#include #include #include #include #include "../hal/mouse/mouse.h" #include "../drivers/floppy/floppy.h" #include string ConsoleCommands[] = { "osver", "time", "cls", "help", "dump", "mem", "crash", "mouse", "read", "reboot", "restart", "dir", "cat" }; int32 ConsoleCommandsCount = 13; /***************************************** * osver - get os info * *****************************************/ void CommandOsver() { ConsoleWrite ("%#%s%# 32bit operating system\n", Color(0,ColorYellow), OS_STRING, Color(0,ColorLightGray)); int32 i = 0; for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) ConsoleWrite ("%#%c", ColorDarkGray, 205); ConsoleWrite ("\n%#OS version: %#%s\n", ColorDarkGray, ColorLightGray, OS_VERSION); ConsoleWrite ("%#Build: %#%s ", ColorDarkGray, ColorLightGray, OS_BUILD); ConsoleWrite ("%#built on %#%s %#at %#%s\n", ColorDarkGray, ColorLightGray, OS_BUILD_DATE, ColorDarkGray, ColorLightGray, OS_BUILD_TIME); ConsoleWrite ("%#(c) Copyright %#CTA Systems Inc.\n", ColorDarkGray ,ColorLightGray); } /***************************************** * time - get date and time * *****************************************/ void CommandTime() { const char* Months[] = { "", "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" }; const char* Weekdays[] = { "", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday" }; Time time = ConvertTimeSystemToTime(TimeGetInternalTime()); ConsoleWrite ("Current time: "); ConsoleWrite ("%#%d:%d%d:%d%d.%d%d%d\n", Color(0,ColorLightGreen) ,(int)time.Hour, time.Minute/10, time.Minute%10, time.Second/10, time.Second%10, time.Milisecond/100, (time.Milisecond/10)%10, time.Milisecond%10); ConsoleWrite ("Date: %#%s, %s %d, %d\n", Color(0,ColorLightGreen), Weekdays[time.WeekDay], Months[time.Month], time.Day, time.Year); } /***************************************** * help - help provider * *****************************************/ void CommandHelp(string params[], int32 count) { if (count <= 1) { ConsoleWrite ("Available commands:\n"); int i; for (i = 0; i < ConsoleCommandsCount; i++) ConsoleWrite(" > %#%s\n", Color(0,ColorWhite), ConsoleCommands[i]); return; } ConsoleWrite("%#! Help for %s command is not implemented yet.\n", Color(0,ColorLightRed), params[1]); } /***************************************** * dump - dumps memory content * *****************************************/ inline char hex (int32 digit) { return (digit < 10) ? (digit + '0') : (digit - 10 + 'A'); } void CommandDump (string argv[], int32 argc) { unsigned pause = 1, i = 0; // Verify correct number of arguments if (argc < 3) { ConsoleWrite("%#! Correct syntax: %#dump %#[start_address] [end_address]\n", ColorLightRed, ColorWhite, ColorLightGray); ConsoleWrite("%#Start %#and %#end %#addresses are in hex.\n", ColorLightGray, ColorDarkGray, ColorLightGray, ColorDarkGray); return; } // Disable pause if (argc==4 && strcmp(argv[3], "!p") == 0) pause = 0; // Dump memory unsigned char *start, *end; start = (unsigned char *) ConvertStringToIntHex(argv[1]); end = (unsigned char *) ConvertStringToIntHex(argv[2]); unsigned char* count; while (start <= end) { // Write address ConsoleWrite("%#%x%#: ", Color(0,ColorLightMagenta), (unsigned int)start, Color(0,ColorLightGray)); // Write hex data for (count = start; count < start+16; count++) { if (*count == 0) ConsoleWrite ("%#00 ", Color(0,ColorDarkGray)); else ConsoleWrite ("%#%c%c ", Color(0,ColorWhite), hex(*count/16), hex(*count%16)); } // Write ASCII data ConsoleWrite(" "); for (count = start; count < start+16; count++) { if (*count < 32) ConsoleWrite("."); else ConsoleWrite("%#%c", Color(0,ColorLightGreen), *count); } // New line ConsoleWrite("\n\r"); start+=16; i++; // Pause if ((i%22 == 0) && (pause==1)) { ConsoleWrite("\n\r%#Press %#any key %#to continue scrolling, %#Esc %#to exit.", 0x8, 0x7, 0x8, 0x7, 0x8); Key k = ReadKey(); if (k.Scancode == KeyboardKeyEscape) return; ConsoleWrite("\n\n\r"); } } } #define _CommandMemTotalRows 10 void _CommandMemPrintMemmap() { uint8 color = Color(ColorGreen, ColorRed); uint32 total = MemoryGetFramesTotal(); char c = ' '; // Print memory map int32 i, old = 0, n = 0, blocks, used; for (i = 0; i < 80; i++) ConsoleWrite("%#%c", ColorLightGray, 220); for (i = 1; i <= 80*_CommandMemTotalRows; i++, old++) { n = (total * i) / (80 * _CommandMemTotalRows); blocks = n - old; used = 0; for (; old < n; old++) used += (MemPhGetFrame(old) != 0); if (used <= blocks / 5) c = ' '; else if (used > 4 * blocks / 5) c = 219; else if (used <= 2 * blocks / 5) c = 176; else if (used <= 3 * blocks / 5) c = 177; else c = 178; ConsoleWrite("%#%c", color, c); } for (i = 0; i < 80; i++) ConsoleWrite("%#%c", ColorDarkGray, 223); } void CommandMem (string argv[], int32 argc) { if (argc < 2) { ConsoleWrite ("Physical memory map:\n"); _CommandMemPrintMemmap(); ConsoleWrite ("Free space: %#%ukb (%u frames)\n", ColorLightMagenta, MemoryGetFree(), MemoryGetFramesFree()); ConsoleWrite ("Used space: %#%ukb (%u frames)\n\n", ColorLightMagenta, MemoryGetUsed(), MemoryGetFramesUsed()); ConsoleWrite ("Total space: %#%ukb (%u frames)\n", ColorLightMagenta, MemoryGetTotal(), MemoryGetFramesTotal()); return; } if (strcmp(argv[1], "alloc") == 0) { uint32 addr = 0; if (argc < 3) addr = (uint32)kmalloc(0x4); else addr = (uint32)kmalloc(ConvertStringToUInt(argv[2])); ConsoleWrite("Returned address: %#0x%x\n", ColorWhite, addr); } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "free") == 0) { if (argc < 3) { ConsoleWrite ("%#! Missing parameter: address to free.", ColorRed); return; } kfree((void*)ConvertStringToIntHex(argv[2])); ConsoleWrite("Done.\n"); } else ConsoleWrite("%#! Invalid command. Available commands are: alloc, free.", ColorLightRed); } void CommandCrash() { int a = 10, b = 0; ConsoleWrite ("%d", a/b); } void CommandMouse() { MouseState s = MouseGetState(); ConsoleWrite("X=%d Y=%d Buttons=", s.Position.X, s.Position.Y); if (!s.Buttons) ConsoleWrite(""); if (s.Buttons & 1) ConsoleWrite(""); if (s.Buttons & 2) ConsoleWrite(""); if (s.Buttons & 4) ConsoleWrite(""); ConsoleWrite("\n"); } void CommandRead(string argv[], int32 argc) { if (argc < 2) { ConsoleWrite("%#! Missing parameter - sector!\n", ColorLightRed); return; } uint32 sector = ConvertStringToUInt(argv[1]); ConsoleWrite("Returned value: 0x%x\n", FloppyRead(0, sector)); } void CommandDir (string argv[], int32 argc) { // No parameters? Display root content if (argc < 2) { ConsoleWrite ("Content of root: \n\n"); uint32 i = 0; MountPoint* mp = VfsGetMountPoint(0); for (i = 1; mp != NULL; i++) { ConsoleWrite ("\t[DEV] %s\n", mp->Name); mp = VfsGetMountPoint(i); } return; } // Make sure directory exists DirectoryEntry* temp = VfsTest(argv[1]); if (temp == NULL) { ConsoleWrite("%#! Invalid path!\n", ColorLightRed); return; } // Write contents ConsoleWrite ("Content of directory %#%s:\n\n", ColorWhite, argv[1]); FILE dir; VfsOpen(&dir, argv[1]); uint32 i; temp = VfsReadDirectory(&dir,0); for (i = 1; temp != NULL; i++) { ConsoleWrite ("\t[%s] ", (temp->Flags & 0x1) ? "FIL" : "DIR" ); ConsoleWrite ("%s", temp->Name); Point p = {60, -1}; ConsoleCursorGoto(p); ConsoleWrite ("%u bytes\n", temp->Size); temp = VfsReadDirectory(&dir, i); } VfsClose(&dir); } void CommandCat (string argv[], int32 argc) { if (argc < 2) { ConsoleWrite("%#! Missing parameter - complete file path.\n", ColorLightRed); return; } FILE f; // Try to open if (!VfsOpen(&f, argv[1])) { ConsoleWrite ("%#! Invalid file: %s\n.", ColorLightRed, argv[1]); return; } uint8* buffer = kmalloc(0x100); uint32 sz, i; ConsoleWrite("----[%s]------\n", argv[1]); while ((sz = VfsRead(&f, 1, 0x100, buffer))) { for (i = 0; i < sz; i++) ConsoleWrite("%#%c", ColorLightGray, buffer[i]); } ConsoleWrite("\n------------[EOF]------------\n"); kfree(buffer); VfsClose(&f); }