/* Copyright (C) 2011 Birunthan Mohanathas (www.poiru.net) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef __PLAYERWMP_H__ #define __PLAYERWMP_H__ #include "Player.h" #ifndef _ATL_DLL #define _ATL_DLL #define _ATL_APARTMENT_THREADED #define _ATL_NO_EXCEPTIONS #endif #include <wmp.h> #include <atlbase.h> #include <atlcom.h> #include <atlhost.h> #include <atlctl.h> class CPlayerWMP : public CPlayer { public: virtual ~CPlayerWMP(); static CPlayer* Create(); virtual void UpdateData(); virtual void Pause(); virtual void Play(); virtual void Stop(); virtual void Next(); virtual void Previous(); virtual void SetPosition(int position); virtual void SetRating(int rating); virtual void SetVolume(int volume); virtual void OpenPlayer(std::wstring& path); virtual void ClosePlayer(); protected: CPlayerWMP(); private: class CRemoteHost : public CComObjectRootEx<CComSingleThreadModel>, public IServiceProvider, public IWMPRemoteMediaServices, public IWMPEvents { public: CRemoteHost(); ~CRemoteHost(); CPlayerWMP* m_Player; BEGIN_COM_MAP(CRemoteHost) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IServiceProvider) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IWMPRemoteMediaServices) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IWMPEvents) END_COM_MAP() // IServiceProvider STDMETHOD(QueryService)(REFGUID guidService, REFIID riid, void** ppv); // IWMPRemoteMediaServices STDMETHOD(GetServiceType)(BSTR* pbstrType); STDMETHOD(GetApplicationName)(BSTR* pbstrName); STDMETHOD(GetScriptableObject)(BSTR* pbstrName, IDispatch** ppDispatch); STDMETHOD(GetCustomUIMode)(BSTR* pbstrFile); // IWMPEvents void STDMETHODCALLTYPE OpenStateChange(long NewState) {} void STDMETHODCALLTYPE PlayStateChange(long NewState); void STDMETHODCALLTYPE AudioLanguageChange(long LangID) {} void STDMETHODCALLTYPE StatusChange() {} void STDMETHODCALLTYPE ScriptCommand(BSTR scType, BSTR Param) {} void STDMETHODCALLTYPE NewStream() {} void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Disconnect(long Result) {} void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Buffering(VARIANT_BOOL Start) {} void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Error() {} void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Warning(long WarningType, long Param, BSTR Description) {} void STDMETHODCALLTYPE EndOfStream(long Result) {} void STDMETHODCALLTYPE PositionChange(double oldPosition, double newPosition) {} void STDMETHODCALLTYPE MarkerHit(long MarkerNum) {} void STDMETHODCALLTYPE DurationUnitChange(long NewDurationUnit) {} void STDMETHODCALLTYPE CdromMediaChange(long CdromNum) {} void STDMETHODCALLTYPE PlaylistChange(IDispatch* Playlist, WMPPlaylistChangeEventType change) {} void STDMETHODCALLTYPE CurrentPlaylistChange(WMPPlaylistChangeEventType change) {} void STDMETHODCALLTYPE CurrentPlaylistItemAvailable(BSTR bstrItemName) {} void STDMETHODCALLTYPE MediaChange(IDispatch* pdispMedia) {} void STDMETHODCALLTYPE CurrentMediaItemAvailable(BSTR bstrItemName) {} void STDMETHODCALLTYPE CurrentItemChange(IDispatch* pdispMedia); void STDMETHODCALLTYPE MediaCollectionChange() {} void STDMETHODCALLTYPE MediaCollectionAttributeStringAdded(BSTR bstrAttribName, BSTR bstrAttribVal) {} void STDMETHODCALLTYPE MediaCollectionAttributeStringRemoved(BSTR bstrAttribName, BSTR bstrAttribVal) {} void STDMETHODCALLTYPE MediaCollectionAttributeStringChanged(BSTR bstrAttribName, BSTR bstrOldAttribVal, BSTR bstrNewAttribVal) {} void STDMETHODCALLTYPE PlaylistCollectionChange() {} void STDMETHODCALLTYPE PlaylistCollectionPlaylistAdded(BSTR bstrPlaylistName) {} void STDMETHODCALLTYPE PlaylistCollectionPlaylistRemoved(BSTR bstrPlaylistName) {} void STDMETHODCALLTYPE PlaylistCollectionPlaylistSetAsDeleted(BSTR bstrPlaylistName, VARIANT_BOOL varfIsDeleted) {} void STDMETHODCALLTYPE ModeChange(BSTR ModeName, VARIANT_BOOL NewValue) {} void STDMETHODCALLTYPE MediaError(IDispatch* pMediaObject) {} void STDMETHODCALLTYPE OpenPlaylistSwitch(IDispatch* pItem) {} void STDMETHODCALLTYPE DomainChange(BSTR strDomain) {} void STDMETHODCALLTYPE SwitchedToPlayerApplication() {} void STDMETHODCALLTYPE SwitchedToControl(); void STDMETHODCALLTYPE PlayerDockedStateChange() {} void STDMETHODCALLTYPE PlayerReconnect() {} void STDMETHODCALLTYPE Click(short nButton, short nShiftState, long fX, long fY) {} void STDMETHODCALLTYPE DoubleClick(short nButton, short nShiftState, long fX, long fY) {} void STDMETHODCALLTYPE KeyDown(short nKeyCode, short nShiftState) {} void STDMETHODCALLTYPE KeyPress(short nKeyAscii) {} void STDMETHODCALLTYPE KeyUp(short nKeyCode, short nShiftState) {} void STDMETHODCALLTYPE MouseDown(short nButton, short nShiftState, long fX, long fY) {} void STDMETHODCALLTYPE MouseMove(short nButton, short nShiftState, long fX, long fY) {} void STDMETHODCALLTYPE MouseUp(short nButton, short nShiftState, long fX, long fY) {} }; void Initialize(); void Uninitialize(); static CPlayer* c_Player; bool m_TrackChanged; HWND m_Window; DWORD m_LastCheckTime; CComModule m_ComModule; CAxWindow* m_AxWindow; CComPtr<IWMPPlayer4> m_IPlayer; CComPtr<IWMPControls> m_IControls; CComPtr<IWMPSettings> m_ISettings; CComPtr<IConnectionPoint> m_IConnectionPoint; }; #endif