- Added some codes to avoid loading a dll from current directory.
- Added new functions to avoid loading a dll from current directory. (CSystem::RmSetDllDirectory(), CSystem::RmLoadLibrary())
Group=group1 | group2 | group3
* Concatenate group with the "|" if you'd like to assign multiple groups.
- Added !Bangs for Group. (!RainmeterShowMeterGroup, !RainmeterHideMeterGroup, !RainmeterToggleMeterGroup, !RainmeterEnableMeasureGroup, !RainmeterDisableMeasureGroup, !RainmeterToggleMeasureGroup)
!RainmeterShowMeterGroup [group] (Config)
!RainmeterHideMeterGroup [group] (Config)
!RainmeterToggleMeterGroup [group] (Config)
!RainmeterEnableMeasureGroup [group] (Config)
!RainmeterDisableMeasureGroup [group] (Config)
!RainmeterToggleMeasureGroup [group] (Config)
- Modified logging feature. Added new "Logging" menu to the context menu.
- Added the manifest to Rainmeter.exe to apply visual style to button etc.
- Minor changes of ConvertToXXX(): Get an appropriate buffer size to convert the string. And using [] when deleting arrays.
- Fixed a few memory leaks.
- It's now possible to send the !BANG command when all windows are "On Desktop". (Rainmeter.exe and WebParser)
If there is a file called Default.ini in the program folder it will be used as the default settings file for new users.
The location of the settings file (rainmeter.ini) can be defined as a command line argument.