#!/usr/bin/python3 import os import sys # # Constants # ASSETS_DIR="assets" RESOURCES_FILE="src/resources/Resources.g.h" RESOURCES_FILE_HEADER=("// WARNING: This file is auto generated by the build/prepareAssets.py script.\n" "#ifndef STORAGE_RESOURCES_G_H_\n" "#define STORAGE_RESOURCES_G_H_\n" "\n" "#include \n" "\n" "namespace farmlands {\n" "namespace resources {\n" "\n") RESOURCES_FILE_FOOTER=("\n" "}\n" "}\n" "#endif /* STORAGE_RESOURCES_G_H_ */\n") R_HEADER=(" /**\n" " * This namespace contains all the resource IDs, used by the resource manager.\n" " * The IDs are generated at build time by the 'prepareAssets.py' script.\n" " */\n" " namespace R {\n") R_FOOTER=" }\n" RINFO_HEADER=(" /**\n" " * This array contains the names of all the files, and the corresponding file type.\n" " */\n" " const ResourceInfo RInfo[] = {\n") RINFO_FOOTER=" };\n" # # File types # FILE_TYPES = [ ([".png", ".bmp"], "Texture"), ([".level"], "Level"), ([".csv"], "LevelLayer"), ([".ttf"], "Font"), ] # # Capitalizes the given string by converting the first character to uppercase. # It does not convert the other characters to lowercase. # def capitalize(s): if len(s) == 0: return s return s[0].upper() + s[1:] # # Obtains the file type using FILE_TYPES constant # def getFileType(fileName): ext = os.path.splitext(fileName)[1] for (extensions, type) in FILE_TYPES: if ext in extensions: return type return "None" # # Main routine # if __name__ == '__main__': r = "" rInfo = "" rInfoBegin = "" assetId = 0 print ("Preparing assets...") # Build R and RInfo for assetDir in os.listdir(ASSETS_DIR): assetDirPath=os.path.join(ASSETS_DIR, assetDir) # Warning for non-directories if not os.path.isdir(assetDirPath): sys.stderr.writeline("Warning: file {0} is in the root 'assets' folder, and it will not be imported.".format(assetDir)) continue # Create R enum assetIdBegin = assetId rInfoBegin += " const int RInfo_{0}_Begin = {1};\n".format(capitalize(assetDir), assetIdBegin) r += (" enum " + capitalize(assetDir) + "\n" " {\n") # Get items in directory for (dir, dirs, files) in os.walk(assetDirPath): # R prefix - remove assetDirPath from path, replace path separators with _ RdirPrefix = os.path.relpath(dir, assetDirPath) RdirPrefix = RdirPrefix.replace("/", "_").replace("\\", "_") if (RdirPrefix == "."): RdirPrefix = "" else: RdirPrefix += "_" for f in files: if (f[0] == '.'): continue # Append to R fResName = RdirPrefix + capitalize(os.path.splitext(f)[0]) r += " {0} = {1},\n".format(fResName, assetId) assetId += 1 # RInfo path should be relative to assets directory fPath = os.path.join(dir, f) fPath = os.path.relpath(fPath, ASSETS_DIR) fType = getFileType(f) rInfo += " {{ \"{0}\", ResourceType::{1} }},\n".format(fPath, fType) # TODO: obtain resource type # Finish R enum r += " };\n" # Build resource header file resFile = RESOURCES_FILE_HEADER resFile += R_HEADER + r + R_FOOTER resFile += "\n" + rInfoBegin + "\n" resFile += RINFO_HEADER + rInfo + RINFO_FOOTER resFile += RESOURCES_FILE_FOOTER # Write resource file f = open(RESOURCES_FILE, "w") f.write(resFile) f.close()