!RainmeterWriteKeyValue "Section" "Key" "Value" ("FileSpec"), where "FileSpec" is an optional parameter. If FileSpec is not present, the change is automatically done in the currently running skin file. If the bang is executed from command line, FileSpec is required.
- Some improvements of MouseOver/Leave detection.
- Fixed the issue that window dragging brings on MouseLeave if "Show window contents while dragging" is not set.
- Fixed the issue that window dragging can't be begun by dragging the Button.
- Fixed the issue that a reaction of the upper Button penetrates to the lower Buttons or the other window.
Group=group1 | group2 | group3
* Concatenate group with the "|" if you'd like to assign multiple groups.
- Added !Bangs for Group. (!RainmeterShowMeterGroup, !RainmeterHideMeterGroup, !RainmeterToggleMeterGroup, !RainmeterEnableMeasureGroup, !RainmeterDisableMeasureGroup, !RainmeterToggleMeasureGroup)
!RainmeterShowMeterGroup [group] (Config)
!RainmeterHideMeterGroup [group] (Config)
!RainmeterToggleMeterGroup [group] (Config)
!RainmeterEnableMeasureGroup [group] (Config)
!RainmeterDisableMeasureGroup [group] (Config)
!RainmeterToggleMeasureGroup [group] (Config)
- Modified logging feature. Added new "Logging" menu to the context menu.
- Added the manifest to Rainmeter.exe to apply visual style to button etc.
- Added !RainmeterSetTransparency, !RainmeterShowFade, !RainmeterHideFade, !RainmeterToggleFade.
- Added the function to log the installed font families to the log file when Debug=1 is set.
- Added the workaround for issue 145. The wrong drawing position was fixed when AntiAlias=0 is set.