATE, L"%i", m_WindowDraggable); WritePrivateProfileString(section, L"Draggable", buffer, iniFile.c_str()); _snwprintf_s(buffer, _TRUNCATE, L"%i", m_WindowHide); WritePrivateProfileString(section, L"HideOnMouseOver", buffer, iniFile.c_str()); _snwprintf_s(buffer, _TRUNCATE, L"%i", m_SavePosition); WritePrivateProfileString(section, L"SavePosition", buffer, iniFile.c_str()); _snwprintf_s(buffer, _TRUNCATE, L"%i", m_SnapEdges); WritePrivateProfileString(section, L"SnapEdges", buffer, iniFile.c_str()); _snwprintf_s(buffer, _TRUNCATE, L"%i", m_KeepOnScreen); WritePrivateProfileString(section, L"KeepOnScreen", buffer, iniFile.c_str()); _snwprintf_s(buffer, _TRUNCATE, L"%i", m_AutoSelectScreen); WritePrivateProfileString(section, L"AutoSelectScreen", buffer, iniFile.c_str()); _snwprintf_s(buffer, _TRUNCATE, L"%i", m_WindowZPosition); WritePrivateProfileString(section, L"AlwaysOnTop", buffer, iniFile.c_str()); } } /* ** ReadSkin ** ** Reads the skin config, creates the meters and measures and does the bindings. ** */ bool CMeterWindow::ReadSkin() { std::wstring iniFile = m_SkinPath + m_SkinName; iniFile += L"\\"; iniFile += m_SkinIniFile; // Verify whether the file exists if (_waccess(iniFile.c_str(), 0) == -1) { std::wstring message = L"Unable to refresh skin \"" + m_SkinName; message += L"\\"; message += m_SkinIniFile; message += L"\": Ini-file not found."; Log(LOG_WARNING, message.c_str()); MessageBox(m_Window, message.c_str(), APPNAME, MB_OK | MB_TOPMOST | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); return false; } m_Parser.Initialize(iniFile.c_str(), m_Rainmeter, this); SetWindowPositionVariables(m_ScreenX, m_ScreenY); SetWindowSizeVariables(0, 0); // Global settings std::wstring group = m_Parser.ReadString(L"Rainmeter", L"Group", L""); if (!group.empty()) { m_ConfigGroup += L"|"; m_ConfigGroup += group; } InitializeGroup(m_ConfigGroup); // Check the version int appVersion = m_Parser.ReadInt(L"Rainmeter", L"AppVersion", 0); if (appVersion > RAINMETER_VERSION) { WCHAR buffer[128]; if (appVersion % 1000 != 0) { _snwprintf_s(buffer, _TRUNCATE, L"%i.%i.%i", appVersion / 1000000, (appVersion / 1000) % 1000, appVersion % 1000); } else { _snwprintf_s(buffer, _TRUNCATE, L"%i.%i", appVersion / 1000000, (appVersion / 1000) % 1000); } std::wstring text = L"The skin \"" + m_SkinName; text += L"\\"; text += m_SkinIniFile; text += L"\" needs Rainmeter "; text += buffer; text += L" or newer.\nDownload the latest version of Rainmeter from www.rainmeter.net."; MessageBox(m_Window, text.c_str(), APPNAME, MB_OK | MB_TOPMOST | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } m_Author = m_Parser.ReadString(L"Rainmeter", L"Author", L""); static const RECT defMargins = {0}; m_BackgroundMargins = m_Parser.ReadRECT(L"Rainmeter", L"BackgroundMargins", defMargins); m_DragMargins = m_Parser.ReadRECT(L"Rainmeter", L"DragMargins", defMargins); m_BackgroundMode = (BGMODE)m_Parser.ReadInt(L"Rainmeter", L"BackgroundMode", BGMODE_IMAGE); m_SolidBevel = (BEVELTYPE)m_Parser.ReadInt(L"Rainmeter", L"BevelType", BEVELTYPE_NONE); m_SolidColor = m_Parser.ReadColor(L"Rainmeter", L"SolidColor", Color::Gray); m_SolidColor2 = m_Parser.ReadColor(L"Rainmeter", L"SolidColor2", m_SolidColor); m_SolidAngle = (Gdiplus::REAL)m_Parser.ReadFloat(L"Rainmeter", L"GradientAngle", 0.0); m_DynamicWindowSize = 0!=m_Parser.ReadInt(L"Rainmeter", L"DynamicWindowSize", 0); if (m_BackgroundMode == BGMODE_IMAGE || m_BackgroundMode == BGMODE_SCALED_IMAGE || m_BackgroundMode == BGMODE_TILED_IMAGE) { m_BackgroundName = m_Parser.ReadString(L"Rainmeter", L"Background", L""); if (!m_BackgroundName.empty()) { m_BackgroundName = MakePathAbsolute(m_BackgroundName); } else { m_BackgroundMode = BGMODE_COPY; } } m_RightMouseDownAction = m_Parser.ReadString(L"Rainmeter", L"RightMouseDownAction", L"", false); m_LeftMouseDownAction = m_Parser.ReadString(L"Rainmeter", L"LeftMouseDownAction", L"", false); m_MiddleMouseDownAction = m_Parser.ReadString(L"Rainmeter", L"MiddleMouseDownAction", L"", false); m_RightMouseUpAction = m_Parser.ReadString(L"Rainmeter", L"RightMouseUpAction", L"", false); m_LeftMouseUpAction = m_Parser.ReadString(L"Rainmeter", L"LeftMouseUpAction", L"", false); m_MiddleMouseUpAction = m_Parser.ReadString(L"Rainmeter", L"MiddleMouseUpAction", L"", false); m_RightMouseDoubleClickAction = m_Parser.ReadString(L"Rainmeter", L"RightMouseDoubleClickAction", L"", false); m_LeftMouseDoubleClickAction = m_Parser.ReadString(L"Rainmeter", L"LeftMouseDoubleClickAction", L"", false); m_MiddleMouseDoubleClickAction = m_Parser.ReadString(L"Rainmeter", L"MiddleMouseDoubleClickAction", L"", false); m_MouseOverAction = m_Parser.ReadString(L"Rainmeter", L"MouseOverAction", L"", false); m_MouseLeaveAction = m_Parser.ReadString(L"Rainmeter", L"MouseLeaveAction", L"", false); m_OnRefreshAction = m_Parser.ReadString(L"Rainmeter", L"OnRefreshAction", L"", false); m_WindowUpdate = m_Parser.ReadInt(L"Rainmeter", L"Update", 1000); m_TransitionUpdate = m_Parser.ReadInt(L"Rainmeter", L"TransitionUpdate", 100); m_MouseActionCursor = 0 != m_Parser.ReadInt(L"Rainmeter", L"MouseActionCursor", 1); m_ToolTipHidden = 0 != m_Parser.ReadInt(L"Rainmeter", L"ToolTipHidden", 0); // Checking for localfonts std::wstring localFont = m_Parser.ReadString(L"Rainmeter", L"LocalFont", L""); // If there is a local font we want to load it if(!localFont.empty()) { // We want to check the fonts folder first // !!!!!!! - We may want to fix the method in which I get the path to // Rainmeter/fonts std::wstring szFontFile = m_Rainmeter->GetPath(); m_FontCollection = new Gdiplus::PrivateFontCollection(); Status nResults = m_FontCollection->AddFontFile(szFontFile.c_str()); // It wasn't found in the fonts folder, check the local folder if(nResults != Ok) { szFontFile = m_SkinPath; // Get the local path szFontFile += m_SkinName; szFontFile += L"\\"; szFontFile += localFont; nResults = m_FontCollection->AddFontFile(szFontFile.c_str()); // The font wasn't found, check full path. if(nResults != Ok) { szFontFile = localFont; nResults = m_FontCollection->AddFontFile(szFontFile.c_str()); if(nResults != Ok) { std::wstring error = L"Couldn't load font file: " + localFont; Log(LOG_ERROR, error.c_str()); } } } // Here we are checking to see if there are more than one local font // to be loaded. They will be named LocalFont2, LocalFont3, etc. WCHAR tmpName[64]; int i = 2; bool loop = true; do { _snwprintf_s(tmpName, _TRUNCATE, L"LocalFont%i", i); localFont = m_Parser.ReadString(L"Rainmeter", tmpName, L""); // There is a key called LocalFont%i if (!localFont.empty()) { // We want to check the fonts folder first // !!!!!!! - We may want to fix the method in which I get the path to // Rainmeter/fonts std::wstring szFontFile = m_Rainmeter->GetPath(); szFontFile += L"Fonts\\"; szFontFile += localFont; nResults = m_FontCollection->AddFontFile(szFontFile.c_str()); // It wasn't found in the fonts folder, check the local folder if(nResults != Ok) { szFontFile = m_SkinPath; // Get the local path szFontFile += m_SkinName; szFontFile += localFont; nResults = m_FontCollection->AddFontFile(szFontFile.c_str()); // The font wasn't found, check full path. if(nResults != Ok) { szFontFile = localFont; nResults = m_FontCollection->AddFontFile(szFontFile.c_str()); // The font file wasn't found anywhere, log the error if(nResults != Ok) { std::wstring error = L"Couldn't load font file: " + localFont; Log(LOG_ERROR, error.c_str()); } } } } // There were no extra Local Fonts found: exit loop. else { loop = false; } ++i; } while(loop); } // Create the meters and measures m_HasNetMeasures = false; m_HasButtons = false; // Get all the sections (i.e. different meters, measures and the other stuff) std::vector arraySections = m_Parser.GetSections(); for (size_t i = 0; i < arraySections.size(); ++i) { std::wstring strSection = arraySections[i]; if(_wcsicmp(L"Rainmeter", strSection.c_str()) != 0 && _wcsicmp(L"Variables", strSection.c_str()) != 0 && _wcsicmp(L"Metadata", strSection.c_str()) != 0) { // Check if the item is a meter or a measure (or perhaps something else) std::wstring measureName = m_Parser.ReadString(strSection.c_str(), L"Measure", L""); std::wstring meterName = m_Parser.ReadString(strSection.c_str(), L"Meter", L""); if (measureName.length() > 0) { // It's a measure CMeasure* measure = NULL; try { measure = CMeasure::Create(measureName.c_str(), this); if (measure) { measure->SetName(strSection.c_str()); measure->ReadConfig(m_Parser, strSection.c_str()); } } catch (CError& error) { delete