/* Copyright (C) 2001 Kimmo Pekkola This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "StdAfx.h" #include "MeterString.h" #include "Rainmeter.h" #include "Measure.h" #include "Error.h" #include "../Common/Gfx/Canvas.h" using namespace Gdiplus; #define PI (3.14159265f) #define CONVERT_TO_DEGREES(X) ((X) * (180.0f / PI)) extern CRainmeter* Rainmeter; void StringToUpper(std::wstring& str) { WCHAR* srcAndDest = &str[0]; int strAndDestLen = (int)str.length(); LCMapString(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LCMAP_UPPERCASE, srcAndDest, strAndDestLen, srcAndDest, strAndDestLen); } void StringToLower(std::wstring& str) { WCHAR* srcAndDest = &str[0]; int strAndDestLen = (int)str.length(); LCMapString(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LCMAP_LOWERCASE, srcAndDest, strAndDestLen, srcAndDest, strAndDestLen); } void StringToProper(std::wstring& str) { if (!str.empty()) { WCHAR* srcAndDest = &str[0]; LCMapString(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LCMAP_UPPERCASE, srcAndDest, 1, srcAndDest, 1); for (size_t i = 1; i < str.length(); ++i) { srcAndDest = &str[i]; LCMapString(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, (str[i - 1] == L' ') ? LCMAP_UPPERCASE : LCMAP_LOWERCASE, srcAndDest, 1, srcAndDest, 1); } } } /* ** The constructor ** */ CMeterString::CMeterString(CMeterWindow* meterWindow, const WCHAR* name) : CMeter(meterWindow, name), m_Color(Color::White), m_EffectColor(Color::Black), m_AutoScale(AUTOSCALE_OFF), m_Style(NORMAL), m_Effect(EFFECT_NONE), m_Case(TEXTCASE_NONE), m_FontSize(10), m_Scale(1.0), m_NoDecimals(true), m_Percentual(true), m_ClipType(CLIP_OFF), m_NeedsClipping(false), m_ClipStringW(-1), m_ClipStringH(-1), m_TextFormat(meterWindow->GetCanvas().CreateTextFormat()), m_NumOfDecimals(-1), m_Angle() { } /* ** The destructor ** */ CMeterString::~CMeterString() { delete m_TextFormat; m_TextFormat = NULL; } /* ** Returns the X-coordinate of the meter ** */ int CMeterString::GetX(bool abs) { int x = CMeter::GetX(); if (!abs) { switch (m_TextFormat->GetHorizontalAlignment()) { case Gfx::HorizontalAlignment::Center: x -= m_W / 2; break; case Gfx::HorizontalAlignment::Right: x -= m_W; break; } } return x; } /* ** Returns the Y-coordinate of the meter ** */ int CMeterString::GetY(bool abs) { int y = CMeter::GetY(); if (!abs) { switch (m_TextFormat->GetVerticalAlignment()) { case Gfx::VerticalAlignment::Center: y -= m_H / 2; break; case Gfx::VerticalAlignment::Bottom: y -= m_H; break; } } return y; } /* ** Create the font that is used to draw the text. ** */ void CMeterString::Initialize() { CMeter::Initialize(); m_TextFormat->SetProperties( m_FontFace.c_str(), m_FontSize, m_Style & BOLD, m_Style & ITALIC, m_MeterWindow->GetFontCollection()); } /* ** Read the options specified in the ini file. ** */ void CMeterString::ReadOptions(CConfigParser& parser, const WCHAR* section) { // Store the current font values so we know if the font needs to be updated std::wstring oldFontFace = m_FontFace; int oldFontSize = m_FontSize; TEXTSTYLE oldStyle = m_Style; CMeter::ReadOptions(parser, section); m_Color = parser.ReadColor(section, L"FontColor", Color::Black); m_EffectColor = parser.ReadColor(section, L"FontEffectColor", Color::Black); m_Prefix = parser.ReadString(section, L"Prefix", L""); m_Postfix = parser.ReadString(section, L"Postfix", L""); m_Text = parser.ReadString(section, L"Text", L""); m_Percentual = 0!