/* Copyright (C) 2005 Kimmo Pekkola, 2009 Greg Schoppe This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include "../../Library/RawString.h" #include "../../Library/Export.h" // Rainmeter's exported functions #include "../../Library/DisableThreadLibraryCalls.h" // contains DllMain entry point // System resources that can be counted enum MEASURETYPE { NUMRECYCLE, SIZERECYCLE }; struct MeasureData { MEASURETYPE type; CRawString drives; MeasureData() : type(NUMRECYCLE) {} }; PLUGIN_EXPORT void Initialize(void** data, void* rm) { MeasureData* measure = new MeasureData; *data = measure; } PLUGIN_EXPORT void Reload(void* data, void* rm, double* maxValue) { MeasureData* measure = (MeasureData*)data; LPCWSTR value = RmReadString(rm, L"RecycleType", L"COUNT"); if (_wcsicmp(L"COUNT", value) == 0) { measure->type = NUMRECYCLE; } else if (_wcsicmp(L"SIZE", value) == 0) { measure->type = SIZERECYCLE; } else { WCHAR buffer[256]; _snwprintf_s(buffer, _TRUNCATE, L"RecycleManager.dll: RecycleType=%s is not valid in [%s]", value, RmGetMeasureName(rm)); RmLog(LOG_ERROR, buffer); } value = RmReadString(rm, L"Drives", L"ALL"); measure->drives = (_wcsicmp(value, L"ALL") == 0) ? NULL : value; } PLUGIN_EXPORT double Update(void* data) { MeasureData* measure = (MeasureData*)data; double retVal = 0; SHQUERYRBINFO rbi = {0}; rbi.cbSize = sizeof(SHQUERYRBINFO); if (measure->drives.empty()) { if (SHQueryRecycleBin(NULL, &rbi) == S_OK) { if (measure->type == SIZERECYCLE) { retVal = (double)rbi.i64Size; // size in bytes } else if (measure->type == NUMRECYCLE) { retVal = (double)rbi.i64NumItems; // number of items in bin } } } else { WCHAR* drives = _wcsdup(measure->drives.c_str()); WCHAR* token = wcstok(drives, L"|"); while (token) { if (SHQueryRecycleBin(token, &rbi) == S_OK) { if (measure->type == SIZERECYCLE) { retVal += (double)rbi.i64Size; // size in bytes } else if (measure->type == NUMRECYCLE) { retVal += (double)rbi.i64NumItems; // number of items in bin } } token = wcstok(NULL, L"|"); } free(drives); } return retVal; } PLUGIN_EXPORT void Finalize(void* data) { MeasureData* measure = (MeasureData*)data; delete measure; } PLUGIN_EXPORT void ExecuteBang(void* data, LPCWSTR args) { MeasureData* measure = (MeasureData*)data; auto emptyBin = [&](DWORD flags) { if (measure->drives.empty()) { SHEmptyRecycleBin(NULL, NULL, flags); } else { WCHAR* drives = _wcsdup(measure->drives.c_str()); WCHAR* token = wcstok(drives, L"|"); while (token) { SHEmptyRecycleBin(NULL, token, flags); token = wcstok(NULL, L"|"); } free(drives); } }; if (_wcsicmp(args, L"EmptyBin") == 0) { emptyBin(0); } else if (_wcsicmp(args, L"EmptyBinSilent") == 0) { emptyBin(SHERB_NOCONFIRMATION | SHERB_NOPROGRESSUI | SHERB_NOSOUND); } else if (_wcsicmp(args, L"OpenBin") == 0) { // Open the Recycle Bin folder ShellExecute(NULL, L"open", L"explorer.exe", L"/N,::{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}", NULL, SW_SHOW); } }