
176 lines
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; -Basic memory routines
; OS Development Series
%ifndef __MEMORY_INC_67343546FDCC56AAB872_INCLUDED__
%define __MEMORY_INC_67343546FDCC56AAB872_INCLUDED__
bits 16
; Memory map entry structure
struc MemoryMapEntry
.baseAddress resq 1
.length resq 1
.type resd 1
.acpi_null resd 1
; Get memory map from bios
; /in es:di->destination buffer for entries
; /ret bp=entry count
xor ebx, ebx
xor bp, bp ; number of entries stored here
mov edx, 'PAMS' ; 'SMAP'
mov eax, 0xe820
mov ecx, 24 ; memory map entry struct is 24 bytes
int 0x15 ; get first entry
jc .error
cmp eax, 'PAMS' ; bios returns SMAP in eax
jne .error
test ebx, ebx ; if ebx=0 then list is one entry long; bail out
je .error
jmp .start
mov edx, 'PAMS' ; some bios's trash this register
mov ecx, 24 ; entry is 24 bytes
mov eax, 0xe820
int 0x15 ; get next entry
jcxz .skip_entry ; if actual returned bytes is 0, skip entry
mov ecx, [es:di + MemoryMapEntry.length] ; get length (low dword)
test ecx, ecx ; if length is 0 skip it
jne short .good_entry
mov ecx, [es:di + MemoryMapEntry.length + 4]; get length (upper dword)
jecxz .skip_entry ; if length is 0 skip it
inc bp ; increment entry count
add di, 24 ; point di to next entry in buffer
cmp ebx, 0 ; if ebx return is 0, list is done
jne .next_entry ; get next entry
jmp .done
; Get memory size for >64M configuations (32 bit)
; ret\ ax=KB between 1MB and 16MB
; ret\ bx=number of 64K blocks above 16MB
; ret\ bx=0 and ax= -1 on error
push ecx
push edx
xor ecx, ecx
xor edx, edx
mov ax, 0xe881
int 0x15
jc .error
cmp ah, 0x86 ;unsupported function
je .error
cmp ah, 0x80 ;invalid command
je .error
jcxz .use_ax ;bios may have stored it in ax,bx or cx,dx. test if cx is 0
mov ax, cx ;its not, so it should contain mem size; store it
mov bx, dx
pop edx ;mem size is in ax and bx already, return it
pop ecx
mov ax, -1
mov bx, 0
pop edx
pop ecx
; Get memory size for >64M configuations
; ret\ ax=KB between 1MB and 16MB
; ret\ bx=number of 64K blocks above 16MB
; ret\ bx=0 and ax= -1 on error
push ecx
push edx
xor ecx, ecx
xor edx, edx
mov ax, 0xe801
int 0x15
jc .error
cmp ah, 0x86 ;unsupported function
je .error
cmp ah, 0x80 ;invalid command
je .error
jcxz .use_ax ;bios may have stored it in ax,bx or cx,dx. test if cx is 0
mov ax, cx ;its not, so it should contain mem size; store it
mov bx, dx
pop edx ;mem size is in ax and bx already, return it
pop ecx
mov si, msgNotSupported
call Puts16
mov ax, -1
mov bx, 0
pop edx
pop ecx
; Get amount of contiguous KB from addr 0
; ret\ ax=KB size from address 0
int 0x12
; Get contiguous exetended memory size
; ret\ ax=KB size above 1MB; ax= -1 on error
mov ax, 0x88
int 0x15
jc .error
test ax, ax ; if size=0
je .error
cmp ah, 0x86 ;unsupported function
je .error
cmp ah, 0x80 ;invalid command
je .error
mov ax, -1
msgNotSupported db 0x0A, 0x0D, "BiosGetMemorySize64MB: function not supported.",0x0A, 0x0D, 0x00