measure; measure = NULL; MessageBox(m_Window, error.GetString().c_str(), APPNAME, MB_OK | MB_TOPMOST | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } if (measure) { m_Measures.push_back(measure); m_Parser.AddMeasure(measure); if (!m_HasNetMeasures && dynamic_cast(measure)) { m_HasNetMeasures = true; } CMeasureScript* measureScript = dynamic_cast(measure); if(measureScript) { m_ScriptMeasures.push_back(measureScript); } } } else if (meterName.length() > 0) { // It's a meter CMeter* meter = NULL; try { meter = CMeter::Create(meterName.c_str(), this); if (meter) { meter->SetName(strSection.c_str()); if (m_MouseActionCursor == false) { meter->SetMouseActionCursor(false); } if (m_ToolTipHidden == true) { meter->SetToolTipHidden(true); } meter->ReadConfig(strSection.c_str()); } } catch (CError& error) { delete meter; meter = NULL; MessageBox(m_Window, error.GetString().c_str(), APPNAME, MB_OK | MB_TOPMOST | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } if (meter) { m_Meters.push_back(meter); m_Parser.ClearStyleTemplate(); if (!m_HasButtons && dynamic_cast(meter)) { m_HasButtons = true; } } } // If it's not a meter or measure it will be ignored } } if (m_Meters.empty()) { std::wstring text = L"The skin \"" + m_SkinName; text += L"\\"; text += m_SkinIniFile; if (m_Measures.empty()) { text += L"\" does not contain\nany valid meters or measures and will be deactivated.\n\nThe file may be damaged or not a Rainmeter skin file."; MessageBox(m_Window, text.c_str(), APPNAME, MB_OK | MB_TOPMOST | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); return false; } else { text += L"\" does not contain any meters.\nDo you want to deactivate this skin?"; if (IDYES == MessageBox(m_Window, text.c_str(), APPNAME, MB_YESNO | MB_TOPMOST | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION)) { return false; } } } else { // Bind the meters to the measures std::list::const_iterator j = m_Meters.begin(); for( ; j != m_Meters.end(); ++j) { try { (*j)->BindMeasure(m_Measures); } catch (CError& error) { MessageBox(m_Window, error.GetString().c_str(), APPNAME, MB_OK | MB_TOPMOST | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } } } return true; } /* ** InitializeMeasures ** ** Initializes all the measures ** */ void CMeterWindow::InitializeMeasures() { // Initalize all measures std::list::const_iterator i = m_Measures.begin(); for( ; i != m_Measures.end(); ++i) { try { (*i)->Initialize(); } catch (CError& error) { MessageBox(m_Window, error.GetString().c_str(), APPNAME, MB_OK | MB_TOPMOST | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } } } /* ** InitializeMeters ** ** Initializes all the meters and the background ** */ void CMeterWindow::InitializeMeters() { // Initalize all meters std::list::const_iterator j = m_Meters.begin(); for( ; j != m_Meters.end(); ++j) { try { (*j)->Initialize(); } catch (CError& error) { MessageBox(m_Window, error.GetString().c_str(), APPNAME, MB_OK | MB_TOPMOST | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } if (!(*j)->GetToolTipText().empty()) { (*j)->CreateToolTip(this); } } Update(true); ResizeWindow(true); } /* ** ResizeWindow ** ** Changes the size of the window and re-adjusts the background */ bool CMeterWindow::ResizeWindow(bool reset) { int w = m_BackgroundMargins.left; int h = m_BackgroundMargins.top; // Get the largest meter point std::list::const_iterator j = m_Meters.begin(); for( ; j != m_Meters.end(); ++j) { int mr = (*j)->GetX() + (*j)->GetW(); w = max(w, mr); int mb = (*j)->GetY() + (*j)->GetH(); h = max(h, mb); } w += m_BackgroundMargins.right; h += m_BackgroundMargins.bottom; w = max(w, m_BackgroundSize.cx); h = max(h, m_BackgroundSize.cy); if (!reset && m_WindowW == w && m_WindowH == h) { WindowToScreen(); return false; // The window is already correct size } // Reset size (this is calculated below) if (m_Background) { delete m_Background; m_Background = NULL; } if ((m_BackgroundMode == BGMODE_IMAGE || m_BackgroundMode == BGMODE_SCALED_IMAGE || m_BackgroundMode == BGMODE_TILED_IMAGE) && !m_BackgroundName.empty()) { // Load the background CTintedImage tintedBackground; tintedBackground.SetConfigAttributes(L"Background", NULL); tintedBackground.ReadConfig(m_Parser, L"Rainmeter"); tintedBackground.LoadImage(m_BackgroundName, true); if (!tintedBackground.IsLoaded()) { m_BackgroundSize.cx = 0; m_BackgroundSize.cy = 0; m_WindowW = 0; m_WindowH = 0; } else { Bitmap* tempBackground = tintedBackground.GetImage(); // Calculate the window dimensions m_BackgroundSize.cx = tempBackground->GetWidth(); m_BackgroundSize.cy = tempBackground->GetHeight(); if (m_BackgroundMode == BGMODE_IMAGE) { PixelFormat format = tempBackground->GetPixelFormat(); if (format == PixelFormat32bppARGB) { format = PixelFormat32bppPARGB; } m_Background = tempBackground->Clone(0, 0, m_BackgroundSize.cx, m_BackgroundSize.cy, format); } else { w = max(w, m_BackgroundSize.cx); h = max(h, m_BackgroundSize.cy); // Scale the background to fill the whole window Bitmap* background = new Bitmap(w, h, PixelFormat32bppPARGB); Graphics graphics(background); if (m_BackgroundMode == BGMODE_SCALED_IMAGE) { const RECT m = m_BackgroundMargins; if (m.top > 0) { if (m.left > 0) { // Top-Left Rect r(0, 0, m.left, m.top); graphics.DrawImage(tempBackground, r, 0, 0, m.left, m.top, UnitPixel); } // Top Rect r(m.left, 0, w - m.left - m.right, m.top); graphics.DrawImage(tempBackground, r, m.left, 0, m_BackgroundSize.cx - m.left - m.right, m.top, UnitPixel); if (m.right > 0) { // Top-Right Rect r(w - m.right, 0, m.right, m.top); graphics.DrawImage(tempBackground, r, m_BackgroundSize.cx - m.right, 0, m.right, m.top, UnitPixel); } } if (m.left > 0) { // Left Rect r(0, m.top, m.left, h - m.top - m.bottom); graphics.DrawImage(tempBackground, r, 0, m.top, m.left, m_BackgroundSize.cy - m.top - m.bottom, UnitPixel); } // Center Rect r(m.left, m.top, w - m.left - m.right, h - m.top - m.bottom); graphics.DrawImage(tempBackground, r, m.left, m.top, m_BackgroundSize.cx - m.left - m.right, m_BackgroundSize.cy - m.top - m.bottom, UnitPixel); if (m.right > 0) { // Right Rect r(w - m.right, m.top, m.right, h - m.top - m.bottom); graphics.DrawImage(tempBackground, r, m_BackgroundSize.cx - m.right, m.top, m.right, m_BackgroundSize.cy - m.top - m.bottom, UnitPixel); } if (m.bottom > 0) { if (m.left > 0) { // Bottom-Left Rect r(0, h - m.bottom, m.left, m.bottom); graphics.DrawImage(tempBackground, r, 0, m_BackgroundSize.cy - m.bottom, m.left, m.bottom, UnitPixel); } // Bottom Rect r(m.left, h - m.bottom, w - m.left - m.right, m.bottom); graphics.DrawImage(tempBackground, r, m.left, m_BackgroundSize.cy - m.bottom, m_BackgroundSize.cx - m.left - m.right, m.bottom, UnitPixel); if (m.right > 0) { // Bottom-Right Rect r(w - m.right, h - m.bottom, m.right, m.bottom); graphics.DrawImage(tempBackground, r, m_BackgroundSize.cx - m.right, m_BackgroundSize.cy - m.bottom, m.right, m.bottom, UnitPixel); } } } else { ImageAttributes imgAttr; imgAttr.SetWrapMode(WrapModeTile); Rect r(0, 0, w, h); graphics.DrawImage(tempBackground, r, 0, 0, w, h, UnitPixel, &imgAttr); } m_Background = background; } // Get the size form the background bitmap m_WindowW = m_Background->GetWidth(); m_WindowH = m_Background->GetHeight(); //Calculate the window position from the config parameters WindowToScreen(); if (!m_NativeTransparency) { // Graph the desktop and place the background on top of it Bitmap* desktop = GrabDesktop(m_ScreenX, m_ScreenY, m_WindowW, m_WindowH); Graphics graphics(desktop); Rect r(0, 0, m_WindowW, m_WindowH); graphics.DrawImage(m_Background, r, 0, 0, m_WindowW, m_WindowH, UnitPixel); delete m_Background; m_Background = desktop; } } } else { m_WindowW = w; m_WindowH = h; WindowToScreen(); } SetWindowSizeVariables(m_WindowW, m_WindowH); // If Background is not set, take a copy from the desktop if(m_Background == NULL) { if (m_BackgroundMode == BGMODE_COPY) { if (!m_NativeTransparency) { m_Background = GrabDesktop(m_ScreenX, m_ScreenY, m_WindowW, m_WindowH); } } } return true; } /* ** GrabDesktop ** ** Grabs a part of the desktop */ Bitmap* CMeterWindow::GrabDesktop(int x, int y, int w, int h) { HDC desktopDC = GetDC(0); HDC dc = CreateCompatibleDC(desktopDC); HBITMAP desktopBM = CreateCompatibleBitmap(desktopDC, w, h); HBITMAP oldBM = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(dc, desktopBM); BitBlt(dc, 0, 0, w, h, desktopDC, x, y, SRCCOPY); SelectObject(dc, oldBM); DeleteDC(dc); ReleaseDC(0, desktopDC); Bitmap* background = new Bitmap(desktopBM, NULL); DeleteObject(desktopBM); return