#ifndef _MESSAGES_H_
#define _MESSAGES_H_
 *  VirtuaWin - Virtual Desktop Manager (virtuawin.sourceforge.net)
 *  ConfigParameters.h - Dfinition of all module messages
 *  Copyright (c) 1999-2005 Johan Piculell
 *  Copyright (c) 2006-2010 VirtuaWin (VirtuaWin@home.se)
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, 
 *  USA.
 * This is a definition of all possible messages to send to VirtuaWin 
 * and the messages that VirtuaWin uses for module communication
 * All messages starting with VW_ is for controlling VirtuaWin 
 * and messages starting with MOD_ is messages sent by VirtuaWin 
 * For example if you want to step one desktop to the left:
 * PostMessage(VirtuaWin HWND, VW_CHANGEDESK, VW_STEPLEFT, 0);
 * For messages where you expect a return value, use the SendMessage
 * function instead, see some win32 documentation for more info.
 * Note: the message numbers is not all in sequence!

/* Message, switch to a specified desktop, sent with following wParam or 1..vwDESKTOP_MAX */
#define VW_CHANGEDESK   (WM_USER + 10) 
#define VW_STEPPREV     (WM_USER +  1)
#define VW_STEPNEXT     (WM_USER +  2)
#define VW_STEPLEFT     (WM_USER + 11)
#define VW_STEPRIGHT    (WM_USER + 12)
#define VW_STEPUP       (WM_USER + 13)
#define VW_STEPDOWN     (WM_USER + 14)
/* Message, close VirtuaWin */
#define VW_CLOSE        (WM_USER + 15) 
/* Message, display setup dialog */
#define VW_SETUP        (WM_USER + 16) 
/* Message, remove the systray icon */
#define VW_DELICON      (WM_USER + 17) 
/* Message, displays the systray icon */
#define VW_SHOWICON     (WM_USER + 18) 
/* Message, bring up the help */ 
#define VW_HELP         (WM_USER + 19) 
/* Message, gather all windows */
#define VW_GATHER       (WM_USER + 20) 
/* Message, retuns desktop width */
#define VW_DESKX        (WM_USER + 21)
/* Message, retuns desktop height */
#define VW_DESKY        (WM_USER + 22)
/* Message, request the window list from VirtuaWin - RETIRED.
 * This message was too dependent on the Window data structure, creating modules which
 * are very version dependent. As to v4.0 support for this message has been removed,
 * Module writers are encouraged to use the VW_WINGETINFO message instead see SF bug
 * 1915723 for more information */
#define VW_WINLIST      (WM_USER + 23)
/* Message, returns the current desktop number */
#define VW_CURDESK      (WM_USER + 24)
/* Message, assign a window to the specified desktop wParam is the window
 * handle (HWND, 0 for foreground window) and lParam is either VW_STEP* (see
 * 6 defines above) or the desktop number. If desk is -ve window is assigned
 * to desk (-lParam) and VW changes to the desk. Returns 0 if window was not
 * found (i.e. not managed by VW), non-zero otherwise */
#define VW_ASSIGNWIN    (WM_USER + 25)
/* Message, set the sticky state of a window. wParam is the window handle
 * (HWND, 0 for foreground window) and lParam should be -1 for toggle, 0 for
 * unset and 1 for set sticky state. */
#define VW_SETSTICKY    (WM_USER + 26)
/* Message, make a window the foreground, only if visible 
   wParam is the window handle (HWND) */
#define VW_FOREGDWIN    (WM_USER + 27)
/* Message, return VirtuaWin's installation path. The path will be returned via a WM_COPYDATA
 * message, set wParam to the HWND which is to receive the WM_COPYDATA message */
#define VW_INSTALLPATH  (WM_USER + 28)
/* Message, return VirtuaWin's user application data path. The path will be returned via a 
 * WM_COPYDATA message, set wParam to the HWND which is to receive the WM_COPYDATA message */
#define VW_USERAPPPATH  (WM_USER + 29)
/* Message, access a window, wParam is the window handle (HWND) and lParam is the method:
            0 - Use user's 'On hidden window activation' preference (ignore -> move)
            1 - Move window to this desk
            2 - Show window to this disk
            3 - Change to window's desk
           -1 - Use window's 'On hidden window activation' setting (if set to ignore nothing will happen)
   Returns 0 if window was not found (i.e. not managed by VW), non-zero otherwise */
#define VW_ACCESSWIN    (WM_USER + 39)
/* Message, return the information VW has on the window given via wParam. 0 is returned if the
 * window is not found, otherwise use the 2 macros to extract the window flags (see vwWINFLAGS_*
 * defines in Defines.h, the hide method flags are not given) and the windows desk. To check
 * if a window is hung do:
 *    if(((vwGetWindowInfoFlags(ii) & vwWINFLAGS_SHOWN) == 0) ^ ((vwGetWindowInfoFlags(ii) & vwWINFLAGS_SHOW) == 0))
#define VW_WINGETINFO   (WM_USER + 40)
#define vwWindowGetInfoFlags(ii)  ((ii) & 0x00ffffff)
#define vwWindowGetInfoDesk(ii)   (((ii) >> 24) & 0x00ff)
/* Message, Desk image generation message, the action of the message depends on the
 * value of wParam:
 *   0 - Returns the current status of image generation
 *   1 - Enables image generation, lParam specifies the required image height
 *       (aspect ratio is maintained). Returns 1 if generation is enabled.
 *   2 - Disables image generation. Note: as multiple modules may enable image
 *       generation an 'enable' counter is kept, each 'enable' message increments
 *       and each disable decrements this counter. Image generation only stops 
 *       when the counter returns to zero. Returns 1 if counter was decremented,
 *       0 if counter is already 0.
 *   3 - Updates the current desk's image if image generation is enabled, returns
 *       1 if successfully updated, 0 otherwise.
 *   4 - Returns the desk image height if enabled, 0 otherwise 
 *   5 - Returns the desk image width if enabled, 0 otherwise */ 
#define VW_DESKIMAGE    (WM_USER + 41)
/* Message, set the main VirtuaWin enable/disable state. If wParam is 0
   the current state is not changed, 1 for toggle, 2 for disable
   and 3 for enable. Returns the previous state, 1 for enable & 0 for disabled. */
#define VW_ENABLE_STATE (WM_USER + 42)
/* Message, return the name of the desk specified by the lParam, if lParam is set
 * to 0 the current desktop name is returned. The name will be returned via a WM_COPYDATA
 * message, set wParam to the HWND which is to receive the WM_COPYDATA message */
#define VW_DESKNAME     (WM_USER + 43)
/* Message, returns the value of vwDESKTOP_SIZE in Defines.h, this can be used to
 * quickly obtain the maximum size of any desk based array, i.e. guaranteed to be greater
 * than the current desktop. Note the this is not true of (DESKX * DESKY) due to hidden desktops. */
#define VW_DESKTOP_SIZE (WM_USER + 44)
/* Message, set whether a window is managed by VW. wParam is the window handle
 * (HWND, 0 for foreground window) and lParam should be 0 for not managed  and 1 for managed. */
#define VW_WINMANAGE    (WM_USER + 45)
/* Message, executes a hotkey command as if the user pressed the hotkey, where wParam is the
 * command id (see second column in vwCommands.def), LOWORD(lParam) is the desk (if required) and
 * HIWORD(lParam) is the modifier, only bit vwHOTKEY_WIN_MOUSE is used (and only set if really
 * needed as the command will fail if there is no window under the mouse). The return is dependent
 * on the command being executed. */
#define VW_HOTKEY       (WM_USER + 46)