=parser.ReadInt(section, L"Percentual", 0); int clipping = parser.ReadInt(section, L"ClipString", 0); switch (clipping) { case 2: m_ClipType = CLIP_AUTO; m_ClipStringW = parser.ReadInt(section, L"ClipStringW", -1); m_ClipStringH = parser.ReadInt(section, L"ClipStringH", -1); break; case 1: m_ClipType = CLIP_ON; break; case 0: m_ClipType = CLIP_OFF; break; default: LogWithArgs(LOG_ERROR, L"ClipString=%s is not valid in [%s]", clipping, m_Name.c_str()); } m_FontFace = parser.ReadString(section, L"FontFace", L"Arial"); if (m_FontFace.empty()) { m_FontFace = L"Arial"; } m_FontSize = parser.ReadInt(section, L"FontSize", 10); if (m_FontSize < 0) { m_FontSize = 10; } m_NumOfDecimals = parser.ReadInt(section, L"NumOfDecimals", -1); m_Angle = (Gdiplus::REAL)parser.ReadFloat(section, L"Angle", 0.0); const std::wstring& autoscale = parser.ReadString(section, L"AutoScale", L"0"); int autoscaleValue = _wtoi(autoscale.c_str()); if (autoscaleValue == 0) { m_AutoScale = AUTOSCALE_OFF; } else { if (autoscale.find_last_of(L"kK") == std::wstring::npos) { m_AutoScale = (autoscaleValue == 2) ? AUTOSCALE_1000 : AUTOSCALE_1024; } else { m_AutoScale = (autoscaleValue == 2) ? AUTOSCALE_1000K : AUTOSCALE_1024K; } } const std::wstring& scale = parser.ReadString(section, L"Scale", L"1"); m_NoDecimals = (scale.find(L'.') == std::wstring::npos); m_Scale = parser.ParseDouble(scale.c_str(), 1); const WCHAR* hAlign = parser.ReadString(section, L"StringAlign", L"LEFT").c_str(); const WCHAR* vAlign = NULL; if (_wcsnicmp(hAlign, L"LEFT", 4) == 0) { m_TextFormat->SetHorizontalAlignment(Gfx::HorizontalAlignment::Left); vAlign = hAlign + 4; } else if (_wcsnicmp(hAlign, L"RIGHT", 5) == 0) { m_TextFormat->SetHorizontalAlignment(Gfx::HorizontalAlignment::Right); vAlign = hAlign + 5; } else if (_wcsnicmp(hAlign, L"CENTER", 6) == 0) { m_TextFormat->SetHorizontalAlignment(Gfx::HorizontalAlignment::Center); vAlign = hAlign + 6; } if (!vAlign || _wcsicmp(vAlign, L"TOP") == 0) { m_TextFormat->SetVerticalAlignment(Gfx::VerticalAlignment::Top); } else if (_wcsicmp(vAlign, L"BOTTOM") == 0) { m_TextFormat->SetVerticalAlignment(Gfx::VerticalAlignment::Bottom); } else if (_wcsicmp(vAlign, L"CENTER") == 0) { m_TextFormat->SetVerticalAlignment(Gfx::VerticalAlignment::Center); } const WCHAR* stringCase = parser.ReadString(section, L"StringCase", L"NONE").c_str(); if (_wcsicmp(stringCase, L"NONE") == 0) { m_Case = TEXTCASE_NONE; } else if (_wcsicmp(stringCase, L"UPPER") == 0) { m_Case = TEXTCASE_UPPER; } else if (_wcsicmp(stringCase, L"LOWER") == 0) { m_Case = TEXTCASE_LOWER; } else if (_wcsicmp(stringCase, L"PROPER") == 0) { m_Case = TEXTCASE_PROPER; } else { LogWithArgs(LOG_ERROR, L"StringCase=%s is not valid in [%s]", stringCase, m_Name.c_str()); } const WCHAR* style = parser.ReadString(section, L"StringStyle", L"NORMAL").c_str(); if (_wcsicmp(style, L"NORMAL") == 0) { m_Style = NORMAL; } else if (_wcsicmp(style, L"BOLD") == 