background; } /* ** CreateRegion ** ** Creates/Clears a window region ** */ void CMeterWindow::CreateRegion(bool clear) { if (clear) { SetWindowRgn(m_Window, NULL, TRUE); } else { // Set window region if needed if(!m_BackgroundName.empty()) { HBITMAP background = NULL; m_DoubleBuffer->GetHBITMAP(Color(255,0,255), &background); if (background) { HRGN region = BitmapToRegion(background, RGB(255,0,255), 0x101010, 0, 0); SetWindowRgn(m_Window, region, TRUE); DeleteObject(background); } } } } /* ** Redraw ** ** Redraws the meters and paints the window ** */ void CMeterWindow::Redraw() { if (m_ResetRegion) { ResizeWindow(false); CreateRegion(true); } // Create or clear the doublebuffer { int cx = m_WindowW; int cy = m_WindowH; if (cx == 0 || cy == 0) { // Set dummy size to avoid invalid state cx = 1; cy = 1; } BitmapData buf; if (cx != m_DoubleBuffer->GetWidth() || cy != m_DoubleBuffer->GetHeight() || Ok != m_DoubleBuffer->LockBits(&Rect(0, 0, cx, cy), ImageLockModeWrite, PixelFormat32bppPARGB, &buf)) { if (m_DoubleBuffer) delete m_DoubleBuffer; m_DoubleBuffer = new Bitmap(cx, cy, PixelFormat32bppPARGB); } else { memset(buf.Scan0, 0, buf.Stride * cy); // assume that the bitmap is top-down m_DoubleBuffer->UnlockBits(&buf); } } if (m_WindowW != 0 && m_WindowH != 0) { Graphics graphics(m_DoubleBuffer); if (m_Background) { // Copy the background over the doublebuffer Rect r(0, 0, m_WindowW, m_WindowH); graphics.DrawImage(m_Background, r, 0, 0, m_Background->GetWidth(), m_Background->GetHeight(), UnitPixel); } else if (m_BackgroundMode == BGMODE_SOLID) { // Draw the solid color background Rect r(0, 0, m_WindowW, m_WindowH); if (m_SolidColor.GetA() != 0 || m_SolidColor2.GetA() != 0) { if (m_SolidColor.GetValue() == m_SolidColor2.GetValue()) { graphics.Clear(m_SolidColor); } else { LinearGradientBrush gradient(r, m_SolidColor, m_SolidColor2, m_SolidAngle, TRUE); graphics.FillRectangle(&gradient, r); } } if (m_SolidBevel != BEVELTYPE_NONE) { Color lightColor(255, 255, 255, 255); Color darkColor(255, 0, 0, 0); if (m_SolidBevel == BEVELTYPE_DOWN) { lightColor.SetValue(Color::MakeARGB(255, 0, 0, 0)); darkColor.SetValue(Color::MakeARGB(255, 255, 255, 255)); } Pen light(lightColor); Pen dark(darkColor); CMeter::DrawBevel(graphics, r, light, dark); } } // Draw the meters std::list::const_iterator j = m_Meters.begin(); for( ; j != m_Meters.end(); ++j) { if (!(*j)->GetTransformationMatrix().IsIdentity()) { // Change the world matrix graphics.SetTransform(&((*j)->GetTransformationMatrix())); (*j)->Draw(graphics); // Set back to identity matrix graphics.ResetTransform(); } else { (*j)->Draw(graphics); } } } if (m_ResetRegion) CreateRegion(false); m_ResetRegion = false; UpdateTransparency(m_TransparencyValue, false); if (!m_NativeTransparency) { InvalidateRect(m_Window, NULL, FALSE); } } /* ** PostUpdate ** ** Updates the transition state ** */ void CMeterWindow::PostUpdate(bool bActiveTransition) { // Start/stop the transition timer if necessary if (bActiveTransition && !m_ActiveTransition) { SetTimer(m_Window, TRANSITIONTIMER, m_TransitionUpdate, NULL); m_ActiveTransition = true; } else if (m_ActiveTransition && !bActiveTransition) { KillTimer(m_Window, TRANSITIONTIMER); m_ActiveTransition = false; } } /* ** UpdateMeasure ** ** Updates the given measure ** */ bool CMeterWindow::UpdateMeasure(CMeasure* measure, bool force) { bool bUpdate = false; if (force) { measure->ResetUpdateCounter(); } int updateDivider = measure->GetUpdateDivider(); if (updateDivider >= 0 || force || m_Refreshing) { if (measure->HasDynamicVariables() && (measure->GetUpdateCounter() + 1) >= updateDivider) { try { measure->ReadConfig(m_Parser, measure->GetName()); } catch (CError& error) { MessageBox(m_Window, error.GetString().c_str(), APPNAME, MB_OK | MB_TOPMOST | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } } if (measure->Update()) { bUpdate = true; } } return bUpdate; } /* ** UpdateMeter ** ** Updates the given meter ** */ bool CMeterWindow::UpdateMeter(CMeter* meter, bool& bActiveTransition, bool force) { bool bUpdate = false; if (force) { meter->ResetUpdateCounter(); } int updateDivider = meter->GetUpdateDivider(); if (updateDivider >= 0 || force || m_Refreshing) { if (meter->HasDynamicVariables() && (meter->GetUpdateCounter() + 1) >= updateDivider) { try { meter->ReadConfig(meter->GetName()); m_Parser.ClearStyleTemplate(); } catch (CError& error) { MessageBox(m_Window, error.GetString().c_str(), APPNAME, MB_OK | MB_TOPMOST | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } } if (meter->Update()) { bUpdate = true; } } // Update tooltips if (!meter->HasToolTip()) { if (!meter->GetToolTipText().empty()) { meter->CreateToolTip(this); } } else { meter->UpdateToolTip(); } // Check for transitions if (!bActiveTransition && meter->HasActiveTransition()) { bActiveTransition = true; } return bUpdate; } /* ** Update ** ** Updates all the measures and redraws the meters ** */ void CMeterWindow::Update(bool nodraw) { ++m_UpdateCounter; // Pre-updates if (!m_Measures.empty()) { if (m_HasNetMeasures) CMeasureNet::UpdateIFTable(); CMeasureCalc::UpdateVariableMap(*this); } // Update all measures std::list::const_iterator i = m_Measures.begin(); for( ; i != m_Measures.end(); ++i) { UpdateMeasure((*i), false); } // Update all meters bool bActiveTransition = false; bool bUpdate = false; std::list::const_iterator j = m_Meters.begin(); for( ; j != m_Meters.end(); ++j) { if (UpdateMeter((*j), bActiveTransition, false)) { bUpdate = true; } } // Redraw all meters if (!nodraw && (bUpdate || m_ResetRegion || m_Refreshing)) { if (m_DynamicWindowSize) { // Resize the window m_ResetRegion = true; } // If our option is to disable when in an RDP session, then check if in an RDP session. // Only redraw if we are not in a remote session if (!Rainmeter->GetDisableRDP() || !GetSystemMetrics(SM_REMOTESESSION)) { Redraw(); } } // Post-updates PostUpdate(bActiveTransition); // if (m_MeasuresToVariables) // BUG: LSSetVariable doens't seem to work for some reason. // { // std::list::iterator i = m_Measures.begin(); // for( ; i != m_Measures.end(); i++) // { // const char* sz = (*i)->GetStringValue(true, 1, 1, false); // if (sz && wcslen(sz) > 0) // { // WCHAR* wideSz = CMeter::ConvertToWide(sz); // WCHAR* wideName = CMeter::ConvertToWide((*i)->GetName()); // LSSetVariable(wideName, wideSz); // delete [] wideSz; // delete [] wideName; // } // } // } } /* ** UpdateTransparency ** ** Updates the native Windows transparency */ void CMeterWindow::UpdateTransparency(int alpha, bool reset) { if (m_NativeTransparency) { if (reset) { // Add the window flag LONG style = GetWindowLong(m_Window, GWL_EXSTYLE); SetWindowLong(m_Window, GWL_EXSTYLE, style | WS_EX_LAYERED); } BLENDFUNCTION blendPixelFunction= {AC_SRC_OVER, 0, alpha, AC_SRC_ALPHA}; POINT ptWindowScreenPosition = {m_ScreenX, m_ScreenY}; POINT ptSrc = {0, 0}; SIZE szWindow = {m_WindowW, m_WindowH}; if (szWindow.cx == 0 || szWindow.cy == 0) { // Set dummy size to avoid invalid state szWindow.cx = 1; szWindow.cy = 1; } HDC dcScreen = GetDC(0); HDC dcMemory = CreateCompatibleDC(dcScreen); HBITMAP dbBitmap; m_DoubleBuffer->GetHBITMAP(Color(0, 0, 0, 0), &dbBitmap); HBITMAP oldBitmap = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(dcMemory, dbBitmap); UpdateLayeredWindow(m_Window, dcScreen, &ptWindowScreenPosition, &szWindow, dcMemory, &ptSrc, 0, &blendPixelFunction, ULW_ALPHA); ReleaseDC(0, dcScreen); SelectObject(dcMemory, oldBitmap); DeleteDC(dcMemory); DeleteObject(dbBitmap); m_TransparencyValue = alpha; } else { if (reset) { // Remove the window flag LONG style = GetWindowLong(m_Window, GWL_EXSTYLE); SetWindowLong(m_Window, GWL_EXSTYLE, style & ~WS_EX_LAYERED); } } } /* ** OnPaint ** ** Repaints the window. This does not cause update of the measures. ** */ LRESULT CMeterWindow::OnPaint(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { PAINTSTRUCT ps; HDC winDC = BeginPaint(m_Window, &ps); Graphics graphics(winDC); graphics.DrawImage(m_DoubleBuffer, 0, 0); EndPaint(m_Window, &ps); return 0; } /* ** OnTimer ** ** Handles the timers. The METERTIMER updates all the measures ** MOUSETIMER is used to hide/show the window. ** */ LRESULT CMeterWindow::OnTimer(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if(wParam == METERTIMER) { Update(false); UpdateAboutStatistics(m_SkinName.c_str()); //if (m_KeepOnScreen) //{ // int x = m_ScreenX; // int y = m_ScreenY; // MapCoordsToScreen(x, y, m_WindowW, m_WindowH); // if (x != m_ScreenX || y != m_ScreenY) // { // MoveWindow(x, y); // } //} } else if(wParam == TRANSITIONTIMER) { // Redraw only if there is active transition still going bool bActiveTransition = false; std::list::const_iterator j = m_Meters.begin(); for( ; j != m_Meters.end(); ++j) { if ((*j)->HasActiveTransition()) { bActiveTransition = true; break; } } if (bActiveTransition) { Redraw(); } else { // Stop the transition timer KillTimer(m_Window, TRANSITIONTIMER); m_ActiveTransition = false; } } else if(wParam == MOUSETIMER) { if (!m_Rainmeter->IsMenuActive() && !m_Dragging) { ShowWindowIfAppropriate(); if (m_WindowZPosition == ZPOSITION_ONTOPMOST) { ChangeZPos(ZPOSITION_ONTOPMOST); } if (m_MouseOver) { POINT pos; GetCursorPos(&pos); if (!m_ClickThrough) { if (WindowFromPoint(pos) == m_Window) { SetMouseLeaveEvent(false); } else { // Run all mouse leave actions OnMouseLeave(m_WindowDraggable ? WM_NCMOUSELEAVE : WM_MOUSELEAVE, 0, 0); } } else { bool keyDown = GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000 || GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000 || GetKeyState(VK_MENU) & 0x8000; if (!keyDown || GetWindowFromPoint(pos) != m_Window) { // Run all mouse leave actions OnMouseLeave(m_WindowDraggable ? WM_NCMOUSELEAVE : WM_MOUSELEAVE, 0, 0); } } } } } else if(wParam == FADETIMER) { DWORD ticks = GetTickCount(); if (m_FadeStartTime == 0) { m_FadeStartTime = ticks; } if (ticks - m_FadeStartTime > (DWORD)m_FadeDuration) { KillTimer(m_Window, FADETIMER); m_FadeStartTime = 0; if (m_FadeEndValue == 0) { ShowWindow(m_Window, SW_HIDE); } else { UpdateTransparency(m_FadeEndValue, false); } } else { double value = (ticks - m_FadeStartTime); value /= m_FadeDuration; value *= m_FadeEndValue - m_FadeStartValue; value += m_FadeStartValue; value = min(value, 255); value = max(value, 0); UpdateTransparency((int)value, false); } } // // TEST // if (!m_ChildWindow) // { // RECT rect; // GetWindowRect(m_Window, &rect); // if (rect.left != m_WindowX && rect.top != m_WindowY) // { // LogWithArgs(LOG_DEBUG, L"Window position has been changed. Moving it back to the place it belongs."); // SetWindowPos(m_Window, NULL, m_WindowX, m_WindowY, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOACTIVATE); // } // } // ~TEST return 0; } void CMeterWindow::FadeWindow(int from, int to) { if (!m_NativeTransparency || m_FadeDuration == 0) { if (to == 0) { ShowWindow(m_Window, SW_HIDE); } else { if (m_FadeDuration == 0) { UpdateTransparency(to, false); } if (from == 0) { if (!m_Hidden) { ShowWindow(m_Window, SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE); } } } } else { m_FadeStartValue = from; m_FadeEndValue = to; UpdateTransparency(from, false); if (from == 0) { if (!m_Hidden) { ShowWindow(m_Window, SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE); } } SetTimer(m_Window, FADETIMER, 10, NULL); } } /* ** ShowWindowIfAppropriate ** ** Show the window if it is temporarily hidden. ** */ void CMeterWindow::ShowWindowIfAppropriate() { bool inside = false; bool keyDown = GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000 || GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000 || GetKeyState(VK_MENU) & 0x8000; POINT pos; GetCursorPos(&pos); POINT posScr = pos; MapWindowPoints(NULL, m_Window, &pos, 1); inside = HitTest(pos.x, pos.y); if (inside) { inside = (GetWindowFromPoint(posScr) == m_Window); } if (m_ClickThrough) { if (!inside || keyDown) { // If Alt, shift or control is down, remove the transparent flag LONG style = GetWindowLong(m_Window, GWL_EXSTYLE); if ((style & WS_EX_TRANSPARENT) != 0) { SetWindowLong(m_Window, GWL_EXSTYLE, style & ~WS_EX_TRANSPARENT); } } } if(m_WindowHide) { if (!m_Hidden && !inside && !keyDown) { switch(m_WindowHide) { case HIDEMODE_HIDE: if (m_TransparencyValue == 0 || !IsWindowVisible(m_Window)) { ShowWindow(m_Window, SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE); FadeWindow(0, m_AlphaValue); } break; case HIDEMODE_FADEIN: if (m_AlphaValue != 255 && m_TransparencyValue == 255) { FadeWindow(255, m_AlphaValue); } break; case HIDEMODE_FADEOUT: if (m_AlphaValue != 255 && m_TransparencyValue == m_AlphaValue) { FadeWindow(m_AlphaValue, 255); } break; } } } else { if (!m_Hidden) { if (m_TransparencyValue == 0 || !IsWindowVisible(m_Window)) { ShowWindow(m_Window, SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE); FadeWindow(0, m_AlphaValue); } } } } /* ** GetWindowFromPoint ** ** Retrieves a handle to the window that contains the specified point. ** */ HWND CMeterWindow::GetWindowFromPoint(POINT pos) { HWND hwndPos = WindowFromPoint(pos); if (hwndPos == m_Window || (!m_ClickThrough && m_WindowHide != HIDEMODE_HIDE)) { return hwndPos; } MapWindowPoints(NULL, m_Window, &pos, 1); if (HitTest(pos.x, pos.y)) { if (hwndPos) { HWND hWnd = GetAncestor(hwndPos, GA_ROOT); while (hWnd = FindWindowEx(NULL, hWnd, METERWINDOW_CLASS_NAME, NULL)) { if (hWnd == m_Window) { return hwndPos; } } } return m_Window; } return hwndPos; } /* ** HitTest ** ** Checks if the given point is inside the window. ** */ bool CMeterWindow::HitTest(int x, int y) { if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < m_WindowW && y < m_WindowH) { // Check transparent pixels if (m_DoubleBuffer) { Color color; Status status = m_DoubleBuffer->GetPixel(x, y, &color); if (status != Ok || color.GetA() != 0) { return true; } } else { return true; } } return false; } /* ** HandleButtons ** ** Handles all buttons and cursor. ** Note that meterWindow parameter is used if proc is BUTTONPROC_UP. ** */ void CMeterWindow::HandleButtons(POINT pos, BUTTONPROC proc, CMeterWindow* meterWindow) { bool redraw = false; bool drawCursor = false; std::list::const_reverse_iterator j = m_Meters.rbegin(); for( ; j != m_Meters.rend(); ++j) { // Hidden meters are ignored if ((*j)->IsHidden()) continue; CMeterButton* button = NULL; if (m_HasButtons) { button = dynamic_cast(*j); if (button) { switch (proc) { case BUTTONPROC_DOWN: redraw |= button->MouseDown(pos); break; case BUTTONPROC_UP: redraw |= button->MouseUp(pos, meterWindow); break; case BUTTONPROC_MOVE: default: redraw |= button->MouseMove(pos); break; } } } if (!drawCursor) { if ((*j)->HasMouseActionCursor() && (*j)->HitTest(pos.x, pos.y)) { drawCursor = ((*j)->HasMouseAction() || button); } } } if (redraw) { Redraw(); } // Set cursor SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, drawCursor ? IDC_HAND : IDC_ARROW)); } /* ** OnSetCursor ** ** During setting the cursor do nothing. ** */ LRESULT CMeterWindow::OnSetCursor(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { return 0; } /* ** OnEnterMenuLoop ** ** Enters context menu loop. ** */ LRESULT CMeterWindow::OnEnterMenuLoop(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { // Set cursor to default SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW)); return 0; } /* ** OnMouseMove ** ** When we get WM_MOUSEMOVE messages, hide the window as the mouse is over it. ** */ LRESULT CMeterWindow::OnMouseMove(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { bool keyDown = GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000 || GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000 || GetKeyState(VK_MENU) & 0x8000; if (!keyDown) { if (m_ClickThrough) { LONG style = GetWindowLong(m_Window, GWL_EXSTYLE); if ((style & WS_EX_TRANSPARENT) == 0) { SetWindowLong(m_Window, GWL_EXSTYLE, style | WS_EX_TRANSPARENT); } } if (!m_Hidden) { // If Alt, shift or control is down, do not hide the window switch(m_WindowHide) { case HIDEMODE_HIDE: if (!m_NativeTransparency || m_TransparencyValue == m_AlphaValue) { FadeWindow(m_AlphaValue, 0); } break; case HIDEMODE_FADEIN: if (m_AlphaValue != 255 && m_TransparencyValue == m_AlphaValue) { FadeWindow(m_AlphaValue, 255); } break; case HIDEMODE_FADEOUT: if (m_AlphaValue != 255 && m_TransparencyValue == 255) { FadeWindow(255, m_AlphaValue); } break; } } } if (!m_ClickThrough || keyDown) { POINT pos; pos.x = (SHORT)LOWORD(lParam); pos.y = (SHORT)HIWORD(lParam); if (uMsg == WM_NCMOUSEMOVE) { // Map to local window MapWindowPoints(NULL, m_Window, &pos, 1); } ++m_MouseMoveCounter; while (DoMoveAction(pos.x, pos.y, MOUSE_LEAVE)) ; while (DoMoveAction(pos.x, pos.y, MOUSE_OVER)) ; // Handle buttons HandleButtons(pos, BUTTONPROC_MOVE, NULL); } return 0; } /* ** OnMouseLeave ** ** When we get WM_MOUSELEAVE messages, run all leave actions. ** */ LRESULT CMeterWindow::OnMouseLeave(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { POINT pos; GetCursorPos(&pos); HWND hWnd = WindowFromPoint(pos); if (!hWnd || (hWnd != m_Window && GetParent(hWnd) != m_Window)) // ignore tooltips { ++m_MouseMoveCounter; POINT pos = {SHRT_MIN, SHRT_MIN}; while (DoMoveAction(pos.x, pos.y, MOUSE_LEAVE)) ; // Leave all forcibly // Handle buttons HandleButtons(pos, BUTTONPROC_MOVE, NULL); } return 0; } /* ** OnCreate ** ** During window creation we do nothing. ** */ LRESULT CMeterWindow::OnCreate(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { return 0; } /* ** OnCommand ** ** Handle the menu commands. ** */ LRESULT CMeterWindow::OnCommand(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { try { if(wParam == ID_CONTEXT_SKINMENU_EDITSKIN) { std::wstring command = m_Rainmeter->GetConfigEditor() + L" \""; command += m_SkinPath; command += L"\\"; command += m_SkinName; command += L"\\"; command += m_SkinIniFile; command += L"\""; // If the skins are in the program folder start the editor as admin if (m_Rainmeter->GetPath() + L"Skins\\" == m_Rainmeter->GetSkinPath()) { LSExecuteAsAdmin(NULL, command.c_str(), SW_SHOWNORMAL); } else { LSExecute(NULL, command.c_str(), SW_SHOWNORMAL); } } else if(wParam == ID_CONTEXT_SKINMENU_OPENSKINSFOLDER) { std::wstring command = L"\"" + m_SkinPath; command += L"\\"; command += m_SkinName; command += L"\""; LSExecute(NULL, command.c_str(), SW_SHOWNORMAL); } else if(wParam == ID_CONTEXT_SKINMENU_REFRESH) { Refresh(false); } else if(wParam == ID_CONTEXT_SKINMENU_VERYTOPMOST) { ChangeZPos(ZPOSITION_ONTOPMOST); WriteConfig(); } else if(wParam == ID_CONTEXT_SKINMENU_TOPMOST) { ChangeZPos(ZPOSITION_ONTOP); WriteConfig(); } else if(wParam == ID_CONTEXT_SKINMENU_BOTTOM) { ChangeZPos(ZPOSITION_ONBOTTOM); WriteConfig(); } else if(wParam == ID_CONTEXT_SKINMENU_NORMAL) { ChangeZPos(ZPOSITION_NORMAL); WriteConfig(); } else if(wParam == ID_CONTEXT_SKINMENU_ONDESKTOP) { ChangeZPos(ZPOSITION_ONDESKTOP); WriteConfig(); } else if(wParam == ID_CONTEXT_SKINMENU_KEEPONSCREEN) { SetKeepOnScreen(!m_KeepOnScreen); } else if(wParam == ID_CONTEXT_SKINMENU_CLICKTHROUGH) { SetClickThrough(!m_ClickThrough); } else if(wParam == ID_CONTEXT_SKINMENU_DRAGGABLE) { SetWindowDraggable(!m_WindowDraggable); } else if(wParam == ID_CONTEXT_SKINMENU_HIDEONMOUSE) { if (m_WindowHide == HIDEMODE_NONE) { m_WindowHide = HIDEMODE_HIDE; } else { m_WindowHide = HIDEMODE_NONE; } WriteConfig(); UpdateTransparency(m_AlphaValue, false); } else if(wParam == ID_CONTEXT_SKINMENU_TRANSPARENCY_FADEIN) { if (m_WindowHide == HIDEMODE_NONE) { m_WindowHide = HIDEMODE_FADEIN; } else { m_WindowHide = HIDEMODE_NONE; } WriteConfig(); UpdateTransparency(m_AlphaValue, false); } else if(wParam == ID_CONTEXT_SKINMENU_TRANSPARENCY_FADEOUT) { if (m_WindowHide == HIDEMODE_NONE) { m_WindowHide = HIDEMODE_FADEOUT; } else { m_WindowHide = HIDEMODE_NONE; } WriteConfig(); UpdateTransparency(m_AlphaValue, false); } else if(wParam == ID_CONTEXT_SKINMENU_REMEMBERPOSITION) { SetSavePosition(!m_SavePosition); } else if(wParam == ID_CONTEXT_SKINMENU_SNAPTOEDGES) { SetSnapEdges(!m_SnapEdges); } else if(wParam >= ID_CONTEXT_SKINMENU_TRANSPARENCY_0 && wParam <= ID_CONTEXT_SKINMENU_TRANSPARENCY_90) { m_AlphaValue = (int)(255.0 - 230.0 * (double)(wParam - ID_CONTEXT_SKINMENU_TRANSPARENCY_0) / (double)(ID_CONTEXT_SKINMENU_TRANSPARENCY_90 - ID_CONTEXT_SKINMENU_TRANSPARENCY_0)); WriteConfig(); UpdateTransparency(m_AlphaValue, false); } else if(wParam == ID_CONTEXT_CLOSESKIN) { m_Rainmeter->DeactivateConfig(this, -1); } else if(wParam == ID_CONTEXT_SKINMENU_FROMRIGHT) { m_WindowXFromRight = !m_WindowXFromRight; ScreenToWindow(); if (m_SavePosition) { WriteConfig(); } } else if(wParam == ID_CONTEXT_SKINMENU_FROMBOTTOM) { m_WindowYFromBottom = !m_WindowYFromBottom; ScreenToWindow(); if (m_SavePosition) { WriteConfig(); } } else if(wParam == ID_CONTEXT_SKINMENU_XPERCENTAGE) { m_WindowXPercentage = !m_WindowXPercentage; ScreenToWindow(); if (m_SavePosition) { WriteConfig(); } } else if(wParam == ID_CONTEXT_SKINMENU_YPERCENTAGE) { m_WindowYPercentage = !m_WindowYPercentage; ScreenToWindow(); if (m_SavePosition) { WriteConfig(); } } else if (wParam == ID_CONTEXT_SKINMENU_MONITOR_AUTOSELECT) { m_AutoSelectScreen = !m_AutoSelectScreen; ScreenToWindow(); WriteConfig(); } else if (wParam == ID_CONTEXT_SKINMENU_MONITOR_PRIMARY || wParam >= ID_MONITOR_FIRST && wParam <= ID_MONITOR_LAST) { const MULTIMONITOR_INFO& multimonInfo = CSystem::GetMultiMonitorInfo(); const std::vector& monitors = multimonInfo.monitors; int screenIndex; bool screenDefined; if (wParam == ID_CONTEXT_SKINMENU_MONITOR_PRIMARY) { screenIndex = multimonInfo.primary; screenDefined = false; } else { screenIndex = (wParam & 0x0ffff) - ID_MONITOR_FIRST; screenDefined = true; } if (screenIndex >= 0 && (screenIndex == 0 || screenIndex <= (int)monitors.size() && monitors[screenIndex-1].active)) { if (m_AutoSelectScreen) { m_AutoSelectScreen = false; } m_WindowXScreen = m_WindowYScreen = screenIndex; m_WindowXScreenDefined = m_WindowYScreenDefined = screenDefined; m_Parser.ResetMonitorVariables(this); // Set present monitor variables ScreenToWindow(); WriteConfig(); } } else { // Forward to tray window, which handles all the other commands SendMessage(m_Rainmeter->GetTrayWindow()->GetWindow(), WM_COMMAND, wParam, lParam); } } catch(CError& error) { MessageBox(m_Window, error.GetString().c_str(), APPNAME, MB_OK | MB_TOPMOST | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } return 0; } /* ** SetClickThrough ** ** Helper function for setting ClickThrough ** */ void CMeterWindow::SetClickThrough(bool b) { m_ClickThrough = b; WriteConfig(); if (!m_ClickThrough) { // Remove transparent flag LONG style = GetWindowLong(m_Window, GWL_EXSTYLE); if ((style & WS_EX_TRANSPARENT) != 0) { SetWindowLong(m_Window, GWL_EXSTYLE, style & ~WS_EX_TRANSPARENT); } } if (m_MouseOver) { SetMouseLeaveEvent(m_ClickThrough); } } /* ** SetKeepOnScreen ** ** Helper function for setting KeepOnScreen ** */ void CMeterWindow::SetKeepOnScreen(bool b) { m_KeepOnScreen = b; WriteConfig(); if (m_KeepOnScreen) { int x = m_ScreenX; int y = m_ScreenY; MapCoordsToScreen(x, y, m_WindowW, m_WindowH); if (x != m_ScreenX || y != m_ScreenY) { MoveWindow(x, y); } } } /* ** SetWindowDraggable ** ** Helper function for setting WindowDraggable ** */ void CMeterWindow::SetWindowDraggable(bool b) { m_WindowDraggable = b; WriteConfig(); } /* ** SetSavePosition ** ** Helper function for setting SavePosition ** */ void CMeterWindow::SetSavePosition(bool b) { m_SavePosition = b; WriteConfig(); } /* ** SetSnapEdges ** ** Helper function for setting SnapEdges ** */ void CMeterWindow::SetSnapEdges(bool b) { m_SnapEdges = b; WriteConfig(); } /* ** OnSysCommand ** ** Handle dragging the window ** */ LRESULT CMeterWindow::OnSysCommand(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if ((wParam & 0xFFF0) != SC_MOVE) { return DefWindowProc(m_Window, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } // --- SC_MOVE --- // Prepare the dragging flags m_Dragging = true; m_Dragged = false; // Run the DefWindowProc so the dragging works LRESULT result = DefWindowProc(m_Window, uMsg, wParam, lParam); if (m_Dragged) { ScreenToWindow(); // Write the new place of the window to config file if (m_SavePosition) { WriteConfig(); } POINT pos; GetCursorPos(&pos); MapWindowPoints(NULL, m_Window, &pos, 1); // Handle buttons HandleButtons(pos, BUTTONPROC_UP, NULL); // redraw only } else // not dragged { if ((wParam & 0x000F) == 2) // triggered by mouse { // Post the WM_NCLBUTTONUP message so the LeftMouseUpAction works PostMessage(m_Window, WM_NCLBUTTONUP, (WPARAM)HTCAPTION, lParam); } } // Clear the dragging flags m_Dragging = false; m_Dragged = false; return result; } /* ** OnEnterSizeMove ** ** Starts dragging ** */ LRESULT CMeterWindow::OnEnterSizeMove(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (m_Dragging) { m_Dragged = true; // Don't post the WM_NCLBUTTONUP message! // Set cursor to default SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW)); } return 0; } /* ** OnExitSizeMove ** ** Ends dragging ** */ LRESULT CMeterWindow::OnExitSizeMove(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { return 0; } /* ** OnNcHitTest ** ** This is overwritten so that the window can be dragged ** */ LRESULT CMeterWindow::OnNcHitTest(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (m_WindowDraggable && !Rainmeter->GetDisableDragging()) { POINT pos; pos.x = (SHORT)LOWORD(lParam); pos.y = (SHORT)HIWORD(lParam); MapWindowPoints(NULL, m_Window, &pos, 1); int x1 = m_DragMargins.left; int x2 = m_WindowW - m_DragMargins.right; int y1 = m_DragMargins.top; int y2 = m_WindowH - m_DragMargins.bottom; if (x1 < 0) x1 += m_WindowW; if (y1 < 0) y1 += m_WindowH; if (x2 > m_WindowW) x2 -= m_WindowW; if (y2 > m_WindowH) y2 -= m_WindowH; if (pos.x >= x1 && pos.x < x2) { if (pos.y >= y1 && pos.y < y2) { return HTCAPTION; } } } return HTCLIENT; } /* ** OnWindowPosChanging ** ** Called when windows position is about to change ** */ LRESULT CMeterWindow::OnWindowPosChanging(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LPWINDOWPOS wp=(LPWINDOWPOS)lParam; if (!m_Refreshing) { if (m_WindowZPosition == ZPOSITION_ONBOTTOM || m_WindowZPosition == ZPOSITION_ONDESKTOP) { // do not change the z-order. This keeps the window on bottom. wp->flags|=SWP_NOZORDER; } } if ((wp->flags & SWP_NOMOVE) == 0) { if (m_SnapEdges && !(GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000 || GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000)) { // only process movement (ignore anything without winpos values) if(wp->cx != 0 && wp->cy != 0) { RECT workArea; //HMONITOR hMonitor = MonitorFromWindow(m_Window, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONULL); // returns incorrect monitor when the window is "On Desktop" RECT windowRect = {wp->x, wp->y, (wp->x + m_WindowW), (wp->y + m_WindowH)}; HMONITOR hMonitor = MonitorFromRect(&windowRect, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONULL); if(hMonitor != NULL) { MONITORINFO mi; mi.cbSize = sizeof(mi); GetMonitorInfo(hMonitor, &mi); workArea = mi.rcWork; } else { GetClientRect(GetDesktopWindow(), &workArea); } // Snap to other windows std::map& windows = Rainmeter->GetAllMeterWindows(); std::map::const_iterator iter = windows.begin(); for( ; iter != windows.end(); ++iter) { if ((*iter).second != this) { SnapToWindow((*iter).second, wp); } } int w = workArea.right - m_WindowW; int h = workArea.bottom - m_WindowH; if ((wp->x < SNAPDISTANCE + workArea.left) && (wp->x > workArea.left - SNAPDISTANCE)) wp->x = workArea.left; if ((wp->y < SNAPDISTANCE + workArea.top) && (wp->y > workArea.top - SNAPDISTANCE)) wp->y = workArea.top; if ((wp->x < SNAPDISTANCE + w) && (wp->x > -SNAPDISTANCE + w)) wp->x = w; if ((wp->y < SNAPDISTANCE + h) && (wp->y > -SNAPDISTANCE + h)) wp->y = h; } } if (m_KeepOnScreen) { MapCoordsToScreen(wp->x, wp->y, m_WindowW, m_WindowH); } } return DefWindowProc(m_Window, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } void CMeterWindow::SnapToWindow(CMeterWindow* window, LPWINDOWPOS wp) { int x = window->m_ScreenX; int y = window->m_ScreenY; int w = window->m_WindowW; int h = window->m_WindowH; if (wp->y < y + h && wp->y + m_WindowH > y) { if((wp->x < SNAPDISTANCE + x) && (wp->x > x - SNAPDISTANCE)) wp->x = x; if((wp->x < SNAPDISTANCE + x + w) && (wp->x > x + w - SNAPDISTANCE)) wp->x = x + w; if((wp->x + m_WindowW < SNAPDISTANCE + x) && (wp->x + m_WindowW > x - SNAPDISTANCE)) wp->x = x - m_WindowW; if((wp->x + m_WindowW < SNAPDISTANCE + x + w) && (wp->x + m_WindowW > x + w - SNAPDISTANCE)) wp->x = x + w - m_WindowW; } if (wp->x < x + w && wp->x + m_WindowW > x) { if((wp->y < SNAPDISTANCE + y) && (wp->y > y - SNAPDISTANCE)) wp->y = y; if((wp->y < SNAPDISTANCE + y + h) && (wp->y > y + h - SNAPDISTANCE)) wp->y = y + h; if((wp->y + m_WindowH < SNAPDISTANCE + y) && (wp->y + m_WindowH > y - SNAPDISTANCE)) wp->y = y - m_WindowH; if((wp->y + m_WindowH < SNAPDISTANCE + y + h) && (wp->y + m_WindowH > y + h - SNAPDISTANCE)) wp->y = y + h - m_WindowH; } } /* ** OnDestroy ** ** During destruction of the window do nothing. ** */ LRESULT CMeterWindow::OnDestroy(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { return 0; } /* ** OnDisplayChange ** ** During resolution changes do nothing. ** (OnDelayedMove function is used instead.) ** */ LRESULT CMeterWindow::OnDisplayChange(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { return 0; } /* ** OnSettingChange ** ** During setting changes do nothing. ** (OnDelayedMove function is used instead.) ** */ LRESULT CMeterWindow::OnSettingChange(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { return 0; } /* ** OnLeftButtonDown ** ** Runs the action when left mouse button is down ** */ LRESULT CMeterWindow::OnLeftButtonDown(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { POINT pos; pos.x = (SHORT)LOWORD(lParam); pos.y = (SHORT)HIWORD(lParam); if (uMsg == WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN) { // Transform the point to client rect RECT rect; GetWindowRect(m_Window, &rect); pos.x = pos.x - rect.left; pos.y = pos.y - rect.top; } // Handle buttons HandleButtons(pos, BUTTONPROC_DOWN, NULL); if (!DoAction(pos.x, pos.y, MOUSE_LMB_DOWN, false) && m_WindowDraggable) { // Cancel the mouse event beforehand SetMouseLeaveEvent(true); // Run the DefWindowProc so the dragging works return DefWindowProc(m_Window, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } return 0; } /* ** OnLeftButtonUp ** ** Runs the action when left mouse button is up ** */ LRESULT CMeterWindow::OnLeftButtonUp(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { POINT pos; pos.x = (SHORT)LOWORD(lParam); pos.y = (SHORT)HIWORD(lParam); if (uMsg == WM_NCLBUTTONUP) { // Transform the point to client rect RECT rect; GetWindowRect(m_Window, &rect); pos.x = pos.x - rect.left; pos.y = pos.y - rect.top; } // Handle buttons HandleButtons(pos, BUTTONPROC_UP, this); DoAction(pos.x, pos.y, MOUSE_LMB_UP, false); return 0; } /* ** OnLeftButtonDoubleClick ** ** Runs the action when left mouse button is double-clicked ** */ LRESULT CMeterWindow::OnLeftButtonDoubleClick(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { POINT pos; pos.x = (SHORT)LOWORD(lParam); pos.y = (SHORT)HIWORD(lParam); if (uMsg == WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK) { // Transform the point to client rect RECT rect; GetWindowRect(m_Window, &rect); pos.x = pos.x - rect.left; pos.y = pos.y - rect.top; } // Handle buttons HandleButtons(pos, BUTTONPROC_DOWN, NULL); if (!DoAction(pos.x, pos.y, MOUSE_LMB_DBLCLK, false)) { DoAction(pos.x, pos.y, MOUSE_LMB_DOWN, false); } return 0; } /* ** OnRightButtonDown ** ** Runs the action when right mouse button is down ** */ LRESULT CMeterWindow::OnRightButtonDown(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { POINT pos; pos.x = (SHORT)LOWORD(lParam); pos.y = (SHORT)HIWORD(lParam); if (uMsg == WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN) { // Transform the point to client rect RECT rect; GetWindowRect(m_Window, &rect); pos.x = pos.x - rect.left; pos.y = pos.y - rect.top; } // Handle buttons HandleButtons(pos, BUTTONPROC_MOVE, NULL); DoAction(pos.x, pos.y, MOUSE_RMB_DOWN, false); return 0; } /* ** OnRightButtonUp ** ** Runs the action when right mouse button is up ** */ LRESULT CMeterWindow::OnRightButtonUp(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { POINT pos; pos.x = (SHORT)LOWORD(lParam); pos.y = (SHORT)HIWORD(lParam); // Handle buttons HandleButtons(pos, BUTTONPROC_MOVE, NULL); if (!DoAction(pos.x, pos.y, MOUSE_RMB_UP, false)) { // Run the DefWindowProc so the context menu works return DefWindowProc(m_Window, WM_RBUTTONUP, wParam, lParam); } return 0; } /* ** OnRightButtonDoubleClick ** ** Runs the action when right mouse button is double-clicked ** */ LRESULT CMeterWindow::OnRightButtonDoubleClick(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { POINT pos; pos.x = (SHORT)LOWORD(lParam); pos.y = (SHORT)HIWORD(lParam); if (uMsg == WM_NCRBUTTONDBLCLK) { // Transform the point to client rect RECT rect; GetWindowRect(m_Window, &rect); pos.x = pos.x - rect.left; pos.y = pos.y - rect.top; } // Handle buttons HandleButtons(pos, BUTTONPROC_MOVE, NULL); if (!DoAction(pos.x, pos.y, MOUSE_RMB_DBLCLK, false)) { DoAction(pos.x, pos.y, MOUSE_RMB_DOWN, false); } return 0; } /* ** OnMiddleButtonDown ** ** Runs the action when middle mouse button is down ** */ LRESULT CMeterWindow::OnMiddleButtonDown(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { POINT pos; pos.x = (SHORT)LOWORD(lParam); pos.y = (SHORT)HIWORD(lParam); if (uMsg == WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN) { // Transform the point to client rect RECT rect; GetWindowRect(m_Window, &rect); pos.x = pos.x - rect.left; pos.y = pos.y - rect.top; } // Handle buttons HandleButtons(pos, BUTTONPROC_MOVE, NULL); DoAction(pos.x, pos.y, MOUSE_MMB_DOWN, false); return 0; } /* ** OnMiddleButtonUp ** ** Runs the action when middle mouse button is up ** */ LRESULT CMeterWindow::OnMiddleButtonUp(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { POINT pos; pos.x = (SHORT)LOWORD(lParam); pos.y = (SHORT)HIWORD(lParam); if (uMsg == WM_NCMBUTTONUP) { // Transform the point to client rect RECT rect; GetWindowRect(m_Window, &rect); pos.x = pos.x - rect.left; pos.y = pos.y - rect.top; } // Handle buttons HandleButtons(pos, BUTTONPROC_MOVE, NULL); DoAction(pos.x, pos.y, MOUSE_MMB_UP, false); return 0; } /* ** OnMiddleButtonDoubleClick ** ** Runs the action when middle mouse button is double-clicked ** */ LRESULT CMeterWindow::OnMiddleButtonDoubleClick(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { POINT pos; pos.x = (SHORT)LOWORD(lParam); pos.y = (SHORT)HIWORD(lParam); if (uMsg == WM_NCMBUTTONDBLCLK) { // Transform the point to client rect RECT rect; GetWindowRect(m_Window, &rect); pos.x = pos.x - rect.left; pos.y = pos.y - rect.top; } // Handle buttons HandleButtons(pos, BUTTONPROC_MOVE, NULL); if (!DoAction(pos.x, pos.y, MOUSE_MMB_DBLCLK, false)) { DoAction(pos.x, pos.y, MOUSE_MMB_DOWN, false); } return 0; } /* ** OnContextMenu ** ** Handles the context menu. The menu is recreated every time it is shown. ** */ LRESULT CMeterWindow::OnContextMenu(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { POINT pos; int x = (SHORT)LOWORD(lParam); int y = (SHORT)HIWORD(lParam); RECT rect; GetWindowRect(m_Window, &rect); if (x == -1 && y == -1) // WM_CONTEXTMENU is generated from the keyboard (Shift+F10/VK_APPS) { // Set menu position to (0,0) on the window pos.x = rect.left; pos.y = rect.top; } else { // Transform the point to client rect pos.x = x - rect.left; pos.y = y - rect.top; // Handle buttons HandleButtons(pos, BUTTONPROC_MOVE, NULL); // If RMB up or RMB down or double-click cause actions, do not show the menu! if (DoAction(pos.x, pos.y, MOUSE_RMB_UP, false) || DoAction(pos.x, pos.y, MOUSE_RMB_DOWN, true) || DoAction(pos.x, pos.y, MOUSE_RMB_DBLCLK, true)) { return 0; } // Set menu position to cursor position pos.x = x; pos.y = y; } m_Rainmeter->ShowContextMenu(pos, this); return 0; } /* ** DoAction ** ** Executes the action if such are defined. Returns true, if action was executed. ** If the test is true, the action is not executed. ** */ bool CMeterWindow::DoAction(int x, int y, MOUSE mouse, bool test) { // Check if the hitpoint was over some meter std::list::const_reverse_iterator j = m_Meters.rbegin(); for( ; j != m_Meters.rend(); ++j) { // Hidden meters are ignored if ((*j)->IsHidden()) continue; if ((*j)->HitTest(x, y)) { std::list::iterator k = m_ScriptMeasures.begin(); for( ; k != m_ScriptMeasures.end(); ++k) { (*k)->MeterMouseEvent((*j), mouse); } switch (mouse) { case MOUSE_LMB_DOWN: if (!((*j)->GetLeftMouseDownAction().empty())) { if (!test) m_Rainmeter->ExecuteCommand((*j)->GetLeftMouseDownAction().c_str(), this); return true; } break; case MOUSE_LMB_UP: if (!((*j)->GetLeftMouseUpAction().empty())) { if (!test) m_Rainmeter->ExecuteCommand((*j)->GetLeftMouseUpAction().c_str(), this); return true; } break; case MOUSE_LMB_DBLCLK: if (!((*j)->GetLeftMouseDoubleClickAction().empty())) { if (!test) m_Rainmeter->ExecuteCommand((*j)->GetLeftMouseDoubleClickAction().c_str(), this); return true; } break; case MOUSE_RMB_DOWN: if (!((*j)->GetRightMouseDownAction().empty())) { if (!test) m_Rainmeter->ExecuteCommand((*j)->GetRightMouseDownAction().c_str(), this); return true; } break; case MOUSE_RMB_UP: if (!((*j)->GetRightMouseUpAction().empty())) { if (!test) m_Rainmeter->ExecuteCommand((*j)->GetRightMouseUpAction().c_str(), this); return true; } break; case MOUSE_RMB_DBLCLK: if (!((*j)->GetRightMouseDoubleClickAction().empty())) { if (!test) m_Rainmeter->ExecuteCommand((*j)->GetRightMouseDoubleClickAction().c_str(), this); return true; } break; case MOUSE_MMB_DOWN: if (!((*j)->GetMiddleMouseDownAction().empty())) { if (!test) m_Rainmeter->ExecuteCommand((*j)->GetMiddleMouseDownAction().c_str(), this); return true; } break; case MOUSE_MMB_UP: if (!((*j)->GetMiddleMouseUpAction().empty())) { if (!test) m_Rainmeter->ExecuteCommand((*j)->GetMiddleMouseUpAction().c_str(), this); return true; } break; case MOUSE_MMB_DBLCLK: if (!((*j)->GetMiddleMouseDoubleClickAction().empty())) { if (!test) m_Rainmeter->ExecuteCommand((*j)->GetMiddleMouseDoubleClickAction().c_str(), this); return true; } break; } } } if (HitTest(x, y)) { // If no meters caused actions, do the default actions switch (mouse) { case MOUSE_LMB_DOWN: if (!m_LeftMouseDownAction.empty()) { if (!test) m_Rainmeter->ExecuteCommand(m_LeftMouseDownAction.c_str(), this); return true; } break; case MOUSE_LMB_UP: if (!m_LeftMouseUpAction.empty()) { if (!test) m_Rainmeter->ExecuteCommand(m_LeftMouseUpAction.c_str(), this); return true; } break; case MOUSE_LMB_DBLCLK: if (!m_LeftMouseDoubleClickAction.empty()) { if (!test) m_Rainmeter->ExecuteCommand(m_LeftMouseDoubleClickAction.c_str(), this); return true; } break; case MOUSE_RMB_DOWN: if (!m_RightMouseDownAction.empty()) { if (!test) m_Rainmeter->ExecuteCommand(m_RightMouseDownAction.c_str(), this); return true; } break; case MOUSE_RMB_UP: if (!m_RightMouseUpAction.empty()) { if (!test) m_Rainmeter->ExecuteCommand(m_RightMouseUpAction.c_str(), this); return true; } break; case MOUSE_RMB_DBLCLK: if (!m_RightMouseDoubleClickAction.empty()) { if (!test) m_Rainmeter->ExecuteCommand(m_RightMouseDoubleClickAction.c_str(), this); return true; } break; case MOUSE_MMB_DOWN: if (!m_MiddleMouseDownAction.empty()) { if (!test) m_Rainmeter->ExecuteCommand(m_MiddleMouseDownAction.c_str(), this); return true; } break; case MOUSE_MMB_UP: if (!m_MiddleMouseUpAction.empty()) { if (!test) m_Rainmeter->ExecuteCommand(m_MiddleMouseUpAction.c_str(), this); return true; } break; case MOUSE_MMB_DBLCLK: if (!m_MiddleMouseDoubleClickAction.empty()) { if (!test) m_Rainmeter->ExecuteCommand(m_MiddleMouseDoubleClickAction.c_str(), this); return true; } break; } } return false; } /* ** DoMoveAction ** ** Executes the action if such are defined. Returns true, if meter/window which should be processed still may exist. ** */ bool CMeterWindow::DoMoveAction(int x, int y, MOUSE mouse) { bool buttonFound = false; // Check if the hitpoint was over some meter std::list::const_reverse_iterator j = m_Meters.rbegin(); for( ; j != m_Meters.rend(); ++j) { if (!(*j)->IsHidden() && (*j)->HitTest(x, y)) { if (mouse == MOUSE_OVER) { if (!m_MouseOver) { // If the mouse is over a meter it's also over the main window //LogWithArgs(LOG_DEBUG, L"@Enter: %s", m_SkinName.c_str()); m_MouseOver = true; SetMouseLeaveEvent(false); if (!m_MouseOverAction.empty()) { UINT currCounter = m_MouseMoveCounter; m_Rainmeter->ExecuteCommand(m_MouseOverAction.c_str(), this); return (currCounter == m_MouseMoveCounter); } } // Handle button CMeterButton* button = NULL; if (m_HasButtons) { button = dynamic_cast(*j); if (button) { if (!buttonFound) { if (!button->IsExecutable()) { button->SetExecutable(true); } buttonFound = true; } else { if (button->IsExecutable()) { button->SetExecutable(false); } } } } if (!(*j)->IsMouseOver()) { if (!((*j)->GetMouseOverAction().empty()) || !((*j)->GetMouseLeaveAction().empty()) || button) { //LogWithArgs(LOG_DEBUG, L"MeterEnter: %s - [%s]", m_SkinName.c_str(), (*j)->GetName()); (*j)->SetMouseOver(true); if (!((*j)->GetMouseOverAction().empty())) { UINT currCounter = m_MouseMoveCounter; m_Rainmeter->ExecuteCommand((*j)->GetMouseOverAction().c_str(), this); return (currCounter == m_MouseMoveCounter); } } } } } else { if (mouse == MOUSE_LEAVE) { if ((*j)->IsMouseOver()) { // Handle button if (m_HasButtons) { CMeterButton* button = dynamic_cast(*j); if (button) { if (button->IsExecutable()) { button->SetExecutable(false); } } } //LogWithArgs(LOG_DEBUG, L"MeterLeave: %s - [%s]", m_SkinName.c_str(), (*j)->GetName()); (*j)->SetMouseOver(false); if (!