/* Message & WM_COPYDATA ID, inserts or removes items from the control menu. */
#define VW_CMENUITEM    (WM_USER + 47)

/* Message, sent by VirtuaWin after a switch. lParam will contain current desktop number 
   if wParam isn't one of the following, then wParam will also contain current desktop.
   If desktop cycling is enabled, there will be two MOD_CHANGEDESK sent when going 
   "over the edge". The first one will have a MOD_STEP* parameter, and the second
   will have current desktop in both parameters.
#define MOD_CHANGEDESK  (WM_USER + 30) 
#define MOD_STEPLEFT    (WM_USER + 31)
#define MOD_STEPRIGHT   (WM_USER + 32)
#define MOD_STEPUP      (WM_USER + 33)
#define MOD_STEPDOWN    (WM_USER + 34)

/* Message, sent just after the module is started. wParam will contain VirtuaWin hWnd */ 
#define MOD_INIT        (WM_USER + 35)
/* Message, sent when VirtuaWin quits or reloads its modules */
#define MOD_QUIT        (WM_USER + 36)
/* Message, sent by VirtuaWin when setup button is pressed in "module tab",
 * wParam set to the HWND of the 'parent' window or 0 */
#define MOD_SETUP       (WM_USER + 37)
/* Message, sent by VirtuaWin when the configuration has been updated */
#define MOD_CFGCHANGE   (WM_USER + 38)
