#ifndef _HAL_H #define _HAL_H #include #include //#include <..\hal\floppy\floppy.h> #define far #define near #define i86_start_interrupts() __asm__ __volatile__ ("sti"); #define i86_clear_interrupts() __asm__ __volatile__ ("cli"); extern TIME i86_pit_get_time() ; extern unsigned* i86_read_sector (unsigned* where, unsigned char drive, int sectorLBA); // initialize hardware abstraction layer extern void i86_hal_initialize (); // shutdown hardware abstraction layer extern int i86_hal_shutdown (); //! notifies hal interrupt is done //extern void interruptdone (unsigned int intno); //! output sound to speaker extern void sound (unsigned frequency); //! read unsigned char from device using port mapped io //extern unsigned char inportb (unsigned short _port); //! write unsigned char to device through port mapped io //extern void outportb (unsigned short _port, unsigned char _data); //! sets new interrupt vector //extern void setvect (int intno, void ( far &vect) ( ) ); //! returns current interrupt vector //extern void ( far * getvect (int intno)) ( ); //! returns cpu vender extern const char* get_cpu_vender (); extern void reboot(); /********************************************************************** * KEYBOARD STUFF * **********************************************************************/ #define KB_KEY_LSHIFT 0x81 // 1000 0001 #define KB_KEY_RSHIFT 0X82 // 1000 0010 #define KB_KEY_LALT 0X84 // 1000 0100 #define KB_KEY_RALT 0x88 // 1000 1000 #define KB_KEY_LCTRL 0x90 // 1001 0000 #define KB_KEY_RCTRL 0xA0 // 1010 0000 #define KB_KEY_FSHIFT 0xC0 // 1100 0000 extern volatile unsigned char kb_modifier_status; #define KB_PREFIX_GRAY 0x01 // Gray #define KB_PREFIX_BREAK 0x02 // Break code #define KB_PREFIX_PAUSE 0x04 // Pause/break key #define KB_PREFIX_PAUSE1 0x08 // Recieved first unsigned char from pause/break extern volatile unsigned char kb_prefix; #define KB_KEY_SCROLL 0xF1 // 1111 0001 #define KB_KEY_NUM 0xF2 // 1111 0010 #define KB_KEY_CAPS 0xF4 // 1111 0100 extern volatile unsigned char kb_lights_status; extern unsigned char kb_scancode_set; enum KB_KEYS { KB_KEY_PAUSE = 0x00, KB_KEY_F9 = 0x01, KB_KEY_F7 = 0x02, KB_KEY_F5 = 0X03, KB_KEY_F3 = 0x04, KB_KEY_F1 = 0x05, KB_KEY_F2 = 0x06, KB_KEY_F12 = 0x07, KB_KEY_PRINTSCRN = 0x08, KB_KEY_F10 = 0x09, KB_KEY_F8 = 0x0A, KB_KEY_F6 = 0x0B, KB_KEY_F4 = 0x0C, KB_KEY_TAB = 0x0D, KB_KEY_TILDA = 0x0E, KB_KEY_Q = 0x15, KB_KEY_1 = 0x16, KB_KEY_Z = 0x1A, KB_KEY_S = 0x1B, KB_KEY_A = 0x1C, KB_KEY_W = 0x1D, KB_KEY_2 = 0x1E, KB_KEY_LWIN = 0x1F, KB_KEY_C = 0x21, KB_KEY_X = 0x22, KB_KEY_D = 0x23, KB_KEY_E = 0x24, KB_KEY_4 = 0x25, KB_KEY_3 = 0x26, KB_KEY_RWIN = 0x27, KB_KEY_SPACE = 0x29, KB_KEY_V = 0x2A, KB_KEY_F = 0x2B, KB_KEY_T = 0x2C, KB_KEY_R = 0x2D, KB_KEY_5 = 0x2E, KB_KEY_MENU = 0x2F, KB_KEY_N = 0x31, KB_KEY_B = 0x32, KB_KEY_H = 0x33, KB_KEY_G = 0x34, KB_KEY_Y = 0x35, KB_KEY_6 = 0x36, KB_KEY_M = 0x3A, KB_KEY_J = 0x3B, KB_KEY_U = 0x3C, KB_KEY_7 = 0x3D, KB_KEY_8 = 0x3E, KB_KEY_COMMA = 0x41, KB_KEY_K = 0x42, KB_KEY_I = 0x43, KB_KEY_O = 0x44, KB_KEY_0 = 0x45, KB_KEY_9 = 0x46, KB_KEY_PERIOD = 0x49, KB_KEY_SLASH = 0x4A, KB_KEY_L = 0x4B, KB_KEY_SEMICOLON = 0x4C, KB_KEY_P = 0x4D, KB_KEY_DASH = 0x4E, KB_KEY_APOSTROPHE = 0x52, KB_KEY_LBRACKET = 0x54, KB_KEY_EQUAL = 0x55, KB_KEY_NUMPAD_ENTER = 0x59, KB_KEY_ENTER = 0x5A, KB_KEY_RBRACKET = 0x5B, KB_KEY_BACKSLASH = 0x5D, KB_KEY_END = 0x5E, KB_KEY_LEFT = 0x5F, KB_KEY_HOME = 0x60, KB_KEY_INSERT = 0x61, KB_KEY_DELETE = 0x62, KB_KEY_DOWN = 0x63, KB_KEY_RIGHT = 0x64, KB_KEY_UP = 0x65, KB_KEY_BACKSPACE = 0x66, KB_KEY_PGDOWN = 0x67, KB_KEY_PGUP = 0x68, KB_KEY_NUMPAD_1 = 0x69, KB_KEY_NUMPAD_SLASH = 0x6A, KB_KEY_NUMPAD_4 = 0x6B, KB_KEY_NUMPAD_7 = 0x6C, KB_KEY_NUMPAD_0 = 0x70, KB_KEY_NUMPAD_COLON = 0x71, KB_KEY_NUMPAD_2 = 0x72, KB_KEY_NUMPAD_5 = 0x73, KB_KEY_NUMPAD_6 = 0x74, KB_KEY_NUMPAD_8 = 0x75, KB_KEY_ESC = 0x76, KB_KEY_F11 = 0x78, KB_KEY_NUMPAD_PLUS = 0x79, KB_KEY_NUMPAD_3 = 0x7A, KB_KEY_NUMPAD_MINUS = 0x7B, KB_KEY_NUMPAD_ASTERISK = 0x7C, KB_KEY_NUMPAD_9 = 0x7D }; typedef struct { unsigned char status; unsigned char lights; unsigned char scancode; unsigned char character; } kb_key; //extern char getch(); extern kb_key getkey(); extern char scancode_to_ascii(unsigned char scancode, unsigned char status); extern unsigned char get_key_status(unsigned char scancode); extern void kb_set_repeat(float rate, int delay); extern void kb_set_LEDs(unsigned char status); #endif