((*j)->GetMouseLeaveAction().empty())) { m_Rainmeter->ExecuteCommand((*j)->GetMouseLeaveAction().c_str(), this); return true; } } } } } if (HitTest(x, y)) { // If no meters caused actions, do the default actions if (mouse == MOUSE_OVER) { if (!m_MouseOver) { //LogWithArgs(LOG_DEBUG, L"Enter: %s", m_SkinName.c_str()); m_MouseOver = true; SetMouseLeaveEvent(false); if (!m_MouseOverAction.empty()) { UINT currCounter = m_MouseMoveCounter; m_Rainmeter->ExecuteCommand(m_MouseOverAction.c_str(), this); return (currCounter == m_MouseMoveCounter); } } } } else { if (mouse == MOUSE_LEAVE) { // Mouse leave happens when the mouse is outside the window if (m_MouseOver) { //LogWithArgs(LOG_DEBUG, L"Leave: %s", m_SkinName.c_str()); m_MouseOver = false; SetMouseLeaveEvent(true); if (!m_MouseLeaveAction.empty()) { m_Rainmeter->ExecuteCommand(m_MouseLeaveAction.c_str(), this); return true; } } } } return false; } /* ** OnMove ** ** Stores the new place of the window, in screen coordinates. ** */ LRESULT CMeterWindow::OnMove(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { // The lParam's x/y parameters are given in screen coordinates for overlapped and pop-up windows // and in parent-client coordinates for child windows. // Store the new window position m_ScreenX = (SHORT)LOWORD(lParam); m_ScreenY = (SHORT)HIWORD(lParam); SetWindowPositionVariables(m_ScreenX, m_ScreenY); if (m_Dragging) { ScreenToWindow(); } return 0; } /* ** WndProc ** ** The window procedure for the Meter ** */ LRESULT CALLBACK CMeterWindow::WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { CMeterWindow* Window = NULL; if(uMsg == WM_CREATE) { // Fetch this window-object from the CreateStruct Window=(CMeterWindow*)((LPCREATESTRUCT)lParam)->lpCreateParams; SetProp(hWnd, L"RAINMETER", Window); } else if(uMsg == WM_DESTROY) { RemoveProp(hWnd, L"RAINMETER"); } else { Window = (CMeterWindow*)GetProp(hWnd, L"RAINMETER"); } BEGIN_MESSAGEPROC MESSAGE(OnPaint, WM_PAINT) MESSAGE(OnMove, WM_MOVE) MESSAGE(OnCreate, WM_CREATE) MESSAGE(OnDestroy, WM_DESTROY) MESSAGE(OnTimer, WM_TIMER) MESSAGE(OnCommand, WM_COMMAND) MESSAGE(OnSysCommand, WM_SYSCOMMAND) MESSAGE(OnEnterSizeMove, WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE) MESSAGE(OnExitSizeMove, WM_EXITSIZEMOVE) MESSAGE(OnNcHitTest, WM_NCHITTEST) MESSAGE(OnSetCursor, WM_SETCURSOR) MESSAGE(OnEnterMenuLoop, WM_ENTERMENULOOP) MESSAGE(OnMouseMove, WM_MOUSEMOVE) MESSAGE(OnMouseMove, WM_NCMOUSEMOVE) MESSAGE(OnMouseLeave, WM_MOUSELEAVE) MESSAGE(OnMouseLeave, WM_NCMOUSELEAVE) MESSAGE(OnContextMenu, WM_CONTEXTMENU) MESSAGE(OnRightButtonDown, WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN) MESSAGE(OnRightButtonDown, WM_RBUTTONDOWN) MESSAGE(OnRightButtonUp, WM_RBUTTONUP) MESSAGE(OnContextMenu, WM_NCRBUTTONUP) MESSAGE(OnRightButtonDoubleClick, WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK) MESSAGE(OnRightButtonDoubleClick, WM_NCRBUTTONDBLCLK) MESSAGE(OnLeftButtonDown, WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN) MESSAGE(OnLeftButtonDown, WM_LBUTTONDOWN) MESSAGE(OnLeftButtonUp, WM_LBUTTONUP) MESSAGE(OnLeftButtonUp, WM_NCLBUTTONUP) MESSAGE(OnLeftButtonDoubleClick, WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK) MESSAGE(OnLeftButtonDoubleClick, WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK) MESSAGE(OnMiddleButtonDown, WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN) MESSAGE(OnMiddleButtonDown, WM_MBUTTONDOWN) MESSAGE(OnMiddleButtonUp, WM_MBUTTONUP) MESSAGE(OnMiddleButtonUp, WM_NCMBUTTONUP) MESSAGE(OnMiddleButtonDoubleClick, WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK) MESSAGE(OnMiddleButtonDoubleClick, WM_NCMBUTTONDBLCLK) MESSAGE(OnWindowPosChanging, WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING) MESSAGE(OnCopyData, WM_COPYDATA) MESSAGE(OnDelayedExecute, WM_DELAYED_EXECUTE) MESSAGE(OnDelayedRefresh, WM_DELAYED_REFRESH) MESSAGE(OnDelayedMove, WM_DELAYED_MOVE) MESSAGE(OnSettingChange, WM_SETTINGCHANGE) MESSAGE(OnDisplayChange, WM_DISPLAYCHANGE) END_MESSAGEPROC } /* ** OnDelayedExecute ** ** Handles delayed executes ** */ LRESULT CMeterWindow::OnDelayedExecute(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (lParam) { LPCTSTR szExecute = (LPCTSTR)lParam; COPYDATASTRUCT copyData; copyData.dwData = 1; copyData.cbData = (DWORD)((wcslen(szExecute) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); copyData.lpData = (void*)szExecute; OnCopyData(WM_COPYDATA, NULL, (LPARAM)©Data); } return 0; } /* ** OnDelayedRefresh ** ** Handles delayed refresh ** */ LRESULT CMeterWindow::OnDelayedRefresh(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { try { Refresh(false); } catch (CError& error) { MessageBox(m_Window, error.GetString().c_str(), APPNAME, MB_OK | MB_TOPMOST | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } return 0; } /* ** OnDelayedMove ** ** Handles delayed move ** */ LRESULT CMeterWindow::OnDelayedMove(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (m_NativeTransparency) { m_Parser.ResetMonitorVariables(this); // Move the window to correct position ResizeWindow(true); if (m_KeepOnScreen) { MapCoordsToScreen(m_ScreenX, m_ScreenY, m_WindowW, m_WindowH); } SetWindowPos(m_Window, NULL, m_ScreenX, m_ScreenY, m_WindowW, m_WindowH, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE); } else { // With copy transparency we'll do a full refresh PostMessage(m_Window, WM_DELAYED_REFRESH, (WPARAM)NULL, (LPARAM)NULL); } return 0; } /* ** OnCopyData ** ** Handles bangs from the exe ** */ LRESULT CMeterWindow::OnCopyData(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { COPYDATASTRUCT* pCopyDataStruct = (COPYDATASTRUCT*) lParam; if (pCopyDataStruct && (pCopyDataStruct->dwData == 1) && (pCopyDataStruct->cbData > 0)) { // Check that we're still alive bool found = false; std::map& meters = Rainmeter->GetAllMeterWindows(); std::map::const_iterator iter = meters.begin(); for ( ; iter != meters.end(); ++iter) { if ((*iter).second == this) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { Log(LOG_WARNING, L"Unable to send the !bang to a deactivated config."); return 0; // This meterwindow has been deactivated } std::wstring str = (const WCHAR*)pCopyDataStruct->lpData; if (_wcsnicmp(L"PLAY ", str.c_str(), 5) == 0 || _wcsnicmp(L"PLAYLOOP ", str.c_str(), 9) == 0 || _wcsnicmp(L"PLAYSTOP", str.c_str(), 8) == 0) { // Audio commands are special cases. Rainmeter->ExecuteCommand(str.c_str(), this); return TRUE; } std::wstring bang; std::wstring arg; // Find the first space std::wstring::size_type pos = str.find(' '); if (pos != std::wstring::npos) { bang = str.substr(0, pos); str.erase(0, pos + 1); arg = str; } else { bang = str; } if (_wcsicmp(bang.c_str(), L"!RainmeterWriteKeyValue") == 0) { // !RainmeterWriteKeyValue is a special case. if (CRainmeter::ParseString(arg.c_str()).size() < 4) { // Add the current config filepath to the args arg += L" \""; arg += m_SkinPath; arg += m_SkinName; arg += L"\\"; arg += m_SkinIniFile; arg += L"\""; } } // Add the current config name to the args. If it's not defined already // the bang only affects this config, if there already is a config defined // another one doesn't matter. arg += L" \""; arg += m_SkinName; arg += L"\""; return Rainmeter->ExecuteBang(bang, arg, this); } else { return FALSE; } } /* ** SetWindowPositionVariables ** ** Sets up the window position variables. ** */ void CMeterWindow::SetWindowPositionVariables(int x, int y) { WCHAR buffer[32]; _snwprintf_s(buffer, _TRUNCATE, L"%i", x); m_Parser.SetBuiltInVariable(L"CURRENTCONFIGX", buffer); _snwprintf_s(buffer, _TRUNCATE, L"%i", y); m_Parser.SetBuiltInVariable(L"CURRENTCONFIGY", buffer); } /* ** SetWindowSizeVariables ** ** Sets up the window size variables. ** */ void CMeterWindow::SetWindowSizeVariables(int w, int h) { WCHAR buffer[32]; _snwprintf_s(buffer, _TRUNCATE, L"%i", w); m_Parser.SetBuiltInVariable(L"CURRENTCONFIGWIDTH", buffer); _snwprintf_s(buffer, _TRUNCATE, L"%i", h); m_Parser.SetBuiltInVariable(L"CURRENTCONFIGHEIGHT", buffer); } /* ** MakePathAbsolute ** ** Converts the path to absolute by adding the skin's path to it (unless it already is absolute). ** */ std::wstring CMeterWindow::MakePathAbsolute(const std::wstring& path) { if (path.empty() || path.find(L":\\") != std::wstring::npos || path.find(L":/") != std::wstring::npos || (path.length() >= 2 && (path[0] == L'\\' || path[0] == L'/') && (path[1] == L'\\' || path[1] == L'/'))) // UNC { return path; // It's already absolute path (or it's empty) } std::wstring root = m_SkinPath + m_SkinName; WCHAR ch = root[root.length() - 1]; if (ch != L'\\' && ch != L'/') { root += L"\\"; } return root + path; } CMeter* CMeterWindow::GetMeter(std::wstring meterName) { std::list::const_iterator j = m_Meters.begin(); for( ; j != m_Meters.end(); ++j) { if (_wcsicmp((*j)->GetName(), meterName.c_str()) == 0) { return (*j); } } return 0; } CMeasure* CMeterWindow::GetMeasure(std::wstring measureName) { std::list::const_iterator j = m_Measures.begin(); for( ; j != m_Measures.end(); ++j) { if (_wcsicmp((*j)->GetName(), measureName.c_str()) == 0) { return (*j); } } return 0; } const char* CMeterWindow::ReplaceVariables(const char* p_str) { static std::string aStr = ""; std::wstring value = ConvertToWide(p_str); m_Parser.ReplaceVariables(value); m_Parser.ReplaceMeasures(value); aStr = ConvertToAscii(value.c_str()); const char* str = aStr.c_str(); return str; }