
93 lines
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#ifndef __STDLIB_H__
#define __STDLIB_H__
/** Returns the absolute value of an integer.*/
#define abs(x) (x>0) ? (x) : (x*-1)
/** Returns the absolute value of a long variable.*/
#define labs(x) (x>0) ? (x) : (x*-1)
/** Returns the maximum of two numbers.*/
#define max(a, b) (a > b) ? a : b
/** Returns the minimum of two numbers.*/
#define min(a, b) (a < b) ? a : b
#define NULL 0
/** div_t is a structure of integers used by div()\n
- quot = quotient;\n
- rem = remainder;\n */
typedef struct {
/** Quotient */
long quot;
/** Remainder */
long rem;
} div_t;
/** ldiv_t is a structure of integers used by ldiv()\n
- quot = quotient;\n
- rem = remainder;\n */
typedef struct {
/** Quotient*/
long quot;
/** Remainder*/
long rem;
} ldiv_t;
// TODO: extern long double _atold (const char* string);
// TODO: extern double atof (const char* string); // TODO: initialize FPU
/** Convert ASCII string to INT */
extern int atoi (const char* string);
/** Convert ASCII string to LONG */
extern long atol (const char* string);
/** Convert ASCII string in hexadecimal to unsigned integer.*/
extern unsigned int atox (const char* string);
/** Peform a binary search\n
- const void* key = A pointer to the element to look for\n
- const void* base = A pointer to the first element of the table\n
- unsigned nelem = The number of elements in the table\n
- unsigned width = The size of one element of the table\n
- int *fcmp = A user defined comparison routine\n */
extern void* bsearch (const void* key, const void* base, unsigned nelem, unsigned width, int (*fcmp)(const void*, const void*));
/**Divides two integers and returns both the quotient and the remainder as a div_t structure.*/
extern div_t div (int numerator, int denominator);
/** Convert SIGNED INT to ASCII string */
extern void itoa (signed int value, char *string, int radix);
/**Divides two longs and returns both the quotient and the remainder as a ldiv_t structure.*/
extern ldiv_t ldiv (long numerator, long denominator);
/**Does a linear search for *key in a table\n
- const void* key = A pointer to the element to look for\n
- const void* base = A pointer to the first element of the table\n
- unsigned nelem = The number of elements in the table\n
- unsigned width = The size of one element of the table\n
- int *fcmp = A user defined comparison routine\n */
void* lfind (const void* key, const void* base, unsigned nelem, unsigned width, int (*fcmp)(const void*, const void*));
/** Convert SIGNED LONG to ASCII string */
extern void ltoa (signed long value, char *string, int radix);
/** Sorts an array using an optimized quick sort algorithm.\n
- void base = A pointer to the first element of the table\n
- unsigned *nelem = The number of elements in the table\n
- unsigned width = The size of one element of the table\n
- int *fcmp = A user defined comparison routine\n */
void qsort (void* base, unsigned nelem, unsigned width, int (*fcmp)(const void*, const void*));
/** Convert UNSIGNED INT to ASCII string */
extern void uitoa (unsigned int value, char *string, int radix);
/** Convert UNSIGNED LONG to ASCII string */
extern void ultoa (unsigned long value, char *string, int radix);