-; edit feedURL to change displayed feed
-; ----------------------------------
-; MEASURES return some kind of value
-; ----------------------------------
-; WebParser measures are relatively complicated. If you're a beginner with
-; Rainmeter, take a look at some of the other illustro skins before modifying this one.
-; Substitute works as follows: "A":"B" where A is a string to substitute and B is a string
-; to substitute with. In this case, it substutes "" (i.e. empty) to N/A
-; The WebParser plugin requires a unique measure for every string index it returns that needs to be read.
-; The RegExp parameter only needs to be specified once per URL.
-; When is set to DecodeCharacterReference=1, WebParser automatically decodes numeric character references
-; and character entity references. For example, " will automatically be decoded to "
-; ----------------------------------
-; STYLES are used to "centralize" options
-; ----------------------------------
-; Meters using styleLeftText will be left-aligned.
-; ----------------------------------
-; METERS display images, text, bars, etc.
-; ----------------------------------
-; Using MeterStyle=styleTitle will basically "copy" the contents
-; of the [styleTitle] section here during runtime.
-; %1 stands for the value of MeasureName (measureFeed in this case).
-LeftMouseUpAction=!Execute ["[measureLink1]"]
-; When the mouse is clicked and released on this meter, the value of
-; measureLink1 (an address) will be opened in the default browser.
-; Hovering over this meter will display a tooltip with the text of %1 (i.e. the value of measureItem1).
-LeftMouseUpAction=!Execute ["[measureLink2]"]
-LeftMouseUpAction=!Execute ["[measureLink3]"]
-LeftMouseUpAction=!Execute ["[measureLink4]"]
-LeftMouseUpAction=!Execute ["[measureLink5]"]
-LeftMouseUpAction=!Execute ["[measureLink6]"]
-LeftMouseUpAction=!Execute ["[measureLink7]"]
-LeftMouseUpAction=!Execute ["[measureLink8]"]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Build/Themes/illustro default/Rainmeter.ini b/Build/Themes/illustro default/Rainmeter.ini
index f9a3b953..1b9c400e 100644
--- a/Build/Themes/illustro default/Rainmeter.ini
+++ b/Build/Themes/illustro default/Rainmeter.ini
@@ -10,11 +10,6 @@ Active=2