0) { m_Style = BOLD; } else if (_wcsicmp(style, L"ITALIC") == 0) { m_Style = ITALIC; } else if (_wcsicmp(style, L"BOLDITALIC") == 0) { m_Style = BOLDITALIC; } else { LogWithArgs(LOG_ERROR, L"StringStyle=%s is not valid in [%s]", style, m_Name.c_str()); } const WCHAR* effect = parser.ReadString(section, L"StringEffect", L"NONE").c_str(); if (_wcsicmp(effect, L"NONE") == 0) { m_Effect = EFFECT_NONE; } else if (_wcsicmp(effect, L"SHADOW") == 0) { m_Effect = EFFECT_SHADOW; } else if (_wcsicmp(effect, L"BORDER") == 0) { m_Effect = EFFECT_BORDER; } else { LogWithArgs(LOG_ERROR, L"StringEffect=%s is not valid in [%s]", effect, m_Name.c_str()); } if (m_Initialized && (wcscmp(oldFontFace.c_str(), m_FontFace.c_str()) != 0 || oldFontSize != m_FontSize || oldStyle != m_Style)) { Initialize(); // Recreate the font } } /* ** Updates the value(s) from the measures. ** */ bool CMeterString::Update() { if (CMeter::Update()) { int decimals = (m_NumOfDecimals != -1) ? m_NumOfDecimals : (m_NoDecimals && (m_Percentual || m_AutoScale == AUTOSCALE_OFF)) ? 0 : 1; // Create the text m_String = m_Prefix; if (!m_Measures.empty()) { if (m_Text.empty()) { m_String += m_Measures[0]->GetStringValue(m_AutoScale, m_Scale, decimals, m_Percentual); } else { std::wstring tmpText = m_Text; ReplaceMeasures(tmpText, m_AutoScale, m_Scale, decimals, m_Percentual); m_String += tmpText; } } else { m_String += m_Text; } if (!m_Postfix.empty()) m_String += m_Postfix; switch (m_Case) { case TEXTCASE_UPPER: StringToUpper(m_String); break; case TEXTCASE_LOWER: StringToLower(m_String); break; case TEXTCASE_PROPER: StringToProper(m_String); break; } if (!m_WDefined || !m_HDefined) { // Calculate the text size RectF rect; if (DrawString(m_MeterWindow->GetCanvas(), &rect)) { m_W = (int)rect.Width; m_H = (int)rect.Height; } else { m_W = 1; m_H = 1; } } return true; } return false; } /* ** Draws the meter on the double buffer ** */ bool CMeterString::Draw(Gfx::Canvas& canvas) { if (!CMeter::Draw(canvas)) return false; return DrawString(canvas, NULL); } /* ** Draws the string or calculates it's size ** */ bool CMeterString::DrawString(Gfx::Canvas& canvas, RectF* rect) { if (!m_TextFormat->IsInitialized()) return false; LPCWSTR string = m_String.c_str(); UINT stringLen = (UINT)m_String.length(); canvas.SetTextAntiAliasing(m_AntiAlias); m_TextFormat->SetTrimming( m_ClipType == CLIP_ON || (m_ClipType == CLIP_AUTO && (m_NeedsClipping || (m_WDefined && m_HDefined)))); const REAL x = (REAL)GetX(); const REAL y = (REAL)GetY(); if (rect) { rect->X = x; rect->Y = y;; if (canvas.MeasureTextW(string, stringLen, *m_TextFormat, *rect) && m_ClipType == CLIP_AUTO) { // Set initial clipping m_NeedsClipping = false; REAL w, h; bool updateSize = true; if (m_WDefined) { w = (REAL)m_W; h = rect->Height; m_NeedsClipping = true; } else if (m_HDefined) { if (m_ClipStringW == -1) { // Text does not fit in defined height, clip it if (rect->Height > (REAL)m_H) { m_NeedsClipping = true; } rect->Height = (REAL)m_H; updateSize = false; } else { if (rect->Width > m_ClipStringW) { w = (REAL)m_ClipStringW; m_NeedsClipping = true; } else { w = rect->Width; } h = (REAL)m_H; } } else { if (m_ClipStringW == -1) { // Clip text if already larger than ClipStringH if (m_ClipStringH != -1 && rect->Height > (REAL)m_ClipStringH) { m_NeedsClipping = true; rect->Height = (REAL)m_ClipStringH; } updateSize = false; } else { if (rect->Width > m_ClipStringW) { w = (REAL)m_ClipStringW; m_NeedsClipping = true; } else { w = rect->Width; } h = rect->Height; } } if (updateSize) { UINT lines = 0; RectF layout(x, y, w, h); if (canvas.MeasureTextLinesW(string, stringLen, *m_TextFormat, layout, lines) && lines != 0) { rect->Width = w; rect->Height = layout.Height; if (m_HDefined || (m_ClipStringH != -1 && rect->Height > m_ClipStringH)) { rect->Height = (REAL)(m_HDefined ? m_H : m_ClipStringH); } } } } } else { RectF rcDest(x, y, (REAL)m_W, (REAL)m_H); m_Rect = rcDest; if (m_Angle != 0.0f) { canvas.RotateTransform(CONVERT_TO_DEGREES(m_Angle), x, y, -x, -y); } if (m_Effect != EFFECT_NONE) { SolidBrush solidBrush(m_EffectColor); RectF rcEffect(rcDest); if (m_Effect == EFFECT_SHADOW) { rcEffect.Offset(1, 1); canvas.DrawTextW(string, (UINT)stringLen, *m_TextFormat, rcEffect, solidBrush); } else //if (m_Effect == EFFECT_BORDER) { rcEffect.Offset(0, 1); canvas.DrawTextW(string, (UINT)stringLen, *m_TextFormat, rcEffect, solidBrush); rcEffect.Offset(1, -1); canvas.DrawTextW(string, (UINT)stringLen, *m_TextFormat, rcEffect, solidBrush); rcEffect.Offset(-1, -1); canvas.DrawTextW(string, (UINT)stringLen, *m_TextFormat, rcEffect, solidBrush); rcEffect.Offset(-1, 1); canvas.DrawTextW(string, (UINT)stringLen, *m_TextFormat, rcEffect, solidBrush); } } SolidBrush solidBrush(m_Color); canvas.DrawTextW(string, (UINT)stringLen, *m_TextFormat, rcDest, solidBrush); if (m_Angle != 0.0f) { canvas.ResetTransform(); } } return true; } /* ** Overridden method. The string meters need not to be bound on anything ** */ void CMeterString::BindMeasures(CConfigParser& parser, const WCHAR* section) { if (BindPrimaryMeasure(parser, section, true)) { BindSecondaryMeasures(parser, section); } } /* ** Static helper to log all installed font families. ** */ void CMeterString::EnumerateInstalledFontFamilies() { INT fontCount; InstalledFontCollection fontCollection; if (Ok == fontCollection.GetLastStatus()) { fontCount = fontCollection.GetFamilyCount(); if (fontCount > 0) { INT fontFound; FontFamily* fontFamilies = new FontFamily[fontCount]; if (Ok == fontCollection.GetFamilies(fontCount, fontFamilies, &fontFound)) { std::wstring fonts; for (INT i = 0; i < fontCount; ++i) { WCHAR familyName[LF_FACESIZE]; if (Ok == fontFamilies[i].GetFamilyName(familyName)) { fonts += familyName; } else { fonts += L"***"; } fonts += L", "; } Log(LOG_NOTICE, fonts.c_str()); } else { Log(LOG_ERROR, L"Font enumeration: GetFamilies failed"); } delete [] fontFamilies; } else { Log(LOG_WARNING, L"No installed fonts"); } } else { Log(LOG_ERROR, L"Font enumeration: InstalledFontCollection failed"); } } void CMeterString::InitializeStatic() { if (Rainmeter->GetDebug()) { Log(LOG_DEBUG, L"------------------------------"); Log(LOG_DEBUG, L"* Font families:"); EnumerateInstalledFontFamilies(); Log(LOG_DEBUG, L"------------------------------"); } } void CMeterString::FinalizeStatic() { }